FL AG Subpoena Duces Tecum To VW Credit Leasing, LTD
FL AG Subpoena Duces Tecum To VW Credit Leasing, LTD
FL AG Subpoena Duces Tecum To VW Credit Leasing, LTD
501.204 Unlawful acts and practices.— her representative to examine the matter at
(1) Unfair methods of competition, the place where it is located. The enforcing
unconscionable acts or practices, and unfair authority may designate representatives,
or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct including officials of the state in which the
of any trade or commerce are hereby declared matter is located, to inspect the matter on his
unlawful. or her behalf, and he or she may respond to
(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that, in similar requests from officials of other states.
construing subsection (1), due consideration (3) Upon failure of a person without lawful
and great weight shall be given to the excuse to obey a subpoena and upon
interpretations of the Federal Trade reasonable notice to all persons affected, the
Commission and the federal courts relating to enforcing authority may apply to the circuit
s. 5(a)(1) of the Federal Trade Commission court for an order compelling compliance.
Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 45(a)(1) as of July 1, 2017. (4) The enforcing authority may request
that an individual who refuses to comply with
a subpoena on the ground that testimony or
matter may incriminate him or her be ordered
501.206 Investigative powers of by the court to provide the testimony or
enforcing authority.— matter. Except in a prosecution for perjury,
(1) If, by his or her own inquiry or as a an individual who complies with a court
result of complaints, the enforcing authority order to provide testimony or matter after
has reason to believe that a person has asserting a privilege against self-
engaged in, or is engaging in, an act or incrimination to which he or she is entitled by
practice that violates this part, he or she may law shall not have the testimony or matter so
administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena provided, or evidence derived therefrom,
witnesses or matter, and collect evidence. received against him or her in any criminal
Within 5 days, excluding weekends and legal investigation or proceeding.
holidays, after the service of a subpoena or at (5) Any person upon whom a subpoena is
any time before the return date specified served pursuant to this section shall comply
therein, whichever is longer, the party served with the terms thereof unless otherwise
may file in the circuit court in the county in provided by order of the court. Any person
which he or she resides or in which he or she who fails to appear with the intent to avoid,
transacts business and serve upon the evade, or prevent compliance in whole or in
enforcing authority a petition for an order part with any investigation under this part or
modifying or setting aside the subpoena. The who removes from any place, conceals,
petitioner may raise any objection or withholds, mutilates, alters, or destroys, or by
privilege which would be available under this any other means falsifies any documentary
chapter or upon service of such subpoena in material in the possession, custody, or control
a civil action. The subpoena shall inform the of any person subject to any such subpoena,
party served of his or her rights under this or knowingly conceals any relevant
subsection. information with the intent to avoid, evade,
(2) If matter that the enforcing authority or prevent compliance shall be liable for a
seeks to obtain by subpoena is located outside civil penalty of not more than $5,000,
the state, the person subpoenaed may make it reasonable attorney’s fees, and costs.
available to the enforcing authority or his or
A. “Company” or “companies” as used herein means the addressee/recipients of this
subpoena, their parents, branches, departments, divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries,
retail outlets, stores, franchises, successors, or predecessors, whether wholly
owned or not, including, without limitation, any organization or entity in which
said addressees have a management or controlling interest, together with all
present and former officers, directors, agents, employees, sales people, brokers,
representatives or anyone else acting or purporting to act, on behalf of the above-
identified persons or entities, or through which VW Credit Leasing, Ltd. may have
conducted business. The term “you” and “your” shall be synonymous with VW
Credit Leasing, Ltd.
B. “Buyout Funds” means all fees and charges associated with exercising a motor
vehicle purchase option, including but not limited to, those enumerated by
specific name and amount in a motor vehicle lease agreement and Excess Fees
(as defined herein).
C. “Document” or “documents” as used herein shall include all paper records and
all electronically stored information, including the original and any non-identical
copy (whether different from the original because of notations on such copy or
otherwise, and including all draft versions of the original), of any written,
recorded, or graphic matter, however produced or reproduced, including, but not
limited to, all correspondence, communications (as defined below in Paragraph
E), web pages, social media communications, photographs, contracts (including
drafts, proposals, and any and all exhibits thereto), drafts, minutes and agendas,
memoranda (including inter and intra-office memoranda, memoranda for file,
pencil jottings, diary entries, desk calendar entries, reported recollections, and
any other written form of notation of events or intentions), transcripts and
recordings of conversations and telephone calls, audio and video media files,
books of account, ledgers, publications, professional journals, invoices, financial
statements, purchase orders, receipts, canceled checks and all other paper or
electronic documentary material of any nature whatsoever, together with any
attachments thereto or enclosures therewith.
