01 03 Nres Lec
01 03 Nres Lec
01 03 Nres Lec
What is a theory? - Is a shrewd (clever) guess or assumption that is
- Theories guide nursing procedure. formulated and provisionally adopted to explain
- Theories are abstract. observed facts or conditions and to guide further
- Theories are constructed in order to explain, predict and investigation
certain phenomena (e.g. relationships, events, or the - A statement that predicts or explains the relationship
behavior). In many instances we are constructing models between phenomenon and the variables being studied
of reality. - It translates problems statements into predictions of
- A theory makes generalizations about observations and expected outcomes and is thus a technique in answering
consists of an interrelated, coherent set of ideas and a problem
- Theory – “theoria” – vision 1. To provide scientific inquiry in the advancement of
- A conceptual invention that is used to describe, explain, knowledge
predict or understand a certain phenomenon. 2. To provide direction for the research design and the
- A phenomenon 3. To provide a framework (outline) for reporting the
- Interrelated concepts conclusion of the study
- Basis of hypothesis - State clearly and concisely the expected relationship (or
- Increasing the general body of knowledge difference) between two or more variables
- Utilized and applied - Statement – includes the variables being studied, the
- Consistent population being studied, and the predicted outcomes
Conceptual Model - a framework for communicating a - does not change (e.g. age, sex)
particular perception of the world - Cause
- Explains a phenomena of interest, express assumptions Dependent variables
and reflects a philosophical stance - behavior
- The theoretical framework of the study is a structure that HOW TO STATE HYPOTHESIS
can hold or support a theory of a research work. It - Subjects who receive X are more likely to have Y than
presents the theory which explains why the problem subjects who do not receive X
under study exists. - X - represents the treatment or variable manipulated (IV)
- Thus, the theoretical framework is but a theory that - Y - represents observed outcome (DV)
serves as a basis for conducting research. Examples:
PURPOSES - Children ages 5-10 who are with prior information about
- It helps the researcher see clearly the variables of the their tonsillectomy will experience less postoperative
study anxiety than children of the same age who do not receive
- It can provide him with a general framework for data such information.
analysis - Children with a high sense of humor adjust better to
- It is essential in preparing a research proposal using having cancer than those children with a low sense of
descriptive and experimental methods. humor.
- After formulating the theoretical framework, the 1. Simple hypothesis
researcher has to develop the conceptual framework of - States the relationship between 2 variables – one IV and
the study. on DV
- A concept is an image or symbolic representation of an - A simple and clearly stated hypothesis makes it easier for
abstract idea. Chinn and Kramer (1999) define a concept readers to understand and formulate conclusions
as a “complex mental formulation of experience”. following data analysis
- Concept – can be defined by a dictionary and commonly - Ex: patients with greater knowledge of diabetes will
used by an educator have significantly higher rates of adherence to the
- Ex. Age, sex, wt, ht treatment regimen than with patients who have less
- While the theoretical framework is the theory on which knowledge about diabetes
the study is based, the conceptual framework is the 2. Complex
operationalization of the theory. - States the relationship between 2 or more IV and 2 more
- It is the researcher’s own position on the problem and DV
gives direction to the study. - Ex: Abdominal surgery patients who receive
- It may be an adaptation of a model used in previous preoperative teaching will have a decreased perception
study, with modifications to suit the inquiry. of pain and request fewer analgesics than patients
- Aside from showing the direction of the study, through undergoing abdominal surgery who will receive
the conceptual framework, the researcher can be able to structured postoperative teaching
show the relationships of the different constructs that he - Ex: Nurses who deliver care using a primary nursing
wants to investigate. model will have an increase in patient satisfaction with
- Constructs - usually combines together two concepts. nursing care, a decrease in absenteeism, and an
- Ex. Level of performance, nature of environment improvement in their perception of the work
MODELS environment as compared with nurses who deliver
- Models are symbolic representations of phenomena. nursing care by the conventions method of team nursing
- Models depict a theory or conceptual scheme through 3. Nondirectional
the use of symbols or diagrams. - States the relationship between variables but has no
- Two types of models frequently used in research are specific direction
mathematic or statistical models (or conceptual maps). - They are used when past research studies provide
- Models are useful to researchers because they use a conflicting results or when the direction of the
minimal amount of words, which tend to be ambiguous, relationship is unknown
in representing reality. - Ex: There is a relationship between the Nursing Aptitude
test results with the midterm grades of freshman nursing
- Ex: Male students differ from female students with UNDERSTANDING CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL
respect to scores in the nursing aptitude test ask FRAMEWORK
academic performance CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
4. Directional - This consists of concepts that are placed within a logical
- States the direction of the relationship between and sequential design.
variables. - Represents less formal structure and used for studies in
- They are clearer and more logical than non directional which existing theory is inapplicable or insufficient.
hypothesis. - Based on specific concepts and propositions, derived
- Researchers are better able to indicate the direction of from empirical observation and intuition.
the relationship between the variables under study. - May deduce theories from a conceptual framework.
