Wifi Based Digital Notice Board

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“WiFi Based Digital Notice Board”

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the curriculum prescribed for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Information Science & Engineering by

1CR14IS029 Bindushree J M
1CR14CS092 Ponnaganti Manendra
1CR14CS144 Suhas M S
1CR15CS412 HariKrishna P

Under the Guidance of

Mrs.Vaishali Deshmukh
Associate Professor
Department of ISE, CMRIT, Bengaluru




This is to certify that the project entitled “WiFi Based Digital Notice Board”
is a bonafide work carried out by Bindushree J M,Ponnaganti Manendra, Suhas
M S and Hari Krishna P in partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science & Engineering of Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belgaum, during the year 2017-18. It is certified that all
corrections / suggestions indicated during reviews have been incorporated in the re-
port. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements
in respect of the project work prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Signature of Guide Signature of HoD Signature of Principal

Mrs.VaishaliDeshmukh Dr.PremKumarRamesh Dr. Sanjay Jain
Associate Professor Professor & Head Principal
Department of ISE Department of ISE CMRIT,
CMRIT, Bengaluru - 37 CMRIT, Bengaluru - 37 Bengaluru - 37

External Viva

Name of the Examiners Institution Signature with Date



We Ms.Bindushree J M,Mr. Ponnaganti Manendra,Mr. Suhas M S and
Mr. HariKrishna P ,bonafide students of CMR Institute of Technology,Bangalore,hereby
declare that the dissertation entitled “WiFi Based Digital Notice Board”has been car-
ried out by us under the guidance of Mrs.Vaishali Deshmukh,Associate Professor
of ISE Department,CMRIT,Bangalore,in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science Engi-
neering,of the Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belgaum during the academic
year 2017-2018.The work done in this dissertation report is original and it has not
been submitted for any other degree in any University.

Bindushree J M
Ponnganti Manendra
Suhas M S
Hari Krishna P
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany a successful com-
pletion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning people who
made it possible, success is the epitome of hard work and perseverance,
but steadfast of all is encouraging guidance.

So,with gratitude we acknowledge all those whose guidance and en-

couragement served as beacon of light and crowned our effort with success.

We would like to thank Dr. Sanjay Jain, Principal, CMRIT, Ban-

galore for providing excellent academic environment in the college and his
never-ending support for the B.E program.

We would like to express our gratitude towards Dr. H.N.Shankar,

Professor and Dean Academics and Research, CMRIT, Bangalore who
provided guidance and gave valuable suggestions regarding the project.

We would like to thank Dr. Prem Kumar Ramesh, Professor &

HOD and Mr. Manoj Challa,Associate Professor & Program Coordi-
nator, Department of Computer Science, CMRIT, Bangalore who shared
their opinions and experiences through which we received the required in-
formation crucial for the project.

We consider it a privilege and honour to express my sincere gratitude

to my internal guide Mrs Vaishali Deshmukh, Associate Professor, De-
partment of Information Science & Engineering, for his valuable guidance
throughout the tenure of this project work.

We would also like to thank all the faculty members who have always
been very co-operative and generous. Conclusively, we also thank all the
non-teaching staff and all others who have done immense help directly or
indirectly during my project

Bindushree J M
Ponnganti Manendra
Suhas M S
Hari Krishna P

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ii

List of Figures iv

List of Tables v

Abstract vi

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Objective of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Proposed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Phase Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Organization of the project report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


3.1 Arduino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 NodeMCU10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Dot Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Voltage Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5 Voltage Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.6 Embedded C Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.7 Arduino 1.8.5 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


4.1 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Feasibility Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.1 System development methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2 Design Using UML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

7.1 SPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.2 Dot Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.3 Arduino IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.4 ESP8266 Arduino Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.5 Android Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.6 hardware implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

8.1 Testing Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8.2 Unit Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8.3 Integration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8.4 System Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8.5 Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
8.6 Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


9.1 Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


10.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
10.2 Future Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Appendices 49

A Code 49

List of Figures

3.1 Dot Matrix Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.2 How Dot Matrix Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6.1 Waterfall model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

6.2 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.3 Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.4 Use Case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.5 Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.6 Sequence Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

7.1 hardware wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

7.2 Proto Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

9.1 Front end of the app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

9.2 Display of sample text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
9.3 Display of Digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
9.4 Display of text from right to left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

List of Tables

1.1 Phase Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

8.1 Test case table1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

8.2 Test case table2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

This project presents a digital notice board using WiFi module.
The idea behind this project is to provide its users with a simple, fast
and reliable way to put up important notices in an LCD where the user
can send a message to be displayed in the LCD. The message can be sent
through an android application designed in this project, through the WiFi
module . So, notices can be put up in an LCD display from any location
in the world. It uses a microcontroller for system control, WiFi based
technology for communication and sends the message through the android
application. The project consists of a 32-bit ARM based microcontroller
LPC2148, WiFi module, an LCD, and an android application for user in-
terface with the hardware.This device can be used anywhere irrespective of
the place of deployment provided mobile network connectivity is available.

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction
As technology improves, efficient, financially affordable and highly productive
output becomes an absolute necessity, and this leads us to be more inclined towards
using automated control systems. Human intervention, although it offers variety,
adaptability and interactivity, could lead to errors, as it is a natural and inevitable
result of this variability. Hence, automation of a system is an accepted means to
minimize human error and its impact.

Applying this to the situation under scrutiny now, the traditional methods of
writing typing the notice on paper, and having a man/woman deliver the notice to
the respective groups, or having himher paste the notice on the notice board, is prone
to errors. The person delivering could deliver it to the wrong group, or tamper with
the information being sent, etc.

With the electronics industry moving at a fast pace, we are able to solve many
such problems with digital replacements. Our project, Multi Electronic Notice Board,
aims at eliminating the use of paper in offices, schools & colleges, and other institu-
tions; also minimizing the risk of errors, by replacing paper with LCD displays.

In this project, a hardware capable of displaying notices electronically using an

android application has been built. In order to display notices, a user can use the
android application to type a notice and click on the send button to get it displayed.
The functionality can be used only if wiFi module is connected to hot spot of the
host. The hardware consists of an ARM based microcontroller LPC2148 that com-
municates to the application through a WiFi module to receive messages. LPC2148
itself retrieves message and sends signal to switch on/off a device or display a notice.

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 1

The motivation behind such a project is mainly to reduce physical effort for operating
appliances especially for aged people. Another reason for this project is overusage
of paper in educational institutions for printing notices. Due to mushrooming paper
usage day by day, lot of trees are being cut which is harmful for the environment.
So, if notices are displayed everywhere electronically, it would reduce paper usage
and make communication easier and faster. A GSM based system is exible, durable
without any risk of getting hacked. Such a system has a low cost of installation and

1.2 Problem Statement

The idea behind this project is to provide its users with a simple, fast and reli-
able way to put up important notices in an LCD where the user can send a message
to be displayed in the LCD. The message can be sent through an android application
designed in this project

1.3 Objective of the project

Presently almost all electronic notice boards are designed using wired system.
One of the drawbacks of the design is the system is inflexible in term of placement.
The common notice board cannot be placed anywhere because of the messy wire.

The aim of this project is to develop a digital notice board that will be used at
the faculty in order to display latest information through WiFi module.The message
can be send through android application

1.4 Proposed System

The project overcomes this problem by introducing an electronic display notice
board interfaced to an android device through WiFi connectivity. The WiFi module
receives the message from the android device that is sent to a microcontroller of 8051
family. The microcontroller displays the message on a LCD screen. This project can
be used in colleges, offices, railway stations or airports for displaying any information.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 1

1.5 Phase Description

Table 1.1: Phase Description

Phase Task Description

Phase1 Analysis Analyzing the core of the IEEE paper and
provide Literature review based on analysis.
Phase2 Literature survey Collect raw data and elaborate on literature
Phase3 System analysis Analyses the requirements of the project and
lists the specific requirements needed.
Phase4 Design Object designing and Functional description
Phase5 Implementation Implement the code based on the object spec-
ification .
Phase6 Testing Test the project according to Test Specifica-
tion .
Phase7 Documentation Prepare the document for this project with
conclusion and future enhancement.

1.6 Organization of the project report

The project report is organized as follows:

Chapter 2: Literature Review - Gives a brief overview of the survey papers and
the research sources that have been studied to establish a thorough understanding of
the project under consideration.

Chapter 3: Theoretical Background - Establishes groundwork for the proposed

project by giving a detailed analysis of the project topic, existing research relevant to
the project, arguments in favor and against the existing solutions and finally explores
the motivation behind the proposed solution.

