Problemset of CUET NCPC 2017
Problemset of CUET NCPC 2017
Problemset of CUET NCPC 2017
2017 National Collegiate Programming
Hosted by CUET
10th March 2017
You get 21 Pages
11 Problems
300 Minutes
Rules for NCPC 2017 at CUET, Onsite Contest:
a) Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected by the
judge, and the team is notified of the results.
b) Notification of accepted runs will NOT be suspended at the last one hour of the contest time to keep the final
results secret. Notification of rejected runs will also continue until the end of the contest. But the teams will not be
given any balloon and the public rank list will not be updated as usual in the last one hour.
c) A contestant may submit a clarification request to judges only through the CodeMarshal clarification system. If
the judges agree that an ambiguity or error exists, a clarification will be issued to all contestants. Judges may
prefer not to answer a clarification at all in which case that particular clarification request will be marked as
IGNORED in the CodeMarshal clarification page.
d) Contestants are not to converse with anyone except members of their team and personnel designated by the
organizing committee while seated at the team desk. They cannot even talk with their team members when
they are walking around the contest floor to have food or any other purpose. Systems support staff or judges
may advise contestants on system-related problems such as explaining system error messages.
e) While the contest is scheduled for a particular time length (five hours), the chief judge or the judging director has
the authority to alter the length of the contest in the event of unforeseen difficulties. Should the contest duration be
altered, every attempt will be made to notify contestants in a timely and uniform manner.
f) A team may be disqualified by the chief judge or the judging director for any activity that jeopardizes the
contest such as dislodging extension cords, unauthorized modification of contest materials, distracting behavior or
communicating with other teams. The judges on the contest floor will report to the Judging Director about
distracting behavior of any team. The judges can also recommend penalizing a team with additional penalty
minutes for their distracting behavior.
g) Eleven problems will be posed. So far as possible, problems will avoid dependence on detailed knowledge of a
particular applications area or particular contest language. Of these problems at least one will be solvable by a first
year computer science student, another one will be solvable by a second year computer science student and rest
will determine the winner.
h) Contestants will have foods available in their contest room during the contest. So they cannot leave the contest
room during the contest without explicit permission from the judges. The contestants are not allowed to
communicate with any contestant (even contestants of his own team) or coaches when they are outside
the contest arena.
i) Teams can bring printed materials with them and they can also bring five additional books. But they are not
allowed to bring calculators or any machine-readable devices like CD, DVD, Pen-drive, IPOD, MP3/MP4 players,
floppy disks etc. Mobile phone MUST be switched off at all times and stored inside a bag or any other place
that is publicly non visible during the entire contest time. Failure to adherence to this clause under any
condition will very likely lead to strict disciplinary retaliation and possible disqualification.
j) With the help of the volunteers, the contestants can have printouts of their codes for debugging purposes.
Passing of printed codes to other teams is strictly prohibited.
l) Teams should inform the volunteers/judges if they don’t get verdict from the codemarshal within 5
minutes of submission. Teams should also notify the volunteers if they cannot log in into the CodeMarshal
system. This sort of complains will not be entertained after the contest.
Independence Day
A Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Ratul is my younger brother. He is the new decade’s citizen of Bangladesh. March is the special
month for Ratul because in each March he decorates his house with red and green colors. This
month is not only important for Ratul but it is also a memorable month for all Bangladeshi. Ratul
doesn’t have enough knowledge about Independence day. He is a very Kenny boy, so he wants to
know about the Independence day from his father. His father briefly described the Bangladesh
Liberation War and the Independence day.
The Independence Day of Bangladesh is on March 26 . It is for the country's declaration of
independence from Pakistan. Our undaunted leaders and freedom-loving people did not let the
matter go unchallenged. They rose up with great determination and started a vigorous movement
against them. A lot of blood was shed in different movements. At last, the war of liberation was
waged on the midnight of March 25, 1971. The war continued for nine long months. More than 30
lacs of people sacrificed their valuable lives for the cause of freedom. This bloodshed of our heroic
people did not go in vain. We won!
The Bir Sreshtho, is the highest military award of Bangladesh. It was awarded to seven
freedom fighters who showed utmost bravery and died in action for their nation.
