Law On Sales Reviewer
Law On Sales Reviewer
Law On Sales Reviewer
The mere fact that the second 2. IMPLIED - that which the law derives
contract of sale was perfected in good by implication or inference from the
faith is not sufficient if, before title nature of the transaction or the
passes, the second vendee acquires relative situation or circumstances of
knowledge of the first transaction. the parties, irrespective of any
The good faith or innocence of the intention of the seller to create it.
posterior vendee needs to continue a. Warranty against eviction
until his contract ripens into b. Warranty against hidden defects
ownership by tradition or registration. c. Warranty as to Fitness and
(Palanca vs. Dir. Of Lands, 46 PHIL Merchantability
149) NOTE: An implied warranty is a natural,
not an essential element of a contract,
and is deemed incorporated in the
EFFECT IF BUYER HAS ALREADY SOLD contract of sale. It may however, be
THE GOODS: waived or modified by express stipulation.
General Rule: The unpaid seller’s right to (De Leon)
lien or stoppage in transitu remains even if There is no implied warranty as to the
buyer has sold the goods. condition, adaptation, fitness or suitability
Except: or the quality of an article sold as a
1) When the seller has given consent second-hand article. But such articles
thereto, or might be sold under such circumstances as
2) When the buyer is a purchaser in good to raise an implied warranty.
faith for value of a negotiable document * A certification issued by a vendor that a
of title. second-hand machine was in A-1 condition
is an express warranty binding on the
WARRANTY vendor. (Moles vs. IAC [1989])
a statement or representation made
A. Warranty against eviction
by the seller of goods,
contemporaneously and as a part of Warranty in which the seller
the contract of sale, having reference guarantees that he has the right to sell
to the character, quality, or title of the thing sold and to transfer
the goods, and by which he promises ownership to the buyer who shall not
or undertakes to insure that certain be disturbed in his legal and peaceful
facts are or shall be as he then possession thereof.
Kinds: 1. vendee is deprived, in whole or in
1. EXPRESS – any affirmation of fact or part, of the thing purchased;
any promise by the seller relating to 2. the deprivation is by virtue of a
the thing if the natural tendency of final judgment;
such affirmation or promise is to 3. the judgment is based on a prior
induce the buyer to purchase the same right to the sale or an act
and if the buyer purchases the thing imputable to the vendor;
relying thereon
4. the vendor was summoned in the the obligation to answer for eviction
suit for eviction at the instance of shall be void if he acted in bad faith.
the vendee; AND Kinds of Waiver:
5. no waiver of warranty by the a. Consciente – voluntarily made
vendee. by the vendee without the
knowledge and assumption of
Vendor's liability shall consist of: the risks of eviction
1. Total eviction: (VICED) NOTE: vendor shall pay only the
a. Value of the thing at the time of value which the thing sold had at
eviction; the time of eviction
b. Income or fruits if he has been b. Intencionada – made by the
ordered to deliver them to the vendee with knowledge of the
party who won the suit; risks of eviction and
c. Costs of the suit; assumption of its
d. Expenses of the contract; AND consequences
e. Damages and interests if the sale EFFECT: vendor not liable
was in bad faith. NOTE: Every waiver is presumed to be
consciente. To consider it intencionada,
2. Partial eviction: it must be accompanied by some
a. to enforce vendor’s liability circumstance which reveals the vendor’s
for eviction (VICED); OR knowledge of the risks of eviction and his
b. to demand rescission of intention to submit to such
contract. consequences.