CFR 2010 Title49 Vol2
CFR 2010 Title49 Vol2
CFR 2010 Title49 Vol2
As of October 1, 2010
With Ancillaries
Published by
Office of the Federal Register
National Archives and Records
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Table of Contents
Explanation ................................................................................................ v
Title 49:
Finding Aids:
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Cite this Code: CFR
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The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent
rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agen-
cies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent
broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters
which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further sub-
divided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued
on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:
Title 1 through Title of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27 of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41 of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50 of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume.
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44
U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text
of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues
of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to deter-
mine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date
(in this case, October 1, 2010), consult the ‘‘List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),’’
which is issued monthly, and the ‘‘Cumulative List of Parts Affected,’’ which
appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists
will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any
given rule.
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Reg-
ister since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for
the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal
Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usu-
ally not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the
actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-
off date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective
date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register
states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following
the text.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–511) requires Federal agencies
to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.
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Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amend-
ments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as
close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
Provisions that become obsolete before the revision date stated on the cover
of each volume are not carried. Code users may find the text of provisions in
effect on a given date in the past by using the appropriate numerical list of
sections affected. For the period before January 1, 2001, consult either the List
of CFR Sections Affected, 1949–1963, 1964–1972, 1973–1985, or 1986–2000, published
in eleven separate volumes. For the period beginning January 1, 2001, a ‘‘List
of CFR Sections Affected’’ is published at the end of each CFR volume.
The term ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal
Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a ‘‘[Reserved]’’ loca-
tion at any time. Occasionally ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used editorially to indicate that
a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a print-
ing or computer error.
What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established
by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regu-
lations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published else-
where. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register
must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the mate-
rial is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C.
552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force
of law.
What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register
will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR
part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are:
(a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material pub-
lished in the Federal Register.
(b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to
afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process.
(c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in
accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any
problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorpora-
tion by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing
that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not
available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives
and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or
call 202-741-6010.
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate
volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS.
This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR
titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies pub-
lishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.
An index to the text of ‘‘Title 3—The President’’ is carried within that volume.
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The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index
is based on a consolidation of the ‘‘Contents’’ entries in the daily Federal Reg-
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the
revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.
There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the
Code of Federal Regulations.
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume,
contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency’s name appears at the top of
odd-numbered pages.
For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 202–741–6000 or write
to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail
[email protected].
The Government Printing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution of
the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 866-512-1800, or DC area, 202-
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The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections
Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public
Laws, Public Papers, Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Pri-
vacy Act Compilation are available in electronic format via
For more information, contact Electronic Information Dissemination Services,
U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202-512-1530, or 888-293-6498 (toll-free). E-
mail, [email protected].
The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National
Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) World Wide Web site for public
law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect
to NARA’s web site at The NARA site also con-
tains links to GPO Access.
Office of the Federal Register.
October 1, 2010.
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In the volume containing parts 100–185, see § 172.101 for the Hazardous Materials
Table. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards appear in part 571.
For this volume, Jonn V. Lilyea was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regula-
tions publication program is under the direction of Michael L. White, assisted
by Ann Worley.
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Title 49—Transportation
(This book contains parts 100 to 185)
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Subtitle B—Other Regulations
Relating to Transportation
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Part Page
105 Hazardous Materials Program definitions and gen-
eral procedures ..................................................... 7
106 Rulemaking procedures ........................................... 13
107 Hazardous materials program procedures ............... 19
110 Hazardous materials public sector training and
planning grants .................................................... 65
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PART 105—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (b) Terms used in this part are de-
Associate Administrator means Asso-
GENERAL PROCEDURES ciate Administrator for Hazardous Ma-
terials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous
Subpart A—Definitions
Materials Safety Administration.
Sec. Approval means written consent, in-
105.5 Definitions. cluding a competent authority ap-
proval, from the Associate Adminis-
Subpart B—General Procedures trator or other designated Department
official, to perform a function that re-
105.15 Defined terms used in this subpart.
quires prior consent under subchapter
OBTAINING GUIDANCE AND PUBLIC C of this chapter (49 CFR parts 171
INFORMATION through 180).
105.20 Guidance and interpretations.
Competent Authority means a national
105.25 Reviewing public documents. agency that is responsible, under its
105.26 Obtaining records on file with national law, for the control or regula-
PHMSA. tion of some aspect of hazardous mate-
105.30 Information made available to the rials (dangerous goods) transportation.
public and request for confidential treat- Another term for Competent Authority
ment. is ‘‘Appropriate authority’’ which is
used in the International Civil Avia-
tion Organization’s (ICAO) Technical
105.35 Serving documents in PHMSA pro- Instructions for the Safe Transport of
ceedings. Dangerous Goods by Air. The Associate
105.40 Designated agents for non-residents. Administrator is the United States
SUBPOENAS Competent Authority for purposes of 49
CFR part 107.
105.45 Issuing a subpoena. Competent Authority Approval means
105.50 Serving a subpoena.
an approval by the competent author-
105.55 Refusal to obey a subpoena.
ity that is required under an inter-
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5127; 49 CFR 1.53. national standard (for example, the
SOURCE: 67 FR 42951, June 25, 2002, unless ICAO Technical Instructions for the
otherwise noted. Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by
Air and the International Maritime
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
part 105 appear at 70 FR 56087, Sept. 23, 2005. Dangerous Goods Code). Any of the fol-
lowing may be considered a competent
authority approval if it satisfies the re-
Subpart A—Definitions quirement of an international stand-
§ 105.5 Definitions.
(1) A specific regulation in sub-
(a) This part contains the definitions chapter A or C of this chapter.
for certain words and phrases used (2) A special permit or approval
throughout this subchapter (49 CFR issued under subchapter A or C of this
parts 105 through 110). At the beginning chapter.
of each subpart, the Pipeline and Haz- (3) A separate document issued to one
ardous Materials Safety Administra- or more persons by the Associate Ad-
tion (‘‘PHMSA’’ or ‘‘we’’) will identify ministrator.
the defined terms that are used within Federal hazardous material transpor-
the subpart—by listing them—and refer tation law means 49 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.
the reader to the definitions in this File or Filed means received by the
part. This way, readers will know that appropriate PHMSA or other des-
PHMSA has given a term a precise ignated office within the time specified
meaning and will know where to look in a regulation or rulemaking docu-
for it. ment.
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§ 105.5 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 105.25
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§ 105.26 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) Applications for special permits (3) Your written request to review
numbered DOT–E or DOT–SP 11832 and documents should include the fol-
above. Also available are supporting lowing:
data, memoranda of any informal (i) A detailed description of the docu-
meetings with applicants, related FED- ments you wish to review.
ERAL REGISTER notices, public com- (ii) Your name, address, and tele-
ments, and decisions granting or deny- phone number.
ing applications for special permits. (4) Send your written request to: As-
(3) Applications for preemption de- sociate Administrator for Hazardous
terminations and waiver of preemption Materials Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
determinations received by PHMSA ardous Materials Safety Administra-
after February 1, 1997. Also available tion, Attn: PHH–1, U.S. Department of
are public comments, FEDERAL REG- Transportation, East Building, 1200
ISTER notices, and PHMSA’s rulings, New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
determinations, decisions on reconsid- DC 20590–0001.
eration, and orders issued in response
to those applications. [70 FR 56088, Sept. 23, 2005, as amended at 70
(b) Office of Pipeline and Hazardous FR 73159, Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55682, Oct. 1,
Materials Safety Administration’s Office
of Hazardous Materials Safety. (1) You § 105.26 Obtaining records on file with
may obtain documents (e.g., proposed PHMSA.
and final rules, notices, letters of clari-
fication, safety notices, DOT forms and To obtain records on file with
other documents) by contacting the PHMSA, other than those described in
Hazardous Materials Information Cen- § 105.25, you must file a request with
ter at 1–800–467–4922 or through the PHMSA under the Freedom of Informa-
Internet at tion Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552). The pro-
(2) Upon your written request, we cedures for filing a FOIA request are
will make the following documents and contained in 49 CFR part 7.
information available to you:
§ 105.30 Information made available to
(i) Appeals under 49 CFR part 107 and the public and request for confiden-
PHMSA’s decisions issued in response tial treatment.
to those appeals.
(ii) Records of compliance order pro- When you submit information to
ceedings and PHMSA compliance or- PHMSA during a rulemaking pro-
ders. ceeding, as part of your application for
(iii) Applications for approvals, in- special permit or approval, or for any
cluding supporting data, memoranda of other reason, we may make that infor-
any informal meetings with applicants, mation publicly available unless you
and decisions granting or denying ap- ask that we keep the information con-
provals applications. fidential.
(iv) Applications for special permits (a) Asking for confidential treatment.
numbered below DOT–E or DOT–SP You may ask us to give confidential
11832 and related background informa- treatment to information you give to
tion are available for public review and the agency by taking the following
copying at the Office of Hazardous Ma- steps:
terials Safety, Office of Hazardous Ma- (1) Mark ‘‘confidential’’ on each page
terials Special Permits and Approvals, of the original document you would
U.S. Department of Transportation, like to keep confidential.
PHH–30, East Building, 1200 New Jersey (2) Send us, along with the original
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590– document, a second copy of the origi-
0001. nal document with the confidential in-
(v) Other information about formation deleted.
PHMSA’s hazardous materials program (3) Explain why the information you
required by statute to be made avail- are submitting is confidential (for ex-
able to the public for review and copy- ample, it is exempt from mandatory
ing and any other information PHMSA public disclosure under the Freedom of
decides should be available to the pub- Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 or it is in-
lic. formation referred to in 18 U.S.C. 1905).
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 105.40
(b) PHMSA Decision. PHMSA will de- judge proceeding), you may electroni-
cide whether or not to treat your infor- cally serve documents on us.
mation as confidential. We will notify (ii) Serve documents electronically
you, in writing, of a decision to grant through the Internet at http://
or deny confidentiality at least five
days before the information is publicly
[67 FR 42951, June 25, 2002, as amended at 72
disclosed, and give you an opportunity FR 55682, Oct. 1, 2007]
to respond.
[67 FR 42951, June 25, 2002, as amended at 70 § 105.40 Designated agents for non-
FR 73159, Dec. 9, 2005] residents.
(a) General requirement. If you are not
SERVING DOCUMENTS a resident of the United States but are
§ 105.35 Serving documents in PHMSA required by this subchapter or sub-
proceedings. chapter C of this chapter to designate a
permanent resident of the United
(a) Service by PHMSA. We may serve States to act as your agent and receive
the document by one of the following documents on your behalf, you must
methods, except where a different prepare a designation and file it with
method of service is specifically re- us.
(b) Agents. An agent, also known as
(1) Registered or certified mail.
‘‘agent for service of process’’:
(i) If we serve a document by reg-
istered or certified mail, it is consid- (1) May be an individual, a firm, or a
ered served when mailed. domestic corporation.
(ii) An official United States Postal (2) May represent any number of
Service receipt from the registered or principals.
certified mailing is proof of service. (3) May not reassign responsibilities
(iii) We may serve a person’s author- under a designation to another person.
ized representative or agent by reg- (c) Preparing a designation. Your des-
istered or certified mail, or in any ignation must be written and dated,
other manner authorized by law. Serv- and it must contain the following in-
ice on a person’s authorized agent is formation:
the same as service on the person. (1) The section in the HMR that re-
(2) Personal service. quires you to file a designation.
(3) Publication in the FEDERAL REG- (2) A certification that the designa-
ISTER. tion is in the correct legal form re-
(b) Service by others. If you are re- quired to make it valid and binding on
quired under this subchapter to serve a you under the laws, corporate bylaws,
person with a document, serve the doc- and other requirements that apply to
ument by one of the following methods, designations at the time and place you
except where a different method of are making the designation.
service is specifically required: (3) Your full legal name, the prin-
(1) Registered or certified mail. cipal name of your business, and your
(i) If you serve a document by reg- mailing address.
istered or certified mail, it is consid- (4) A statement that your designa-
ered served when mailed. tion will remain in effect until you
(ii) An official United States Postal withdraw or replace it.
Service receipt from the registered or (5) The legal name and mailing ad-
certified mailing is proof of service. dress of your agent.
(iii) You may serve a person’s author- (6) A declaration of acceptance
ized representative or agent by reg- signed by your agent.
istered or certified mail or in any other (d) Address. Send your designation to:
manner authorized by law. Service on a Office of Hazardous Materials Special
person’s authorized agent is the same Permits and Approvals, Pipeline and
as service on the person. Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-
(2) Personal service. tration, Attn: PHH–30, U.S. Depart-
(3) Electronic service. ment of Transportation, East Building,
(i) In a proceeding under § 107.317 of 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Wash-
this subchapter (an administrative law ington, DC 20590–0001.
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§ 105.45 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(e) Designations are binding. You are ing them at your office with the indi-
bound by your designation of an agent, vidual in charge, or by leaving them at
even if you did not follow all the re- your house with someone who lives
quirements in this section, until we re- there and is capable of making sure
ject your designation. that you receive them. If PHMSA
[67 FR 42951, June 25, 2002, as amended at 70
issues a subpoena to an entity, rather
FR 56088, Sept. 23, 2005; 70 FR 73159, Dec. 9, than an individual, personal service is
2005; 72 FR 55682, Oct. 1, 2007; 75 FR 27211, made by delivering the subpoena and
May 14, 2010] fees to the entity’s registered agent for
service of process or to any officer, di-
SUBPOENAS rector or agent in charge of any of the
entity’s offices.
§ 105.45 Issuing a subpoena. (b) Service by mail. You may be served
(a) Subpoenas explained. A subpoena is with a copy of a subpoena and fees by
a document that may require you to certified or registered mail at your last
attend a proceeding, produce docu- known address. Service of a subpoena
ments or other physical evidence in and fees may also be made by reg-
your possession or control, or both. istered or certified mail to your agent
PHMSA may issue a subpoena either for service of process or any of your
on its initiative or at the request of representatives at that person’s last
someone participating in a proceeding. known address.
Anyone who requests that PHMSA (c) Other methods. You may be served
issue a subpoena must show that the with a copy of a subpoena by any meth-
subpoena seeks information that will od where you receive actual notice of
materially advance the proceeding. the subpoena and receive the fees be-
(b) Attendance and mileage expenses. fore leaving the hearing at which you
(1) If you receive a subpoena to attend testify.
a proceeding under this part, you may (d) Filing after service. After service is
receive money to cover attendance and complete, the individual who served a
mileage expenses. The attendance and copy of a subpoena and fees must file
mileage fees will be the same as those the original subpoena and a certificate
paid to a witness in a proceeding in the of service with the PHMSA official who
district courts of the United States. is responsible for conducting the hear-
(2) If PHMSA issues a subpoena to ing.
you based upon a request, the requester
must serve a copy of the original sub- § 105.55 Refusal to obey a subpoena.
poena on you, as required in § 105.50. (a) Quashing or modifying a subpoena.
The requester must also include at- If you receive a subpoena, you can ask
tendance and mileage fees with the PHMSA to overturn (‘‘quash’’) or mod-
subpoena unless the requester asks ify the subpoena within 10 days after
PHMSA to pay the attendance and the subpoena is served on you. Your re-
mileage fees because of demonstrated quest must briefly explain the reasons
financial hardship and PHMSA agrees you are asking for the subpoena to be
to do so. quashed or modified. PHMSA may then
(3) If PHMSA issues a subpoena at do the following:
the request of an officer or agency of (1) Deny your request.
the Federal government, the officer or (2) Quash or modify the subpoena.
agency is not required to include at- (3) Grant your request on the condi-
tendance and mileage fees when serv- tion that you satisfy certain specified
ing the subpoena. The officer or agency requirements.
must pay the fees before you leave the (b) Failure to obey. If you disobey a
hearing at which you testify. subpoena, PHMSA may ask the Attor-
ney General to seek help from the
§ 105.50 Serving a subpoena. United States District Court for the
(a) Personal service. Anyone who is appropriate District to compel you,
not an interested party and who is at after notice, to appear before PHMSA
least 18 years of age may serve you and give testimony, produce subpoe-
with a subpoena and fees by handing naed documents or physical evidence,
the subpoena and fees to you, by leav- or both.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 106.15
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§ 106.20 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 106.55
the FEDERAL REGISTER before the effec- Regulations that is published in the
tive date of the direct final rule advis- FEDERAL REGISTER in April and Octo-
ing the public and withdrawing the di- ber of each year. The semiannual agen-
rect final rule in whole or in part. da tells the public about the Depart-
(2) If we withdraw a direct final rule ment’s—including PHMSA’s—regu-
because of an adverse comment, we latory activities. The Department as-
may incorporate the adverse comment signs a regulation identifier number
into a later direct final rule or may (RIN) to each individual rulemaking
publish a notice of proposed rule- proceeding in the semiannual agenda.
making. This number appears on all rulemaking
(e) Appeal. You may appeal PHMSA’s
documents published in the FEDERAL
issuance of a direct final rule (see
REGISTER and makes it easy for you to
§ 106.115) only if you have previously
track those rulemaking proceedings in
filed written comments (see § 106.60) to
the direct final rule. both the FEDERAL REGISTER and the
semiannual regulatory agenda itself, as
§ 106.45 Tracking rulemaking actions. well as to locate all documents in the
The following identifying numbers Docket Management System per-
allow you to track PHMSA’s rule- taining to a particular rulemaking.
making activities: [70 FR 56088, Sept. 23, 2005, as amended at 72
(a) Docket number. We assign an iden- FR 55682, Oct. 1, 2007]
tifying number, called a docket num-
ber, to each rulemaking proceeding.
Each rulemaking document that
Subpart B—Participating in the
PHMSA issues in a particular rule- Rulemaking Process
making proceeding will display the
§ 106.50 Defined terms used in this
same docket number. This number al- subpart.
lows you to do the following:
(1) Associate related documents that The following defined terms (see part
appear in the FEDERAL REGISTER. 105, subpart A, of this subchapter) ap-
(2) Search the DOT Docket Manage- pear in this subpart: File; Person; Po-
ment System (‘‘DMS’’) for information litical subdivision; State.
on particular rulemaking pro-
ceedings—including notices of proposed § 106.55 Public participation in the
rulemaking, public comments, peti- rulemaking process.
tions for rulemaking, appeals, records You may participate in PHMSA’s
of additional rulemaking proceedings rulemaking process by doing any of the
and final rules. There are two ways you following:
can search the DMS: (a) File written comments on any
(i) Visit the public docket room and
rulemaking document that asks for
review and copy any docketed mate-
comments, including an advance notice
rials during regular business hours.
of proposed rulemaking, notice of pro-
The DOT Docket Management System
is located at the U.S. Department of posed rulemaking, interim final rule,
Transportation, West Building Ground or direct final rule.
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey (b) Ask that we hold a public meeting
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590– in any rulemaking proceeding and par-
0001. ticipate in any public meeting that we
(ii) View and download docketed ma- hold.
terials through the Internet at http:// (c) File a petition for rulemaking that asks us to add, amend, or delete a
(b) Regulation identifier number. The regulation.
Department of Transportation pub- (d) File an appeal that asks us to re-
lishes a semiannual agenda of all cur- examine our decision to issue all or
rent and projected Department of part of a final rule, interim final rule,
Transportation rulemakings, reviews or direct final rule.
of existing regulations, and completed
actions. This semiannual agenda ap-
pears in the Unified Agenda of Federal
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§ 106.60 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 106.100
§ 106.85 Requesting a public meeting. Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
(a) You may ask for a public meeting Washington, DC 20590–0001.
by filing a written request with [70 FR 56089, Sept. 23, 2005, as amended at 72
PHMSA no later than 20 days before FR 55683, Oct. 1, 2007]
the expiration of the comment period
specified in the rulemaking document. § 106.100 Required information for a
Send your request for a public meeting petition for rulemaking.
to: Docket Management System, U.S. (a) You must include the following
Department of Transportation, West information in your petition for rule-
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, making:
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Wash- (1) A summary of your proposed ac-
ington, DC 20590–0001.
tion and an explanation of its purpose.
(b) PHMSA will review your request
(2) The language you propose for a
and, if you have shown good cause for
a public meeting, we will grant it and new or amended rule, or the language
publish a notice of the meeting in the you would delete from a current rule.
FEDERAL REGISTER. (3) An explanation of your interest in
your proposed action and the interest
[67 FR 42954, June 25, 2002, as amended at 72 of anyone you may represent.
FR 55682, Oct. 1, 2007]
(4) Information and arguments that
§ 106.90 Other rulemaking pro- support your proposed action, includ-
ceedings. ing relevant technical and scientific
During a rulemaking proceeding, data available to you.
PHMSA may invite you to do the fol- (5) Any specific cases that support or
lowing: demonstrate the need for your pro-
(a) Participate in a conference at posed action.
which minutes are taken. (b) If the impact of your proposed ac-
(b) Make an oral presentation. tion is substantial, and data or other
(c) Participate in any other public information about that impact are
proceeding to ensure that PHMSA available to you, we may ask that you
makes informed decisions during the provide information about the fol-
rulemaking process and to protect the lowing:
public interest, including a negotiated (1) The costs and benefits of your pro-
rulemaking or work group led by a posed action to society in general, and
facilitator. identifiable groups within society in
(2) The direct effects, including pre-
§ 106.95 Requesting a change to the emption effects under section 5125 of
regulations. Federal hazardous materials transpor-
tation law, of your proposed action on
You may ask PHMSA to add, amend,
or delete a regulation by filing a peti- States, on the relationship between the
tion for rulemaking as follows: Federal government and the States,
(a) For regulations in 49 CFR parts and on the distribution of power and
110, 130, 171 through 180, submit the pe- responsibilities among the various lev-
tition to: Office of Hazardous Materials els of government. (See 49 CFR part
Standards, Pipeline and Hazardous Ma- 107, subpart C, regarding preemption.)
terials Safety Administration, Attn: (3) The regulatory burden of your
PHH–10, U.S. Department of Transpor- proposed action on small businesses,
tation, East Building, 1200 New Jersey small organizations, small govern-
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590– mental jurisdictions, and Indian tribes.
0001. (4) The recordkeeping and reporting
(b) For regulations in 49 CFR parts burdens of your proposed action and
105, 106, or 107, submit the petition to: whom they would affect.
Office of the Chief Counsel, Pipeline (5) The effect of your proposed action
and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad- on the quality of the natural and social
ministration, Attn: PHC–10, U.S. De- environments.
partment of Transportation, East
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§ 106.105 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 107
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§ 107.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
107.502 General registration requirements. (2) Having the knowledge that a rea-
107.503 Registration statement. sonable person acting in the same cir-
107.504 Period of registration, updates, and cumstances and exercising due care
record retention.
would have had.
Subpart G—Registration of Persons Who Administrator means the Adminis-
Offer or Transport Hazardous Materials trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate-
rials Safety Administration or his or
107.601 Applicability. her delegate.
107.606 Exceptions. Applicant means the person in whose
107.608 General registration requirements.
name a special permit, approval, reg-
107.612 Amount of fee.
107.616 Payment procedures. istration, a renewed or modified special
107.620 Recordkeeping requirements. permit or approval, or party status to a
special permit is requested to be
Subpart H—Approvals, Registrations and issued.
Submissions Application means a request under
subpart B of this part for a special per-
107.701 Purpose and scope.
107.705 Registrations, reports, and applica-
mit, a renewal or modification of a spe-
tions for approval. cial permit, party status to a special
107.709 Processing of an application for ap- permit, or a request under subpart H of
proval, including an application for re- this part for an approval, or renewal or
newal or modification. modification of an approval.
107.711 Withdrawal. Approval means written consent, in-
107.713 Approval modification, suspension cluding a competent authority ap-
or termination. proval, from the Associate Adminis-
107.715 Reconsideration.
107.717 Appeal. trator or other designated Department
official, to perform a function that re-
Subpart I—Approval of Independent In- quires prior consent under subchapter
spection Agencies, Cylinder Requali- C of this chapter (49 CFR parts 171
fiers, and Non-domestic Chemical through 180).
Analyses and Tests of DOT Specifica- Approval Agency means an organiza-
tion Cylinders tion or a person designated by the
PHMSA to certify packagings as hav-
107.801 Purpose and scope. ing been designed, manufactured, test-
107.803 Approval of an independent inspec-
ed, modified, marked or maintained in
tion agency (IIA).
107.805 Approval of cylinder and pressure re- compliance with applicable DOT regu-
ceptacle requalifiers. lations.
107.807 Approval of non-domestic chemical Associate Administrator means the As-
analyses and tests. sociate Administrator for Hazardous
107.809 Conditions of UN pressure receptacle Materials Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
approvals. ardous Materials Safety Administra-
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; Pub. tion.
L. 101–410 section 4 (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); Pub. Competent Authority means a national
L. 104–121 sections 212–213; Pub. L. 104–134 agency that is responsible, under its
section 31001; 49 CFR 1.45, 1.53. national law, for the control or regula-
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to tion of some aspect of hazardous mate-
part 107 appear at 67 FR 61011, Sept. 27, 2002, rials (dangerous goods) transportation.
70 FR 56089, Sept. 23, 2005, and 70 FR 73159, Another term for Competent Authority
Dec. 9, 2005. is ‘‘Appropriate authority,’’ which is
used in the International Civil Avia-
Subpart A—Definitions tion Organization’s (ICAO) Technical
Instructions for the Safe Transport of
§ 107.1 Definitions. Dangerous Goods by Air. The Associate
All terms defined in 49 U.S.C. 5102 are Administrator is the United States
used in their statutory meaning. Other Competent Authority for purposes of
terms used in this part are defined as this part 107.
follows: Competent Authority Approval means
Acting knowingly means acting or an approval by the competent author-
failing to act while ity that is required under an inter-
(1) Having actual knowledge of the national standard (for example, the
facts giving rise to the violation, or
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.1
ICAO Technical Instructions for the chapter C of this chapter governing its
Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by use in the transportation in commerce
Air and the International Maritime of a hazardous material. A manufac-
Dangerous Goods Code). Any of the fol- turing special permit is a special per-
lowing may be considered a competent mit issued to a manufacturer of pack-
authority approval if it satisfies the re- agings who does not offer for transpor-
quirement of an international stand- tation or transport hazardous mate-
ard: rials in packagings subject to the spe-
(1) A specific regulation in sub- cial permit.
chapter A or C of this chapter. Party means a person, other than a
(2) A special permit or approval holder, authorized to act under the
issued under subchapter A or C of this terms of a special permit.
chapter. Person means an individual, firm, co-
(3) A separate document issued to one partnership, corporation, company, as-
or more persons by the Associate Ad- sociation, or joint-stock association
ministrator. (including any trustee, receiver, as-
DOT or Department means U.S. De- signee, or similar representative); or a
partment of Transportation. government or Indian tribe (or an
Federal hazardous material transpor- agency or instrumentality of any gov-
tation law means 49 U.S.C. 5101 et seq. ernment or Indian tribe) that trans-
Filed means received by the appro- ports a hazardous material to further a
priate PHMSA or other designated of- commercial enterprise or offers a haz-
fice within the time specified in a regu- ardous material for transportation in
lation or rulemaking document. commerce. Person does not include the
Holder means the person in whose following:
name a special permit or approval has
(1) The United States Postal Service.
been issued.
(2) Any agency or instrumentality of
Imminent Hazard means the existence
the Federal government, for the pur-
of a condition which presents a sub-
poses of 49 U.S.C. 5123 (civil penalties)
stantial likelihood that death, serious
and 5124 (criminal penalties.)
illness, severe personal injury, or sub-
stantial endangerment to health, prop- (3) Any government or Indian tribe
erty, or the environment may occur be- (or an agency or instrumentality of
fore the reasonably foreseeable comple- any government or Indian tribe) that
tion of an administrative hearing or transports hazardous material for a
other formal proceeding initiated to governmental purpose.
abate the risks of those effects. Registration means a written ac-
Incident means an event resulting in knowledgment from the Associate Ad-
the unintended and unanticipated re- ministrator that a registrant is author-
lease of a hazardous material or an ized to perform a function for which
event meeting incident reporting re- registration is required under sub-
quirements in § 171.15 or § 171.16 of this chapter C of this chapter (e.g., registra-
chapter. tion in accordance with 49 CFR 178.503
Indian Tribe has the same meaning regarding marking of packagings). For
given that term in section 4 of the In- purposes of subparts A through E,
dian Self-Determination and Education ‘‘registration’’ does not include reg-
Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b). istration under subpart F or G of this
Investigation includes investigations part.
authorized under 49 U.S.C. 5121 and in- Report means information, other than
spections authorized under 49 U.S.C. an application, registration or part
5118 and 5121. thereof, required to be submitted to
Manufacturing special permit means a the Associate Administrator pursuant
special permit from compliance with to this subchapter, subchapter B or
specified requirements that otherwise subchapter C of this chapter.
must be met before representing, Respondent means a person upon
marking, certifying (including requali- whom the PHMSA has served a notice
fying, inspecting, and testing), selling of probable violation.
or offering a packaging or container as Special permit means a document
meeting the requirements of sub- issued by the Associate Administrator,
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§ 107.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.107
compliance with the specified regula- level of safety that is at least equal to
tions and, if the special permit is re- that required by the regulation from
quested for a fixed period, a description which the special permit is sought; or
of how compliance will be achieved at (ii) If the regulations do not establish
the end of that period; a level of safety, an analysis that iden-
(6) If the applicant seeks emergency tifies each hazard, potential failure
processing specified in § 107.117, a state- mode and the probability of its occur-
ment of supporting facts and reasons; rence, and how the risks associated
(7) Identification and description of with each hazard and failure mode are
the hazardous materials planned for controlled for the duration of an activ-
transportation under the special per- ity or life-cycle of a packaging.
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as
(8) Description of each packaging, in- amended at 62 FR 51556, Oct. 1, 1997; 65 FR
cluding specification or special permit 50457, Aug. 18, 2000; 65 FR 58618, Sept. 29, 2000;
number, as applicable, to be used in 67 FR 61010, 61011, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 23841,
conjunction with the requested special May 5, 2003; 69 FR 6198, Feb. 10, 2004; 70 FR
permit; 56089, Sept. 23, 2005; 70 FR 73160, Dec. 9, 2005;
(9) For alternative packagings, docu- 71 FR 54390, Sept. 14, 2006; 72 FR 55683, Oct. 1,
mentation of quality assurance con- 2007; 75 FR 27212, May 14, 2010]
trols, package design, manufacture,
§ 107.107 Application for party status.
performance test criteria, in-service
performance and service-life limita- (a) Any person eligible to apply for a
tions. special permit may apply to be made
(10) When a Class 1 material is forbid- party to an application or an existing
den for transportation by aircraft ex- special permit, other than a manufac-
cept under a special permit (see Col- turing special permit.
umns 9A and 9B in the table in 49 CFR (b) Each application filed under this
172.101), an applicant for a special per- section must—
mit to transport such Class 1 material (1)(i) Be submitted in duplicate to:
on passenger-carrying or cargo-only Associate Administrator for Hazardous
aircraft with a maximum certificated Materials Safety (Attention: Special
takeoff weight of less than 12,500 Permits, PHH–31), Pipeline and Haz-
pounds must certify that no person ardous Materials Safety Administra-
within the categories listed in 18 U.S.C. tion, U.S. Department of Transpor-
842(i) will participate in the transpor- tation, East Building, 1200 New Jersey
tation of the Class 1 material. Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
(d) Justification of special permit pro- 0001;
posal. The application must dem- (ii) Be submitted in duplicate with
onstrate that a special permit achieves any attached supporting documenta-
a level of safety at least equal to that tion by facsimile (fax) to: (202) 366–3753
required by regulation, or if a required or (202) 366–3308; or
safety level does not exist, is con- (iii) Be submitted by electronic mail
sistent with the public interest. At a (e-mail) to: [email protected].
minimum, the application must pro- Electronic submissions need not be
vide the following: submitted in duplicate;
(1) Information describing all rel- (2) Identify by number the special
evant shipping and incident experience permit application or special permit to
of which the applicant is aware that re- which the applicant seeks to become a
lates to the application; party;
(2) A statement identifying any in- (3) State the name, street and mail-
creased risk to safety or property that ing addresses, e-mail address (if avail-
may result if the special permit is able), US DOT Registration number (if
granted, and a description of the meas- applicable), and telephone number of
ures to be taken to address that risk; the applicant. If the applicant is not an
and individual, also state the name, street
(3) Either: and mailing addresses, e-mail address
(i) Substantiation, with applicable (if available), and telephone number of
analyses, data or test results, that the an individual designated as an agent of
proposed alternative will achieve a the applicant for all purposes related
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.109 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
to the application. In addition, each tion by facsimile (fax) to: (202) 366–3753
applicant must state why party status or (202) 366–3308; or
to the special permit is needed and (iii) Be submitted by electronic mail
must submit a certification of under- (e-mail) to: [email protected].
standing of the provisions of the spe- Electronic submissions need not be
cial permit to which party status is submitted in duplicate;
being requested; (2) Identify by number the special
(4) Include a designation of agent of permit for which renewal is requested;
service for process in accordance with (3) State the name, street and mail-
§ 105.40 of this part if the applicant is ing addresses, e-mail address (if avail-
not a resident of the United States; and able), US DOT Registration number (if
(5) For a Class 1 material that is for- applicable), and telephone number of
bidden for transportation by aircraft the applicant. If the applicant is not an
except under a special permit (see Col- individual, also state the name, street
umns 9A and 9B in the table in 49 CFR and mailing addresses, e-mail address
172.101), include a certification by the (if available), and telephone number of
applicant for party status to a special an individual designated as an agent of
permit to transport such Class 1 mate- the applicant for all purposes related
rial, on passenger-carrying or cargo- to the application. In addition, each
only aircraft with a maximum certifi- applicant for renewal of party status
cated takeoff weight of less than 12,500 must state why party status to the spe-
pounds, that no person within the cat- cial permit is needed and must submit
egories listed in 18 U.S.C. 842(i) will a certification of understanding of the
participate in the transportation of the provisions of the special permit to
Class 1 material. which party status is being requested;
(4) Include either a certification by
(c) The Associate Administrator
the applicant that the original applica-
grants or denies an application for
tion, as it may have been updated by
party status in the manner specified in
any application for renewal, remains
§ 107.113(e) and (f) of this subpart.
accurate and complete; or include an
(d) A party to a special permit is sub- amendment to the previously sub-
ject to all terms of that special permit, mitted application as is necessary to
including the expiration date. If a update and assure the accuracy and
party to a special permit wishes to completeness of the application, with
renew party status, the special permit certification by the applicant that the
renewal procedures set forth in § 107.109 application as amended is accurate and
apply. complete; and
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as (5) Include a statement describing all
amended at 65 FR 50457, Aug. 18, 2000; 67 FR relevant shipping and incident experi-
61010, 61011, Sept. 27, 2002; 69 FR 6198, Feb. 10, ence of which the applicant is aware in
2004; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005; 70 FR 73160, connection with the special permit
Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55683, Oct. 1, 2007; 75 FR since its issuance or most recent re-
27212, May 14, 2010]
newal. If the applicant is aware of no
§ 107.109 Application for renewal. incidents, the applicant must so cer-
tify. When known to the applicant, the
(a) Each application for renewal of a statement should indicate the approxi-
special permit or renewal of party sta- mate number of shipments made or
tus to a special permit must— packages shipped, as the case may be,
(1)(i) Be submitted in duplicate to: and number of shipments or packages
Associate Administrator for Hazardous involved in any loss of contents, in-
Materials Safety (Attention: Special cluding loss by venting other than as
Permits, PHH–31), Pipeline and Haz- authorized in subchapter C; and
ardous Materials Safety Administra- (6) When a Class 1 material is forbid-
tion, U.S. Department of Transpor- den for transportation by aircraft, ex-
tation, East Building, 1200 New Jersey cept under a special permit (see Col-
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590– umns 9A and 9B in the table in 49 CFR
0001; 172.101), include a certification by the
(ii) Be submitted in duplicate with applicant for renewal of party status to
any attached supporting documenta- a special permit to transport such
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.113
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§ 107.117 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(4) The applicant meets the qualifica- purposes or to prevent significant eco-
tions required by applicable regula- nomic loss that could not be prevented
tions; and if the application were processed on a
(5) The applicant is fit to conduct the routine basis.
activity authorized by the exemption (b) Where the significant economic
or special permit. This assessment may loss is to the applicant, or to a party in
be based on information in the applica- a contractual relationship to the appli-
tion, prior compliance history of the cant with respect to the activity to be
applicant, and other information avail- undertaken, the Associate Adminis-
able to the Associate Administrator. trator may deny emergency processing
(g) An applicant is notified in writing if timely application could have been
whether the application is granted or made.
denied. A denial contains a brief state- (c) A request for emergency proc-
ment of reasons.
essing on the basis of potential eco-
(h) The initial exemption or special
nomic loss must reasonably describe
permit terminates according to its
and estimate the potential loss.
terms or, if not otherwise specified, 24
months from the date of issuance. A (d) An application submitted under
subsequent renewal of a special permit this section must conform to § 107.105
terminates according to its terms or, if to the extent that the receiving De-
not otherwise specified, 48 months partment official deems necessary to
after the date of issuance. A grant of process the application. An application
party status to an exemption or special on an emergency basis must be sub-
permit, unless otherwise stated, termi- mitted to the Department modal con-
nates on the date that the exemption tact official for the initial mode of
or special permit expires. transportation to be utilized, as fol-
(i) The Associate Administrator, on lows:
determining that an application con- (1) Certificate-Holding Aircraft: The
cerns a matter of general applicability Federal Aviation Administration Civil
and future effect and should be the sub- Aviation Security Office that serves
ject of rulemaking, may initiate rule- the place where the flight will origi-
making under part 106 of this chapter nate or that is responsible for the air-
in addition to or instead of acting on craft operator’s overall aviation secu-
the application. rity program. The nearest Civil Avia-
(j) The Associate Administrator pub- tion Security Office may be located by
lishes in the FEDERAL REGISTER a list calling the FAA Duty Officer, 202–267–
of all special permit grants, denials, 3333 (any hour).
and modifications and all special per- (2) Noncertificate-Holding Aircraft
mit applications withdrawn under this (Those Which Operate Under 14 CFR Part
section. 91): The Federal Aviation Administra-
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as tion Civil Aviation Security Office that
amended at 67 FR 61011, Sept. 27, 2002; 70 FR serves the place where the flight will
73161, Dec. 9, 2005] originate. The nearest Civil Aviation
Security Office may be located by call-
§ 107.117 Emergency processing. ing the FAA Duty Officer, 202–267–3333
(a) An application is granted emer- (any hour).
gency processing if the Associate Ad- (3) Motor Vehicle Transportation:
ministrator, on the basis of the appli- Chief, Hazardous Materials Division,
cation and any inquiry undertaken, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminis-
finds that— tration, U.S. Department of Transpor-
(1) Emergency processing is nec- tation, Washington, DC 20590–0001, 202–
essary to prevent significant injury to 385–2400 (day); 1–800–424–8802 (night).
persons or property (other than the (4) Rail Transportation: Staff Director,
hazardous material to be transported) Hazardous Materials Division, Office of
that could not be prevented if the ap- Safety Assurance and Compliance, Fed-
plication were processed on a routine eral Railroad Administration, U.S. De-
basis; or partment of Transportation, Wash-
(2) Emergency processing is nec- ington, DC 20590–0001, 202–493–6248 or
essary for immediate national security 202–493–6244 (day); 1–800–424–8802 (night).
