MUN Glossary
MUN Glossary
MUN Glossary
Adjourn: All UN or Model UN sessions end with a vote to adjourn. This means
that the debate is suspended until the next meeting.
Dictionary definiton: put off or postpone (a resolution or sentence).
Agenda: The order in which the issues before a committee will be discussed. The
first duty of a committee following the roll call is usually set to the agenda.
Chair: A member of the dais that moderates debate, keeps time, rules on points
and motions, and enforces the rules of procedure. Also known as a Moderator.
Dais: The group of people – usually high school, educators, or college students,
in charge of a Model UN committee. (a raised platform)
Decorum: The order and respect for other that all delegates to a Model UN
conference must exhibit. The president will call for decorum when he/she feels
that the committee is not being respectful of a speak
Dictionary Definition: behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety,
Director: A member of the dais that oversees the creation of working papers and
draft resolutions, acts as an expert on the topic, makes sure delegates accurately
reflect the policy of their countries, and ensures that decorum is maintained
during caucuses.
Division of the Question: During voting bloc, delegates main motion to vote
on certain clauses of a resolution separately, so that only the clauses that are
passed become part of the final resolution.
Draft resolution: A document that seeks to fix the problems addressed by a
Model UN committee. If passed by the committee, the draft resolution will
become a resolution.
Gavel: A tool, shaped like a small wooden hammer, that the Chair uses to keep
order within a Model UN conference.
Member state: A country that has ratified the Charter of the United Nations
and whose application to join has been accepted by the General Assembly and
Security Council. Currently there are 193 member states.
Moderated Caucus: A type of caucus in which delegates remain seated, and the
Chair calls on them one at a time to speak for a short period, enabling an
exchange of positions from countries.
Operative clause: The part of a resolution that describes how the UN will
address a problem. It begins with an action verb (decides, establishes,
recommends, etc.)
Rapporteur: A member of the dais whose duties include keeping the speakers
list, taking the Roll Call, and keeping all the notes.
Resolution: A document that has been passed by an organ of the UN that aims
to address a particular problem or issue.
Roll Call: The first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which
the Chair reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee. When
the name of a delegate’s country is called, he or she may respond “the delegation
of (name of country) present and voting.”
Speakers’ List: A list that determines the order in which delegates will speak.
When a new topic is opened for discussion, the Chair will create a speakers’ list
by asking all delegates wishing to speak to raise their placards and calling on
them one at a time. During debate, a delegate may indicate that he or she wishes
to be added to the speakers’ list by sending a note to the Chair.
Veto: The ability, held by China, France, the Russian Federation, the United
Kingdom, and the United States, to prevent any draft resolution in the Security
Council from passing by voting no.
Vote: A time at which delegates indicate whether they do or do not support a
proposed action. Votes are non-binding. Working Paper: It is document delegates
write that contains ideas on how to resolve an issue, and it is frequently the
precursor to a draft resolution.
Voting procedure: The period at the end of a committee session during which
delegates vote on proposed amendments and draft resolutions. Nobody may
enter or leave during this time. Delegates are permitted from communicating
with each other or using technology.
Yield: this is when a speaker decides to give up the remaining time in his or her
speech. Typically, the three types of yields are: 1) Yield to the Chair meaning you
give up the rest of your time, 2) Yield to another delegate meaning you give up
the rest of your time to another delegate, or 3) Yield to questions from other
delegates or Yield to comments to your speech by other delegates. Questions are
also sometimes called Points of Information.