11th CBSE and 1st PU Assignment

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11th CBSE and 1st PU assignment

1 matrk questions

1. Define nomenclature.
2. Growth is synonymous with reproduction in unicellular organisms. why?
3. ‘’lichens are good pollution indicators”. Justify.
4. What are fruiting bodies?
5. Define dikaryon.
6. Give an example of brown algae.
7. Name the moss that provides peat.
8. Name the male sex organs in pteridophytes?
9. What is radula?
10. What is the function of statocyst?

2 mark questions

1. Give the role of botanical gardens?

2. Why are living organisms classified?
3. What do the terms “algal bloom”& “red tides” signify?
4. What are the demerits of five kingdom classification?
5.  What features led to dominance of vascular plants?
6. How will you differentiate between red algae & green algae.
7. Mention some of the uses of ferns?
8. What is protochordates? How is it classified?
9. Differentiate between male & female ascaris.
10. Mention the unique features of nematodes.

3 mark questions

1. Differentiate between Annelida & Arthropada.

2. What are basic plans of body design in animals?
3. Explain in brief the structure of prothallus of fern?
4. What are the identifying features of Angiosperms flowering plants?
5. Give a comparative account of classes of kingdom fungi on the basis of mode of nutrition &
mode of reproduction.

5 mark questions

1. “ metabolism and consciousness become the defining property of living organisms”. Justify with
2. Name the three groups of plants that bear archegonia . Briefly describe life cycle of any one of
3. Write an account on alternation of generations. Schematically represent different life cycle
patterns of plants.
4. Write the adaptive characters of in birds that support their aerial mode of living.
5. How do cartilaginous fishes differ from bony fishes?

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