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.121
(5) Water Transportation: Chief, Haz- flects current statutes and regulations;
ardous Materials Standards Division, or
Office of Operating and Environmental (2) Modification is required by
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. De- changed circumstances to meet the
partment of Homeland Security, Wash- standards of § 107.113(f).
ington, DC 20593–0001; (202) 267–1217 (b) The Associate Administrator may
(day); 1–800–424–8802 (night). modify, suspend or terminate an ex-
(e) On receipt of all information nec- emption or special permit or grant of
essary to process the application, the party status, as appropriate, on finding
receiving Department official trans- that:
mits to the Associate Administrator,
(1) Because of a change in cir-
by the most rapid available means of
cumstances, the exemption, special
communication, an evaluation as to
permit, or party status no longer is
whether an emergency exists under
needed or no longer would be granted if
§ 107.117(a) and, if appropriate, rec-
ommendations as to the conditions to applied for;
be included in the special permit. If the (2) The application contained inac-
Associate Administrator determines curate or incomplete information, and
that an emergency exists under the exemption, special permit, or party
§ 107.117(a) and that, with reference to status would not have been granted
the criteria of § 107.113(f), granting of had the application been accurate and
the application is in the public inter- complete;
est, the Associate Administrator (3) The application contained delib-
grants the application subject to such erately inaccurate or incomplete infor-
terms as necessary and immediately mation; or
notifies the applicant. If the Associate (4) The holder or party knowingly
Administrator determines that an has violated the terms of the exemp-
emergency does not exist or that tion, special permit or an applicable re-
granting of the application is not in quirement of this chapter, in a manner
the public interest, the applicant im- demonstrating the holder or party is
mediately is so notified. not fit to conduct the activity author-
(f) A determination that an emer- ized by the exemption or special per-
gency does not exist is not subject to mit.
reconsideration under § 107.123 of this (c) Except as provided in paragraph
part. (d) of this section, before an exemption,
(g) Within 90 days following issuance special permit, or grant of party status
of an emergency special permit, the is modified, suspended or terminated,
Associate Administrator will publish, the Associate Administrator notifies
in the FEDERAL REGISTER, a notice of the holder or party in writing of the
issuance with a statement of the basis proposed action and the reasons for it,
for the finding of emergency and the and provides an opportunity to show
scope and duration of the special per- cause why the proposed action should
mit. not be taken.
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as (1) The holder or party may file a
amended at 62 FR 51556, Oct. 1, 1997; 64 FR written response that shows cause why
51914, Sept. 27, 1999; 65 FR 58618, Sept. 29, the proposed action should not be
2000; 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61011, taken within 30 days of receipt of no-
Sept. 27, 2002; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005; 75
FR 53596, Sept. 1, 2010] tice of the proposed action.
(2) After considering the holder’s or
§ 107.121 Modification, suspension or party’s written response, or after 30
termination of special permit or days have passed without response
grant of party status. since receipt of the notice, the Asso-
(a) The Associate Administrator may ciate Administrator notifies the holder
modify an exemption, a special permit, or party in writing of the final decision
or grant of party status on finding with a brief statement of reasons.
that: (d) The Associate Administrator, if
(1) Modification is necessary so that necessary to avoid a risk of significant
the exemption or special permit re- harm to persons or property, may in
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.123 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
the notification declare the proposed trator’s decision is the final adminis-
action immediately effective. trative action.
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as § 107.127 Availability of documents for
amended at 70 FR 73161, Dec. 9, 2005] public inspection.
§ 107.123 Reconsideration. (a) Documents related to an applica-
tion under this subpart, including the
(a) An applicant for special permit, a application itself, are available for
special permit holder, or an applicant public inspection, except as specified in
for party status to an exemption or paragraph (b) of this section, at the Of-
special permit may request that the fice of the Associate Administrator for
Associate Administrator reconsider a Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline
decision under § 107.113(g), § 107.117(e) or and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad-
§ 107.121(c) of this part. The request ministration, Office of Hazardous Ma-
must— terials Special Permits and Approvals,
(1) Be in writing and filed within 20 U.S. Department of Transportation,
days of receipt of the decision; East Building, PHH–30, 1200 New Jersey
(2) State in detail any alleged errors Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
of fact and law; 0001. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5
(3) Enclose any additional informa- p.m., Monday through Friday, except
tion needed to support the request to Federal holidays when the office is
reconsider; and closed. Copies of available documents
(4) State in detail the modification of may be obtained as provided in part 7
the final decision sought. of this title. Documents numbered
(b) The Associate Administrator 11832 and above may also be viewed at
grants or denies, in whole or in part, the website address http://
the relief requested and informs the re-
questing person in writing of the deci- (b) Documents available for inspec-
sion. If necessary to avoid a risk of sig- tion do not include materials deter-
nificant harm to persons or property, mined to be withheld from public dis-
the Associate Administrator may, in closure under § 105.30 and in accordance
the notification, declare the action im- with the applicable provisions of sec-
mediately effective. tion 552(b) of title 5, United States
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as Code, and part 7 of this title.
amended at 70 FR 73161, Dec. 9, 2005] [Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21095, May 9, 1996, as
amended at 65 FR 58618, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR
§ 107.125 Appeal. 45377, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61011, Sept. 27, 2002;
(a) A person who requested reconsid- 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55683, Oct. 1,
eration under § 107.123 and is denied the 2007]
relief requested may appeal to the Ad-
ministrator. The appeal must— Subpart C—Preemption
(1) Be in writing and filed within 30
days of receipt of the Associate Admin- § 107.201 Purpose and scope.
istrator’s decision on reconsideration; (a) This subpart prescribes proce-
(2) State in detail any alleged errors dures by which:
of fact and law; (1) Any person, including a State, po-
(3) Enclose any additional informa- litical subdivision, or Indian tribe, di-
tion needed to support the appeal; and rectly affected by a requirement of a
(4) State in detail the modification of State, political subdivision, or Indian
the final decision sought. tribe, may apply for a determination as
(b) The Administrator, if necessary to whether that requirement is pre-
to avoid a risk of significant harm to empted under 49 U.S.C. 5125.
persons or property, may declare the (2) A State, political subdivision, or
Associate Administrator’s action effec- Indian tribe may apply for a waiver of
tive pending a decision on appeal. preemption with respect to any re-
(c) The Administrator grants or de- quirement that the State, political
nies, in whole or in part, the relief re- subdivision, or Indian tribe acknowl-
quested and informs the appellant in edges to be preempted by 49 U.S.C. 5125,
writing of the decision. The Adminis- or that has been determined by a court
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.202
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§ 107.203 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.211
the Chief Counsel that he or she has requested in comments to the docket
complied with this requirement. The to be notified of the determination. A
Chief Counsel may notify other persons copy of each determination is placed
participating in the proceeding of the on file in the public docket. The Chief
comments and provide an opportunity Counsel will publish the determination
for those other persons to respond. or notice of the determination in the
Late-filed comments are considered so FEDERAL REGISTER, at which time the
far as practicable. determination becomes a final agency
[Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21098, May 9, 1996, as action.
amended at 71 FR 30067, May 25, 2006] (d) A determination issued under this
section constitutes an administrative
§ 107.207 Processing. determination as to whether a par-
(a) The Chief Counsel may initiate an ticular requirement of a State or polit-
investigation of any statement in an ical subdivision or Indian tribe is pre-
application and utilize in his or her empted under the Federal hazardous
evaluation any relevant facts obtained materials transportation law. The fact
by that investigation. The Chief Coun- that a determination has not been
sel may solicit and accept submissions issued under this section with respect
from third persons relevant to an appli- to a particular requirement of a State
cation and will provide the applicant or political subdivision or Indian tribe
an opportunity to respond to all third carries no implication as to whether
person submissions. In evaluating an the requirement is preempted under
application, the Chief Counsel may the Federal hazardous materials trans-
consider any other source of informa- portation law.
tion. The Chief Counsel on his or her [Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8623, Feb. 28, 1991, as
own initiative may convene a hearing amended by Amdt. 107–25, 57 FR 20428, May
or conference, if he or she considers 13, 1992; Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept. 26,
that a hearing or conference will ad- 1994; Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21098, May 9, 1996; 68
vance his or her evaluation of the ap- FR 52847, Sept. 8, 2003; 71 FR 30067, May 25,
plication. 2006]
(b) The Chief Counsel may dismiss
the application without prejudice if: § 107.211 Petition for reconsideration.
(1) He or she determines that there is (a) Any person aggrieved by a deter-
insufficient information upon which to mination issued under § 107.209 may file
base a determination; or a petition for reconsideration. The pe-
(2) He or she requests additional in- tition must be filed with the Chief
formation from the applicant and it is Counsel, in the same manner specified
not submitted. for filing an application in § 107.203(b),
[Amdt. 107–3, 41 FR 38171, Sept. 9, 1976, as
within 20 days of publication of the de-
amended by Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, 8622, termination in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
Feb. 28, 1991; Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21098, May (b) The petition must contain a con-
9, 1996; 71 FR 30067, May 25, 2006] cise statement of the basis for seeking
review, including any specific factual
§ 107.209 Determination. or legal error alleged. If the petition
(a) Upon consideration of the applica- requests consideration of information
tion and other relevant information re- that was not previously made available
ceived, the Chief Counsel issues a de- to the Chief Counsel, the petition must
termination. include the reasons why such informa-
(b) The determination includes a tion was not previously made avail-
written statement setting forth the able.
relevant facts and the legal basis for (c) The petitioner shall mail a copy
the determination, and provides that of the petition to each person who par-
any person aggrieved thereby may file ticipated, either as an applicant or
a petition for reconsideration with the commenter, in the preemption deter-
Chief Counsel. mination proceeding, accompanied by a
(c) The Chief Counsel provides a copy statement that the person may submit
of the determination to the applicant comments concerning the petition to
and to any other person who substan- the Chief Counsel within 20 days. The
tially participated in the proceeding or petition filed with the Chief Counsel
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.213 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
must contain a certification that the (b) Each application filed under this
petitioner has complied with this para- section for a waiver of preemption de-
graph and include the names and ad- termination must:
dresses of all persons to whom a copy (1) Be submitted to the Chief Coun-
of the petition was sent. Late-filed sel:
comments are considered so far as (i) By mail addressed to the Chief
practicable. Counsel, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate-
(d) The Chief Counsel will publish the rials Safety Administration, U.S. De-
decision on the petition for reconsider- partment of Transportation, East
ation or notice of the decision in the Building, PHC–1, 1200 New Jersey Ave-
FEDERAL REGISTER, at which time the nue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001;
decision on the petition for reconsider- (ii) By facsimile to 202–366–7041; or
ation becomes a final agency action. (iii) Electronically to the Chief Coun-
sel at [email protected].
[Amdt. 107–25, 57 FR 20428, May 13, 1992, as (2) Set forth the text of the State or
amended by Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21099, May 9, political subdivision requirement for
1996; 71 FR 30067, May 25, 2006]
which the determination is being
§ 107.213 Judicial review. sought;
(3) Include a copy of any court order
A party to a proceeding under and any ruling issued under § 107.209
§ 107.203(a) may seek review of a deter- having a bearing on the application;
mination of the Chief Counsel by filing (4) Contain an express acknowledg-
a petition, within 60 days after the de- ment by the applicant that the State,
termination becomes final, in the political subdivision, or Indian tribe
United States Court of Appeals for the requirement is preempted under Fed-
District of Columbia or in the Court of eral hazardous materials transpor-
Appeals for the United States for the tation law, unless it has been so deter-
circuit in which the person resides or mined by a court of competent juris-
has its principal place of business. diction or in a determination issued
[71 FR 30068, May 25, 2006] under § 107.209;
(5) Specify each requirement of the
WAIVER OF PREEMPTION Federal hazardous materials transpor-
DETERMINATIONS tation law that preempts the State, po-
litical subdivision, or Indian tribe re-
§ 107.215 Application. quirement;
(a) With the exception of require- (6) State why the applicant believes
ments preempted under 49 U.S.C. the State, political subdivision or In-
5125(c), a State or political subdivision dian tribe requirements affords an
thereof, or Indian tribe may apply to equal or greater level of protection to
the Chief Counsel for a waiver of pre- the public than is afforded by the re-
emption with respect to any require- quirements of the Federal hazardous
ment that the State or political sub- material transportation law or the reg-
division thereof or Indian tribe ac- ulations issued thereunder;
knowledges to be preempted under the (7) State why the applicant believes
Federal hazardous materials transpor- the State, political subdivision or In-
tation law, or that has been deter- dian tribe requirement does not unrea-
mined by a court of competent juris- sonably burden commerce; and
(8) Specify what steps the State, po-
diction to be so preempted. The Chief
litical subdivision or Indian tribe is
Counsel may waive preemption with re-
taking to administer and enforce effec-
spect to such requirement upon a de-
tively its inconsistent requirement.
termination that such requirement—
(1) Affords an equal or greater level [Amdt. 107–3, 41 FR 38171, Sept. 9, 1976, as
of protection to the public than is af- amended by Amdt. 107–22, 55 FR 39978, Oct. 1,
forded by the requirements of the Fed- 1990; Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, 8623, Feb. 28,
1991; 56 FR 15510, Apr. 17, 1991; Amdt. 107–23,
eral hazardous material transportation
56 FR 66156, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 107–25, 57 FR
law or the regulations issued there- 20428, May 13, 1992; Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131,
under, and Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21099, May
(2) Does not unreasonably burden 9, 1996; 68 FR 52847, Sept. 8, 2003; 71 FR 30068,
commerce. May 25, 2006; 72 FR 55683, Oct. 1, 2007]
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.219
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.221 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
regulations issued under the Federal or Indian tribe achieves its stated pur-
hazardous material transportation law, pose.
or hazardous material transportation (4) Whether there is need for uni-
security regulations or directives formity with regard to the subject con-
issued by the Secretary of Homeland cerned and if so, whether the require-
Security. ment of the State or political subdivi-
(d) When the Chief Counsel has re- sion thereof or Indian tribe competes
ceived all substantive information it or conflicts with those of other States
considers necessary to process an appli- or political subdivisions thereof or In-
cation for a waiver of preemption de- dian tribes.
termination, it serves notice of that (c) The determination includes a
fact upon the applicant and all other written statement setting forth rel-
persons who received notice of the pro- evant facts and legal bases and pro-
ceeding pursuant to § 107.217. viding that any person aggrieved by
(e) To the extent possible, each appli- the determination may file a petition
cation for a waiver of preemption de- for reconsideration with the Chief
termination will be acted upon in a Counsel.
manner consistent with the disposition (d) The Chief Counsel provides a copy
of previous applications for waiver of of the determination to the applicant
preemption determinations. and to any other person who substan-
tially participated in the proceeding or
[Amdt. 107–3, 41 FR 38171, Sept. 9, 1976, as requested in comments to the docket
amended by Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, 8623,
Feb. 28, 1991; Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept.
to be notified of the determination. A
26, 1994; Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21099, May 9, copy of the determination is placed on
1996; 65 FR 58618, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 52847, file in the public docket. The Chief
Sept. 8, 2003; 69 FR 54044, Sept. 7, 2004; 71 FR Counsel will publish the determination
30068, May 25, 2006] or notice of the determination in the
FEDERAL REGISTER, at which time the
§ 107.221 Determination. determination becomes a final agency
(a) After considering the application action.
and other relevant information re- (e) A determination under this sec-
ceived or obtained during the pro- tion constitutes an administrative
ceeding, the Chief Counsel issues a de- finding of whether a particular require-
termination. ment of a State or political subdivision
(b) The Chief Counsel may issue a thereof or Indian tribe is preempted
waiver of preemption only on finding under the Federal hazardous materials
that the requirement of the State or transportation law, or whether preemp-
political subdivision thereof or Indian tion is waived.
tribe affords the public a level of safety [Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21099, May 9, 1996, as
at least equal to that afforded by the amended at 68 FR 52848, Sept. 8, 2003; 71 FR
requirements of the Federal hazardous 30068, May 25, 2006]
material transportation law or the reg-
ulations issued thereunder and does § 107.223 Petition for reconsideration.
not unreasonably burden commerce. In (a) Any person aggrieved by a deter-
determining if the requirement of the mination under § 107.221 may file a peti-
State or political subdivision thereof tion for reconsideration. The petition
or Indian tribe unreasonably burdens must be filed with the Chief Counsel, in
commerce, the Chief Counsel considers: the same manner specified for filing an
(1) The extent to which increased application in § 107.215(b), within 20
costs and impairment of efficiency re- days of publication of the determina-
sult from the requirement of the State tion in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
or political subdivision thereof or In- (b) The petition must contain a con-
dian tribe. cise statement of the basis for seeking
(2) Whether the requirement of the review, including any specific factual
State or political subdivision thereof or legal error alleged. If the petition
or Indian tribe has a rational basis. requests consideration of information
(3) Whether the requirement of the that was not previously made available
State or political subdivision thereof to the Chief Counsel, the petition must
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.305
include the reasons why such informa- this subchapter, in accordance with
tion was not previously made avail- § 1.53 of this title.
able. [Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
(c) The petitioner shall mail a copy amended by Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, Feb. 28,
of the petition to each person who par- 1991; Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept. 26, 1994]
ticipated, either as an applicant or
commenter, in the waiver of preemp- § 107.303 Purpose and scope.
tion proceeding, accompanied by a This subchapter describes the various
statement that the person may submit enforcement authorities exercised by
comments concerning the petition to the Associate Administrator for Haz-
the Chief Counsel within 20 days. The ardous Materials Safety and the Office
petition filed with the Chief Counsel of Chief Counsel and the associated
must contain a certification that the sanctions and prescribes the procedures
petitioner has complied with this para- governing the exercise of those au-
graph and include the names and ad- thorities and the imposition of those
dresses of all persons to whom a copy sanctions.
of the petition was sent. Late-filed
[Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
comments are considered so far as
amended by Amdt. 107–15, 51 FR 34986, Oct. 1,
practicable. 1986; Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, Feb. 28, 1991]
(d) The Chief Counsel will publish the
decision on the petition for reconsider- § 107.305 Investigations.
ation or notice of the decision in the (a) General. In accordance with its
FEDERAL REGISTER, at which time the delegated authority under part 1 of this
decision on the petition for reconsider- title, the Associate Administrator may
ation becomes a final agency action. initiate investigations relating to com-
[Amdt. 107–25, 57 FR 20429, May 13, 1992, as pliance by any person with any provi-
amended by Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21099, May 9, sions of this subchapter or subchapter
1996; 71 FR 30068, May 25, 2006] C of this chapter, or any special per-
mit, approval, or order issued there-
§ 107.227 Judicial review. under, or any court decree relating
A party to a proceeding under thereto. The Associate Administrator
§ 107.215(a) may seek review of a deter- encourages voluntary production of
mination of the Chief Counsel by filing documents in accordance with and sub-
a petition, within 60 days after the de- ject to § 105.45, and hearings may be
termination becomes final, in the conducted, and depositions taken pur-
United States Court of Appeals for the suant to 49 U.S.C. 5121(a). The Asso-
District of Columbia or in the Court of ciate Administrator may conduct in-
Appeals for the United States for the vestigative conferences and hearings in
circuit in which the person resides or the course of any investigation.
has its principal place of business. (b) Investigations and Inspections. In-
vestigations under 49 U.S.C. 5121(a) are
[71 FR 30068, May 25, 2006]
conducted by personnel duly author-
ized for that purpose by the Associate
Subpart D—Enforcement Administrator. Inspections under 49
U.S.C. 5121(c) are conducted by Haz-
SOURCE: Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, ardous Materials Enforcement Special-
1983, unless otherwise noted. ists or Hazardous Materials Compli-
ance Investigators, also known as
§ 107.301 Delegated authority for en- ‘‘hazmat investigators’’ or ‘‘investiga-
forcement. tors,’’ whom the Associate Adminis-
Under redelegation from the Admin- trator has designated for that purpose.
istrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate- (1) An investigator will, on request,
rials Safety Administration, the Asso- present his or her credentials for exam-
ciate Administrator for Hazardous Ma- ination, but the credentials may not be
terials Safety and the Office of the reproduced.
Chief Counsel exercise their authority (2) An investigator may administer
for enforcement of the Federal haz- oaths and receive affirmations in any
ardous material transportation law, matter under investigation by the As-
this subchapter, and subchapter C of sociate Administrator.
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.307 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.311
(1) A statement of the facts upon not exceed the proposed full penalty
which the Associate Administrator set forth in the ticket.
bases its determination that the person (d) Payment of the ticket penalty
has committed a probable violation; amount must be made in accordance
(2) A statement that the recurrence with the instructions on the ticket.
of the probable violations cited may (e) If within 45 days of receiving the
subject the person to enforcement ac- ticket the person does not pay the
tion; and ticket amount, make an informal re-
(3) An opportunity to respond to the sponse, or request a formal administra-
warning letter by submitting pertinent tive hearing, the person has waived the
information or explanations con- right to make an informal response or
cerning the probable violations cited request a hearing, has admitted the
therein. violation and owes the ticket penalty
amount to PHMSA.
[Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
[Amdt. 107–36, 61 FR 7183, Feb. 26, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 107–15, 51 FR 34986, Oct. 1,
amended at 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001]
1986; Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, Feb. 28, 1991;
Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept. 26, 1994;
§ 107.311 Notice of probable violation.
Amdt. 107–36, 61 FR 7183, Feb. 26, 1996; 66 FR
45377, Aug. 28, 2001] (a) The Office of Chief Counsel may
serve a notice of probable violation on
§ 107.310 Ticketing. a person alleging the violation of one
(a) For an alleged violation that does or more provisions of the Federal haz-
not have a direct or substantial impact ardous material transportation law or
on safety, the Associate Administrator any provision of this subchapter or
may issue a ticket. subchapter C of this chapter, or any
special permit, or order issued there-
(b) The Associate Administrator
issues a ticket by mailing it by cer-
(b) A notice of probable violation
tified or registered mail to the person
issued under this section includes the
alleged to have committed the viola-
following information:
tion. The ticket includes:
(1) A citation of the provisions of the
(1) A statement of the facts on which Federal hazardous material transpor-
the Associate Administrator bases the tation law, an order issued thereunder,
conclusion that the person has com- this subchapter, subchapter C of this
mitted the alleged violation; chapter, or the terms of any special
(2) The maximum penalty provided permit issued thereunder which the Of-
for by statute, the proposed full pen- fice of Chief Counsel believes the re-
alty determined according to PHMSA’s spondent is violating or has violated.
civil penalty guidelines and the statu- (2) A statement of the factual allega-
tory criteria for penalty assessment, tions upon which the demand for reme-
and the ticket penalty amount; and dial action, a civil penalty, or both, is
(3) A statement that within 45 days of based.
receipt of the ticket, the person must (3) A statement of the respondent’s
pay the penalty in accordance with right to present written or oral expla-
paragraph (d) of this section, make an nations, information, and arguments in
informal response under § 107.317, or re- answer to the allegations and in miti-
quest a formal administrative hearing gation of the sanction sought in the
under § 107.319. notice of probable violation.
(c) If the person makes an informal (4) A statement of the respondent’s
response or requests a formal adminis- right to request a hearing and the pro-
trative hearing, the Associate Adminis- cedures for requesting a hearing.
trator forwards the inspection report, (5) In addition, in the case of a notice
ticket and response to the Office of the of probable violation proposing a com-
Chief Counsel for processing under pliance order, a statement of the pro-
§§ 107.307–107.339, except that the Office posed actions to be taken by the re-
of the Chief Counsel will not issue a spondent to achieve compliance.
Notice of Probable Violation under (6) In addition, in the case of a notice
§ 107.311. The Office of the Chief Counsel of probable violation proposing a civil
may impose a civil penalty that does penalty:
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 107.313 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.321
in person or by telephone. A request for through the ALJ, except that the Chief
a conference must set forth the issues Counsel and respondent may com-
the respondent will raise at the con- promise or settle the case under
ference. § 107.327 of this subpart without order of
(c) Upon receipt of a request for a the ALJ or voluntarily dismiss the
conference under paragraph (b) of this case under Rule 41(a)(1) of the Federal
section, the Chief Counsel’s Office, in Rules of Civil Procedure without order
consultation with the Associate Ad- of the ALJ; in the event of such a com-
ministrator, arranges for a conference promise, settlement or dismissal, the
as soon as practicable at a time and Chief Counsel expeditiously will notify
place of mutual convenience. the ALJ thereof.
(d) The respondent’s written expla- (d) At any time after requesting a
nations, information, and arguments as formal administrative hearing but
well as the respondent’s presentation prior to the issuance of a decision and
at a conference are considered by the final order by the ALJ, the respondent
Chief Counsel in reviewing the notice may withdraw such request in writing,
of probable violation. Based upon a re- thereby terminating the jurisdication
view of the proceeding, the Chief Coun- of the ALJ in the case. Such a with-
sel may dismiss the notice of probable drawal constitutes an irrevocable waiv-
violation in whole or in part. If he does er of respondent’s right to such a hear-
not dismiss it in whole, he issues an ing on the facts, allegations, and pro-
order directing compliance or assessing posed sanction presented in the notice
a civil penalty, or, if proposed in the of probable violation to which the re-
notice, both. quest for hearing relates.
[Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as [Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
amended by Amdt. 107–23, 56 FR 66157, Dec. amended at 48 FR 17094, Apr. 21, 1983; Amdt.
20, 1991; 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001] No. 107–19, 54 FR 22899, May 30, 1989]
§ 107.319 Request for a hearing. § 107.321 Hearing.
(a) In responding to a notice of prob- (a) To the extent practicable, the
able violation under § 107.311, the re- hearing is held in the general vicinity
spondent may request a formal admin- of the place where the alleged violation
istrative hearing on the record before occurred or at a place convenient to
an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) the respondent. Testimony by wit-
obtained by the Office of the Chief nesses shall be given under oath and
Counsel. the hearing shall be recorded verbatim.
(b) A request for a hearing under
(b) Hearings are conducted in accord-
paragraph (a) of this section must:
ance with the Federal Rules of Evi-
(1) State the name and address of the
dence and Federal Rules of Civil Proce-
respondent and of the person submit-
dure; however, the ALJ may modify
ting the request if different from the
them as he determines necessary in the
interest of a full development of the
(2) State which allegations of viola-
facts. In addition, the ALJ may:
tions, if any, are admitted; and
(3) State generally the issues to be (1) Administer oaths and affirma-
raised by the respondent at the hear- tions;
ing. Issues not raised in the request are (2) Issue subpoenas as provided by
not barred from presentation at the § 105.45;
hearing; and (3) Adopt procedures for the submis-
(4) Be addressed to the official who sion of motions, evidence, and other
issued the notice. documents pertinent to the proceeding;
(c) After a request for a hearing that (4) Take or cause depositions to be
complies with the requirements of taken;
paragraph (b) of this section, the Chief (5) Rule on offers of proof and receive
Counsel obtains an ALJ to preside over relevant evidence;
the hearing and notifies the respondent (6) Examine witnesses at the hearing;
of this fact. Upon assignment of an (7) Convene, recess, reconvene, ad-
ALJ, further matters in the proceeding journ and otherwise regulate the
generally are conducted by and course of the hearing;
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§ 107.323 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.329
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§ 107.331 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
civil penalty is $110,000 if the violation under, for which the Associate Admin-
results in death, serious illness or se- istrator exercises enforcement respon-
vere injury to any person or substan- sibility, it shall report it to the Office
tial destruction of property, and a min- of the Chief Counsel, Pipeline and Haz-
imum $495 civil penalty applies to a ardous Materials Safety Administra-
violation relating to training. tion, U.S. Department of Transpor-
[71 FR 8487, Feb. 17, 2006, as amended at 74 tation, Washington, DC 20590–0001. If
FR 68702, Dec. 29, 2009; 75 FR 53596, Sept. 1, appropriate, the Chief Counsel refers
2010] the report to the Department of Jus-
tice for criminal prosecution of the of-
§ 107.331 Assessment considerations. fender.
After finding a knowing violation
[Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
under this subpart, the Office of Chief
amended by Amdt. 107–22, 55 FR 39978, Oct. 1,
Counsel assesses a civil penalty taking
1990; Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8621, Feb. 28, 1991; 56
the following into account: FR 15510, Apr. 17, 1991; Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR
(a) The nature and circumstances of 49131, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 107–35, 60 FR 49108,
the violation; Sept. 21, 1995; 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001]
(b) The extent and gravity of the vio-
lation; § 107.336 Limitation on fines and pen-
(c) The degree of the respondent’s alties.
If a State or political subdivision or
(d) The respondent’s prior violations;
Indian tribe assesses any fine or pen-
(e) The respondent’s ability to pay;
alty determined by the Secretary to be
(f) The effect on the respondent’s
ability to continue in business; and appropriate for a violation concerning
(g) Such other matters as justice a subject listed in § 107.202(a), no addi-
may require. tional fine or penalty may be assessed
for such violation by any other author-
[Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as ity.
amended by Amdt. 107–30, 58 FR 50500, Sept.
27, 1993; Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21100, May 9, [Amdt. 107–24, 56 FR 8624, Feb. 28, 1991]
§ 107.337 Injunctions generally.
§ 107.333 Criminal penalties generally.
Whenever it appears to the Office of
A person who knowingly violates
Chief Counsel that a person has en-
§ 171.2(l) of this title or willfully or
gaged, or is engaged, or is about to en-
recklessly violates a requirement of
gage in any act or practice consti-
the Federal hazardous material trans-
portation law or a regulation, order, tuting a violation of any provision of
special permit, or approval issued the Federal hazardous material trans-
thereunder shall be fined under title 18, portation law, this subchapter, sub-
United States Code, or imprisoned for chapter C of this chapter, or any spe-
not more than 5 years, or both, except cial permit, or order issued thereunder,
the maximum amount of imprisonment for which the Office of Chief Counsel
shall be 10 years in any case in which exercises enforcement responsibility,
the violation involves the release of a the Administrator, PHMSA, or his del-
hazardous material which results in egate, may request the Attorney Gen-
death or bodily injury to any person. eral to bring an action in the appro-
[71 FR 8487, Feb. 17, 2006]
priate United States District Court for
such relief as is necessary or appro-
§ 107.335 Referral for prosecution. priate, including mandatory or prohibi-
If the Associate Administrator be- tive injunctive relief, interim equitable
comes aware of a possible willful viola- relief, and punitive damages as pro-
tion of the Federal hazardous material vided by 49 U.S.C. 5122(a).
transportation law, this subchapter, [Amdt. 107–11, 48 FR 2651, Jan. 20, 1983, as
subchapter C of this chapter, or any amended by Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept.
special permit, or order issued there- 26, 1994]
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A
General Requirements
A. Registration Requirements: Failure to register as an offeror or carrier of haz- 107.608, 107.612 ...... $1,000 + $500 each
ardous material and pay registration fee. additional year.
B. Training Requirements:
1. Failure to provide initial training to hazmat employees (general 172.702
awareness, function-specific, safety, and security awareness train-
a. More than 10 hazmat employees ........................................ .................................... $700 and up each
b. 10 hazmat employees or fewer ............................................ .................................... $450 and up each
2. Failure to provide recurrent training to hazmat employees (general 172.702 ...................... $450 and up each
awareness, function-specific, safety, and security awareness train- area.
3. Failure to provide security training when a security plan is required 172.702 ...................... Included in penalty for
but has not been developed. no security plan.
4. Failure to provide security training when a security plan has been 172.702 ...................... $2,500.
developed but hazmat employees have not been trained concerning
the security plan and its implementation.
5. Failure to create and maintain training records: 172.704
a. more than 10 hazmat employees ........................................ .................................... $800 and up.
b. 10 hazmat employees or fewer ............................................ .................................... $500 and up.
C. Security Plans:
1. Failure to develop a security plan; failure to adhere to security plan: 172.800
a. § 172.504 table 1 materials .................................................. .................................... $7,500.
b. Packing Group I ................................................................... .................................... $6,000.
c. Packing Group II ................................................................... .................................... $4,500.
d. Packing Group III ................................................................. .................................... $3,000.
2. Incomplete security plan or incomplete adherence (one or more of .................................... One-quarter (25%) of
four required elements missing). above for each ele-
3. Failure to update a security plan to reflect changing circumstances 172.802(b) ................. One-third (33%) of
baseline for no
4. Failure to put security plan in writing; failure to make all copies 172.800(b) ................. One-third (33%) of
identical. baseline for no
D. Notification to a Foreign Shipper: Failure to provide information of HMR re- 171.12(a) ................... $1,500 to $7,500 (cor-
quirements applicable to a shipment of hazardous materials within the United responding to viola-
States, to a foreign offeror or forwarding agent at the place of entry into the tions by foreign of-
U.S. feror or forwarding
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Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
E. Expired Exemption or Special Permit: Offering or transporting a hazardous 171.2(a), (b), (c), Var- $1,000 + $500 each
material, or otherwise performing a function covered by an exemption or spe- ious. additional year.
cial permit, after expiration of the exemption or special permit
A. Undeclared Shipment:
Offering for transportation a hazardous material without shipping pa- 172.200, 172.300, $15,000 and up.
pers, package markings, labels, or placards. 172.400, 172.500.
B. Shipping Papers:
1. Failure to provide a shipping paper for a shipment of hazardous 172.201 ...................... $3,000 to $6,000.
2. Failure to follow one or more of the three approved formats for list- 172.201(a)(1) ............. $1,200.
ing hazardous materials on a shipping paper.
3. Failure to retain shipping papers:.
a. by an offeror, for two years after the date the shipment is
provided to the carrier (or 3 years if the material is a haz-
ardous waste).
b. by a carrier, for one year after the date the shipment is 172.201(e), 174.24(b), $1,000.
provided to the carrier (or 3 years if the material is a haz- 175.30(a),
ardous waste). 176.24(b),
4. Failure to include a proper shipping name in the shipping descrip- 172.202 ...................... $800 to $1,600.
tion or using an incorrect proper shipping name.
5. Failure to include a hazard class/division number in the shipping 172.202 ...................... $1,000 to $2,000.
6. Failure to include an identification number in the shipping descrip- 172.202 ...................... $1,000 to $2,000.
7. Using an incorrect hazard class/identification number: ...................... 172.202.
a. that does not affect compatibility requirements ................... .................................... $800.
b. that affects compatibility requirements ................................. .................................... $3,000 to $6,000.
8. Using an incorrect identification number: ........................................... 172.202..
a. that does not change the response information .................. .................................... $800.
b. that changes the response information ................................ .................................... $3,000 to $6,000.
9. Failure to include the Packing Group, or using an incorrect Packing 172.202 ...................... $1,200.
10. Using a shipping description that includes additional unauthorized 172.202 ...................... $800.
information (extra or incorrect words).
11. Using a shipping description not in required sequence ................... 172.202 ...................... $500.
12. Using a shipping description with two or more required elements 172.202.
missing or incorrect:.
a. such that the material is misdescribed ................................ .................................... $3,000.
b. such that the material is misclassified ................................. .................................... $6,000.
13. Failure to include the total quantity of hazardous material covered 172.202(c) ................. $500.
by a shipping description.
14. Failure to list an exemption or special permit number in associa- 172.203(a) ................. $800.
tion with the shipping description.
15. Failure to indicate ‘‘Limited Quantity’’ or ‘‘Ltd Qty’’ following the 172.203(b) ................. $500.
basic shipping description of a material offered for transportation as
a limited quantity.
16. Failure to include ‘‘RQ’’ in the shipping description to identify a 172.203(c)(2) ............. $500.
material that is a hazardous substance.
17. Failure to include a required technical name in parenthesis for a 172.203(k) ................. $1,000.
listed generic or ‘‘n.o.s.’’ material.
18. Failure to include the required shipper’s certification on a shipping 172.204 ...................... $1,000.
19. Failure to sign the required shipper’s certification on a shipping 172.204 ...................... $800.
C. Emergency Response Information Requirements:
1. Providing or listing incorrect emergency response information with 172.602.
or on a shipping paper.
a. No significant difference in response ................................... .................................... $800.
b. Significant difference in response ........................................ .................................... $3,000 to $6,000.
2. Failure to include an emergency response telephone number on a 172.604 ...................... $2,600.
shipping paper.
3. Failure to have the emergency response telephone number mon- 172.604 ...................... $1,300.
itored while a hazardous material is in transportation or listing mul-
tiple telephone numbers (without specifying the times for each) that
are not monitored 24 hours a day.
4. Listing an unauthorized emergency response telephone number on 172.604 ...................... $2,600 to $4,200.
a shipping paper.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A
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Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
A. Cigarette Lighters:
Offering for transportation an unapproved cigarette lighter, lighter refill, 173.21(i) .................... $7,500.
or similar device, equipped with an ignition element and containing
B. Class 1—Explosives:
1. Failure to mark the package with the EX number for each sub- 172.320 ...................... $1,200.
stance contained in the package or, alternatively, indicate the EX
number for each substance in association with the description on
the shipping description.
2. Offering an unapproved explosive for transportation: 173.54, 173.56(b) ......
a. Div. 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks meeting the chemistry require- .................................... $5,000 to $10,000.
ments (quantity and type) of APA Standard 87–1.
b. All other explosives (including forbidden) ............................ .................................... $10,000 and up.
3. Offering a leaking or damaged package of explosives for transpor- 173.54(c) ................... $10,000 and up.
4. Packaging explosives in the same outer packaging with other mate- 173.61 ........................ $2,500 to $5,000.
C. Class 7—Radioactive Materials:
1. Failure to include required additional entries, or providing incorrect 172.203(d) ................. $1,000 to $3,000.
information for these additional entries.
2. Failure to mark the gross mass on the outside of a package of 172.310(a) ................. $800.
Class 7 material that exceeds 110 pounds.
