Week 7 Geria

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Core Elements

of Evidence-
Week 7
Prepared by:
Prof. Caroline V. San Diego, MAN,RN
At the end of the course unit (CU), learners will be
able to:
1. Discuss the scope and standards of gerontological
nursing practice.
2. Examine core competencies in gerontological
nursing practice.
3. Discuss the unique roles of the gerontological
4. Identify core competencies and core knowledge of
gerontological nursing.
5. Enumerate competencies and guidelines for
⦁ They specialize in the ⦁ The primary challenge
nursing care and health ⦁ To identify & use the
needs of older adults strengths of older adults
⦁ They plan, manage and and
implement health care to ⦁ To assists them in
meet those needs & maximizing their
evaluate the effectiveness independence
of such care ⦁ They must actively involve older
adults & family members; in
decision making process (w/c
has a great impact on the
everyday quality of life of the
pt.) 4
Roles of the Gerontological Nurse
. Provider of care

2. Teacher/Educator
3. Manager
4. Advocate
5. Research Consumer
Standards of Clinical Gerontological
Nursing Care

⦁ STANDARD I. Assessment
⦁ STANDARD II. Diagnosis
⦁ STANDARD III. Outcome Identification
⦁ STANDARD IV. Planning
⦁ STANDARD V. Implementation
⦁ STANDARD VI. Evaluation

•Provide a foundation of added knowledge and
skills necessary for the nurse to implement in daily
•This was developed by the AACN and the John A Hartford
Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing
“OLDER ADULTS: Recommended Baccalaureate
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for
Geriatric Nursing Care”
This serves as guides to nursing professors to prepare
students to be competent to provide excellent care to Older
Core Competencies

⦁ Critical Thinking
⦁ Communication
⦁ Assessment
⦁ Technical skills

Role Development
⦁ Provider of care
⦁ Designer/manager/
coordinator of care
⦁ Member of a profession
Core Knowledge
⦁ Health promotion, risk reduction, &
disease prevention
⦁ Illness and disease management
⦁ Information & health care
⦁ Ethics
⦁ Human diversity
⦁ Global health care
⦁ Health care system & policy
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Recognize one’s own & others’ attitudes, values,
& expectations about aging & their impact on
care of older adults & their families.
⦁ Adopt the concept of individualized care as the
standard of practice with older adults.
⦁ Communicate effectively, respectfully &
compassionately with older adults & their

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Recognize that sensation & perception in older
adults are mediated by functional, physical,
cognitive, psychological, & social changes
common to old age.
⦁ Incorporate into daily practice valid and reliable
tool to assess the functional, physical, cognitive,
psychological, social & spiritual status of older

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Assess older adults’ living environment with
special awareness of the functional, physical,
cognitive, psychological, & social changes
common to old age.
⦁ Analyze the effectiveness of community
resources in assisting older adults & their
families to retain personal goals, maximize
function, maintain independence, & live in the
least restrictive environment.

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Assess family’s knowledge of skills necessary to
deliver care to older adults.
⦁ Adapt technical skills to meet the functional,
physical, cognitive, psychological, social and
endurance capacities of older adults.
⦁ Individualize care & prevent morbidity &
mortality associated with the use of physical &
chemical restraints in older adults.

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Prevent or reduce common risk factors that
contribute to functional decline, impaired
quality of life & excess disability in older adults.
⦁ Establish & follow standards of care to
recognize & report elder mistreatment.
⦁ Apply evidence-based standards to screen,
immunize & promote healthy activities in older

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Recognize & manage geriatric syndromes
common to older adults.
⦁ Recognize the complex interaction of acute &
chronic co-morbid conditions common to older
⦁ Use technology to enhance older adults’
function, independence & safety.

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Facilitate communication as older adults
transition across & between home, hospital, &
nursing home, with a particular focus on the use
of technology.
⦁ Assists older adults, families & caregivers to
understand & balance “everyday” autonomy &
safety decisions.
⦁ Apply ethical & legal principles to the complex
issues that arise in care of older adults.
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Appreciate the influence of attitudes, roles,
language, culture, race, religion, gender, &
lifestyle on how families & assistive personnel
provide long-term care to older adults.
⦁ Evaluate differing international models of
geriatric care.
⦁ Analyze the impact of an aging society on the
health care system.

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Evaluate the influence of payer system on
access, availability & affordability of health care
for older adults.
⦁ Contrasts the opportunities & constraints of a
supportive living arrangement on the function &
independence of older adults & on their
⦁ Recognize the benefits of interdisciplinary team
participation in the care of older adults.
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Evaluate the utility of the complimentary &
integrative health care practices on health
promotion & symptom management for older
⦁ Facilitate older adult’s active participation in all
aspects of their own health care.
⦁ Involve, educate & when appropriate, supervise
family, friends & assistive personnel in
implementing best practices for older adults.
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines
for Geriatric Nursing Care
⦁ Ensure quality of care commensurate with older
adults’ vulnerability and frequency & intensity of
care needs.
⦁ Promote the desirability of quality end-of-life
care for older adults, including pain & symptom
management, as essential, desirable & integral
components of nursing practice.

