Adi Shakracharya
Adi Shakracharya
Adi Shakracharya
Shri Mataji: That’s what you have to become divine now. The animal stage will be
over very soon. Human being is at that stage where he is going to become
divine, you see he’s the most important thing. I cannot give Realization to any
other animal, but if you call human beings them, that’s all, they only the ones
who are going to get Realization. But is nothing important, these things are not
important, we should not divert attention from the main thing, like some people
believe that if they do this thing they will achieve God. No it’s not that. But later
on, all your priorities change, all your ideas about these things change and you
start understanding what is, what is the thing needed to sustain yourself. [ASIDE:
all right]. Nobody has achieved anything by doing all these things so far, this we
must accept; that we have not achieved anything by doing these things, so far.
Have we felt the Cool Breeze which is described in all the scriptures? Of course I
must say that Adi Shankracharya described it in a very big book “Chaitanya
Lahari.” Have we felt that? No, we have not. So accept it. So what’s the use of
doing the same things again, better get it in within yourself.
However, if no one listens or they close their brain then what to do? However, in
Sahaj when you get realization this false belief falls off. All Jatis and blind faith
are removed. Superstitions are not only in Indian society it is world over. In
England, such superstitions are there that you will be unable to understand.
However, you have to understand them in depth. You have to get your
Until your consciousness achieves that level, you cannot tell the truth/reality,
which is called कैवल्य (Kaivalya/ meaning not clear). In Sahaj yoga when
Kundalini awakens your palm gets a cool breeze. Adi Shankaracharya
(Great Saint of Hinduism) has very beautifully expressed it as “Saleel am
Saleelam” (cool breeze). In the Bible, it is called the “cool breeze of the holy
ghost”. All scriptures have one thing in common, that tell to take your
realization. Were these people false/lies that they emphasized that you should
take your realization? Have a look at their life they were not looting money or
throwing a stone. They never did anything wrong in their life.
Such people are special; you call them saints or Sufi. Sahaj Yoga has been
described in the Quran very clearly. When the Day of Judgment come, your
hands will speak. It means the chakras in your hands will witness activity. You
will know which chakra ae catching. We have three types of channels in us, firstly
Vedas, second Surrender/Bhakti/ Payers and the third is a very secret one called
‘Nath’ panthi, very well known to Maharashtrians.
People mug up the books without understanding them. In Nath panthi, one
Guru used to awaken the kundalini of only one disciple. They did not talk about
Kundalini much with others. Though Adi Shankracharya and before him Shri
Markandya has mentioned the awakening of the kundalini. In the times of
Shri Gyaneshwar, Nivirit Nath had requested him to break the tradition of
kundalini awakening of one Guru to one disciple and to make the kundalini
awakening a mass program. Nivirit Nath knew who Shri Gyaneshwar was and his
mother before committing suicide had told him to follow Shri Gyaneshwar. Shri
Gyaneshwar had said that I will reveal this secret knowledge to the world and in
the sixth Chapter of Gyaneshwari, he described the Kundalini. It is in poetry
form, so you can interpret it in any manner you want.
Human beings can achieve a lot from this. First achievement is that we can
feel this all-pervading power [param chaitanya] on your fingers and very
soothing, settle cool (not very cold) breeze flows from your fontanelle bone
area. Adi Shankracharya called it “Salilam Salilam…”. The vibrations that flow
through your hands, he called it “Spand”. On your palm there are 7
sympathetic nerve endings. These are all 7 plexuses [chakras] on palm, through
them you know which of your plexuses [chakras] have problem. You will know it
on fingers. You will also know problems of others too because you are
enlightened in collective consciousness. You enter into a new dimension through
which a collective consciousness is awakened within you. You can feel chakras of
another person too. So now you know about your own as well other’s Chakras. If
you also learn how to correct chakras, you can correct your own chakras and
help others too. This is called Shuddha Vidhya (pure knowledge).
this Kundalini exists within you. She is your Mother. She is your individual
Mother. You are the only child She has and you don’t have to give up anything as
such. Because She’s the one who looks after you. She is going to give your
second birth. And when your mother gave you the second birth, did she trouble
you? She took up all the trouble upon herself and she managed that you are
born on this earth. In the same way, for the second birth, as you call dwija, that
is born twice, to be born again, there is a Mother already placed within you. She
exist within you and She is the one who can give you Self Realization.
This is not told only by Me. I tell you is told by all the saints of the world. Long
time back, I should say Gyandeva in the twelfth century [ie 1200s] and all others
who lived there but even before that, Markandaya, he talked about it. We don’t
know anything about these people. Then also in the sixteenth century we should
say Guru Nanak was there, Kabira was there, all of them have talked about it.
Kabira has said, “Ida, pingala, sukhumana [MEANS Sushumana] nadi”, “Shunaya
shikar par anhad baje re.” [LITERAL TRANSLATION At the Peak of nothingness,
plays the anhad (Traditional name for Heart Chakra)]. Nobody understood what
they were saying and only reading, reading and reading – where will you go?
Adi Shankracharya also asked, “O’ Mother please remove, please somehow
or other remove from My mind this kind of ignorance that I have, that I
read words, the shabd jalam [MEANS trap of words]. Please remove this
shabd jalam.” All of them has said, Kabira had said “padhi padhi pandita
murakh bhayee” [MEANS by reading and reading a pandit (man of
knowledge) becomes a fool]. So even if you go on reading, it doesn’t work
out. So then scientifically or may be intellectually, you may say, “Oh, it’s all
We had a saint called Markandeya, who they say lived fourteen thousand years
ago. He has written about this fourth dimension and has described it as the
blessing of the Primordial Mother. The second person who was very well
equipped with this knowledge, was Adi Shankracharya who has written many
books. The first book he wrote was Vivek Chudamani, in which he describes this
fourth dimension and explains why we should try to attain this fourth
dimension. An intellectual, one Mr. Sharma, challenged him and told him that he
could not do anything as an ascetic and win over my intellect. Thus he felt that
for the common people all this discussion might just seem to be mental
acrobatics. So he decided to write books just praising the Primordial Mother,
especially in Saundarya Lahari, where he described all the Divine vibrations as
the vibrations of the loving beauty of the Primordial Mother. At that time all this
was written in the Sanskrit language but the common people did not understand
this language, except for a very few learned people, who also did not want to go
into the details of this exposition.