3. Failure to mark each package in letters at least 13 mm (1⁄2 inch) 172.310(b) ................. $800.
high with the words ‘‘Type A’’ or ‘‘Type B’’ as appropriate.
4. Placing a label on Class 7 material that understates the proper 172.403 ...................... $5,000.
label category.
5. Placing a label on Class 7 material that fails to contain (or has erro- 172.403(g) ................. $2,000 to $4,000.
neous) entries for the name of the radionuclide(s), activity, and
transport index.
6. Failure to meet one or more of the general design requirements for 173.410 ...................... $5,000.
a package used to ship a Class 7 material.
7. Failure to comply with the industrial packaging (IP) requirements 173.411 ...................... $5,000.
when offering a Class 7 material for transportation.
8. Failure to provide a tamper-indicating device on a Type A package 173.412(a) ................. $2,000.
used to ship a Class 7 material.
9. Failure to meet the additional design requirements of a Type A 173.412(b)–(i) ............ $5,000.
package used to ship a Class 7 material.
10. Failure to meet the performance requirements for a Type A pack- 173.412(j)–(l) ............. $8,400.
age used to ship a Class 7 material..
11. Offering a DOT specification 7A packaging without maintaining 173.415(a), 173.461
complete documentation of tests and an engineering evaluation or
comparative data:
a. Tests and evaluation not performed .................................... .................................... $8,400.
b. Complete records not maintained ........................................ .................................... $2,000 to $5,000.
12. Offering any Type B, Type B(U), Type B(M) packaging that failed 173.416 ...................... $9,000.
to meet the approved DOT, NRC or DOE design, as applicable.
13. Offering a Type B packaging without holding a valid NRC approval 173.471(a).
a. Never having obtained one .................................................. .................................... $3,000.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A
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Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A
4. Failure to have current authority due to failure to renew a retester’s 180.205(b) ................. $2,000.
identification number (RIN).
5. Failure to have a retester’s identification number and marking an- 180.205(b) ................. $7,200.
other RIN on a cylinder.
6. Marking a RIN before successfully completing a hydrostatic retest .. 180.205(b) ................. $800.
7. Representing, marking, or certifying a cylinder as meeting the re- 171.2(c), (e), $2,000 to $6,000.
quirements of an exemption or special permit when the cylinder was 180.205(c), Applica-
not maintained or retested in accordance with the exemption or spe- ble Exemption or
cial permit. Special Permit.
8. Failure to conduct a complete visual external and internal examina- 180.205(f) .................. $2,100 to $5,200.
9. Failure to conduct visual inspection or hydrostatic retest .................. 180.205(f) & (g) ......... $4,200 to $10,400.
10. Performing hydrostatic retesting without confirming the accuracy of 180.205(g)(3) ............. $2,100 to $5,200.
the test equipment.
11. Failure to hold hydrostatic test pressure for 30 seconds or suffi- 180.205(g)(5) ............. $3,100.
ciently longer to allow for complete expansion.
12. Failure to perform a second retest, after equipment failure, at a 180.205(g) ................. $3,100.
pressure increased by the lesser of 10% or 100 psi (includes ex-
ceeding 90% of test pressure prior to conducting a retest).
13. Failure to condemn a cylinder when required (e.g., permanent ex- 180.205(i) .................. $6,000 to $10,800.
pansion of 10% [5% for certain exemption or special permit cyl-
inders], internal or external corrosion, denting, bulging, evidence of
rough usage).
14. Failure to properly mark a condemned cylinder or render it incapa- 180.205(i)(2) .............. $800.
ble of holding pressure.
15. Failure to notify the cylinder owner in writing when a cylinder has 180.205(i)(2) .............. $1,000.
been condemned.
16. Failure to perform hydrostatic retesting at the minimum specified 180.209(a)(1) ............. $2,100 to $5,200.
test pressure.
17. Marking a star on a cylinder that does not qualify for that mark ..... 180.209(b) ................. $2,000 to $4,000.
18. Marking a ‘‘+’’ sign on a cylinder without determining the average 173.302a(b) ............... $2,000 to $4,000.
or minimum wall stress by calculation or reference to CGA Pam-
phlet C–5.
19. Marking a cylinder in or on the sidewall when not permitted by the 180.213(b) ................. $6,000 to $10,800.
applicable specification.
20. Failure to maintain legible markings on a cylinder ........................... 180.213(b)(1) ............. $800.
21. Marking a DOT 3HT cylinder with a steel stamp other than a low- 180.213(c)(2) ............. $6,000 to $10,800.
stress steel stamp.
22. Improper marking of the RIN or retest date on a cylinder ............... 180.213(d) ................. $800.
23. Marking an FRP cylinder with steel stamps in the FRP area of the Applicable Exemption $6,000 to $10,800.
cylinder such that the integrity of the cylinder is compromised. or Special Permit.
24. Failure to maintain current copies of 49 CFR, DOT exemption or 180.215(a) ................. $600 to $1,200.
special permits, and CGA Pamphlets applicable to inspection, re-
testing, and marking activities.
25. Failure to keep complete and accurate records of cylinder rein- 180.215(b).
spection and retest.
a. No records kept .................................................................... .................................... $4,000.
b. Incomplete or inaccurate records ......................................... .................................... $1,000 to $3,000.
26. Failure to report in writing a change in name, address, ownership, 171.2(c) & (e), Ap- $600 to $1,200.
test equipment, management, or retester personnel. proval Letter.
Carrier Requirements
A. Incident Notification:
1. Failure to give immediate notification of a reportable hazardous ma- 171.15 ........................ $3,000.
terials incident.
2. Failure to file a written hazardous material incident report within 30 171.16 ........................ $500 to $2,500.
days following an unintentional release of hazardous materials in
transportation (or other reportable incident).
B. Shipping Papers:
Failure to retain shipping papers for 375 days after a hazardous mate- 174.24(b), $1,000.
rial (or 3 years for a hazardous waste) is accepted by the initial car- 175.30(a)(2),
rier. 176.24(b),
C. Stowage/transportation Requirements:
1. Transporting packages of hazardous material that have not been Various ...................... $3,000.
secured against movement.
2. Failure to properly segregate hazardous materials ............................ Various ...................... $7,500 and up.
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Pt. 107, Subpt. D, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
3. Transporting explosives in a motor vehicle containing metal or other 177.835(i) .................. $5,200.
articles or materials likely to damage the explosives or any package
in which they are contained, without segregating in different parts of
the load or securing them in place in or on the motor vehicle and
separated by bulkheads or other suitable means to prevent damage.
4. Transporting railway track torpedoes outside of flagging kits, in vio- 171.2(b) & (e) ............ $7,000.
lation of DOT-E 7991.
5. Transporting Class 7 (radioactive) material having a total transport 177.842(a) ................. $5,000 and up.
index greater than 50.
6. Transporting Class 7 (radioactive) material without maintaining the 177.842(b) ................. $5,000 and up.
required separation distance.
7. Failure to comply with requirements of an exemption or special per- 171.2(b) & (e).
mit authorizing the transportation of Class 7 (radioactive) material
having a total transportation index of 50.
a. Failure to have the required radiation survey record ........... .................................... $5,000.
b. Failure to have other required documents ........................... .................................... $500 each.
c. Other violations ..................................................................... .................................... $5,000 and up.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.401
of up to $55,000 or $110,000 for a violation oc- company has documented specific reasons
curring on or after January 1, 2010. Absent for current non-liquidity.
aggravating factors, OHMS, in its exercise of 5. Evidence of financial condition is used
discretion, ordinarily will apply a single pen- only to decrease a penalty, and not to in-
alty for multiple counts or days of violation. crease it.
In a number of cases, particularly those in-
volving shippers, an inspector may cite two E. Penalty Increases for Prior Violations
or more similar packaging violations for dif-
ferent hazardous materials. For example, the The baseline penalty presumes an absence
inspector may cite the same marking viola- of prior violations. If prior violations exist,
tion for two or more packages. OHMS usu- generally they will serve to increase a pro-
ally will consider those additional violations posed penalty. The general standards for in-
as counts of the same violation and will not creasing a baseline proposed penalty on the
recommend multiples of the same baseline basis of prior violations are as follows:
penalty. Rather, OHMS usually will rec- 1. For each prior civil or criminal enforce-
ommend the baseline penalty for a single ment case—25% increase over the pre-miti-
violation, increased by 25% for each addi- gation recommended penalty.
tional violation.
2. For each prior ticket—10% increase over
D. Financial Considerations the pre-mitigation recommended penalty.
3. A baseline proposed penalty will not be
1. Mitigation is appropriate when the base-
increased more than 100% on the basis of
line penalty would (1) exceed an amount that
prior violations.
the respondent is able to pay, or (2) have an
adverse effect on the respondent’s ability to 4. A case or ticket of prior violations initi-
continue in business. These criteria relate to ated in a calendar year more than six years
a respondent’s entire business, and not just before the calendar year in which the cur-
the product line or part of its operations in- rent case is initiated normally will not be
volved in the violation(s). Beyond the overall considered in determining a proposed pen-
financial size of the respondent’s business, alty for the current violation(s).
the relevant items of information on a re-
spondent’s balance sheet include the current F. Penalty Increases for Use of Expired Special
ratio (current assets to current liabilities), Permits
the nature of current assets, and net worth
Adjustments to the base line figures for
(total assets minus total liabilities).
2. These figures are considered on a case- use of expired special permits can be made
by-case basis. In general, however, a current depending on how much material has been
ratio close to or below 1.0 means that the shipped during the period between the expi-
company may have difficulty in paying a ration date and the renewal date. If the com-
large penalty, and may justify reduction of pany previously has been found to have oper-
the penalty or an installment payment plan. ated under an expired special permit, the
A small amount of cash on hand representing penalty is normally doubled. If the company
limited liquidity, even with substantial has been previously cited for other viola-
other current assets (such as accounts re- tions, the penalty generally will be increased
ceivable or inventory), may warrant a short- by about 25%.
term payment plan. Respondent’s income
statement also will be reviewed to determine [Amdt. 107–33, 60 FR 12141, Mar. 6, 1995, as
whether a payment plan is appropriate. amended by Amdt. 107–40, 62 FR 2972, 2977,
3. Many companies are able to continue in Jan. 21, 1997; 62 FR 51556, Oct. 1, 1997; 65 FR
business for extended periods of time with a 58618, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45180, Aug. 28, 2001;
small or negative net worth, and many re- 68 FR 52848, 52855, Sept. 8, 2003; 69 FR 54044,
spondents have paid substantial civil pen- Sept. 7, 2004; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005; 70 FR
alties in installments even though net worth 73162, Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR 8487, Feb. 17, 2006; 74
was negative. For this reason, negative net FR 53185, Oct. 16, 2009; 74 FR 68702, Dec. 29,
worth alone does not always warrant reduc- 2009]
tion of a proposed penalty or even, in the ab-
sence of factors discussed above, a payment
plan. Subpart E—Designation of Ap-
4. In general, an installment payment plan proval and Certification
may be justified where reduction of a pro-
posed penalty is not, but the appropriateness Agencies
of either (or both) will depend on the cir-
cumstances of the case. The length of a pay- § 107.401 Purpose and scope.
ment plan should be as short as possible, but (a) This subpart establishes proce-
the plan may consider seasonal fluctuations
in a company’s income if the company’s
dures for the designation of agencies to
business is seasonal (e.g., swimming pool
chemical sales, fireworks sales) or if the
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§ 107.402 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.405
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§ 107.501 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.504
(4) A statement signed by the person cargo tank or cargo tank motor vehicle
responsible for compliance with the ap- must submit a copy of the manufactur-
plicable requirements of this chapter, er’s current ASME Certificate of Au-
certifying knowledge of those require- thorization for the use of the ASME
ments and that each employee who is a ‘‘U’’ stamp.
Registered Inspector or Design Certi- (c) In addition to the information re-
fying Engineer meets the minimum quired under paragraph (a) of this sec-
qualification requirements set forth in tion, each person who repairs a cargo
§ 171.8 of this chapter for ‘‘Registered tank or cargo tank motor vehicle must
Inspector’’ or ‘‘Design Certifying Engi- submit a copy of the repair facility’s
neer’’. The following language may be current National Board Certificate of
used. Authorization for the use of the ‘‘R’’
I certify that all Registered Inspectors and stamp or ASME Certificate of Author-
Design Certifying Engineers used in perform- ization for the use of the ASME ‘‘U’’
ance of the prescribed functions meet the stamp. Any person who repairs MC-se-
minimum qualification requirements set
ries cargo tanks which are not certified
forth in 49 CFR 171.8, that I am the person
responsible for ensuring compliance with the to the ASME Code must submit a copy
applicable requirements of this chapter, and of the National Board or ASME Certifi-
that I have knowledge of the requirements cate of Authorization to PHMSA before
applicable to the functions to be performed. June 30, 1992.
(5) A description of the specific func- [Amdt. 107–20, 54 FR 25003, June 12, 1989; 55
tions to be performed on cargo tanks or FR 37047, Sept. 7, 1990; 57 FR 365, Jan. 6, 1992;
cargo tank motor vehicles, e.g.: Amdt. 107–32, 59 FR 49131, Sept. 26, 1994;
(i) Manufacture, Amdt. 107–39, 61 FR 51337, Oct. 1, 1996; 63 FR
(ii) Assembly, 52846, Oct. 1, 1998; 68 FR 19273, Apr. 18, 2003]
(iii) Inspection and testing (specify
type, e.g., external or internal visual § 107.504 Period of registration, up-
dates, and record retention.
inspection, lining inspection, hydro-
static pressure test, leakage test, (a) Registration will be for a max-
thickness test), imum of six years from the date of the
(iv) Certification, original registration.
(v) Repair, or (b) Any correspondence with the De-
(vi) Equipment manufacture; partment must contain the registrant’s
(6) An identification of the types of name and registration number.
DOT specification and special permit (c) A registration must be renewed
cargo tanks or cargo tank motor vehi- every six years or within thirty days of
cles which the registrant intends to reissuance of an ASME or National
manufacture, assemble, repair, inspect, Board Certification, whichever occurs
test or certify; first, by submitting an up-to-date reg-
(7) A statement indicating whether istration statement containing the in-
the registrant employs Registered In- formation prescribed by § 107.503. Any
spectors or Design Certifying Engi- person initially registered under the
neers to conduct certification, inspec- provisions of § 107.502 and who is in
tion or testing functions addressed by good standing is eligible for renewal.
this subpart. If the registrant engages
(d) A registrant shall provide written
a person who is not an employee of the
notification to the Department within
registrant to perform these functions,
provide the name, address and registra- thirty days of any of the following oc-
tion number of that person; and currences:
(8) If the registrant is not a resident (1) Any change in the registration in-
of the United States, the name and ad- formation submitted under § 107.503;
dress of a permanent resident of the (2) Replacement of the person respon-
United States designated in accordance sible for compliance with the require-
with § 105.40 to serve as agent for serv- ments in § 107.503(a)(4). If this occurs,
ice of process. the registrant shall resubmit the re-
(b) In addition to the information re- quired certification;
quired under paragraph (a) of this sec- (3) Loss of ASME or National Board
tion, each person who manufactures a Certificate of Authorization; or
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§ 107.601 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(4) A change in function; such as, (3,500 gallons) for liquids or gases or
from assembly to manufacture, an ad- more than 13.24 cubic meters (468 cubic
dition of a function, or a change to the feet) for solids;
types of inspections, tests or certifi- (5) A shipment in other than a bulk
cations of cargo tanks or cargo tank packaging of 2,268 kg (5,000 pounds)
motor vehicles. gross weight or more of one class of
(e) Each registrant shall maintain a hazardous materials for which
current copy of the registration infor- placarding of a vehicle, rail car, or
mation submitted to the Department freight container is required for that
and a current copy of the registration class, under the provisions of subpart F
number identification received from of part 172 of this chapter; or
the Department at the location identi- (6) Except as provided in paragraph
fied in § 107.503(a)(2) during such time (b) of this section, a quantity of haz-
the person is registered with the De- ardous material that requires
partment and for two years thereafter. placarding, under provisions of subpart
(f) The issuance of a registration F of part 172 of this chapter.
number under this subpart is not an ap- (b) Paragraph (a)(6) of this section
proval or endorsement by the Depart- does not apply to those activities of a
ment of the qualifications of any per- farmer, as defined in § 171.8 of this
son to perform the specified functions. chapter, that are in direct support of
[Amdt. 107–20, 54 FR 25003, June 12, 1989; 55
the farmer’s farming operations.
FR 37048, Sept. 7, 1990, as amended by Amdt. (c) In this subpart, the term ‘‘ship-
107–20, 56 FR 27875, June 17, 1991; Amdt. 107– ment’’ means the offering or loading of
37, 61 FR 18931, Apr. 29, 1996; 71 FR 54390, hazardous material at one loading fa-
Sept. 14, 2006] cility using one transport vehicle, or
the transport of that transport vehicle.
Subpart G—Registration of Persons [65 FR 7309, Feb. 14, 2000, as amended at 67
Who Offer or Transport Haz- FR 61011, Sept. 27, 2002]
ardous Materials
§ 107.606 Exceptions.
SOURCE: Amdt. No. 107–26, 57 FR 30630, July (a) The following are excepted from
9, 1992, unless otherwise noted. the requirements of this subpart:
(1) An agency of the Federal govern-
§ 107.601 Applicability. ment.
(a) The registration and fee require- (2) A State agency.
ments of this subpart apply to any per- (3) An agency of a political subdivi-
son who offers for transportation, or sion of a State.
transports, in foreign, interstate or (4) An Indian tribe.
intrastate commerce— (5) An employee of any of those enti-
(1) A highway route-controlled quan- ties in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4)
tity of a Class 7 (radioactive) material, of this section with respect to the em-
as defined in § 173.403 of this chapter; ployee’s official duties.
(2) More than 25 kg (55 pounds) of a (6) A hazmat employee (including, for
Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 (explosive) mate- purposes of this subpart, the owner-op-
rial (see § 173.50 of this chapter) in a erator of a motor vehicle that trans-
motor vehicle, rail car or freight con- ports in commerce hazardous mate-
tainer; rials, if that vehicle at the time of
(3) More than one L (1.06 quarts) per those activities, is leased to a reg-
package of a material extremely toxic istered motor carrier under a 30-day or
by inhalation (i.e., ‘‘material poisonous longer lease as prescribed in 49 CFR
by inhalation,’’ as defined in § 171.8 of part 376 or an equivalent contractual
this chapter, that meets the criteria agreement).
for ‘‘hazard zone A,’’ as specified in (7) A person domiciled outside the
§§ 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this chap- United States, who offers solely from a
ter); location outside the United States,
(4) A shipment of a quantity of haz- hazardous materials for transportation
ardous materials in a bulk packaging in commerce, provided that the country
(see § 171.8 of this chapter) having a ca- of which such a person is a domiciliary
pacity equal to or greater than 13,248 L does not require persons domiciled in
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.612
the United States, who solely offer haz- Department of Transportation, Wash-
ardous materials for transportation to ington, DC 20590–0001, by calling 617–
the foreign country from places in the 494–2545 or 202–366–4109, or via the Inter-
United States, to file a registration net at
statement or to pay a registration fee. (e) If the registrant is not a resident
(b) Upon making a determination of the United States, the registrant
that persons domiciled in the United must attach to the registration state-
States, who offer hazardous materials ment the name and address of a perma-
for transportation to a foreign country nent resident of the United States, des-
solely from places in the United States, ignated in accordance with § 105.40, to
must file registration statements or serve as agent for service of process.
pay fees to that foreign country, the
[Amdt. No. 107–26, 57 FR 30630, July 9, 1992, as
U.S. Competent Authority will provide amended by Amdt. 107–31, 59 FR 32932, June
notice of such determination directly 27, 1994; 65 FR 7309, Feb. 14, 2000; 67 FR 61011,
to the Competent Authority of that Sept. 27, 2002; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005; 72
foreign country and by publication in FR 55683, Oct. 1, 2007]
the FEDERAL REGISTER. Persons who
offer hazardous materials for transpor- § 107.612 Amount of fee.
tation to the United States from that (a) For the registration year 2010–2011
foreign country must file a registration and subsequent years, each person of-
statement and pay the required fee no fering for transportation or trans-
later than 60 days following publica- porting in commerce a material listed
tion of the determination in the FED- in § 107.601(a) must pay an annual reg-
ERAL REGISTER. istration fee, as follows:
[Amdt 107–34, 60 FR 27233, May 23, 1995, as (1) Small business. Each person that
amended at 63 FR 52847, Oct. 1, 1998; 72 FR qualifies as a small business, under cri-
24538, May 3, 2007] teria specified in 13 CFR part 121 appli-
cable to the North American Industry
§ 107.608 General registration require- Classification System (NAICS) code
ments. that describes that person’s primary
(a) Each person subject to this sub- commercial activity, must pay an an-
part must submit a complete and accu- nual registration fee of $250 and the
rate registration statement on DOT processing fee required by paragraph
Form F 5800.2 not later than June 30 (a)(4) of this section.
for each registration year, or in time (2) Not-for-profit organization. Each
to comply with paragraph (b) of this not-for-profit organization must pay an
section, whichever is later. Each reg- annual registration fee of $250 and the
istration year begins on July 1 and processing fee required by paragraph
ends on June 30 of the following year. (a)(4) of this section. A not-for-profit
(b) No person required to file a reg- organization is an organization exempt
istration statement may transport a from taxation under 26 U.S.C. 501(a).
hazardous material or cause a haz- (3) Other than a small business or not-
ardous material to be transported or for-profit organization. Each person that
shipped, unless such person has on file, does not meet the criteria specified in
in accordance with § 107.620, a current paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section
Certificate of Registration in accord- must pay an annual registration fee of
ance with the requirements of this sub- $2,575 and the processing fee required
part. by paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(c) A registrant whose name or prin- (4) Processing fee. The processing fee
cipal place of business has changed dur- is $25 for each registration statement
ing the year of registration must no- filed. A single statement may be filed
tify PHMSA of that change by submit- for one, two, or three registration
ting an amended registration state- years as provided in § 107.616(c).
ment not later than 30 days after the (b) For registration years 2009–2010
change. and prior years, each person that of-
(d) Copies of DOT Form F 5800.2 and fered for transportation or transported
instructions for its completion may be in commerce a material listed in
obtained from the Hazardous Materials § 107.601(a) during that year must pay
Registration Program, PHH–60, U.S. the annual registration fee, including
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§ 107.616 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.705
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§ 107.709 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(4) Provide the name, street and will issue a written extension to permit
mailing addresses, e-mail address op- operation under the terms of the ex-
tional, and telephone number of the pired approval until a final decision on
person on whose behalf the registra- the application for renewal has been
tion, report, or application is made made. Operation under an expired ap-
and, if different, the person making the proval is prohibited absent a written
filing; extension. This paragraph does not
(5) If the person on whose behalf the limit the authority of the Associate
filing is made is not a resident of the Administrator to modify, suspend or
United States, provide a designation of terminate an approval under § 107.713.
agent for service in accordance with (d) To request confidential treatment
§ 105.40; for information contained in the appli-
(6) Provide a description of the activ-
cation, the applicant shall comply with
ity for which the registration or report
§ 105.30(a).
is required; and
(7) Provide additional information as [Amdt. 107–38, 61 FR 21100, May 9, 1996, as
requested by the Associate Adminis- amended at 65 FR 50457, Aug. 18, 2000; 67 FR
trator, if the Associate Administrator 61011, Sept. 27, 2002; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23,
determines that a filing lacks perti- 2005; 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55683,
nent information or otherwise does not Oct. 1, 2007]
comply with applicable requirements.
(b) In addition to the provisions in § 107.709 Processing of an application
for approval, including an applica-
paragraph (a) for an approval, an appli- tion for renewal or modification.
cation for an approval, or an applica-
tion for modification or renewal of an (a) No public hearing or other formal
approval, the applicant must provide— proceeding is required under this sub-
(1) A description of the activity for part before the disposition of an appli-
which the approval is required; cation.
(2) The proposed duration of the ap- (b) At any time during the processing
proval; of an application, the Associate Admin-
(3) The transport mode or modes af- istrator may request additional infor-
fected, as applicable; mation from the applicant. If the appli-
(4) Any additional information speci- cant does not respond to a written re-
fied in the section containing the ap- quest for additional information within
proval; and 30 days of the date the request was re-
(5) For an approval which provides ceived, the application may be deemed
exceptions from regulatory require- incomplete and denied. However, if the
ments or prohibitions— applicant responds in writing within
(i) Identification of any increased the 30-day period requesting an addi-
risk to safety or property that may re- tional 30 days within which it will
sult if the approval is granted, and gather the requested information, the
specification of the measures that the Associate Administrator may grant the
applicant considers necessary or appro-
30-day extension.
priate to address that risk; and
(c) The Associate Administrator may
(ii) Substantiation, with applicable
analyses or evaluations, if appropriate, grant or deny an application, in whole
demonstrating that the proposed activ- or in part. At the Associate Adminis-
ity will achieve a level of safety that is trator’s discretion, an application may
at least equal to that required by the be granted subject to provisions that
regulation. are appropriate to protect health, safe-
(c) For an approval with an expira- ty and property. The Associate Admin-
tion date, each application for renewal istrator may impose additional provi-
or modification must be filed in the sions not specified in the application,
same manner as an original applica- or delete conditions in the application
tion. If a complete and conforming re- which are unnecessary.
newal application is filed at least 60 (d) The Associate Administrator may
days before the expiration date of an grant an application on finding that—
approval, the Associate Administrator, (1) The application complies with
on written request from the applicant, this subpart;
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.713
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§ 107.715 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 107.805
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§ 107.807 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 110.5
(2) Complete details concerning the tiate, maintain or recognize an IIA ap-
dimensions, materials of construction, proved under this subpart; fails to rec-
wall thickness, water capacity, shape, ognize UN standard packagings manu-
type of joints, location and size of factured in accordance with this sub-
openings and other pertinent physical chapter; or implements a condition or
characteristics of each specification or limitation on United States citizens or
special permit cylinder for which ap- organizations that is not required of its
proval is being requested, including own citizenry.
calculations for cylinder wall stress
[71 FR 33874, June 12, 2006]
and wall thickness, which may be
shown on a drawing or on separate
sheets attached to a descriptive draw- PART 110—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
(3) The name of the independent in- PLANNING GRANTS
spection agency to be used; and
(4) The signature of the person mak- Sec.
ing the certification and the date on 110.1 Purpose.
which it was signed. 110.5 Scope.
(c) Facility inspections. Upon the re- 110.7 Control Number under the Paperwork
quest of the Associate Administrator, Reduction Act.
the applicant must allow the Associate 110.10 Eligibility.
Administrator or the Associate Admin- 110.20 Definitions.
110.30 Grant application.
istrator’s designee to inspect the appli-
110.40 Activities eligible for funding.
cant’s cylinder manufacturing and
110.50 Disbursement of Federal funds.
testing facilities and records, and must 110.60 Cost sharing for planning and train-
provide such materials and cylinders ing.
for analyses and tests as the Associate 110.70 Financial administration.
Administrator may specify. The appli- 110.80 Procurement.
cant or holder must bear the cost of 110.90 Grant monitoring, reports, and
the initial and subsequent inspections, records retention.
analyses, and tests. 110.100 Enforcement.
110.110 After-grant requirements.
§ 107.809 Conditions of UN pressure 110.120 Deviation from this part.
receptacle approvals. 110.130 Disputes.
(a) Each approval issued under this AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5127; 49 CFR 1.53.
subpart contains the following condi- SOURCE: Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17,
tions: 1992, unless otherwise noted.
(1) Upon the request of the Associate
Administrator, the applicant or holder EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
part 110 appear at 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005.
must allow the Associate Adminis-
trator or the Associate Administrator’s § 110.1 Purpose.
designee to inspect the applicant’s
pressure receptacle manufacturing and This part sets forth procedures for re-
testing facilities and records, and must imbursable grants for public sector
provide such materials and pressure re- planning and training in support of the
ceptacles for analyses and tests as the emergency planning and training ef-
Associate Administrator may specify. forts of States, Indian tribes, and local
The applicant or holder must bear the communities to deal with hazardous
cost of the initial and subsequent in- materials emergencies, particularly
spections, analyses, and tests. those involving transportation. These
(2) Each holder must comply with all grants will enhance the implementa-
of the terms and conditions stated in tion of the Emergency Planning and
the approval letter issued under this Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986
subpart. (42 U.S.C. 11001).
(b) In addition to the conditions spec-
ified in § 107.713, an approval may be de- § 110.5 Scope.
nied or if issued, suspended or termi- (a) This part applies to States and In-
nated if the Competent Authority of dian tribes and contains the program
the country of manufacture fails to ini- requirements for public sector training
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§ 110.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 110.30
Project means the activities and tasks be resubmitted. The application must
identified in the grant agreement. include the following:
Project manager means the State or (1) Application for Federal Assistance
Indian tribal official designated in a for non-construction programs (SF–424)
grant as the recipient agency’s prin- and Budget sheets (SF–424A). A single
cipal program contact with the Federal application may be used for both plan-
Government. ning and training if the budgets for
Project officer means the Federal offi- each are entered separately on all
cial designated in a grant as the pro- budget sheets.
gram contact with the project man- (2) For States, a letter from the Gov-
ager. The project officer is responsible ernor designating the State agency
for monitoring the project. that is authorized to apply for a grant
Project period means the length of and to provide the written certifi-
time specified in a grant for comple- cations required to receive a grant.
tion of all work associated with that (3) For Indian tribes, a letter from
project. the tribal government, governing body,
State Emergency Response Commission or tribal council to the effect that the
(SERC) means the State Emergency applicant is authorized to apply for a
Response Commission appointed by the grant and to provide the written cer-
Governor of each State and Territory tifications required to receive a grant.
under the Emergency Planning and (4) A written statement explaining
Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. whether the State or tribe assesses and
Statement of Work means that portion collects fees on the transportation of
of a grant that describes the purpose hazardous materials and whether such
and scope of activities and tasks to be assessments or fees are used solely to
carried out as part of the proposed carry out purposes related to the trans-
project. portation of hazardous materials.
(5) A statement designating a project
[Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as manager and providing the name, posi-
amended by Amdt. 110–3, 59 FR 49132, Sept. tion, address and phone number of that
26, 1994; 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001] individual who will be responsible for
coordinating the funded activities with
§ 110.30 Grant application. other agencies/organizations.
(a) General. An applicant for a plan- (6) A project narrative statement of
ning or training grant shall use only the goals and objectives of the pro-
the standard application forms ap- posed project, project design, and long
proved by the Office of Management range plans. The proposed grant
and Budget (OMB) (SF–424 and SF– project and budget periods may be one
424A) under the Paperwork Reduction or more years.
Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3502). Applicants (7) A statement of work in support of
are required to submit an original and the proposed project that describes and
two copies of the application package sets priorities for the activities and
to: Grants Manager, Pipeline and Haz- tasks to be conducted, the costs associ-
ardous Materials Safety Administra- ated with each activity, the number
tion, U.S. Department of Transpor- and types of deliverables and products
tation, East Building, 1200 New Jersey to be completed, and a schedule for im-
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590– plementation.
0001. Applications received on or before (8) A description of the major items
January 1st and July 1st of each year of costs needed to implement the state-
will be considered in that cycle of the ment of work and a copy of any cost or
semi-annual review and award process. price analysis if conducted.
An initial round of the review and (9) Drug-Free Workplace Certification.
award process will consider applica- The applicant must certify as specified
tions received on or before November in appendix C of 49 CFR part 29 that it
15, 1992. Requests and continuation ap- will comply with the Drug-Free Work-
plications must include an original and place Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100–690, title
two copies of the affected pages; pre- V, subtitle D; 51 U.S.C. 701 et seq.).
viously submitted pages with informa- (10) Anti-Lobbying Certification. The
tion that is still current do not have to applicant must certify as specified in
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§ 110.30 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 110.40
(3) For a State applicant, a written tions, critiques, and instructor evalua-
statement agreeing to make at least 75 tions.
percent of the Federal funds awarded (iv) A schedule for implementing the
available for the purpose of training proposed training grant activities.
public sector employees employed or (v) A statement indicating that all
used by political subdivisions. A State members of the State or Tribal Emer-
applicant may elect to pass all or some gency Response Commission were pro-
portion of the grant on to political sub- vided the opportunity to review the
divisions for this purpose. The appli- grant application.
cant must include a specific expla- [Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as
nation of how it intends to meet this amended by Amdt. 110–3, 59 FR 49132, Sept.
requirement. 26, 1994; 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55683,
(4) Designation of a primary point of Oct. 1, 2007]
contact for coordinating training fund-
ed under this program. Identification § 110.40 Activities eligible for funding.
of a single repository for copies of (a) Planning. Eligible State appli-
course materials delivered under the cants may receive funding for the fol-
grant as specified in § 110.90 of this lowing activities:
part. (1) Development, improvement, and
(5) A project narrative statement of implementation of emergency plans re-
the long-range goals and objectives of quired under the Emergency Planning
each proposed project, including the and Community Right-to-Know Act of
following: 1986, as well as exercises which test the
(i) A background statement describ- emergency plan. Enhancement of emer-
ing: gency plans to include hazard analysis
(A) The current hazardous materials as well as response procedures for
training program(s); emergencies involving transportation
of hazardous materials, including ra-
(B) Training audience, including
dioactive materials.
numbers and levels of training and ac-
(2) An assessment to determine flow
creditation program for each level or
patterns of hazardous materials within
criterion required to advance to the
a State, between a State and another
next level;
State or Indian country, and develop-
(C) Estimated total number of per- ment and maintenance of a system to
sons to be trained under the proposed keep such information current.
project; (3) An assessment of the need for re-
(D) The ways in which training gional hazardous materials emergency
grants will support the integrated de- response teams.
livery of training to meet the needs of (4) An assessment of local response
individualized geographic and resource capabilities.
needs and time considerations of local (5) Conduct of emergency response
responders. When appropriate, a state- drills and exercises associated with
ment describing how the proposed emergency preparedness plans.
project will accommodate the different (6) Provision of technical staff to sup-
training needs for rural versus urban port the planning effort.
environments; and (7) Additional activities the Asso-
(E) The impact that the grant and ciate Administrator deems appropriate
the National Curriculum will have on to implement the scope of work for the
the program. proposed project plan and approved in
(ii) A statement describing how the the grant.
National Curriculum will be used or (b) Training. Eligible State and In-
modified to train public sector employ- dian tribe applicants may receive fund-
ees at the local level to respond to ac- ing for the following activities:
cidents and incidents involving haz- (1) An assessment to determine the
ardous materials. number of public sector employees em-
(iii) A statement describing the ways ployed or used by a political subdivi-
in which effectiveness of training will sion who need the proposed training
be monitored by the project manager, and to select courses consistent with
including, but not limited to, examina- the National Curriculum.
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§ 110.50 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 110.90
at least 75 percent of the funds pro- (d) To be allowable, costs must be eli-
vided were made available for the pur- gible, reasonable, necessary, and allo-
poses of training public sector employ- cable to the approved project in ac-
ees employed or used by political sub- cordance with OMB Circular A–87 and
divisions. included in the grant award. Costs in-
(2) Permit the tracing of funds to a curred prior to the award of any grant
level of expenditure adequate to estab- are not allowable. Recipient agencies
lish that such funds have not been used are responsible for obtaining audits in
in violation of the restrictions and pro- accordance with the Single Audit Act
hibitions of applicable statutes. of 1984 (31 U.S.C. 7501), 49 CFR part 90,
(b) The financial management sys- and OMB Circular A–128. Audits shall
tems of Indian tribes and any sub- be made by an independent auditor in
grantees must meet the standards of 49 accordance with generally accepted
CFR 18.20, including the ability to government auditing standards cov-
trace funds provided for training to a ering financial and compliance audits.
level of expenditure adequate to estab- The Associate Administrator may
lish that at least 75 percent of the audit a recipient agency at any time.
funds provided were made available for [Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as
the purposes of training public sector amended by 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001]
employees employed or used by polit-
ical subdivisions. § 110.80 Procurement.
(c) Advances shall be made to States Project managers shall use procure-
and Indian tribes consistent with 49 ment procedures and practices which
CFR part 18 and 31 CFR part 205. The reflect applicable State laws and regu-
Associate Administrator shall base lations and Federal requirements as
these advances on demonstrated need, specified in 49 CFR 18.36.
which will be determined on a case-by-
case basis, considering such factors as § 110.90 Grant monitoring, reports,
State/Tribal budget constraints and re- and records retention.
ductions in amounts budgeted for haz- (a) Grant monitoring. Project man-
ardous materials activities. To obtain agers are responsible for managing the
an advance, a State or Indian tribe day-to-day operations of grant,
must comply with the following re- subgrant and contract-supported ac-
quirements: tivities. Project managers must mon-
(1) A letter from the Governor or itor performance of supported activi-
Tribal leader or their designee is re- ties to assure compliance with applica-
quired specifying the extenuating cir- ble Federal requirements and achieve-
cumstances requiring the funding ad- ment of performance goals. Monitoring
vance for the grant; must cover each program, function, ac-
(2) The maximum advance request tivity, or task covered by the grant.
may not be more than $25,000 for each Monitoring and reporting requirements
State or Indian tribe; for planning and training are contained
(3) Recipients of advance funding in this part; general grant reporting re-
must obligate those funds within 3 quirements are specified in 49 CFR
months of receipt; 18.40.
(4) Advances including interest will (b) Reports. (1) The project manager
be deducted from the initial reimburse- shall submit a performance report at
ment to the State or Indian tribe; and the completion of an activity for which
(5) The State or Indian tribe will reimbursement is being requested or
have its allocation of current grant with a request to amend the grant. The
funds reduced and will not be per- final performance report is due 90 days
mitted to apply for future grant funds after the expiration or termination of
until the advance is covered by a re- the grant.
quest for reimbursement. For example, (2) Project managers shall submit an
if $25,000 is advanced for personnel original and two copies of all perform-
costs, this advance would be deducted ance reports. Performance reports for
from the initial reimbursement in the planning and training must include
year the advance was made. comparison of actual accomplishments
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§ 110.100 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
to the stated goals and objectives es- actions as specified in 49 CFR part 18.
tablished for the performance period, Costs incurred by the recipient agency
and the reasons for not achieving those during a suspension or after termi-
goals and objectives, if applicable. nation of an award are not allowable
(3) Project managers shall report de- unless the Associate Administrator au-
velopments or events that occur be- thorizes it in writing. Grant awards
tween the required performance report- may be terminated in whole or in part
ing dates which have significant im- with the consent of the recipient at
pact upon the planning and training any agreed upon effective date, or by
activity such as: the recipient upon written notification.
