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ADP Prospectus For Website

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International & Overseas


1. Associate Degree in Commerce (B. Com)
2. Associate Degree in Arts (B.A General)

Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

Associate Degree Programme in Commerce (B. Com)
Associate Degree Programme in Arts (B.A General)


Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange


Vice-Chancellor’s Message ..................................................................................................................................... iii

Complete Procedure to Enroll in AIOU Programme & Submission of Form in AIOU ................................... iv
Step by Step Guide to fill up online application Forms........................................................................................ v
Important Activities ................................................................................................................................................. vi


Associate Degree Programmes

B. Com Associate Degree in Commerce .................................................................................................................................. 1
BA General Associate Degree in Arts ...................................................................................................................................... 3

GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 7

Availability of Learning Material and Procedure for Fee Payment ........................................................................... 8
Procedure for Fee Payment ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Regulations for Refund of Admission Fee................................................................................................................. 9
Important Telephone Numbers .................................................................................................................................. 10
Vice-Chancellor’s Message

Dear Student,

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the world and it occupies a
unique position in the education sector of Pakistan. Because of its affordability and high-quality distance
and online academic programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of the country
with high international of repute. The university made a landmark progress by ensuring access to quality
education rural areas under-privileged students for the people of all ages particularly the females can now
select and join the programs of their choice while sitting at their residence and along with continuing their
jobs. After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going to offer a
ranges program for the students in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, USA and many
other countries currently. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits from the high-quality
educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fifty regional offices of the
university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and Post Graduate programs at rural and remote areas providing an unparalleled
opportunity to all the poor and deprived sections of the society at an affordable cost. The university has recently digitalized all its
student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis. This digitization of the system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU
students to get all kinds of educational using their Learning Management system (LMS) portal support online.

Committed for your bright future

Prof. Dr. ZiaUl-Qayyum

Vice Chancellor, AIOU

International & Overseas Students Shall Submit Their Admission Using Online System.

Fresh International/Overseas Students

1. Online Admission form is available at https://aiou.edu.pk

2. Click on Online Admission Form
3. Create your profile by using your email ID
4. Complete Admission Form
5. Select your required program
6. Upload required documents
7. Submit your application
8. Click on fee payment link
9. Download fee payment challan and note down your challan number
10. Go to olpay.aiou.edu.pk
11. Enter challan number and click on "search" button
12. Check & tally your challan details with the generated challan then click on "submit fee" button
13. Enter credit/debit card number, card holder name, expiry and CVV code (mentioned on back side of card).
14. Click on "pay now" button
15. A successful payment notification will be appeared with an Order ID
16. Write Order ID and Transaction Date on the space given below.
17. Save the Order ID in your record till confirmation of your admission

Here we will share/guide you how to fill up the online admission form for Post Graduate Diploma(s):
 First open our website in any Browser WWW.AIOU.EDU.PK you will be at this page/window.

 Click Online Admission Forms under the ADMISSIONS Tab.

 On next window you will find following Four Options.
1. Admissions for Fresh Students
2. Enrolment for Continuing Students (will start from 16 August 2021)
3. Download Prospectus (For National Students)
4. Download Prospectus (For International and Overseas Students)
Please click option 4 if you want to read or download the prospectus otherwise click on option 1 to fill-up online admission
form Click on Admission for Fresh Applicants.

On clicking Admission for Fresh Applicants, you can view the window as shown in picture. Here you will have to create your
account with your email (Phone number option is not available for international and overseas students).
 Please click on Create Account.

On creating account with email, you will receive a CODE through your email. Write down that code at this page and proceed

 On successful creation of your account with AIOU you will have to sign in with your email and password as per shown

After Clicking the Login Button you will sign in to your University Account.
 Click on Apply for New Program. You will see two options Face to face Programs and Open Distance Learning

 Click Open Distance Learning Program.

After Selecting Open Distance Learning Program Select Option No 3 if you are wishful to apply for Certificate Courses:

 After selecting your desired degree program, you will be at the new window there you will have to fill up the required
 For BS Programmes fill-up, the information on this page, i. e. your last degree information. Under Degree Type click Degree
and under Degree Level click 12 years of education. Under DEGREE click relevant option. Then your Preference/Major
click relevant option and then under Board/university select your university from which you passed your last degree.
 After this you will have to provide INFORMATION about your MARKS. Under Starting Year and Passing Year select
the year you started and passed your degree.
 Under Roll Number type your roll number or registration no of that degree.
 In Exam type Annual or Semester and Grading.
 Then fill up Total Marks and Obtained Marks. Then Division will be auto filled by the system.

On Next Window you will find an option to choose your degree program in which you want to get admission. In Program
Type all International and Overseas Students are required to choose INTERNATIONAL as shown in picture below:

 Click one by one on the given options Program of Study, Personal information, Academic Record, Professional
Experience, Course Information, Photographs & Documents and fill up accurately all the requisite information under these
 Applicants of BS(4-Years), Associate degree Programs, B.E.D Programs, Online Certificates and Post Graduate Diplomas will
pay their fee online after filling up their online admission form.

