DLL English-4 Q2 W2
DLL English-4 Q2 W2
DLL English-4 Q2 W2
II. CONTENT Kinds of Nouns – Mass Kinds of Nouns – Mass Kinds of Nouns – Mass Kinds of Nouns – Mass Kinds of Nouns – Mass
( Subject Matter) Nouns and Count nouns, Nouns and Count nouns, Nouns and Count nouns, Nouns and Count nouns, Nouns and Count nouns,
Possessive Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Collective Possessive Nouns, Possessive Nouns,
Collective Nouns Collective Nouns Nouns Collective Nouns Collective Nouns
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources presentations, pictures presentations, pictures pictures pictures
CLASSROOM-BASED Complete the sentences Tell whether each noun Let the pupils read the Refer to LM pp. 77 Think Summative Test/Weekly
by choosing the right is a count noun or mass following words: and Tell Progress Check
ACTIVITIES word from the choices noun. Josid’s birthday
A. Reviewing previous Lesson below. 1. equipment Aling Nina’s Sari-sari Store
or presenting new lesson 2. book Lopue’s Department Store
Joel’s rice group 3. table 1. Whose birthday today?
pencil 4. milk 2. Whose Sari-sari store is in
5. bus the corner of the street?
1. Uncle ____ pansit is 6. furniture 3. Where did you buy your
delicious. 7. rice new clothes?
2. We usually work in 8. sheep
_____ during activities. 9. flag
3. I bought a new 10. pen
4. Papa asked for
another cup of ______.
B. Establishing a purpose for Read the story. Read the passage below Possessive Pronouns Refer to LM pp. 78 Read
the lesson while paying attention express ownership or and Learn
to the highlighted possession. (answer the questions
words. ● To make most singular below after reading)
nouns show possession, Direction: Answer the
add an apostrophe s. Following questions.
(‘s) 1. Why is it important to
● However, for singular be united in times of
nouns that ends with -s, emergency?
add an apostrophe after 2. What could have
-s to show possession. happened if the ants did
(s’) not cooperate with the
For plural nouns that ens in - King?
s, add an apostrophe after 3. Are you cooperative?
the s to show possession. How do you show it?
C. Presenting examples/ Uncle Joel’s Pansit Tree of Life Write the possessive form of Refer to LM pp. 79 Try and
instances of the new By: Syrelle France S. the following: Learn
lesson. Paterter Do you know that a 1. Camp of boys scout- *what does the words
coconut is called the 2. Pen of writer- mean?
Uncle Joel owns a tree of life? It is called 3. Net of fisherfolk-
canteen near the plaza. the tree of life because 4. Chalkboard of teachers- Squadron band
Our group usually goes all its parts have 5. Bible of priest- kingdom
there after class to have something to offer. Let Battalion choir
some snack. Uncle Joel’s us begin from bottom to
pansit is one of the most top. Its roots are used in
delicious meals we have making dyes while the
in town. Aside from the trunk is made into
pansit, his fried rice in a lumber for buildings,
bowl tastes good as well. bridges and other
No wonder why his food constructions. The pith,
is so loved by the crowd. which is found inside the
upper trunk of the tree
1. Where does the group can be made into fresh
eat after class? lumpia and salad. The
a. at Uncle Jona’s outer layer of the fruit
Canteen called the husk and
b. at Uncle Joel’s shells can be made into
Canteen mattresses, bunot, fuel,
c. at their house charcoals and even
2. What are the nouns native decors. Inside its
used in the story? shell are the meat and
its juice, or the water.
The meat can be mixed
to salad and other
delicacies while the
water can be refreshing
drinks. Its leaves can be
dried to make baskets,
bags and mats while the
leaves’ midribs are
made into broomsticks
for sweeping. These are
the many uses of the
coconut tree. No
wonder, it is called the
tree of life.
E. Discussing new concepts A. Count Nouns Write the correct possessive Direction: Which sentence
and practicing new skills Count nouns are nouns form of the given noun in has collective nouns?
#2. that can be counted. the blank.
They can be singular or 1. A. The waiter served us
plural. It will be (birthday of fruit juice and oatmeal.
Examples: woman— Mika)_________ next B. A crowd of children and
women chair—chairs Saturday. Her parents are adults watched the street
elephant—elephants preparing a party for her. dancing.
flower—flowers Mother ordered the C. Her gems are expensive.
baby—babies book— birthday cake at (the 2. A. The students were
books bakeshop of Agnes) amazed at the
child—children country ________. She has the performance of the
—countries invitations printed at (the orchestra.
print House of B. The secretary is
B. Mass Nouns Macy)__________ responsible for writing the
Mass nouns are nouns minutes of the meeting.
that cannot be counted. C. The tourists love to visit
They cannot be Hundred Islands in
separated into countable Pangasinan
units. They can only be
quantified by terms that
signify amount.