Now Ratul can’t take his emotion and he makes a little dictionary and wanted to memorize it. Ratul
first memorized the country name “Bangladesh” then the seven freedom fighter’s name in the
order given below:
“Bir Sreshtho Mohiuddin Jahangir”, “Bir Sreshtho Hamidur Rahman”, “Bir Sreshtho
Mostafa Kamal”, “Bir Sreshtho Mohammad Ruhul Amin”, “Bir Sreshtho Matiur Rahman”,
“Bir Sreshtho Munshi Abdur Rouf” and “Bir Sreshtho Noor Mohammad Sheikh”.
Now as a young programmer your task is to solve a simple problem related to the memorable
dictionary. Given the memorized order number N, you need to print the N-th name in the
memorized dictionary .
Input starts with an integer T (≤ 100) denoting the number of test cases.
Each case starts with an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 8), where N is the memorize order number.
For each case, print the case number first, then print the N-th memorized name in the dictionary.
You have to follow the exact format as sample input and output.
Magic Tree
B Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
All of you know about magic square. Your childhood is incomplete if you haven’t played with magic
A magic square is a n × n grid, each containing a distinct integer between 1 to n × n . The sum of
integers of each row, column and diagonal are equal(See picture).
But this problem is not about magic squares, it’s about magic trees! (A tree is a connected graph with
n nodes and n-1 edges). Each node of a magic tree contains a positive integer (not necessarily
distinct). The sum of integers within a path from any leaf node to the root node are same. This sum
is called the magic number for that magic tree.
You are given a tree. You want to decorate it as a magic tree. To decorate a tree:
● First, you must choose a node as the root.
● Write a positive integer in each node so that the tree becomes a magic tree.
As decorating a tree is expensive, you must make the magic number as small as possible. Find the
minimum possible magic number for the magic tree and number of ways to decorate it. As the
number of ways can be large, print the number of ways modulo 1000000007 (10^9+7).
Two decorations are different if,
● Their roots are different or
● There is a node u on which a different integer is written.
The first line contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤100) denoting the number of test cases. First line of each
test case contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤1000). Each of the next n-1 lines contains two integers u
v (1 ≤ u, v ≤ n & u ≠ v ) denoting that node u and v are connected by an edge..
For each case, print the minimum magic number and the number of ways modulo 1000000007
(10^9+7) to decorate the tree.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
2 Case 1: 4 4
6 Case 2: 3 2
1 2
2 3
1 4
4 5
5 6
1 2
1 3
3 4
3 5
Explanation of case 1:
The four ways for case 1 are shown below:
If you decorate the tree in any other way, you will get magic number greater than 4.
Para La La Land
C Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
The jazz-loving people of Para La La Land are struggling with the optimal location of Seb's (a jazz
gig). They want the location, that minimizes the overall travel cost of their people. As the name says,
in 3D Para La La Land, people can only move in the axis-parallel direction. So, travel cost of going
from point (x0, y0, z0) to (x1, y1, z1) is abs(x0 - x1) + abs(y0 - y1) + abs(z0 - z1).
In Para La La Land, people come and go frequently. So, you have to handle two kinds of query.
1. Insert query in format i x y z:
Means a jazz lover joins Para La La Land at coordinate x, y, z.
2. Remove query in format r id:
Means the person you inserted in idth insert operation leaves the Para La La Land.
After performing each query the optimal location of Seb's may change, so you have to find out the
minimum travel cost sum of all people to meet at Seb's. For a single person, the cost is the travel
cost of moving from his/ her joining point to the Seb's. You are minimizing the sum of all such
The first line of the input is an integer T, the number of test cases. Following lines contain T test
cases. A case starts with a line containing an integers N, the number of queries. Each of following N
lines represents a query. Query of format i x y z is an insert query and query of format r id is a
remove query.
1 ≤ T ≤ 10.
0 ≤ N ≤ 100005.
-1000000009 ≤ x, y, z ≤ 1000000009.
1 ≤ id ≤ Number of insert operations so far. And it's guaranteed to be valid.