Chapter 4:System Requirement Specification - Discusses in details about the

different kinds of requirements needed to successfully complete the project.

Chapter 5: System Analysis - gives details about several analysis that are per-
formed to facilitate taking decision of whether the project is feasible enough or not.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 1

Chapter 6: System Design - Gives the design description of the project, concep-
tual and detailed design well supported with design diagrams.

Chapter 7: Implementation - Discusses the implementation details of the project

and reasons the use of the programming language and development environment.

Chapter 8: Testing - Briefs the testing methods used for testing the different mod-
ules in the project.

Chapter 9: Results and Performance Analysis - Gives the snapshots and graphs
of the proposed protocols.

Chapter 10: Conclusion and Future Scope - Gives the concluding remarks of
the project, throwing light on its future aspects.

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Chapter 2


Literature survey is mainly carried out in order to analyze the background of

the current project which helps to find out flaws in the existing system and guides on
which unsolved problems we can work out. So, the following topics not only illustrate
the background of the project but also uncover the problems and flaws which moti-
vated to propose solutions and work on this project.

GSM network is widely used today whether it is for calling or SMS. Also
some of the places needs urgent notices like in college, railway stations share-market ,
and this notice should be in real-time , so we need a real-time notice [1]. This project
is our experiment to give a start to the era of real-time noticing. This project is about
writing the message which is to be displayed in mobile and send it as SMS to other
side. This received message is fetched into Microcontroller and after authentication
it is displayed on LCD screen. Also by interfacing a voice data recording IC with
Microcontroller we can also do announcements in real-time.

This paper is designed using ARM-LPC2148 interfaced with Graphical Dis-

play. At present, when information has to be updated in a notice board, it has to
bedone manually. Also in present electronic systems, no matter how many displays
are present, only a single notice can be sent to all of the notice boards irrespective
of their places. In order to overcome this disadvantage, multiple displays along with
a decoder are used to select a particular display and the corresponding information
is sent through an ARM controller by using GSM technology [2]. The entries can
be documented and a record may be maintained for future use by using visual basic.
The controller has internal a real time clock used for synchronization of data. A re-
sistive touch screen is used to access the previous notices and also progress details.
The monitoring system consists of an image sensor which captures the images for the
specified amount of time and the images can be transferred through an USB port to

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 2

a PC for storage purposes.

This paper is developed a GSM based notice board display using ARM7 con-
troller along with LED array. The microcontrollers provide all the functionality of the
display notices and wireless control. The Display is obtained on a 7X96 Light Emit-
ting Diode (LED) dot matrix display. A desired text message from a mobile phone
is sent via a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to the GSM module
located at the receiving end [3]. The GSM modem is connected, through MAX 232
Integrated Circuit (MAX 32IC), to the ARM7 microcontroller. The message that is
stored in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)
is then displayed on the LED dot matrix display. This hardware uses regulated 5V,
500mA power supply. A three-terminal LM7805 is employed for regulation of the
voltage. A bridge type full-wave rectifier is used to rectify the AC output of the sec-
ondary of 230/12V step down transformer. The system was tested to work according
to specification.

In the last couple of decades, communication technology has developed by

leaps and bounds. The use of Embedded System in Communication has given rise
to many interesting applications. One of such applications is public addressing sys-
tem (PAS). Many companies are manufacturing audio / video systems like public
announcement system, CCTV, programmable sign boards etc. But all these systems
are generally hardwired, complex in nature and difficult to expand. So, by adding
wireless communication interface such as GSM to these systems, we can overcome
their limitations .Now a days LED Message Scrolling Displays are becoming very
popular .These displays are used in shopping malls, theaters, public transportation,
traffic signs, highways signs, etc.This paper describes the GSM based LED display [4].

Now a days, Scrolling LED Displays are normally used in stationaries, rail-
way stations, banks, etc. everywhere in the daily occupational life. This LEDs are
preprogrammed in sense that they are already programmed to display a particular
message; in case of editing or manipulating the message a person is needed around
the display either by leased media or some kind of wireless media(within a limited
area) which itself is an disadvantage because a the person cannot be always present
at the location of the display board; a person might be at some other place and it is
urgent for the person to display the message on the LED display board which is at a
distant place, so this type of Scrolling LED Displays are not effective in all situations
and also this display board cannot be placed anywhere because of complex and deli-
cate wiring. GSM based LED Scrolling Display Board is a model for displaying notices
or messages within any networked area through SMS which can be send by mobiles
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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 2

[5]. The Project aims to provide the services of communication with LED displays
remotely using GSM (that is by using SIMs SMSs via mobile phones) and updating
message instantly on display board unlike a desk bound device such as PC or laptop.
The user can update it even from a remote distant with simple user interaction.

Everything around us is becoming smart such as smart phones, smart tele-

visions, smart refrigerators, so why not smart displays boards for advertisements and
notices. Display boards are primary thing in any institute, organization, public utility
places like bus stops, railway stations, parks, shopping malls to display information
regarding platforms, various advertisements about the products, or important notices.
People are now adapted to the idea of the world at its fingertips. The old wired display
boards are controlled by microcontroller. To change message, we need to change the
microcontroller program code again and again. By adding GSM wireless communica-
tion interface, we can overcome these limitations [6]. It is a start to the era of smart
and real-time displaying of messages on display boards. This paper explains the devel-
opment of GSM based Smart LED Display Boards using Short Message Service(SMS).

Literature survey is mainly carried out in order to analyze the background of the cur-
rent project which helps to find out flaws in the existing system and guides on which
unsolved problems we can work out.

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Chapter 3


Theoretical background highlighting some topics related to project work. The

description contains several topics which are worth to discuss and also highlight some
of their limitation that encourage going on finding solution as well as highlights some
of their advantages for which reason these topics and their features are used in this

3.1 Arduino
Arduino is an open source, computer hardware and software company, project,
and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and
microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense
and control objects in the physical world. The project’s products are distributed as
open-source hardware and software, which are licensed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the
manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Arduino boards
are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself kits.

Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards
are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be in-
terfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The boards feature
serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some mod-
els, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The microcon-
trollers are typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming
languages C and C++. In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Ar-
duino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the
Processing language project.

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 3

The Arduino project started in 2003 as a program for students at the Interaction
Design Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, aiming to provide a low-cost and easy way for
novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using
sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hob-
byists include simple robots, thermostats, and motion detectors.

There are various types of arduinos.Of all the type of arduinos we are using
NodeMCU10 in this project.This Node arduino consist of 12pins.It also has an in-
built wiFi module in it.It has a storage of 32kb of memory.

3.2 NodeMCU10
NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It includes firmware which runs
on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems, and hardware which is based
on the ESP-12 module. The term ”NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware
rather than the development kits. The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. It
is based on the eLua project, and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266.
Since NodeMCU is open source platform, their hardware design is open for edit/-
modify/build. NodeMCU Dev Kit/board consist of ESP8266 wifi enabled chip. The
ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP pro-
tocol. F There is Version2 (V2) available for NodeMCU Dev Kit i.e. NodeMCU
Development Board v1.0 (Version2), which usually comes in black colored PCB.

ESP8266 is Wi-Fi enabled system on chip (SoC) module developed by Espressif

system. It is mostly used for development of IoT (Internet of Things) embedded ap-
plications. ESP8266 comes with capabilities of

→ 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n, supporting WPA/WPA2).

→ general-purpose input/output (16 GPIO).
→ Inter-Integrated Circuit (IC) serial communication protocol.
→ analog-to-digital conversion (10-bit ADC).
→ Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial communication protocol.
→ IS (Inter-IC Sound) interfaces with DMA(Direct Memory Access) (sharing pins
with GPIO).
→ UART (on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2).
→ pulse-width modulation (PWM).

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 3

It employs a 32-bit RISC CPU based on the Tensilica Xtensa L106 running at
80 MHz (or overclocked to 160 MHz). It has a 64 KB boot ROM, 64 KB instruc-
tion RAM and 96 KB data RAM. External flash memory can be accessed through SPI.

ESP8266 module is low cost standalone wireless transceiver that can be used for
end-point IoT developments. To communicate with the ESP8266 module, micro-
controller needs to use set of AT commands. Microcontroller communicates with
ESP8266-01 module using UART having specified Baud rate. There are many third-
party manufacturers that produce different modules based on this chip. So, the module
comes with different pin availability options like

→ ESP-01 comes with 8 pins (2 GPIO pins) PCB trace antenna.

