Proof That The C-19 Injections Are A Chemical Weapon
Proof That The C-19 Injections Are A Chemical Weapon
Proof That The C-19 Injections Are A Chemical Weapon
It is necessary to review very carefully the material that is continually coming online,
purporting to explain what is ‘really’ happening in the world today. The Enemy has
trained and put in place a huge network of ‘truth-tellers’ whose only purpose is to keep
us off balance, confused and looking in the wrong place or in the wrong direction.
Very few people bother to understand what is going on behind the scenes, but the
Enemy knows how important it is to keep that small number in check. There is always
the possibility that this little band might somehow connect with a much bigger
audience and, before long, a dangerously large proportion of the population will realize
that our governments are actually crypto-communist and that they are working
together to create a world dictatorship.
In recent weeks a number of videos have been appearing online which make a big leap
beyond the standard narrative, including the narrative offered by the controlled
opposition. In our opinion, these videos pose well-aimed questions which, if they reach
a wider audience, will cause many who are sleeping to fall out of their hammocks.
These videos consist of interviews with Poornima Wagh which were conducted by
Regis Tremblay and Lee Merritt.
The Interviews with Dr Wagh
The interviews explore Dr Wagh’s views on Covid, modern medicine, the discipline
known as virology, the Covid ‘vaccines’, and the manipulation of science to control
humanity. While we are unable to cover all of the material that Dr Wagh discusses, or
detail the many compelling arguments that she offers to support her position, we will
give in the following pages a general outline of what she said. We also urge our readers
to check the interviews for themselves [links below].
Dr Wagh was born and raised in India. Her father worked for 18 years with Pfizer
developing products for the Indian market. In her early teens she began to help him in
his laboratory, acquiring in the process a strong ‘show me the evidence’ attitude which
appears to have served her well ever since. Against her parents wishes she entered a
career in finance but later switched to science and eventually ended up serving as a
laboratory technician in California. Working for many years on tests and procedures
on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, she began to see how many grand scientific
theories were built on flawed mechanistic assumptions about human biology, with
little hard evidence to support them. She also saw how many of the laboratory tests
which were used to justify treatments offered by the pharmaceutical industry were
actually bogus.
Through continued study she acquired a doctorate in virology from the London School
of Tropical Medicine. She successfully defended her thesis on malaria, which required
two years of field research in Africa, despite making it known to the examination panel
that she did not believe in viruses.
From her background we can see that Dr Wagh did not follow the traditional path into
academia or career advancement but chose instead to conduct a study of those
scientific topics which were of greatest interest to her. We are not aware of any
scientific publications in her name. By her own admission she has aggravated a great
many of her fellow scientists and co-workers throughout her career by continually
questioning the accepted medical narrative and seeking hard evidence for
conventional theories, for example through the use of Koch’s postulates. Only by such
rigorous means is it possible to justify the many sweeping claims about efficacy and
causality in biology.
“We started in late April 2020 and we went all the way to September of
2020...and the reason is my PI, the principal investigator, wanted the
tests done three times. She wanted us to do the isolation three times on
the 1,500 samples. Because... the first first when we did it we didn’t find
anything. We just found cellular debris. We didn’t find SARS-COV2, we
didn’t find flu, we didn’t find anything. Okay. She was upset that we
hadn’t isolated SARS-COV2. She was very much wanting to isolate and
find the novel virus.
“We did it three times. And we found the same thing, just human
cellular debris...And then... we did the Koch’s postulates. We used
ferrets, a hundred ferrets that we’d injected this material into – you
always have to have a control group. That means you take a control
group of another hundred ferrets and you inject them with saline
“When we injected the ferrets, okay – this is very interesting. If there’s
something deadly, like a virus or something, that makes people sick –
they say all these people had high fever, runny noses, pneumonia, blah,
blah, blah – well the ferrets should also get those same symptoms.
Nothing happened! All were healthy, moving around, very active,
“So she sent emails to other universities saying this is what we found. We
contacted a hundred universities in this country [USA], of which only six
responded. They said, Alright, we’ll replicate this whole process exactly
the way you did it. They took about a month and a half to do their studies,
and they found the same thing we did. They didn’t find SARS-COV2; they
didn’t find the genome; they didn’t find anything. Nothing was found!
“Seven universities then called the CDC. Robert Redfield was the
Director... Fauci’s colleague and Trump’s appointee as CDC Director. We
called him and said, “Hey, these are the findings.” Two-point-five hours
on a Zoom call, back and forth, and he said “Just call it SARS-COV2. I
don’t care what you found. You have to call it COVID and SARS-COV2.
If you don’t call it SAR-COV2 you’re going to lose your job and you’ll
never work in a lab again. I’ll make sure you never work in a lab again.