(i) Problems, delays, or adverse con-
[Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as
ditions which will impair the ability to amended by 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001]
meet the objective of the grant; and
(ii) Favorable developments which § 110.110 After-grant requirements.
enable meeting time schedules and ob-
The Associate Administrator will
jectives sooner or at less cost than an-
close out the award upon determina-
ticipated or producing more beneficial
tion that all applicable administrative
results than originally planned.
actions and all required work of the
(4) Financial reporting, except as pro-
grant are complete in accordance with
vided in § 110.70 and 49 CFR 18.41, shall
subpart D of 49 CFR part 18. The
be supplied quarterly using Standard
project manager must submit all finan-
Form 270, Request for Advance or Re-
cial, performance, and other reports re-
imbursement, to report the status of
quired as a condition of the grant,
funds. The project manager shall re-
within 90 days after the expiration or
port separately on planning and train-
termination of the grant. This time
frame may be extended by the Asso-
(c) Records retention. In accordance
ciate Administrator for Hazardous Ma-
with 49 CFR 18.42, all financial and pro-
terials Safety for cause.
grammatic records, supporting docu-
ments, statistical records, training ma- [Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as
terials, and other documents generated amended by 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001]
under a grant shall be maintained by
the project manager for three years § 110.120 Deviation from this part.
from the date the project manager sub- Recipient agencies may request a de-
mits the final financial status report viation from the non-statutory provi-
(SF 269) or Request for Advance or Re- sions of this part. The Associate Ad-
imbursement (SF 270). The project ministrator will respond to such re-
manager shall designate a repository quests in writing. If appropriate, the
and single-point of contact for plan- decision will be included in the grant
ning and for training, or both, for these agreement. Request for deviations from
purposes. If any litigation, claim, nego- part 110 must be submitted to: Grants
tiation, audit or other action involving Manager, Pipeline and Hazardous Ma-
the records has been started before the terials Safety Administration, U.S. De-
expiration of the 3-year period, the partment of Transportation, East
records must be retained until comple- Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
tion of the action and resolution of all Washington, DC 20590–0001.
issues which arise from it, or until the [Amdt. 110–1, 57 FR 43067, Sept. 17, 1992, as
end of the regular 3-year period, which- amended by Amdt. 110–3, 59 FR 49132, Sept.
ever is later. 26, 1994; 66 FR 45377, Aug. 28, 2001; 72 FR 55683,
Oct. 1, 2007]
§ 110.100 Enforcement.
If a recipient agency fails to comply § 110.130 Disputes.
with any term of an award (whether Disputes should be resolved at the
stated in a Federal statute or regula- lowest level possible, beginning with
tion, an assurance, a State plan or ap- the project manager and the project of-
plication, a notice of award, or else- ficer. If an agreement cannot be
where) a noncompliance action may be reached, the Administrator, PHMSA,
taken as specified in 40 CFR 18.43. The will serve as the dispute resolution of-
recipient agency may appeal any such ficial, whose decision will be final.
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§ 130.11 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
from the American Society for Testing and initiate all response activities identi-
Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA fied in the plan, to enter into response-
19103. Copies may be inspected at the Office related contracts and obligate funds for
of Hazardous Materials Safety, Office of Haz-
such contracts, and to act as a liaison
ardous Materials Standards, Room 8422, DOT
headquarters building, 400 7th St., SW, Wash- with the on-scene coordinator and
ington, DC 20590, or at the National Archives other responsible officials. The quali-
and Records Administration (NARA). For in- fied individual must be available at all
formation on the availability of this mate- times the owner or operator is engaged
rial at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: in transportation subject to part 130 (alone or in conjunction with an equal-
codeloflfederallregulations/ ly qualified alternate), must be fluent
ibrllocations.html. in English, and must have in his or her
Maximum extent practicable means the possession documentation of the re-
limits of available technology and the quired authority.
practical and technical limits on an Transports or Transportation means
owner or operator of an onshore facil- any movement of oil by highway or
ity in planning the response resources rail, and any loading, unloading, or
required to provide the on-water recov- storage incidental thereto.
ery capability and the shoreline protec- Vegetable oil means a non-petroleum
tion and cleanup capability to conduct oil or fat derived from plant seeds,
response activities for a worst-case dis- nuts, kernels or fruits, not specifically
charge of oil in adverse weather. identified elsewhere in this part.
Non-petroleum oil means any animal Worst-case discharge means ‘‘the larg-
fat, vegetable oil or other non-petro- est foreseeable discharge in adverse
leum oil. weather conditions,’’ as defined at 33
Oil means oil of any kind or in any U.S.C. 1321(a)(24). The largest foresee-
form, including, but not limited to, pe- able discharge from a motor vehicle or
troleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and rail car is the capacity of the cargo
oil mixed with wastes other than container. The term ‘‘maximum poten-
dredged spoil. tial discharge,’’ used in § 130.31(a), is
synonymous with ‘‘worst-case dis-
NOTE: This definition does not include haz- charge.’’
ardous substances (see 40 CFR part 116).
[Amdt. 130–2, 61 FR 30541, June 17, 1996, as
Other non-petroleum oil means a non- amended by 66 FR 45378, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR
petroleum oil of any kind that is not 61011, Sept. 27, 2002; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]
an animal fat or vegetable oil.
Packaging means a receptacle and § 130.11 Communication requirements.
any other components or materials (a) No person may offer oil subject to
necessary for the receptacle to perform this part for transportation unless that
its containment function in conform- person provides the person accepting
ance with the packaging requirements the oil for transportation a document
of this part. A compartmented tank is indicating the shipment contains oil.
a single packaging. (b) No person may transport oil sub-
Person means an individual, firm, ject to this part unless a readily avail-
corporation, partnership, association, able document indicating that the
State, municipality, commission, or shipment contains oil is in the posses-
political subdivision of a State, or any sion of the transport vehicle operator
interstate body, as well as a depart- during transportation.
ment, agency, or instrumentality of (c) A material subject to the require-
the executive, legislative or judicial ments of this part need not be specifi-
branch of the Federal Government. cally identified as oil when the ship-
Petroleum oil means any oil extracted ment document accurately describes
or derived from geological hydrocarbon the material as: aviation fuel, diesel
deposits, including fractions thereof. fuel, fuel oil, gasoline, jet fuel, ker-
Qualified individual means an indi- osene, motor fuel, or petroleum.
vidual familiar with the response plan,
trained in his or her responsibilities in § 130.21 Packaging requirements.
implementing the plan, and authorized, Each packaging used for the trans-
on behalf of the owner or operator, to portation of oil subject to this part
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 130.33
must be designed, constructed, main- vidual and the appropriate Federal offi-
tained, closed, and loaded so that, cial and the persons providing spill re-
under conditions normally incident to sponse personnel and equipment;
transportation, there will be no release (4) Identifies, and ensures by contract
of oil to the environment. or other means the availability of, pri-
vate personnel (including address and
§ 130.31 Response plans. phone number), and the equipment nec-
(a) After September 30, 1993, no per- essary to remove, to the maximum ex-
son may transport oil subject to this tent practicable, a worst case discharge
part unless that person has a current (including a discharge resulting from
basic written plan that: fire or explosion) and to mitigate or
(1) Sets forth the manner of response prevent a substantial threat of such a
to discharges that may occur during discharge;
transportation; (5) Describes the training, equipment
(2) Takes into account the maximum testing, periodic unannounced drills,
potential discharge of the contents and response actions of facility per-
from the packaging; sonnel, to be carried out under the plan
(3) Identifies private personnel and to ensure the safety of the facility and
equipment available to respond to a to mitigate or prevent the discharge,
discharge; or the substantial threat of such a dis-
(4) Identifies the appropriate persons charge; and
and agencies (including their telephone (6) Is submitted, and resubmitted in
numbers) to be contacted in regard to the event of any significant change, to
such a discharge and its handling, in- the Federal Railroad Administrator
cluding the National Response Center; (for tank cars), or to the Federal High-
and way Administrator (for cargo tanks) at
(5) For each motor carrier, is re- East Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,
tained on file at that person’s principal SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001.
place of business and at each location
where dispatching of motor vehicles (Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 2137–0591)
occurs; and for each railroad, is re-
tained on file at that person’s principal [Amdt. 130–2, 61 FR 30541, June 17, 1996, as
place of business and at the dis- amended at 72 FR 55683, Oct. 1, 2007]
patcher’s office.
(b) After February 18, 1993, no person § 130.33 Response plan implementa-
may transport an oil subject to this tion.
part in a quantity greater than 1,000 If, during transportation of oil sub-
barrels (42,000 gallons) unless that per- ject to this part, a discharge occurs—
son has a current comprehensive writ- into or on the navigable waters of the
ten plan that: United States; on the adjoining shore-
(1) Conforms with all requirements lines to the navigable waters; or that
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec- may affect natural resources belonging
tion; to, appertaining to, or under the exclu-
(2) Is consistent with the require- sive management authority of, the
ments of the National Contingency United States—the person transporting
Plan (40 CFR part 300) and Area Contin- the oil shall implement the plan re-
gency Plans; quired by § 130.31, in a manner con-
(3) Identifies the qualified individual sistent with the National Contingency
having full authority to implement re- Plan, 40 CFR part 300, or as otherwise
moval actions, and requires immediate directed by the Federal on-scene coor-
communications between that indi- dinator.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.1
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§ 171.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.1
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§ 171.2 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(v) A fee related to the transpor- involves the release of a hazardous ma-
tation of a hazardous material is not terial which results in death or bodily
fair or is used for a purpose that is not injury to any person.
related to transporting hazardous ma-
[68 FR 61937, Oct. 30, 2003; 70 FR 20031, Apr.
terial, including enforcement and plan-
15, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9,
ning, developing, and maintaining a ca- 2005; 71 FR 8488, Feb. 17, 2006; 71 FR 44931,
pability for emergency response. Aug. 8, 2006; 74 FR 68702, Dec. 29, 2009; 75 FR
(2) Subject to the limitations in para- 53596, Sept. 1, 2010]
graph (f)(1) of this section, each facil-
ity at which functions regulated under § 171.2 General requirements.
the HMR are performed may be subject (a) Each person who performs a func-
to applicable laws and regulations of
tion covered by this subchapter must
state and local governments and Indian
perform that function in accordance
with this subchapter.
(3) The procedures for DOT to make
administrative determinations of pre- (b) Each person who offers a haz-
emption are set forth in subpart E of ardous material for transportation in
part 397 of this title with respect to commerce must comply with all appli-
non-Federal requirements on highway cable requirements of this subchapter,
routing (paragraph (f)(1)(iv) of this sec- or an exemption or special permit, ap-
tion) and in subpart C of part 107 of proval, or registration issued under
this chapter with respect to all other this subchapter or under subchapter A
non-Federal requirements. of this chapter. There may be more
(g) Penalties for noncompliance. Each than one offeror of a shipment of haz-
person who knowingly violates a re- ardous materials. Each offeror is re-
quirement of the Federal hazardous sponsible for complying with the re-
material transportation law, an order quirements of this subchapter, or an
issued under Federal hazardous mate- exemption or special permit, approval,
rial transportation law, subchapter A or registration issued under this sub-
of this chapter, or a special permit or chapter or subchapter A of this chap-
approval issued under subchapter A or ter, with respect to any pre-transpor-
C of this chapter is liable for a civil tation function that it performs or is
penalty of not more than $55,000 and required to perform; however, each of-
not less than $250 for each violation, feror is responsible only for the specific
except the maximum civil penalty is pre-transportation functions that it
$110,000 if the violation results in performs or is required to perform, and
death, serious illness or severe injury each offeror may rely on information
to any person or substantial destruc- provided by another offeror, unless
tion of property, and a minimum $495 that offeror knows or, a reasonable per-
civil penalty applies to a violation re- son, acting in the circumstances and
lating to training. When a violation is exercising reasonable care, would have
a continuing one and involves trans- knowledge that the information pro-
porting of hazardous material or caus- vided by the other offeror is incorrect.
ing them to be transported, each day of (c) Each person who performs a func-
the violation is a separate offense. tion covered by or having an effect on
Each person who knowingly violates a specification or activity prescribed in
§ 171.2(l) or willfully or recklessly vio- part 178, 179, or 180 of this subchapter,
lates a provision of the Federal haz- an approval issued under this sub-
ardous material transportation law, an chapter, or an exemption or special
order issued under Federal hazardous permit issued under subchapter A of
material transportation law, sub- this chapter, must perform the func-
chapter A of this chapter, or a special tion in accordance with that specifica-
permit or approval issued under sub- tion, approval, an exemption or special
chapter A or C of this chapter, shall be permit, as appropriate.
fined under title 18, United States (d) No person may offer or accept a
Code, or imprisoned for not more than hazardous material for transportation
5 years, or both, except the maximum in commerce or transport a hazardous
amount of imprisonment shall be 10 material in commerce unless that per-
years in any case in which a violation son is registered in conformance with
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.2
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§ 171.3 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(l) No person may alter, remove, de- (3) Delivers, as designated on the
face, destroy, or otherwise unlawfully manifest by the generator, the entire
tamper with any marking, label, quantity of the waste received from the
placard, or description on a document generator or a transporter to:
required by Federal hazardous material (i) The designated facility or, if not
transportation law or the regulations possible, to the designated alternate fa-
issued under Federal hazardous mate- cility;
rial transportation law. No person may
(ii) The designated subsequent car-
alter, deface, destroy, or otherwise un-
rier; or
lawfully tamper with a package, con-
tainer, motor vehicle, rail car, aircraft, (iii) A designated place outside the
or vessel used for the transportation of United States.
hazardous materials. NOTE: Federal law specifies penalties up to
(m) No person may falsify or alter an $250,000 fine for an individual and $500,000 for
exemption or special permit, approval, a company and 5 years imprisonment for the
registration, or other grant of author- willful discharge of hazardous waste at other
ity issued under this subchapter or sub- than designated facilities. 49 U.S.C. 5124.
chapter A of this chapter. No person
(c) If a discharge of hazardous waste
may offer a hazardous material for
or other hazardous material occurs
transportation or transport a haz-
ardous material in commerce under an during transportation, and an official
exemption or special permit, approval, of a State or local government or a
registration or other grant of author- Federal agency, acting within the
ity issued under this subchapter or sub- scope of his official responsibilities, de-
chapter A of this chapter if such grant termines that immediate removal of
of authority has been altered without the waste is necessary to prevent fur-
the consent of the issuing authority. ther consequence, that official may au-
No person may represent, mark, cer- thorize the removal of the waste with-
tify, or sell a packaging or container out the preparation of a manifest.
under an exemption or special permit, [NOTE: In such cases, EPA does not re-
approval, registration or other grant of quire carriers to have EPA identifica-
authority issued under this subchapter tion numbers.]
or subchapter A of this chapter if such
NOTE 1: EPA requires shippers (generators)
grant of authority has been altered and carriers (transporters) of hazardous
without the consent of the issuing au- wastes to have identification numbers which
thority. must be displayed on hazardous waste mani-
[68 FR 61937, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 70 fests. See 40 CFR parts 262 and 263. (Identi-
FR 43643, July 28, 2005; 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9, fication number application forms may be
2005] obtained from EPA regional offices.)
NOTE 2: In 40 CFR part 263, the EPA sets
§ 171.3 Hazardous waste. forth requirements for the cleanup of re-
leases of hazardous wastes.
(a) No person may offer for transpor-
tation or transport a hazardous waste [Amdt. 171–53, 45 FR 34586, May 22, 1980, as
(as defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter) amended by Amdt. 171–53, 45 FR 74648, Nov.
in interstate or intrastate commerce 10, 1980; Amdt. 171–78, 49 FR 10510, Mar. 20,
except in accordance with the require- 1984; Amdt. 171–107, 54 FR 40068, Sept. 29, 1989;
ments of this subchapter. Amdt. 171–111, 55 FR 52466, Dec. 21, 1990; 56
(b) No person may accept for trans- FR 66157, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 171–2, 59 FR
49132, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 171–141, 61 FR
portation, transport, or deliver a haz-
21102, May 9, 1996; 73 FR 57004, Oct. 1, 2008]
ardous waste for which a manifest is
required unless that person: § 171.4 Marine pollutants.
(1) Has marked each motor vehicle
used to transport hazardous waste in (a) Except as provided in paragraph
accordance with § 390.21 of this title (c) of this section, no person may offer
even though placards may not be re- for transportation or transport a ma-
quired; rine pollutant, as defined in § 171.8, in
(2) Complies with the requirements intrastate or interstate commerce ex-
for manifests set forth in § 172.205 of cept in accordance with the require-
this subchapter; and ments of this subchapter.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.6
(b) The requirements of this sub- perwork Reduction Act of 1995. This
chapter for the transportation of ma- section complies with the requirements
rine pollutants are based on the provi- of 5 CFR 1320.7(f), 1320.12, 1320.13 and
sions of Annex III of the 1973 Inter- 1320.14 (OMB regulations implementing
national Convention for Prevention of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995)
Pollution from Ships, as modified by for the display of control numbers as-
the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78). signed by OMB to collections of infor-
(c) Exceptions. Except when all or mation of the HMR.
part of the transportation is by vessel,
(b) OMB control numbers. The table in
the requirements of this subchapter
paragraph (b)(2) of this section sets
specific to marine pollutants do not
apply to non-bulk packagings trans- forth the control numbers assigned to
ported by motor vehicle, rail car or air- collection of information in the HMR
craft. by the Office of Management and Budg-
et (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduc-
[Amdt. 171–116, 57 FR 52934, Nov. 5, 1993, as tion Act of 1995.
amended by Amdt. 107–39, 61 FR 51337, Oct. 1,
1996; 73 FR 4712, Jan. 28, 2008] (1) Column 1 lists the OMB control
number assigned to the HMR collec-
§ 171.6 Control numbers under the Pa- tions of information. Column 2 con-
perwork Reduction Act. tains the Report Title of the approved
(a) Purpose and scope. This section collection of information. Column 3
collects and displays the control num- lists the part(s) or section(s) in 49 CFR
bers assigned to the HMR collections of identified or described in the collection
information by the Office of Manage- of information.
ment and Budget (OMB) under the Pa- (2) Table.
Current OMB Title 49 CFR part or section where identified
control No. and described
2137–0014 ......................... Cargo Tank Specification Requirements ............ §§ 107.503, 107.504, 178.320, 178.337,
178.338, 178.345, 180.407, 180.409,
180.413, 180.417.
2137–0018 ......................... Inspection and Testing of Portable Tanks and §§ 173.24, 173.32, 178.3, 178.255, 178.273,
Intermediate Bulk Containers. 178.274, 178.703, 178.801, 180.352,
2137–0022 ......................... Testing, Inspection, and Marking Requirements §§ 173.5b, 173.302a, 173.303, 173.304,
for Cylinders. 173.309, 178.2, 178.3, 178.35, 178.44,
178.45, 178.46, 178.57, 178.59, 178.60,
178.61, 178.68, 180.205, 180.207, 180.209,
180.211, 180.213, 180.215, 180.217, Appen-
dix C to Part 180.
2137–0034 ......................... Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers and §§ 172.200, 172.201, 172.202, 172.203,
Emergency Response Information. 172.204, 172.505, 172.600, 172.602,
172.604, 172.606, 173.6, 173.7, 173.22,
173.56, 174.24, 174.26, 174.114, 175.30,
175.31, 175.33, 176.24, 176.27, 176.30,
176.36, 176.89, 177.817.
2137–0039 ......................... Hazardous Materials Incidents Reports .............. §§ 171.15, 171.16, 171.21.
2137–0051 ......................... Rulemaking and Special Permit Petitions ........... §§ 105.30, 105.40, 106.95, 106.110, 107.105,
107.107, 107.109, 107.113, 107.117,
107.121, 107.123, 107.125, 107.205,
107.211, 107.215, 107.217, 107.219,
107.221, 107.223.
2137–0510 ......................... RAM Transportation Requirements ..................... Part 173, Subpart I, §§ 173.22, 173.411,
173.415, 173.416, 173.417, 173.457,
173.471, 173.472, 173.473, 173.476.
2137–0542 ......................... Flammable Cryogenic Liquids ............................. §§ 173.318, 177.816, 177.840, 180.405.
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§ 171.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
2137–0557 ......................... Approvals for Hazardous Materials §§ 107.402, 107.403, 107.405, 107.502,
107.503, 107.705, 107.713, 107.715,
107.717, 107.803, 107.805, 107.807, 110.30,
172.101, 172.102, Special Provisions 19, 26,
53, 55, 60, 105, 118, 121, 125, 129, 131,
133, 136, B45, B55, B61, B69, B77, B81,
N10, N72, 173.2a, 173.4, 173.7, 173.21,
173.22, 173.24, 173.31, 173.38, 173.51,
173.56, 173.58, 173.59, 173.124, 173.128,
173.159, 173.166, 173.171, 173.214,
173.222, 173.224, 173.225, 173.245,
173.301, 173.305, 173.306, 173.314,
173.315, 173.316, 173.318, 173.334,
173.340, 173.411, 173.433, 173.457,
173.471, 173.472, 173.476, 174.50, 174.63,
175.8, 175.85, 175.701, 175.703, 176.168,
176.340, 176.704, 178.3, 178.35, 178.47,
178.53, 178.273, 178.274, 178.503, 178.509,
178.605, 178.606, 178.608, 178.801,
178.813, 180.213.
2137–0559 ......................... (Rail Carriers and Tank Car Tank Require- §§ 172.102, Special provisions: B45, B46, B55,
ments) Requirements for Rail Tank Car B61, B69, B77, B78, B81; 173.10, 173.31,
Tanks—Transportation of Hazardous Mate- 174.20, 174.50, 174.63, 174.104, 174.114,
rials by Rail.. 174.204, 179.3, 179.4, 179.5, 179.6, 179.7,
179.11, 179.18, 179.22, 179.100–9, 179.100–
12, 179.100–13, 179.100–16, 179.100–17,
179.102–4, 179.102–17, 179.103–1, 179.103–
2, 179.103–3, 179.103–5, 179.200–10,
179.200–14, 179.200–15, 179.200–16,
179.200–17, 179.200–19, 179.201–3,
179.201–8, 179.201–9, 179.220–4, 179.220–
7, 179.220–8, 179.220–13, 179.220–15,
179.220–17, 179.220–18, 179.220–20,
179.220–22, 179.300–3, 179.300–7, 179.300–
9, 179.300–12, 179.300–13, 179.300–15,
179.300–20, 179.400–3, 179.400–4, 179.400–
11, 179.400–13, 179.400–16, 179.400–17,
179.400–19, 179.400–20, 179.500–5,
179.500–8, 179.500–12, 179.500–18,
180.505, 180.509, 180.515, 180.517.
2137–0572 ......................... Testing requirements for non-bulk packages ...... §§ 173.168, 178.2, 178.601, Appendix C to Part
178, Appendix D to Part 178.
2137–0582 ......................... Container Certification Statement ....................... §§ 176.27, 176.172.
2137–0586 ......................... Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Part 110.
Planning Grants.
2137–0591 ......................... Response Plans for Shipments of Oil ................. Part 130.
2137–0595 ......................... Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles in Liquefied Com- §§ 173.315, 178.337–8, 178.337–9, 180.405,
pressed Gas Service. 180.416.
2137–0612 ......................... Hazardous Materials Security Plans ................... Part 172, Subpart I, §§ 172.800, 172.802,
2137–0613 ......................... Subsidiary Hazard Class and Number/Type of §§ 172.202, 172.203
2137–0620 ......................... Inspection and Testing of Meter Provers ............ Part 173, Subpart A, § 173.5a.
2137–0621 ......................... Requirements for United Nations (UN) Cylinders §§ 173.301, 173.304, 173.304b, 178.69, 178.70,
178.74, 178.75, 180.207, 180.209, 180.212,
180.215, 180.217.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.7
Air Transport Association of America, 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20004–1707:
ATA Specification No. 300 Packaging of Airline Supplies, Revision 19, July 31, 1996 .................. 172.102.
The Aluminum Association, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, telephone 301–645–0756,
Aluminum Standards and Data, Seventh Edition, June 1982 .......................................................... 172.102; 178.65.
Welding Aluminum: Theory and Practice, 2002 Fourth Edition ........................................................ 178.68
American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036:
ANSI/ASHRAE 15–94, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration ................................................... 173.306; 173.307.
ANSI B16.5–77, Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged Fittings ..................................................................... 178.360–4.
ANSI N14.1 Uranium Hexafluoride—Packaging for Transport, 1971, 1982, 1987, 1990, 1995 and 173.417; 173.420.
2001 Editions.
American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005–4070:
API Recommended Practice Closures of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, 3rd Edition, 172.102.
March 1996.
American Pyrotechnics Association (APA), P.O. Box 30438, Bethesda, MD 20824, (301) 907–8181,
APA Standard 87–1, Standard for Construction and Approval for Transportation of Fireworks, 173.56.
Novelties, and Theatrical Pyrotechnics, December 1, 2001 version.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME International, 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2900, Fairfield,
NJ 07007–2900, telephone 1–800–843–2763 or 1–973–882–1170,
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§ 171.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
‘ASME Code’; ASME Code, Sections II (Parts A and B), V, VIII (Division 1), and IX of 1998 Edi- 172.102; 173.5b;
tion of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 173.24b; 173.32;
173.306; 173.315;
173.318; 173.420;
178.273; 178.274;
178.276; 178.277;
178.320; 178.337–
1; 178.337–2;
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and other Liquids, Chapters II, III, IV, 173.5a.
V and VI, ASME B31.4–1998 Edition.
American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 1942, tele-
phone (610) 832–9585,
Noncurrent ASTM Standards are available from: Engineering Societies Library, 354 East 47th
Street, New York, NY 10017
ASTM A 20/A 20M–93a Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for 178.337–2;
Pressure Vessels. 179.102–4;
ASTM A 47–68 Malleable Iron Castings ........................................................................................... 179.200–15.
ASTM A 53, ASTM A 53/A 53M–06a Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- 173.5b.
Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.
ASTM A 106, ASTM A 106/A 106M–06a Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe 173.5b.
for High-Temperature Service.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.7
ASTM A 240/A 240M–99b Standard Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- 178.57; 178.358–5;
Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip for Pressure Vessels. 179.100–7;
ASTM A 242–81 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel ................... 178.338–2.
ASTM A 262–93a Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Aus- 179.100–7;
tenitic Stainless Steels. 179.200–7;
ASTM A 285–78 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength 179.300–7.
ASTM A 300–58 Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Service at Low Temperatures .................. 178.337–2.
ASTM A 302/A 302M–93 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Man- 179.100–7;
ganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum Nickel. 179.200–7;
ASTM A 333–67 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service ........................ 178.45.
ASTM A 370–94 Standard Test 179.102–1; 179.102–4; Methods and Definitions for Mechanical 179.102–17.
Testing of Steel Products.
ASTM A 441–81 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Manganese Va- 178.338–2.
nadium Steel.
ASTM A 514–81 Standard Specification for High-Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy 178.338–2.
Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding.
ASTM A 515/A 515M–03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for 179.300–7.
Intermediate- and Higher-Temperature Service.
ASTM A 516/A 516M–90 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for 178.337–2;
Moderate and Lower-Temperature Service. 179.100–7;
ASTM A 537/A 537M–91 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated, Car- 179.100–7;
bon-Manganese-Silicon Steel. 179.102–4;
ASTM A 572–82 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbian-Vanadium 178.338–2.
Steels of Structural Quality.
ASTM A 588–81 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 50 Ksi 178.338–2.
Minimum Yield Point to 4 in. Thick.
ASTM A 606–75 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip Hot- Rolled and Cold-Rolled, 178.338–2.
High-Strength, Low-Alloy, with Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance, 1975 (Re-
approved 1981).
ASTM A 607–98 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, 178.338–2.
Columbium or Vanadium, or Both, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled.
ASTM A 612–72a High Strength Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lower 178.337–2.
Temperature Service.
ASTM A 633–79a Standard Specification for Normalized High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural 178.338–2.
Steel, 1979 Edition.
ASTM A 715–81 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, High-Strength, 178.338–2.
Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, 1981.
ASTM A 1008/A 1008M—03 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, 178.338–2;
Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. 178.345–2
ASTM A 1011/A 1011M—03a Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Car- 178.338–2;
bon, Structural, High-Strength Low Alloy and High Strength Low-Alloy with Improved 178.345–2
ASTM B 162–93a Standard Specification for Nickel Plate, Sheet, and Strip .................................. 173.249; 179.200–7.
ASTM B 209–93 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate ....... 179.100–7;
ASTM B 221–76 Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes ................................. 178.46.
ASTM B 557–84 Tension Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Magnesium-Alloy Products .. 178.46.
ASTM B 580–79 Standard Specification for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum, (Re-approved 173.316; 173.318;
2000). 178.338–17.
ASTM D 1238–90b Standard Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics for Extrusion Plas- 173.225.
ASTM D 1709–01 Standard Text Methods for Impact Resistance of Plastic Film by the Free-Fall- 173.197.
ing Dart Method.
ASTM D 1835–97 Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases .............................. 180.209.
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§ 171.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
ASTM D 1838–64 Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases ............................. 173.315.
ASTM D 1922–00a Standard Test Method for Propogation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and 173.197.
Thin Sheeting by Pendulum Method.
ASTM D 4206–96 Standard Test Method for Sustained Burning of Liquid Mixtures Using the 173.120.
Small Scale Open-Cup Apparatus.
ASTM D 4359–90 Standard Test Method for Determining Whether a Material is a Liquid or a 171.8.
ASTM E 8–99 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials ........................... 178.36; 178.37;
178.38; 178.39;
178.44; 178.45;
178.50; 178.51;
178.53; 178.55;
178.56; 178.57;
178.58; 178.59;
178.60; 178.61;
ASTM E 23–98 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ...... 178.57.
ASTM E 112–88 Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size .............................. 178.44.
ASTM E 112–96 Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size, 1996 Edition ........ 178.274; Part 178,
appendix A.
ASTM E 114–95 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Examination by the 178.45.
Contact Method.
ASTM E 213–98 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing ............ 178.45.
American Water Works Association, 1010 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 810, Washington, DC 20005:
AWWA Standard C207–55, Steel Pipe Flanges, 1955 ..................................................................... 178.360–4.
American Welding Society, 550 N.W. Le Jeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126:
AWS Code B 3.0; Standard Qualification Procedure; 1972 (FRB 3.0–41, rev. May 1973) ............. 178.356–2,
AWS Code D 1.0; Code for Welding in Building Construction (FR D 1.0–66, 1966) ...................... 178.356–2;
Association of American Railroads, American Railroads Building, 50 F Street, NW., Washington, DC
20001; telephone (877) 999–8824,;
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.7
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section C—Part III, Specifications for 173.31; 174.63;
Tank Cars, Specification M–1002, (AAR Specifications for Tank Cars), December 2000. 179.6; 179.7;
179.15; 179.16;
179.20; 179.22;
180.509; 180.513;
180.515; 180.517.
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section I, Specially Equipped Freight 174.55; 174.63.
Car and Intermodal Equipment, 1988.
AAR Specifications for Design, Fabrication and Construction of Freight Cars, Volume 1, 1988 .... 179.16.
Chlorine Institute, Inc., 1300 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209
AAR Standard 286; AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section C, Car 179.13
Construction Fundamentals and Details, Standard S–286, Free/Unrestricted Interchange for
286,000 lb Gross Rail Load Cars (Adopted 2002; Revised: 2003, 2005, 2006).
Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit ‘‘A’’ for 100-lb. & 150 lb. Chlorine Cylinders (with the exception 173.3
of repair method using Device 8 for side leaks), Edition 10, June 2003.
Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit ‘‘B’’ for Chlorine Ton Containers (with the exception of repair 173.3
method using Device 9 for side leaks), Edition 9, June 2003.
Type 11⁄2 JQ 225, Dwg., H51970, Revision F, November 1996; or Type 11⁄2 JQ 225, Dwg. 173.315.
H50155, Revision H, November 1996.
Section 3, Pamphlet 57, Emergency Shut-Off Systems for Bulk Transfer of Chlorine, Edition 4, 177.840.
October 2003.
Section 3, Pamphlet 166, Angle Valve Guidelines for Chlorine Bulk Transportation, 1st Edition, 178.337–9.
October 2002.
Standard Chlorine Angle Valve Assembly, Dwg. 104–8, July 1993 ................................................. 178.337–9.
Excess Flow Valve with Removable Seat, Dwg. 101–7, July 1993 ................................................. 178.337–8.
Excess Flow Valve with Removable Basket, Dwg. 106–6, July 1993 .............................................. 178.337–8.
Standards for Housing and Manway Covers for Steel Cargo Tanks, Dwgs. 137–1 and 137–2, 178.337–10.
September 1, 1982.
Typical Manway Arrangement Chlorine Cargo Tank, Dwg 137–5, November 1996 ....................... 178.337–10.
Canadian General Standards Board, Place du Portage III, 6B1 11 ............................................................... 171.12
Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada K1A 1G6
National Standard of Canada (CAN/CGSB 43.147—2005) Construction, Modification, Qualifica-
tion, Maintenance, and Selection and Use of Means of Containment for the Handling, Offering
for Transport, or Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail.
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§ 171.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
CGA Pamphlet C–3, Standards for Welding on Thin-Walled Steel Cylinders, 1994 ....................... 178.47; 178.50;
178.51; 178.53;
178.55; 178.56;
178.57; 178.58;
178.59; 178.60;
178.61; 178.65;
178.68; 180.211.
CGA C–5, Cylinder Service Life—Seamless Steel High Pressure Cylinders, 1991 (reaffirmed 173.302a.
CGA Pamphlet C–6, Standards for Visual Inspection of Steel Compressed Gas Cylinders, 1993 173.3, 173.198,
180.205, 180.209,
180.211, 180.411,
CGA Pamphlet C–6.1, Standards for Visual Inspection of High Pressure Aluminum Compressed 180.205; 180.209
Gas Cylinders, 2002, Fourth Edition.
CGA Pamphlet C–6.2, Guidelines for Visual Inspection and Requalification of Fiber Reinforced 180.205.
High Pressure Cylinders, 1996, Third Edition.
CGA Pamphlet C–6.3, Guidelines for Visual Inspection and Requalification of Low Pressure Alu- 180.205; 180.209.
minum Compressed Gas Cylinders, 1991.
CGA C–7, Guide to Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of Compressed Gas 172.400a.
Containers, Appendix A, issued 2004 (8th Edition).
CGA Pamphlet C–8, Standard for Requalification of DOT-3HT Cylinder Design, 1985 .................. 180.205; 180.209.
CGA Pamphlet C–11, Recommended Practices for Inspection of Compressed Gas Cylinders at 178.35.
Time of Manufacture, 2001, Third Edition.
CGA Pamphlet C–12, Qualification Procedure for Acetylene Cylinder Design, 1994 ...................... 173.301; 173.303;
178.59; 178.60.
CGA Pamphlet C–13, Guidelines for Periodic Visual Inspection and Requalification of Acetylene 173.303; 180.205;
Cylinders, 2000, Fourth Edition. 180.209.
CGA Pamphlet C–14, Procedures for Fire Testing of DOT Cylinder Pressure Relief Device Sys- 173.301; 173.323.
tems, 1979.
CGA Pamphlet G–2.2, Guideline Method for Determining Minimum of 0.2% Water in Anhydrous 173.315.
Ammonia, 1985, Second Edition, Reaffirmed 1997.
CGA Pamphlet G–4.1, Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service, 1985 .......................................... 178.338–15.
CGA Pamphlet P–20, Standard for the Classification of Toxic Gas Mixtures, 2003, Third Edition ............... 173.115.
CGA Pamphlet P–20, Standard for the Classification of Toxic Gas Mixtures, 1995 ....................... 173.115.
CGA S–1.1, Pressure Relief Device Standards—Part 1—Cylinders for Compressed Gases, 2005 173.301, 173.304a
(with the exception of paragraph, Twelfth Edition. 178.75.
CGA Pamphlet S–1.2, Safety Relief Device Standards Part 2—Cargo and Portable Tanks for 173.315; 173.318;
Compressed Gases, 1980. 178.276; 178.277.
CGA S–7, Method for Selecting Pressure Relief Devices for Compressed Gas Mixtures in Cyl- 173.301.
inders, 2005.
CGA Technical Bulletin TB–2, Guidelines for Inspection and Repair of MC–330 and MC–331 180.407; 180.413.
Cargo Tanks, 1980.
CGA Technical Bulletin TB–25, Design Considerations for Tube Trailers, 2008 Edition ................. 173.301.
Department of Defense (DOD), 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331:
DOD TB 700–2; NAVSEAINST 8020.8B; AFTO 11A–1–47; DLAR 8220.1: Explosives Hazard 173.56.
Classification Procedures, January 1998.
Packaging of Hazardous Material, DLAD 4145.41/ AR 700–143/AFJI 24–210/NAVSUPINST 173.7
4030.55B/MCO 4030.40B, January 14, 2000.
Department of Energy (USDOE), 100 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20545:
USDOE publications available from: Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office
(GPO) or The National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
USDOE, CAPE–1662, Revision 1, and Supplement 1, Civilian Application Program Engineering 178.356–1;
Drawings, April 6, 1988. 178.356–2;
USDOE, Material and Equipment Specification No. SP–9, Rev. 1, and Supplement—Fire Resist- 178.356–2;
ant Phenolic Foam, March 28, 1968. 178.358–2.
USDOE, KSS–471, November 30, 1986—Proposal for Modifications to U.S. Department of 178.358–1;
Transportation Specification 21PF–1, Fire and Shock Resistant Phenolic Foam—Insulated 178.358–3.
Metal Overpack.
General Services Administration, Specification Office, Room 6662, 7th and D Street, S.W., Washington,
DC 20407:
Federal Specification RR-C–901D, Cylinders, Compressed Gas: Seamless Shatterproof, High 173.302; 173.336;
Pressure DOT 3AA Steel, and 3AL Aluminum, February 21, 2003 (Superseding RR-C–901C, 173.337.
Institute of Makers of Explosives, 1120 19th Street NW., Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036–3605:
IME Safety Library Publication No. 22 (IME Standard 22), Recommendation for the Safe Trans- 173.63; 177.835.
portation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Certain Other Explosive Materials, May 1993.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), P.O. Box 100, Wagramer Strasse 5, A–1400 Vienna, Austria:
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.7
Also available from: Bernan Associates, 4611–F Assembly Drive, Lanham, MD 20706–4391,
USA; or Renouf Publishing Company, Ltd., 812 Proctor Avenue, Ogdensburg, New York
13669, USA.