→ ESP-02 comes with 8 pins, (3 GPIO pins) U-FL antenna connector.
→ ESP-03 comes with 14 pins, (7 GPIO pins) Ceramic antenna.
→ ESP-04 comes with 14 pins, (7 GPIO pins) No ant

3.3 Dot Matrix

LED dot matrix display is used to display any messages that are key-in by user.
The LED dot matrix that is used in this project consists of 2 blocks and 8X8 matrixes.
The position of the least significant bit (LSB) and most significant bit (MSB) of the
display need to be initialized.

Figure 3.1: Dot Matrix Pin Configuration

The scrolling mechanism of the light on LED from the first column to the last
column is applied in this board so as to display fixed or scroll characters. It is con-
trolled by microcontroller system through decoder by enabling and disabling certain
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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 3

latches. Basically, only one column for each LED dot matrix will lit up at one time.
But due to the eye insensitivity, user cannot tell the different. The scrolling mecha-
nism means the LED lighting up simultaneously to display fixed or scrolling messages.

Initially, the first column for LED display blocks is lit up. It is followed by second
column while the other column is lit off. The process will continue until the last
column. Then the process is repeated to produce a character or word in accordance
to user request. The lit off the LED is so fast, so that all of the LED looks like lit up
at the same time.

The latch played the major role in controlling the data into rows and columns
for the LED. This process is controlled by software written in assembly language for
microcontroller MC68HC11A1.

For example, to display B in the dot matrix, a set of hex numbers instructions
must be given to the microcontroller for rows and columns. The numbers are $81,
$B5, $B5, $CB for rows and $C3 for columns. Logic 0 will lit up the LED on the Dot
Matrix. Figure 3.2 is an example of dot matrix display.

Figure 3.2: How Dot Matrix Works

A dot-matrix display is a display device used to display information on machines,

clocks, railway departure indicators and many other devices requiring a simple dis-
play device of limited resolution. The display consists of a dot matrix of lights or
mechanical indicators arranged in a rectangular configuration (other shapes are also
possible, although not common) such that by switching on or off selected lights, text
or graphics can be displayed. A dot matrix controller converts instructions from a
processor into signals which turns on or off lights in the matrix so that the required

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 3

display is produced.

A dot matrix is a 2-dimensional patterned array, used to represent characters,

symbols and images. Every type of modern technology uses dot matrices for display
of information, including cell phones, televisions, and printers. They are also used in
textiles with sewing, knitting, and weaving. An alternate form of information display
using lines and curves is known as a vector display, was used with early computing de-
vices such as air traffic control radar displays and pen-based plotters but is no longer
used. Electronic vector displays were typically monochrome only, and either don’t fill
in the interiors of closed vector shapes, or shape-filling is slow, time-consuming, and
often non-uniform, as on pen-based plotters.

3.4 Voltage Transformer

Voltage transformer gets used in electrical power system for stepping down the
system voltage to a safe value which can be fed to low ratings meters and relays.
Commercially available relays and meters used for protection and metering, are de-
signed for low voltage. This is a simplest form of potential transformer definition.

The Voltage Transformer can be thought of as an electrical component rather than

an electronic component. A transformer basically is very simple static (or stationary)
electro-magnetic passive electrical device that works on the principle of Faradays law
of induction by converting electrical energy from one value to another. The trans-
former does this by linking together two or more electrical circuits using a common
oscillating magnetic circuit which is produced by the transformer itself. A transformer
operates on the principals of electromagnetic induction, in the form of Mutual Induc-

3.5 Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that provides a stable DC voltage in-
dependent of the load current, temperature and AC line voltage variations. A voltage
regulator may use a simple feed-forward design or may include negative feedback. It
may use an electro mechanical mechanism, or electronic components. Depending on
the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages.

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Electronic voltage regulators are found in devices such as computer power supplies
where they stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor and other elements. In
automobile alternators and central power station generator plants, voltage regulators
control the output of the plant. In an electric power distribution system, voltage regu-
lators may be installed at a substation or along distribution lines so that all customers
receive steady voltage independent of how much power is drawn from the line.

3.6 Embedded C Language

Embedded C is one of the most popular and most commonly used Program-
ming Languages in the development of Embedded Systems. There are many popular
programming languages like Assembly, BASIC, C++ etc. that are often used for de-
veloping Embedded Systems but Embedded C remains popular due to its efficiency,
less development time and portability. An Embedded System can be best described
as a system which has both the hardware and software and is designed to do a specific
task. A good example for an Embedded System, which many households have, is a
Washing Machine.

3.7 Arduino 1.8.5 Software

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE)
- contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with
buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino and
Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. Programs writ-
ten using Arduino Software (IDE) are called sketches. These sketches are written in
the text editor and are saved with the file extension .ino. The editor has features for
cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message area gives feedback
while saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays text output
by the Arduino Software (IDE), including complete error messages and other infor-

This chapter mainly concentrates on the basic theoretical background related to
the topic of focus. It gives information about the platform on which this application
has been developed in this chapter.

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Chapter 4


Software requirement Specification is a fundamental document, which forms the

foundation of the software development process. It not only lists the requirements
of a system but also has a description of its major feature. An SRS is basically an
organization’s understanding (in writing) of a customer or potential client’s system
requirements and dependencies at a particular point in time (usually) prior to any
actual design or development work. It’s a two-way insurance policy that assures that
both the client and the organization understand the other’s requirements from that
perspective at a given point in time.

The SRS also functions as a blueprint for completing a project with as little cost
growth as possible. The SRS is often referred to as the ”parent” document because
all subsequent project management documents, such as design specifications, state-
ments of work, software architecture specifications, testing and validation plans, and
documentation plans, are related to it. It is important to note that an SRS contains
functional and nonfunctional requirements only; it doesn’t offer design suggestions,
possible solutions to technology or business issues, or any other information other
than what the development team understands the customer’s system requirements to

4.1 Functional Requirements

Functional Requirement defines a function of a software system and how the
system must behave when presented with specific inputs or conditions. These may

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 4

include calculations, data manipulation and processing and other specific functional-
ity. In this system following are the functional requirements:-

→ Input test case must not have compilation and runtime errors.
→ The application must not stop working when kept running for even a long time.
→ The application must function as expected for every set of test cases provided.
→ The application should generate the output for given input test case and input
→ The application should generate on-demand services.

4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements are the requirements which are not directly con-
cerned with the specific function delivered by the system. They specify the criteria
that can be used to judge the operation of a system rather than specific behaviors.
They may relate to emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and
store occupancy. Non-functional requirements arise through the user needs, because
of budget constraints, organizational policies, the need for interoperability with other
software and hardware systems or because of external factors such as:-

→ Product Requirements.
→ Organizational Requirements.
→ Basic Operational Requirements.

In systems engineering and requirements engineering, a non-functional requirement

is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a
system, rather than specific behaviours. This should be contrasted with functional
requirements that define specific behaviour or functions. The plan for implementing
non-functional requirements is detailed in the system architecture. Broadly, functional
requirements define what a system is supposed to do and non- functional requirements
define how a system is supposed to be. Functional requirements are usually in the
form of system shall do ¡requirement¿, an individual action of part of the system,
perhaps explicitly in the sense of a mathematical function, a black box description
input, output, process and control functional model or IPO Model. In contrast, non-
functional requirements are in the form of system shall be ¡requirement¿, an overall
property of the system as a whole or of a particular aspect and not a specific function.
The systems’ overall properties commonly mark the difference between whether the
development project has succeeded or failed.
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Non-functional requirements of our project include:

→ Response time The time the system takes to load and the time for responses on
any action the user does.
→ Processing time - How long is acceptable to perform key functions or export /
import data?
→ Throughput The number of transactions the system needs to handle must be kept
in mind.
→ Storage - The amount of data to be stored for the system to function.
→ Architectural Standards The standards needed for the system to work and sustain.

4.2.1 Product Requirements

→Correctness: It follows a well-defined set of procedures and rules to compute and
also rigorous testing is performed to confirm the correctness of the data.

→Ease of Use: The front end is designed in such a way that it provides an interface
which allows the user to interact in an easy manner.

Non functional requirements are also called the qualities of a system. These qual-
ities can be divided into execution quality & evolution quality. Execution qualities
are security & usability of the system which are observed during run time, whereas
evolution quality involves testability, maintainability, extensibility or scalability.

4.2.2 Organizational Requirements

Process Standards: IEEE standards are used to develop the application which is
the standard used by the most of the standard software developers all over the world.

Design Methods: Design is one of the important stages in the software engineering
process. This stage is the first step in moving from problem to the solution domain.
In other words, starting with what is needed design takes us to work how to satisfy
the needs.