 In Professional Experience students who don’t have any work experience shall click as shown in the picture and click on the
save & continue Section:

 Please upload all required documents in the requisite format in the Photograph & Documents Section:

 At the last step ACCEPT ALL UNDERTAKINGS by clicking on the empty boxes placed on left side of the window and click
on the Submit Application Button:

GENERAL INFORMATION x. A student already admitted to a programme or a
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to
i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any transfer or to get admission to another programme unless
other recognized Board/University. he/she formally postpones it till the completion of the new
ii. A course taken by any student cannot change during the programme or withdraws from the previous programme.
semester. However, in real hardship cases, the change in xi. After completion of a programme successfully, a student
courses will be allowed by Director Admission within has to apply to Controller of Examinations for issuance of
fifteen days after deposit of prescribed fee. certificate/degree as per guided process by the Directorate
iii. The address of a student will not be changed during the of International Collaboration & Exchange.
semester. xii. The university reserves the right to change contents of this
iv. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn prospectus without any prior notice as per university policy.
semesters are generally offered in the months of March xiii. Online admission forms incomplete in any respect will not
and September, respectively, whereas, examinations be entertained and after closure of admissions students
commenced in November and May respectively. would be informed about the deficiency in clear terms with
Admission schedule is announced on University website advice to request for refund of fee.
https://aiou.edu.pk during this period. The students are xiv. Online admission form received without prescribed fee less
required to submit their online application for admission fee or fee deposited after due date will not be considered.
as per schedule. xv. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s
v. Fee cannot be refunded once paid for admission nor can it name of the student or difference in name mentioned in
be adjusted for any other programme. his/her other educational certificates, the name on the
vi. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be Matric certificate of the student will be considered as
issued a registration number. The registration number correct name. The Examination Department shall also issue
must be quoted in all the future correspondence along with certificate/ degree on the said name.
the roll number, course(s), code numbers and semester. xvi. In case provision of forged documents for admission, not
vii. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced, and changed only the admission will be refused to the applicant, but the
from time to time by the authorities, bodies of the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. The
university will be effective as applicable. The student university may proceed further in the matter.
must abide by all such rules and regulations from the date xvii. International students having international degree
of their implementation. equivalent to SSC/HSSC degree are required to get it
viii. A student who fails in continuous assessment component verified by the IBCC and provide the equivalence
is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-register certificate to AIOU.
for the same course at its next offering semester by the
ix. It would be responsibility of the student to remain in touch
with the department regarding the selected programme.

Availability of Learning Material 8. Save the Order ID in your record till confirmation of your
i. Learning material can be downloaded from university
ii. All learning material would be available online for  The students who have submitted their fees
international/overseas students after the commencement of for Admission but do not wish to continue
classes. and have applied for refund of fee will be
iii. Student shall download the learning material and tally with refunded after deduction @ 10% of total fee.
the course codes for which he/she had been registered in  The student who was not eligible but deposited fee for
the semester. Admission, the fee shall be refunded after deduction @
iv. Students can get their learning material through AAGHI 15% of total fee.
LMS portal.
 The students who have deposited their fee in excess of
due fee the total excess amount shall be refunded
Procedure for Fee Payment adjusted as the case may be.
International and Overseas Students will have to pay their fee  The Treasurer Department shall verify the fee
Online as per Guided Procedure: of students and shall send the case to the audit
1. Go to olpay.aiou.edu.pk for pre-audit.
2. Enter challan number and click on "search" button.
3. Check & tally your challan details with the generated challan  Cheque will be issued to the candidate by the
then click on "submit fee" button. campus payment section, Treasurer
4. Enter credit/debit card number, card holder name, expiry and Department.
CVV code (mentioned on back side of card).  Admission fee will be refunded/ adjusted
5. Click on "pay now" button. maximum up to one year.
6. A successful payment notification will be appeared with an  Refund of Fee for all international and
Order ID. overseas students is subject to the University
7. Write Order ID and Transaction Date on the space given policy time to time.


1. The University must have received the fees in its 6. If the University makes an offer on the basis
bank account. of incorrect or incomplete information,
misstatements, concealment of facts, fake
2. All refund requests must be submitted on the Fee Refund certificates or use of any other unfair means by
Application form. Deposit Slip, any other record of fee the applicant/ student, the admission will be
and ID Card copy must be attached to it. cancelled, and refund will not be allowed.
Department reserves the right to take
3. All applications shall be addressed to the Treasurer disciplinary action also.
and will be received directly in the Treasurer
Department with full particulars. The Treasurer 7. Any type of Processing Fee will not be refunded.
Department will get report from concerned Department
and verify the amount from system as the case may 8. In the case of death or physical incapacity, the
be and will process the case accordingly. full refund will be made only in instances of
sever unavoidable and incapacitating
4. The refund will be made after deduction of circumstances.
any recoverable amount.
9. In case the students who are not
5. The refund will be made to the same person or firm from allowed/granted admission to a program offered
whom the payment was received, though cross cheque. by the University due to less enrolment/non
formation of viable group/ non-offering of
courses, full fee will be refunded to them.

Sr. # Name Telephone Nos.
1. All kind of other fee including but not limited to Degree 051-
fee, 9057298
1. Director Admissions
Re-appear exams fee, change off name / father name, 9250162
examiner registration fee, tutor registration
fee, late assignment evaluation fee, 2. Controller of Examinations 051-9057328
analysis fee, rechecking of answer scripts fee, NOC fee, 051-9250012
subject/group change fee, thesis evaluation fee, thesis
extension fee, job fee, tender fee tec. will not be 3. Director Students Affairs
refunded. Only excess fee deposited will be refunded/
Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange
2. The extension in thesis fee in excess shall be
refunded on approval of concerned Dean with Dr. Zahid Majeed
1. Director +92-51-9057294
certificate that fee was deposited in excess.
[email protected]

3. The amount deposited in university accounts by any Sehrish Khan

person/firm (other than student), by mistake or in 2. Assistant Director +92-51-9057811
excess shall be refunded after verification of the [email protected]
amount deposited Mr. Muhammad Ajab
3. Superintendent
[email protected]


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