IAEA, Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, (IAEA Regulations), 1996 Edi- 171.22; 171.23;
tion (Revised), No. TS-R-1 (ST-1, Revised). 171.26, 173.415,
173.416, 173.417,
International Civil Aviation Organization (‘‘ICAO’’), 999 University Street, Montréal, Quebec H3C 5H7,
Canada, 1–514–954–8219,
ICAO Technical Instructions available from: INTEREG, International Regulations, Publishing and
Distribution Organization, P.O. Box 60105, Chicago, IL 60660.
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (‘‘ICAO Technical Instructions’’), 171.8; 171.22;
2009–2010 Edition. 171.23; 171.24;
172.202; 172.401;
172.512; 172.602;
173.56; 173.320;
175.33; 178.3.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 3, rue de Varembé, P.O. Box 131, CH—1211, GENEVA
20, Switzerland:
Fuel cell technologies—Part 6–1: Micro fuel cell power systems—Safety, IEC/PAS 62282–6– § 175.10.
1:2006(E), First Edition 2006–02, with Corrigendum 1, First Edition 2007–04.
International Maritime Organization (‘‘IMO’’), 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, United Kingdom
or New York Nautical Instrument & Service Corporation, 140 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013,
+44 (0) 20 7735 7611,
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, (‘‘SOLAS’’) 176.63, 176.84. Amendments 2002,
Chapter II–2/Regulation 19, Consolidated Edition 2004..
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (‘‘IMDG Code’’), 2008 Edition, Incorporating Amendment 171.22; 171.23;
34–08 (English Edition), Volumes 1 and 2. 171.25; 172.101
Appendix B;
172.202; 172.401;
172.502; 172.602;
173.21; 173.56;
176.2; 176.5;
176.11; 176.27;
176.30; 176.84;
178.3; 178.274.
International Organization for Standardization, Case Postale 56, CH–1211, Geneve 20, Switzerland,
Also available from: ANSI 25, West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036, 1–212–642–4900, http://
ISO 535–1991(E) Paper and board—Determination of water absorptiveness—Cobb method ....... 178.516; 178.707;
ISO 1496–1: 1990 (E)—Series 1 freight containers—Specification and testing, Part 1: General 173.411
cargo containers. Fifth Edition, (August 15, 1990).
ISO 1496–3—Series 1 freight containers—Specification and testing—Part 3: Tank containers for 178.74; 178.75;
liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulk, Fourth edition, March 1995, (E). 178.274.
ISO 2431–1984(E) Standard Cup Method ........................................................................................ 173.121.
ISO 2592–1973(E) Petroleum products—Determination of flash and fire points—Cleveland open 173.120.
cup method.
ISO 2919–1980(E) Sealed radioactive sources—Classification ....................................................... 173.469.
ISO 3036–1975(E) Board—Determination of puncture resistance ................................................... 178.708.
ISO 3574–1986(E) Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities ............ 178.503; Part 178,
appendix C.
ISO 3807–2, Cylinders for acetylene—Basic requirements—Part 2: Cylinders with fusible plugs, 173.303; 178.71.
First edition, March 2000, (E).
ISO 4126–1 Safety valves—Part 1: General Requirements, December 15, 1991, First Edition ..... 178.274.
ISO 6406, Gas cylinders—Seamless steel gas cylinders—Periodic inspection and testing, Sec- 180.207.
ond edition, February 2005, (E).
ISO 6892 Metallic materials—Tensile testing, July 15, 1984, First Edition ...................................... 178.274.
ISO 7225, Gas cylinders—Precautionary labels, Second Edition, July 2005, (E) ........................... 178.71.
ISO 7866, Gas cylinders—Refillable seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders—Design, construc- 178.71.
tion and testing, First edition, June 1999, (E).
ISO 8115 Cotton bales—Dimensions and density, 1986 Edition ..................................................... 172.102.
ISO 9809–1: Gas cylinders—Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders—Design, construction and 178.37; 178.71;
testing—Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less than 1 100 178.75.
MPa., First edition, June 1999, (E).
ISO 9809–2: Gas cylinders—Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders—Design, construction and 178.71; 178.75.
testing—Part 2: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength greater than or
equal to 1 100 MPa., First edition, June 2000, (E).
ISO 9809–3: Gas cylinders—Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders—Design, construction and 178.71; 178.75.
testing—Part 3: Normalized steel cylinders, First edition, December 2000, (E).
ISO 9978:1992(E)—Radiation protection—Sealed radioactive sources—Leakage test methods. 173.469.
First Edition, (February 15, 1992).
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 171.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
ISO 10156:1996, Gases and Gas Mixtures—Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the se- 173.115.
lection of cylinder valve outlets, Second edition, February 1996 (E).
ISO 10156–2:2005, Gas cylinders—Gases and gas mixtures—Part 2: Determination of oxidizing ability of 173.115.
toxic and corrosive gases and gas mixtures, First edition, August 2005, (E).
ISO 10297, Gas cylinders—Refillable gas cylinder valves—Specification and type testing, First 173.301b, 178.71.
edition, May 1999, (E).
ISO 10461, Gas cylinders—Seamless aluminum—alloy gas cylinders—Periodic inspection and 180.207.
testing, Second edition, February 2005, (E).
ISO 10462, Gas cylinders—Transportable cylinders for dissolved acetylene—Periodic inspection 180.207.
and maintenance, Second edition, February 2005, (E).
ISO 11114–1, Transportable gas cylinders—Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with 173.301b; 178.71.
gas contents—Part 1: Metallic materials, First edition, October 1997, (E).
ISO 11114–2, Transportable gas cylinders—Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with 173.301b; 178.71.
gas contents—Part 2: Non-metallic materials, First edition, December 2000, (E).
ISO 11117, Gas cylinders—Valve protection caps and valve guards for industrial and medical 173.301b.
gas cylinders—Design, construction and tests, First edition, August 1998, (E).
ISO 11118, Gas cylinders—Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders—Specification and test methods, 178.71.
First edition, October 1999, (E).
ISO 11119–1, Gas cylinders—Gas cylinders of composite construction—Specification and test 178.71.
methods—Part 1: Hoop-wrapped composite gas cylinders, First edition, May 2002, (E).
ISO 11119–2, Gas cylinders—Gas cylinders of composite construction—Specification and test 178.71.
methods—Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with load-sharing
metal liners, First edition, May 2002, (E).
ISO 11119–3, Gas cylinders of composite construction—Specification and test methods—Part 3: 178.71.
Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with non-load-sharing metallic or non-
metallic liners, First edition, September 2002, (E).
ISO 11120, Gas cylinders—Refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity between 150 L and 178.71; 178.75.
3000 L—Design, construction and testing, First edition, March 1999, (E).
ISO 11621, Gas cylinders—Procedures for change of gas service, First edition, April 1997, (E) .. 173.302, 173.336,
ISO 11623, Transportable gas cylinders—Periodic inspection and testing of composite gas cyl- 180.207.
inders, First edition, March 2002, (E).
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229:
National Board Inspection Code, A Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, NB–23, 180.413.
1992 Edition.
National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269:
NFPA 58-Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2001 Edition ................................................................... 173.315.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA 22151:
USDC, NBS Handbook H–28 (1957), 1957 Handbook of Screw-Thread Standards for Federal 179.2; 178.45;
Services, December 1966 Edition. 178.46.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), OECD Publications and Information
Center, 2001 L Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036:
OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals, No. 404 ‘‘Acute Dermal Irritation/Corrosion,’’ 1992 ..... 173.137.
Transport Canada, TDG Canadian Government Publishing Center, Supply and Services, Canada, Ot-
tawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 059, 416–973–1868,
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Transport Canada TDG Regulations), August 171.12; 171.22;
2001 including Clear Language Amendments SOR 2001–286, Amendment 1 (SOR/2002–306) 171.23; 172.401;
August 8, 2002; Amendment 2 (SOR/2003–273) July 24, 2003; Amendment 3 (SOR/2003– 172.502; 172.519;
400) December 3, 2003; Amendment 4 (SOR/2005–216) July 13, 2005; Amendment 5 (SOR/ 172.602; 173.31;
2005–279) September 21, 2005; and subsection 4.18(5) of Amendment 6 (SOR/2008–34) 173.32; 173.33.
February 7, 2008.
Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association, 1020 Princess Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314:
TTMA RP No. 61–98, Performance of manhole and/or Fill Opening Assemblies on MC 306, 180.405.
DOT 406, Non-ASME MC 312 and Non-ASME DOT 412 Cargo Tanks, June 1, 1998.
TTMA RP No. 81–97, Performance of Spring Loaded Pressure Relief Valves on MC 306, MC 178.345–10;
307, MC 312, DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 Tanks, July 1, 1997 Edition. 178.346–3.
TTMA TB No. 107, Procedure for Testing In-Service Unmarked and/or Uncertified MC 306 and 180.405.
Non-ASME MC 312 Type Cargo Tank Manhole Covers, June 1, 1998 Edition.
United Nations, Publications, 2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2–853, New York, NY 10017, 1–212–
UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Fifteenth revised edition (2007). Volumes I 171.8; 171.12;
and II. 171.22; 171.23;
172.202; 172.401;
172.502; 173.22;
173.24; 173.24b;
173.40; 173.56;
173.192; 173.197;
173.304b; 178.75;
178.274; 178.801.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.7
UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria, Fourth re- 172.102; 173.21;
vised edition, (2003), and Addendum 2, (2004). 173.56; 173.57;
173.58; 173.115;
173.124; 173.125;
173.127; 173.128;
173.137; 173.185;
Part 173, appen-
dix H; 178.274.
United States Enrichment Corporation, Inc. (USEC):
USEC Inc., 6903 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817.
USEC–651—Good Handling Practices for Uranium Hexafluoride, Revision 8, January 1999 ........ 173.417
(b) List of informational materials not by reference and are included for infor-
requiring incorporation by reference. The mational purposes. These materials
materials listed in this paragraph do may be used as noted in those sections
not require approval for incorporation in which the material is referenced.
Source and name of material 49 CFR reference
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
[Amdt. 171–111, 55 FR 52466, Dec. 21, 1990; 71 FR 78611, Dec. 29, 2006; 75 FR 69, Jan. 4, 2010]
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 171.7, see the List of CFR Sec-
tions Affected which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO
EDITORIAL NOTE: At 68 FR 19273, Apr. 18, 2003, § 171.7(a)(3) was amended by removing the
entry for ‘‘TTMA TB No. 81’’ under ‘‘Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association’’. The amend-
ment could not be incorporated because that entry does not exist.
§ 171.8 Definitions and abbreviations. Asphyxiant gas means a gas which di-
lutes or replaces oxygen normally in
In this subchapter,
the atmosphere.
Administrator means the Adminis-
trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate- Associate Administrator means the As-
rials Safety Administration. sociate Administrator for Hazardous
Aerosol means any non-refillable re- Materials Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
ceptacle containing a gas compressed, ardous Materials Safety Administra-
liquefied or dissolved under pressure, tion.
the sole purpose of which is to expel a Atmospheric gases means air, nitro-
nonpoisonous (other than a Division 6.1 gen, oxygen, argon, krypton, neon and
Packing Group III material) liquid, xenon.
paste, or powder and fitted with a self- Authorized Inspection Agency means:
closing release device allowing the con- (1) A jurisdiction which has adopted
tents to be ejected by the gas. and administers one or more sections
Aggregate lithium content means the of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves-
sum of the grams of lithium content or sel Code as a legal requirement and has
equivalent lithium content contained a representative serving as a member
by the cells comprising a battery. of the ASME Conference Committee; or
Agricultural product means a haz- (2) an insurance company which has
ardous material, other than a haz- been licensed or registered by the ap-
ardous waste, whose end use directly propriate authority of a State of the
supports the production of an agricul- United States or a Province of Canada
tural commodity including, but not to underwrite boiler and pressure ves-
limited to a fertilizer, pesticide, soil sel insurance in such State or Prov-
amendment or fuel. An agricultural ince.
product is limited to a material in Authorized Inspector means an Inspec-
Class 3, 8 or 9, Division 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, or tor who is currently commissioned by
6.1, or an ORM-D material. the National Board of Boiler and Pres-
Approval means a written authoriza- sure Vessel Inspectors and employed as
tion, including a competent authority an Inspector by an Authorized Inspec-
approval, from the Associate Adminis- tion Agency.
trator or other designated Department Bag means a flexible packaging made
official, to perform a function for of paper, plastic film, textiles, woven
which prior authorization by the Asso- material or other similar materials.
ciate Administrator is required under Bar means 1 BAR = 100 kPa (14.5 psi).
subchapter C of this chapter (49 CFR Barge means a non-selfpropelled ves-
parts 171 through 180.) sel.
Approved means approval issued or Biological product. See § 173.134 of this
recognized by the Department unless subchapter.
otherwise specifically indicated in this Biological substances, Category B. See
subchapter. § 173.134 of this subchapter.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
Bottle means an inner packaging hav- for the transport of gases in Division
ing a neck of relatively smaller cross 2.3 is limited to a water capacity of
section than the body and an opening 1,000 L.
capable of holding a closure for reten- Bureau of Explosives means the Bu-
tion of the contents. reau of Explosives (B of E) of the Asso-
Bottom shell means that portion of a ciation of American Railroads.
tank car tank surface, excluding the C means Celsius or Centigrade.
head ends of the tank car tank, that Captain of the Port (COTP) means the
lies within two feet, measured circum- officer of the Coast Guard, under the
ferentially, of the bottom longitudinal command of a District Commander, so
center line of the tank car tank. designated by the Commandant for the
Box means a packaging with com- purpose of giving immediate direction
plete rectangular or polygonal faces, to Coast Guard law enforcement activi-
made of metal, wood, plywood, recon- ties within an assigned area. As used in
stituted wood, fiberboard, plastic, or this subchapter, the term Captain of the
other suitable material. Holes appro- Port includes an authorized representa-
priate to the size and use of the pack- tive of the Captain of the Port.
aging, for purposes such as ease of han- Carfloat means a vessel that operates
dling or opening, or to meet classifica- on a short run on an irregular basis and
tion requirements, are permitted as serves one or more points in a port
long as they do not compromise the in- area as an extension of a rail line or
tegrity of the packaging during trans- highway over water, and does not oper-
portation, and are not otherwise pro- ate in ocean, coastwise, or ferry serv-
hibited in this subchapter. ice.
Break-bulk means packages of haz-
Cargo aircraft only means an aircraft
ardous materials that are handled indi-
that is used to transport cargo and is
vidually, palletized, or unitized for pur-
not engaged in carrying passengers.
poses of transportation as opposed to
For purposes of this subchapter, the
bulk and containerized freight.
terms cargo aircraft only, cargo-only air-
Btu means British thermal unit.
craft and cargo aircraft have the same
Bulk packaging means a packaging,
other than a vessel or a barge, includ-
ing a transport vehicle or freight con- Cargo tank means a bulk packaging
tainer, in which hazardous materials that:
are loaded with no intermediate form (1) Is a tank intended primarily for
of containment. A Large Packaging in the carriage of liquids or gases and in-
which hazardous materials are loaded cludes appurtenances, reinforcements,
with an intermediate form of contain- fittings, and closures (for the definition
ment, such as one or more articles or of a tank, see 49 CFR 178.320, 178.337–1,
inner packagings, is also a bulk pack- or 178.338–1, as applicable);
aging. Additionally, a bulk packaging (2) Is permanently attached to or
has: * * * forms a part of a motor vehicle, or is
(1) A maximum capacity greater than not permanently attached to a motor
450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a vehicle but which, by reason of its size,
liquid; construction or attachment to a motor
(2) A maximum net mass greater vehicle is loaded or unloaded without
than 400 kg (882 pounds) and a max- being removed from the motor vehicle;
imum capacity greater than 450 L (119 and
gallons) as a receptacle for a solid; or (3) Is not fabricated under a speci-
(3) A water capacity greater than 454 fication for cylinders, intermediate
kg (1000 pounds) as a receptacle for a bulk containers, multi-unit tank car
gas as defined in § 173.115 of this sub- tanks, portable tanks, or tank cars.
chapter. Cargo tank motor vehicle means a
Bundle of cylinders means assemblies motor vehicle with one or more cargo
of UN cylinders fastened together and tanks permanently attached to or
interconnected by a manifold and forming an integral part of the motor
transported as a unit. The total water vehicle.
capacity for the bundle may not exceed Cargo vessel means: (1) Any vessel
3,000 L, except that a bundle intended other than a passenger vessel; and
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) Any ferry being operated under law for the control or regulation of a
authority of a change of character cer- particular aspect of the transportation
tificate issued by a Coast Guard Offi- of hazardous materials (dangerous
cer-in-Charge, Marine Inspection. goods). The term Appropriate Authority,
Carrier means a person who trans- as used in the ICAO Technical Instruc-
ports passengers or property in com- tions (IBR, see § 171.7), has the same
merce by rail car, aircraft, motor vehi- meaning as Competent Authority. For
cle, or vessel. purposes of this subchapter, the Asso-
CC means closed-cup. ciate Administrator is the Competent
Character of vessel means the type of Authority for the United States.
service in which the vessel is engaged Composite packaging means a pack-
at the time of carriage of a hazardous aging consisting of an outer packaging
material. and an inner receptacle, so constructed
Class means hazard class. See hazard that the inner receptacle and the outer
class. packaging form an integral packaging.
Class 1. See § 173.50 of this subchapter. Once assembled it remains thereafter
Class 2. See § 173.115 of this sub- an integrated single unit; it is filled,
chapter. stored, shipped and emptied as such.
Class 3. See § 173.120 of this sub- Compressed gas. See § 173.115 of this
chapter. subchapter.
Class 4. See § 173.124 of this sub- Consignee means the person or place
chapter. shown on a shipping document, pack-
Class 5. See § 173.128 of this sub- age marking, or other media as the lo-
chapter. cation to which a carrier is directed to
Class 6. See § 173.132 of this sub- transport a hazardous material.
chapter. Consumer commodity means a material
Class 7. See § 173.403 of this sub- that is packaged and distributed in a
chapter. form intended or suitable for sale
Class 8. See § 173.136 of this sub- through retail sales agencies or instru-
chapter. mentalities for consumption by indi-
Class 9. See § 173.140 of this sub- viduals for purposes of personal care or
chapter. household use. This term also includes
Closure means a device which closes drugs and medicines.
an opening in a receptacle.
Containership means a cargo vessel
COFC means container-on-flat-car.
designed and constructed to transport,
Combination packaging means a com-
within specifically designed cells, port-
bination of packaging, for transport able tanks and freight containers
purposes, consisting of one or more which are lifted on and off with their
inner packagings secured in a non-bulk contents intact.
outer packaging. It does not include a
Corrosive material. See § 173.136 of this
composite packaging.
Combustible liquid. See § 173.120 of this
subchapter. Crate means an outer packaging with
Commerce means trade or transpor- incomplete surfaces.
tation in the jurisdiction of the United Crewmember means a person assigned
States within a single state; between a to perform duty in an aircraft during
place in a state and a place outside of flight time.
the state; that affects trade or trans- Cryogenic liquid. See § 173.115(g) of
portation between a place in a state this subchapter.
and place outside of the state; or on a Cultures and stocks. See § 173.134 of
United States-registered aircraft. this subchapter.
Compatibility group letter means a des- Cylinder means a pressure vessel de-
ignated alphabetical letter used to cat- signed for pressures higher than 40 psia
egorize different types of explosive sub- and having a circular cross section. It
stances and articles for purposes of does not include a portable tank,
stowage and segregation. See § 173.52 of multi-unit tank car tank, cargo tank,
this subchapter. or tank car.
Competent Authority means a national Dangerous when wet material. See
agency responsible under its national § 173.124 of this subchapter.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(6) For cryogenic liquids in cargo Gross weight or Gross mass means the
tanks, see § 173.318(f)(1). weight of a packaging plus the weight
(7) For cryogenic liquids in tank cars, of its contents.
see § 173.319(d)(1). Hazard class means the category of
Flammable gas. See § 173.115 of this hazard assigned to a hazardous mate-
subchapter. rial under the definitional criteria of
Flammable liquid. See § 173.120 of this part 173 of this subchapter and the pro-
subchapter. visions of the § 172.101 table. A material
may meet the defining criteria for
Flammable solid. See § 173.124 of this
more than one hazard class but is as-
signed to only one hazard class.
Flash point. See § 173.120 of this sub- Hazard zone means one of four levels
chapter. of hazard (Hazard Zones A through D)
Freight container means a reusable assigned to gases, as specified in
container having a volume of 64 cubic § 173.116(a) of this subchapter, and one
feet or more, designed and constructed of two levels of hazards (Hazard Zones
to permit being lifted with its contents A and B) assigned to liquids that are
intact and intended primarily for con- poisonous by inhalation, as specified in
tainment of packages (in unit form) § 173.133(a) of this subchapter. A hazard
during transportation. zone is based on the LC50 value for
Fuel cell means an electrochemical acute inhalation toxicity of gases and
device that converts the energy of the vapors, as specified in § 173.133(a).
chemical reaction between a fuel, such Hazardous material means a substance
as hydrogen or hydrogen rich gases, al- or material that the Secretary of
cohols, or hydrocarbons, and an oxi- Transportation has determined is capa-
dant, such as air or oxygen, to direct ble of posing an unreasonable risk to
current (d.c.) power, heat, and other re- health, safety, and property when
action products. transported in commerce, and has des-
Fuel cell cartridge or fuel cartridge ignated as hazardous under section 5103
means an article that stores fuel for of Federal hazardous materials trans-
discharge into the fuel cell through a portation law (49 U.S.C. 5103). The term
valve(s) that controls the discharge of includes hazardous substances, haz-
fuel into the fuel cell. ardous wastes, marine pollutants, ele-
Fuel cell system means a fuel cell with vated temperature materials, mate-
an installed fuel cell cartridge together rials designated as hazardous in the
with wiring, valves, and other attach- Hazardous Materials Table (see 49 CFR
ments that connect the fuel cell or car- 172.101), and materials that meet the
tridge to the device it powers. The fuel defining criteria for hazard classes and
cell or cartridge may be so constructed divisions in part 173 of subchapter C of
this chapter.
that it forms an integral part of the de-
Hazardous substance for the purposes
vice or may be removed and connected
of this subchapter, means a material,
manually to the device.
including its mixtures and solutions,
Fuel tank means a tank other than a that—
cargo tank, used to transport flam- (1) Is listed in the appendix A to
mable or combustible liquid, or com- § 172.101 of this subchapter;
pressed gas for the purpose of sup- (2) Is in a quantity, in one package,
plying fuel for propulsion of the trans- which equals or exceeds the reportable
port vehicle to which it is attached, or quantity (RQ) listed in the appendix A
for the operation of other equipment to § 172.101 of this subchapter; and
on the transport vehicle. (3) When in a mixture or solution—
Fumigated lading. See §§ 172.302(g) and (i) For radionuclides, conforms to
173.9. paragraph 7 of the appendix A to
Gas means a material which has a § 172.101.
vapor pressure greater than 300 kPa (ii) For other than radionuclides, is
(43.5 psia) at 50 °C (122 °F) or is com- in a concentration by weight which
pletely gaseous at 20 °C (68 °F) at a equals or exceeds the concentration
standard pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.7 corresponding to the RQ of the mate-
psia). rial, as shown in the following table:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
device and is intended for use as a re- when in a solution or mixture of one or
placement cartridge in a lighter or to more marine pollutants, is packaged in
refill a lighter with a Division 2.1 flam- a concentration which equals or ex-
mable gas fuel. For capacity limits, see ceeds:
§ 173.306(h) of this subchapter. (1) Ten percent by weight of the solu-
Liquid means a material, other than tion or mixture for materials listed in
an elevated temperature material, with the appendix; or
a melting point or initial melting point (2) One percent by weight of the solu-
of 20 °C (68 °F) or lower at a standard tion or mixture for materials that are
pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia). A vis- identified as severe marine pollutants
cous material for which a specific in the appendix.
melting point cannot be determined Marking means a descriptive name,
must be subjected to the procedures identification number, instructions,
specified in ASTM D 4359 ‘‘Standard cautions, weight, specification, or UN
Test Method for Determining Whether marks, or combinations thereof, re-
a Material is Liquid or Solid’’ (IBR, see quired by this subchapter on outer
§ 171.7). packagings of hazardous materials.
Liquid phase means a material that Material of trade means a hazardous
meets the definition of liquid when material, other than a hazardous
evaluated at the higher of the tempera- waste, that is carried on a motor vehi-
ture at which it is offered for transpor- cle—
tation or at which it is transported, (1) For the purpose of protecting the
not at the 38 °C (100 °F) temperature health and safety of the motor vehicle
specified in ASTM D 4359 (IBR, see operator or passengers;
§ 171.7). (2) For the purpose of supporting the
Lithium content means the mass of operation or maintenance of a motor
lithium in the anode of a lithium metal vehicle (including its auxiliary equip-
or lithium alloy cell. The lithium con- ment); or
tent of a battery equals the sum of the (3) By a private motor carrier (in-
grams of lithium content contained in cluding vehicles operated by a rail car-
the component cells of the battery. For rier) in direct support of a principal
a lithium-ion cell see the definition for business that is other than transpor-
‘‘equivalent lithium content’’. tation by motor vehicle.
Loading incidental to movement means Material poisonous by inhalation or
loading by carrier personnel or in the Material toxic by inhalation means:
presence of carrier personnel of pack- (1) A gas meeting the defining cri-
aged or containerized hazardous mate- teria in § 173.115(c) of this subchapter
rial onto a transport vehicle, aircraft, and assigned to Hazard Zone A, B, C, or
or vessel for the purpose of trans- D in accordance with § 173.116(a) of this
porting it, including the loading, subchapter;
blocking and bracing a hazardous ma- (2) A liquid (other than as a mist)
terials package in a freight container meeting the defining criteria in
or transport vehicle, and segregating a § 173.132(a)(1)(iii) of this subchapter and
hazardous materials package in a assigned to Hazard Zone A or B in ac-
freight container or transport vehicle cordance with § 173.133(a) of this sub-
from incompatible cargo. For a bulk chapter; or
packaging, loading incidental to move- (3) Any material identified as an in-
ment means filling the packaging with halation hazard by a special provision
a hazardous material for the purpose of in column 7 of the § 172.101 table.
transporting it. Loading incidental to Maximum allowable working pressure
movement includes transloading. or MAWP: For DOT specification cargo
Magazine vessel means a vessel used tanks used to transport liquid haz-
for the receiving, storing, or dispensing ardous materials, see § 178.320(a) of this
of explosives. subchapter.
Magnetic material. See § 173.21(d) of Maximum capacity means the max-
this subchapter. imum inner volume of receptacles or
Marine pollutant, means a material packagings.
which is listed in appendix B to § 172.101 Maximum net mass means the allow-
of this subchapter (also see § 171.4) and, able maximum net mass of contents in
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
Outage or ullage means the amount a person being carried on a vessel other
by which a packaging falls short of than:
being liquid full, usually expressed in (1) The owner or his representative;
percent by volume. (2) The operator;
Outer packaging means the outermost (3) A bona fide member of the crew
enclosure of a composite or combina- engaged in the business of the vessel
tion packaging together with any ab- who has contributed no consideration
sorbent materials, cushioning and any for his carriage and who is paid for his
other components necessary to contain services; or
and protect inner receptacles or inner (4) A guest who has not contributed
packagings. any consideration directly or indi-
Overpack, except as provided in sub- rectly for his carriage.
part K of part 178 of this subchapter, Passenger-carrying aircraft means an
means an enclosure that is used by a aircraft that carries any person other
single consignor to provide protection than a crewmember, company em-
or convenience in handling of a pack- ployee, an authorized representative of
age or to consolidate two or more the United States, or a person accom-
packages. Overpack does not include a panying the shipment.
transport vehicle, freight container, or Passenger vessel means—
aircraft unit load device. Examples of (1) A vessel subject to any of the re-
overpacks are one or more packages: quirements of the International Con-
(1) Placed or stacked onto a load vention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
board such as a pallet and secured by 1974, which carries more than 12 pas-
strapping, shrink wrapping, stretch sengers;
wrapping, or other suitable means; or (2) A cargo vessel documented under
(2) Placed in a protective outer pack- the laws of the United States and not
aging such as a box or crate. subject to that Convention, which car-
ries more than 16 passengers;
Oxidizer. See § 173.127 of this sub-
(3) A cargo vessel of any foreign na-
tion that extends reciprocal privileges
Oxidizing gas means a gas which may,
and is not subject to that Convention
generally by providing oxygen, cause
and which carries more than 16 pas-
or contribute to the combustion of
sengers; and
other material more than air does.
(4) A vessel engaged in a ferry oper-
Oxygen generator (chemical) means a ation and which carries passengers.
device containing chemicals that upon Person means an individual, corpora-
activation release oxygen as a product tion, company, association, firm, part-
of chemical reaction. nership, society, joint stock company;
Package or Outside Package means a or a government, Indian tribe, or au-
packaging plus its contents. For radio- thority of a government or tribe offer-
active materials, see § 173.403 of this ing a hazardous material for transpor-
subchapter. tation in commerce or transporting a
Packaging means a receptacle and hazardous material to support a com-
any other components or materials mercial enterprise. This term does not
necessary for the receptacle to perform include the United States Postal Serv-
its containment function in conform- ice or, for purposes of 49 U.S.C. 5123 and
ance with the minimum packing re- 5124, a Department, agency, or instru-
quirements of this subchapter. For ra- mentality of the government.
dioactive materials packaging, see Person who offers or offeror means:
§ 173.403 of this subchapter. (1) Any person who does either or
Packing group means a grouping ac- both of the following:
cording to the degree of danger pre- (i) Performs, or is responsible for per-
sented by hazardous materials. Pack- forming, any pre-transportation func-
ing Group I indicates great danger; tion required under this subchapter for
Packing Group II, medium danger; transportation of the hazardous mate-
Packing Group III, minor danger. See rial in commerce.
§ 172.101(f) of this subchapter. (ii) Tenders or makes the hazardous
Passenger (With respect to vessels and material available to a carrier for
for the purposes of part 176 only) means transportation in commerce.
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
Psi means pounds per square inch. Reportable quantity (RQ) for the pur-
Psia means pounds per square inch poses of this subchapter means the
absolute. quantity specified in column 2 of the
Psig means pounds per square inch appendix to § 172.101 for any material
gauge. identified in column 1 of the appendix.
Public vessel means a vessel owned by Research means investigation or ex-
and being used in the public service of perimentation aimed at the discovery
the United States. It does not include a of new theories or laws and the dis-
vessel owned by the United States and covery and interpretation of facts or
engaged in a trade or commercial serv- revision of accepted theories or laws in
ice or a vessel under contract or char- the light of new facts. Research does
ter to the United States. not include the application of existing
Pyrophoric liquid. See § 173.124(b) of technology to industrial endeavors.
this subchapter. Residue means the hazardous mate-
Radioactive materials. See § 173.403 of rial remaining in a packaging, includ-
this subchapter for definitions relating ing a tank car, after its contents have
to radioactive materials. been unloaded to the maximum extent
Rail car means a car designed to practicable and before the packaging is
carry freight or non-passenger per- either refilled or cleaned of hazardous
sonnel by rail, and includes a box car, material and purged to remove any
flat car, gondola car, hopper car, tank hazardous vapors.
car, and occupied caboose. Reused packaging. See § 173.28 of this
Railroad means a person engaged in subchapter.
transportation by rail. SADT means self-accelerated decom-
Receptacle means a containment ves- position temperature. See § 173.21(f) of
sel for receiving and holding materials, this subchapter.
including any means of closing. Salvage packaging means a special
Reconditioned packaging. See § 173.28 packaging conforming to § 173.3 of this
of this subchapter. subchapter into which damaged, defec-
Registered Inspector means a person tive, leaking, or non-conforming haz-
registered with the Department in ac- ardous materials packages, or haz-
cordance with subpart F of part 107 of ardous materials that have spilled or
this chapter who has the knowledge leaked, are placed for purposes of
and ability to determine whether a transport for recovery or disposal.
cargo tank conforms to the applicable SCF (standard cubic foot) means one
DOT specification. A Registered Inspec- cubic foot of gas measured at 60 °F. and
tor meets the knowledge and ability re- 14.7 psia.
quirements of this section by meeting Secretary means the Secretary of
any one of the following requirements: Transportation.
(1) Has an engineering degree and one Self-defense spray means an aerosol or
year of work experience relating to the non-pressurized device that:
testing and inspection of cargo tanks; (1) Is intended to have an irritating
(2) Has an associate degree in engi- or incapacitating effect on a person or
neering and two years of work experi- animal; and
ence relating to the testing and inspec- (2) Meets no hazard criteria other
tion of cargo tanks; than for Class 9 (for example, a pepper
(3) Has a high school diploma (or spray; see § 173.140(a) of this sub-
General Equivalency Diploma) and chapter) and, for an aerosol, Division
three years of work experience relating 2.1 or 2.2 (see § 173.115 of this sub-
to the testing and inspection of cargo chapter), except that it may contain
tanks; or not more than two percent by mass of
(4) Has at least three years’ experi- a tear gas substance (e.g.,
ence performing the duties of a Reg- chloroacetophenone (CN) or 0-
istered Inspector prior to September 1, chlorobenzylmalonitrile (CS); see
1991. § 173.132(a)(2) of this subchapter.)
Regulated medical waste. See § 173.134 Settled pressure means the pressure
of this subchapter. exerted by the contents of a UN pres-
Remanufactured packagings. See sure receptacle in thermal and diffu-
§ 173.28 of this subchapter. sive equilibrium.
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Sharps. See § 173.134 of this sub- iana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Amer-
chapter. ican Samoa, Guam, or any other terri-
Shipping paper means a shipping tory or possession of the United States
order, bill of lading, manifest or other designated by the Secretary.
shipping document serving a similar State-designated route means a pre-
purpose and prepared in accordance ferred route selected in accordance
with subpart C of part 172 of this chap- with U.S. DOT ‘‘Guidelines for Select-
ter. ing Preferred Highway Routes for
Siftproof packaging means a pack- Highway Route Controlled Quantities
aging impermeable to dry contents, in- of Radioactive Materials’’ or an equiv-
cluding fine solid material produced alent routing analysis which ade-
during transportation. quately considers overall risk to the
Single packaging means a non-bulk public.
packaging other than a combination Storage incidental to movement means
packaging. storage of a transport vehicle, freight
Solid means a material which is not a container, or package containing a haz-
gas or a liquid. ardous material by any person between
Solution means any homogeneous liq- the time that a carrier takes physical
uid mixture of two or more chemical possession of the hazardous material
compounds or elements that will not for the purpose of transporting it in
undergo any segregation under condi- commerce until the package con-
tions normal to transportation. taining the hazardous material is phys-
Special permit means a document ically delivered to the destination indi-
issued by the Associate Administrator, cated on a shipping document, package
or other designated Department offi- marking, or other medium, or, in the
cial, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. case of a private motor carrier, be-
5117 permitting a person to perform a tween the time that a motor vehicle
function that is not otherwise per-
driver takes physical possession of the
mitted under subchapters A or C of this
hazardous material for the purpose of
chapter, or other regulations issued
transporting it in commerce until the
under 49 U.S.C. 5101 et seq. (e.g., Federal
driver relinquishes possession of the
Motor Carrier Safety routing require-
package at its destination and is no
ments). The terms ‘‘special permit’’
longer responsible for performing func-
and ‘‘exemption’’ have the same mean-
tions subject to the HMR with respect
ing for purposes of subchapters A or C
to that particular package.
of this chapter or other regulations
issued under 49 U.S.C. 5101 through (1) Storage incidental to movement in-
5128. cludes—
Specification packaging means a pack- (i) Storage at the destination shown
aging conforming to one of the speci- on a shipping document, including
fications or standards for packagings storage at a transloading facility, pro-
in part 178 or part 179 of this sub- vided the shipping documentation iden-
chapter. tifies the shipment as a through-ship-
Spontaneously combustible material. ment and identifies the final destina-
See § 173.124(b) of this subchapter. tion or destinations of the hazardous
Stabilized means that the hazardous material; and
material is in a condition that pre- (ii) Rail cars containing hazardous
cludes uncontrolled reaction. This may materials that are stored on track that
be achieved by methods such as adding does not meet the definition of ‘‘pri-
an inhibiting chemical, degassing the vate track or siding’’ in § 171.8, even if
hazardous material to remove dis- those cars have been delivered to the
solved oxygen and inerting the air destination shown on the shipping doc-
space in the package, or maintaining ument.
the hazardous material under tempera- (2) Storage incidental to movement
ture control. does not include storage of a hazardous
State means a State of the United material at its final destination as
States, the District of Columbia, the shown on a shipping document.
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Stowage means the act of placing haz-
Commonwealth of the Northern Mar- ardous materials on board a vessel.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.8
Strong outer packaging means the out- during switching operations or where
ermost enclosure that provides protec- the operation is that of classifying and
tion against the unintentional release assembling rail cars within a railroad
of its contents. It is a packaging that yard for the purpose of making or
is sturdy, durable, and constructed so breaking up trains.
that it will retain its contents under Trainship means a vessel other than a
normal conditions of transportation. In rail car ferry or carfloat, specifically
addition, a strong outer packaging equipped to transport railroad vehicles,
must meet the general packaging re- and fitted with installed securing de-
quirements of subpart B of part 173 of vices to tie down each vehicle.
this subchapter but need not comply Transloading means the transfer of a
with the specification packaging re- hazardous material by any person from
quirements in part 178 of the sub- one bulk packaging to another bulk
chapter. For transport by aircraft, a packaging, from a bulk packaging to a
strong outer packaging is subject to non-bulk packaging, or from a non-
§ 173.27 of this subchapter. The terms bulk packaging to a bulk packaging for
‘‘strong outside container’’ and ‘‘strong the purpose of continuing the move-
outside packaging’’ are synonymous ment of the hazardous material in com-
with ‘‘strong outer packaging.’’ merce.