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4.2.3 Basic Operational Requirements

Operational requirement is the process of linking strategic goals and objectives
to tactic goals and objectives. It describes milestones, conditions for success and ex-
plains how, or what portion of, a strategic plan will be put into operation during a
given operational period, in the case of, a strategic plan will be put into operation
during a given operational period, in the case of commercial application, a fiscal year
or another given budgetary term. An operational plan is the basis for, and justifi-
cation of an annual operating budget request. Therefore, a five-year strategic plan
would typically require five operational plans funded by five operating budgets.

Operational plans should establish the activities and budgets for each part of the
organization for the next 1-3 years. They link the strategic plan with the activities
the organization will deliver and the resources required to deliver them.

An operational plan draws directly from agency and program strategic plans to
describe agency and program missions and goals, program objectives, and program
activities. Like a strategic plan, an operational plan addresses four questions:

→ Where are we now?

→ Where do we want to be?
→ How do we get there?

The customers are those that perform the eight primary functions of systems en-
gineering, with special emphasis on the operator as the key customer. Operational
requirements will define the basic need and, at a minimum, will be related to these
following points:

Mission profile or scenario: It describes about the procedures used to accomplish

mission objective. It also finds out the effectiveness or efficiency of the system.

Performance and related parameters: It points out the critical system parame-
ters to accomplish the mission

Utilization environments: It gives a brief outline of system usage. Finds out ap-
propriate environments for effective system operation.

Operational life cycle: It defines the system lifetime.

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4.3 Hardware Requirements

→ Micro controller unit [8051 Family]
→ Regulator
→ Transformer
→ WiFi module
→ Matrix Display (88)

4.4 Software Requirements

→ Keil Vision IDE
→ MC Programming Language: Embedded C


This chapter gives details of the functional requirements, non-functional re-

quirements, resource requirements, hardware requirements, software requirements etc.
Again the non-functional requirements in turn contain product requirements, organi-
zational requirements, user requirements, basic operational requirements etc.

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Chapter 5


5.1 Overview
Analysis is the process of finding the best solution to the problem. System
analysis is the process by which we learn about the existing problems, define objects
and requirements and evaluates the solutions. It is the way of thinking about the
organization and the problem it involves, a set of technologies that helps in solving
these problems. Feasibility study plays an important role in system analysis which
gives the target for design and development.

5.2 Feasibility Study

All systems are feasible when provided with unlimited resource and infinite time.
But unfortunately, this condition does not prevail in practical world. So it is both
necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of the system at the earliest possible
time. Months or years of effort, thousands of rupees and untold professional embar-
rassment can be averted if an illconceived system is recognized early in the definition
phase. Feasibility & risk analysis are related in many ways. If project risk is great,
the feasibility of producing quality software is reduced. In this case there are three
primary areas of interest:-

5.2.1 Performance Analysis

For the complete functionality of the project work, the project is run with the
help of healthy networking environment. Normally, the OS is windows 7. The main
theme of this project is to design a system that correctly identifies plant diseases and
generates output specific data. Performance analysis is done to find out whether the
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 5

proposed system is time efficient and accurate. It is essential that the process of per-
formance analysis and definition must be conducted in parallel.

5.2.2 Technical Analysis

System is only beneficial only if it can be turned into information systems that
will meet the organizations technical requirement.Simply stated this test of feasibility
asks whether the system will work or not when developed & installed, whether there
are any major barriers to implementation. Regarding all these issues in technical
analysis there are several points to focus on:-

Changes to bring in the system: All changes should be in positive direction, there
will be increased level of efficiency and better customer service.

Required skills: Platforms & tools used in this project are widely used. So the
skilled manpower is readily available in the industry.

Acceptability: The structure of the system is kept feasible enough so that there
should not be any problem from the users point of view.

5.2.3 Economical Analysis

Economical analysis is performed to evaluate the development cost weighed
against the ultimate income or benefits derived from the developed system. For run-
ning this system, we simply need a computer. All the features in this system run even
on the other Operating Systems. So the system is economically feasible enough.

The main aim of this chapter is to find out whether the system is feasible enough
or not. For these reasons different kinds of analysis, such as performance analysis,
technical analysis,economical analysis etc is performed.

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Chapter 6


Design is a meaningful engineering representation of something that is to be
built. It is the most crucial phase in the developments of a system. Software design
is a process through which the requirements are translated into a representation of
software. Design is a place where design is fostered in software Engineering. Based on
the user requirements and the detailed analysis of the existing system, the new system
must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. Design is the perfect way
to accurately translate a customers requirement in the finished software product. De-
sign creates a representation or model, provides details about software data structure,
architecture, interfaces and components that are necessary to implement a system.
The logical system design arrived at as a result of systems analysis is converted into
physical system design.

6.1 System development methodology

System development method is a process through which a product will get com-
pleted or a product gets rid from any problem. Software development process is
described as a number of phases, procedures and steps that gives the complete soft-
ware. It follows series of steps which is used for product progress. The development
method followed in this project is waterfall model.

6.1.1 Model phases

The waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which
progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 6

Requirement initiation, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and maintenance.

Requirement Analysis: This phase is concerned about collection of requirement of

the system. This process involves generating document and requirement review.

System Design: Keeping the requirements in mind the system specifications are
translated in to a software representation. In this phase the designer emphasizes on:-
algorithm, data structure, software architecture etc.

Coding: In this phase programmer starts his coding in order to give a full sketch
of product. In other words system specifications are only converted in to machine
readable compute code. Implementation: The implementation phase involves the ac-
tual coding or programming of the software. The output of this phase is typically the
library, executables, user manuals and additional software documentation .

Testing: In this phase all programs (models) are integrated and tested to ensure that
the complete system meets the software requirements. The testing is concerned with
verification and validation.

Maintenance: The maintenance phase is the longest phase in which the software
is updated to fulfill the changing customer need, adapt to accommodate change in
the external environment, correct errors and oversights previously undetected in the
testing phase, enhance the efficiency of the software.

6.1.2 Reason for choosing Waterfall Model as development

1.Clear project objectives.
2.Stable project requirements.
3. Progress of system is measurable.
4.Strict sign-off requirements.
5.Helps you to be perfect.
6. Logic of software development is clearly understood.
7.Production of a formal specification.
8.Better resource allocation.
9.Improves quality. The emphasis on requirements and design before writing a single
line of code ensures minimal wastage of time and effort and reduces the risk of sched-
ule slippage.
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Figure 6.1: Waterfall model

6.2 Design Using UML

Designing UML diagram specifies, how the process within the system commu-
nicates along with how the objects with in the process collaborate using both static
as well as dynamic UML diagrams since in this ever-changing world of Object Ori-
ented application development, it has been getting harder and harder to develop and
manage high quality applications in reasonable amount of time. As a result of this
challenge and the need for a universal object modeling language every one could use,
the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the Information industries version of blue
print. It is a method for describing the systems architecture in detail. Easier to build
or maintains system, and to ensure that the system will hold up to the requirement

6.2.1 Architectural Design

The overall logical structure of the project is divided into processing modules
and a conceptual data structure is defined as Architectural Design.

From the above figure 6.2 we can observe that the dot matrix is connected to
NodeMCU10 by 3 wired SPI protocol connection.The NodeMCU10 has one wifi mod-
ule inbuilt in it.The NodeMCU10 has 12pins.Here in this we are using only 3 pins
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Figure 6.2: System Architecture

rest of the pins we are leaving free.The user connect the device and android applica-
tion with the same hot spot.the user then open the app and press the ip address of
the hot spot then after establishment of the connection between device and android
application ,User will type the content to be displayed in the text box provided for
text in the android application and then user will press enter then the message will
be transferred from application to device through wifi and it will be displayed in dot
matrix display.

6.2.2 Class Diagram

UML class diagram shows the static structure of the model. The class diagram
is a collection of static modeling elements, such as classes and their relationships,
connected as a graph to each other and to their contents.

The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling. It is
used both for general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and
for detailed modeling translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams
can also be used for data modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both
the main objects and or interactions in the application and the objects to be pro-
grammed.Figure 6.3 shows the Class Diagram.

Here the class diagram consist of three classes.They are NodeMCU,matrix Dis-
playand server .Here the class NodeMCU was used for checking the status and for
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Figure 6.3: Class Diagram

transmission of information.The class matrix display is used for fecthing the user in-
put from the user and displaying it on display.Where as server class is used for storing
the local host user name and password .It was also used for connecting of the device
to local host.

