Triple Talaq Case
Triple Talaq Case
Triple Talaq Case
It is important to note that Triple Talaq does not hold valid in all Muslim school of thoughts but
only the Hanafi School of Sunni sect, regards it ‘lawful although sinful’.4 In the case of Sarabai v.
Rabaibai5, 5 years before the Muslim Personal Law (Sharait) Act 1937, the court held that “it is a
good law but bad is ideology”. However the first time a concern regarding this custom was raised
by Justice Krishna Iyer in the Kerala High Court.6 Subsequently Justice Baharul Islam in two
Gauhati High Court Judgement7 rejected the proposition that even if triple talaq was theoretically
sound, it was legally valid. For the next two decades there were different judgments which came
out for and against this custom. One of the most significant being Shamin Aru v. State of Uttar
Pradesh8 in 2002 where the conditions for a valid talaq were mentioned. Although it did not deal
with the triple talaq directly it however did spark a discussion of what counts as a valid talaq. This
case was future used as a binding precedent later on as to why triple talaq is invalid.
Finally in 2015 a suo motto writ petition was filed when two supreme court judges realised the
urgency of it while dealing with Hindu women’s rights to coparcenary property.9
As far as key legislation goes like any other community Musilms also have a personal law.
Specifically Sections 2 of the Muslim Personal Law (Sharait) Act 1937, which states that
“provisions of Personal Law, marriage, dissolution of marriage, including talaq” are applicable to
the adjudication of cases.
Verdict of the Court
What is interesting about this case is that the five judges bench gave three different line of opinions.
Former Chief Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar delivered the minority opinion for himself and Justice
S. Abdul Nazeer. The majority judges Justice Rohinton Fali Niraman and Justice Uday Lalit
delivered their view together and Justice K.M. Joseph took an entirely different approach but landed
with the same decision hence the ratio of 3:2.
Personal Law and Constitutional Law
On the face of it the Court’s decision was the right one to take but the approaches adopted by the
majority judges seem to differ which gives rise to the debate on how to look at personal law in a
secular country like India. It raises the question at what point is it acceptable for the Judges to take
decisions on the constitutionality of an uncodified practice like triple talaq.
Justice Khehar does not look at it form the aspect of Muslim law but sees it completley form the
point of view of the consitution and if it can be held valid under the same. To which Justice Khehar
replies on the similar lines of the opposition’s argument that personal law was not a state enacted
law and only state enacted law can be subjected to Fundamental Rights. However the major flaw
which can be seen in the following argument that how a practice which even though is not codified
under the personal law, is authorised and enacted by the State not be under the scope of law of the
Now looking at Justice Niraman’s argument we find that he does consider triple talaq to be “law in
force” as per Article 13. With a very reasonable argument that since Section 211 of Muslim Personal
Law (Sharait) Act 1937 gives talaq in general authority so it automatically comes under the
supervision of the state laws.
Thus the obvious question that comes before us here is, are any relevant fundamental rights being
violated, specifically Article 14 and Article 15 which cover Right to Equality or can it be saved by
fundamental right like Right to Religion i.e Article 25.
As far as religious aspects go the Justice Niraman did not agree that it would be under the protection
of Article 25 as it only protects those practices which is an integral part of the religion which many
scholars and commentaries on the same in Sharia have said it is otherwise.
While discussing triple talaq especially the religious aspect of the case Justice Joseph who although
agreed with Justice Niraman but took a different route to achieve the end goal. He disagreed with
Justice Niram that it was not upon judges to decide on religious matters. In fact Justice Joseph goes
no to say that when a private law is unclear on a particular issue it is left for the judge to decide
what the law means to say. Therefore in this case the judge has to take the decision on what is the
given scenario of the particular practice or custom as no one else can. He looked at this case
completely form the cultures point of view and chose to ignore the constitutional aspect as
according to him only the legal santity of triple talaq in Muslim personal law needed to be
Therefore what we can see that Justice Joseph tactfully reaches the same outcome as many without
actually having to enroute through constitutional rights, secularism or uniform civil code. He
mainly relies on commentries on Muslim Law and judgements relying on the commentries on
Muslim law by Muslim Judges – which was key in invalidating the triple talaq and maintaining a
politically viable judgement, whithout causing a lot of communal backlash or tension.17
It is no doubt that the triple talaq judgement has become a landmark judgement especially on the
aspect of private law in this country. It has given us various different aspects on how to deal with
them especially Justice Joseph’s “culturally grounded” judgement. This judgment definitely
showed that the supreme court has learned from its past mistakes on personal law. Despite the fact
that it lacked to give clarity on gender justice and inequality in personal laws and how they are to
be treated. It also did not address if “setting aside” triple talaq meant that it had no legal effect at
all or three utturence meant one. Therefore all said and done, it is definitely a move towards equality
and has given a backbone to how future personal law and social amendments need to take place.
This judgement also handled the minority is a very viable way which is a step toward secularism.
It is hoped that this judgement will be taken in the bright light and will help Muslim woman to live
a better and more secure life as gauranteed by the law of the land.