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Copyright © 2022 by Christian Cassarly

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written
permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
To all of the people in the world.

Preface vii

1. Resurrection Power 1
2. Super Mercy 6
3. Super Light 10
4. Super Angels 15
5. Super Father 19
6. Super Miracles 22
7. Super Truth 26
8. Super Eternal 34
9. Super Omniscience 39
10. Super Omni cence 44
11. Super Omnipotence 48
12. Super Omnipresence 52
13. Super Dimensions 56
14. Super Prophet 61
15. Super Peace 65
16. Super Love 70
17. Super Glory 78
18. The I AM 82
19. Super Parables 87

Our talents mean everything in this world. “Super Christ” felt like
Christ writing on me.
“Children are the light of the world,” I know he would say. I
know that us believers, as God’s children, all see Jesus as their hero.
To all those who don’t believe and are wondering, what in the world
is the “Super Christ,” this is a great way to explore who Jesus was
from someone who views him as a hero. Someone who’s life he
There is no shadow following God’s presence and this work was
to dispel the myth of Christ being anything less then the most
powerful being in creation.
We will all see Jesus through this book in a different way. The
one thing that we will have in common, is using the work to see him
in our highest imaginations.
I wish I could see like God, all of the wonderful images that will
be made in the minds of the readers, through “Super Christ.” No
matter how you portray Jesus before and after the book, the message
still remains that Jesus is a correlation to our higher selves.
Healers of the mind are evils worst enemy and I made sure that I

put every drip of my soul into this work. I fasted everyday that I
wrote it. It was such a inspiration that I laid the foundation in three
days and wrote the rest in four more.
Within those seven days, I knew in my heart that this book was a
re ection of me at my peak. The time it took, the idea and design all
con rmed that I was on the mountain of my life, like the disciples
with Jesus.
I am Christ when I am in Christ. Creating literary works for God
helps me to feel closer to him, as I continue to serve readers around
the world with all I have.
Being a Christian for over 20 years, I know that God works in his
own time. Sometimes slower then expected but in this case, much
In the 7 days that it took to complete “Super Christ,” I knew that
God was in the midst, helping me. Not everyone believes in Christ,
but Christ believes in each of us. I know that there is something for
each reader in this book, no matter what denomination or
In “Super Christ,” I used my childhood love for superheroes and
evolved the pages through my mature faith in Christ. I knew God
gave me the power to create anything as a author, and I am pleased
with “Super Christ” more then I had originally expected.
Not only did I hit the target, but we see the word Justice,
protected by all superheroes, almost turn into the word Jesus.
I realized that the very heart of existence defends the cause of
love. My prayers sketched the gure of the “Super Christ” while my
faith colored him in.
I will admit, turning Christ into a superhero was no easy task.
Christ is real. I knew with my gift of wanting to reach the hearts of
younger believers that I would, and I hit the mark.
This is a superhero like you never imagined. Depicting him as
such, opened new possibilities in the realm of imagination, that
ironically, even though superheroes are ctional, the theme brought
him more to life.

I hope you enjoy the “Super Christ.” It’s just another book to
praise the Father with. To me, that’s what it’s all about. Through
literature, we can praise pretty deeply with our imagination, carving
new images for the kingdom with our mind. We just need more
authors willing to push the limit and break the barriers of traditional
The rst miracle performed was for his mother but the last was
for his father. Let us all magnify the Father with a open heart and
mind as we enjoy Jesus like never before. As the Superhero that the
younger generation needs, the “Super Christ.”

Luke 14:14
And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou
shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just

R esurrection power is found only in Christ. We don’t know

actual knowledge about resurrection power other then
through Christ. Resurrection means passing from this life
into the life of God. True life is not found on earth with men. True life
is found with God in the resurrected. The true glorious life eternal is
only found in our faith of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. This
is why God designed faith to be so powerful. Without faith, this
power cannot be activated. This world, in this body is a nightmare
compared to our resurrected state in Christ. Those who don’t believe
in Christ remain in that nightmare, and are without the resurrection
power. Simple faith brings us to a eternal life of glory. Complex
scienti c reasoning of the heart and mind of men doom us to death.
This is the reason believers have an open gate to eternity. Christ Life

is resurrected happiness, joy, peace and eternality incorruptible. At

the end of your faith, you are given a resurrected body, resurrected
mind, and a resurrected soul. Everything about you is resurrected in
God’s light.
Faith to Christ means living in honesty and following the
commandments. Even simple stuff like reading the the Bible yields
us resurrection power.
In return for simple child-like faith, we get a resurrection at the
end of our life.
This is the reward for our journey.
Those who suffer without this reason for suffering, suffer
The commands God gives us are simple but not easy. You don’t
need a big brain to follow his teachings, but a big heart is required.
We need to understand that it wasn’t easy for Christ when he
was working so hard for others, knowing that it was rewarding him a
cross. It’s also not easy for us to follow Christ amongst men.
The superpower is this…
Just like we know the result of Christ being cruci ed, we should
know that there is extreme bene ts for staying true and faithful to
the Messiah.
He’s a good God and his word is true. He said, “ I am the Resur‐
rection and the Life.” Resurrection is what he’s looking for.
Jesus desires a good life for us! He wants us to have joy and
happiness while we’re alive but he’s focusing on something that’s
more important. he’s looking on the eternal.
The superpower of resurrection power is not understood but we
can feel it. Although unknown now, we will understand the super‐
power fully when we receive our victory in Christ. We will become
the resurrection power.
The reason of our faith is to be with Christ in his kingdom of
peace and paradise forever. Everything is good there. Everything is
We struggle in the world to keep our faith in him. Faith doesn’t

mean that we will force others to look on and follow our beliefs. They
will be attracted through our love for Christ.
What it does require is a courage. Courage allows us to praise
him in public and not to be ashamed of our faith. Oddly, their is a
principality of shame that all believers experience on their journey in
We also need to be strong enough to follow his one command‐
ment to love.
My writings are a way that I love You.
I wrote this entire book in 7 days. Not only to push myself, but to
love you.
It’s hard, it hurts, it’s painful, but here’s the key. I have super‐
powers to get the job done. I have the Super Christ.
By keeping my faith in Christ and loving, I receive resurrection
By publishing my own books and making my own music, I work
with Christ to uplift and help others. This is how I give them love.
Resurrection power can ow uidly in these words.
These words are faithful to Christ and have the power to gain
another believer. The “Super Christ” has the power to save a person
eternally through Jesus Christ. It’s a powerful book.
You are a believer that thankfully knows the power of our Super
God. He is the God of all god’s. He can crush all gods if he wants at
the same time. He crushes them with the love that he has.
This is why we crush our enemies and why we are so lethal to the
enemy of the world.
Love is the most bitter taste to our enemy’s mouth.
Being in Christ, our love is strong and seems bitter to those
lacking a passion for our God.
Many people don’t taste our love because it is too strong in
This is why I write books.
Listen, I knew it would take a tremendous amount of power and
love to nish the book that fast.

I said to myself, “If it will put more love and power into the book,
then I will do what it takes.” I realized that a very solid form of love is
your hardest work for others. I fasted and prayed for 4 days to get the
book complete in time.
Resurrection power is equal to kingdom power. Where do we
resurrect? We resurrect into the kingdom. We go somewhere else by
being raised to a different octave. The resurrection power is equiva‐
lent to Jesus being in the tomb, and then ascending to his Father.
We have the same resurrection superpower when we af rm
Christ in love and apply his teaching to forgive and love others. Is it
easy? No, but in return, you receive superpowers.
Resurrection is synonymous with ascension. Now we are
Rising up!
This is why we worship.
We once were descended, like Christ into a body, into this world.
Now, through Christ, we resurrect and ascend back up to him.
After reading this book, for a short while,
your mind has been resurrected from the level of the world into
the Super Christ.
We can help resurrect people’s thoughts. We can help resurrect
their mind and their way of thinking. Now they can build a kingdom
with their own thoughts instead of others. We help resurrect peoples
toward Jesus.
When you bring someone to Christ, you become the resurrection
Christ works through you to help people-who are living empty
lives-hear a word from above, through your lips!
You can help people without the promise of God into being saved
and nding a new way—toward heaven.
This is how big this resurrection power is in our world. During
Easter, we get a taste of it. Then on Christmas we get a hint of his
Although we do get glimpses, we can attempt to understand the
resurrection power by meditating on it.

We can meditate on the word to further understand these deeper

wisdoms. Let us open to knowing how holy our Lord is, by acknowl‐
edging what Jesus Christ did for us. His tomb was empty. He came
out of a grave for us. Our hero is not a normal super hero. He is called
the Super Christ!
He escaped the Romans and said, “ I have risen.” “I am alive.”

Mark 10:47
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out,
and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

F orgiveness is what Jesus came to give to the world. He said

animatedly, “I didn’t come to condemn the world, I’ve come
to save it.”
He was to save every single man, every single woman, every
single child, and he did this by offering himself. He offered his body,
so that we could be forgiven fully and completely, without missing a
single spot!
Without his sacri ce, instead of forgiveness and salvation, we
would have received exile and death. Instead of receiving the
rewards of the New Testament, we would have received the punish‐
ments of the Old Testament.
Believing in Christ pleases and rejecting Christ offends him.

If you disobey the instruction of your biological father who teaches

you to be kind and compassionate toward your brother, do you believe
you would receive less punishment from your supernatural Father?
Our father has a certain standard of living and through Christ we
are all his Sons.
If we repent and change our ways, then we are following our
Master Christ and can easily obtain forgiveness from our past.
Without Christ, we’re not fully connected to God because we
reject his rstborn that traveled so far from his Father, to help us and
to save us.
The key is to accept the mystery of God. Receive who God has
chosen for us for salvation.
This is how we all please our Father. As long as their is one child
in the house offending the other brothers, he will not be happy and
neither will we.
The truth is that we do have a forgiving Father and he does have
a plan for us.
Those who have turned from Christ have become an enemy to all
of us and to God. Yet, through Christ our Lord, we can be forgiven
and be saved.
The power of faith is so incredible because it’s such a simple
decision to serve Christ. Our faith magni es the need for us to do our
best as Christians.
Our God has a big heart for us. Without this forgiveness he
supplied, we become enemies to ourselves, to our family, to our
world and to our Creator. We become harmful to man. We start
talking about others, becoming cruel, condemning others until even‐
tually, the seeds of Christ die within us.
The decision to y with Super Christ is now. Will you choose him
to be your hero?
I want to help save you from rejecting Gods plan for your life and
from turning away from his Son.
He gave us the best life a God can offer. He provides us the best

spirituality, his best Son, the most colorful world to meet Jesus and
learn and the greatest heaven.
The reward of salvation for each soul assists the progression of
mankind. Christians hold the only religion where we are all family, if
everyone comes to repentance. This is the reason for the Father and
Son God. As Christians, we provide the world a closer position at a
worldwide family. The plan for our progression is to evolve as a
species, as a family through his teachings. Who knows how far we
can evolve through him! Evolution is another word for transforma‐
tion. Without us collectively transforming in Christ, we cannot prop‐
erly evolve as a species according to Gods will. This is the power of
Hearing about the power of Christ will be enough for many to
change their way.
One of his greatest powers is his forgiveness. He holds super
forgiveness as the Super Christ.
Those who know who and what Christ is, call him the Super
Christ. We have a Super God! His forgiveness is so powerful, that it
changes our life and changes our world.
His forgiveness takes us away from harmful people. Oppressive
people will no longer choose to be around you. This will change your
relationships. People will not be able to take advantage like they
used to. He changes the way we see and think. His forgiveness
changes the way we act. It’s transformative. We end up free to be
more wise, active and loving.
This superpower of our God is what we deserve. We deserve the
power of forgiveness.
It has the power to break all the soul chains in our life.
The forgiveness is what allows God to touch us with his ngertip.
It’s the superpower forgiveness of Christ that makes God happy. It
pleases God in our life. When we receive that forgiveness, then we
can understand the message of God.
The great thing is that we can be like Super Christ and also give
mercy to others. This is how we become a superpower in other

people’s lives. You forgive people easily and they start to look up to
you because most people don’t have this ability. While most people
give others issues, you will heroically be giving light and love.
The key is that this Super Forgiveness from Super Christ is what
brings us to heaven for eternity after we die. It is the foundation of
true spirituality and how supernatural Christ really is.
Forgiveness is just as important to Super Christ as hope is to
Superman. There’s no one he cannot forgive, not a single one that he
cannot love. His mercy is radical.
This all comes from claiming Christ as our Lord and savior.
That will ultimately lead to the ultimate forgiveness in your life.
We don’t know when, but we do know it will happen in your life. The
power of God through His Son Jesus Christ will break the chains and
bonds of this world and allow you to be who your supposed to be. It
gives us so much power that it last for eternity and doesn’t end. It’s
so transformative that we start to see ourselves as Super Christ when
we look in the mirror.
When people say, “I’m sorry,” most people don’t have the power
to forgive depending on the offense. We end up offenders forever in
the eyes of unforgiving men. To a true Christian this is not the case.
Christ gives us a new heart, pulsating with all these superpowers
and we become the hero that can forgive. He gives us a heart to
forgive anything. We become like a puppy in a eld of wolves, while
being protected by a lion who is near us always.
We become lambs of Christ that are spotless. We become very
easy to forgive and we become very forgiving. Harnessing this super‐
power together as a family, is a force that is unstoppable.

