EPFO Higher Pension Option Form 10 (3) - Compressed

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( Time Period for submission of the option between
period from 04.11.2022 to 03.03.2023 to the
concerned RPFC/APFC)
(Designed by S K Gupta , Advocate , Supreme Court , for his client
only ), Email:[email protected],Mobile:9891170907,

Regional Provident Fund Commissioner , Date : …./11/2022

Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation,

Subject : Application/Option under paragraph 11 (3) of the

Employees’ Pension Scheme,1995, as well as under paragraph 11(4) of
the Employees’ Pension Scheme, 2014 for contributing pension fund on
actual salary /basic wages in view of the judicial directions of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court in the following matters:
1. The EPFO & Anr. Etc. Vs. Sunil Kumar B . & Ors. , SPJ ( C ) Nos.
8658-8659 of 2019
2. R.C. Gupta and others vs. Regional P.F. Commissioner and
others,in Civil Appeal No(s) 10013- 10014 of 2016 arising
out of SLP NO 33032-33033 of 2015 , 2017 LLR 86 (SC)

1 Name of Employees

2 UAN No.
EPF A/c No.

Name of

5 PF Code No.
Mobile No.
Email :

7 Aadhaar No.
Declaration by the Employee
I, …………………………………………………………………, being an employee of the
establishment ( unexampled establishment / exempted establishment)
as well as member of the EPFS,1952 & EPS,1995, hereby opt to
contribute the Pension Fund on higher /actual basic wages , and
exercising option as per paragraph 10(3) of the Employees’ Pension
Scheme,1995 read along with paragraph 10(4) of the EPS,2014.
I further hereby authorize the EPFO / exempted establishment that for
the previous period of my employment (member of the fund), the PF
Contribution which was deducted for earlier period on actual basic
wages/salary and subsequently, the same was remitted in Account
No.01 and Account No.010 ( up to the statutory limit i.e. Rs.6500 or
Rs.15000 ) , be adjusted by debit /credit system i.e. from Account
No.01 to Account No.10.
Signature of Employee
Name and Address:

Undertaking by the Employer

I, .............................. (Name and Designation) being the authorized

signatory as per Form 5A of M/s …………………………… do hereby certify
that Mr / Mrs ...........................................................................................
an employee of this establishment with PF A/c No. ………………………
During his/her service, we, being an Employer , will deduct to continue
the both Provident Fund contribution ( employer & employee’s share) on
his actual salary and will remit the same in Account No.01 & Account
No.10 as per paragraph 38 of the Scheme,1952. I further undertake to
continue to pay the administrative charges as applicable under the
provisions of law as per paragraph 26 of the EPFS,1952.

I hereby certify that the particulars furnished are correct as per the
records of the personal file, and the documents presented by the
employees , and declared thereof for verification.


(Signature with official seal)

Encl: Aadhar Card

NB: This application forthwith to be submitted to concerned

RPFC/APFC through email , speed post and physically.

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