For each test case, the output contains the test case id in the first line. And each of the following N
lines contains the optimal distance sum after performing the corresponding input query. Input will
be such that the output value is always an integer.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
1 Case 1:
6 0
i 5 3 1 8
i 1 2 4 9
i 1 3 5 2
r 1 5
i 2 2 2 3
r 3
After 3rd insertion, you will have 3 people. One possible optimal location for Seb's is (1, 3, 4).
Minimum travel cost sum = (abs(5 - 1) + abs(3 - 3) + abs(1 - 4)) + (abs(1 - 1) + abs(2 - 3) + abs(4 -
4)) + (abs(1 - 1) + abs(3 - 3) + abs(5 - 4)) = 9.
Game of String
D Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
You already have heard the name of Captain Pirate Jack Dumb. Being chased by police he went deep
into the forest and found a treasure box. He opened the box and found character set from ‘a’ to ‘j’.
There were unlimited amount of alphabets of each types. Being bored he started to play with those
characters. He randomly picked N letters and put them maintaining a sequence.
Today he travelled from the starting position to the end of that sequence. He may perform some
operations at his current position along his way. During his travel, he made M operations.
There are four types of operations:
I x y: Insert letter y at current position x.
R x y: Replace letter at current position x with y.
D x: Delete the character from current position x.
Q A B C: He Calculated the number of ways he could choose three positions x, y and z such that
, yth and zth letter of the sequence are A, B and C respectively, where A, B and C
x<y<z and the xth
are letters between ‘a’ to ‘j’.
First line of the input starts with an integer T denoting the number of test cases.
Each test case starts with a nonempty string of length N and an integer M. The ith element of the
string will denote the ith letter of the sequence.
The next M lines will contain information of the operations in the order he executed them. Each
operation will be in the form given in the description.
1 ≤ T ≤ 12
1 ≤ initial string length ≤ 100000
1 ≤ M ≤ 100000
‘a’ ≤ A, B, C ≤ ‘j’
String will never be empty and you may safely assume that all inputs are valid.
For each “Q” operation, print desired answer on a single line. You have to follow the exact format
as sample input and output.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
2 1
abc 13 2
Q a b c 2
I 1 b 0
I 3 a 4
Q b a b 3
Q a b c 6
Q c c c 4
I 4 b
Q b a b
R 4 a
Q a b c
D 6
I 6 b
Q b a b
aaaa 1
Q a a a
Explanation of sample test case 1:
Initial String was “abc”.
After inserting ‘b’ at position 1, string became “babc”.
After inserting ‘a’ at position 3, string became “baabc”.
After inserting ‘b’ at position 4, string became “baabbc”.
After replacing character at position 4 with ‘a’, string became “baaabc”.
After deleting character at position 6, string became “baaab”.
After inserting ‘b’ at position 6, string became “baaabb”.
Golden Light
E Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Karas is a legendary gambler, famous for understanding which games can be won and which cannot.
He is often referred to as "The Cowardly Sage" due to his guiding principle, "Never play a game that
you are sure you cannot win."
Today Karas is battling Old Uyghur. Old Uyghur has an array A of N Golden Lights. Some of them
are switched on and some are off. Old Uyghur has proposed to play a game using these N Golden
Lights called "End of Light".
"End of Light" game is played by two players. Karas and Old Uyghur will be alternating turns. At
each turn, the player can apply one of the following three moves.
1. Choose any switched on light with position i in the array and turn it off.
2. Choose any two switched on lights with positions i and j, where i > j and then turn both of
them off.
3. Choose any switched on light at position i and any switched off light at position j where i > j
and flip both of them, i.e, turn off light at i and turn on light at j.
Using these rules, all the lights will eventually turn off, hence "End of Light" will be reached. Now,
whoever has no more moves to play, will lose. It is guaranteed that both players play optimally, i.e,
both players will choose the move that gives him the optimal result.
Now, Old Uyghur is cunning and instead of playing just one round of match with Karas using the
array A, he decided to play multiple games using any prefix of A and also change the array A time to
time. Karas will play only if he is guaranteed to win, hence he came to you for help.