6.2.3 Use Case Diagram

A use case defines a goal-oriented set of interactions between external entities
and the system under consideration. The external entities which interact with the
system are its actors. A set of use cases describe the complete functionality of the
system at a particular level of detail and it can be graphically denoted by the use case

The use case diagram of the proposed system is shown in Figure 6.4 , the system
broadly classifies the functionality of the system into components that perform the
actions :-connecting to network,display ip address,enter the text,fetech the input and
display it on matrix.Connecting to the net is common action performed by app and
lcd.Display ip,take input and display the text will be performed by lcd.enter the text
will be performed by app.

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Figure 6.4: Use Case Diagram

The following are the actors and use cases:


Use Cases
1.Connect to network
2.Display IP
3.Enter text
4.Receive text
5.Display text

6.2.4 Activity Diagram

An activity diagram shows the sequence of steps that make up a complex pro-
cess. An activity is shown as a round box containing the name of the operation. An
outgoing solid arrow attached to the end of the activity symbol indicates a transition
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triggered by the completion.Figure 6.5 shows the Activity Diagram.

Figure 6.5: Activity Diagram

In the activity diagram first we will update the ssid and password of the wifi ,then
we will check whether connection is established or not.If established we will then enter
the ip address which is displayed on the lcd into the app and then we will type the
text which has to be displayed on the lcd.If connection is not established then we will
go back to check whether ssid and password are correct or not.

6.2.5 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of
a system by viewing the interaction between the system and the environment. A
sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a time sequence. A sequence
diagram has two dimensions: vertical dimension represents time, the horizontal di-
mension represents the objects existence during the interaction.Figure 6.6 shows the

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Sequence Diagram.

Basic elements:
→ Vertical rectangle: represent the object is active (method is being performed).
→ Vertical dashed line: represent the life of the object.
→ X: represent the life end of an object. (Being destroyed from memory).
→ Horizontal line with arrows: messages from one object to another.

Figure 6.6: Sequence Diagram

In this sequence diagram there are 3 objects named as app,Mcu and Lcd matrix
respectively.Here the user has to enter the ip address displayed on lcd in app to get
connected to it.After establishing connection the user can type any text whatever
he wants to display on the lcd screen in the app and then he press enter.This data
is transmitted to the Mcu through Wifi then it is transferred to the lcd display via
SPI protocol.Now Lcd display will fetech the content and it will display on the Lcd
matrix.If the user want to stop the textthen user press plain text and enter ,automat-
ically the displayed will be stopped.

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This chapter mainly concentrates on few fundamental design concepts such as
system development methodology, system architecture, class diagram, flowchart, se-
quence diagram, use-case diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram etc.

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Chapter 7


The implementation phase of the project is where the detailed design is actually
transformed into working code. Aim of the phase is to translate the design into a
best possible solution in a suitable programming language. This chapter covers the
implementation aspects of the project, giving details of the programming language
and development environment used. It also gives an overview of the core modules
of the project with their step by step flow. The implementation stage requires the
following tasks.

→ Careful planning.
→ Investigation of system and constraints.
→ Design of methods to achieve the changeover.
→ Evaluation of the changeover method.
→ Correct decisions regarding selection of the platform.
→ Appropriate selection of the language for application development.

7.1 SPI
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Synchronous serial communications comprises
CLK, DATA IN, DATA OUT and optionally chip selects. As well as using specific SPI
devices, it is very easy to expand I/O using the SPI and standard logic devices (e.g.
74HC595 and 74HC165). The SPI also enables synchronous communication between
the microcontroller and peripheral, devices such as:

→ Shift registers.
→ Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) drivers.
→ Analog to Digital Converters.

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 7

→ Other microprocessors.

Microcontrollers employ multiple approaches to communicate synchronously with

peripheral devices and other microcontrollers. The Serial Peripheral Interface or SPI
is one of such protocols. Two devices communicating with synchronous serial inter-
faces operate from the same clock. The clock signal is included in the interface cable
between devices. Typically, the master device creates the clock, and the slave de-
vice(s) uses the clock to latch the data (in or out.) The SSI protocol includes four
I/O lines. The CS is a logic control signal from master to slave signal signifying the
channel is active. The CLK line is a clock generated by the master. The DOUT is a
data line driven by the master and received by the slave. The DIN is a data line driven
by the slave and received by the master. In order to work properly, the transmitting
device uses one edge of the clock to change its output, and the receiving device uses
the other edge to accept the data. In general, the SSI interface allows data to flow
both directions.

7.2 Dot Matrix

A dot-matrix display is a display device used to display information on machines,
clocks, railway departure indicators and many other devices requiring a simple dis-
play device of limited resolution. The display consists of a dot matrix of lights or
mechanical indicators arranged in a rectangular configuration (other shapes are also
possible, although not common) such that by switching on or off selected lights, text
or graphics can be displayed. A dot matrix controller converts instructions from a
processor into signals which turns on or off lights in the matrix so that the required
display is produced.

A dot matrix is a 2-dimensional patterned array, used to represent characters,

symbols and images. Every type of modern technology uses dot matrices for display
of information, including cell phones, televisions, and printers. They are also used in
textiles with sewing, knitting, and weaving. An alternate form of information display
using lines and curves is known as a vector display, was used with early computing de-
vices such as air traffic control radar displays and pen-based plotters but is no longer
used. Electronic vector displays were typically monochrome only, and either don’t fill
in the interiors of closed vector shapes, or shape-filling is slow, time-consuming, and
often non-uniform, as on pen-based plotters.

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7.3 Arduino IDE

The NodeMcu is the wifi module required for uploading the APP data to the
Smatrix display. NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It includes firmware
which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems and hardware which is
based on the ESP-12 module. The term ”NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware
rather than the dev kits. The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. It is based
on the eLua project, and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses
many open source projects, such as lua-cjson and spiffs.

7.4 ESP8266 Arduino Core

As Arduino.cc began developing new MCU boards based on non-AVR processors
like the ARM/SAM MCU and used in the Arduino Due, they needed to modify the
Arduino IDE so that it would be relatively easy to change the IDE to support alternate
tool chains to allow Arduino C/C++ to be compiled down to these new processors.
They did this with the introduction of the Board Manager and the SAM Core. A
”core” is the collection of software components required by the Board Manager and
the Arduino IDE to compile an Arduino C/C++ source file down to the target MCU’s
machine language. Some creative ESP8266 enthusiasts have developed an Arduino
core for the ESP8266 WiFi SoC. This is what is popularly called the ”ESP8266 Core
for the Arduino IDE” and it has become one of the leading software development
platforms for the various ESP8266 based modules and development boards, including
NodeMCUs. The nodemcu will provide power to the matrix display. The matrix
display will upload its reading in the wireless module, the wireless module will upload
the data to the app.

7.5 Android Application

App Inventor for Android is an open-source web application originally provided
by Google, and now maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
It allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the
Android operating system (OS). It uses a graphical interface, very similar to Scratch
and the StarLogo TNG user interface, which allows users to drag-and-drop visual
objects to create an application that can run on Android devices. In creating App
Inventor, Google drew upon significant prior research in educational computing, as

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well as work done within Google on online development environments. App Inven-
tor and the projects on which it is based are informed by constructionist learning
theories, which emphasizes that programming can be a vehicle for engaging powerful
ideas through active learning. MIT App Inventor is also supported with the Firebase
Database extension. This allows people to store data on Google’s firebase.

Android software development is the process by which new applications are created
for devices running the Android operating system. The Android software development
kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include a debug-
ger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and

7.6 hardware implementation

Figure 7.1: hardware wiring

Hardware wiring from Arduino to dot matrix display

• data pin D5 from arduino is connected to the display pin Din.

• data pin D6 from arduino is connected to the display pin CS

• data pin D7 from arduino is connected to the display pin CLK.

• VCC pin from arduino connected to VCC pin in display.

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• Gnd pin from arduino connected to Gnd pin in display

Using data output pin in display we can connect to another display in serial fash-
ion as Shown in above figure.It has inbuilt Wifi module, its is used for communication
purpose.Separate power module is used to power the arduino and display, because
arduino has 5v has output it is used to power only one display module and input is
give to this from android app.

Figure 7.2: Proto Type

This chapter discusses the implementation details of the different modules of the
system and gives the step by step flow of each of them.Along with these,this chapter
also highlights some of the important features of the platform and language used for
implementation purpose.

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Chapter 8


System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to

fully exercise the computer-based system. Although each test has a different purpose,
all work to verify that all the system elements have been properly integrated and
perform allocated functions. The testing process is actually carried out to make sure
that the product exactly does the same thing what is supposed to do. In the testing
stage following goals are tried to achieve:-

→ To affirm the quality of the project.

→ To find and eliminate any residual errors from previous stages.
→ To validate the software as a solution to the original problem.
→ To provide operational reliability of the system.