Subsidiary hazard means a hazard of a Transport vehicle means a cargo-car-
material other than the primary haz- rying vehicle such as an automobile,
ard. (See primary hazard). van, tractor, truck, semitrailer, tank
Table in § 172.101 or § 172.101 table car or rail car used for the transpor-
means the Hazardous Materials Table tation of cargo by any mode. Each
in § 172.101 of this subchapter. cargo-carrying body (trailer, rail car,
Technical name means a recognized etc.) is a separate transport vehicle.
chemical name or microbiological Transportation or transport means the
name currently used in scientific and movement of property and loading, un-
technical handbooks, journals, and loading, or storage incidental to that
texts. Generic descriptions are author- movement.
ized for use as technical names pro- UFC means Uniform Freight Classi-
vided they readily identify the general fication.
chemical group, or microbiological UN means United Nations.
group. Examples of acceptable generic UN cylinder means a transportable
chemical descriptions are organic phos- pressure receptacle with a water capac-
phate compounds, petroleum aliphatic ity not exceeding 150 L that has been
hydrocarbons and tertiary amines. For marked and certified as conforming to
proficiency testing only, generic the applicable requirements in part 178
microbiological descriptions such as of this subchapter.
bacteria, mycobacteria, fungus, and UN portable tank means an inter-
viral samples may be used. Except for modal tank having a capacity of more
names which appear in subpart B of than 450 liters (118.9 gallons). It in-
part 172 of this subchapter, trade cludes a shell fitted with service equip-
names may not be used as technical ment and structural equipment, includ-
names. ing stabilizing members external to the
TOFC means trailer-on-flat-car. shell and skids, mountings or acces-
Top shell means the tank car tank sories to facilitate mechanical han-
surface, excluding the head ends and dling. A UN portable tank must be ca-
bottom shell of the tank car tank. pable of being filled and discharged
Toxin. See § 173.134 of this subchapter. without the removal of its structural
Trailership means a vessel, other than equipment and must be capable of
a carfloat, specifically equipped to being lifted when full. Cargo tanks, rail
carry motor transport vehicles and tank car tanks, non-metallic tanks,
fitted with installed securing devices non-specification tanks, bulk bins, and
to tie down each vehicle. The term IBCs and packagings made to cylinder
trailership includes Roll-on/Roll-off (RO/ specifications are not UN portable
RO) vessels. tanks.
Train means one or more engines cou- UN pressure receptacle means a UN
pled with one or more rail cars, except cylinder or tube.
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§ 171.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.10
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- § 171.10 Units of measure.
ing Aids section of the printed volume and
on GPO Access. (a) General. To ensure compatibility
with international transportation
§ 171.9 Rules of construction. standards, most units of measure in
(a) In this subchapter, unless the con- this subchapter are expressed using the
text requires otherwise: International System of Units (‘‘SI’’ or
(1) Words imparting the singular in- metric). Where SI units appear, they
clude the plural; are the regulatory standard. U.S.
(2) Words imparting the plural in- standard or customary units, which ap-
clude the singular; and pear in parentheses following the SI
(3) Words imparting the masculine units, are for information only and are
gender include the feminine; not intended to be the regulatory
(b) In this subchapter, the word: (1) standard.
‘‘Shall’’ is used in an imperative sense;
(2) ‘‘Must’’ is used in an imperative (b) Abbreviations for SI units of
sense; measure generally used throughout
(3) ‘‘Should’’ is used in a rec- this subchapter are as shown in para-
ommendatory sense; graph (c) of this section. Customary
(4) ‘‘May’’ is used in a permissive units shown throughout this sub-
sense to state authority or permission chapter are generally not abbreviated.
to do the act described, and the words (c) Conversion values. (1) Conversion
‘‘no person may * * *’’ or ‘‘a person values are provided in the following
may not * * *’’ means that no person is table and are based on values provided
required, authorized, or permitted to in ASTM E 380, ‘‘Standard for Metric
do the act described; and Practice’’.
(5) ‘‘Includes’’ is used as a word of in- (2) If an exact conversion is needed,
clusion not limitation. the following conversion table should
[Amdt. 171–32, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as be used.
amended by Amdt. 171–32A, 41 FR 40630, Sept.
20, 1976; Amdt. 171–121, 58 FR 51528, Oct. 1,
1993; 75 FR 60338, Sept. 30, 2010]
Measurement SI to U.S. standard U.S. standard to SI
[Amdt. 171–111, 56 FR 66159, Dec. 20, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 171–136, 60 FR 49108, Sept. 21,
1995; Amdt. 171–135, 60 FR 50302, Sept. 28, 1995; 66 FR 33335, June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45378, Aug.
28, 2001; 68 FR 75740, Dec. 31, 2003]
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§ 171.11 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.14
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§ 171.14 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(a) Previously filled packages—(1) (d) A final rule published in the FED-
Packages filled prior to October 1, 1991. ERAL REGISTER on December 29, 2006,
Notwithstanding the marking and la- effective January 1, 2007, resulted in re-
beling provisions of subparts D and E, visions to this subchapter. During the
respectively, of part 172, and the pack- transition period, until January 1, 2008,
aging provisions of part 173 and subpart as provided in paragraph (d)(1) of this
B of part 172 of this subchapter, a pack- section, a person may elect to comply
age may be offered for transportation with either the applicable require-
and transported prior to October 1, ments of this subchapter in effect on
2001, if it— December 31, 2006, or the requirements
(i) Conforms to the old requirements published in the December 29, 2006 final
of this subchapter in effect on Sep- rule.
tember 30, 1991; (1) Transition dates. The effective date
(ii) Was filled with a hazardous mate- of the final rule published on December
rial prior to October 1, 1991; 29, 2006 is January 1, 2007. A delayed
(iii) Is marked ‘‘Inhalation Hazard’’ if compliance date of January 1, 2008, is
appropriate, in accordance with authorized. Unless otherwise specified,
§ 172.313 of this subchapter or Special on and after January 1, 2008, all appli-
Provision 13, as assigned in the § 172.101 cable regulatory requirements adopted
table; and in the final rule in effect on January 1,
(iv) Is not emptied and refilled on or 2007, must be met.
after October 1, 1991. (2) Intermixing old and new require-
(2) Non-bulk packages filled prior to Oc- ments. Marking, labeling, placarding,
tober 1, 1996. Notwithstanding the pack- and shipping paper descriptions must
aging provisions of subpart B of part conform to either the old requirements
172 and the packaging provisions of of this subchapter in effect on Decem-
part 173 of this subchapter with respect ber 31, 2006, or the new requirements of
to UN standard packagings, a non-bulk this subchapter in the final rule with-
package other than a cylinder may be out intermixing communication ele-
offered for transportation and trans- ments, except that intermixing is per-
ported domestically prior to October 1, mitted during the applicable transition
1999, if it— period for packaging, hazard commu-
(i) Conforms to the requirements of nication and handling provisions, as
this subchapter in effect on September follows:
30, 1996; (i) If either shipping names or identi-
(ii) Was filled with a hazardous mate- fication numbers are identical, a ship-
rial prior to October 1, 1996; and ping paper may display the old ship-
(iii) Is not emptied and refilled on or ping description even if the package is
after October 1, 1996. marked and labeled under the new
(b) [Reserved] shipping description;
(c) Non-specification fiber drums. A (ii) If either shipping names or iden-
non-specification fiber drum with a re- tification numbers are identical, a
movable head is authorized for a liquid shipping paper may display the new
hazardous material in Packing Group shipping description; and
III that is not poisonous by inhalation (iii) Either old or new placards may
for which the packaging was author- be used regardless of whether old or
ized under the requirements of part 172 new shipping descriptions, labels, and
or part 173 of this subchapter in effect package markings are used.
on September 30, 1991. This authoriza- (3) [Reserved]
tion expires on the date on which funds (4) Until January 1, 2010, a hazardous
are authorized to be appropriated to material may be transported in an IM,
carry out chapter 51 of title 49, United IMO, or DOT Specification 51 portable
States Code (related to transportation tank in accordance with the T Codes
of hazardous materials), for fiscal years (Special Provisions) assigned to a haz-
beginning after September 30, 1997. In- ardous material in Column (7) of the
formation concerning this funding au- § 172.101 Table in effect on September
thorization date may be obtained by 30, 2001.
contacting the Office of the Associate (5) Proper shipping names that in-
Administrator. cluded the word ‘‘inhibited’’ prior to
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.15
the June 21, 2001 final rule in effect on Subpart B—Incident Reporting,
October 1, 2001 are authorized on pack- Notification, BOE Approvals
agings and shipping papers in place of and Authorization
the word ‘‘stabilized’’ until October 1,
2007. Proper shipping names that in- § 171.15 Immediate notice of certain
cluded the word ‘‘compressed’’ prior to hazardous materials incidents.
the final rule published on July 31, 2003 (a) General. As soon as practical but
and effective on October 1, 2003 may no later than 12 hours after the occur-
continue to be shown on packagings rence of any incident described in para-
and shipping papers until October 1, graph (b) of this section, each person in
2007. physical possession of the hazardous
(6) Section 172.202(a)(7) requires the material must provide notice to the
number and types of packages to be in- National Response Center (NRC) by
dicated on shipping papers. Until Octo- telephone at 800–424–8802 (toll free) or
ber 1, 2007, a person may elect to com- 202–267–2675 (toll call) or online at
ply with the requirements for the num- Notice involv-
ber and type of packages in effect on ing an infectious substance (etiologic
September 30, 2003. agent) may be given to the Director,
(e) The shipping description se- Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
quences in effect on December 31, 2006, vention (CDC), U.S. Public Health
Service, Atlanta, GA, 800–232–0124 (toll
may be used until January 1, 2013.
free), in place of notice to the NRC.
(f) Except for transportation by high-
Each notice must include the following
way, a Division 5.2 label and a Division information:
5.2 placard conforming to the specifica- (1) Name of reporter;
tions in §§ 172.427 and 172.552, respec- (2) Name and address of person rep-
tively, of this subchapter in effect on resented by reporter;
December 31, 2006, may be used until (3) Phone number where reporter can
January 1, 2011. For transportation by be contacted;
highway, a Division 5.2 placard con- (4) Date, time, and location of inci-
forming to the specifications in § 172.552 dent;
of this subchapter in effect on Decem- (5) The extent of injury, if any;
ber 31, 2006 may be used until January (6) Class or division, proper shipping
1, 2014. name, and quantity of hazardous mate-
(g) The Class 3 and Division 6.1 classi- rials involved, if such information is
fication criteria and packing group as- available; and
signments in effect on December 31, (7) Type of incident and nature of
2006, may be used until January 1, 2012. hazardous material involvement and
(h) The proper shipping name ‘‘Gas- whether a continuing danger to life ex-
ohol gasoline mixed with ethyl alcohol, ists at the scene.
with not more than 20 percent alcohol’’ in (b) Reportable incident. A telephone
effect on January 28, 2008, may con- report is required whenever any of the
tinue to be used until October 1, 2010. following occurs during the course of
Effective October 1, 2010, the new prop- transportation in commerce (including
er shipping name ‘‘Ethanol and gaso- loading, unloading, and temporary
line mixture or ethanol and motor spir- storage):
it mixture or ethanol and petrol mix- (1) As a direct result of a hazardous
ture,’’ and the revised proper shipping material—
name ‘‘Gasohol gasoline mixed with (i) A person is killed;
ethyl alcohol, with not more than 10% al- (ii) A person receives an injury re-
quiring admittance to a hospital;
cohol’’ must be used, as appropriate.
(iii) The general public is evacuated
[Amdt. 171–131, 59 FR 67406, Dec. 29, 1994] for one hour or more;
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- (iv) A major transportation artery or
tations affecting § 171.14, see the List of CFR facility is closed or shut down for one
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- hour or more; or
ing Aids section of the printed volume and (v) The operational flight pattern or
on GPO Access. routine of an aircraft is altered;
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§ 171.16 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) Fire, breakage, spillage, or sus- (1) Any of the circumstances set
pected radioactive contamination oc- forth in § 171.15(b);
curs involving a radioactive material (2) An unintentional release of a haz-
(see also § 176.48 of this subchapter); ardous material or the discharge of any
(3) Fire, breakage, spillage, or sus- quantity of hazardous waste;
pected contamination occurs involving (3) A specification cargo tank with a
an infectious substance other than a capacity of 1,000 gallons or greater con-
regulated medical waste; taining any hazardous material suffers
(4) A release of a marine pollutant structural damage to the lading reten-
occurs in a quantity exceeding 450 L tion system or damage that requires
(119 gallons) for a liquid or 400 kg (882 repair to a system intended to protect
pounds) for a solid; the lading retention system, even if
(5) A situation exists of such a nature there is no release of hazardous mate-
(e.g., a continuing danger to life exists rial;
at the scene of the incident) that, in (4) An undeclared hazardous material
the judgment of the person in posses- is discovered; or
sion of the hazardous material, it (5) A fire, violent rupture, explosion
should be reported to the NRC even or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an
though it does not meet the criteria of amount of heat sufficient to be dan-
paragraphs (b)(1), (2), (3) or (4) of this gerous to packaging or personal safety
section; or to include charring of packaging, melt-
(6) During transportation by aircraft, ing of packaging, scorching of pack-
a fire, violent rupture, explosion or aging, or other evidence) occurs as a di-
dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an rect result of a battery or battery-pow-
amount of heat sufficient to be dan- ered device.
gerous to packaging or personal safety
(b) Providing and retaining copies of
to include charring of packaging, melt-
the report. Each person reporting under
ing of packaging, scorching of pack-
this section must—
aging, or other evidence) occurs as a di-
rect result of a battery or battery-pow- (1) Submit a written Hazardous Mate-
ered device. rials Incident Report to the Informa-
(c) Written report. Each person mak- tion Systems Manager, PHH–63, Pipe-
ing a report under this section must line and Hazardous Materials Safety
also make the report required by Administration, Department of Trans-
§ 171.16 of this subpart. portation, Washington, DC 20590–0001,
or an electronic Hazardous Material In-
NOTE TO § 171.15: Under 40 CFR 302.6, EPA cident Report to the Information Sys-
requires persons in charge of facilities (in- tem Manager, DHM–63, Research and
cluding transport vehicles, vessels, and air- Special Programs Administration, De-
craft) to report any release of a hazardous
substance in a quantity equal to or greater
partment of Transportation, Wash-
than its reportable quantity, as soon as that ington, DC 20590–0001 at http://
person has knowledge of the release, to;
DOT’s National Response Center at (toll (2) For an incident involving trans-
free) 800–424–8802 or (toll) 202–267–2675. portation by aircraft, submit a written
[68 FR 67759, Dec. 3, 2003, as amended at 72 or electronic copy of the Hazardous
FR 55684, Oct. 1, 2007; 74 FR 2233, Jan. 14, 2009; Materials Incident Report to the FAA
74 FR 53186, Oct. 16, 2009] Security Field Office nearest the loca-
tion of the incident; and
§ 171.16 Detailed hazardous materials (3) Retain a written or electronic
incident reports. copy of the Hazardous Materials Inci-
(a) General. Each person in physical dent Report for a period of two years at
possession of a hazardous material at the reporting person’s principal place
the time that any of the following inci- of business. If the written or electronic
dents occurs during transportation (in- Hazardous Materials Incident Report is
cluding loading, unloading, and tem- maintained at other than the reporting
porary storage) must submit a Haz- person’s principal place of business, the
ardous Materials Incident Report on report must be made available at the
DOT Form F 5800.1 (01/2004) within 30 reporting person’s principal place of
days of discovery of the incident: business within 24 hours of a request
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.21
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§ 171.22 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(1) Make all records and information cordance with the international stand-
pertaining to the incident available to ards and regulations authorized in
an authorized representative or special paragraph (a) of this section—
agent of the Department of Transpor- (1) Is subject to the requirements of
tation upon request; and the applicable international standard
(2) Give an authorized representative or regulation and must be offered for
or special agent of the Department of transportation or transported in con-
Transportation reasonable assistance formance with the applicable standard
in the investigation of the incident. or regulation; and
(b) If an authorized representative or (2) Must conform to all applicable re-
special agent of the Department of
quirements of this subpart.
Transportation makes an inquiry of a
(c) Materials excepted from regulation
person required to complete an inci-
dent report in connection with a study under international standards and regu-
of incidents, the person shall: lations. A material designated as a haz-
(1) Respond to the inquiry within 30 ardous material under this subchapter,
days after its receipt or within such but excepted from or not subject to the
other time as the inquiry may specify; international transport standards and
and regulations authorized in paragraph (a)
(2) Provide true and complete an- of this section (e.g., paragraph 1.16 of
swers to any questions included in the the Transport Canada TDG Regula-
inquiry. tions excepts from regulation quan-
tities of hazardous materials less than
[68 FR 67760, Dec. 3, 2003] or equal to 500 kg gross transported by
rail) must be transported in accordance
Subpart C—Authorization and Re- with all applicable requirements of this
quirements for the Use of subchapter.
International Transport Stand- (d) Materials not regulated under this
ards and Regulations subchapter. Materials not designated as
hazardous materials under this sub-
SOURCE: 72 FR 25172, May 3, 2007, unless chapter but regulated by an inter-
otherwise noted. national transport standard or regula-
tion authorized in paragraph (a) of this
§ 171.22 Authorization and conditions section may be offered for transpor-
for the use of international stand- tation and transported in the United
ards and regulations.
States in full compliance (i.e., pack-
(a) Authorized international standards aged, marked, labeled, classed, de-
and regulations. This subpart author- scribed, stowed, segregated, secured)
izes, with certain conditions and limi- with the applicable international
tations, the offering for transportation transport standard or regulation.
and the transportation in commerce of (e) Forbidden materials. No person
hazardous materials in accordance may offer for transportation or trans-
with the International Civil Aviation port a hazardous material that is a for-
Organization’s Technical Instructions bidden material or package as des-
for the Safe Transport of Dangerous ignated in—
Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instruc-
(1) Section 173.21 of this subchapter;
tions), the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), (2) Column (3) of the § 172.101 Table of
Transport Canada’s Transportation of this subchapter;
Dangerous Goods Regulations (Trans- (3) Column (9A) of the § 172.101 Table
port Canada TDG Regulations), and the of this subchapter when offered for
International Atomic Energy Agency transportation or transported on pas-
Regulations for the Safe Transport of senger aircraft or passenger railcar; or
Radioactive Material (IAEA Regula- (4) Column (9B) of the § 172.101 Table
tions) (IBR, see § 171.7). of this subchapter when offered for
(b) Limitations on the use of inter- transportation or transported by cargo
national standards and regulations. A aircraft.
hazardous material that is offered for (f) Complete information and certifi-
transportation or transported in ac- cation. (1) Except for shipments into
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.23
the United States from Canada con- (3) The security requirements in sub-
forming to § 171.12, each person import- part I of part 172 of this subchapter;
ing a hazardous material into the (4) The incident reporting require-
United States must provide the for- ments in §§ 171.15 and 171.16 of this part
warding agent at the place of entry for incidents occurring within the ju-
into the United States timely and com- risdiction of the United States includ-
plete written information as to the re- ing on board vessels in the navigable
quirements of this subchapter applica- waters of the United States and aboard
ble to the particular shipment. aircraft of United States registry any-
(2) After May 4, 2009, the shipper, di- where in air commerce;
rectly or through the forwarding agent (5) For export shipments, the general
at the place of entry, must provide the packaging requirements in §§ 173.24 and
initial U.S. carrier with the shipper’s 173.24a of this subchapter;
certification required by § 172.204 of (6) For export shipments, the require-
this subchapter, unless the shipment is ments for the reuse, reconditioning,
otherwise excepted from the certifi- and remanufacture of packagings in
cation requirement. Except for ship- § 173.28 of this subchapter; and
ments for which the certification re- (7) The registration requirements in
quirement does not apply, a carrier subpart G of part 107 of this chapter.
may not accept a hazardous material [72 FR 25172, May 3, 2007, as amended at 72
for transportation unless provided a FR 55091 Sept. 28, 2007; 74 FR 53186, Oct. 16,
shipper’s certification. 2009]
(3) All shipping paper information
and package markings required in ac- § 171.23 Requirements for specific ma-
cordance with this subchapter must be terials and packagings transported
under the ICAO Technical Instruc-
in English. The use of shipping papers tions, IMDG Code, Transport Can-
and a package marked with both ada TDG Regulations, or the IAEA
English and a language other than Regulations.
English, in order to dually comply with
All shipments offered for transpor-
this subchapter and the regulations of
tation or transported in the United
a foreign entity, is permitted under States under the ICAO Technical In-
this subchapter. structions, IMDG Code, Transport Can-
(4) Each person who provides for ada TDG Regulations, or the IAEA
transportation or receives for transpor- Regulations (IBR, see § 171.7) must con-
tation (see §§ 174.24, 175.30, 176.24 and form to the requirements of this sec-
177.817 of this subchapter) a shipping tion, as applicable.
paper must retain a copy of the ship- (a) Conditions and requirements for cyl-
ping paper or an electronic image inders—(1) Except as provided in this
thereof that is accessible at or through paragraph, a filled cylinder (pressure
its principal place of business in ac- receptacle) manufactured to other than
cordance with § 172.201(e) of this part. a DOT specification or a UN standard
(g) Additional requirements for the use in accordance with part 178 of this sub-
of international standards and regula- chapter, or a DOT exemption or special
tions. All shipments offered for trans- permit cylinder or a cylinder used as a
portation or transported in the United fire extinguisher in conformance with
States in accordance with this subpart § 173.309(a) of this subchapter, may not
must conform to the following require- be transported to, from, or within the
ments of this subchapter, as applicable: United States.
(1) The emergency response informa- (2) Cylinders (including UN pressure
tion requirements in subpart G of part receptacles) transported to, from, or
172 of this subchapter; within the United States must conform
(2) The training requirements in sub- to the applicable requirements of this
part H of part 172 of this subchapter, subchapter. Unless otherwise excepted
including function-specific training in in this subchapter, a cylinder must not
the use of the international transport be transported unless—
standards and regulations authorized (i) The cylinder is manufactured, in-
in paragraph (a) of this section, as ap- spected and tested in accordance with a
plicable; DOT specification or a UN standard
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§ 171.23 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.23
(b) Conditions and requirements specific conform to the shipping paper require-
to certain materials—(1) Aerosols. Except ments in § 172.203(c) of this subchapter
for a limited quantity of a compressed and the marking requirements in
gas in a container of not more than 4 § 172.324 of this subchapter:
fluid ounces capacity meeting the re- (i) The proper shipping name must
quirements in § 173.306(a)(1) of this sub- identify the hazardous substance by
chapter, the proper shipping name name, or the name of the substance
‘‘Aerosol,’’ UN1950, may be used only must be entered in parentheses in asso-
for a non-refillable receptacle con- ciation with the basic description and
taining a gas compressed, liquefied, or marked on the package in association
dissolved under pressure the sole pur- with the proper shipping name. If the
pose of which is to expel a nonpoi- hazardous substance meets the defini-
sonous (other than Division 6.1, Pack- tion for a hazardous waste, the waste
ing Group III material) liquid, paste, or code (for example, D001), may be used
powder and fitted with a self-closing to identify the hazardous substance;
release device (see § 171.8). In addition, (ii) The shipping paper and the pack-
an aerosol must be in a metal pack- age markings must identify at least
aging when the packaging exceeds 7.22 two hazardous substances with the low-
cubic inches. est reportable quantities (RQs) when
(2) Air bag inflator, air bag module and the material contains two or more haz-
seat-belt pretensioner. For each approved ardous substances; and
air bag inflator, air bag module and (iii) The letters ‘‘RQ’’ must be en-
seat-belt pretensioner, the shipping tered on the shipping paper either be-
paper description must conform to the fore or after the basic description, and
requirements in § 173.166(c) of this sub- marked on the package in association
chapter. with the proper shipping name for each
(i) The EX number or product code hazardous substance listed.
must be included in association with (6) Hazardous wastes. A material
the basic shipping description. When a meeting the definition of a hazardous
product code is used, it must be trace- waste (see § 171.8) must conform to the
able to the specific EX number as- following:
signed to the inflator, module or seat- (i) The shipping paper and the pack-
belt pretensioner by the Associate Ad- age markings must include the word
ministrator. The EX number or prod- ‘‘Waste’’ immediately preceding the
uct code is not required to be marked proper shipping name;
on the outside package. (ii) The shipping paper must be re-
(ii) The proper shipping name ‘‘Arti- tained by the shipper and by each car-
cles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes, rier for three years after the material
UN0431’’ must be used for all air bag in- is accepted by the initial carrier (see
flators, air bag modules, and seat-belt § 172.205(e)(5)); and
pretensioners meeting the criteria for a (iii) A hazardous waste manifest
Division 1.4G material. must be completed in accordance with
(3) Chemical oxygen generators. Chem- § 172.205 of this subchapter.
ical oxygen generators must be ap- (7) Marine pollutants. Except for ma-
proved, classed, described, packaged, rine pollutants (see § 171.8) transported
and transported in accordance with the in accordance with the IMDG Code,
requirements of this subchapter. marine pollutants transported in bulk
(4) Class 1 (explosive) materials. Prior packages must meet the shipping paper
to being transported, Class 1 (explo- requirements in § 172.203(l) of this sub-
sive) materials must be approved by chapter and the package marking re-
the Associate Administrator in accord- quirements in § 172.322 of this sub-
ance with § 173.56 of this subchapter. chapter.
Each package containing a Class 1 (ex- (8) Organic peroxides. Organic perox-
plosive) material must conform to the ides not identified by technical name
marking requirements in § 172.320 of in the Organic Peroxide Table in
this subchapter. § 173.225(b) of this subchapter must be
(5) Hazardous substances. A material approved by the Associate Adminis-
meeting the definition of a hazardous trator in accordance with § 173.128(d) of
substance as defined in § 171.8, must this subchapter.
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§ 171.23 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 171.24
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§ 171.25 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 172
stowage authorized in the IMDG Code. genic liquids may be stowed one deck
Cargo tanks or tank cars containing below the weather deck when trans-
cryogenic liquids may be stowed one ported on a trailership or trainship
deck below the weather deck when that is unable to provide ‘‘on deck’’
transported on a trailership or stowage because of the vessel’s design.
trainship that is unable to provide ‘‘on Tank cars must be Class DOT–113 or
deck’’ stowage because of the vessel’s AAR–204W tank cars. Portable tanks,
design. Tank cars must be Class DOT– cargo tanks, and tank cars containing
113 or AAR–204W tank cars. Portable cryogenic liquids that are in transpor-
tanks, cargo tanks, and tank cars con- tation and stowed below deck on or be-
taining cryogenic liquids that are in fore February 13, 2009, may continue to
transportation and stowed below deck be transported to their final destina-
on or before February 13, 2009 may con- tion.
tinue to be transported to their final [72 FR 25172, May 3, 2007, as amended at 72
destination. FR 44847, Aug. 9, 2007; 73 FR 57004, Oct. 1,
(d) Use of IMDG Code in port areas. (1) 2008; 74 FR 2233, Jan. 14, 2009]
Except for Division 1.1, 1.2, and Class 7
materials, a hazardous material being § 171.26 Additional requirements for
imported into or exported from the the use of the IAEA Regulations.
United States or passing through the A Class 7 (radioactive) material being
United States in the course of being imported into or exported from the
shipped between locations outside the United States or passing through the
United States may be offered and ac- United States in the course of being
cepted for transportation and trans- shipped between places outside the
ported by motor vehicle within a single United States may be offered for trans-
port area, including contiguous har- portation or transported in accordance
bors, when packaged, marked, classed, with the IAEA Regulations (IBR, see
labeled, stowed and segregated in ac- § 171.7) as authorized in paragraph (a) of
cordance with the IMDG Code, offered § 171.22, provided the requirements in
and accepted in accordance with the re- § 171.22, as applicable, are met.
quirements of subparts C and F of part
172 of this subchapter pertaining to PART 172—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
shipping papers and placarding, and
otherwise conforms to the applicable
requirements of part 176 of this sub- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COM-
(2) The requirement in § 172.201(d) of SPONSE INFORMATION, TRAIN-
this subchapter for an emergency tele- ING REQUIREMENTS, AND SECU-
phone number does not apply to ship- RITY PLANS
ments made in accordance with the
IMDG Code if the hazardous material is Subpart A—General
not offloaded from the vessel, or is
offloaded between ocean vessels at a
172.1 Purpose and scope.
U.S. port facility without being trans- 172.3 Applicability.
ported by public highway.
(3) Notwithstanding § 171.25(d)(1), ex- Subpart B—Table of Hazardous Materials
cept for portable tanks, cargo tanks, and Special Provisions
and tank cars transporting cryogenic
liquids before February 13, 2009. Effec- 172.101 Purpose and use of hazardous mate-
rials table.
tive February 13, 2009, portable tanks, 172.102 Special provisions.
cargo tanks, and tank cars containing
cryogenic liquids, which are trans- Subpart C—Shipping Papers
ported by a vessel passing through the
United States in the course of being 172.200 Applicability.
172.201 Preparation and retention of ship-
shipped between locations outside of
ping papers.
the United States must be stowed ‘‘on 172.202 Description of hazardous material on
deck’’ regardless of the stowage au- shipping papers.
thorized in the IMDG Code. Cargo 172.203 Additional description requirements.
tanks or tank cars containing cryo- 172.204 Shipper’s certification.
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00133 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pt. 172 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
172.205 Hazardous waste manifest. 172.426 OXIDIZER label.
172.427 ORGANIC PEROXIDE label.
Subpart D—Marking 172.429 POISON INHALATION HAZARD
172.300 Applicability. 172.430 POISON label.
172.301 General marking requirements for 172.431 [Reserved]
non-bulk packagings. 172.432 INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE label.
172.302 General marking requirements for 172.436 RADIOACTIVE WHITE-I label.
bulk packagings. 172.438 RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II label.
172.303 Prohibited marking. 172.440 RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III label.
172.304 Marking requirements. 172.441 FISSILE label.
172.306 [Reserved] 172.442 CORROSIVE label.
172.308 Authorized abbreviations. 172.444 [Reserved]
172.310 Class 7 (radioactive) materials. 172.446 CLASS 9 label.
172.312 Liquid hazardous materials in non- 172.448 CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label.
bulk packagings. 172.450 EMPTY label.
172.313 Poisonous hazardous materials.
172.315 Packages containing limited quan- Subpart F—Placarding
172.316 Packagings containing materials 172.500 Applicability of placarding require-
classed as ORM-D. ments.
172.317 KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT handling 172.502 Prohibited and permissive
mark. placarding.
172.320 Explosive hazardous materials. 172.503 Identification number display on
172.322 Marine pollutants. placards.
172.323 Infectious substances. 172.504 General placarding requirements.
172.324 Hazardous substances in non-bulk 172.505 Placarding for subsidiary hazards.
packagings. 172.506 Providing and affixing placards:
172.325 Elevated temperature materials. Highway.
172.326 Portable tanks. 172.507 Special placarding provisions: High-
172.328 Cargo tanks. way.
172.330 Tank cars and multi-unit tank car 172.508 Placarding and affixing placarding:
tanks. Rail.
172.331 Bulk packagings other than portable 172.510 Special placarding provisions: Rail.
tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi- 172.512 Freight containers and aircraft unit
unit tank car tanks. load devices.
172.332 Identification number markings. 172.514 Bulk packagings.
172.334 Identification numbers; prohibited 172.516 Visibility and display of placards.
display. 172.519 General specifications for placards.
172.336 Identification numbers; special pro- 172.521 DANGEROUS placard.
visions. 172.522 EXPLOSIVES 1.1, EXPLOSIVES 1.2
172.338 Replacement of identification num- and EXPLOSIVES 1.3 placards.
bers. 172.523 EXPLOSIVES 1.4 placard.
172.524 EXPLOSIVES 1.5 placard.
Subpart E—Labeling 172.525 EXPLOSIVES 1.6 placard.
172.526 [Reserved]
172.400 General labeling requirements. 172.527 Background requirements for cer-
172.400a Exceptions from labeling. tain placards.
172.401 Prohibited labeling. 172.528 NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
172.402 Additional labeling requirements. 172.530 OXYGEN placard.
172.403 Class 7 (radioactive) material. 172.532 FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
172.404 Labels for mixed and consolidated 172.536 [Reserved]
packaging. 172.540 POISON GAS placard.
172.405 Authorized label modifications. 172.542 FLAMMABLE placard.
172.406 Placement of labels. 172.544 COMBUSTIBLE placard.
172.407 Label specifications. 172.546 FLAMMABLE SOLID placard.
172.411 EXPLOSIVE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 172.547 SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE
1.6 labels, and EXPLOSIVE Subsidiary placard.
label. 172.548 DANGEROUS WHEN WET placard.
172.415 NON-FLAMMABLE GAS label. 172.550 OXIDIZER placard.
172.416 POISON GAS label. 172.552 ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard.
172.417 FLAMMABLE GAS label. 172.553 [Reserved]
172.419 FLAMMABLE LIQUID label. 172.554 POISON placard.
label. 172.556 RADIOACTIVE placard.
172.423 DANGEROUS WHEN WET label. 172.558 CORROSIVE placard.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
172.560 CLASS 9 placard. (2) Each carrier by air, highway, rail,
or water who transports a hazardous
Subpart G—Emergency Response material.
Information (b) When a person, other than one of
172.600 Applicability and general require- those provided for in paragraph (a) of
ments. this section, performs a packaging la-
172.602 Emergency response information. beling or marking function required by
172.604 Emergency response telephone num- this part, that person shall perform the
ber. function in accordance with this part.
172.606 Carrier information contact.
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
Subpart H—Training amended by Amdt. 172–32, 41 FR 38179, Sept.
9, 1976]
172.700 Purpose and scope.
172.701 Federal-State relationship.
172.702 Applicability and responsibility for Subpart B—Table of Hazardous
training and testing. Materials and Special Provisions
172.704 Training requirements.
§ 172.101 Purpose and use of haz-
Subpart I—Safety and Security Plans ardous materials table.
172.800 Purpose and applicability. (a) The Hazardous Materials Table
172.802 Components of a security plan. (Table) in this section designates the
172.804 Relationship to other Federal re- materials listed therein as hazardous
quirements. materials for the purpose of transpor-
172.820 Additional planning requirements tation of those materials. For each
for transportation by rail. listed material, the Table identifies the
172.822 Limitation on actions by states, hazard class or specifies that the mate-
local governments, and Indian tribes.
rial is forbidden in transportation, and
APPENDIX A TO PART 172—OFFICE OF HAZ- gives the proper shipping name or di-
rects the user to the preferred proper
APPENDIX B TO PART 172—TREFOIL SYMBOL shipping name. In addition, the Table
APPENDIX C TO PART 172—DIMENSIONAL SPEC- specifies or references requirements in
IFICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDED PLACARD this subchapter pertaining to labeling,
HOLDER packaging, quantity limits aboard air-
APPENDIX D TO PART 172—RAIL RISK ANAL- craft and stowage of hazardous mate-
YSIS FACTORS rials aboard vessels.
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49 (b) Column 1: Symbols. Column 1 of the
CFR 1.53. Table contains six symbols (‘‘+’’, ‘‘A’’,
SOURCE: Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, ‘‘D’’, ‘‘G’’, ‘‘I’’ and ‘‘W’’) as follows:
1976, unless otherwise noted. (1) The plus (+) sign fixes the proper
shipping name, hazard class and pack-
Subpart A—General ing group for that entry without regard
to whether the material meets the defi-
§ 172.1 Purpose and scope. nition of that class, packing group or
any other hazard class definition. When
This part lists and classifies those the plus sign is assigned to a proper
materials which the Department has shipping name in Column (1) of the
designated as hazardous materials for § 172.101 Table, it means that the mate-
purposes of transportation and pre- rial is known to pose a risk to humans.
scribes the requirements for shipping When a plus sign is assigned to mix-
papers, package marking, labeling, and tures or solutions containing a mate-
transport vehicle placarding applicable rial where the hazard to humans is sig-
to the shipment and transportation of nificantly different from that of the
those hazardous materials. pure material or where no hazard to
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15997, Apr. 15, 1976, as humans is posed, the material may be
amended by 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001] described using an alternative shipping
name that represents the hazards posed
§ 172.3 Applicability. by the material. An appropriate alter-
(a) This part applies to— nate proper shipping name and hazard
(1) Each person who offers a haz- class may be authorized by the Asso-
ardous material for transportation, and ciate Administrator.
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§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) The letter ‘‘A’’ denotes a material Words may be alternatively spelled in
that is subject to the requirements of the same manner as they appear in the
this subchapter only when offered or ICAO Technical Instructions or the
intended for transportation by aircraft, IMDG Code. For example ‘‘aluminum’’
unless the material is a hazardous sub- may be spelled ‘‘aluminium’’ and ‘‘sul-
stance or a hazardous waste. A ship- fur’’ may be spelled ‘‘sulphur’’. How-
ping description entry preceded by an ever, the word ‘‘inflammable’’ may not
‘‘A’’ may be used to describe a material be used in place of the word ‘‘flam-
for other modes of transportation pro- mable’’.
vided all applicable requirements for (2) Punctuation marks and words in
the entry are met. italics are not part of the proper ship-
(3) The letter ‘‘D’’ identifies proper ping name, but may be used in addition
shipping names which are appropriate to the proper shipping name. The word
for describing materials for domestic ‘‘or’’ in italics indicates that terms in
transportation but may be inappro- the sequence may be used as the proper
priate for international transportation shipping name, as appropriate.
under the provisions of international (3) The word ‘‘poison’’ or ‘‘poisonous’’
regulations (e.g., IMO, ICAO). An alter- may be used interchangeably with the
nate proper shipping name may be se- word ‘‘toxic’’ when only domestic
lected when either domestic or inter- transportation is involved. The abbre-
national transportation is involved. viation ‘‘n.o.i.’’ or ‘‘n.o.i.b.n.’’ may be
(4) The letter ‘‘G’’ identifies proper used interchangeably with ‘‘n.o.s.’’.
shipping names for which one or more (4) Except for hazardous wastes, when
technical names of the hazardous ma- qualifying words are used as part of the
terial must be entered in parentheses, proper shipping name, their sequence
in association with the basic descrip- in the package markings and shipping
tion. (See § 172.203(k).) paper description is optional. However,
(5) The letter ‘‘I’’ identifies proper the entry in the Table reflects the pre-
shipping names which are appropriate ferred sequence.
for describing materials in inter- (5) When one entry references an-
national transportation. An alternate other entry by use of the word ‘‘see’’, if
proper shipping name may be selected both names are in Roman type, either
when only domestic transportation is name may be used as the proper ship-
involved. ping name (e.g., Ethyl alcohol, see Eth-
(6) The letter ‘‘W’’ denotes a material anol).
that is subject to the requirements of (6) When a proper shipping name in-
this subchapter only when offered or cludes a concentration range as part of
intended for transportation by vessel, the shipping description, the actual
unless the material is a hazardous sub- concentration, if it is within the range
stance or a hazardous waste. A ship- stated, may be used in place of the con-
ping description entry preceded by a centration range. For example, an
‘‘W’’ may be used to describe a mate- aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide
rial for other modes of transportation containing 30 percent peroxide may be
provided all applicable requirements described as ‘‘Hydrogen peroxide, aque-
for the entry are met. ous solution with not less than 20 percent
(c) Column 2: Hazardous materials de- but not more than 40 percent hydrogen
scriptions and proper shipping names. peroxide’’ or ‘‘Hydrogen peroxide, aque-
Column 2 lists the hazardous materials ous solution with 30 percent hydrogen
descriptions and proper shipping names peroxide’’.
of materials designated as hazardous (7) Use of the prefix ‘‘mono’’ is op-
materials. Modification of a proper tional in any shipping name, when ap-
shipping name may otherwise be re- propriate. Thus, Iodine monochloride
quired or authorized by this section. may be used interchangeably with Io-
Proper shipping names are limited to dine chloride. In ‘‘Glycerol alpha-
those shown in Roman type (not monochlorohydrin’’ the term ‘‘mono’’
italics). is considered a prefix to the term
(1) Proper shipping names may be ‘‘chlorohydrin’’ and may be deleted.
used in the singular or plural and in ei- (8) Use of the word ‘‘liquid’’ or
ther capital or lower case letters. ‘‘solid’’. The word ‘‘liquid’’ or ‘‘solid’’
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
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§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(B) When the proper shipping descrip- shipping name may not provide suffi-
tion for a sample is assigned a ‘‘G’’ in cient information for shipping papers
Column (1) of the § 172.101 Table, and and package markings. Under the pro-
the primary constituent(s) for which visions of subparts C and D of this part,
the tentative classification is based are the technical name of one or more con-
not known, the provisions requiring a stituents which makes the product a
technical name for the constituent(s) hazardous material may be required in
do not apply; and association with the proper shipping
(C) A sample must be transported in name.
a combination packaging that con- (iii) Multiple hazard materials. If a ma-
forms to the requirements of this sub- terial meets the definition of more
chapter that are applicable to the ten- than one hazard class, and is not iden-
tative packing group assigned, and tified in the Table specifically by name
may not exceed a net mass of 2.5 kg (5.5 (e.g., acetyl chloride), the hazard class
pounds) per package. of the material shall be determined by
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(11): For the trans- using the precedence specified in
portation of samples of self-reactive mate- § 173.2a of this subchapter, and an ap-
rials, organic peroxides, explosives or light- propriate shipping description (e.g.,
ers, see §§ 173.224(c)(3), 173.225(c)(2), 173.56(d) ‘‘Flammable liquid, corrosive n.o.s.’’)
or 173.308(b)(2) of this subchapter, respec- shall be selected as described in para-
tively. graph (c)(12)(ii) of this section.