⦁ Aging is a natural process common to all living organisms.
⦁ Various factors influence the aging process.
⦁ Unique data and knowledge are used in applying the nursing
process to the older population.
⦁ Older adults share similar self-care and human needs in all
other human beings.
⦁ Gerontological nursing strives to help older adults achieve
wholeness by reaching optimum levels of physical,
psychological, social, and spiritual health.
1. Explain the roles of Gerontological Nurse as:
⦁ a. Provider of care
⦁ b. Teacher/Educator
⦁ c. Manager
⦁ d. Advocate
⦁ e. Research Consumer
2. Choose one competency guidelines for geriatric
nursing care and explain.
Any questions?

2 7 8
Core Elements of Evidence- Based Gerontological Nursing Practice

✔ Provide course and unit objectives

✔ Read study guide prior to class attendance
✔ Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
✔ Proactively participate in online discussions
✔ Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
✔ Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of the course unit (CU), learners will be able to:

1. Discuss the scope and standards of gerontological nursing practice.
2. Examine core competencies in gerontological nursing practice.
3. Discuss the unique roles of the gerontological nurses.
4. Identify core competencies and core knowledge of gerontological nursing.
5. Enumerate competencies and guidelines for geriatric nursing care.

1. Listen attentively during class discussions
2. Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and
1. Participate actively during class discussions and group activities
2. Express opinion and thoughts in front of the class

Mauk, Kristen. (2010). Gerontological nursing: competencies for care.MA: Jones &
Bartlett Publishers.610.7365 G31 2010
Eliopoulos (2018). Gerontological Nursing 9th Edition.Wolters Kluwer
Meiner (2019). Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition. ELS


With the formalization and growth of the gerontological nursing specialty, nurses and
nursing organizations have developed informal and formal guidelines for clinical practice.
Some of these core elements include evidence-based practice and standards and principles of
gerontological nursing.

Evidence-Based Practice
There was a time when nursing care was guided more by trial and error than sound
research and knowledge. Fortunately, that has changed, and nursing now follows a systematic
approach that uses existing research for clinical decision making-a process known as
evidence-based practice. Testing, evaluating, and using findings in the nursing care of older
adults is of such importance that it is among the ANA Standards of Professional Gerontological
Nursing Performance.
Evidence-based practice relies on the syntehesis and analysis of available information
from research. Among the more popular ways to report this information are the meta-analysis
and cost-analysis (Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, 2008). Meta-Analysis is a
process of analyzing and compiling the results of published research studies on a specific
topic. This process combines the results of many small studies to allow more significant
conclusions to be made. With cost-analysis reporting, cost-related data are gathered on
outcomes to make comparisons. Performance also can be compared with best practices or
industry averages through a process of benchmarking.
American Nurses Association (ANA)
 Published a Statement on the Scope of Gerontological Nursing Practice in 1970
▪ Defines nature and scope of gerontological nursing
▪ Purpose
▪ Health promotion
▪ Healthy maintenance
▪ Disease prevention
▪ Self-care


 They specialize in the nursing care and health needs of older adults
 They plan, manage and implement health care to meet those needs & evaluate the
effectiveness of such care
 The primary challenge
▪ To identify & use the strengths of older adults and
▪ To assists them in maximizing their independence
 They must actively involve older adults & family members; in decision making process
(w/c has a great impact on the everyday quality of life of the pt.)

Roles of the Gerontological Nurse

1. Provider of care
2. Teacher/Educator
3. Manager
4. Advocate
5. Research Consumer

Standards of Clinical Gerontological Nursing Care

STANDARD I. Assessment
STANDARD II. Diagnosis
STANDARD III. Outcome Identification
STANDARD V. Implementation
STANDARD VI. Evaluation

 Provide a foundation of added knowledge and skills necessary for the nurse to
implement in daily practice
 This was developed by the AACN and the John A Hartford Foundation Institute for
Geriatric Nursing “OLDER ADULTS: Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and
Curricular Guidelines for Geriatric Nursing Care”
▪ This serves as guides to nursing professors to prepare students to be competent
to provide excellent care to Older adults

 Core Competencies
▪ Critical Thinking
▪ Communication
▪ Assessment
▪ Technical skills

 Role Development
▪ Provider of care
▪ Designer/manager/coordinator of care
▪ Member of a profession

 Core Knowledge
▪ Health promotion, risk reduction, & disease prevention
▪ Illness and disease management
▪ Information & health care technologies
▪ Ethics
▪ Human diversity
▪ Global health care
▪ Health care system & policy

Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for Geriatric Nursing Care

 Recognize one’s own & others’ attitudes, values, & expectations about aging & their
impact on care of older adults & their families.
 Adopt the concept of individualized care as the standard of practice with older adults.
 Communicate effectively, respectfully & compassionately with older adults & their
 Recognize that sensation & perception in older adults are mediated by functional,
physical, cognitive, psychological, & social changes common to old age.
 Incorporate into daily practice valid and reliable tool to assess the functional, physical,
cognitive, psychological, social & spiritual status of older adults.
 Assess older adults’ living environment with special awareness of the functional,
physical, cognitive, psychological, & social changes common to old age.
 Analyze the effectiveness of community resources in assisting older adults & their
families to retain personal goals, maximize function, maintain independence, & live in
the least restrictive environment.
 Assess family’s knowledge of skills necessary to deliver care to older adults.
 Adapt technical skills to meet the functional, physical, cognitive, psychological, social
and endurance capacities of older adults.
 Individualize care & prevent morbidity & mortality associated with the use of physical &
chemical restraints in older adults.
 Prevent or reduce common risk factors that contribute to functional decline, impaired
quality of life & excess disability in older adults.
 Establish & follow standards of care to recognize & report elder mistreatment.
 Apply evidence-based standards to screen, immunize & promote healthy activities in
older adults.
 Recognize & manage geriatric syndromes common to older adults.
 Recognize the complex interaction of acute & chronic co-morbid conditions common to
older adults.
 Use technology to enhance older adults’ function, independence & safety.
 Facilitate communication as older adults transition across & between home, hospital, &
nursing home, with a particular focus on the use of technology.
 Assists older adults, families & caregivers to understand & balance “everyday”
autonomy & safety decisions.
 Apply ethical & legal principles to the complex issues that arise in care of older adults.
 Appreciate the influence of attitudes, roles, language, culture, race, religion, gender, &
lifestyle on how families & assistive personnel provide long-term care to older adults.
 Evaluate differing international models of geriatric care.
 Analyze the impact of an aging society on the health care system.
 Evaluate the influence of payer system on access, availability & affordability of health
care for older adults.
 Contrasts the opportunities & constraints of a supportive living arrangement on the
function & independence of older adults & on their families.
 Recognize the benefits of interdisciplinary team participation in the care of older adults.
 Evaluate the utility of the complimentary & integrative health care practices on health
promotion & symptom management for older adults.
 Facilitate older adult’s active participation in all aspects of their own health care.
 Involve, educate & when appropriate, supervise family, friends & assistive personnel in
implementing best practices for older adults.
 Ensure quality of care commensurate with older adults’ vulnerability and frequency &
intensity of care needs.
 Promote the desirability of quality end-of-life care for older adults, including pain &
symptom management, as essential, desirable & integral components of nursing


▪ Aging is a natural process common to all living organisms.
▪ Various factors influence the aging process.
▪ Unique data and knowledge are used in applying the nursing process to the older
▪ Older adults share similar self-care and human needs in all other human beings.
▪ Gerontological nursing strives to help older adults achieve wholeness by reaching
optimum levels of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health.

● Core Competencies – the essential skills and knowledge needed to provide quality
care to older adults
● Health promotion – activities aimed at improving or enhancing health
● Primary prevention – activities designed to completely prevent a disease from
occurring, such as immunization against pneumonia or influenza.
● Secondary prevention – efforts directed toward early detection and management of
disease, such as the use of colonoscopy to detect small, cancerous polyps.
● Standard – desired, evidence-based expectations of care that serve as a model against
which practice can be judged
● Tertiary prevention – efforts used to manage clinical diseases in order to prevent them
from progressing or to avoid complications of the disease.
• Evidence-based practices: using research and scientific information to guide actions
• Gerontological nursing: nursing practice that promotes wellness and highest quality of
life for aging individuals

Watch and Learn:



1. Explain the roles of Gerontological Nurse as:
a. Provider of care
b. Teacher/Educator
c. Manager
d. Advocate
e. Research Consumer
2. Choose one competency guidelines for geriatric nursing care and explain.


Mauk, Kristen. (2010). Gerontological nursing: competencies for care.MA: Jones & Bartlett
Publishers.610.7365 G31 2010
Eliopoulos (2018). Gerontological Nursing 9th Edition.Wolters Kluwer
Meiner (2019). Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition. ELS
Miller (2019).Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults 8th Edition . Wolters Kluwer
Touhy ( 2018). Ebersole and Hess Gerontological Nursing and Health Aging
Filit (2017). Brocklehurts Testbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Patińo, Mary Jane. (2016). Caregiving volume 1. Manila: Rex Book Store. F 649.1 P27
2016,v.1, c1
Doenges, Marylinn E. (2002). Nursing care plans: guidelines for individualizing patient care,
6th ed. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. R 610.73 D67 2002, c5
Meiner, S. E. (2007). Gerontological Nursing 3rd Edition. Quezon City. pp. 310-311, 371.
Wold, Gloria Hoffman. (2012). Basic geriatric nursing, 5th ed. MO: Elsevier.618.970231
W83 2012, c1


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