So basically, we are given the initial states of the N golden lights as a binary string, where 1 means
that the light is switched on and 0 means that the light is switched off. Then M instructions
containing queries and updates follow. There are two types of instructions.
1. Q P - Where Q is a character, which stands for query and P is an integer. For this query, you
have to find whether Karas will win if Karas and Old Uyghur plays "End of Light" game
using the first P lights of A from position 1 to P (inclusive).
Karas will move first and if he doesn’t win, print "Coward", else print the first move that will
lead to victory. For printing a move, you need to print two integers i, j corresponding to the
lights selected as mentioned in the rules above. If there are multiple moves that lead to
victory, choose the one that has the maximum value of i (refer to the three moves of the
"End of Light" game above). If there are still multiple moves possible, choose the move that
has the minimum value of j (assume that j = 0 when Karas uses move 1). Please see the
sample I/O at the end of the description for more details.
2. U P - Where U is a character, which stands for update and P is an integer. When you receive
this instruction, simply toggle the light at position P.
You can find more details down below at explanation of first sample case.
Input contains multiple test cases. First line of the input contains a single integer T denoting number
of test cases. Next follows the details of the T test cases.
First line of each case is a binary string representing the states of the lights in the array. Next line
contains a single integer M. Then next M lines contains the instructions as above, either query ("Q
P") or update ("U P").
T ≤ 5
N = Length of Binary String
1 ≤ N, M ≤ 100,000
1 ≤ P ≤ N
For each case, print the case number (see the sample output). Then for each query of type "Q", print
"Coward" if Karas will definitely lose if they play with the array prefix from 1 to P (inclusive) or print
the first move that leads to victory of Karas. Details of printing the move can be found in the
First, we have "Q 2". This means we are playing with prefix "10". In this case, if we apply move 1 on
switch of light at position 1, all lights get turned off. Hence, we print "1 0" where i = 1 and j = 0 (for
move of type 1, j is always 0)
Next, we have "Q 9". This means we are playing with prefix "100110100". In this case, if we apply
move of type 1 again and switch off light at position 7, we end up with "1001100". Well, from this
state, no matter what move player 2 makes, player 2 will always lose (see the next paragraph to
understand why). So we make move "7 0".
For the next query, we have "Q 5". This means we are playing with prefix "10011". The first player
can’t win from here. If player 1 uses move 1 to turn off one light, then player 2 will use move 2 to
turn off remaining lights. If player 1 uses move 2 to turn off two lights, then player 2 will use move 1
to turn off last light. Hence, player 1 can only use move three and he can use it to go to one of the
following states: "11010" or "10110" or "11001" or "10101". Now, no matter where player 1 leads
the game to, player 2 can use move of type three to go to this state: "11100". Now, from this state,
player 1 cannot use move of type 3 and using any one of the other moves leads to defeat. Hence,
Karas should chicken out on this game.
Next, we update the array A by flipping at position 5. Now we have the string "1001001000".
Next, we have "Q 5". This means we are playing with state "10010". From this state, Karas can use
move of type 2 and turn off both lights at position 4 and 1. Hence, we print "4 1".
Finding Path
F Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
You will be given a rooted tree. And a lot of operations on the tree. The operations will be of three
1. Add a new node V with node U. Node U will be always valid, that means it belongs to the tree.
Node V will be such that it doesn’t belong to the tree so far. It will be a completely new node.
2. Relabel a node U with node V. Node U will be always valid, that means it belongs to the tree.
Node V will be such that it doesn’t belong to the tree so far. It will be a completely new node.
3. Query U, V. For this query, you need to find the path length between nodes U and V. U and V
will always be valid.
The tree is unweighted, so the path length is denoted by the number of edges that needs to be
traversed for going from U to V. Node 1 is the root. And it's always there at the beginning.
First line, T (0 < T < 10), number of test cases.
Each case will start with Q (0 < Q < 200,001), then number of operations.
Each operation will be of the form C U V (0 < C < 4) ( 0 ≤ U, V ≤ 1000,000,000). The C denotes the
type of operation. In case of operation type 1 and 2, U will be such that it’s already in the tree, and V
will be a new node. In case of operation type 3, both nodes are already in the tree.
