1 - Overview of Research

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Nursing Research I

(NRCM 0111)
Macy Josephine C. Batol, RN
College of Nursing and Midwifery
Bataan Peninsula State University
Overview of Nursing
1. Describe why research is important in the nursing profession
2. Discuss the purposes of nursing research in practice
3. Appreciate the roles of nurses in research and in future nursing
4. Describe historic trends and future directions in nursing research
• Scientific inquiry on a concept of interest
• Inquiry must be based on an established standard or protocol thus
making it scientific and rigorous
• Intent: know more about it which is guided with scientific basis
• It is an exploration that has the end goal of understanding the
Nursing Research
• Scientific and systematic inquiry of a concept, construct or
phenomenon that interests nurses, academicians and administrators
with an end view of generation, validation, refinement of knowledge
in nursing
• As defined by Polit et.al. (2010) is systematic inquiry designed to
develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to the
nursing profession, including nursing practice, education,
administration, and informatics
• Barcelo (2009) defined Nursing Research as a scientific inquiry that
validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new
knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice
Purpose of Nursing Research
• Identification - know more about a particular concept or a phenomenon
• Description – identifies the nature and attributes of a nursing phenomenon
and relationships among other phenomena
• Exploration - investigates the full nature of the phenomenon
• Explanation – further understand the phenomena and explain systematic
relationships among phenomena
• Prediction and Control - many phenomena defy explanation, yet it is
frequently possible to make predictions and to control phenomena based
on research findings, even in the absence of complete understanding
Purpose of Nursing Research
• Quantitative
• theories or prior findings are used deductively to generate hypothesized
explanations that are then tested empirically
• Qualitative
• researchers may search for explanations about how or why a phenomenon
exists or what a phenomenon means as a basis for developing a theory that is
grounded in rich, in-depth, experiential evidence

• Staff nurse - improve patient care

• Faculty - improve teaching
• Chief / Head nurse - manage nurses and nursing system
Importance of Nursing Research
• Generates new information à builds a body of knowledge à further
• Basis of nursing care
• Monitor / evaluate nursing practice
• Solves problems - Solutions to many problems are developed by
logical reasoning, which combines experience, intellectual faculties,
and formal systems of thought
• Inductive
• Deductive
Inductive Reasoning (specific to general)
• Process of developing generalizations from specific observations
• For example, a nurse may observe the anxious behavior of (specific)
hospitalized children and conclude that (in general) children’s
separation from their parents is stressful.
Deductive Reasoning (general to specific)
• Process of developing specific predictions from general principles
• For example, if we assume that separation anxiety occurs in
hospitalized children (in general), then we might predict that (specific)
children in a local hospital whose parents do not room-in will
manifest symptoms of stress.
Classifications of Nursing Research
• extend the base of knowledge in a discipline
• appropriate for discovering general principles of human behavior and
biophysiologic processes
• Ex. nurse-researcher may perform an in-depth study to better understand
normal grieving processes, without having explicit applications in mind
• finding solutions to existing problems
• applied study might assess the effectiveness of a nursing intervention to ease
Roles of Nurses in Research
• Attend research presentations at professional conferences
• Discuss and critique research articles
• Solve clinical problems and make clinical decisions based on rigorous
• Help to develop an idea for a clinical study
• Review a proposed research plan and offer clinical expertise to
improve the plan
• Assist researchers by recruiting potential study participants or
collecting research information (e.g., distributing questionnaires to
Roles of Nurses in Research
• Provide information and advice to clients about participation in
• Discuss the implications and relevance of research findings with
Evolution of Nursing
The Beginning
• Florence Nightingale
• Notes on Nursing (1859)
• describes her early interest in environmental factors that promote physical
and emotional well-being
• skillful analysis of factors affecting soldier mortality and morbidity during the
Crimean War, she was successful in effecting some changes in nursing care
and, more generally, in public health
Future Directions
• priority for nursing research in the future will be the promotion of
excellence in nursing science
• In 2005, Sigma Theta Tau International issued a position paper on
nursing research priorities that incorporated priorities from nursing
organizations internationally. This synthesis of global nursing priorities
identified the following:
(1) health promotion and disease prevention
(2) promotion of health of vulnerable and marginalized
(3) patient safety
(4) development of evidence-based practice and translational
(5) promotion of the health and well-being of older people
Future Directions
(6) patient-centered care and care coordination
(7) palliative and end-of-life care
(8) care implications of genetic testing and therapeutics
(9) capacity development of nurse researchers
(10) nurses’ working environments
• These priorities encompass the role of nurses in promotion,
prevention and cure of diseases.
• Nurses’ role in these priority research areas will enable nurses to put
forward issues relevant to the practice of nursing and most
importantly the holistic needs of the patients, families and the

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