8.1 Testing Methodologies

There are many different types of testing methods or techniques used as part of the
software testing methodology. Some of the important testing methodologies are:

8.1.1 White box testing

White box testing (clear box testing, glass box testing, and transparent box
testing or structural testing) uses an internal perspective of the system to design test
cases based on internal structure. It requires programming skills to identify all paths
through the software. The tester chooses test case inputs to exercise paths through
the code and determines the appropriate outputs. While white box testing is appli-
cable at the unit, integration and system levels of the software testing process, it is
typically applied to the unit. While it normally tests paths within a unit, it can also
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

test paths between units during integration, and between subsystems during a system
level test

Though this method of test design can uncover an overwhelming number of test
cases, it might not detect unimplemented parts of the specification or missing require-
ments, but one can be sure that all paths through the test object are executed. Using
white box testing we can derive test cases that:

→ Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least
→ Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
→ Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.
→ Execute internal data structure to assure their validity .

8.1.2 Black box testing

Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. It is
also known as functional testing. It is a software testing technique whereby the in-
ternal workings of the item being tested are not known by the tester. For example,
in a black box test on software design the tester only knows the inputs and what the
expected outcomes should be and not how the program arrives at those outputs.

The tester does not ever examine the programming code and does not need any
further knowledge of the program other than its specifications. It enables us to de-
rive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a
program. Black box testing is an alternative to white box technique. Rather it is
a complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors in the
following categories:-

→ Incorrect or missing function.

→ Interface errors.
→ Performance errors.
→ Initialization and termination errors.

→ The test is unbiased as the designer and the tester are independent of each other.
→ The tester does not need knowledge of any specific programming languages.
→ The test is done from the point of view of the user, not the designer.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

8.2 Unit Testing

Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal pro-
gram logic is functioning properly, and that program inputs produce valid outputs.
All decision branches and internal code flow should be validated. It is the testing of
individual software units of the application .it is done after the completion of an in-
dividual unit before integration. This is a structural testing, that relies on knowledge
of its construction and is invasive. Unit tests perform basic tests at component level
and test a specific business process, application, and/or system configuration. Unit
tests ensure that each unique path of a business process performs accurately to the
documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results.

8.3 Integration Testing

Upon completion of unit testing, integration testing begins. Individual modules
are combined and tested as a group. Integration testing is black box testing. The
purpose of integration testing is to ensure distinct components of the application still
work in accordance to user requirements. Integration testing is considered complete,
when actual results and expected results are either in line or differences are explainable
based on client input. It concentrates on data transfer between modules. Integration
testing is a logical extension of unit testing. Two units that have already been tested
are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested. Integration
testing identifies problems that occur when units are combined .The errors that arise
can be attributed to those occurring due to the combination of modules, resulting
from errors across interface.

8.4 System Testing

System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, in-
tegrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements.
System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require
no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

As a rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the ”integrated” software com-
ponents that have passed integration testing and also the software system itself inte-
grated with any applicable hardware system(s). The purpose of integration testing is
to detect any inconsistencies between the software units that are integrated together
(called assemblages) or between any of the assemblages and the hardware. System
testing is a more limited type of testing; it seeks to detect defects both within the
”interassemblages” and also within the system as a whole.

System testing is performed on the entire system in the context of a Functional Re-
quirement Specification(s) (FRS) and/or a System Requirement Specification (SRS).
System testing tests not only the design, but also the behavior and even the believed
expectations of the customer. It is also intended to test up to and beyond the bounds
defined in the software/hardware requirements specifications.

The following examples are different types of testing that should be considered
during System testing:

→ Graphical user interface testing.

→ Usability testing .
→ Software performance testing.
→ Compatibility testing .
→ Exception handling .
→ Load testing .
→ Volume testing.

Although different testing organizations may prescribe different tests as part of

System testing, this list serves as a general framework or foundation to begin with.

8.5 Quality Assurance

Quality assurance consists of the auditing and reporting functions of manage-
ment. The goal of quality assurance is to provide management with the data necessary
to be informed about product quality, thereby gaining insight and confident that the
product quality is meeting its goals. This is an umbrella activity that is applied
throughout the engineering process. Software quality assurance encompasses:-

→ Analysis, design, coding and testing methods and tools.

→ Formal technical reviews that are applied during each software engineering.
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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

→ Multitier testing strategy.

→ Control of software documentation and the change made to it.
→ A procedure to ensure compliance with software development standards.
→ Measurement and reporting mechanisms.

Quality Assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured

products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers.
QA is applied to physical products in pre-production to verify what will be made
meets specifications and requirements, and during manufacturing production runs by
validating lot samples meet specified quality controls. QA is also applied to software
to verify that features and functionality meet business objectives, and that code is
relatively bug free prior to shipping or releasing new software products and versions.
Quality Assurance refers to administrative and procedural activities implemented in a
quality system so that requirements and goals for a product, service or activity will be
fulfilled. It is the systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring
of processes and an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention. This can
be contrasted with quality control, which is focused on process output.

Two principles included in Quality Assurance are: ”Fit for purpose”, the product
should be suitable for the intended purpose; and ”Right first time”, mistakes should
be eliminated. QA includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies,
products and components, services related to production, and management, produc-
tion and inspection processes. Suitable quality is determined by product users, clients
or customers, not by society in general. It is not related to cost, and adjectives or
descriptors such as ”high” and ”poor” are not applicable. For example, a low priced
product may be viewed as having high quality because it is disposable, where another
may be viewed as having poor quality because it is not disposable.

Software quality assurance (SQA) consists of a means of monitoring the software

engineering processes and methods used to ensure quality. The methods by which this
is accomplished are many and varied, and may include ensuring conformance to one
or more standards, such as ISO 9000 or a model such as CMMI.SQA encompasses the
entire software development process, which includes processes such as requirements
definition, software design, coding, source code control, code reviews, software config-
uration management, testing, release management, and product integration.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

8.5.1 Quality Factor

An important objective of quality assurance is to track the software quality and
assess the impact of methodological and procedural changes on improved software
quality. The factors that affect the quality can be categorized into two broad groups:

1.Factors that can be directly measured.

2.Factors that can be indirectly measured.

These factors focus on three important aspects of a software product

→ Its operational characteristics.

→ Its ability to undergo changes.
→ Its adaptability to a new environment.
→ Effectiveness or efficiency in performing its mission.
→ Duration of its use by its customer.

In the context of software engineering, software quality refers to two related but
distinct notions that exist wherever quality is defined in a business context: Soft-
ware functional quality reflects how well it complies with or conforms to a given
design, based on functional requirements or specifications. That attribute can also
be described as the fitness for purpose of a piece of software or how it compares to
competitors in the marketplace as a worthwhile product; Software structural quality
refers to how it meets non-functional requirements that support the delivery of the
functional requirements, such as robustness or maintainability, the degree to which
the software was produced correctly.

Structural quality is evaluated through the analysis of the software inner structure,
its source code, at the unit level, the technology level and the system level, which is in
ffect how its architecture adheres to sound principles of software architecture outlined
in a paper on the topic by OMG. In contrast, functional quality is typically enforced
and measured through software testing. Historically, the structure, classification and
terminology of attributes and metrics applicable to software quality management have
been derived or extracted from the ISO 9126-3 and the subsequent ISO 25000:2005
quality model, also known as SQuaRE. Based on these models, the Consortium for
IT Software Quality (CISQ) has defined five major desirable structural characteris-
tics needed for a piece of software to provide business value: Reliability, Efficiency,
Security, Maintainability and (adequate) Size.

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

Software quality measurement quantifies to what extent a software or system rates

along each of these five dimensions. An aggregated measure of software quality can be
computed through a qualitative or a quantitative scoring scheme or a mix of both and
then a weighting system reflecting the priorities. This view of software quality being
positioned on a linear continuum is supplemented by the analysis of ”critical pro-
gramming errors” that under specific circumstances can lead to catastrophic outages
or performance degradations that make a given system unsuitable for use regardless
of rating based on aggregated measurements.

Such programming errors found at the system level represent up to 90 percent of

production issues, whilst at the unit-level, even if far more numerous, programming
errors account for less than 10 percent of production issues. As a consequence, code
quality without the context of the whole system, as W. Edwards Deming described
it, has limited value.

To view, explore, analyze, and communicate software quality measurements, con-

cepts and techniques of information visualization provide visual, interactive means
useful, in particular, if several software quality measures have to be related to each
other or to components of a software or system.

8.6 Test Cases

There are two cases:-
1.Left to Right
2.Right to left.
The following test cases were generated for case 1.