- Ex: Women who have higher levels of depressive PURPOSES OF CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
symptoms will have lower levels of maternal-fetal - To clarify concepts and propose relationships among the
attachment. concepts in a study.
- Ex: Women who exercise postpartum have lower weight - To provide a context for interpreting the study findings.
retention than women who do not. - To explain observations
5. Statistical hypothesis - To encourage theory development that is useful to
- “NULL HYPOTHESIS” (Ho) practice
- It states that no relationship (or difference) exists CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
between 2 variables - The theory provides a point of focus for attacking the
- They are usually used because they suit the statistical unknown in a specific area.
techniques that determine whether an observed - If a relationship is found between two or more variables a
relationship is probably a chance relationship or a true theory should be formulated to explain why the
relationship. relationship exists.
- Ex: There is no significant difference in the perceived - Theories are purposely created and formulated, never
level of social support between the married and discovered; they can be tested but never proven.
unmarried patients with type II diabetes mellitus - Abdellah defined theory as “an explanation of
- There is no significant relationship between the phenomenon or an abstract generalization that
perceived level of social support and compliance to systematically explains the relationship among given
self-care practices among patients with Type II diabetes phenomena, for purposes of explaining, predicting and
mellitus controlling such phenomena”
6. Research hypothesis - The theoretical framework consists of theories that seem
- “ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS” (HI or Ha) to be interrelated.
- It states that a relationship or difference exists between - The explanation concerns the relationship between two
variables. or more variables or phenomena.
- It states the actual expected relationships between - More formal and used for studies based on existing
variables. theories
Ex: - Derived from specific concepts and propositions that are
- There is a significant relationship…. induced or deduced.
- There is a significant difference…. - The function of theory in research is to identify the
Testing the Hypothesis starting point of the research problem and to establish
- The level of statistical significance for most nursing the vision to which the problem is directed.
studies is at 0.05. - It determines and defines the focus and goal of the
- This means that if the level of significance found in the research problem.
statistical analysis is 0.05 or less. The experimental and KEY TERMS TO UNDERSTAND
the control groups are considered significantly different CONCEPTUALIZATION
(members of different population) - The process of forming basic ideas, designs, plans or
strategies based on given facts, situations and examples.
FRAMEWORK - A statement or assertion of the relationship between
- Described as the abstract, logical structure of meaning concepts derived from theories or generalizations based
that guide the development of the study. on empirical data.
- All frameworks are based on the identification of key PURPOSES OF THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
concepts and the relationships among those concepts. - To test theories
CONCEPT - To make research findings meaningful and generalizable
- Abstractly describes and names an object or - To establish orderly connections between observations
phenomenon, thus providing it with a separate identity and facts
and meaning - To predict and control situations
- An intellectual representation of some aspect of reality - To stimulate research
that is derived from observations made from phenomena PURPOSES OF THEORIES AND CONCEPTUAL MODELS
- Ex. anxiety, stress, pain - Their overall purpose is to make research findings
CONSTRUCT meaningful and generalizable.
- Concepts at very high levels of abstraction that have - Theories and conceptual models help to stimulate
general meanings research and the extension of knowledge by providing
- Ex: a construct associated with the concept of anxiety both direction and impetus.
- These signify a more concrete level and are narrow in FRAMEWORK may be represented as models:
their definitions. - A model is a symbolic representation that helps the
- A variable is more specific and is measurable. researcher to express abstract concepts and relationships
- Framework can be derived from related concepts easily, using minimal words.
(conceptual) or existing theories (theoretical). - A model can be represented schematically or
- The terms conceptual framework and theoretical mathematically.
framework and theoretical framework are sometimes ❖ Schematic model – conveys concepts and propositions
used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. through the use of boxes, arrows or other symbols.
❖ Mathematical or statistical model – conveys concepts
and propositions through the use of letters, number
and mathematical symbols.
- A diagram that visually represents and interprets the
underlying theory, principles and concepts of a research.
- A visual presentation of variables that interrelate with
one another as perceived by the researcher before an
actual empirical investigation is done to prove its