John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the
world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life.

W hat is Jesus known for? He’s a master of love. When we

go to Christ, we’re able to see clearer because of his
Let’s say you’re in a room and it’s dark and you can’t see, this is
kind of like our relationship and knowledge to this world. When you
have more light, you start to see what’s really manifesting in the
world around you.
Jesus is this light that helps us gain vision.
Our belief in Christ allows us to see and enjoy more of our life.
Our thought process slows down in Christ’s peace.
Then we start to see the light manifested.
We start to actually see what’s going on in our life.

Jesus said “I am the light of the world.”

We can’t see Christ without the belief of Christ. We won’t see a
picture we don’t believe in. We may know about him but we won’t
see him. Our faith lights the path to see Christ.
We will know he exists and then we can illuminate the darkness
of our world.
Many people think they know and see everything. Ironically, this
belief dwindles when we see Christ, even though we end up knowing
We have light within us that can only be activated through our
faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ. God is the ultimate creator of
all things but he is merciful and loves us. His son is the ultimate
If you look at Superman, he wrote for his city and made them
smarter with his articles at the Daily Planet. He loved Lois Lane and
the world. How much more do you think Super Christ loves us?
The cross was a expression of his light because through that
cruci x we were all able to be saved and uni ed through Jesus. Now
he is in heaven and on earth supplying us with all of the light we
Through the Cross, we are saved when we commit to him and we
too become glorious beings of light. We don’t choose God, God
chooses us. There is a reason you own this book. When will you ever
read a book called, “The Super Christ?”
The cost to get this book to you was his life! God had a plan for
you to read this book! Think about how many super powers God has!
All of his Son’s superpowers are manifested through the light!
Where does this light come from? This light comes from our God
Almighty. The Creator of all things has a mighty plan for you! You
will become also like Christ! You will receive eternal light, internally,
after you complete this book. Can you imagine how much light it
would take to make you a eternal body of light similar to Jesus
This is his plan for you. He has in nite light. He could do this for

everyone in the world and he wants too! The key is to know that the
plan begins at the cross. This is where Jesus turned into Super Christ
in resurrected form. He died for us and gave the world new life. He
defeated Rome alone as one man and now Rome is no more. The
Super Christ took down the strongest nation that existed by himself.
The only remnants of the debris are the stones in his church.
He cares about us so much, that he died for us to, not only see the
light, but to be the light. This is why we consider Christ the ultimate.
I give the label, Super Christ. God incarnated as a man to die on a
cruci x. He is the ultimate light of of all creation, who can even
dwindle universal cosmic light. Yet he humbly died for us to be
saved. For you and for me.
When Elijah was trans gured in the Bible, he saw Jesus and
when Jesus was trans gured he saw Elijah.
We all go to the same place, to God through the light of Christ.
Christ has the strongest superpower, all of light. The Light of
He wants to give you this light.
Listen, We can’t even touch a candle without getting burned. I’m
talking about a great God. It is essential to call upon him. Today, by
reading this book, you are worshiping Christ for his divine light.
Let us be contrasts of that light to distribute in the world until he
We saw the potential of man through his life. Through evolution
of a species that believes in him, we too will hold miraculous abilities
when evolved. We will all become Super Christs. We may have even
more abilities then Jesus when we evolve fully in our Lord. The rst
step is for us, as humanity, to take the nal step and unite in Jesus
We are already one-third there. We have seen how much our
society has evolved through this one-third. We see the evolution of a
nation through the United States of America when they were rm in
their belief. Any nation can be a Superpower if they are operating for
a Super Christ.

Jesus was born to die. He was the light of the world. Only, he had
the courage to say, “I am God” in Rome.
He descended down from heaven and his throne, into the womb
of the blessed Virgin Mary, and became a mere mortal. He bled like
us, he eliminated like us, he suffered like us, so that we knew that
God exists. That God was there for us. That God loves us. He came to
us physically.
His very own disciples betrayed him. His very own community
convicted him and the Romans treated him like he was less then an
animal. They stabbed him, spit on him, cruci ed him in front of his
mother and family.
The world still curses his name to this day.
I call him the Super Christ. I wrote this book so you can know his
true power.
We are living in a society today where Christ is like the stars in
the sky. We go on everyday and handle our worldly affairs and many
of us believe in Christ, but seldom look up to pray or to acknowledge
him. When was the last time you looked up and focused on the stars?
For many of us, it has been a long time. Man has swept us away.
Like the stars, we know that there is a truth that is much deeper
then our daily life. The Sun seems the biggest to us out of all the stars
but is actually one of the smallest while some of the smallest stars
we see in the sky are some of the biggest.
This is how the light of Christ is. This book is calling you to a
deeper understanding of Christ and knowing how super he really is.
Christmas is indicative of this super-powerful light. All of the
lights on the trees in our homes and outside our homes are indicative
of his light. It’s colorful. It’s everywhere.
As a kid, it wasn’t the lights, the food, the music or the gifts that
made us feel the greatest. Secretly, it was Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ said, “I am the light”, in your heart during those
This is his Superpower. This was a Super Christmas because your
loved by a Super Christ.

It’s not easy when we see all of these stars as smaller as our own.
It’s not easy when we have humanity saying it is bigger then God.
Sometimes we can seem smaller then what we truly are, but
trust me—we will shine.
Our days will become better and our Fridays will become good.
Our Sundays will turn into Sabbaths and our life will improve.
I’m not talking about the light that Superman was wielding. This
isn’t X-ray vision. This is God speed. This is a eternal light. Christ is
not a Cosmic being. He is a being of the purest and perfect heaven.
When I say Super Christ, I mean the God who defeats all. For now,
we are like candles compared to his light, but together we can form
hearts with the ames. We can shine together because, at the core of
it all, is Christ’s light from above.

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep

of us.
hrist is in us. When we praise him, we feel the praise
bubble up in our self.
Christ is also in all Angels. The same spirit lives in all

All of the angels in heaven pledge allegiance to Christ.

Some worship day and night.
Can you imagine how many angels are in heaven. Their are
different types of angels. We would classify them in Genus groups if
it weren’t for Jesus. We have Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim,
Ophanim and many other species.
Through scripture we can see that heaven is teaming with life-
maybe just as much that our world thrives-over owing with abun‐
dance of life forms.

The Super Christ Jesus has dominion over them all.

Nothing can stand up against some these Angels. Nothing.
We have to understand that the enemy of God doesn’t have a
mother. He doesn’t know love.
This kingdom has power over all, through love.
Super Christ’s power can call on any angel to give us protection.
At any moment, he can order a angel to keep post over our life.
He can order Archangels.
He can call them to protect our family, our home, nances,
friends, mind, body and soul.
Do you think this would improve your life a little?
It is great to understand, as we move forward in our faith, that
we are not alone.
From reading the Word of God, it is possible that there are
billions, possibly trillions of angels.
Our God has the power to create billions or trillions of heavens. It
is fart fetched to understand the multitude of angels.
Anything is possible for him.
Upon the commandment of God and his Son Jesus Christ we gain
angelic protection. Obviously we cannot prove this, but you will
know you are moving in angelic light. This is a bonus of having faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Super Christ has the largest entourage of all superheroes.
Bigger then DC and Marvel Combined, is the power of just one
The kingdom of Christ is expansive and will continue to expand
through the souls of his believers in this world, until this world also
becomes a kingdom of Christ.
You could only imagine how long these angel wings are. Larger
then men, larger then jets, and spiritually, larger then our compre‐
Could you imagine the colors on the wings on these archangels?
Only God knows.
Now if these Archangels are around us, we will be absorbing

these type of thoughts. Angels, saints, light beings, heavenly hosts

surround us, all because of our simple faith in Christ. These beings
are around you when you read this book. There thoughts are around
and we can absorb them.
Certain angels can literally overpower any being of evil because
they are submerged in the light of God Almighty. These beings look
down on us when reading scripture and we get submerged. The
power of heaven is in them, perfect and beautiful in every way.
They also have hearts of love that can dwarf any being not of the
Even though much of their existence is left to our imagination,
through our faith, we pierce through imagination into our souls,
where we touch these beings and feel their energy.
These angels have enormous amounts of energy and are willing
to supply us light dispersions in the reverence of our savior, the
Super Christ.
They are extremely musical, many of them. Playing good hearted
music, such as symphonies, can attract them.
They know certain codes and sequences beyond our primitive
science, that can help heal us, and make us more healthy beyond the
physicians of ce.
When God appoints these type of angels to us, the angels are full
of joy because they know that we’re on the direction towards Christ.
They know that they are helping us and guiding us to a new spiritual
They play music for us, give us energy, pray for us, comfort us
and they give us treasure.
They give us love and light as Christ nominates certain angels on
our path. After reading this, pray to Christ to annoint you with
angelic protection. Just simply pray, “Lord Christ, thank you for
being their, please provide me protection.”
He will answer the call.
To these angels, we are the most sacred. They know we are on a
path towards being One with Christ forever and ever.

They are Delighted to help us. They light up, kind of like the
Human Torch, but with love ames.
Different angels have mastered different values and principali‐
ties. The main thing is to meditate on the fact that Christ has full
command over there formations and actions.
We give them salutation when we pray to Christ. It is not neces‐
sary to pray to angels or any being others then Christ or to God
through Christ.
These angels can make us more fortunate, energetic, and aware.
They can help us with almost anything.
Being the chief commander, Super Christ has the power to
appoint archangel Michael and Gabriel, as well as any other being
from heaven into are lives for assistance.
This is a book that depicts Christ as a superhero and these angels
exude these qualities of heroes. Some of them, quadrillions of times
stronger then Superman.
This is the power of the Super Christ.
Christ is working at God speed, not light speed.
Christ is not ying around with a cape on like Superman. He does
have these wings around him though. These angels protect our
Fathers plan and worship God non-stop.
If you have interest in repeating this superpower for yourself,
repeat these words. “Christ, I call on you today to lead my life. Help
me to know you more. I want you to be my Lord and Savior. I believe
that you are God. Amen.”
Always remember that Christ is in us. So when we praise him, we
feel the praise bubble up in our self.

Mark 14:36
And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take
away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou

T he Bible is 66 books long. There is a lot of material to be

researched to have a full understanding of the occurrences
that took place in scripture. The more we read and learn,
the more we realize, it was about a Father and a Son.
The Father power is what is the most important aspect of our life
is as well.
To have a father is too have life and without one, we endure
possible death.
They give us the resources that are necessary to survive. They
make us feel protected. They are our Superhero.
The relation between fatherhood and God is too integral to be

Jesus had a different type of Father.

God had a different type of Son.
Jesus’s Father was willing to share his dearest Son with the world
and Jesus was willing to die for his Father.
God rst came to Israel as a burning bush with a still small voice
but revealed him self through Jesus as the all powerful Father God.
The Father-Son relationship was completely One.
Jesus taught us one of the highest wisdoms of the supreme
Godhead. Trough Christ’s sacri ce, we can look to God as a Father!
Jesus said that his Father is like a gardener and he is the fruit
We can only produce fruit through the relationship between the
Father and the Son. In order to produce fruit on our vines, we need to
emulate the true vine, Jesus Christ. We may not get as high of a yield
but we will produce the same fruit!
God was nally able to express himself the way he wanted
through the birth of Christ.
The Father God would follow Jesus wherever he went, guiding
each step, making sure the sun shined perfectly for him. Making the
wind blow just right on his skin. God used his spirit to love Jesus so
much that Jesus was able to love us perfectly. He would shoot rain‐
bows across the sky for his Son. He would make stars shine brighter
for his Son. He was to let us know that he was the Father of all
fathers through Jesus Christ.
The sky would open up, and God would scream, “Everyone! Look
this is my Son. I love him so much!” Jesus, through the love of his
Father was able to do anything he wanted to. The Father stilled the
waters when Jesus asked. The Father made the water solid when
Jesus walked on it. His Father would revive the dead on his Son’s
command. He loved Jesus so much, that he didn’t allow him to die.
Jesus lived forever through the love of his father.
Jesus was perfect because of the Father God.
Then God made the Gospels for his Son.
Let me ask you a question, would you like a father like that?