D. The term “Excess Fees” includes “Certification Fee,” “Dealer Fee,” “Dealer
Service Fee,” “Administrative Fee,” “Electronic Funds Filing Fee,” “Service
Charge,” “Pre-Delivery Surcharge,” “Registration Filing Fee,”
“Title/Registration Fee,” “Inspection Fee,” “Lease Buyout Option Fee,”
“Requirement for Inspection” and related fees, fees for purchase of extended
warranty and/or additional aftermarket products and any other required fee or
charge associated with the “Buyout Funds” and not specifically identified by
name and amount in the motor vehicle lease agreement.
E. The term “any” shall be construed as synonymous with “all” and shall be all
F. The connectives “and” and “or” shall be construed either disjunctively or
conjunctively, whichever makes the request more inclusive.
J. This Subpoena is for the production of all responsive documents and information
in your possession, custody or control regardless of whether such documents or
information is possessed directly by you or your directors, officers, agents,
employees, representatives, subsidiaries, managing agents, affiliates,
investigators, or by your attorneys or their agents, employees, representatives, or
K. Unless otherwise specified, original documents must be produced, and the
originals of electronic files must be produced in accordance with paragraph P
herein. If your “original” is a photocopy, then the photocopy would be and should
be produced as the original. Said copy shall be legible and bound or stapled in
the same manner as the original.
information for each separate claimed trade secret document: (i)
the bates range of the document; (ii) a description of the
document sufficient to determine the application of the trade
secret exemption; and (iii) the specific element(s) or
provision(s) of section 688.002 that render the document at
issue a trade secret exempted from public records.
2) Segregate and separately label the documents claimed as trade secrets as
a. Documents produced electronically should be produced
on separate CD or electronic media clearly labeled “Trade
Secret” on the physical media as well in the title of the
electronic folder or file;
b. Documents produced in hard copy should be separated
and each clearly labeled “Trade Secret.”
3) Any challenge to the application of the trade secret exemption shall be
rebutted, if at all, only by you and not by the Office of the Attorney General,
whose involvement shall be limited solely to providing notice to you of any
challenge to your claim of trade secret protection. To the extent you seek to
assert a trade secret exemption in connection with a public records request to
the Office of the Attorney General, you shall be obligated to seek an
appropriate protective order or otherwise establish the applicability of the
trade secret claim and exemption. Failure to do so shall render the
documents subject to production under any applicable public records
requirements and not protected by a trade secret claim.
U. All document destruction or retention policies and practices and electronic file
deletion or disk management policies and practices (including, but not limited to,
reformatting practices) that could have the effect of altering or deleting
information requested by this Subpoena should be suspended.
(PDAs), servers, and archives/backup files, as well as other tangible
documentation that will be relevant to the discovery of admissible evidence in
this matter, so as to avoid any potential claims for spoliation of evidence. This
request pertains not only to documents that are directly responsive to this
Subpoena, but to all other documents that relate to the subject of our
investigation as well.
2) Preservation of electronic data in its native format is essential, as a paper printout
of text contained in a computer file does not completely reflect all information
contained within an electronic file. Additionally, due to its format, electronic
evidence can be easily altered, deleted, corrupted or otherwise
modified. Accordingly, you are required to take every reasonable step to
preserve this information until the resolution of this matter. This includes, but
is not limited to, the following obligations:
a) Discontinue all data destruction and overwriting/recycling processes of
relevant data;
b) Preserve passwords, decryption procedures (and accompanying
software), access codes, ID codes, etc.; and
c) Maintain all pertinent information and tools needed to access, review
and reconstruct all requested or potentially relevant electronic data.
3) Your obligations under the law are ongoing and should be considered in force
and effect until the resolution of this matter. Accordingly, with regard to
electronic data and documents that are created subsequent to the date of this
Subpoena, relevant evidence is not to be destroyed or overwritten and you
should take whatever steps are necessary to avoid destruction of potentially-
relevant evidence.
Unless otherwise noted, the time period applicable to the following requests is
from November 7, 2018, through the date of your response.
1) Exemplar copies of each form agreement used for consumer motor vehicle
leases in Florida during the relevant time period, including forms that reflect any and
all revisions, amendments and iterations to lease terms, definitions, provisions,
disclosures or other information.
5) Any and all documents, account records, and policies and procedures that
reflect the payment, assignment and/or disbursement of Buyout Funds.
7) To the extent not produced in response to the requested items above, exemplar
copies of any and all documents, policies and procedures regarding the imposition
of Excess Fees on Florida lessees.
8) To the extent not produced in response to the requested items above, policies
and procedures relating to Buyout Funds and/or fee arrangements with Volkswagen
policies and procedures governing motor vehicle lease buyouts for the Company,
including for each person the respective title(s), area(s) of responsibility,
identification of each person who is an owner, officer, or manager, and the
percentage of ownership held.
11) A list of all active and/or pending litigation with Florida lessees regarding
Buyout Funds, including any settlements or arbitrations related thereto, from
November 7, 2020, through the date of your response.
12) Account records for Florida lessees who exercised their vehicle purchase
option, including line item breakdowns of all charges and fees, from November 7,
2020, through the date of your response.