Print “Case X:” for each case, where X is the case number. Then for each type 3 query, print the
path length in a separate line.
Garbled Array
G Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Alice has a sorted array A of n unique numbers. She asked her little sister lucy to right shift the array
some number of times.
For example of A=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and it’s right shifted 3 times, the array will become [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3].
As lucy is very young, she sometimes makes mistake while shifting and shuffling the array randomly.
That results in a garbled array.
Given an array, you have to tell if the array can be produced by right shifting a sorted array some
number of times. If No, print “x” without quotes. If Yes, print the minimum number of times the
array was shifted.
The first line contains T (1 ≤ T ≤ 2000), number of test cases. Each of the test cases contains two
lines. The first line contains n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2000), the size of the array. The second line contains n
distinct space-separated integers A0, A1, ..... An-1. (0 ≤ Ai ≤ 105).
For each test case, print the case number and the answer to the problem.
A Gift of Strings
H Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Alice’s birthday is coming up, and her best friend Bob wants to surprise her with a gift on her special
day. Bob knows that she likes nothing more than strings, which is why he wants to give her all
possible unique strings he can find of length N, consisting of letters from the alphabet of size M.
Bob has hired you, one of the greatest programmers out there, to find the number of possible unique
Two strings are considered the same, if after rotating them in a cyclic order and/or reversing them,
they become the same.
For example, the strings abc, bca, cab, cba, acb and bac are all considered the same string.
The first line of each input contains a single integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 200), which denotes the number of
test cases.
The next T lines contain two integers, N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5) and M (1 ≤ M ≤ 10^9), which denotes the
length of the string, and the size of the alphabet respectively.
For each test case, output the case number, followed by the number of unique strings Bob can give
to Alice. Since the result can be large, print it modulo 1,000,000,007.
See the sample input/output for more clarification.
For the first case, the three unique strings are: aa, ab, and bb.
For the second case, the ten unique strings are: aaa, aab, aac, abb, abc, acc, bbb, bbc, bcc, and
Repeater Again Probably
I Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Hello soldier, welcome to the military base Ground Zero. The enemies are planning to attack our
base again. Right now they are camping in the jungle near our camp for the night. We must destroy
them before the sunrise.
Now there are N enemy vehicles standing in a straight line. The ith of these vehicles is ai distance
away from the base (1 ≤ a1 < a2 < a3 < ... < aN ≤ 10^9; all ai are distinct integers). For practical
purpose, you can think that our base and all the vehicles are dots in a straight line.
Now the enemies don't know about our secret weapon the repeater. The repeater is a powerful
weapon with which we can destroy the enemy vehicles. But to use the repeater, we first need to
know the positions of the enemies. Unfortunately, our spy is very bad. He could not manage to
acquire their exact positions. He could only manage to acquire N ranges each corresponding to a
particular enemy but he lost the ordering. He says he is sure that for each range, there is an enemy in
the range but he doesn’t know which enemy it is. That is, for jth range [Sj , Ej ], there is an enemy at
one of the integer points between Sj to Ej (inclusive).
Each integer point has the same probability of
being the enemy’s position. In other words, the distance of the ith enemy ai is an uniform random
integer between some jth range [Sj, Ej] (i not necessarily equals to j). So if he gives us a range [2, 4],
then there is an enemy with distance 2, 3 or 4 from the base; all with probability ⅓.
As the spy failed to give us the exact ordering of the enemy ranges, we don't know which range
belongs to which enemy. So can you give us the ordering of the ranges so that in your ordering ith
range will belong to the ith enemy? There can be multiple ordering as we only know the ranges
without any particular order. But can you give us the ordering which is most likely going to happen?
Also, can you give us the probability that our spy’s data is valid? That is what is the probability that
we can choose the ith enemy's distance ai from the ith range in your new ordering while maintaining a1
< a2 < a3 < ... < aN?
First line of the input is T(≤500), then T test cases follow. First line of each test case consists of a
single integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000), the number of enemy vehicles. Next N lines will contain two space
separated positive integers Si Ei, denoting the start and end of ith range (1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ Si ≤ Ei ≤ 10^9,
Ei - Si ≤ 1000).