This love was so enormous, that Jesus wanted to please his

Father in every way. He taught people about his Father and his love.
He showed us our possibilities, he fed us, healed us and he even will‐
ingly died for his Father on a Roman Cross.
This is the ultimate relationship of the Gods.
The entire existence of creation is built around the love between
this Father and Son.
Jesus’s teaching was guiding us on how to please the Father.
He had to be the one to come and teach us. He did come and he
taught us well.
He was humble, gentle and child-like to the world.
The Son of God has arrived and now we can be saved. Now we
can receive mercy, for the Son taught us how to forgive, to be
Now we too can be great fathers—for we know the true Son.
Now we can wield Super Christ’s, Super Father power! We can
excel our future generations! We can be prosperous, wise and whole!
The Father and Son have United! They are One!
The One will nurture our family tree! It will bear sacred fruit
forever more! We can look up to the Father and to the Son, Christ the
Just as the Father spends time with his Son, he will spend time
with us.
Just as the Father teaches his Son, he will teach us.
Just as the Father kisses his Son, he will kiss us.
Just as much love the Father gave to the Son, we pray for the Son
to give to us.
God says to us, “I am a good Father!” “ My Children are satis ed.”

Mark 9:39
But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do
a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

J esus demonstrated over forty miracles in the Bible.

They were all performed so people would know the power
of God.
Jesus himself was the the greatest Miracle. God walking on
earth. Every word out of his mouth was a miracle. Every blink of his
eye was a miracle. Every step with his foot was a miracle. Even the
dreams he had when he was sleeping were miracles. Every teaching
he gave us was a miracle. Every strand of hair on his head was a
miracle. He was a walking, talking miracle.
He never denied anyone his miracle power in scripture. These
miracles during that time proved the existence of God through man.
He captivated the whole city, and when he performed many of
these miracles, people knew immediately that God existed.

His miracle superpower was so strong that they started to call

him king. He started to ful ll prophesy that was predicted in scrip‐
ture by the things he was doing.
His miracles were not bound by man’s imagination, as a matter
of fact they provided man with a new imagination.
Completely new possibilities of healing the blind, walking on
water and changing water into wine have been ooding our mind for
thousands of years. These miracles didn’t just transform the people
around him, they were designed to transform all of us.
It was the power of love manifested.
Curing the sick. Healing the blind. Raising the dead. Feeding the
multitudes. Calming the storms. Chasing out the spirits. These were
all performed by love.
Unlike Superman, Super Christ’s superpowers would combine
and he could perform miracles beyond our comprehension.
Then he performed the most powerful miracle of all. He rose
from the tomb and lived on forever. His Father resurrected him to
higher life into his eternal kingdom.
Obviously he could bi-locate and be at as many places he wanted
to, at the same time. Meaning that, he can be with us while he is also
in heaven. Now we also have the miracle of his presence. We can feel
the kingdom through him. His miracle power and Super Christ
superpowers are now in full force with him and many beings in
These miracles he performed allowed us to receive a glimpse of
heaven. We know how the Kingdom operates and the amount of
miracle power that is there.
These types of miracles are normal for beings in the kingdom but
here it was resisted. They labeled him a offender of the people and
gave him a life sentence to death. They put him on a cross for this
power. They registered him in Rome as a predatory demon
worshipper who was taking advantage of the people and their chil‐
dren. They said he was molesting the people through the spirit
named Beelzebub.

The more we love, the more we can perform this Super Christ
miracle power. If we were to love as Christ directed, as mankind, we
would see miracles occur just as powerfully as the natural catastro‐
phes we see because of our disobedience.
We please God by praising the name of Jesus until he turns into a
Super Christ for us.
Even just reading about the miracles or speaking about them is
Once we really understand our relationship to Christ, we realize
we have the miracle power within us. We can heal, cure, and travel
the waters with our God.
We can place our hands on people and allow the spirit to move
through them.
We can use our speech in miraculous ways and do miraculous
I wrote this entire book in 7 days. Now I now I can perform that
miracle with the assistance of Jesus Christ in the future.
It’s not just the length of the book, but what’s in it that’s
I accept the miracles. I make miraculous music. I opened a mirac‐
ulous business. I write miraculous books. I have miraculous
resources all through the power of Jesus Christ.
I prayed to Jesus on my nances. He gave me three public domain
assets. “Winnie the Pooh Reimagined” the novel, “Mickey Mouse as
Steamboat Willy,” the Novel and Superman.
Each of these franchises are billion dollar names. Miracles.
With the Superman asset, I put together a tness program that
increases a person’s strength by up to 5 times! I’m a Registered Nurse
and was able to help people harness their somatic nervous system
consciously. I called the program, “Superman Fitness.” A real life
superpower. A miracle.
I am becoming like Jesus through my fruit. The 20 books I’ve
written, all the albums, these programs. It’s all proof in the pudding!
Miracles do exist!

No one ever depicted Jesus as a superhero in a work of literature.

So I did—Miracle.
I wrote the Jehova diet, which I feel is the healthiest diet in the
world, off of inspiration, in two weeks! You can download it now. A
We have a Miraculous God and as believers and disciples of
Christ, we too can perform amazing miracles.
Become a great disciple. Call Jesus, the Super Christ. Become
stronger in your faith. Let’s calm the storms, cast out the evil, feed
the hungry and heal. If we believed we could raise the dead, move
mountains and uproot trees with our faith, we could.
Become a super disciple and continue reading this book. It’s
powerful. He doesn’t just have love for you, he has super love. He
gives you super peace and super blessings. We don’t just have a God,
we have a Super God. We are not just disciples after this book, we are
Super Disciples.
Don’t just read this book, start passing it out for the Lord. Lift
him up and let people know how super he is. I designed this book to
be shared with the masses. It’s designed to lift up his name and
travel across to all tongues, creeds and nations.
It’s a miracle to say that we have a Super God. It’s a miracle to
witness his creation. Don’t believe what men are saying. Live your
miracle. Live in the super peace that Jesus provides and profess your
faith in the Super Christ.
Lift up his name to a new level. Let people know who your
hero is.
He was a master of miracles. Christ is the true hero. We have a
Great and super God.

Matthew 14:33
Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying,
Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

T ruth is a dominating force in this world. We are all looking

for the truth. Actually, having the truth is a superpower. It
puts you in complete control.
Through Scripture, Jesus spoke only the truth.
This is re ective of our Father God who made everything in
We are always searching for knowledge of God’s design. It is
designed in truth.
Man has been bonded to the powers of deception which makes it
impossible to nd answers when speaking lies.
It’s kind of like a bird swimming in the water with its wings
instead of ying.
Even today, we constantly are getting hit with scams and spam

online through our emails and ads with the very same technology
that can be helping us nd truth. The synonym for spam would be
Even with the brightest scientists and engineers, we are still in a
primitive state because as a whole, man has become a liar who
pretends to be searching for truth.
We can only look to God to re ect on truth in this world where
mankind is in dominion.
Online Media, T.V, radio, Government and schools are all feeding
us deception. Let’s face it, not one of us graduated high school with a
tangible asset.
Now we are on the brink of virtual realities and arti cial intelli‐
gences being run by these deceiving corporations.
Even our social media is full with people who have falsely trans‐
gured their reality with pro les, that are no where near as
congruent to who they actually are.
I’m a author and making these books of truth takes a lot of work.
It is very dif cult as a author to get a message of truth out in
this environment. I pray on it and I continue to write for the
Christ is just the opposite. He is all truth. He cannot lie! With The
superpower of Christ’s truth, we get the job done.
Amongst men of this world, the hardest thing you can do is speak
the truth.
This is where we look to Super Christ. I am so thankful that
Christ is helping me with spreading truth. The Gospel is the truth
because he is in it. Without Christ in Scripture, the truth is adul‐
We see this with the Torah. Some religions honor only a portion
of scripture and deny Christ. This nulli es the Scripture. It cuts out
the truth. The Bible was created to show the world, God’s son! This is
the truth.
Reading the scripture without acknowledging Christ is like
having meat with no re.

We’re thankful that Christ is assisting us with truth. It’s his

Jesus said that we are like sheep amongst wolves. Men have no
problem lying to gain control over us. We need to be protected by the
Super Christ to help us along the way with his truth. When men lie
to shackle and control us, Christ sets us free with his truth.
When we get courageous enough on the walk, we start ques‐
tioning our own thoughts. Is this thought true? A lot of thoughts in
our mind are spam. This is because we live amongst men, the
greatest deceivers that are known.
Without faith, we become one of these type of ipeople and carry
the same thoughts and paradigms.
When we’re online, we should try to be the most truthful we can
because it’s shaping this worlds future.
A digital world is not real. Yet we make it so. We invest the
majority of the day in this unreal world. Sometimes eight or more
hours. We need the Super Christ to ght the deception with his
super-powerful truth.
Lo and behold, Super Christ does come with the assist and gives
us Super Truth. We gain discernment, true knowledge and wisdom.
Eventually, it isolates us in a world that speaks primarily lies. Sooner
or later, that isolation turns into a kingdom. We in spirit become
stronger then man because of Christ and his truth.
At a very young age, our logic and reasoning have been manipu‐
lated. We barely spend time in nature or with God and have been
deceived into spending much of our time in virtual realities of social
media and digital content.
The very institutions where we learned as a child, crippled us,
providing us no opportunity or knowledge to build assets.
We were left without the knowledge of our God, Jesus Christ.
They didn’t even equip us with knowledge on business, nances or
even emotional intelligence.
We have to move forward and call on the truth to get ahead in

IQ begins with the Letter I. We need to look to ourselves and decide

if it is smarter to turn to the truth or continue along the direction of
the popular man.
It’s not easy to tell the truth. In Christ, we habitualize honesty.
After awhile, we hold the truth because of faith and through our
Through the assist of our Lord Jesus Christ, we become the truth.
The government and man has a different label for me. Yet the
truth was, I was a Author for God. A Son of God to help others and
equip them with the knowledge of the Super Christ.
I’m a musician and messenger, a prophet and heir, a testimony
and church, a light and a truth.
We see the deceit all around us.
Our backround check doesn’t comeback as a Christian, or author
or musician. We need Christ to give us the labels of God to defeat the
labels of men.
This is our victory. Our victory of truth. The Super Christ is our
Some deal with the age old tale of Christians being criminals.
They receive punishment for good. The same spirit was condemning
Christ was cruci ed and then his disciple was cruci ed upside
down. We see deceit all around us and it hides in sheep clothing.
Behind household name corporations, political leaders and media
are many of these forces.
As a true Christian, I am grateful to be alive. Many of us didn’t
make it.
I’m grateful how far my message is getting across. I’m teaching
people around the world with my knowledge in Christ!
Christ is protecting me and he will protect you too. He will bring
you to paradise, he will bring you to his super-powerful truth.
The Bible says that the truth shall always come to the light. I just

wait and pray that God continues to work though us and conquers
the powers that be. I pray for Christ to give us truth and Justice.
All darkness comes to light says the Super Christ.
This is why all these nations fall and crumble and Christ is still in
us. Rome fell, Greece fell, Alexander the Great fell, Babylon fell, Spain
fell, Britain fell, Germany fell,
America fell, but Christ still is rising. He’s rising through us.
Christ has all truth. Imagine the Human Torch having all the re
in creation or Iceman having all the ice that exists. This is how Christ
is with the truth. He has all truth that exist.
We too will harness the truth. It’s one of the hardest Super Christ
superpowers to develop but after reading this book you will have all
of these superpowers to a degree. Call on him as your Lord and
Savior and these powers will grow in intensity.
Our destiny is to be as powerful as Christ in Heaven. We will be
Super Christ’s with him with all of these superpowers in God’s full
This is the way of a true superhero. You are the Son of God.
Even Superman had a son named Jonathan and ended up being
just as heroic and powerful as Superman. Superman taught him
We are Son’s of Christ. We’re Son’s of God. Super Christ
continues to work with us and shape us until we become just as
heroic as him!
We start to don the superpowers that he has! This book isn’t just
about Super Christ. It’s about you and the superpowers that are
sleeping within you. Powers that are waiting to blaze!
Spiritual superpowers that can ow and move through anything
that is solid, liquid or gaseous!
This is the difference of living with Christ in this species we
call man.
We will look forever to nd the truth through the eyes of men.
Man’s handshakes are not even truthful.
Man’s agreements are not truthful.