(12) Except when the proper shipping (iv) If it is specifically determined
name in the Table is preceded by a plus that a material is not a forbidden ma-
(+)— terial and does not meet the definition
(i) If it is specifically determined of any hazard class, the material is not
that a material meets the definition of a hazardous material.
a hazard class, packing group or hazard (13) Self-reactive materials and organic
zone, other than the class, packing peroxides. A generic proper shipping
group or hazard zone shown in associa- name for a self-reactive material or an
tion with the proper shipping name, or organic peroxide, as listed in Column 2
does not meet the defining criteria for of the Table, must be selected based on
a subsidiary hazard shown in Column 6 the material’s technical name and con-
of the Table, the material shall be de- centration, in accordance with the pro-
scribed by an appropriate proper ship- visions of §§ 173.224 or 173.225 of this
ping name listed in association with subchapter, respectively.
the correct hazard class, packing (14) A proper shipping name that de-
group, hazard zone, or subsidiary haz- scribes all isomers of a material may
ard for the material. be used to identify any isomer of that
(ii) Generic or n.o.s. descriptions. If an material if the isomer meets criteria
appropriate technical name is not for the same hazard class or division,
shown in the Table, selection of a prop- subsidiary risk(s) and packing group,
er shipping name shall be made from unless the isomer is specifically identi-
the generic or n.o.s. descriptions cor- fied in the Table.
responding to the specific hazard class, (15) Unless a hydrate is specifically
packing group, hazard zone, or sub- listed in the Table, a proper shipping
sidiary hazard, if any, for the material. name for the equivalent anhydrous
The name that most appropriately de- substance may be used, if the hydrate
scribes the material shall be used; e.g., meets the same hazard class or divi-
an alcohol not listed by its technical sion, subsidiary risk(s) and packing
name in the Table shall be described as group.
‘‘Alcohol, n.o.s.’’ rather than ‘‘Flam- (16) Unless it is already included in
mable liquid, n.o.s.’’. Some mixtures the proper shipping name in the
may be more appropriately described § 172.101 Table, the qualifying words
according to their application, such as ‘‘liquid’’ or ‘‘solid’’ may be added in as-
‘‘Coating solution’’ or ‘‘Extracts, fla- sociation with the proper shipping
voring, liquid’’, rather than by an n.o.s. name when a hazardous material spe-
entry, such as ‘‘Flammable liquid, cifically listed by name in the § 172.101
n.o.s.’’ It should be noted, however, Table may, due to the differing phys-
that an n.o.s. description as a proper ical states of the various isomers of the
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
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§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
(4) For a hazardous material which is (5) The total net quantity of haz-
specifically named in the Table and ardous material for an outer non-bulk
whose packaging sections specify pack- packaging that contains more than one
agings not applicable to the form of the hazardous material may not exceed the
material (e.g., packaging specified is lowest permitted maximum net quan-
for solid material and the material is tity per package as shown in Column
being offered for transportation in a 9A or 9B, as appropriate. If one mate-
liquid form) the following table should rial is a liquid and one is a solid, the
be used to determine the appropriate maximum net quantity must be cal-
packaging section: culated in kilograms. See
§ 173.24a(c)(1)(iv).
Corresponding pack-
Packaging section reference for aging section for liquid (k) Column 10: Vessel stowage require-
solid materials materials ments. Column 10A [Vessel stowage]
specifies the authorized stowage loca-
§ 173.187 ....................................... § 173.181
§ 173.211 ....................................... § 173.201
tions on board cargo and passenger ves-
§ 173.212 ....................................... § 173.202 sels. Column 10B [Other provisions]
§ 173.213 ....................................... § 173.203 specifies codes for stowage require-
§ 173.240 ....................................... § 173.241 ments for specific hazardous materials.
§ 173.242 ....................................... § 173.243 The meaning of each code in Column
10B is set forth in § 176.84 of this sub-
(5) Cylinders. For cylinders, both non- chapter. Section 176.63 of this sub-
bulk and bulk packaging authoriza- chapter sets forth the physical require-
tions are set forth in Column (8B). Not- ments for each of the authorized loca-
withstanding a designation of ‘‘None’’ tions listed in Column 10A. (For bulk
in Column (8C), a bulk cylinder may be transportation by vessel, see 46 CFR
used when specified through the sec- parts 30 to 40, 70, 98, 148, 151, 153 and
tion reference in Column (8B). 154.) The authorized stowage locations
(j) Column 9: Quantity limitations. Col- specified in Column 10A are defined as
umns 9A and 9B specify the maximum follows:
quantities that may be offered for (1) Stowage category ‘‘A’’ means the
transportation in one package by pas- material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or
senger-carrying aircraft or passenger- ‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel and on
carrying rail car (Column 9A) or by a passenger vessel.
cargo aircraft only (Column 9B), sub- (2) Stowage category ‘‘B’’ means—
ject to the following: (i) The material may be stowed ‘‘on
(1) ‘‘Forbidden’’ means the material deck’’ or ‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo ves-
may not be offered for transportation sel and on a passenger vessel carrying
or transported in the applicable mode a number of passengers limited to not
of transport. more than the larger of 25 passengers,
(2) The quantity limitation is ‘‘net’’ or one passenger per each 3 m of over-
except where otherwise specified, such all vessel length; and
as for ‘‘Consumer commodity’’ which (ii) ‘‘On deck only’’ on passenger ves-
specifies ‘‘30 kg gross.’’ sels in which the number of passengers
(3) When articles or devices are spe- specified in paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this
cifically listed by name, the net quan- section is exceeded.
tity limitation applies to the entire ar- (3) Stowage category ‘‘C’’ means the
ticle or device (less packaging and material must be stowed ‘‘on deck
packaging materials) rather than only only’’ on a cargo vessel and on a pas-
to its hazardous components. senger vessel.
(4) A package offered or intended for (4) Stowage category ‘‘D’’ means the
transportation by aircraft and which is material must be stowed ‘‘on deck
filled with a material forbidden on pas- only’’ on a cargo vessel and on a pas-
senger-carrying aircraft but permitted senger vessel carrying a number of pas-
on cargo aircraft only, or which ex- sengers limited to not more than the
ceeds the maximum net quantity au- larger of 25 passengers or one passenger
thorized on passenger-carrying air- per each 3 m of overall vessel length,
craft, shall be labelled with the CARGO but the material is prohibited on pas-
AIRCRAFT ONLY label specified in senger vessels in which the limiting
§ 172.448 of this part. number of passengers is exceeded.
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§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(5) Stowage category ‘‘E’’ means the (14) Stowage category ‘‘09’’ means the
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or material may be stowed ‘‘on deck
‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel and on only’’ in closed cargo transport units
a passenger vessel carrying a number or ‘‘under deck’’ in closed cargo trans-
of passengers limited to not more than port units on a cargo vessel (up to 12
the larger of 25 passengers, or one pas- passengers) and on a passenger vessel.
senger per each 3 m of overall vessel (15) Stowage category ‘‘10’’ means the
length, but is prohibited from carriage material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
on passenger vessels in which the lim- closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under
iting number of passengers is exceeded. deck’’ in closed cargo transport units
(6) Stowage category ‘‘01’’ means the on a cargo vessel (up to 12 passengers)
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or and ‘‘on deck’’ only in closed cargo
‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to transport units on a passenger vessel.
12 passengers) and on a passenger ves- (16) Stowage category ‘‘11’’ means the
sel. material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
(7) Stowage category ‘‘02’’ means the closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or deck’’ in magazine stowage type ‘‘c’’ on
‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to a cargo vessel (up to 12 passengers) and
12 passengers) and ‘‘on deck’’ in closed ‘‘on deck’’ only in closed cargo trans-
cargo transport units or ‘‘under deck’’ port units on a passenger vessel.
in closed cargo transport units on a (17) Stowage category ‘‘12’’ means the
passenger vessel. material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
(8) Stowage category ‘‘03’’ means the closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or deck’’ in magazine stowage type ‘‘c’’ on
‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to a cargo vessel (up to 12 passengers) but
12 passengers) and ‘‘on deck’’ in closed the material is prohibited on a pas-
cargo transport units on a passenger senger vessel.
vessel. (18) Stowage category ‘‘13’’ means the
(9) Stowage category ‘‘04’’ means the material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under
‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to deck’’ in magazine stowage type ‘‘A’’
12 passengers) but the material is pro- on a cargo vessel (up to 12 passengers)
hibited on a passenger vessel. and ‘‘on deck’’ only in closed cargo
(10) Stowage category ‘‘05’’ means the transport units on a passenger vessel.
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in (19) Stowage category ‘‘14’’ means the
closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to 12 pas- closed cargo transport units on a cargo
sengers) and on a passenger vessel. vessel (up to 12 passengers) but the ma-
(11) Stowage category ‘‘06’’ means the terial is prohibited on a passenger ves-
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in sel.
closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under (20) Stowage category ‘‘15’’ means the
deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to 12 pas- material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in
sengers) and ‘‘on deck’’ in closed cargo closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under
transport units or ‘‘under deck’’ in deck’’ in closed cargo transport units
closed cargo transport units on a pas- on a cargo vessel (up to 12 passengers)
senger vessel. but the material is prohibited on a pas-
(12) Stowage category ‘‘07’’ means the senger vessel.
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in (l) Changes to the Table. (1) Unless
closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under specifically stated otherwise in a rule
deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to 12 pas- document published in the FEDERAL
sengers) and ‘‘on deck’’ only in closed REGISTER amending the Table—
cargo transport units on a passenger (i) Such a change does not apply to
vessel. the shipment of any package filled
(13) Stowage category ‘‘08’’ means the prior to the effective date of the
material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ in amendment; and
closed cargo transport units or ‘‘under (ii) Stocks of preprinted shipping pa-
deck’’ on a cargo vessel (up to 12 pas- pers and package markings may be
sengers) but the material is prohibited continued in use, in the manner pre-
on a passenger vessel. viously authorized, until depleted or
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
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VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Accellerene, see p- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Accumulators, electric, see Batteries, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00144
wet etc.
Accumulators, pressurized, pneu- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
matic or hydraulic (containing non-
flamable gas), see Articles pres-
surized, pneumatic or hydraulic
(containing non-flamable gas).
Fmt 8010
Acetal ................................................. 3 UN1088 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Acetaldehyde ..................................... 3 UN1089 I 3 ........ A3, B16, T11, TP2, TP7 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E ............
A Acetaldehyde ammonia ..................... 9 UN1841 III 9 ........ IB8, IP3, IP7, T1, TP33 155 ...... 204 .... 240 .... 200 kg 200 kg A 34
Acetaldehyde oxime .......................... 3 UN2332 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid so- 8 UN2789 II 8, 3 .... A3, A6, A7, A10, B2, 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
lution, with more than 80 percent IB2, T7, TP2
acid, by mass.
Acetic acid solution, not less than 50 8 UN2790 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, A10, B2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
percent but not more than 80 per- IB2, T7, TP2
cent acid, by mass.
Acetonitrile ......................................... 3 UN1648 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Acetyl acetone peroxide with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
than 9 percent by mass active oxy-
PsN: PC150
Acetyl benzoyl peroxide, solid, or Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
with more than 40 percent in solu-
Acetyl bromide ................................... 8 UN1716 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Acetyl iodide ...................................... 8 UN1898 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Acetyl methyl carbinol ....................... 3 UN2621 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Acetyl peroxide, solid, or with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
than 25 percent in solution.
Acetylene, dissolved .......................... 2.1 UN1001 ........ 2.1 ..... N86, N88 None ... 303 .... None Forbidden 15 kg D 25, 40,
PO 00000
Acetylene (liquefied) .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Acetylene silver nitrate ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Acetylene, solvent free ...................... Forbidden ........ ........... ........................................ ............. ........... ........... .................. .................. ............
Acetylene tetrabromide, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00145
Acid butyl phosphate, see Butyl acid ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Acid, sludge, see Sludge acid ........... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Acridine .............................................. 6.1 UN2713 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Acrolein dimer, stabilized .................. 3 UN2607 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Fmt 8010
Acrolein, stabilized ............................. 6.1 UN1092 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, B42, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
B77, T22, TP2, TP7,
TP13, TP38, TP44
Acrylamide, solid ............................... 6.1 UN2074 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 12
Acrylamide solution ........................... 6.1 UN3426 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 12
Sfmt 8010
Acrylic acid, stabilized ....................... 8 UN2218 II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L C 25, 40
Acrylonitrile, stabilized ....................... 3 UN1093 I 3, 6.1 B9, T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
Actuating cartridge, explosive, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cartridges, power device.
Adhesives, containing a flammable 3 UN1133 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B
................ II 3 ........ 149, B52, IB2, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 173 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B
................ III 3 ........ B1, B52, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 173 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A
Adiponitrile ......................................... 6.1 UN2205 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T3, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Aerosols, corrosive, Packing Group II 2.2 UN1950 ........ 2.2, 8 A34 306 ...... None None 75 kg 150 kg A 48, 87,
or III, (each not exceeding 1 L ca- 126
Aerosols, flammable, (each not ex- 2.1 UN1950 ........ 2.1 ..... N82 306 ...... None None 75 kg 150 kg A 48, 87,
ceeding 1 L capacity). 126
Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s. (engine 2.1 UN1950 ........ 2.1 ..... N82 306 ...... 304 .... None Forbidden 150 kg A 48, 87,
§ 172.101
exceeding 1 L capacity). 126.
PsN: PC150
Aerosols, poison, (each not exceed- 2.2 UN1950 ........ 2.2, ........................................ 306 ...... None None Forbidden Forbidden A 48, 87,
ing 1 L capacity). 6.1. 126
I Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules, 1.4G UN0503 II 1.4G .. 161 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
or Seat-belt pretensioners..
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules, 9 UN3268 III 9 ........ 160 166 ...... 166 .... 166 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
or Seat-belt pretensioners..
Air, compressed ................................. 2.2 UN1002 ........ 2.2 ..... 78 306, 302 .... 302 .... 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Frm 00146
Air, refrigerated liquid, (cryogenic liq- 2.2 UN1003 ........ 2.2, T75, TP5, TP22 320 ...... 316 .... 318, Forbidden Forbidden D 51
uid). 5.1. 319.
Air, refrigerated liquid, (cryogenic liq- 2.2 UN1003 ........ 2.2, T75, TP5, TP22 320 ...... 316 .... 318, Forbidden Forbidden D 51
uid) non-pressurized. 5.1. 319.
Aircraft engines (including turbines), ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel tank 3 UN3165 I 3, 6.1, None ... 172 .... None Forbidden 42 L E ............
(containing a mixture of anhydrous 8.
Sfmt 8010
G Alcohols, flammable, toxic n.o.s ........ 3 UN1986 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
III 3, 6.1 B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Aldehydes, n.o.s. ............................... 3 UN1989 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Aldehydes, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. ... 3 UN1988 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s. ........ 4.3 UN1421 I 4.3 ..... A2, A3, A7, B48, N34 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L D 52
Alkali metal amalgam, liquid .............. 4.3 UN1389 I 4.3 ..... A2, A3, A7, N34 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L D 40, 52
Alkali metal amalgam, solid ............... 4.3 UN3401 I 4.3 ..... IB4, IP1, N40, T9, TP7, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
PO 00000
Alkali metal amides ........................... 4.3 UN1390 II 4.3 ..... A6, A7, A8, A19, A20, 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 40, 52
IB7, IP2, T3, TP33
Alkali metal dispersions, or Alkaline 4.3 UN1391 I 4.3 ..... A2, A3, A7 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L D 52
earth metal dispersions.
Alkaline corrosive liquids, n.o.s., see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s..
Frm 00147
G Alkaline earth metal alcoholates, 4.2 UN3205 II 4.2 ..... 65, A7, IB6, IP2, T3, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
n.o.s.. TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... 65, A7, IB8, IP3, T1, None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
Alkaline earth metal alloys, n.o.s. ..... 4.3 UN1393 II 4.3 ..... A19, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 52
Fmt 8010
Alkaline earth metal amalgams, liquid 4.3 UN1392 I 4.3 ..... A19, N34, N40 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L E 40, 52
Alkaline earth metal amalgams, solid 4.3 UN3402 I 4.3 ..... A19, N34, N40, T9, TP7, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
G Alkaloids, liquid, n.o.s., or Alkaloid 6.1 UN3140 I 6.1 ..... A4, T14, TP2, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
salts, liquid, n.o.s..
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Alkaloids, solid, n.o.s. or Alkaloid 6.1 UN1544 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A
salts, solid, n.o.s. poisonous.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A
Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl sul- 8 UN2584 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2, TP13 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B ............
fonic acids, liquid with more than 5
percent free sulfuric acid.
Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl sul- 8 UN2586 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L B ............
fonic acids, liquid with not more
than 5 percent free sulfuric acid.
Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl sul- 8 UN2583 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
fonic acids, solid, with more than 5
percent free sulfuric acid.
Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl sul- 8 UN2585 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
§ 172.101
C2-C12 homologues).
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (including 8 UN2430 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B ............
C2-C12 homologues).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Alkylsulfuric acids .............................. 8 UN2571 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2, TP13, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 14
Frm 00148
Allethrin, see Pesticides, liquid, toxic, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Allyl acetate ....................................... 3 UN2333 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Allyl alcohol ........................................ 6.1 UN1098 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Fmt 8010
Allyl chloride ...................................... 3 UN1100 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
Allyl chlorocarbonate, see Allyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Allyl chloroformate ............................. 6.1 UN1722 I 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, N41, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
8. T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Allyl ethyl ether .................................. 3 UN2335 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Aluminum chloride, anhydrous .......... 8 UN1726 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 40
Aluminum chloride, solution .............. 8 UN2581 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Aluminum dross, wet or hot .............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
85, 103
Aluminum hydride .............................. 4.3 UN2463 I 4.3 ..... A19, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E ............
D Aluminum, molten .............................. 9 NA9260 III 9 ........ IB3, T1, TP3 None ... None 247 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Aluminum nitrate ................................ 5.1 UN1438 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
PO 00000
Aluminum phosphate solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Corrosive liquids, etc.
Aluminum phosphide ......................... 4.3 UN1397 I 4.3, A8, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
Aluminum phosphide pesticides ........ 6.1 UN3048 I 6.1 ..... A8, IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 85
Aluminum powder, coated ................. 4.1 UN1309 II 4.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 13, 39,
Frm 00149
52, 53,
74, 101
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 39,
52, 53,
74, 101
Fmt 8010
Aluminum powder, uncoated ............. 4.3 UN1396 II 4.3 ..... A19, A20, IB7, IP2, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 39, 52,
TP33 53
............................................................ ................ III 4.3 ..... A19, A20, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 39, 52,
TP33 53
Aluminum resinate ............................. 4.1 UN2715 III 4.1 ..... IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sfmt 8010
Aluminum silicon powder, uncoated .. 4.3 UN1398 III 4.3 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 39, 40,
TP33 52, 53,
85, 103
Aluminum smelting by-products or 4.3 UN3170 II 4.3 ..... 128, B115, IB7, IP2, T3, None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 85, 103
Aluminum remelting by-products. TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.3 ..... 128, B115, IB8, IP4, T1, None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 85, 103
Amatols, see Explosives, blasting, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
type B.
G Amine, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. 3 UN2733 I 3, 8 .... T14, TP1, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40, 52
or Polyamines, flammable, corro-
sive, n.o.s.
II 3, 8 .... IB2, T11, TP1, TP27 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40, 52
III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
G Amine, liquid, corrosive, flammable, 8 UN2734 I 8, 3 .... A3, A6, N34, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L A 52
n.o.s. or Polyamines, liquid, corro- TP27
§ 172.101
Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.. TP2, TP27
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP1, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52
G Amines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s., or 8 UN3259 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg A 52
Polyamines, solid, corrosive n.o.s..
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
2-Amino-4-chlorophenol .................... 6.1 UN2673 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Frm 00150
2-Amino-5-diethylaminopentane ........ 6.1 UN2946 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrophenol, wetted 4.1 UN3317 I 4.1 ..... 23, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
with not less than 20 percent water
by mass.
2-(2-Aminoethoxy) ethanol ................ 8 UN3055 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
N-Aminoethylpiperazine ..................... 8 UN2815 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 12
Fmt 8010
+ Aminophenols (o-; m-; p-) ................. 6.1 UN2512 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Aminopropyldiethanolamine, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Amines, etc.
n-Aminopropylmorpholine, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Amines, etc.
Sfmt 8010
Aminopyridines (o-; m-; p-) ................ 6.1 UN2671 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 12, 40,
I Ammonia, anhydrous ......................... 2.3 UN1005 ........ 2.3, 8 4, N87, T50 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 52,
315. 57
D Ammonia, anhydrous ......................... 2.2 UN1005 ........ 2.2 ..... 13, T50 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 52,
315. 57
Ammonium bifluoride solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium hydrogen difluoride,
Ammonium bromate .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium chlorate ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium dichromate ...................... 5.1 UN1439 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 52
PO 00000
Ammonium dinitro-o-cresolate, solid 6.1 UN1843 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 36, 65,
66, 77
Ammonium dinitro-o-cresolate solu- 6.1 UN3424 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 36, 66,
tion. 78, 91
Frm 00151
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 36, 66,
78, 91
Ammonium fluoride ............................ 6.1 UN2505 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Ammonium fluorosilicate ................... 6.1 UN2854 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Ammonium fulminate ......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium hydrogen sulfate ............. 8 UN2506 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 40
Fmt 8010
Ammonium hydrogendifluoride, solid 8 UN1727 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, T3, 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 25, 40,
TP33 52
Ammonium hydrogendifluoride, solu- 8 UN2817 II 8, 6.1 IB2, N34, T8, TP2, TP13 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 8, 6.1 IB3, N3, T4, TP1 , TP13 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L B 40, 95
Ammonium hydrosulfide, solution, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see Ammonium sulfide solution.
D Ammonium hydroxide, see Ammonia ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
solutions, etc.
Ammonium metavanadate ................. 6.1 UN2859 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 44, 89,
Ammonium nitrate based fertilizer ..... 5.1 UN2067 III 5.1 ..... 52, 150, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 48, 59,
TP33 60, 66,
AW Ammonium nitrate based fertilizer ..... 9 UN2071 III 9 ........ 132, IB8, IP3 155 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 200 kg 200 kg A ............
Ammonium nitrate emulsion or Am- 5.1 UN3375 II 5.1 ..... 147, 163 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 48, 59,
monium nitrate suspension or Am- 60, 66,
monium nitrate gel, intermediate 124
§ 172.101
nitrate and fuel oil.
PsN: PC150
Ammonium nitrate, liquid (hot con- 5.1 UN2426 ........ 5.1 ..... B5, T7 None ... None 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 59, 60
centrated solution).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Ammonium nitrate, with more than 1.1D UN0222 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
0.2 percent combustible sub-
stances, including any organic sub-
Frm 00152
Ammonium nitrite ............................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium perchlorate ..................... 1.1D UN0402 II 1.1D .. 107 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
Sfmt 8010
Ammonium perchlorate ..................... 5.1 UN1442 II 5.1 ..... 107, A9, IB6, IP2, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg E 58, 69
Ammonium permanganate ................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ammonium persulfate ........................ 5.1 UN1444 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Ammonium picrate, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0004 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E,
Ammonium silicofluoride, see Ammo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
nium fluorosilicate.
PsN: PC150
Ammonium sulfide solution ............... 8 UN2683 II 8, 6.1, IB1, T7, TP2, TP13 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 12, 22,
3. 52, 100
Ammunition, blank, see Cartridges ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
for weapons, blank.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
propelling charge.
Ammunition, illuminating with or with- 1.4G UN0297 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
out burster, expelling charge or
propelling charge.
Ammunition, incendiary liquid or gel, 1.3J UN0247 II 1.3J ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
PO 00000
Ammunition, incendiary, white phos- 1.3H UN0244 II 1.3H .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 08 8E,
phorus, with burster, expelling 14E,
Ammunition, incendiary with or with- 1.2G UN0009 II 1.2G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
out burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge.
Ammunition, incendiary with or with- 1.3G UN0010 II 1.3G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
out burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge.
Ammunition, incendiary with or with- 1.4G UN0300 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
out burster, expelling charge or
propelling charge.
Ammunition, practice ......................... 1.4G UN0362 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Ammunition, practice ......................... 1.3G UN0488 II 1.3G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Ammunition, proof ............................. 1.4G UN0363 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Ammunition, rocket, see Warheads, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
rocket etc.
Ammunition, SA (small arms), see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
with burster, expelling charge or
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Ammunition, smoke (water-activated ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
contrivances), without white phos-
phorus or phosphides, with burster,
Frm 00154
Ammunition, smoke with or without 1.2G UN0015 II 1.2G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 8E,
burster, expelling charge or propel- 17E,
ling charge. 20E
Ammunition, smoke with or without 1.3G UN0016 II 1.3G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 8E,
G Ammunition, toxic with burster, expel- 1.3K UN0021 II 1.3K, .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 8E,
ling charge, or propelling charge. 6.1. 14E,
Amyl acetates .................................... 3 UN1104 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fmt 8010
Amyl acid phosphate ......................... 8 UN2819 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Amyl butyrates ................................... 3 UN2620 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Amyl chlorides ................................... 3 UN1107 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Amyl formates .................................... 3 UN1109 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Amyl mercaptans ............................... 3 UN1111 II 3 ........ A3, A6, IB2, T4, TP1 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 95, 102
Sfmt 8010
n-Amyl methyl ketone ........................ 3 UN1110 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Amyl nitrate ........................................ 3 UN1112 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Amyl nitrites ....................................... 3 UN1113 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
Amylamines ....................................... 3 UN1106 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Amyltrichlorosilane ............................. 8 UN1728 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Anhydrous ammonia, see Ammonia, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, see Hy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
drogen fluoride, anhydrous.
+ Aniline ................................................ 6.1 UN1547 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
Aniline hydrochloride ......................... 6.1 UN1548 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Aniline oil, see Aniline ....................... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Anisidines .......................................... 6.1 UN2431 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Anisole ............................................... 3 UN2222 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Anisoyl chloride ................................. 8 UN1729 II 8 ........ B2, B4, IB8, IP2, IP4, 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
T3, TP33
Anti-freeze, liquid, see Flammable ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
liquids, n.o.s..
PsN: PC150
Antimonous chloride, see Antimony ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Antimony compounds, inorganic, liq- 6.1 UN3141 III 6.1 ..... 35, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
uid, n.o.s..
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Antimony compounds, inorganic, 6.1 UN1549 III 6.1 ..... 35, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
solid, n.o.s..
Antimony lactate ................................ 6.1 UN1550 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Frm 00156
Antimony pentachloride, liquid .......... 8 UN1730 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Antimony pentachloride, solutions ..... 8 UN1731 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L C 40
Antimony pentafluoride ...................... 8 UN1732 II 8, 6.1 A3, A6, A7, A10, IB2, None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L D 44, 89,
N3, N36, T7, TP2 100,
Fmt 8010
Antimony potassium tartrate .............. 6.1 UN1551 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Antimony powder ............................... 6.1 UN2871 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Antimony sulfide and a chlorate, mix- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tures of.
Sfmt 8010
Antimony sulfide, solid, see Antimony ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
compounds, inorganic, n.o.s..
Antimony trichloride, liquid ................ 8 UN1733 II 8 ........ B2, IB2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Antimony trichloride, solid ................. 8 UN1733 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 40.
Aqua ammonia, see Ammonia solu- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tion, etc.
Arsenic compounds, liquid, n.o.s. in- 6.1 UN1556 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40, 137
organic, including arsenates,
n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic com-
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 137
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 137
Arsenic pentoxide .............................. 6.1 UN1559 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Arsenic sulfide and a chlorate, mix- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tures of.
PO 00000
Arsenic trichloride .............................. 6.1 UN1560 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
Arsenic trioxide .................................. 6.1 UN1561 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Arsenic, white, solid, see Arsenic tri- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00157
Arsenical dust .................................... 6.1 UN1562 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, flam- 3 UN2760 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
mable, toxic, flash point less than
23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Fmt 8010
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic ....... 6.1 UN2994 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Sfmt 8010
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN2993 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
flammable, flash point not less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Arsenical pesticides, solid, toxic ........ 6.1 UN2759 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Arsenious acid, solid, see Arsenic tri- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Arsenious and mercuric iodide solu- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tion, see Arsenic compounds, liq-
uid, n.o.s..
Arsine ................................................. 2.3 UN2188 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Articles, explosive, extremely insensi- 1.6N UN0486 II 1.6N .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
tive or Articles, EEI.
§ 172.101
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.4S UN0349 II 1.4S ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05
PsN: PC150
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.4B UN0350 II 1.4B ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 06
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.4C UN0351 II 1.4C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.4D UN0352 II 1.4D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.4G UN0353 II 1.4G .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.1L UN0354 II 1.1L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 8E,
Frm 00158
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.2L UN0355 II 1.2L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 8E,
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.3L UN0356 II 1.3L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 8E,
Fmt 8010
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.1C UN0462 II 1.1C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.1D UN0463 II 1.1D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
Sfmt 8010
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.1E UN0464 II 1.1E ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.1F UN0465 II 1.1F ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.2C UN0466 II 1.2C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.2D UN0467 II 1.2D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07.
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.2E UN0468 II 1.2E ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07
G Articles, explosive, n.o.s .................... 1.2F UN0469 II 1.2F ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical 1.1G UN0428 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical 1.2G UN0429 II 1.2G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
PsN: PC150
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical 1.3G UN0430 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical 1.4G UN0431 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
D Asphalt, cut back, see Tars, liquid, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Automobile, motorcycle, tractor, other ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
self-propelled vehicle, engine, or
other mechanical apparatus, see
PO 00000
Azido hydroxy tetrazole (mercury and Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
silver salts).
3-Azido-1,2-Propylene glycol dinitrate Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Azidodithiocarbonic acid .................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Azidoethyl nitrate ............................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
1-Aziridinylphosphine oxide-(tris), see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide,
Azodicarbonamide ............................. 4.1 UN3242 II 4.1 ..... 38, IB8, T3, TP33 151 ...... 223 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
53, 74
Sfmt 8010
Azotetrazole (dry) .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Barium ............................................... 4.3 UN1400 II 4.3 ..... A19, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 52
Barium alloys, pyrophoric .................. 4.2 UN1854 I 4.2 ..... T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 181 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Barium azide, dry or wetted with less 1.1A UN0224 II 1.1A, 111, 117 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 12 ............
than 50 percent water, by mass. 6.1.
Barium azide, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1571 I 4.1, 162, A2 None ... 182 .... None Forbidden 0.5 kg D 28
Barium cyanide .................................. 6.1 UN1565 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, N74, N75, T6, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40, 52
§ 172.101
Barium hypochlorite with more than 5.1 UN2741 II 5.1, A7, A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, 152 ...... 212 .... None 5 kg 25 kg B 4, 52,
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Barium oxide ...................................... 6.1 UN1884 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Barium perchlorate, solid ................... 5.1 UN1447 II 5.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Barium perchlorate, solution .............. 5.1 UN3406 II 5.1, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L A 56, 58,
Frm 00160
6.1. 133
............................................................ ................ III 5.1, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 2.5 L 30 L A 56, 58,
6.1. 133
Barium permanganate ....................... 5.1 UN1448 II 5.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58,
6.1. 138
Fmt 8010
Barium peroxide ................................ 5.1 UN1449 II 5.1, A9, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
6.1. 56, 75
Barium selenate, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Barium selenite, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Batteries, containing sodium ............. 4.3 UN3292 II 4.3 ..... 189 ...... 189 .... 189 .... Forbidden No limit A ............
Batteries, dry, containing potassium 8 UN3028 III 8 ........ 237 None ... 213 .... None 25 kg 230 kg A 52
hydroxide solid, electric, storage. gross gross
Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s. .............. ................ ........ ........... 130
Batteries, wet, filled with acid, electric 8 UN2794 III 8 ........ ........................................ 159 ...... 159 .... 159 .... 30 kg No limit A 146
teries etc.
Battery-powered vehicle or Battery- 9 UN3171 ........ 9 ........ 134 220 ...... 220 .... None No limit No limit ............
powered equipment.
Battery, wet, filled with acid or alkali ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Benzene triozonide ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Benzenethiol, see Phenyl mercaptan ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Benzidine ........................................... 6.1 UN1885 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Benzol, see Benzene ........................ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Benzonitrile ........................................ 6.1 UN2224 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
Benzoquinone .................................... 6.1 UN2587 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Frm 00161
Benzotrichloride ................................. 8 UN2226 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40
Benzotrifluoride .................................. 3 UN2338 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Benzoxidiazoles (dry) ........................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Benzoyl azide .................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Benzoyl chloride ................................ 8 UN1736 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2, TP13 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Fmt 8010
Benzyl bromide .................................. 6.1 UN1737 II 6.1, 8 A3, A7, IB2, N33, N34, None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L D 13, 40.
T8, TP2, TP13
Benzyl chloride .................................. 6.1 UN1738 II 6.1, 8 A3, A7, B70, IB2, N33, None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L D 13, 40.
Benzyldimethylamine ......................... 8 UN2619 II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 40, 48
Benzylidene chloride ......................... 6.1 UN1886 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L D 40
Beryllium compounds, n.o.s. ............. 6.1 UN1566 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Beryllium nitrate ................................. 5.1 UN2464 II 5.1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A ............
Beryllium, powder .............................. 6.1 UN1567 II 6.1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
Bicyclo [2,2,1] hepta-2,5-diene, sta- 3 UN2251 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L D ............
bilized or 2,5-Norbornadiene, sta-
Biological substance, Category B ..... 6.2 UN3373 ........ ........... A82 134 ...... 199 .... None 4 L or 4 kg 4 L or 4 kg A 40
Biphenyl triozonide ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, flam- 3 UN2782 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E ............
§ 172.101
mable, toxic, flash point less than
PsN: PC150
23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic ... 6.1 UN3016 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Frm 00162
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN3015 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 21, 40
flammable, flash point not less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 21, 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2,TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 21, 40
Fmt 8010
Bipyridilium pesticides, solid, toxic .... 6.1 UN2781 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6,
TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3,
TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1,
TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Bis (Aminopropyl) piperazine, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Corrosive liquid, n.o.s..
Sfmt 8010
Bisulfate, aqueous solution ............... 8 UN2837 II 8 ........ A7, B2, IB2, N34, T7, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ A7, IB3, N34, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s. .. 8 UN2693 III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
Black powder, compressed or Gun- 1.1D UN0028 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Blasting caps, electric, see Deto- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
nators, electric for blasting.
Blasting caps, non-electric, see Deto- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
nators, non-electric, for blasting.
PsN: PC150
Bleaching powder, see Calcium hy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
pochlorite mixtures, etc.
I Blue asbestos (Crocidolite) or Brown 9 UN2212 II 9 ........ 156, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 155 ...... 216 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 34, 40
asbestos (amosite, mysorite). TP33
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Bombs, with bursting charge ............. 1.2F UN0291 II 1.2F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Bombs with flammable liquid, with 1.1J UN0399 II 1.1J ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
bursting charge.
Bombs with flammable liquid, with 1.2J UN0400 II 1.2J ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
bursting charge.
Boosters with detonator ..................... 1.1B UN0225 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Frm 00163
Boosters with detonator ..................... 1.2B UN0268 II 1.2B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Boosters, without detonator ............... 1.1D UN0042 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Boosters, without detonator ............... 1.2D UN0283 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Borate and chlorate mixtures, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Chlorate and borate mixtures.