Table 8.1: Test case table1

Test case Input Expected 0/p Status

1 Ip address Displaying Ip address Pass
2 Single word Displaying Word Pass
3 Sentence Displaying Sentence Pass
4 Special Symbols Displaying Symbols Pass
5 Sentence including displaying Content Pass

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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 8

The following test cases were generated for case 2.

Table 8.2: Test case table2

Test case Input Expected 0/p Status

1 Ip address Displaying Ip address Pass
2 Single word Displaying Word Pass
3 Sentence Displaying Sentence Pass
4 Special Symbols Displaying Symbols Pass
5 Sentence includ- displaying Content Pass
ing Symbols

The chapter discusses the tests that are done on the system to check its functional-
ity. Testing is carried out at three different levels from the module level to the system
level checking for errors at each stage. The remarks have also been documented.

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Chapter 9


The following snapshots and graphs define the results or outputs that we will
get after step by step execution of each proposed protocol for different values.

9.1 Snapshots

Figure 9.1: Front end of the app

The above screenshot shows the front end of the android application.It consist of
two text boxes.One for entering the ip address of the local host to get connected and
other box is used to type text which text user like to display on matrix display.
The screenshot in Figure 9.2 shows us how a simple word was displayed in dotmatrix
from left to right.Here the user had typed the msg which to be displayed in the textbox
in the app which we can observer in the figure.Here both mobile and hardware device
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 9

Figure 9.2: Display of sample text

are connected to same hot spot.the message transfer was happened here by using SPI
The screenshot in Figure 9.3 shows us how a digits were displayed in dotmatrix from

Figure 9.3: Display of Digits

left to right.Here the user had typed the msg which to be displayed in the textbox in
the app which we can observer in the figure.Here both mobile and hardware device
are connected to same hot spot.the message transfer was happened here by using SPI
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WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 9

The screenshot in Figure 9.4 shows us how a message was displayed in dotmatrix

Figure 9.4: Display of text from right to left

from right to left.Here the user had typed the msg which to be displayed in the textbox
in the app which we can observer in the figure.Here both mobile and hardware device
are connected to same hot spot.the message transfer was happened here by using SPI

WiFi based Digital Notice Board system makes user easy to type and display
the required content .It works based on SPI protocal.

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Chapter 10



10.1 Conclusion
The prototype of the proposed WI-FI based electronic notice board was suc-
cessfully designed. It can be easily integrated with all general-purpose display board
thus proving its mobility. The message is transferred using wireless technology and
is eventually obtained on the LED matrix. Thus we are using modern technology to
replace conventional display boards the android app interface can make this system
even more user friendly and popular.

The system accepts the message from app to be displayed in the form of Short
Message Service (SMS) stores it, checks for its validation and then displays it on the
display unit if it meant for that particular display unit, it decided based on IP ad-
dress. This system supports only one message at a time. The proposed system can
be efficiently used for transfer of message instantly on campus.

The WI-FI based smart electronic notice board is efficiently designed. the smart
electronic notice board system accepts new SMS, validate it, store it and display it
on 8X8 LED panel. It reduces the overall development cost and also minimizes the
complexity.Therefore, smart electronic notice board system becomes smarter, efficient,
robust and portable.

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 10

10.2 Future Enhancement

The display unit can range from LED scrolling displays to LCD monitors. The
LED scrolling displays can be set up at public transport places such as bus stations,
railway stations and airports. They can also be used in offices and similar organi-
zations for sending notices. The LCD monitors can be setup on school and college
campuses for sending out notices. Also, as an extension to the current message dis-
playing template, multiple messages can be displayed at a time, by dividing the screen
to the required number of parts.

A commercial model can be able to display more than one message at a time.In
our project we are sending messages via WI-FI network and displaying on a LED by
utilizing AT-WF commands. The same principle can be applied to control electrical
appliances at a distant location.

Robots can be controlled in a similar fashion by sending the commands to the

robots. These commands are read by using AT-WF commands and appropriate ac-
tion is taken. This can be used for spy robots at distant locations, utilized by the
military to monitor movement of enemy troops.

Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 47


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Mishra, (2012) GSMbased e-notice board: Wireless Communication, Interna-
tional Journal of Soft Computing andEngineering (IJSCE), ISSN: 2231-2307,
Volume 2, Issue-3, pp 601-605.
[4] Prachee U. Ketkar, Kunal P. Tayade, Akash P. Kulkarni & Rajkishor
M. Tugnayat, (2013) GSMmobile phone based led scrolling message display
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2277-1581), Volume 2 Issue 3, pp 149.
[5] AnuradhaMujumdar, VaishaliNiranjane & Deepika Sagne, (2014) Scrolling
LED display using wireless transmission, International Journal of Engineering
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[6] BhawnaSaini,RachnaDevi, ShilpiDhankhar, Mohammad -ziaul-Haque and
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pp 1057-1067, International Research Publication House.

Appendix A


#include <SPI . h>

#include <ESP8266WiFi . h>

byte l e d P i n = 2 ;
char s s i d [ ] = ”mani” ; // SSID o f your home WiFi
char p a s s [ ] = ”” ; // password o f your home WiFi
WiFiServer s e r v e r ( 8 0 ) ;

#include ”MaxMatrix . h”
#i f ( d e f i n e d ( AVR ) )
#include <avr \ pgmspace . h>
#e l s e
#include <pgmspace . h>

PROGMEM const unsigned char CH [ ] = {

3 , 8 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // space
1 , 8 , B01011111 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // !
3 , 8 , B00000011 , B00000000 , B00000011 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ”
5 , 8 , B00010100 , B00111110 , B00010100 , B00111110 , B00010100 , // #
4 , 8 , B00100100 , B01101010 , B00101011 , B00010010 , B00000000 , // $
5 , 8 , B01100011 , B00010011 , B00001000 , B01100100 , B01100011 , // %
5 , 8 , B00110110 , B01001001 , B01010110 , B00100000 , B01010000 , // &
1 , 8 , B00000011 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ’
3 , 8 , B00011100 , B00100010 , B01000001 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // (
3 , 8 , B01000001 , B00100010 , B00011100 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // )

WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter A

5, 8, B00101000 , B00011000 , B00001110 , B00011000 , B00101000 , // ∗

5, 8, B00001000 , B00001000 , B00111110 , B00001000 , B00001000 , // +
2, 8, B10110000 , B01110000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ,
4, 8, B00001000 , B00001000 , B00001000 , B00001000 , B00000000 , // −
2, 8, B01100000 , B01100000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // .
4, 8, B01100000 , B00011000 , B00000110 , B00000001 , B00000000 , // /
4, 8, B00111110 , B01000001 , B01000001 , B00111110 , B00000000 , // 0
3, 8, B01000010 , B01111111 , B01000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // 1
4, 8, B01100010 , B01010001 , B01001001 , B01000110 , B00000000 , // 2
4, 8, B00100010 , B01000001 , B01001001 , B00110110 , B00000000 , // 3
4, 8, B00011000 , B00010100 , B00010010 , B01111111 , B00000000 , // 4
4, 8, B00100111 , B01000101 , B01000101 , B00111001 , B00000000 , // 5
4, 8, B00111110 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B00110000 , B00000000 , // 6
4, 8, B01100001 , B00010001 , B00001001 , B00000111 , B00000000 , // 7
4, 8, B00110110 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B00110110 , B00000000 , // 8
4, 8, B00000110 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B00111110 , B00000000 , // 9
2, 8, B01010000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // :
2, 8, B10000000 , B01010000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ;
3, 8, B00010000 , B00101000 , B01000100 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // <
3, 8, B00010100 , B00010100 , B00010100 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // =
3, 8, B01000100 , B00101000 , B00010000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // >
4, 8, B00000010 , B01011001 , B00001001 , B00000110 , B00000000 , // ?
5, 8, B00111110 , B01001001 , B01010101 , B01011101 , B00001110 , // @
4, 8, B01111110 , B00010001 , B00010001 , B01111110 , B00000000 , // A
4, 8, B01111111 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B00110110 , B00000000 , // B
4, 8, B00111110 , B01000001 , B01000001 , B00100010 , B00000000 , // C
4, 8, B01111111 , B01000001 , B01000001 , B00111110 , B00000000 , // D
4, 8, B01111111 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B01000001 , B00000000 , // E
4, 8, B01111111 , B00001001 , B00001001 , B00000001 , B00000000 , // F
4, 8, B00111110 , B01000001 , B01001001 , B01111010 , B00000000 , // G
4, 8, B01111111 , B00001000 , B00001000 , B01111111 , B00000000 , // H
3, 8, B01000001 , B01111111 , B01000001 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // I
4, 8, B00110000 , B01000000 , B01000001 , B00111111 , B00000000 , // J
4, 8, B01111111 , B00001000 , B00010100 , B01100011 , B00000000 , // K
4, 8, B01111111 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B00000000 , // L
5, 8, B01111111 , B00000010 , B00001100 , B00000010 , B01111111 , // M
5, 8, B01111111 , B00000100 , B00001000 , B00010000 , B01111111 , // N
4, 8, B00111110 , B01000001 , B01000001 , B00111110 , B00000000 , // O
4, 8, B01111111 , B00001001 , B00001001 , B00000110 , B00000000 , // P
Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 50
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter A