Man puts his hand to his heart and takes a oath and speaks a lie.
Man goes to the podium to speak with his ngers crossed behind his
Even our parents mask the truth from us.
Mother lies to father, father lies to son.
We have to choose man or God. This is where we should make
the decision.
Are we going to choose man into deception or will we choose the
Super Christ and live a truthful life.
It’s a world of Pinocchio’s but we don’t see it because man cuts
his nose to spite his face.
Men lie and then over react because of the necessary fear that
arises with living from falsehood.
What is the consequences of deception? The lack of trust. We
may pretend, but we don’t believe in the people that are around us or
leading us. The only one that God left for us to trust is Christ.
Jesus has pierced through the layers of the onion of life and he
knows all the answers.
His intelligence sets us free.
Just like we see Einstein drawing 2 letters on the blackboard,
Christ knows the laws and balances of all the cosmos—all
He holds dominion over the mind of man and helps us on this
road as a Christian.
If we live without Christ, we are destined for a false life. Man will
steer us toward a self image that is not truly ourselves.
With Christ, we nd who we truly are.
This is one of the most important superpowers of the book.
I was incarcerated for 84 days for camping on county lines.
County lines! It was a imaginary line. During that time I wrote a
book called “Royalist.” It points to who you truly are. You are the
royalist being on the universe in Christ. Yet without him, man will
have you believe your worthless trash.
It’s not just a dif cult road without Jesus, it’s impossible. You

will ultimately end up dying as someone you believe to be, but

are not.
Societal programming is at a early age. Children are watching
agenda lled cartoons, playing on technology and tablets and the
world is passing by, while they are missing chunks of their
We are being lled with poison because of sin. Filled with science
and manly knowledge, we turn away from the truth.
A lot of the information we receive is like magic. It’s a falsehood.
They said the world was at, we believed them. They said man is
more important then God, we believed them. They said we were
educated when we graduated and we believed them!
We need Christ when it comes to the light. Jesus says, “I’m the
WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.” He’s talking about The Super way,
the Super truth and the Super life. The Super Christ.
The rst truth I offer is a simple shift in consciousness.
You are not a separate body. You are one with all that is. Every‐
thing is within your mind. Just like in a dream, the entire universe is
within your mind. It’s the same. You just need to stop thinking to see
this. Christ will help you with this.
This is called Christ consciousness. This is your rst truth. It will
scorch many of the lies you learned.
Many problems that we have will be solved when we make this
simple shift.
Just stop thinking and see what you are without thought.
First, slow you mind down by praying, meditation, breathing or
listening to calm music. Then attempt gently to stop thinking. To
still your mind. Then you will see the truthful you. Who you really
are. Christ will also assist you.
We’re always looking for the truth with man.
There’s only one truth and it’s absolute. It’s stronger than the
truth of the law of relativity. It’s the truth of Christ.
As I continue on my path to truth, I’m grateful to be alive.

I’m grateful that I’m still able to get some type of knowledge out
to you.
I want you to know that you too will become Super Christ as you
look to him for truth. I’m af rming the Super Christ for you and all of
your loved ones. Let us continue to pray and be as heroic as we can.
The truth is always here no matter what seems to be going on.
Let us unify in that truth and gain victory with the Super Christ. No
matter what is going on in your life right now, know the truth.
The truth is that God loves us.

John 3:15
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternallife.

L et us remember that Super Christ is eternal.

His superpowers are also eternal.
Even Superman Prime, in all of his expanded superpow‐
ers, is still time bound.
Superman Prime is a higher form of himself.
Superman transformed himself into his highest potential. He
became a living incarnate of the sun. Instead of absorbing light from
the sun, he actually became the sun himself. When Superman
became Superman Prime, he realized everything was all one.
Even Superman Prime in all of that splendor cannot match the
power of eternality.
Suns may last for billions of years but they are still temporal.
We serve an eternal God.

Just like Superman Prime, we can absorb the Son until we

become Christ ourselves.
Eternal power is not cosmic. It’s not human. We are talking
about the energy God had before Genesis. The glorious presence.
When Christ was spitting up blood from the cross, he wanted us
to understand that he went through that so-we too-can become
eternal. We accept his sacri ce and start to absorb his superpower of
All superhero’s qualities are time bound, temporal and visible.
The Super Christ has superpowers that are eternal, invisible and
in nite.
Let us start to understand that the strongest things are invisible.
UV rays, Gamma Rays and Ultra Gamma rays are all invisible to us
but very visible to God.
Christ’s kingdom is invisible—divine in nature.
He’s an all powerful God. All of these superpowers that we talk
about in all of these chapters, are eternal superpowers that can easily
dwarf man’s intellect.
Superman’s breath was strong but Super Christ’s breath gave us
the Holy Spirit.
His powers are eternal. Even the center of the universe will die
one day. The center of a galaxy is no match for Super Christ.
The spiral of the galaxies is not the same ow as Christ’s all
owing power!
Anything Christ touches with this eternal superpower becomes
The symmetry, light, aura, shape, of the object starts to conform
toward his eternality. It becomes more perfect.
The key is to know the power of this superpower.
No ocean, world, sun, galaxy, universe, multiverse or omniversal
force can withstand his eternality.
Let us receive the eternal power of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ today.

We can drink from the cup of eternality when we read the words
of Jesus Christ.
His presence is eternal and can make our presence eternal.
Is your presence eternal? Call on Christ today to transform your pres‐
ence into a eternal one. We may walk around as temporal human beings,
but with our faith and salvation, we also walk with a eternal presence.
With the power of God, we can feel our eternality even though
we are just mere mortals. We become temporal and eternal at the
same time.
We can think with our presence in Christ. We can have eternal
energy move through our mind.
We become an extension of the presence of Jesus Christ.
When we look at our mind after we decide to claim Christ as our
Lord, it starts to evolve into a eternal mechanism.
We start to think different and our mind moves at different
processing speeds then the temporal mind of the unbelieving man.
We start to Don the mind of Christ. Jesus Christ starts to gain
dominion over the mind and it slowly liqui es into a eternal form.
Our thoughts of solidity are dissolved in the love of Christ and
they take secondary importance.
Most people focus on what to eat, what to wear, where to go, and
who to speak to.
The everyday worldly life has become secondary to us. This is
because eternality is owing through our minds as believers.
We become super powerful when we start focusing on the
This superpower is the centering power of the book. It’s the
reason I titled the book, “Super Christ.” I knew through his eternality
I could snuff all heroes and villains in one fell swoop.
We must remember the center of our faith. Through Jesus Christ
we become eternal.
Many unbelievers suffer this life just for their temporal existence,
so they suffer much.

We suffer this life for eternality and the sting of suffering and
death is not as venomous.
Everything God made in Genesis has a touch of eternality in it.
God’s intelligence is eternal.
Imagine operating with a mind where all thoughts are eternal
because you are eternal and so is all of your environment. One day
you will. Keep on reading.
In the Bible, it says that we can’t see God’s face. Here is what we
can see. We can see the other side of God’s hand through his
Other then man which dropped into sin, the world is graceful,
re ecting eternal subtleties. These animals are full of grace. Even the
biggest animals are obedient and loving to us. The biggest land
mammal is a African Bush Elephant. The biggest water mammal is
the Blue Whale. The biggest sh is the Whale shark. They are all
extremely gentle and kind.
They are a hint of what God is in nature. Look at these animals
and study them. If we look close enough, we don’t just see his paint
but tiny pieces of his bristles on these creatures.
We know God loved what he created because of the grace of
nature. His heart is here.
God doesn’t call the galaxy a Milky Way. He doesn’t call human,
a human. These are names given by people who did not create it. A
person’s name would be much different if it were not given to him by
his parents.
Do you want to know your true name? Come to Christ today.
Come know your name In the oneness and the enternal intelli‐
gence of God.
When we start to grow more and more by thinking upon Jesus
Christ and His Father, we put our mind on the eternal.
Reading the scriptures, following his commandments, and disci‐
plining yourself toward righteousness allows you to manifest eternal

Living as temporal beings allows us to really enjoy the eternal

presence of the Father lavishly.
This is one of the fruits of having this divine nature as a mortal.
It’s like enjoying seafood in the desert or rain during a drought.
Through eternality, we will always be connected to Christ.
Our body is just like a strand of hair shed off the lion of Judah.
We serve a holy God!
The more we serve the more we will see. “Your origins are not
worldly. Your origins are eternal,” says the Super Christ!

John 18:4
Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him,
went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?

O mniscience. Omnipotence. Omni cence. Omnipresence.

These Four Powers combined reveal to us the glory of
God. These Omni-powers also belong to his Son.
Like a four leaf clover that connects to a stem, God holds these
powers to provide his creation fortune and favor.
Super Christ is my personal depiction of Jesus and is not to be
mistaken with any institutional view.
When looking at his Omni powers, we have no choice but to
expand our mind.
Each of of these Omni powers magni es the other and we will
explore all four of them in depth.
God walks, moves and breathes with these Omnipowers. We

breath air. He breaths in Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omni cence

and omniscience.
Knowing his equivalent to our air, we can start to understand
what God is.
Only with our mind can we understand. We can not understand
with our worldly thinking but with our mind dedicated on God and
his higher power. We do this by-not caring as much about what’s on
the news and our personal lives-focusing on pleasing God.
Crowned with the knowledge of Christ, you can nd Christ
within you. When we nd his spirit within us, we understand that he
not the Jesus we see at church, but a Omni powerful spirit within us
that is always peacefully watching behind every thought and action
without interference.
His spirit can enter every atom, every cell at the same time
without our knowing to bid his invisible plan. He also can clothe our
anatomy with light. Every cell of ours can be crowned with all of
these superpowers on a micro intelligent level.
Let us call on him for our health instead of depending on man’s
health system.
When we start to meditate on the Super Christ, we will be lled
with God color, all the way down to our D.N.A.
Like Christ, one day, we too will become indestructible.
Sadly there is nothing in the world with these Omni Powers. This
was planned by our Creator to help us look primarily toward him.
Because man is absent of all these powers without God, we have
a strong reason to call upon the Almighty.
Super Christ is omniscient, which means that he know us better
then we know us.
He knows any and all life forms better then they know
This is why he loves us so much. He knows who we truly are
compared to what man has believed.
He want to give his heart to you. He wants you to have a new

Fear doesn’t exist in your new heart.

All of your mental fragmentations unify and you become whole.
With your new heart, all of the Gods of the universe and multi‐
verses bow in respect.
All because you simply believed in Christ when he was not there
in your physical life. The power of your faith is this valuable and
God invested in you a strong faith so that you can live with him
He knows everything in the temporal universes and he knows
everything in eternity as well.
He knows all secrets that we as men can never know. He knows
all of the secrets of eternity as well.
We have to reach past our limited dying body and worship him
in new ways. When we please the Lord, our life gets better. We
become lit with his grace. Activated with this Omni power, he
breathes on us.
He looks on you with a Omni Mind while you look on yourself as
a organism. The more we please him, the more he looks on us. This is
how we transform.
Let us open our mind to God and his Omni Power.
We don’t need to fear anything with Super Christ around. It
doesn’t matter what is going on or who is around, Jesus is always
with us.
You could combine all of the DC characters against Super Christ
and he would run right through them atomically. Filling every space
between their atoms with God Light.
You could take all the Marvel heroes and combine them as a
league against him, and he could reimagine all of them with his
Super Christ only uses his intelligence to heal and love. This is
why he is the most powerful of all.
He’s calling us into the love of his kingdom. It’s the royalist
kingdom of eternal peace that exists.

We are dealing with a all knowing God. A lot of people aren’t

even truthful with themselves.
When we read the Word of God, we gain more understanding
and protect ourselves from ingenuine people.
We should strive to be as real as we can with ourselves.
Without Jesus Christ, the reason of our existence will remain
impossible to know.
It’s never too late to turn to our true life, the great and almighty
His understanding knows no limit.
Our God is loving, gentle, tender and merciful. He understands if
we stray away from his protection because he has a soft heart for us.
When we turn to him, His Son helps us with all his Super Christ
self to heal our lives.
Like discussed before, he uses all of these superpowers for our
bene t.
Men normally complicate life but the simplicity of the success to
life is to believe in Jesus Christ.
Not just believe but follow his command. Listen, a person who
loves strongly cannot fail. Jesus set us up for success.
I never thought I would be a author, now I have over 20 books.
This book is one of the most special of all because I show you
what a true super hero is.
A hero is not a comic book character. When I say hero, most
people assume that. We have a hero that actually exists. His name is
Jesus Christ.
Meditating in the Word of God allows you to know what real and
unreal is.
The Word will transform our character. It will improve our imag‐
ination. It will release our suffering. It will change our future. It will
provide us a relationship with God.
It’s hard to understand who Jesus Christ was and this is why I
wrote the book, “Super Christ” for you.
Knowledge is power and we have a omniscient God.

Even though we are not omniscient, we will be clothed in his

intelligence. His intelligence will act through us through the Holy
Spirit, and we will become smarter.
You will get brighter.
You will start to wonder where all of these amazing ideas are
coming from. The power of omniscience will ow through you.
One day I thought of the idea to write the book, “Super Christ”
and I said, “whoa, what a powerful concept.”
Little did I know, the idea came from God and I did not even
notice it.

Genesis 1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the
earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of
the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ...

T he most fascinating Suoerpower that exists is Omni cence.