Your lab will be closed down, under-funded, not funded, etc etc.”
“Our group decided to go ahead and publish our findings. And we went
to 21 journals... We went through Science, Nature... The last one we went
to was in October of last year, October 2021, the Danish Medical
Journal. We decided to go outside the country ... we did Scandinavia,
they are usually open-minded. First... they gave us a provisional yes, and
then they said no. I think the Danish government probably put some
pressure – I don’t know what happened.
“Finally, in April of 2021, our lab was raided by the FBI. Everything was
confiscated – computers, paperwork, graphs. Fortunately we and four
other people had saved everything. I had everything saved, including the
actual paper copies. I kept those, you know, the drafts, all our work,
writings, everything, so we have all of that. We saved that. We can still
First published to Bitchute on 21 July 2022.
The confusion that this causes has been greatly exaggerated by the use of computers
to record and analyze genetic sequences. Once a virus is deemed officially to exist, its
genetic sequence is recorded and used thereafter to ‘identify’ and verify the existence
of later viruses. If a sequence is found in a sample which matches part of a known
sequence stored in the computer database, the scientists assume the two are related
and one has mutated into the other.
Alarming discoveries by her research team
She began to carry out research of her own and contacted fellow scientists in a number
of countries who were also dissatisfied with the official narrative. To date she has
assembled a team of 17 volunteers (excluding herself) for this purpose. They obtained
vials of the vaccines produced by a number of manufacturers (including Pfizer,
Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Novavax, Sputnik V, and Sinovac) and
conducted a detailed chemical analysis of each. Their findings are immensely
Firstly, they found that all of the vaccines contain essentially the same ingredients! In
short, the ‘product’ was the same in all cases, across all brands. The only differences
between them were due to small variations in the amount of each ingredient in the
respective vaccines. In all they identified 35 variations.
Secondly, none of the vaccines contained any mRNA or ‘spike protein’. Given that the
vaccines are supposed to work by enabling the body to produce spike proteins which
stimulate an appropriate immune response, this was a remarkable finding. The
pharmaceutical companies were lying. The ‘vaccines’ were nothing more than a toxic
concoction made up of heavy metal nanoparticles.
Their findings in this respect are supported by analysis carried out by Dr Daniel
Nagase, who is based in Canada (though Dr Wagh did not refer to his work). Dr Nagase
conducted a spectroscopic analysis of several vaccines and found no trace of two
elements that are always present in organic material, namely phosphorus and
nitrogen. Their absence was proof that none of the vaccines contained mRNA.
Dr Wagh said the ‘vaccines’ – ALL of them – are nothing but a mixture of elements
that are known to be harmful to human health.
Populations with a high proportion of heavy smokers, as in these locations, were also
much more susceptible to irritation caused by 5G emissions. These three metropolitan
areas were also known to have received 1-2 flu vaccines in the previous six months,
which may have introduced graphene oxide into their bodies. These stress factors
accelerated the deaths of people with underlying co-morbidities and enabled the
World Health Organization, the CDC, and national medical authorities to claim –
falsely – that a pandemic was on the rampage.
She also said that the death rate was also boosted in many countries by the liberal use
of treatment protocols based on midazolam, a powerful sedative, and Dr Fauci’s
poisonous drug, Remdesivir. Many patients were also forced onto ventilators which
only strained their lungs and failed to address the underlying hypoxia (oxygen
deprivation). A great many died as a result of these bogus treatments.
Dr Wagh is unequivocal in her condemnation of the CDC and the various criminal
organizations behind this daring attack on humanity. She sees it as a major step toward
a One World Government and a totalitarian technocracy. The Elite want to kill off a
large proportion of the population, she believes, and exercise absolute control over
those who remain.
She also referred to several authors who were pressured to retract scientific papers
because their research proved inadvertently that the virus was bogus. Any attempt by
researchers to publish findings that conflict with the official narrative are repeatedly
Furthermore, men and women of integrity, who know from their own knowledge and
research that the pandemic narrative is a lie, are afraid to speak out because they will
lose their jobs or their research grants. Apparently the NIH has a stranglehold over the
authorization of grants across all sectors of the medical community in the US. A similar
situation appears to obtain across Europe.
What these deadly ‘vaccines’ actually contain
Dr Wagh and her team of 17 volunteers tested 2,300 ‘vaccine’ vials in total. The
‘platform’ or solvent in which the ingredients were immersed was a synthetic hydrogel
adjuvant, a type of gel with a high water content which retains its structure when
injected into human tissue. Millions of synthetic lipid nanoparticles are suspended
inside the hydrogel. These contain reduced graphene oxide, a substance known to be
toxic to humans. The vials also contain “massive amounts” of heavy metals in
nanoscale form, including tungsten, osmium, silver, gold, nickel, lead, and aluminum.
