Ndcs For Food Nov2022
Ndcs For Food Nov2022
Ndcs For Food Nov2022
At the national level, all countries should strengthen their national climate plans and raise global ambition
by better incorporating food systems measures in their next NDC submissions, and:
1. Include all parts of food systems in NDCs: From production to consumption, national policymakers should
work with stakeholders across food systems to prepare and implement NDCs. This includes reducing food
loss and waste and a shift to healthy diets.
2. Include quantified and measurable targets and milestones for food systems measures in NDCs. Clear
measurable targets and milestones can help to monitor and track progress at the national level and as part
of Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement
3. Increase inclusion of agroecology for climate change mitigation and adaptation: Agroecology and
agroforestry both advance ecosystem diversification, which in turn provides livelihood diversification and
poverty alleviation, while advancing decarbonization.
4. Increase focus on aquatic ecosystems for food production: Management, conservation, and restoration
of all ecosystems can advance food security. This includes the greater consideration of how aquatic healthy
ecosystems like wetlands, peatlands, and mangroves can contribute to mitigation, adaptation and food
systems overall.
5. Increase post-harvest measures, including circularity, food waste and food loss prevention
measures, and dietary changes.
6. Increase engagement with smallholder farmers, IPLC, women, youth, and other marginalized groups.
As of September 30, 2022, 160 Parties to the UNFCCC (which includes the EU-27 representing 27 member states
of the European Union) have submitted 134 updated or revised NDCs. An analysis of these updated NDCs shows
that while more and more countries are recognizing that food systems are a crucial part of climate action through
their international pledges compared to their previous NDCs, additional measures and implementation of these
plans are needed.
Overall, there is a positive trend in the recognition of food systems as part of climate solutions. Most of the 134
updated NDCs (93%) include at least one measure related to food systems. This is an increase from 79% of previous
NDCs. 106 Parties improved the integration of food systems in their updated NDCs compared to their previous NDCs,
while for 17 there was no change and for 11 there was a decline. Several trends emerge when looking at various
food systems measures in these NDCs.
Only 19 updated NDCs include measures for both sustainable food production and for reducing food loss
and waste.
Only 5 updated NDCs include measures for both sustainable food production and consumption
Only 2 updated NDCs have measures for sustainable food production, addressing food loss and waste, and
shifting to sustainable and healthy diets.
94 updated NDCs include specific mitigation measures for agriculture, an increase from 58 previous NDCs.
101 updated NDCs include adaptation measures for agriculture, an increase from 87 of the previous NDCs.
63 updated NDCs have mitigation measures that consider sustainable livestock, an increase from 27
previous NDCs.
55 updated NDCs mention climate-smart agriculture, livestock, or forestry techniques as part of holistic
food production systems, compared to 28 previous NDCs.
15 updated NDCs explicitly include agroecology, compared to 11 previous NDCs.
70 updated NDCs include agroforestry, compared to just 49 previous NDCs.
54 updated NDCs have fish and aquaculture in the adaptation measures, an increase from 35 previous
36 updated NDCs consider post-harvest food systems measures that may reduce food loss, compared to
21 previous NDCs.
19 updated NDCs include reducing food loss and waste explicitly, compared to two previous NDCs.
5 updated NDCs – all developing countries - include measures for shifting to sustainable and healthy diets,
compared to one previous NDC considering this.
Ecosystems considered:
77 updated NDCs include more ecosystems than was included in previous NDCs.
86 updated NDCs consider marine or coastal ecosystems, compared to 77 previous NDCs.
77 updated NDCs include wetlands, compared to 42 previous NDCs.
93 updated NDCs include mitigation measures for forests, an increase from 67 previous NDCs.
49 updated NDCs consider mangroves, an increase from the 32 previous NDCs that consider this
component of coastal ecosystems.
33 updated NDCs consider savannahs or grasslands, an increase from the 13 previous NDCs.
Equity considerations
64 updated NDCs explicitly consider the role of IPLCs compared to 45 previous NDCs.
50 updated NDCs explicitly mention the role of smallholder farmers, compared to 24 previous NDCs.
85 updated NDCs include food security considerations, a 29% increase from 66 of the previous NDCs.
Martina Fleckenstein
Global Head of Policy, Food, WWF
[email protected]
Haseeb Bakhtary
Senior Consultant, Climate Focus
[email protected]
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WWF. (2020). Enhancing NDCs for Food Systems Recommendations for Decision-Makers. Retrieved from
Conservation International. (2022). Exponential Road Map for Natural Climate Solutions. Retrieved from
3 Conservation International. (2022).