Imagine being able to create anything on the world or in
heaven without any resistance.
This is a power of Jesus Christ.
Obviously, many superpowers must combine for this possibility
along with Omni-focus!
He was so Omni cent that he was creating just by speaking.
He showed us how omni cent he was in Genesis, just by saying, “
Let there be light.” All of light from this creation manifested!
Being this powerful, we must ask, are there other creations?
Think about how magni cent our creator is. We idolize ourself

by how much we have discovered. How much praise does he deserve

for creating it all.
He designed all of the moons, all of the planets, all of the stars
and orbits. He invented them all. How much time would it take man
to invent the entire universe and all of its life, and invent it from
In Genesis, the rst book of scripture, he did it in 6 days.
This is why we can depend on God’s plan. We know our creator is
good because of his architecture and design. Without the interfer‐
ence of the sin of man, it re ects perfection.
Even we were created from this superpower.
He designed it for us to be fruitful. He designed it for us to
multiply in his grace and love.
His Omni-creativity is seen even in your own eyes and face.
Know thyself. Know you have Gods Omni c power in your body,
mind and soul.
He can destroy anything and he can create anything.
Do you know how it feels to be in the creative ow. Could you
imagine being in that ow all the time? This is the power of Jesus
I know when I start getting in the ow with my music and books,
it’s like a different color wheel for me. Things shift and just fall into
place. Jesus Christ is always owing. His cup runneth over.
When we are saved by Jesus Christ, we become super creative. He
re ects his Father’s abilities.
The inspiration you will get from your life stream will be super
creative in nature. You will harness the super power of omni cence.
This superpower of the Father and his Son dwarfs all other
superpowers of any hero!
The most valuable thing in this world is not a lot of money. It’s to
be super creative. The more constructively creative we are, the more
healthier and happier we become. We are creating in every moment
with our words.
Just like God spoke things into existence, what we speak shapes

our future. All of our actions are creative. We are using God’s energy
in every single thing that we do. The energy within us is not electric‐
ity. It has a owner. His name is God. Being that our energy is God
energy, it is enormously creative.
When we follow Christ, we use his energy with higher quality
and we start to create a better life.
Our creativity magni es when we act together. This is why God
designed church. It allows us to be creating together with Christ.
Even though I wrote this book alone, I could not have done it
without others in Christ, who gave me the knowledge to put it all
This energy within us is powerful. It’s God energy. When God
rst said, “Let there be light”, that same light out of his mouth is
in us.
Our ideas can change the world in Christ.
He gives us the ability to be omni cient ourself, through our
One of the main teachings of the Word of God is to use our word
When we speak, it is omni c. Nothing can stop it’s manifestation
at some point in our life! Our words must be created, somehow or
someway. This is why Jesus is so important in our lives. He gives us
the words to say so we can wield this omni c force of our words for
his kingdom.
Many people are lost and without Christ. They don’t have this
biblical knowledge and destroy themselves and their families with
what they say.
We need to look to the Super Christ and then our words become
super. Our thoughts become super.
We are able to create super powerful things for God and our life.
We can paint with colors of Gods mind with our words. You can
say “ I live in the colors of Gods mind.” And someday it will manifest
in someway. Even though our results are not immediate, and we

must wait for our manifestation, the colors will come to you. Maybe
in will arrive in a person eyes or on a vacation in the future.
Can you imagine how many colors are in Gods mind that he can
create with?
It puts the colors of the universe to shame.
He’s the one responsible for creating the shape of an egg, the
shape of the animals. The shape of the galaxies. Everything.
He designed the tree and it’s roots, and all of the fruits of the
world. The trillions of forms of life he designed with ease, in 6 days.
We have a amazing God.
He also designs our afterlife. We want to be the best we can in
this life with our faith because only our faith can reward us heaven.
It’s just the simple faith. Jesus did the work. In return, he uses this
omni cence to design our heaven with him forever! Saving the best
for our afterlife. Designing everything in love and perfection with his
brightest, warmest colors.
Right now, when we call on Christ, we can harness the creativity
of Christ.
He will elevate our imagination and bring a new quality to our
mind. The best example of this assist is Michelangelo, one of the
most famous Christian artists of our time.
You have this creative force in you too!
Your creativity will enter into the spiritual realm and you will
sneak pieces of heaven onto earth.
Call on the Lord and you will share in the gift of the omni c
power of the Super Christ.

Genesis 17:1
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared
to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before
me, and be thou perfect.

G od’s omnipotence is also a Power of Christ. Even though

Jesus was led to the cross, we know he died willingly
because of this super power. If he changed his mind, he
could have summoned 12 leagues of angels to help him!
His true omnipotence can be found in his words. His teachings
lifted this world to a new reality through his power.
He taught Peter how to walk on water. He taught his disciples
how to lift up trees and move mountains with their faith.
He can cleanse us of any sin in the world.
He defeated Rome as one man and stayed obedient to God by
sacri cing his power to love us.

The Roman’s taunted him. He showed even more omnipotence

by not using any of his power during his cruci xion.
Can you imagine a superhero letting that happen and refraining
from using their superpowers to ght?
His main goal was to create con dence in his believers
throughout the rest of time.
He didn’t complain about the whippings, the crown of thorns,
the stabbings and cruci xion.
As a matter of fact, while he was on the cross, he was still loving
the people. He was still praising and was still saving souls. The truth
was, that his body was the least of him. He was God. The other part of
him was all of creation. He was still making stars, spinning all of the
atoms. creating life and balancing the cosmos while being cruci ed.
He was uni ed with his Father during the whole process! He was
being assisted and we need to understand that he felt more love on
that cross then most people without a belief in God.
His Omni-power is real! His words are still currently traveling at
the speed of light. His Gospels are still working in believers as if they
were spoken yesterday.
This is why Jesus was so powerful. This is how we know he is
real. The power of his word and what it is still doing even to this day!
His word has saved billions of souls and he was only speaking to
small groups in Isreal and the surrounding neighborhoods.
He is still evangelizing through spirit!
The word has went through many transformations since the
days that he spoke them.
They formed into the Gospel. They formed into the churches
around the world. They formed into some of the men of God we see
today. They also formed into the “Super Christ.”
You can only imagine what Christ can accomplish with this
superpower alongside the other powers in this book.
Could you imagine what Jesus was thinking about doing while
he was alive?

Could you imagine what he’s thinking about doing right now?
Your thoughts and actions will also transform through his
omnipotent word.
His omnipotence is orchestrating our entire life.
We don’t see it because God is invisible and gracefully subtle.
When we accept Jesus Christ for who he is, omnipotence starts to
ow in our life.
We start to think, act, and speak differently.
If you or a loved one wants to wield these powers- rst-ask Jesus
to enter into your life. Ask him to be your Lord and Savior. Tell him
that you want to be with God. Let him know that you have faith that
he is the only begotten Son of God!
When you follow his word, he will save you!
Opening your heart with prayers like these will allow the
omnipotence to work in your favor from our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Here is a fact! Most humans don’t know anything about these
superpowers! Many humans are bitter, resentful, judgmental, and
ignorant because they have chosen to reject their true God.
Many people don’t have the courage to worship a great God and
stay at the level of their own problems.
This eventually leads us to a choice, either to be like these people
or to follow our hearts to Super Christ.
We are given other superpowers that are not explained in this
book because of our faith. In the Bible, they are called gifts of the
Holy Spirit!
We can prophesize, speak in tongues, move in spirit, heal others,
speak with Gods word, gain revelations, have visions and gain many
more abilities through our faith.
We start to see the difference from believers and unbelievers. The
Super sour people, versus, the Super power people.
A non believer has a destiny of failure. One day he will have to
answer to God why he didn’t believe in his Son. That answer has to
be greater then the reason of why Jesus Died on the cross.
In the Bible, it talks about how we transform into Christ. Our

destiny is to become Christ our self. Through his death of the body,
we were lifted into eternal life as Christ. In the world, we strive to be
like him. We effort to be as loving as we can to please him. Just as he
did for the Father. Our Christ-like nature is re ective of our freedom
in Christ and our future freedom as Christ. This book is a hint on the
super powers you will gain for eternity with your Lord Jesus Christ.
You will be One with Christ forever.
There is no greater super hero! Superman cannot blow anything
on Super Christ! A physical being cannot understand the spirit of all.
When we talk about God being the all, we have to understand
that he is also the spirit of all. The underlying essence and perfection
of life. We too become this spirit through Jesus. We can become the
spirit of the All.
Can you imagine the difference of being identi ed as a mortal
and then transitioning into being the spirit of the all?
You become spirit of all things through our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Our goal is to believe on him. Have faith that we will not be a
individuated form forever but be boundless in spirit with him.
Understanding this difference allows you to let this Omni-power
ow through you. Can you feel it?

Luke 1:19
And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in
the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew
thee these glad tidings.

I am here, I am there, I am everywhere! This is what the spirit of

Jesus Christ says in its omnipresent power.
Jesus Christ is everything on the map.
The true eyes of Christ are bigger then the core of the universe!
It is beyond cosmic power because nothing in the universe is
His eyes were watching the earth spin as the disciples looked into
The beauty is that we too become omnipresent in Christ. In
Christ, we have the ability to stop thinking for extended period of
time. Through his spirit, we become stronger then thought even!

Could you imagine how this shifts our mind. The neural path‐
ways in a Christian’s brain has different connections. Connections to
If you needed to follow signs to the road of Christ in a vehicle,
you would look up and the green sign above the highway would say,
Between the spirals, a white illuminating cloudy presence is ever
spinning through our galaxy. This is the color of Christs omnipresent
“Be still and know I am God.” What does this mean in the Bible.
It is a crowning of power to Christian’s to slow their mind and stop
it. We as believers have the ability to completely still our mind.
When we do, we experience the omnipresent force of the creator
within us.
We do not learn this in school. The truth is, we are much greater
then anything we ever learned. This is why I stilled my mind to
provide you with the “Super Christ.”
In this book, you can reach in with your mind and have access to
a arsenal of weaponry to use during any time of your life.
This superpower of omnipresence that Christ gifts is, makes us
whole. We are complete in our own omnipresence.
No longer will you differentiate-so severely-the world with man
made labels. When you look under the rock, you will nd yourself. If
you split a piece of wood, you will nd yourself there.
This provides us a new sovereignty. You will be able to live differ‐
ently by living with less differentiation in your mind.
Every thought is a differentiation, but with the power of God, we
can still the mind.
His presence alone will still the mind when we call on him!
We have a everlasting, gentle and still God. His stillness makes
him almighty. When we emulate his stillness, we also gain power.
Simply put, this is not just a superpower that Jesus has, it’s a
superpower that we have as believers.

If you were to take your brain out of the equation, your mind
would be omnipresent in form. This is what happens when we still
our mind. We nd peace beyond the nervous system.
God’s eyes are the stars, the planets are his feet in his body here
in the universe!
Just as the rays of the Light are everywhere, we can ponder on
their similarity to God’s omnipresence.
Even though many people believe that our thoughts are our true
self. There is something else. Something greater.
After reading this chapter you will have a choice at anytime to
think or not to think.
Using both aspects of yourself is necessary to feel whole!
Through this knowledge, our thoughts can lead us to a greater
presence, and our omnipresence can lead us to greater thoughts.
Many of my works, including the “Super Christ,” has came from
this place of presence. I meditate and nd other ways to still my
mind to call on God. The combination of my presence and his, helps
me put out this quality of work!
Mankind is predominantly held within the constrains of thinking
without acknowledgement of this presence of Christ. The key is to
harness this ability and use it to improve your other superpowers to
operate within the mind of Christ.
If we trust in man and his institutions, omnipresence will take
the backseat. Many of us will not even experience our own God given
presence because of our trust in man rather then God!
Are our leaders operating with this presence? Our parents? Our
This is why Christ is our true leader. He leads us always to where
he is because he is everywhere.
Man feels threatened by this presence because mankind is domi‐
nated by the lower mind.
Many people have been deceived into thinking that they are their
mind. We are not even the one thinking those thoughts. We are the

presence of God beyond all thoughts, that provides the space to

In a sense, because of unbelief and sin, we are oceans believing
we are sh. How much would a ocean suffer believing it was a sh?
This is the position of many men without the assistance of the great
almighty God in their life.
I was given knowledge of these powers through faith! Jesus
forms the galaxies within his hands. We know how his hands move
through their design! Let us put our faith in him!
To be omnipresent is the ultimate gift.
Omnipresence is our ultimate secret. When we nd it, we nd
the hidden cave within us that has no end. It’s waters are everlasting.
Claim this super attribute now!
Even though we cannot touch the sun, it touches us more then
any other being.
Just like we cannot touch God, he touches us always beyond our
thinking process, in the rays of his omnipresence that is also ours.
This intimacy with stillness takes the mind off the throne as your
king. There is something greater then the repetitive thoughts we
generate everyday.
Jesus says in Mathew 28:20, “ I am with you always.”
The maturity in Christ lies in This.
When we are looking out to the species of mankind, we are
bound to increase our thinking process. Mankind is geared to repress
our thinking and emotions and suppress who we are. We need
rescue from the sinful societies of man. We all need more then
anything to call on Super Christ to save us.
He is like Superman for our souls. He helps us see the parts of us
that God created. Parts of ourselves that are blinded by the allure of
man and his pleasures.
God says to pray to him in private. Find a place to be alone, that
is quiet. Here we can nd true luxury.
Here’s the truth. Everyone in Christ’s kingdom is omnipresent.

We are able to be part of the royalist kingdom that exists right now.
Let us bring a piece of heaven to earth and develop a habit to live in
our presence rather then our repetitive thought process.
Mind is a universal tool with our presence leading it, but a enemy
of our soul without it.

Revelation 7:2
And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of
the living God:

H ow many universe’s are there?