For each test case print a line in “Case I:” format where I is the case number. In next line give us the
expected ordering(ranges are numbered 1 to N). If there are multiple candidate orderings then
output the one with the smallest first number. If the first number is same then the ordering with the
second smallest number. If they are same then the third one and so on. In the next line output the
probability, that this ordering is the correct ordering. For the probability, error lower than 1e-6 will
be ignored. See samples for more info.
Sniper Shot
J Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Consider a 2d zombieland. A sniper is sitting alertly at a point S. A zombie is about to run from a
point A towards a point B along the connecting line-segment. The segment AB is parallel to x-axis.
There is a circular mountain of radius R in the land, centered at C. The mountain might obstruct the
sniper’s vision.
You are provided with the values Sx, Sy, Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx and Cy denoting x and y coordinates
of S, A, B and C respectively and radius R of the circular mountain.
For special security reasons, the authority needs to know the portions of AB guarded by the sniper.
Help them by finding the portions of line-segment AB which are visible to the sniper.
To explain how to print the segments which are visible, let’s consider two points P and Q (P and Q
are distinct points) on AB. The points P and Q are in order of ascending distance from A. That
means, if Ax < Bx, then Ax ≤ Px < Qx ≤ Bx, or if Ax > Bx, then Ax ≥ Px > Qx ≥ Bx. If all points
between P and Q are visible, then you have to print the segment PQ. Furthermore, if P and Q are
same points, that means only a single point is visible, then you don’t need to print that PQ and it will
be considered invisible. So basically you need to print segments that have positive length.
If there are multiple ordered visible segments you need to print, let’s say, PQ and P'Q', then they
also should be printed in order of ascending distance from A. That means, print the segment which
is nearest (from A) first.
An integer T ≤ 100, denoting the number of test cases. Next T lines will contain 9 space separated
integers denoting Sx, Sy, Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy and R respectively.
● Every value will be positive and less than 1000.
● The line-segment AB will not intersect the circle (it may touch), also the point S will neither
be inside nor on the circle.
● A, B and S will be distinct points.
Print the case number in a line, then print the coordinates of the endpoints of each visible segment
in a single line, rounded to 3 decimal places. If there are no valid visible segments, then print
“Invisible” without quotes.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
4 Case 1:
30 45 30 30 50 30 32 35 3 38.117 30.000 50.000 30.000
30 45 30 30 50 30 32 35 1 Case 2:
50 45 30 30 50 30 48 35 2 30.000 30.000 31.493 30.000
50 45 30 30 50 30 48 35 3 34.568 30.000 50.000 30.000
Case 3:
30.000 30.000 43.750 30.000
Case 4:
30.000 30.000 41.883 30.000
K Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
First line of the input will contain the number of test cases T (1 < T < 25). Then T cases follow.
For each case, the first line will contain three integers E, N, M. Here, E (1 ≤ E ≤ 1000) is the total
number of events, N (1 ≤ N ≤ E) is the number of events that are known to be true. And M (1 ≤ M ≤
100000) is the number of implications. The next line will contain a list of N integers 𝑝i (1 ≤ 𝑝i ≤ E)
separated by single space, which are the events that are known to be true. Each of the following M
lines will contain a pair of integers p, 𝑞 (1 ≤ 𝑝, 𝑞 ≤ E) which will denote the relation 𝑝 → 𝑞.
Events are numbered from 1 to E and there will be no event outside of this domain. The
implications will never be circular.
For each test case, on the first line, print the case number starting from 1, and the number of
different events that are certainly true, including the given ones. On the second line, print the list of
events separated by single space in ascending order. Check sample input and output for details.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
3 Case 1: 3
3 1 2 1 2 3
2 Case 2: 1
1 2 3
2 3 Case 3: 4
3 1 2 1 2 3 4
1 3
2 3
4 1 4
1 2
1 3
2 4
3 4
For the third case, it is known that event 4 is true. This can be caused by any of the events 2 and 3.
Now, for at least one of the events 2 or 3 to be true, event 1 has to be true. Because only event 1
implies 2 and 3. This, by definition, makes both events 2 and 3 to be true. Hence we can conclude
that all four events are true.