Examples: water ice
sugar oil
chocolate alcohol coffee
F. Developing Mastery Use the underlined What are the mass Write the correct possessive Direction: Which sentence
(Lead to Formative nouns in your own nouns and count nouns form of the given noun in has collective nouns?
Assessment 3) sentences. Write them found in the passage? the blank. 1. A. Summer vocation is a
on your answer sheet. fun time for everyone.
She will be preparing B. I love watching movies,
1. Mang Emong used his (favorite of Mika) ________ collecting old coins, and
axe to cut the firewood. party food. Meanwhile, travelling abroad.
2. Kuya Juan’s bicycle is Father bought some pink C. A battalion of soldiers
broken. and white balloons at (the marched to the gate.
3. The audience cheered Toy Balloons of 2. A. Rence, Mark and
for the singer. Coco)___________. All of Benedict like watching
4. Mama asked me to put the (friends of the children) Gilas Pilipinas basketball
some sugar in her cup. ___________ are invited. team play.
Mika cannot seem to wait B. Teachers aim the best
for Saturday. She is very for thier pupils.
excited. C. As Bambina hears the
bell ringing, she enters the
room immediately.
3. A. At last, I found my
diamond ring.
B. Renato Reviewed for the
examinations last night.
C. Mr. Romyrick Dela Cruz
taught Music in our class
last Friday.
G. Finding practical Give examples of mass Give examples of mass Give examples of possessive Direction: Fill in the blanks
application of concepts and count nouns. and count nouns. nouns and use it in with the appropriate
and skills in daily living Use REALIA that can be sentences. collective nouns.
found inside the Use REALIA that can be 1. a ___________ of lions
classroom or have the found inside the classroom. 2. a ___________ of oxen
pupils bring them at 3. a ___________ of cattle/
school to be goats
distinguished as mass 4. a ___________ of
nouns and count nouns. gorillas
5. a ___________ of
H. Making Generalizations What is the difference of What is the difference of How are we going to show *What is a collective
and Abstraction about the mass and count nouns? mass and count nouns? possession to express noun?
Lesson. ownership? *How and when do we use
I. Evaluating Learning Market List: Refer to LM, Fill in the blanks with Direction: Write the Tell whether each
Learn Some More p. 39 the appropriate possessive form of the highlighted noun is a mass,
expression to measure following: count, possessive or
the amount of the 1. License of driver- collective noun. Write your
following mass nouns. 2. Hose of firefighter- answers in your notebook.
Example: a glass of juice 3. Baskets of vendors- 1. The water inside the
1. __________ rice 4. Keys of clerk- coconut fruit is refreshing.
2. __________ air 5. Dress of Sheila- 2. The tall coconut tree
3. __________ pepper behind Mrs. Castro’s
4. __________ water house is more than 20
5. __________ gold years old.
6. __________ flour 3. These tables are made
7. __________ cream from coconut trunk.
8. __________ coffee 4. Their family owns a big
9. __________ blood coconut plantation.
10. _________ wood 5. The dried leaves can be
used to make baskets,
bags and mats.
J. Additional Activities for List 5 Mass Nouns and 5
Application or Count Nouns.
HOME-BASED ACTIVITIES Directions: Complete the Directions: Rewrite the Directions: Rewrite each
sentences below by sentence by changing the sentence with the correct
choosing the correct underlined words into collective noun from the
nouns – mass and count possessive noun. word bank below by
nouns inside the box. 1. The family bought doll of replacing the underlined
Write your answer on a Mary. noun.
piece of paper. _______________________
class platoon
band audience
water pupils 2. The sister of Ben visits
books soil him every Saturday.
ballpens _______________________
_______________________ 1. The players celebrate
3. I borrow cellphone of Kyla their winning.
1. Jenna buys more to call my parents. ______________________
______ for her plants. _______________________ ______________________
2. The _______ go inside _______________________ 2. The soldiers need new
their classroom. 4. The cat of May is so medical supplies.
3. Carl always drinks sweet and calm. ______________________
_____ every morning. _______________________ ______________________
4. Rina has colorful _______________________ 3. The people who are
______ that she uses to 5. I assist by bringing the watching the show are
write on her diary. bag of my classmate who is amazed by the
5. The librarian arranges sick. performances.
the ______ accordingly. _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ ______________________
4. The students hope that
they will pass the school
5. The musicians enjoy
performing their song for
their fans.