Multi dimensional power is not often discussed in
We do know through scripture that there are other dimensions.
Elijah was lifted up to another dimension through chariots and
horses of God re. Jesus was resurrected to a kingdom that he said
was with his Father.
Many visionaries like Daniel and Joseph were given the ability to
correlate the dream dimension and reality. Yes, dreams do have
signi cance!
Jesus talked about his kingdom being a place we couldn’t go.
In the Bible, Jesus said that he was going to his kingdom and he
was going to a place no one could go.

Even the afterlife could be considered a different dimension. In

the Bible, King Saul was able to communicate with a deceased
prophet called Samuel by connecting to a different Dimension!
Angels seem to come from different dimensions.
We know that God is almighty! He has multidimensional
We have multidimensional power within ourselves! We are
discovering that we are equipped with a subconscious mind that is
responsible for shaping our reality and how we feel and perceive.
Are there dimensions of ourself that we can nd access to?
In the Bible, Jesus says, “I am the open gate.”
He opens the gate to the dimension of heaven. Heaven becomes a
dimension to ourselves-that we gain access too-through our faith in
There is one planet, but many worlds!
Why do people have completely different realities in similar
places with different perceptions and paradigms? It seems like we
are all a window to a different dimension, and we are creating with
our beliefs and thoughts.
Through our belief in Jesus, we open the dimension of Christ in
our lives. A portal is open and our life changes. We become trans‐
formed and gain supernatural powers.
Super Christ Says, “I am the Alpha and Omega.” This means he
holds dominion in all dimensions. In the book of Revelations, he
exposes that he has the keys to heaven and the earth.
In the book of Revelations, he opens scrolls that all open different
dimension of God onto earth.
Super Christ is anointed to open these scrolls in the end times of
Gods creation here on earth.
A great realization is that he holds ultimate power in all dimen‐
sions that exist in our multidimensional creation.
With Christ, our path is a multidimensional faith.
We have Earth, dreams, heaven, afterlife, places for unbelievers
and many other spiritual places depicted in scripture.

Imagine 8 billions planets Earths lined up, side by side, in the

universe. We each have our own world that we experience in a
different way. Through man, there are many different dimensions.
Through angels there are many different dimensions. Any being that
can think is a different dimension present. We put our faith to enter
into the dimension of the Super Christ. His halo is multidimensional.
How many heavens are there? He is king of them all!
Those who don’t believe in Jesus go to a dimension that is absent
of Christ but is still governed by God.
This Earth seems like a cross road. A choice to access one of two
different dimensional realities. A dimensional reality with our Lord
and one where he is absent.
The Super Christ can be in as many places in these dimensions at
once! Let’s call to him, no matter what dimension we are in today!
Do these dimensions spiral? Do they orbit each other? Are they
organized by a higher mind, like our dreams when we awake? Are we
intelligent enough to manage or manipulate these dimensions as
human beings, if other dimensions were revealed to us?
We praise God and have faith that he will organize with his intel‐
ligence these details and work things out for us in our favor when it
comes to decisions on this plane of existence.
When we connect to his dimension through prayer, he helps our
mind become more powerful. A different dimension does become
revealed to us. From within.
Through prayer we can contact others through God and bring
Through faithful prayer, we become multi-dimensional. We
mentally access a dimension that is full of treasure, peace and
Through God, we can gain balance and equality in all dimensions
within us. We can nd peace in his oneness and nd wholeness, no
matter how many dimensions are present within our mind.
His love can enter all of these doors and illuminate these worlds
and even resurrect them with his Christ power.

It’s possible to gain access to a dimension through vibrations.

When the vibrations of the brain slows in sleep, we dream. When we
raise our vibration from dreaming, we awake.
Can we have a further awaking from this dream like state
through the vibration of our Lord Christ?
I also believe that our words, thoughts and even the music we
listen to bring us to different dimensions of reality.
I know that with all of these different dimensions, our Savior will
help us with their adaptation.
Even the multidimensional aspects of our mind and body in
terms of emotions and thoughts needs his cleansing and wholeness
for us to thrive.
Christ will open the dimension of eternity and give us access if
we keep looking to him as savior. Our faith is what we ght for in
this life and the reward is this dimension.
Christ has full knowingness of what God is, and this is why we
are faithful to his word and discipline. It leads us to brighter dimen‐
sions even in this world
One day Jesus came into the dimensions of my dreams. I was 18
years old. I awoke in the dream and it looked exactly like my normal
apartment at the time. I thought I awoke. Jesus had designed the
dream to look like my reality. Maybe it was to awaken lucidity within
my consciousness for this holy encounter. He looked just like the
depiction of Christ that I designed on the cover of this book. Glowing
with light. He said to me, “ There will be a war soon.” Even though he
said these words, I was comforted more then I ever was in my life. It
was because of the way he said them. Then with complete dominion,
he rose and oated through the wall of my apartment. When I actu‐
ally awoke, I realized with conviction the existence of Jesus through
this multi-dimensional experience.
Through that dream, I realized he was master of my dream
dimension and this dimension that I perceive as reality.
The astonishing fact of my walk is that so far, my closest
encounter with Jesus was not in this world, but within me.

I hope this chapter, through our faith in our Lord and savior,
strengthens our multi-dimension intelligence and protects it.
This is a area where I call on the Super Christ for all of us, to save
the day. Let’s call on our Lord who has these superpowers in all
dimensions of creation.
He can bring the power of his dimension-the kingdom of
heaven-and bring it to ours.
Together as a people, we can bring more of that dimension to
earth until we become a Christian species and link these two dimen‐
sions for all of us, bringing heaven to earth.

Mark 1:2
As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before
thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

J esus was known as a prophet by every Abrahamic religion.

This was one of his main superpowers while walking the
earth. He could look past time into the eternal realms.
As Christians, we believe in Jesus as the Son of God. Hear
this. This man is so powerful that he is even in scripture pages of
other religions.
Even other religions claim Jesus and his prophetic power.
Due to this, he is the only man that can unify two religions
into One.
No one man on earth can deny that Jesus Christ is a prophet. His
words are still the most relevant and useful even in today’s techno‐
logical society.
The prophets in the Bible are the most powerful beings in the

Bible. Being a prophet during those times meant that you were a
supernatural force. That you had real life superpowers.
Moses split the Red Sea, Elijah split the Jordan River. They could
resurrect people from the dead. Send plagues to their enemies. Yet
Jesus was different. He only used his prophetic superpowers to heal
and love others.
During biblical times, prophets were more powerful then kings.
Prophets were known to emerge during times of tribulations to
help Gods people.
Jesus came as a prophet to free the world.
Being Christ-like, we also hold Christ power. Most of the mira‐
cles of the Bible came from the prophets. We too hold miracle
So what is prophetic power? It’s the power to allow the spirit to
move through you.
The spirit activates abilities to see the future, perform miracles
and speak the words God wants spoken.
A prophet gives direction. He can locate the problem and offer
solutions through assistance of the spirit of God.
He also holds the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were released as
promises through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We cannot hear God directly because his voice is to powerful.
Just like we cannot hear octaves or frequencies that are too high, he
cannot be perceived in his true form. He chooses to operate through
the mouths of others so we can understand. Jesus was his best
expression of doing this.
We were able to receive the enormous word of God in its unadul‐
terated form without being harmed by the power of his voice. This is
why Jesus came to teach.
We have to understand the voice of God was powerful enough to
create the universe.
In Genesis when he commanded, “Let there be light!” all of the
stars were made.

For us to hear this being of supreme power, he chooses prophets

that are strong enough to carry his messages.
Even his softest whisper in true from would annihilate us all. He
can speak through our souls. We can hear him from this eternal
place of ourself. From this place, we are strong enough to listen to his
gentle voice.
A eternal being created a temporal existence. His octave is the
vibration responsible for all action. Those with strong enough souls
can receive his direction and give the gift of his word to others.
This is the power of a prophet.
This is how God speaks to humans. Within us. When our souls
becomes illuminated in Christ, our souls become strong enough to
listen to the voice of God.
The inner self, the spacious self, the Christ awareness, the Christ-
consciousness, he can whisper through that and we can survive it.
Ask yourself the question, could you accept the instruction for
the real voice of God?
This was the superpower Jesus had.
What we nd through the prophets is the evidence that the truth
relies in our words.
Until we nd a person claiming to be Christ, with more loving
words documented, Jesus will prevail in the hearts of those looking
for their creator.
Jesus had the ability to help people understand the truth.
He was given all of the abilities that he had for the purpose of
helping people nd the truth.
He had the truth and he gave his life to help us nd what life
really meant.
He helps us realize that life was meant to nd God.
Here’s another truth. Every Christian in the world has prophetic
powers within them. These powers are the gift to his believers
through the holy spirit.
The trinity is a synonym for perfect spiritual compatibility. The

Father is perfectly interconnected with the Son, The Son with the
Spirit, Spirit to Father, Father to Son.
When we are saved by God, we become the Son and transform
into the trinity.
We are perfectly spiritually compatible.
This is the power of faith.
Now we too can speak like the prophets, save others, intercede,
make music and write with the same quality of the prophets in
We become activated as the trinity and read the Bible differently.
We see life in a new light.
Even though we have become the trinity, it is so uni ed that we
become all things. We become One.
In today’s world, we want to know what is going on. All we have
to look toward is media and news.
Yet we are not going to get the truth from these ad sources.
The truth will bubble in our consciousness as we transform into
Christ consciousness.
Then we move forward and help others to nd Christ so they can
receive the grace to go through the same growing process.
Repeat these words, “ Lord you are terrible in might, your power
is frightening. Through your mercy and love, please provide me the
gift of prophecy. In the name of you only Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
The prophets are not saying what is in the news. They don’t care
about what’s on media. They will not teach from a textbook. They
are speaking the words that are coming from God. We receive grace
to do this though our faith in his Son.
The greatest prophecy has been revealed!
Christ has came and given his life for our salvation. We can
nally make peace with God! Our guilt can be washed through the
power of Jesus! We can use our suffering for his plan! We are going to
receive a reward. Our souls have been saved by the Super Christ!

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you.

J esus is the God of perfect peace. There is no other illustration of

God as more peaceful.
The entire foundation of his teachings is to forgive and love
to obtain peace. We actually learn how to build powerful king‐
doms ourselves by following these principles of our savior God.
When Jesus Christ resurrected, the rst word he spoke was
He provided us peace by giving us oneness with his God.
His entire kingdom of eternality is build on peace that stays
kindled forever.
When we become Christian, we naturally become more peaceful
because of the knowledge of Jesus Christ that is activated through
his spirit.

The words in the Bible are the foundation of peace that Christ
uses to build upon in our life. The scripture isn’t nished with the
book of revelations, it’s nished with your name. There is a 67th
book and it has your name on it. We all have a holy walk with Christ.
Why is peace is a superpower?
This is what everyone truly wants deep down in their souls and
as Christians, we can provide it.
This is why Christian institutions are so wealthy. They provide
people a way toward peace!
Peace is the soil where all goodness can grow.
Peace is an emanation of oneness.
Peace comes from the result of Jesus dying for us.
We gain peace the more we understand the man who made this
sacri ce for us!
In Christ, we nd our depth and realize deep down that we are
beings of peace!
We have a choice to focus on the way of man, which steals our
peace or we can live our life for God and gain the peace that is avail‐
able only through his Son!
For us, we nd peace through the cleansing of our sin. Jesus takes
our guilt as a exchange for our faith and gives us peace to replace it!
Eventually, our entire life is modeled after Christ and we provide
ourselves a kingdom of peace build by his teachings.
Having this kingdom in your life is more valuable then anything
in our lives.
People look to us for direction because of our peace. They start to
see Christ in the things that we are doing.
A piece of the world can be stolen, but the peace of God cannot.
Peace is the treasure we receive in Christ as faithful stewards. He
unwaveringly washes us of our sin from our day to day dealings in
the world.
Peace is powerful because love emanates from its roots. Courage,
con dence and acceptance germinate from its gardens as well.

