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When the Network and Internet Fails Double-checking Unfamiliar Links

Internet Privacy Never trust links from suspicious emails, sketchy websites, and
advertisements. Double-check the URL to see if it has the correct
Internet Privacy deals with the fundamental human rights of a format before clicking.
person’s privacy on the Internet, including the rights to the privacy of
an owner's displayed, stored, and confidential information. Although simply clicking a link does not mean it will contain malicious
and harmful content, it still does impose a more significant risk.
The importance of internet privacy is the control over identity and Phishing sites often hide behind deceiving links that resemble a
personal information. Without it, anyone with malicious intentions can trusted brand, which makes double-checking the link an essential
alter and use someone’s identity for their agenda, including stealing habit online.
money and identity theft.
Limited Sharing on Social Media
Different Techniques to Protect Internet Privacy
Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are all
Without internet privacy, interested third-party companies will collect publicly accessible. Their privacy protection is optional by locking the
and analyze every online activity to take advantage of these data. account or making it private.
Here are some techniques to protect internet privacy.
Threats can be avoided by simply limiting too personal posts on social
Securing Web Browser media. Avoid providing information that alludes to key information,
such as favorite color or a pet’s name, which can be used as clues to
Web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the passwords and security questions.
most used browsers online for their specific features and familiarity,
although a total security guarantee is not automatic. Using Multi-factor Authentication

Better check reviews and read about their security features before Multi-factor or two-factor authentication is an added verification step
using a web browser. Try using different web browsers for specific besides a conventional password. Google applies this wherein the
periods to compare interfaces and safety features before deciding. users must provide a specific code sent to their smartphones to
access their accounts.
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Applying multi-factor authentication reduces the chances of online
It is the best way to have Internet privacy. It does not just change the sabotage or falling victim to cyber threats and cyber-attack.
IP address; it also protects incoming and outgoing Internet traffic with
extensive encryption. Online activities and personal information stay
secure and private from snoopers because of this technology.

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Network Security It takes a snapshot of the current file system and compares it to a
previously taken snapshot. The administrator is alerted if it finds any
As network devices exponentially increase, the protocols, standards, modification on the critical files.
and configurations must be defined on how they communicate with
each other. Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3)

Network Security It is the latest wireless network security certificate protocol by the Wi-
Fi alliance. It focuses its filtering at the “entry” when a new device
It ensures the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of computer requests to connect to the network.
networks. It is relevant when cybercriminals are becoming more
dominant in exploiting new users and enterprises, then it is vital to take It also offers “forward secrecy,” that if the server's private key is
extra precautions to avoid any data breach. compromised, the session key will not be affected. So, if the long-term
passwords were hacked, the past encrypted sessions cannot be
Network Technologies decrypted.

Here are some network security technologies of today: Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Firewall It connects any remote device to an enterprise server wherein com-

pany data is hosted. 1It piggybacks on a public network to directly
It was previously stated that it monitors and filters incoming and access the server, ensuring that the users' online activities are publicly
outgoing network traffic. Additionally, it serves as a “wall,” either hidden. This feature makes it one of the most powerful network
hardware or software, between the trusted internal and untrusted security tools.
external Internet by only allowing the verified traffic based on the
predetermined set of rules in place. Email Security

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) As emails allow scripts to be embedded inside the device, it is easier
for anyone to write a code, attach it to an email, then send it. Receivers
It is a software or a device for closely monitoring a network for any tend to click this email which can comprise the device.
malicious activity or intrusion at the network or the host.
The most effective security methods include email spam filters with
For a Network IDS, a signature-based detection method is used deep learning to filter domains that send spam.
wherein it seeks certain patterns of known malicious instruction
sequences by targeting new malware sequences. It relies on machine
learning to develop a model of trusted activity, then compares it to the
current activity.

For the detection of intrusions at the host, a host intrusion detection

system (HIDS) is used to run on the individual hosts of a network;
therefore, it only monitors the inflow and outflow of traffic at the host.

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Consequences of Internet and Network Failure Damaged Reputation

Since the internet is a collection of interconnected networks, their If internet and network failures regularly occur, it negatively impacts
failures share the same consequences for an organization. The the employees and the company’s clients and partners. Reoccurring
internet and network fail when privacy and security are not properly internet and network problems could be interpreted as negligence,
monitored or ignored. reflecting bad management and maintenance.

Here are the following consequences of combined failures of the It is encouraged to maintain a system that would ensure the
internet and network: reoccurrence of the problems, and it is advisable to assure everyone
of the internet and network security in place.
Revenue Loss
Legal Repercussions
One of the most significant consequences companies face during an
internet, and network downtime is revenue loss. Even if the downtime Failures in operations and transactions mean failure to meet agreed-
only lasts minutes, it still puts operations and transactions on hold, upon outputs and deliverables on time. It could lead to legal
which is considered a revenue loss for these companies. repercussions, especially when crucial outputs are at risk.

Proper cable management is the best way to ensure network The best way to prevent this is by alerting every concerned party as
reliability, as well as an occasional internet check-up and monitoring. soon as failure happens to lay down plans of recovery without
compromising the quality and the demand of the clients.
Maintenance Cost

Repairing damaged internet and network lines consumes both time

and maintenance costs, including acquiring new cables and upgraded References:
network devices for replacement. Amphenol Network Solutions (n.d.a.). Downtime: Negative effects of
network outages can be a real pain. [Web Article]. Retrieved on
Daily monitoring of the cables and network devices is encouraged to July 20, 2021, from https://amphenol-
prevent sudden company downtime. ns.com/Blog/post/downtime-negative-effects-of-network-
Lesser Productivity HP (2021). 10 simple steps to take right now to protect your privacy
online. [Web Article]. Retrieved on July 20, 2021, from
Internet and network failure significantly affect productivity as tasks https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-takes/how-to-protect-your-
heavily rely on the internet. Employees will remain stagnant until the privacy-online
downtime is fixed, causing low productivity outcomes. Moallem, A. (2022). Understanding cybersecurity technologies: A
guide to selecting the right cybersecurity tools. CRC Press.
It is advisable to provide a backup network and a backup internet PureVPN (2022). What is internet privacy & why does it matter so
service provider for quick resolutions for sudden downtimes. much in 2022? [Web Article]. Retrieved on July 20, 2021, from

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