4, 8, B00111110 , B01000001 , B01000001 , B10111110 , B00000000 , // Q

4, 8, B01111111 , B00001001 , B00001001 , B01110110 , B00000000 , // R
4, 8, B01000110 , B01001001 , B01001001 , B00110010 , B00000000 , // S
5, 8, B00000001 , B00000001 , B01111111 , B00000001 , B00000001 , // T
4, 8, B00111111 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B00111111 , B00000000 , // U
5, 8, B00001111 , B00110000 , B01000000 , B00110000 , B00001111 , // V
5, 8, B00111111 , B01000000 , B00111000 , B01000000 , B00111111 , // W
5, 8, B01100011 , B00010100 , B00001000 , B00010100 , B01100011 , // X
5, 8, B00000111 , B00001000 , B01110000 , B00001000 , B00000111 , // Y
4, 8, B01100001 , B01010001 , B01001001 , B01000111 , B00000000 , // Z
2, 8, B01111111 , B01000001 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // [
4, 8, B00000001 , B00000110 , B00011000 , B01100000 , B00000000 , // \ backsla
2, 8, B01000001 , B01111111 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ]
3, 8, B00000010 , B00000001 , B00000010 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // hat
4, 8, B01000000 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B00000000 , //
2, 8, B00000001 , B00000010 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // ‘
4, 8, B00100000 , B01010100 , B01010100 , B01111000 , B00000000 , // a
4, 8, B01111111 , B01000100 , B01000100 , B00111000 , B00000000 , // b
4, 8, B00111000 , B01000100 , B01000100 , B00101000 , B00000000 , // c
4, 8, B00111000 , B01000100 , B01000100 , B01111111 , B00000000 , // d
4, 8, B00111000 , B01010100 , B01010100 , B00011000 , B00000000 , // e
3, 8, B00000100 , B01111110 , B00000101 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // f
4, 8, B10011000 , B10100100 , B10100100 , B01111000 , B00000000 , // g
4, 8, B01111111 , B00000100 , B00000100 , B01111000 , B00000000 , // h
3, 8, B01000100 , B01111101 , B01000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // i
4, 8, B01000000 , B10000000 , B10000100 , B01111101 , B00000000 , // j
4, 8, B01111111 , B00010000 , B00101000 , B01000100 , B00000000 , // k
3, 8, B01000001 , B01111111 , B01000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // l
5, 8, B01111100 , B00000100 , B01111100 , B00000100 , B01111000 , // m
4, 8, B01111100 , B00000100 , B00000100 , B01111000 , B00000000 , // n
4, 8, B00111000 , B01000100 , B01000100 , B00111000 , B00000000 , // o
4, 8, B11111100 , B00100100 , B00100100 , B00011000 , B00000000 , // p
4, 8, B00011000 , B00100100 , B00100100 , B11111100 , B00000000 , // q
4, 8, B01111100 , B00001000 , B00000100 , B00000100 , B00000000 , // r
4, 8, B01001000 , B01010100 , B01010100 , B00100100 , B00000000 , // s
3, 8, B00000100 , B00111111 , B01000100 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // t
4, 8, B00111100 , B01000000 , B01000000 , B01111100 , B00000000 , // u
5, 8, B00011100 , B00100000 , B01000000 , B00100000 , B00011100 , // v
5, 8, B00111100 , B01000000 , B00111100 , B01000000 , B00111100 , // w
Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 51
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter A

5, 8, B01000100 , B00101000 , B00010000 , B00101000 , B01000100 , // x

4, 8, B10011100 , B10100000 , B10100000 , B01111100 , B00000000 , // y
3, 8, B01100100 , B01010100 , B01001100 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // z
3, 8, B00001000 , B00110110 , B01000001 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // {
1, 8, B01111111 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // |
3, 8, B01000001 , B00110110 , B00001000 , B00000000 , B00000000 , // }
4, 8, B00001000 , B00000100 , B00001000 , B00000100 , B00000000 , // ˜

int data = D4 ; // DIN p i n o f MAX7219 module

int l o a d = D2 ; // CS p i n o f MAX7219 module
int c l o c k = D3 ; // CLK p i n o f MAX7219 module

int maxInUse = 4 ; //how many MAX7219 are c o n n e c t e d

MaxMatrix m( data , load , c l o c k , maxInUse ) ; // d e f i n e L i b r a r y

byte b u f f e r [ 8 ] ;

char s t r i n g 1 [ ] = ” Sourab Sharma ” ; // S c r o l l i n g Text

IPAddress i ;
IPAddress ∗ x ;
char p [ 1 0 ] ;
char∗ a ;
byte c ;
String s ;
void s e t u p ( ) {
S e r i a l . begin (115200); // o n l y f o r debug
Serial . println ();
Serial . println ();
S e r i a l . p r i n t ( ” Connecting t o ” ) ;
Serial . println ( ssid );
WiFi . b e g i n ( s s i d , p a s s ) ;
while ( WiFi . s t a t u s ( ) != WL CONNECTED) {
delay (500);
Serial . print (” . ” );
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n ( ”” ) ;
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n ( ”WiFi c o n n e c t e d ” ) ;
Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 52
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter A

// S t a r t t h e s e r v e r
s e r v e r . begin ( ) ;
S e r i a l . println (” Server started ” ) ;

// P r i n t t h e IP a d d r e s s
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n ( WiFi . l o c a l I P ( ) ) ;
s=WiFi . l o c a l I P ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ;
s+=” ”;
Serial . println ( s );
a=&s [ 0 ] ;
m. i n i t ( ) ; // module MAX7219
m. s e t I n t e n s i t y ( 1 0 ) ;

String req ;
void l o o p ( )
delay (100);
m. s h i f t L e f t ( f a l s e , t r u e ) ;
printStringWithShift (a , 100);
WiFiClient c l i e n t = s e r v e r . a v a i l a b l e ( ) ;
if (! client ) {
return ;

// Wait u n t i l t h e c l i e n t s e n d s some d a t a
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n ( ”new c l i e n t ” ) ;
while ( ! c l i e n t . a v a i l a b l e ( ) ) {
delay ( 1 ) ;
// Read t h e f i r s t l i n e o f t h e r e q u e s t
r e q = c l i e n t . r e a d S t r i n g U n t i l ( ’H ’ ) ;
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n ( req ) ;
client . flush ();
// Prepare t h e r e s p o n s e
S t r i n g s = ”HTTP/ 1 . 1 200 OK\ r \ nContent−Type : t e x t / html \ r \n\ r \n<!DOCTYP
// s += ( v a l )?” h i g h ” : ” low ” ;
s += ”</html>\n” ;
Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 53
WiFi Based Digital Notice Board Chapter 10

// Send t h e r e s p o n s e t o t h e c l i e n t
client . print ( s );
delay ( 1 ) ;
S e r i a l . println (” Client disonnected ” ) ;
delay (100);
a=&r e q [ 6 ] ;
m. s h i f t L e f t ( f a l s e , t r u e ) ;
printStringWithShift (a , 100);
void p r i n t C h a r W i t h S h i f t ( char c , int s h i f t s p e e d ){
i f ( c < 3 2) return ;
c −= 3 2 ;
memcpy P ( b u f f e r , CH + 7∗ c , 7 ) ;
m. w r i t e S p r i t e ( maxInUse ∗ 8 , 0 , b u f f e r ) ;
m. setColumn ( maxInUse ∗8 + b u f f e r [ 0 ] , 0 ) ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < b u f f e r [ 0 ] + 1 ; i ++)

delay ( s h i f t s p e e d ) ;
m. s h i f t L e f t ( f a l s e , f a l s e ) ;

// E x t r a c t c h a r a c t e r s from S c r o l l i n g t e x t
void p r i n t S t r i n g W i t h S h i f t ( char∗ s , int s h i f t s p e e d ){
while (∗ s != 0){
p r i n t C h a r W i t h S h i f t (∗ s , s h i f t s p e e d ) ;

Dept Of ISE - Feb - May 2018 54

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