Without peace, it is impossible to grow the fruit of long lasting

Jesus is like the dove and we are like the olive branch protruding
from his mouth.
From all of these peaceful energies stems forth creativity and
from creativity, abundance.
It’s a simple equation. Follow Christ and receive peace. It’s not
enough just to believe. We must emulate Christ.
We know we are emulating him because we feel our souls. We
feel we’re doing the right thing.
Following the master, there is no guilt in our actions.
Most of guilt comes from our sex instincts. This is where sin can
be found at its root. We call on Christ daily to wash us clean and
continue to offer pleasing praise to him. This is how we nd this
When we are knowing we are doing the right thing, we develop
higher hopes in the afterlife and they become real possibilities for us.
Imagine a beautiful afterlife with Christ and his Father in oneness
and love. You are as powerful as every being there. You are One.
There is only freedom and peace. Everything is yours and everyone
else’s. Everywhere is accessible at all times. Everything is pure. You
have the mind of God. Your able to love and communicate like God.
Could you accept this?
Jesus washes us clean with his life that he spared us until we can
believe thoughts like these as possibilities.
In sin, we believe that we must worship God until the end of
We will be One with Christ in the afterlife because of faith and
faith only.
Sin robs us of peace and occurs when we turn from honoring or
magnifying the name of God. We were created to worship our God in
this world.
Turning from our purpose and design falters us and our con ‐

dence. Guilt accumulation deintensi es our thoughts and we

become more dense and susceptible to sickness and decay.
When we are praising God, our vibration stays high, we are
pleasing in the eyes of the creator and receive light that can improve
the quality of our emotions and thought processes. Without guilt,
our hopes for the future also become brighter.
Let’s face it, we look to Jesus to transcend from an animal realm.
When we turn from God, we only have beasts to face.
Whether the face be money, sex, approval or resources.
Turning to God allows us to be superheroes of peace. We become
spiritual, peaceful beings in an animal realm. We are still composed
of primate evolved esh, but a different light is compatible.
This is how God designed our life. To be compatible with spirit
even in this beastly world. He gave us a clear choice.
This book is to guide you to peace. You can become a superhero
of peace the more you follow the Super Christ!
Christ is constantly emanating us peace.
Looking at the night sky on a quite night couldn’t even compare
to the peace of our God. Those stars are temporal.
Imagine if those stars were shining the glorious light of eternal
heaven. Stars that could live forever. This would be re ective of our
God’s peace.
God makes us understand that we are much more powerful then
our societal system gives us credit for.
We become more powerful when we question what the peace of
Christ is.
Have you found it?
Even today, science has not been able to prove any single
discovery of eternal structure.
There is no such thing as forever in man’s way of science. Science
turns its back on God and gives fancy names for a beastly temporal
Yet through God, we can nd peace at the core of all existence.
Even our breath, the core of our energy, can drop us into peace! A

place where science says there is just molecular bondage becomes a

doorway to feel our soul, when we have faith. A mystery found only
by few. The peace of Christ is our journey.
The spirit that could transform wine into water and ultimately
its greatest miracle, A man into a God.
Do you want to have a relationship with this spirit?
Live in your natural state with Christ. Your peace.
I have been a RN for ten years, allowing the healing to ow into
my writings to empower readers around the world.
I hope these words give you peace. I too had to sacri ce to get
them to you. May every word be a seed of Christ’s peace, that the
spirit can water in your mind.

1 Isaiah 43:4
Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable,
and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people
for thy life.

A ll of the words that came from the heart of Jesus came from
his superpower of love.
Before Christ was born, they did not know it was 1 BC.
They were lost in the way of man, under the brutal rule of the Roman
This was the pristine time for God’s plan. He would bring his Son
to the world during one of the most sinful times in history.
The red letters in the gospel are all full of the breath of God that
permeated around the world during that time. They were responsi‐
ble, ultimately, for the destruction of empires.
How could a poor man, who was born in a manger be responsible
for the destruction of one of the strongest nations in the world?

Jesus arrived to the world as a infant. Destined to one day be the

Savior of our race.
God furnished Jesus with everything he needed to ful ll his plan
Jesus was animated in the world by the most formidable power
in the universe.
The true light of God’s heart, divine love.
This term called divine love is rarely spoken in todays society.
It’s the most powerful force in the world, and it holds complete
dominion over our lives. Every action we take is attempting to
receive divine love to the degree our intelligence allows.
We learn through God’s Son how to receive this energy directly.
After the discipline is complete, we can harness divine love and
receive it directly, eliminating the need for a generic substance
in man.
Jesus gave us the most love out of all spiritual gures. There was
no other depiction of God that had loved mankind to the degree that
he had.
Jesus held the secret to obtain the keys of the force more
powerful then all of the Omniverses! It was divine love!
If you were to be there during the time of his cruci xion, he
would look down on you and say “ I Love You.” He came to express
that love to you. He could only do that by coming at the perfect time
to the earth.
Being so powerful that all of creation was formed by his love, his
climax of his love for you was the cross. Is there a more powerful way
for God to say that he loves you?
All of creation was waiting one day to see the love of God. It
arrived, as Jesus Christ.
What we learned was that love is the ultimate sacri ce. We learn
from God that the ultimate sacri ce is love.
He sacri ced his time, his reputation, his energy and at the end,
his life in the perfect way to nish his message.
All of creation has the ability to love enormously.

Every being born is looking for God’s tremendous love. They also
give enormous amounts of love.
Even tigers and lions are extremely loving when trust is there.
I even feel if you had a baby Dinosaur, no matter which kind it
was, would love a man if it were fed and nurtured properly.
Creation was made by a loving creator. For man, sin is a enemy
that limits our capability to love. Sin is also the reason why animals
show aggression and attack.
We depend on the love of Jesus Christ.
He increases our capacity to love and increases the love in the
God created the world to be fabricated in love and for Christ to be
the master of love.
God’s love is freeing. He wants all life to be free and loving. This
is only possible through Jesus Christ. When we are in Christ’s love,
we want all beings to be fed, loved, happy and free. We want all
beings to have what they desire and we do everything we can to
make them feel important and special.
Love is Super Christs superpower. He knows everything about
love. He knows the non molecular composition. The spectrum,
velocity and octave. He knows it’s half life. He has an intelligence
that is forever perfected in the highest love, divine love.
Scriptures is the sanctuary of Christ’s words. His words, being
the conclusion of scripture were also its foundation.
We learn through his words, his actions and what he didn’t do.
We learn through these three components that his love was non-
expectational. It was a free giving to attract people to freedom and
salvation. He allowed people to be who they were and loved them
regardless. He forced his hand on no one.
His climatical act of love was his torture. Through this experience
that is not possible today in our modern world, he proved his love
with his words on the cross.
He did not condemn, judge or even complain. He continued to
love while being cruci ed.

This is the love of the Super Christ.

Now through Christ, we can live the entire world through his
simple teaching. By forgiving it.
We start the forgiveness with ourselves. Then we expand to our
family. Then we expand out to our neighbors and friends. Then our
enemies. Then our borders open to the entire block, neighborhood,
city and state.
We can go further in Christ and through forgiveness love the
nation, continent, world and universe.
Without Christ, we start to become insecure with ourselves and
those around us. We cannot expand ourselves beyond our own sin
that can only be cleansed by Jesus.
We start to mature and love and we can satisfy others with this
tremendous energy. With more growth, we start to see the entire
world as ourselves. We identify with all of creation as being within
us and us within Christ.
Without Christ, it’s dif cult to properly love our immediate
family even.
It is impossible for us to love to our capacity without Christ. We
may allude ourselves with other beliefs and religions, but following
less loving leaders will result in less loving followers.
We begin the path by learning and following his command‐
ments. Then we learn how to seek Gods forgiveness of our sin. The.
We graduate in teaching others the way.
When Jesus was born, King Herod tried to kill the hero. To this
day, his knowledge is suppressed and his followers persecuted.
Men will attack us and our families will assassinate us and our
name. The advanced level of our faith is to still praise his name.
I give you this knowledge because the walk is not easy as you
Yet through it all, we obtain the way to love like Christ did,
This is how we harness the Superpower ourselves. We model
after our God hero and become heroes ourselves.

One of the hardest things for me to do was become a author. It

wasn’t the writing, I knew how to write. It was because my name
was assassinated. Even though I was a innocent man, the people of
my nation denied my name in Christ. They altered my background
from being the healer in Christ into a criminal.
When I would put books out, I would get attacked for it. On two
occasions, I was red from my job when I released my books.
I didn’t know what type of danger I was putting myself in. Yet, I
knew Christ was in me and he needed to speak. I put my safety on
the line and continued to write for all people, children included.
Like Christ, I let my words become my truth.
Your walk might not be as dif cult. You may not be called to
write for God, but in some way, you have gifts that may be
attacked by the world. Continue to look to Christ through it and be
Doing this will reward you with the superpowers outlined in
these chapters and you will own a love that only our savior, Jesus
Christ can give.
I forgive the world for its trespasses and through forgiveness I
become stronger in Christ. I gain his love and continue to become
stronger on my walk.
When you can forgive the world, you have a superpower. You are
no longer earthbound.
It’s not our de nition of love that hits the mark. It’s not our de ‐
nition of forgiveness. It’s the de nition set forth by Jesus Christ. This
is the ticket.
Let us release our hatred to the Lord. It wasn’t ours anyway. We
picked it up on the journey. Let us forgive everyone so we can love
the beings everywhere, even in heaven.
Christ’s law of love gave us a new love. Together, in Christ, we
can heal everyone on the world.
In Christ, we receive the simple knowledge that is not found in
complex college curriculum.
We have billions of believers in Christ in the world yet the Chris‐

tian life is still not mainstream. This means that we have to stay
rooted in the word and become messengers of the good news.
An unbelievers response may be, “Love others? Are you kidding
me? Look at the world we’re living in!”
We look upon Christ to give us the superpowers to show them
the truth of how to live a Godly life.
So let’s start with loving the family. Be the hero there with your
new superpowers you have gained in this book. Love your spouse,
children, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and distant
It’s not easy to be a hero.
It wasn’t easy for Superman, Batman, The Hulk, Thor, Spider-
Man, the X-Men or even Catwoman or Wonder Woman.
We ght our battles just like Jesus did and become crowned as a
superhero in our own life.
Forgiveness is the key. We don’t have to give our enemies choco‐
lates and owers but we can af rm peace in our hearts for them.
This is how we become the Super Christ. If we were to take all of
the words that were spoken ill of you, you would have a book series.
The truth is, you are the author of your life. You can choose to live
in the way of divine love or the way of man.
Christ is more important to us then any man in the end. We take
what men say with a grain of sugar when they speaks ill and a grain
of salt when they speak kind.
I don’t want to be with men in my afterlife, I want to be with
God. His command is to look past offenses even when they call us the
offender after doing so.
My body is here to praise the name of Christ and I do it everyday.
When Jesus woke up, he praised his father everyday. He didn’t
use his power to hangout and take it easy.
We shouldn’t say, some days I will praise and some days I
will not.
We praise him everyday.
The human body is a symbol of division. The more we don’t

praise, the more access our enemies have to destroy us on the

A boxer trains everyday. He takes hits and he doesn’t feel many of
them because he trained every single day in the ring with his coach
and sparring partners.
When we train to praise everyday, we become stronger against
attack from our enemies and spiritual forces.
We can make the habit of reading the Bible, prostrating, praying
and going to church.
When the enemy says, don’t read the Bible today, we are condi‐
tioned to take the hit and keep reading. People that are not condi‐
tioning themselves are being knocked out by the enemy!
They may say, “ I don’t feel like it.” Eventually they stop all
together and become susceptible.
Do you imagine what the ultimate superhero of the gods can do
for us when we praise him daily?
We receive enormous amounts of love!
I desire for us all to be superheroes of love.
Love is what will heal us. It will transform us and what will
resurrect us into life everlasting.
We only have one kingdom of love and this kingdom belongs to
Jesus Christ.
Jesus wants us to have the same position that he has.
If he has a God, he works for us to have a God. If he was resur‐
rected, he works for us to be resurrected. If he has divine love, he
wants us to have the same love. He has a everlasting kingdom! He
wants us to have the kingdom too! He wants us to live for as long as
he does! When he looks in your eyes, he sees himself. He wants you
to see yourself in him!
His love wants to offer you his power. All these chapters with all
of these superpowers are yours now through his love.
I hope you are beginning to see that you are. A superhero of love.
With Christ we are a superhero. Without him, we are a super

I was beaten up, locked up, labeled as evil, threatened, hated,

mocked while writing these books. I didn’t stop. I said, I’m going to
write another one! I’m going to create the “Super Christ!”
“The Super Christ” is in your hands because of Gods love.
Take his gift. Live in Christ.

2 Peter 1:3
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that
pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that
hath called us to glory and virtue:

T his is one of the most incredible chapters of the “Super

Christ.” It talks about the Glory power of God.
Glory is to God what blood is to our veins.
As much red beam vision that Superman showed us in all his
comics is like the glory Christ showed us in the gospels.
Can you visualize how Christ looks at this very moment in his
kingdom. He is clothed with glory. Every single type of heavenly light
permeates around his being, like a rainbow crystallizing into a solid
arc across the sky.
What are the nest lights your mind can imagine? They are dim
compared to how Christ shines right now.

The glory power is what I live for. We received bits and pieces of
it when we are on the right path toward God. Jesus is the Glory of our
world just as the Father is the Glory of his.
How could such a glorious being of heaven be so humble to serve
us and wash our feet?
The word glory is in the Bible 375 times. Each time hinting to the
true form of God.
Even though Jesus Christ concealed his glorious presence as a
man to teach us, it was inevitably revealed in time through his resur‐
This glory is untouchable and unknowable to man. We can reach
it no easier then arriving at the sun.
Yet through the grace of Jesus Christ, we experience the glory of
God as a evolved primate.
Jesus uses this superpower to facilitate our lives as he walks with
us and our plan unfolds.
Through repentance of sin and turning to the Gospel, we have
glory power.
He wants us to have as much glory as he has in eternity. When
we focus on his glory, our mind activates a latent area in its back‐
round. We are given the ability to think on eternity and form
thoughts and energies from the kingdom of God.
All angels have power, but Gods angels have the glory power. It
surrounds them and they surround us. Being around Christ and the
host of heaven through our faith, we start to manifest a glorious life.
A life that angels assisted. A life that archangels assisted. A life
that Christ assisted. A life that God planned for us.
Only through Christ does this glory power reign supreme.
In today’s world, we look at Christian’s as normal people. It’s just
a religion. What they don’t know is the enormous glory that is lying
hidden within Christ’s believers!
These are God’s Chosen people! They have all types of super‐
powers owing through them! They are glorious!

