Race To The White House Go

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Name: Date: Period:

Race to the White House!

Essential Question: How democratic is the nomination process for citizens in voting for the President of the United States today?

Primaries & Caucuses National Convention General Election Electoral College

Primary Election National Convention General Election Electoral College

Definition: Definition:
Definition Definition:

Who does voters

Open vs Closed Who actually votes for How many total
the candidate?
actually vote for?

Winner Take All:

Caucus: How many Electoral

● Party members Votes are needed to
select the best win?
candidate through
series of discussions
and votes

Circle California
How many electoral votes
does it have?
Name: EXAMPLE Date: Period:

Race to the White House!

Essential Question: How democratic is the nomination process for citizens in voting for the President of the United States today?

Primaries & Caucuses National Convention General Election Electoral College

Primary Election: National Convention: Electoral College:
● Party Members vote
General Election:
● Where one ● Representatives
for the best presidential
● Voting for the
from each state
candidate to candidate from candidate to be cast their vote for
represent them in each party are the next the next President
the general election. selected to run President of ● 538 Electors
● Open vs Closed:
in the general the United ● Candidate with
○ State’s
election. States. the most electoral
○ Open: Any ● Delegates vote votes wins the
for their
● Voting for the
voter can Presidency_.
assigned President ● Winner Takes
vote in the
Primary candidate. indirectly All
○ Closed: ● Must receive through ○ Whoever
Registered over half to get Electors. has the
voters can party’s most
only vote for nomination. electoral
the party votes in
they identify the state
with. receives
● Voters vote for all the
delegates who vote electoral
for the candidate. votes.
● Need 270 to win.
● Party members
select the best
candidate through
series of discussions
and votes

Circle California
How many electoral votes
does it have?

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