These too are highly toxic and small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier. The vials
also contain particles of silica, or silicon dioxide, which is as hard as quartz. (They are
akin to nanoscale particles of glass and just as dangerous.)
There is no mRNA or spike-protein-coded mRNA in any of the vials tested. The
pharmaceutical companies have been lying.
When this chemical cocktail enters the body it remains highly stable. It is stored in
adipose tissue, as well as other tissue types, causing irritation and inflammation. This
chronic micro-level inflammation results in a diverse range of health problems,
depending on where the particles lodge. She said the widely reported cases of
myocarditis – inflammation of the myocardial tissue surrounding the heart – are
caused by the harmful action of these particles in the vascular system. The
inflammation reduces blood flow and causes shortness of breath and life-threatening
Furthermore, the graphene oxide has an extremely weak positive electric charge.
Everything in our body, especially our heart and our brain, are negatively charged. The
graphene oxide is causing additional irritation by interfering with or ‘short-circuiting’
the electrical transmission within these organs. This is contributing to the high
incidence of myocarditis among recipients of the vaccine. [See Appendix A.]
The numerous health problems caused by the vaccine are not due to the presence of
any biological constituents because there are none. They are due rather to the
multitude of inorganic substances which have been deliberately added to the ‘vaccine’.
In reality the mixture has no therapeutic value whatsoever since it contains nothing
that might mitigate the symptoms of a respiratory illness.
The ‘Covid’ scare – the ‘scamdemic’ – was designed to frighten millions of unsuspecting
people into believing their health was in danger and inducing them to take one or more
doses of this toxic mixture. Dr Wagh calls it “a chemical weapon.”
It is generally believed that the journals or authors in question were coerced into
withdrawing their papers.
A group of scientists in Europe make similar findings
A group of scientists – The Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis – published a
preliminary report of their findings on 6 July 2022.
[Editor: [email protected]]
The working group describes itself as “an internationally networked working group,
with a core team of more than 60 doctors, physicians, pharmacists, scientists,
mathematicians, alternative health practitioners, lawyers and journalists. We have
pooled our skills and technical expertise to help shed light on what we believe to be the
largest pharmacological experiment ever carried out on the human race.”
In their preliminary report they stated:
“Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19
vaccines - without exception [and] The blood samples of all the
people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.”
They also stated (p.18) that “the following predominantly metallic elements were
unexpectedly detected in the doses from AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna:
These substances, furthermore, “are visible under the dark-field microscope as
distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as
a result of crystallization or decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as
contamination from the manufacturing process.”
Dr Ryan Cole has also published a set of very disturbing photos of the long inorganic
clots found during autopsies conducted on persons who had received the Covid
Deuteronomy 27:24
We are extremely grateful to Dr Wagh for giving these courageous interviews: 1:19.26 45:58 1:02:34
For obvious reasons we are not in a position to substantiate her claims. However, we
have no reason to believe she is fabricating any part of her testimony. Much of what
she says, including material which we have not addressed in this paper, is consistent
with the views expressed on this website over the past two and a half years.
We strongly encourage our readers to look at one or more of Dr Wagh’s videos and
form their own opinion. If you find her testimony convincing, as we do, then please
share the link with others.
Bear in mind, our Heavenly Father told His Son what He decreed would happen in the
End Time. Jesus shared it with certain of his angels and they in turn shared it with
John on the island of Patmos. Without this remarkable revelation of End Time events,
we would have great difficulty believing what Dr Wagh is alleging. She is not a
Christian (as far as we can tell) but she has taken the facts as she found them and boldly
explained their horrific implications. We thank her for her courage and her integrity.
“Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the
insurrection of the workers of iniquity: ... They encourage
themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares
privily; they say, Who shall see them? They search out iniquities;
they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of
every one of them, and the heart, is deep.”
– Psalm 64
We hope our Christian brothers and sisters are starting to discern the existence of
these people. What they are doing is truly “an insurrection of the workers of
Jeremy James
August 26, 2022
Time is running out...
For an easy way to download all papers (over 300), please email me.
We are rapidly moving into an era where material of this kind may be
obtained only via email. Readers who wish to be included on a future
mailing list are welcome to contact me at the following address:-
Inexplicable deaths among Canadian doctors
These twelve Canadian doctors all died shortly after taking the Covid ‘vaccine’. It is
understood that most of them received more than one jab. Seven of these deaths
occurred in July 2022. The average age of the 12 individuals was 50.
This is more than a statistical anomaly. It could not have arisen by chance. The
common factor across these deaths should have been investigated and the results
made public.