This glory is more royal then anything that we have in this world.
The more we focus on Christ, the more it ows through our minds,
re-qualifying us forever.
Glory is what separates normal men from God’s men. His people
are glorious. Their words are lled with God’s glory. Their minds are
lled with God’s glory. Their heart is lled with God’s glory. Their
Soul is led with God’s glory.
Can you imagine yourself being lled with this glory?
Glory has nothing to do with man. It is not found on the electro‐
magnetic sphere of the planet. It is not found in the oxygen we
breath. It is not found in solar light. It is not found in stellar light. It
belongs to God alone. This is why God delights in his own presence.
He lls himself with his own glory.
His throne is his presence. He bathes in it fully and eternally.
God gives us this supernatural substance to hold dominion with
Christ in our lives. It conforms us to his perfection.
The more we call on God, the more glory is available. “Lord, I
want to follow you today.” “Lord, I want to Choose you.” “Lord, I
want to know you more.” The more we pray, the more glorious we
become. The more we pray to God, the less we prey on others. The
more we believe in the glory power, the more we receive the glory
He takes care of all our needs and one of the most deepest desires
we have is for our Creator’s glory. The very seed of Christ was created
with it.
His Glory lures us in like a Shepard.
Christ is like a Shepard and we are like sheep.
The Shepard watches over the sheep and feeds them. In return,
the sheep grow wool for the Shepard. We are valuable to Christ and
he is a loving shepard.
Our knowledge, testimonies, works and acts in Christ are like the
wool that God shaved off of our back to provide love for others who
do not have any warmth. They do not have any divine love.

Christ shepard’s me to write and to love for others. When people

read the “Super Christ,” they feel warmth. The words are like wool.
Dedicated to please God.
The superpower of Glory is In Christ’s hands. He will show us his
ultimate glory when we enter into the afterlife and realize that we
are saved by his work.
There is nothing warmer then wool. There is nothing warmer
then Gods love.
There are levels of God’s glory that stack so high that we cannot
I want everyone to relate to our God. This is why I created the
“Super Christ.”
I knew that if I projected Jesus Christ as a superhero, that I would
attract a wider audience that relate to these type of characters. I
want young men to relate to Jesus the way they relate to the heroes
in the movie theaters.
I want these people who idolize imaginary heroes to meet their
true hero. The one that has saved them forever from darkness and
evil. The ultimate being with the ultimate superpowers. The book
bridges the gap and hopefully will help more people come to Christ.
I showed through these chapters that there is no hero like him.
They are frail in comparison.
The beauty about Christ is that he gives us these superpowers to
use as well!
We don’t just become superheroes. We become superheroes
forever. When we die as Christians, we become a Super Christ.
Jesus doesn’t just save the day, he will save you from mortality.
His glory will circulate around you in all you do. Your work will
become glorious. Your art will be full of glory. Your home and family
will feel the glory of Christ in you. You will outperform all of your
competition because of this glory. Because it can’t be explained, you
will slide right on by with the win, again and again.
Sometimes he gives us so much glory that we don’t know what

to do with it. It’s overbearing and we need to nd outlets to express

the energy. All glory be to God! If he can raise Lazarus from the dead,
we can be raised to new glorious life!

Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt
thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

I am that I am
The great I Am. Before Abraham I am.
Jesus Christ had given us statements in the form of I AM.
When he said these statements, he was speaking from the all know‐
ingness and presence he held that spanned across the entire creative
eld of existence.
I am the True Vine. I am the Bread of Life. I am the Open Gate. I
am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the Living Bread. There are
many more of his I AM statements.
When we repeat these statements, we harness his God power.
They are not just statements but portals to the I AM presence
through word and Christ imagery.
The more we repeat them in our mind or through our word, we

will increase the power of life. It will ignite and awaken the I AM
presence that is peacefully owing through us.
This light of his I AM statements awaken God qualities with us. “
I AM the light.” “I AM the Alpha and Omega.” “ I AM the beginning
and the end.”
Keep repeating these I AM statements and watch characteristics
of your life improve.
When we say I AM, we are exercising our superpower in Christ. It
doesn’t matter what our I AM statement includes. You could speak, “
I Am a Billionaire,” and God will listen.
I wrote a book called “Super Thought,” and the work teaches
individuals how to think a thought 100 times to concentrate the
thought and create a “Super Thought.”
After you lay the rst hundred thoughts down, you can build on
them to build more super of a thought.
Try this with the I AM statements. “I AM the Resurrection and
the Life.” “I AM the True Vine.”
You can also create your own!
I am prosperous. I am love.
I am Christ. I am kind. I am happy. I am peaceful.
All of our words hold the power of the I AM, whether we say I AM
or not. All words invoke this God energy.
I think by now, we know Christ has an in nite amount of
He can hold any superpower he wants to, at any intensity he
Jesus is I AM!
I Am That I Am is everything.
This is why we call God, Almighty. He is in everything!
He could enter into every microscopic cell in the universe and use
them all at once to disperse a thought through its network.
He can do anything!
He is the author of it all! He made everything!
To man, nothing is everything. To God, everything is nothing.

He is grand, he is all powerful. He could dissolve the universe

with a word!
Compared to his knowingness, we are just a dream body.
Our knowingness in a non-lucid dream is how we can compare
ourselves to his greatness. Compared to his intelligence, we know
This is why many people do not follow God. They have to admit
how much greater God is.
In the Bible, there were other gods that people worshipped. It
made God angry because of how much the other gods debased
This is what is going on in today’s world. People are worshiping
media and materiality and have excluded God.
Christ is like the bridge that brings us to the Father! With Christ,
we open the door to a relation with the I AM.
Through Christ, we live with God forever.
Christ knows all thoughts. He is all thoughts. He knows all the
thoughts of Angels. He knows all of the thoughts of man. Any being
that has the ability to think, he knows both points of that beings
He knows all truths of the universe. He is also in nitely beyond
all thoughts and details of our creation.
I think this idea allows us to understand the power that we are
praying to.
Some people call him Jesus Christ, oftentimes I call him Super
All of the gods combined cannot even see him. All of the super‐
heroes combined cannot even touch him.
Today we can put him as number one in our life. We can call on
him as Savior. If you haven’t already, say “ Lord, I want you to be the
Super Christ of my life.”
As we have adventured into the deeper knowingness of Christ’s
power, we can deepen our faith by understanding how profound our
personal power shifts by settling into the words of this book.

When we talk about the I AM, we are talking about the science of
We are talking about his mind. Everything we see is the mind of
Your phone, your meal, the pages of this book. Everything is the
mind of Christ. We label it the water bottle or the remote but it’s his
consciousness. When we unite with him, it becomes our conscious‐
ness as well.
This is the truth of the I AM revealed.
Everything we enjoy in life, we come to nd out, is the substance
of his mind.
We have tried to gure out what existence is and still have failed.
Everything we touch, smell, taste, hear is the mind of Christ.
When you are holding a object, you are holding his mind. You are
inside the mind of Christ!
Know the secret of the I AM!
Enjoy Christ in all you do. When you know this consciously, you
start to see Jesus as the Super Christ.
All equations, all formulas and ideas, were formed in his mind.
We all know Jesus very well. When you look at the ocean, you see
Jesus. Every atom is Jesus. The butter y is Jesus. The ower is Jesus.
Every grain of sand is Jesus Christ. This book is the I AM.
You will know this personally the more you accept Jesus as Lord
of your life.
The galaxy is his mind substance. The universe, is in truth, called
When we unify with Christ, it become us. This revelation is the
most important knowledge of our life. The knowledge of the I AM.
This is why creation is so miraculous. This is why it is so magical.
So beautiful.
When we know this as a species, our possibilities will change
and anything will become possible. The rst step is worldwide faith.
Without faith, these objects and molecules are not Christ. They are
inanimate in the eyes of man and ever changing science.

Imagine if this was taught in school. The world would change.

To experience your life as the mind of Christ, prayer is key. Hope
is key. Faith is key.
Repeat these words. “ Lord Jesus, I want to know that I am within
your mind. I want to know your great I AM presence.”
Keep your faith. God will touch you and your conscious will be
unbounded. Your mind will open to this truth and your I AM pres‐
ence will awaken forever. You will see your life in truth. Through this
advancement of your awareness, you will realize we are all one in the
mind of God. We are all God. All of us.

John 10:6
This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what
things they were which he spake unto them.

J esus used parabolic power to organize many of the teachings

that he prepared for the Gospel.
He did this because he knew how scripture would be
laid out.
Imagine a reality show where everything is recorded. This is kind
of like the ministry of Jesus, only they didn’t have cameras recording
him, they had writers recording him.
He knew that his life was being recorded for scripture and that
his life would be transcribed into the Bible. This is why he spoke in
parables. He knew his words would be the center of scripture.
Parables naturally give an amazing dimension to writing. He
made the scripture more colorful and imaginative through his

The parables of Christ is one of the most interesting aspects of

the Gospel.
He had us in mind.
We have been coloring in the parables for millennia with our
Each person has a personal interpretation of these parables and
form a unique collections of images inside of them. What unfolds for
each believer is genuine to there faith. He gives us the opportunity
for our own interpretation.
The reason that these parables are so distinct, colorful and
powerful is because they are the parables of God.
In the Bible, he didn’t just teach us like other God gures.
He gave us parables that were mysterious.
He called us to a deeper faith and a deeper curiosity to his
These parables were unlike any story ever told by a God gure.
He was teaching us in a very different way.
He wasn’t teaching us like men of God but as God himself.
He revealed that much of our faith is a mystery. Without his
intelligence, we would never have been able to gure out the para‐
bles. They were created for him to help us unlock their mystery. The
parables pulls us into a reasoning transition of mind. Disciplining us
to question and use logic and spiritual reason to understand the
He taught us to be powerful thinkers as disciples and to let go of
the dumbed down thinking of our society.
These parables differentiate and unify us all at the same
There are around 50 parables of Jesus. Being disciplined in them
all and understanding them will expand our intelligence and allow
us to reason in Christ consciousness. Our logic shifts from worldly to
Much of the content Jesus was teaching was so supernatural that
he explained them in parable form.

He hid the secrets of a all glorious kingdom behind the ancient

images of colorless parables.
Unlocking these parables give us reward of oneness of God and
There is motivation on the soul level to call on faith and stay in
scripture to unleash the God power behind these parables.
Some of the parables get deeper the more we ponder them. The
deeper we get into spiritual reasoning from Christs perspective, the
more conviction we have in him as the Son of God.
Many of these parables are so deep -considering they were
spoken by God- that entire books can be written.
The Good Samaritan parable is a good example. On the surface, it
seems that he was just teaching how to care for others.
In truth, The parable travels deeper.
The Jews hated Samaritans. They disagreed on many spiritual
traditions that set them in a discord.
When they heard their master Christ speak about the Samaritan,
they felt the hate that came alongside the name.
The Good Samaritan is a contradiction. No Samaritan was good
to the Jews.
The key is who Jesus was truly talking about. Jesus was speaking
about himself.
He was to be beaten and robbed by the Jews, being treated like a
Samaritan in his land.
Even though he was teaching them how to love, there was
deeper meaning in the parable. A deeper message.
The parable was a prophecy of what was going to happen to him
in this world.
To this day, Christ remains the Good Samaritan to many men.
They curse his name and rob his people.
The good Jew who helped the Samaritan are those who help the
body of Christ who are suffered and persecuted.
The parable has lasted until this day! The Good Samaritan still
exists! His persecuted believers! His messengers. His body.

The hotel from the parable may be indicative of the church.

These parables are very subtle yet very profound.
The people who get arrested, persecuted and beaten because of
who they are in Christ are the Good Samaritan.
New revelations are constantly being given to believers through
Christ’s Parabolic power. When you receive one, it feels like you just
hit the powerball.
You unlock enormous amounts of Gods light that have been
secured in its mechanism.
Whenever you receive a revelation of Christ, you become super-
powerful. Super Valuable.
There were others parables in the Bible that were spoken by
prophets yet the intensity of the parables of Jesus were much more
intelligent and complex, revealing he was the ful llment of the
prophets predictions of the coming savior.
These parables invoke a certain quality within us that is resonant
with our highest quality of intellect. They are clothed in Gods light
and the images that are depicted invoke other images in our mind
that are designed to direct our intellect toward the light and truth.
They also hold power because of the amount of time they have
been studied and revered as a distinct form of discipline for his
I have been a believer of Jesus Christ for over 20 years and have
found his parables to be one of the most mysterious yet astonishing
superpowers he exposes to us.

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