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Technology has always been fascinating the humans and they have always found various techniques
that make it more useful to lead an easy lifestyle. The various innovations and advancements in
technological field have paved way for faster and better way of living. Whatsapp is one such
advancement that has drastically altered the way youngsters communicate with each other. This
paper examines the effect of Whatsapp usage on youngster’s relationships among themselves and
their friends and family. The dependency on Whatsapphas led to a number of social, physical and
psychological problems among youngsters. The addiction has altered the behavior and influenced
their relationships. This paper has tried to focus all such aspects and youngsters social behavior too
which has now created fake sense of belongingness, nearness and intimacy with their friends and
Keywords : Whatsapp, Social media, problems with youngsters, usability, real time messaging
The respondents listed out some of the
advantages of WhatsApp which actually plays a
vital role in the acceptance and popularity of this
application worldwide, few of them are as
1. Free of Cost:It comes with a free download
and users can install it on their mobile phone
Whatsapp Adoptability amongst Youngsters as well as they can access it on their desktop
or on laptops too.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2. Can Share Image/audio/Videos/Text/
The research methodology used in the Animation: This app can able to send images
present paper is secondary in nature. Secondary / texts / audio/ videos / animations to
research methodology is mainly useful in different contacts using its interface.
describing original research question. The data is 3. User Friendly:This application i.e.
collected from research papers published in WhatsApp connects friends and relatives
indexed journals, newspaper articles, magazines easily together and there is no need to be
and other secondary data resources like company online continuously coz it can add the
websites and white papers. message in queue while offline and when it
reconnects with internet, it sends the message
FINDINGS to appropriate destination.
In view with the domestication theory, 4. Maintains Chat History: It maintains chat
which provides valuable insights into the findings history for ever and when a user deletes it,
i.e. how ICTs fits into the structures and routines only then message disappears.
of an individuals’ daily lives. It has been observed 5. Last Seen Feature: WhatsApp enables its
that, the three dimensions of domestication users to observe their friend’s last seen time
theory in connection with WhatsAppare as i.e. they can view friend’s last log in time.
follows: 6. Fast and Quick Updates:WhatsApp is
absolutely quick and fast with its speed and
Cognitive Dimension status / photo updates and even location
• Easy to Use updates using GPS.
• Able to preview/backup/restore data 7. Bringing Friends Together: Group chat is
• End to end encryption the unique feature of WhatsApp which
enables users for a group chat.
Practical Dimensions: 8. Chatting Across Geographical
• Gain Synergies Boundaries : Irrespective of different
• Improves Public / Private Spheres geographical locations, users can chat with
• No Geographic Constraints friends and relatives where they are located
• Diversification of Businesses at.
9. Outstanding Performance:The speed is so
Symbolic Dimensions good that it works on 4GPhone as well as
• Consumes lots of space even with 2G speed too. So users can chat,