WD 330 S

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transceiver. Key the transmitters with a steady carries and

Thank yo” for purchasing the Diamond HF Dipole
adjust the forward output power for approximately 20 watts.
Antenna. Before using the antenna, please read care-
Switch the wattmeter to read reflected power measures in
fully these OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS to operate
excess of 5 watts, the problem should be corrected before
attempting to “se the antenna.

The WD330S broadband dipole antenna is designed to

provide optimum performance over a wide frequency Troubleshooting
range. and it is very easy to assemble. First check for broken. shorted or twisted wires, ground
The usual requirements for multiple antennas or an anten- Lads or faulty connections in the feedline and connectors.
na tunes between the transceivers and antenna are elimi- Then consider reconfiguring or reorienting the antenna rel-
nated by the unique broadband design. ative to the ground or nearby structures.

Installation Specifications
Refer to the drawings on the opposite side of this sheet for Frequency range 2-26.6MHz
suggested installations. For best performance, the antenna Max.Power range 150 W PEP
should be installed with the radiating elements in a horizon- Input impedance 50 cl
tal (“Fiat Top”) configuration, and as high as possible. VSWR(typical) 2:l from 2-18 MHz,
Theoretically, the directions of maximum radiation and 3:l above 16 MHz
reception are at right angles to the radiating elements, and 10 meters
this should be considered when planning installation.
However, this radiation pattem is based on an ideal anten-
na in free space, and may be considerably different in a
practical situation near the ground and adjacent to other
structures and power lines; some experimentation with
mounting and orientation cari significantly improve perior-
mance, Proximity of ground and neatby structures may
also affect the feedpoint impedance of the antenna, SO
rearrangement of the antenna could be required to achieve
a good VSWR.

Performance Verification
The impedance match of the antenna should be verified
prier to using the antenna with a transmitter, or if there is
doubt about performance.

Install a directional wattmeter between the antenna and the

DAMCHI DENPA KOGYO CO., LTD. 445-l Konakai Nakadori Kawagoe. Saitama 3504022 Japan

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