Fmt 8010
Borneol .............................................. 4.1 UN1312 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
+ Boron tribromide ................................ 8 UN2692 I 8, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, N34, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 12
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Boron trichloride ................................ 2.3 UN1741 ........ 2.3, 8 3, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40
Sfmt 8010
Boron trifluoride ................................. 2.3 UN1008 ........ 2.3, 8 2, B9, B14 None ... 302 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex, 8 UN1742 II 8 ........ B2, B6, IB2, T8, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex, 8 UN3419 II 8 ........ B2, B6, IB8, IP2, IP4, 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
Bromates, inorganic, aqueous solu- 5.1 UN3213 II 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
tion, n.o.s.. 133
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Bromates, inorganic, n.o.s. ................ 5.1 UN1450 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
+ Bromine ............................................. 8 UN1744 I 8, 6.1 1, B9, B85, N34, N43, None ... 226 .... 249 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
T22, TP2, TP10, TP13 66, 74,
89, 90
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Bromine azide .................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bromine chloride ................................ 2.3 UN2901 ........ 2.3, 8, 2, B9, B14, N86 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
5.1. 315. 90
Frm 00164
+ Bromine pentafluoride ....................... 5.1 UN1745 I 5.1, 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 228 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40,
6.1, TP2, TP13, TP38, TP44 66, 90
+ Bromine solutions .............................. 8 UN1744 I 8, 6.1 1, B9, B85, N34, N43, None ... 226 .... 249 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
T22, TP2, TP10, TP13 66, 74,
89, 90
Fmt 8010
+ Bromine solutions .............................. 8 UN1744 I 8, 6.1 2, B9, B85, N34, N43, None ... 227 .... 249 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
T22, TP2, TP10, TP13 66, 74,
89, 90
+ Bromine trifluoride ............................. 5.1 UN1746 I 5.1, 2, B9, B14, B32, T22, None ... 228 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40,
6.1, TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45 66, 90
Sfmt 8010
4-Bromo-1,2-dinitrobenzene .............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
4-Bromo-1,2-dinitrobenzene (unsta- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
ble at 59 degrees C).
1-Bromo-3-chloropropane .................. 6.1 UN2688 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
1-Bromo-3-methylbutane ................... 3 UN2341 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Bromobenzene .................................. 3 UN2514 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Bromobenzyl cyanides, liquid ............ 6.1 UN1694 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L D 12, 40,
Bromobenzyl cyanides, solid ............. 6.1 UN3449 I 6.1 ..... T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg D 12, 40,
PsN: PC150
1-Bromobutane .................................. 3 UN1126 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
2-Bromobutane .................................. 3 UN2339 II 3 ........ B1, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Bromochloromethane ........................ 6.1 UN1887 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
3-Bromopropyne ................................ 3 UN2345 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L D 40
Bromosilane ....................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bromotoluene-alpha, see Benzyl bro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
Bromotrifluoroethylene ....................... 2.1 UN2419 ........ 2.1 ..... None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Bromotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN1009 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas, R 13B1.. 315.
Brucine ............................................... 6.1 UN1570 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
Bursters, explosive ............................ 1.1D UN0043 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Frm 00165
Butadienes, stabilized or Butadienes 2.1 UN1010 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
and Hydrocarbon mixture, sta- 315.
bilized containing more than 40%
Butane see also Petroleum gases, 2.1 UN1011 ........ 2.1 ..... 19, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Fmt 8010
liquefied. 315.
Butane, butane mixtures and mix- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tures having similar properties in
Butanedione ....................................... 3 UN2346 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
1,2,4-Butanetriol trinitrate .................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Butanols ............................................. 3 UN1120 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
tert-Butoxycarbonyl azide .................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Butyl acetates .................................... 3 UN1123 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Butyl acid phosphate ......................... 8 UN1718 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Butyl acrylates, stabilized .................. 3 UN2348 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Butyl alcohols, see Butanols ............. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Butyl benzenes .................................. 3 UN2709 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
n-Butyl bromide, see 1-Bromobutane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
n-Butyl chloride, see Chlorobutanes ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
D sec-Butyl chloroformate ..................... 6.1 NA2742 I 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, B74, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12, 13,
8. T20, TP4, TP13, TP38, 22, 25,
TP45 40, 48,
n-Butyl chloroformate ........................ 6.1 UN2743 I 6.1, 8, 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12, 13,
3. TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45 21, 25,
§ 172.101
40, 100
PsN: PC150
Butyl ethers, see Dibutyl ethers ........ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Butyl ethyl ether, see Ethyl butyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
n-Butyl formate .................................. 3 UN1128 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
tert-Butyl hydroperoxide, with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
than 90 percent with water.
tert-Butyl hypochlorite ........................ 4.2 UN3255 I 4.2, 8 None ... 211 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Frm 00166
N-n-Butyl imidazole ........................... 6.1 UN2690 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
tert-Butyl isocyanate .......................... 6.1 UN2484 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, B72, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T22, TP2, TP13, TP38,
n-Butyl isocyanate ............................. 6.1 UN2485 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Fmt 8010
Butyl mercaptans ............................... 3 UN2347 II 3 ........ A3, A6, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L D 52, 95
n-Butyl methacrylate, stabilized ......... 3 UN2227 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Butyl methyl ether .............................. 3 UN2350 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Butyl nitrites ....................................... 3 UN2351 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E 40
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
tert-Butyl peroxyacetate, with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
than 76 percent in solution.
n-Butyl peroxydicarbonate, with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tert-Butylcyclohexylchloroformate ...... 6.1 UN2747 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 12, 13,
Butylene see also Petroleum gases, 2.1 UN1012 ........ 2.1 ..... 19, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
liquefied. 315.
PsN: PC150
1,2-Butylene oxide, stabilized ............ 3 UN3022 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 27, 49
Butyltoluenes ..................................... 6.1 UN2667 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Butyltrichlorosilane ............................. 8 UN1747 II 8, 3 .... A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Butyric acid ........................................ 8 UN2820 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 12
Butyric anhydride ............................... 8 UN2739 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Butyronitrile ........................................ 3 UN2411 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Butyryl chloride .................................. 3 UN2353 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T8, TP2, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L C 40
Cacodylic acid ................................... 6.1 UN1572 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4,T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 52
Cadmium compounds ........................ 6.1 UN2570 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Caesium hydroxide ............................ 8 UN2682 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 29, 52.
Caesium hydroxide solution .............. 8 UN2681 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 29, 52
Frm 00167
III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 29, 52
Calcium .............................................. 4.3 UN1401 II 4.3 ..... IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50kg E 52
Calcium arsenate ............................... 6.1 UN1573 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Calcium arsenate and calcium 6.1 UN1574 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
arsenite, mixtures, solid.
Fmt 8010
Calcium bisulfite solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s..
Calcium carbide ................................. 4.3 UN1402 I 4.3 ..... A1, A8, B55, B59, IB4, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg B 52
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... A2, IB2, N41, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 68,
Calcium chlorite ................................. 5.1 UN1453 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
T3, TP33
Calcium cyanamide with more than 4.3 UN1403 III 4.3 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
0.1 percent of calcium carbide. TP33
Calcium cyanide ................................ 6.1 UN1575 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, N79, N80, T6, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40, 52
Calcium dithionite or Calcium hydro- 4.2 UN1923 II 4.2 ..... A19, A20, IB6, IP2, T3, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 13
sulfite. TP33
Calcium hydride ................................. 4.3 UN1404 I 4.3 ..... A19, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 52
Calcium hydrosulfite, see Calcium ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
Calcium hypochlorite, dry or Calcium 5.1 UN1748 II 5.1 ..... 165, 166, A7, A9, IB8, 152 ...... 212 .... None 5 kg 25 kg D 4, 25,
PsN: PC150
hypochlorite mixtures dry with IP2, IP4, IP13, N34, W9 48, 52,
more than 39 percent available 56, 58,
chlorine (8.8 percent available oxy- 69, 142
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... 165, 171, A7, A9, IB8, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg D 4, 25,
IP4, IP13, N34, W9 48, 52,
56, 58,
Frm 00168
69, 142
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or 5.1 UN2880 II 5.1 ..... 165, IB8, IP2, IP4, IP13, 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 4, 25,
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated W9 48, 52,
mixtures, with not less than 5.5 56, 58,
percent but not more than 16 per- 69,
cent water. 142.
Fmt 8010
Calcium hypochlorite mixtures, dry, 5.1 UN2208 III 5.1 ..... 165, A1, A29, IB8, IP3, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg D 4, 25,
with more than 10 percent but not IP13, N34, W9 48, 52,
more than 39 percent available 56, 58,
TP33 103
Calcium nitrate ................................... 5.1 UN1454 III 5.1 ..... 34, IB8,IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
A Calcium oxide .................................... 8 UN1910 III 8 ........ IB8,IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Calcium perchlorate ........................... 5.1 UN1455 II 5.1 ..... IB6,IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Calcium permanganate ..................... 5.1 UN1456 II 5.1 ..... IB6,IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58,
Calcium silicide .................................. 4.3 UN1405 II 4.3 ..... A19, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 52, 85,
............................................................ ................ III 4.3 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 52, 85,
TP33 103
PsN: PC150
Camphor oil ....................................... 3 UN1130 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Camphor, synthetic ............................ 4.1 UN2717 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Cannon primers, see Primers, tubular ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Caproic acid ....................................... 8 UN2829 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic .... 6.1 UN2992 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
PO 00000
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN2991 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
flammable, flash point not less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Frm 00169
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Carbamate pesticides, solid, toxic ..... 6.1 UN2757 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Carbolic acid, see Phenol, solid or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Phenol, molten.
Fmt 8010
Carbolic acid solutions, see Phenol ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
I Carbon, activated .............................. 4.2 UN1362 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 0.5 kg 0.5 kg A 12
I Carbon, animal or vegetable origin ... 4.2 UN1361 II 4.2 ..... IB6, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12
Carbon bisulfide, see Carbon disul- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Carbon dioxide .................................. 2.2 UN1013 ........ 2.2 ..... 306 ...... 302, 302, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
304. 314,
Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid .... 2.2 UN2187 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 50 kg 500 kg B ............
AW Carbon dioxide, solid or Dry ice ........ 9 UN1845 III None 217 ...... 217 .... 240 .... 200 kg 200 kg C 40
Carbon disulfide ................................. 3 UN1131 I 3, 6.1 B16, T14, TP2, TP7, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 18, 40,
TP13 115
Carbon monoxide, compressed ........ 2.3 UN1016 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 302 .... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40
2.1. 315.
D Carbon monoxide, refrigerated liquid 2.3 NA9202 ........ 2.3, 4, T75, TP5 None ... 316 .... 318 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
(cryogenic liquid). 2.1.
Carbon tetrabromide .......................... 6.1 UN2516 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 25
Carbon tetrachloride .......................... 6.1 UN1846 II 6.1 ..... IB2, N36, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Carbonyl chloride, see Phosgene ..... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Carbonyl fluoride ............................... 2.3 UN2417 ........ 2.3, 8 2 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
§ 172.101
Carbonyl sulfide ................................. 2.3 UN2204 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
2.1. 315.
Cartridge cases, empty primed, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cases, cartridge, empty, with prim-
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Cartridges, actuating, for aircraft ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
ejector seat catapult, fire extin-
guisher, canopy removal or appa-
Frm 00170
Cartridges for weapons, blank .......... 1.1C UN0326 II 1.1C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Cartridges for weapons, blank .......... 1.2C UN0413 II 1.2C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Sfmt 8010
Cartridges for weapons, blank or 1.4S UN0014 II None 63 ........ 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Cartridges, small arms, blank.
Cartridges for weapons, blank or 1.3C UN0327 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Cartridges, small arms, blank.
Cartridges for weapons, blank or 1.4C UN0338 II 1.4C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting 1.1E UN0006 II 1.1E ... None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting 1.2F UN0007 II 1.2F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
PsN: PC150
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting 1.2E UN0321 II 1.2E ... None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting 1.4F UN0348 II 1.4F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Cartridges, power device ................... 1.4C UN0276 II 1.4C .. 110 None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cartridges, power device ................... 1.4S UN0323 II 1.4S ... 110 63 ........ 62 ...... 62 ...... 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Cartridges, power device ................... 1.2C UN0381 II 1.2C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Cartridges, safety, blank, see Car- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tridges for weapons, blank (UN
PO 00000
Cartridges, safety, see Cartriges for ................ ........ ........... ........................................ ............. ........... ........... .................. ..................
weapons, inert projectile, or Car-
tridges, small arms or Cartridges,
power device (UN 0323).
Cartridges, signal ............................... 1.3G UN0054 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 07 ............
Frm 00171
Cartridges, signal ............................... 1.4G UN0312 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cartridges, signal ............................... 1.4S UN0405 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
D Cartridges, small arms ...................... ORM-D ........ None 63 ........ None None 30 kg 30 kg A ............
gross gross
D Cartridges power device (used to ORM–D ........ None 63 ........ None None 30 kg 30 kg A ............
Fmt 8010
Cases, cartridge, empty with primer 1.4S UN0055 II 1.4S ... 50 None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Cases, cartridges, empty with primer 1.4C UN0379 II 1.4C .. 50 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Sfmt 8010
Cases, combustible, empty, without 1.4C UN0446 II 1.4C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cases, combustible, empty, without 1.3C UN0447 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Casinghead gasoline see Gasoline ... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
AW Castor beans or Castor meal or Cas- 9 UN2969 II None IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 155 ...... 204 .... 240 .... No limit No limit E 34, 40
tor pomace or Castor flake.
G Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s. ............... 8 UN1719 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 29, 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 29, 52
Caustic potash, see Potassium hy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
droxide etc.
Caustic soda, (etc.) see Sodium hy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
droxide etc.
Cells, containing sodium ................... 4.3 UN3292 II 4.3 ..... 189 ...... 189 .... 189 .... 25 kg No limit A ............
Celluloid, in block, rods, rolls, sheets, 4.1 UN2000 III 4.1 ..... None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
§ 172.101
flammable liquid.
PsN: PC150
Cerium, slabs, ingots, or rods ........... 4.1 UN1333 II 4.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N34 None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 74, 91
Cerium, turnings or gritty powder ...... 4.3 UN3078 II 4.3 ..... A1, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 52
Cesium or Caesium ........................... 4.3 UN1407 I 4.3 ..... A7, A19, IB4, IP1, N34, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Cesium nitrate or Caesium nitrate .... 5.1 UN1451 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
D Charcoal briquettes, shell, 4.2 NA1361 III 4.2 ..... IB8, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 12
Frm 00172
Charges, depth .................................. 1.1D UN0056 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Charges, expelling, explosive, for fire ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
extinguishers, see Cartridges,
power device.
Charges, explosive, commercial with- 1.1D UN0442 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Sfmt 8010
out detonator.
Charges, explosive, commercial with- 1.2D UN0443 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
out detonator.
Charges, explosive, commercial with- 1.4D UN0444 II 1.4D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
out detonator.
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.1D UN0059 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.2D UN0439 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.4D UN0440 II 1.4D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.4S UN0441 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
PsN: PC150
Charges, supplementary explosive ... 1.1D UN0060 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
D Chemical kit ....................................... 8 NA1760 II 8 ........ 154 ...... 161 .... None 1L 30 L B 40
Chemical kits ..................................... 9 UN3316 ........ 9 ........ 15 161 ...... 161 .... None 10 kg 10 kg A ............
Chloral, anhydrous, stabilized ........... 6.1 UN2075 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L D 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... A9, IB2, N34, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L A 56, 58,
Chlorate of potash, see Potassium ................ ........ ........... ........................................ ............. ........... ........... .................. ..................
Chlorate of soda, see Sodium chlo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00173
Chlorates, inorganic, aqueous solu- 5.1 UN3210 II 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
tion, n.o.s.. 133
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
Fmt 8010
Chlorates, inorganic, n.o.s. ................ 5.1 UN1461 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB6, IP2, N34, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Chloric acid aqueous solution, with 5.1 UN2626 II 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 None ... 229 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 56, 58
Chloride of phosphorus, see Phos- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
phorus trichloride.
Chloride of sulfur, see Sulfur chloride ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Chlorinated lime, see Calcium hypo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
chlorite mixtures, etc.
Chlorine ............................................. 2.3 UN1017 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14, N86, T50, None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 51,
5.1, TP19 315. 55, 62,
8. 68, 89,
Chlorine azide .................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
D Chlorine dioxide, hydrate, frozen ...... 5.1 NA9191 II 5.1, None ... 229 .... None Forbidden Forbidden E ............
Chlorine dioxide (not hydrate) ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Chlorine pentafluoride ....................... 2.3 UN2548 ........ 2.3, 1, B7, B9, B14, N86 None ... 304 .... 314 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
5.1, 90
Chlorine trifluoride ............................. 2.3 UN1749 ........ 2.3, 2, B7, B9, B14, N86 None ... 304 .... 314 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
5.1, 90
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Chlorite solution ................................. 8 UN1908 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, IB2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 26, 44,
N34, T7, TP2, TP24 89,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, IB3, 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L B 26, 44,
N34, T4, TP2, TP24 89,
Frm 00174
Chlorites, inorganic, n.o.s. ................. 5.1 UN1462 II 5.1 ..... A7, IB6, IP2, N34, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane or Refrig- 2.1 UN2517 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
erant gas R 142b. 315.
3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate, 6.1 UN2236 II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Fmt 8010
3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate, 6.1 UN3428 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40
1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethaneor 2.2 UN1021 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Refrigerant gas R 124. 315.
Sfmt 8010
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride, 6.1 UN1579 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride, 6.1 UN3410 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
1-Chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane or Re- 2.2 UN1983 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Chloroacetophenone, liquid, (CN) ..... 6.1 UN3416 II 6.1 ..... A3, IB2, N12, N32, N33, None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden 60 L D 12, 40
T7, TP2, TP13
Chloroacetophenone, solid, (CN) ...... 6.1 UN1697 II 6.1 ..... A3, IB8, IP2, IP4, N12, None ... 212 .... None Forbidden 100 kg D 12, 40
N32, N33, N34, T3,
PsN: PC150
Chlorobenzotrifluorides ...................... 3 UN2234 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Chlorobenzyl chlorides, liquid ............ 6.1 UN2235 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Chlorobenzyl chlorides, solid ............. 6.1 UN3427 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Chlorobutanes ................................... 3 UN1127 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Chlorocresols solution ....................... 6.1 UN2669 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 12
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 12
Chlorocresols, solid ........................... 6.1 UN3437 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 12
Chlorodifluorobromomethane or Re- 2.2 UN1974 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
frigerant gas R 12B1. 315.
Chlorodifluoromethane and 2.2 UN1973 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
chloropentafluoroethane mixture or 315.
Frm 00175
+ Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid. ........... 6.1 UN1577 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 91
+ Chlorodinitrobenzenes, solid ............. 6.1 UN3441 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 91
2-Chloroethanal ................................. 6.1 UN2232 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
G Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, 6.1 UN2742 II 6.1, 8, 5, IB1, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 12, 13,
flammable, n.o.s.. 3. 21, 25,
40, 100
G Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, 6.1 UN3277 II 6.1, 8 IB2, T8, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 12, 13,
n.o.s.. TP28 25, 40
Chloromethyl chloroformate .............. 6.1 UN2745 II 6.1, 8 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 12, 13,
21, 25,
40, 100
Chloromethyl ethyl ether ................... 3 UN2354 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Chloronitroanilines ............................. 6.1 UN2237 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
+ Chloronitrobenzenes, liquid ............... 6.1 UN3409 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A
+ Chloronitrobenzenes, solid ................ 6.1 UN1578 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A
Chloronitrotoluenes, liquid ................. 6.1 UN2433 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 44, 89,
Chloronitrotoluenes, solid .................. 6.1 UN3457 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3,T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 200 kg A ............
Chloropentafluoroethane or Refrig- 2.2 UN1020 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
erant gas R 115. 315.
Chlorophenolates, liquid or 8 UN2904 III 8 ........ IB3 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
§ 172.101
Phenolates, liquid.
PsN: PC150
Chlorophenolates, solid or 8 UN2905 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phenolates, solid.
Chlorophenols, liquid ......................... 6.1 UN2021 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Chlorophenols, solid .......................... 6.1 UN2020 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane ............... 8 UN1753 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7
+ Chloropicrin ........................................ 6.1 UN1580 I 6.1 ..... 2, B7, B9, B14, B32, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Frm 00176
Chloropicrin mixture, flammable ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
(pressure not exceeding 14.7 psia
at 115 degrees F flash point below
Chloropicrin mixtures, n.o.s. .............. 6.1 UN1583 I 6.1 ..... 5 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
D Chloropivaloyl chloride ...................... 6.1 NA9263 I 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
TP4, TP13, TP38, TP45
Chloroplatinic acid, solid .................... 8 UN2507 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s. ......... 8 UN2987 II 8 ........ B2, T14, TP2, TP7, None ... 206 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
TP13, TP27
Chlorosilanes, flammable, corrosive, 3 UN2985 II 3, 8 .... T14, TP2, TP7, TP13, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
n.o.s. TP27
PsN: PC150
Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, flam- 6.1 UN3362 II 6.1, 3, T14, TP2, TP7, TP13, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L C 40, 125
mable, n.o.s. 8. TP27
Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s 6.1 UN3361 II 6.1, 8 T14, TP2, TP7, TP13, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L C 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Chlorotoluenes ................................... 3 UN2238 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Chlorotoluidines, liquid ...................... 6.1 UN3429 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Chlorotoluidines, solid ....................... 6.1 UN2239 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Chlorotrifluoromethane and 2.2 UN2599 ........ 2.2 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
trifluoromethane azeotropic mixture 315.
PO 00000
Chromic acid solution ........................ 8 UN1755 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40, 44,
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L C 40, 44,
Fmt 8010
Chromic anhydride, see Chromium ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
trioxide, anhydrous.
Sfmt 8010
Chromic fluoride, solid ....................... 8 UN1756 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52
Chromic fluoride, solution .................. 8 UN1757 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Chromium nitrate ............................... 5.1 UN2720 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Chromium oxychloride ....................... 8 UN1758 I 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B10, N34, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L C 40, 66,
Cigar and cigarette lighters, charged ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
with fuel, see Lighters or Lighter
refills containing flammable gas..
§ 172.101
Coal briquettes, hot ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Coal gas, compressed ....................... 2.3 UN1023 ........ 2.3, 3 None ... 302 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
2.1. 315.
Coal tar distillates, flammable ........... 3 UN1136 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Coal tar dye, corrosive, liquid, n.o.s, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see Dyes, liquid or solid, n.o.s. or
Dye intermediates, liquid or solid,
Frm 00178
corrosive, n.o.s..
Coating solution (includes surface 3 UN1139 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
treatments or coatings used for in-
dustrial or other purposes such as
vehicle undercoating, drum or bar-
rel lining).
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Cobalt naphthenates, powder ........... 4.1 UN2001 III 4.1 ..... A19, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Cobalt resinate, precipitated .............. 4.1 UN1318 III 4.1 ..... A1, A19, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Coke, hot ........................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Collodion, see Nitrocellulose etc ....... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
DG Combustible liquid, n.o.s. .................. Comb liq NA1993 III None IB3, T1, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Components, explosive train, n.o.s ... 1.2B UN0382 II 1.2B ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11
G Components, explosive train, n.o.s ... 1.4B UN0383 II 1.4B ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06
G Components, explosive train, n.o.s ... 1.4S UN0384 II 1.4S ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05
G Components, explosive train, n.o.s ... 1.1B UN0461 II 1.1B ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11
DG Compounds, tree killing, liquid or 8 NA1760 I 8 ........ A7, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40
Compounds, weed killing, liquid. TP27
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, N37, T11, TP2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, N37, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40
DG Compounds, tree killing, liquid or 3 NA1993 I 3 ........ T11, TP1 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Compounds, weed killing, liquid.
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
G Compressed gas, flammable, n.o.s. .. 2.1 UN1954 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 302, 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
305. 315.
G Compressed gas, n.o.s ..................... 2.2 UN1956 ........ 2.2 ..... 77 306, 302, 314, 75 kg 150 kg A.
307. 305. 315.
PO 00000
G Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. .... 2.2 UN3156 ........ 2.2, A14 306 ...... 302 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg D ............
5.1. 315.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3304 ........ 2.3, 8 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3304 ........ 2.3, 8 2, B9, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Frm 00179
GI Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3305 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 2.1,
Zone A. 8.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3305 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 2.1, 305. 315.
Sfmt 8010
Zone B. 8.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3305 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 2.1, 305. 315.
Zone C. 8.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3305 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhala- 2.3 UN1955 ........ 2.3 ..... 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
tion Hazard Zone A.
G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhala- 2.3 UN1955 ........ 2.3 ..... 2, B9, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
§ 172.101
tion Hazard Zone B. 305. 315.
PsN: PC150
G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhala- 2.3 UN1955 ........ 2.3 ..... 3, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
tion Hazard Zone C. 305. 315.
G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhala- 2.3 UN1955 ........ 2.3 ..... 4 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
tion Hazard Zone D. 305. 315.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxdizing, 2.3 UN3306 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 5.1, 90
Zone A. 8.
Frm 00180
GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3306 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 5.1, 305. 315. 90
Zone B. 8.
GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3306 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 5.1, 305. 315. 90
Zone C. 8.
Fmt 8010
GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3306 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 5.1, 305. 315. 90
Zone D. 8.
G Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3303 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Sfmt 8010
Copper acetoarsenite ........................ 6.1 UN1585 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Copper acetylide ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Copper amine azide .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Copper arsenite ................................. 6.1 UN1586 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Copper based pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2776 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
flammable, toxic, flash point less
than 23 degrees C.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Copper based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3009 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
toxic, flammable, flash point not
less than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2775 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Copper chlorate ................................. 5.1 UN2721 II 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Frm 00181
Copper chloride ................................. 8 UN2802 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Copper cyanide ................................. 6.1 UN1587 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 204 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
Copper selenate, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Copper selenite, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Copper tetramine nitrate .................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
AW Copra ................................................. 4.2 UN1363 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, IP7 None ... 213 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 13, 19,
48, 119
Sfmt 8010
Cord, detonating, flexible ................... 1.1D UN0065 II 1.1D .. 102 63(a) ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Cord, detonating, flexible ................... 1.4D UN0289 II 1.4D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cord detonating or Fuse detonating 1.2D UN0102 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
metal clad.
Cord, detonating or Fuse, detonating 1.1D UN0290 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
metal clad.
Cord, detonating, mild effect or Fuse, 1.4D UN0104 II 1.4D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
detonating, mild effect metal clad.
Cord, igniter ....................................... 1.4G UN0066 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Cordeau detonant fuse, see Cord, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
detonating, etc; Cord, detonating,
Cordite, see Powder, smokeless ....... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, 8 UN3264 I 8 ........ A6, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40
n.o.s. TP27
II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40
G Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, 8 UN3265 I 8 ........ A6, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40
n.o.s.. TP27
§ 172.101
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40
G Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, 8 UN3266 I 8 ........ A6, T14, TP2, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40, 52
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40, 52
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
G Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3267 I 8 ........ A6, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40, 52
Frm 00182
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1 L 30 L B 40, 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5 L 60 L A 40, 52
G Corrosive liquid, self-heating, n.o.s. .. 8 UN3301 I 8, 4.2 A6, B10 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L D ............
............................................................ ................ II 8, 4.2 B2, IB1 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1 L 30 L D ............
G Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s. .. 8 UN2920 I 8, 3 .... A6, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L C 25, 40
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L C 25, 40
G Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. ..................... 8 UN1760 I 8 ........ A6, A7, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Sfmt 8010
G Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. ..... 8 UN3093 I 8, 5.1 A6, A7 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L C 89
............................................................ ................ II 8, 5.1 A6, A7, IB2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L C 89
G Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s. ........... 8 UN2922 I 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B10, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40
TP13, TP27
II 8, 6.1 B3, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
III 8, 6.1 IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L B 40
G Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic, 8 UN3262 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B 52
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
PsN: PC150
G Corrosive solid, basic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3263 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B 52
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 52
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
G Corrosive solids, flammable, n.o.s. ... 8 UN2921 I 8, 4.1 IB6, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B 12, 25
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
G Corrosive solids, oxidizing, n.o.s. ...... 8 UN3084 I 8, 5.1 T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ II 8, 5.1 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
G Corrosive solids, self-heating, n.o.s. 8 UN3095 I 8, 4.2 T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 243 .... 1 kg 25 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ II 8, 4.2 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
G Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s. ............ 8 UN2923 I 8, 6.1 IB7, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B 40
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ II 8, 6.1 IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 40
............................................................ ................ III 8, 6.1 IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40, 95
G Corrosive solids, water-reactive, 8 UN3096 I 8, 4.3 IB4, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 243 .... 1 kg 25 kg D ............
............................................................ ................ II 8, 4.3 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg D ............
DW Cotton ................................................ 9 NA1365 ........ 9 ........ 137, IB8, IP2, IP4, W41 None ... None None No limit No limit A ............
Frm 00183
AW Cotton waste, oily .............................. 4.2 UN1364 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, IP7 None ... 213 .... None Forbidden Forbidden A 54
AI Cotton, wet ........................................ 4.2 UN1365 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, IP7 None ... 204 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liq- 3 UN3024 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
uid, flammable, toxic, flash point
Fmt 8010
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liq- 6.1 UN3026 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
uid, toxic.
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liq- 6.1 UN3025 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
uid, toxic, flammable, flash point
not less than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN3027 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Cresols, liquid .................................... 6.1 UN2076 II 6.1, 8 IB2, IP2, IP4, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B ............
Cresols, solid ..................................... 6.1 UN3455 II 6.1, 8 IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
Cresylic acid ...................................... 6.1 UN2022 II 6.1, 8 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B ............
Crotonaldehyde or Crotonaldehyde, 6.1 UN1143 I 6.1, 3 2, 175, B9, B14, B32, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
§ 172.101
Crotonic acid, solid ............................ 8 UN2823 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 12.
PsN: PC150
Crotonylene ....................................... 3 UN1144 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Cupriethylenediamine solution .......... 8 UN1761 II 8, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 8, 6.1 IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 95
Cutters, cable, explosive ................... 1.4S UN0070 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Cyanide or cyanide mixtures, dry, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see Cyanides, inorganic, solid,
Frm 00184
Cyanide solutions, n.o.s. ................... 6.1 UN1935 I 6.1 ..... B37, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40, 52
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40, 52
Fmt 8010
Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s. ...... 6.1 UN1588 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, N74, N75, T6, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 52
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N74, N75, 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
T3, TP33
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, N74, N75, T1, 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Cyanogen .......................................... 2.3 UN1026 ........ 2.3, 2 None ... 304 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Cyanogen bromide ............................ 6.1 UN1889 I 6.1, 8 A6, A8, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg D 40
Cycloheptatriene ................................ 3 UN2603 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Cycloheptene ..................................... 3 UN2242 II 3 ........ B1, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Cyclohexane ...................................... 3 UN1145 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Cyclohexanone .................................. 3 UN1915 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PsN: PC150
Cyclohexene ...................................... 3 UN2256 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Cyclohexenyltrichlorosilane ............... 8 UN1762 II 8 ........ A7, B2, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP7, TP13
Cyclohexyl acetate ............................ 3 UN2243 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Cyclohexyltrichlorosilane ................... 8 UN1763 II 8 ........ A7, B2, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP7, TP13
Cyclonite and ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
PO 00000
Cyclonite and octogen mixtures, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
wetted or desensitized see RDX
and HMX mixtures, wetted or de-
sensitized etc.
Fmt 8010
Cyclonite, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, etc.
Cyclooctadiene phosphines, see 9- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cyclooctadienes ................................ 3 UN2520 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Cyclooctatetraene .............................. 3 UN2358 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Cyclopentane ..................................... 3 UN1146 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Cyclopentane, methyl, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cyclopentanol .................................... 3 UN2244 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Cyclopentanone ................................. 3 UN2245 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Cyclopentene ..................................... 3 UN2246 II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Cyclopropane ..................................... 2.1 UN1027 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
(dry or unphlegmatized) (HMX).
Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, 1.1D UN0484 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
desensitized or Octogen, desen-
sitized or HMX, desensitized.
Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, 1.1D UN0226 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
§ 172.101
15 percent water, by mass.
PsN: PC150
Cyclotrimethylenenitramine and ................ ........ ........... ........................................ ............. ........... ........... .................. ..................
octogen, mixtures, wetted or de-
sensitized see RDX and HMX mix-
tures, wetted or desensitized, etc.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine and ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
Frm 00186
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, desen- 1.1D UN0483 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
sitized or Cyclonite, desensitized
or Hexogen, desensitized or RDX,
Sfmt 8010
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, wetted 1.1D UN0072 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen,
wetted or RDX, wetted with not
less than 15 percent water by
Cymenes ............................................ 3 UN2046 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
................ III 3 ........ 172, B1, T7 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A
Depth charges, see Charges, depth ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Desensitized explosive, liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN3379 I 3 ........ 164 None ... 201 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 36
G Desensitized explosive, solid, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3380 I 4.1 ..... 164 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 28, 36
PsN: PC150
Detonating relays, see Detonators, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Detonator assemblies, non-electric 1.1B UN0360 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
for blasting.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Detonators, electric, for blasting ........ 1.4B UN0255 II 1.4B ... 103 63(f), 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Detonators, electric for blasting ......... 1.4S UN0456 II 1.4S ... 63(f), 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
PO 00000
Detonators for ammunition ................ 1.1B UN0073 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Detonators for ammunition ................ 1.2B UN0364 II 1.2B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Detonators for ammunition ................ 1.4B UN0365 II 1.4B ... 103 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Detonators for ammunition ................ 1.4S UN0366 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.1B UN0029 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Frm 00187
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.4B UN0267 II 1.4B ... 103 63(f), 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.4S UN0455 II 1.4S ... ........................................ 63(f), 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Deuterium, compressed .................... 2.1 UN1957 ........ 2.1 ..... N89 306 ...... 302 .... None Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Fmt 8010
Devices, small, hydrocarbon gas 2.1 UN3150 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... None 1 kg 15 kg B 40
powered or Hydrocarbon gas refills
for small devices with release de-
Di-n-amylamine .................................. 3 UN2841 III 3, 6.1 B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Di-n-butyl peroxydicarbonate, with Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
more than 52 percent in solution.
Di-n-butylamine .................................. 8 UN2248 II 8, 3 .... IB2, T7, TP2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
2,2-Di-(tert-butylperoxy) butane, with Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
more than 55 percent in solution.
Di-(tert-butylperoxy) phthalate, with Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
more than 55 percent in solution.
2,2-Di-(4,4-di-tert- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
butylperoxycyclohexyl) propane,
with more than 42 percent with
inert solid.
Di-2,4-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide, with Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
more than 75 percent with water.
1,2-Di-(dimethylamino)ethane ........... 3 UN2372 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
a,a′-Di-(nitroxy) methylether .............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Di-(beta-nitroxyethyl) ammonium ni- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Diacetone alcohol .............................. 3 UN1148 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Diacetone alcohol peroxides, with Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
more than 57 percent in solution
with more than 9 percent hydrogen
Frm 00188
Diacetyl peroxide, solid, or with more Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
than 25 percent in solution.
Diallylamine ....................................... 3 UN2359 II 3, 6.1, IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 21, 40,
8. 100
Diallylether ......................................... 3 UN2360 II 3, 6.1 IB2, N12, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Sfmt 8010
4,4′-Diaminodiphenyl methane .......... 6.1 UN2651 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
p-Diazidobenzene .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,2-Diazidoethane .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,1′-Diazoaminonaphthalene ............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Diazoaminotetrazole (dry) ................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Diazodinitrophenol (dry) .................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Diborane ............................................ 2.3 UN1911 ........ 2.3, 1, N89 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 57
D Diborane mixtures ............................. 2.1 NA1911 ........ 2.1 ..... 5 None ... 302 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 57
PsN: PC150
Dibromoacetylene .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,2-Dibromobutan-3-one .................... 6.1 UN2648 II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Dibromochloropropane ...................... 6.1 UN2872 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Dibutylaminoethanol .......................... 6.1 UN2873 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
N,N′-Dichlorazodicarbonamidine Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
(salts of) (dry).
1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane ................. 6.1 UN2650 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 12, 40,
PO 00000
D 3,5-Dichloro-2,4,6-trifluoropyridine .... 6.1 NA9264 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 40
TP4, TP13, TP38, TP45
Dichloroacetic acid ............................ 8 UN1764 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, IB2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
N34, T8, TP2
1,3-Dichloroacetone ........................... 6.1 UN2649 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 12, 40
Frm 00189
Dichloroacetyl chloride ...................... 8 UN1765 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, B6, IB2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L D 40
N34, T7, TP2
Dichloroacetylene .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
+ Dichloroanilines, liquid ....................... 6.1 UN1590 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Dichloroanilines, solid ........................ 6.1 UN3442 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
Fmt 8010
+ o-Dichlorobenzene ............................. 6.1 UN1591 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
2,2′-Dichlorodiethyl ether ................... 6.1 UN1916 II 6.1, 3 IB2, N33, N34, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Dichlorodifluoromethane and 2.2 UN2602 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
1,1-Dichloroethane ............................ 3 UN2362 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
1,2-Dichloroethane, see Ethylene di- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Dichloroethyl sulfide .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,2-Dichloroethylene .......................... 3 UN1150 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Dichlorofluoromethane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN1029 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas R21. 315.
Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or 5.1 UN2465 II 5.1 ..... 28, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13
Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts. TP33
Dichloroisopropyl ether ...................... 6.1 UN2490 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Dichloromethane ................................ 6.1 UN1593 III 6.1 ..... IB3, IP8, N36, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Dichloropentanes ............................... 3 UN1152 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Dichlorophenyl isocyanates ............... 6.1 UN2250 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 25, 40,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Dichlorophenyltrichlorosilane ............. 8 UN1766 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
1,2-Dichloropropane .......................... 3 UN1279 II 3 ........ IB2, N36, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
1,3-Dichloropropanol-2 ...................... 6.1 UN2750 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 12, 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Dichloropropene and propylene di- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
chloride mixture, see 1,2-
Frm 00190
Dichloropropenes ............................... 3 UN2047 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Dichlorosilane .................................... 2.3 UN2189 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
2.1, 315.
1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2- 2.2 UN1958 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Fmt 8010
Dicycloheptadiene, see Bicyclo ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
[2,2,1] hepta-2,5-diene, stabilized.
Sfmt 8010
Dicyclohexylamine ............................. 8 UN2565 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Dicyclohexylammonium nitrite ........... 4.1 UN2687 III 4.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 48
Dicyclopentadiene ............................. 3 UN2048 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Didymium nitrate ................................ 5.1 UN1465 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
D Diesel fuel .......................................... 3 NA1993 III None 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
2-Diethylaminoethanol ....................... 8 UN2686 II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T7, TP2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 30 L A ............
3-Diethyamino-propylamine. .............. 3 UN2684 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L A ............
+ N, N-Diethylaniline ............................. 6.1 UN2432 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Diethylbenzene .................................. 3 UN2049 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Diethylthiophosphoryl chloride ........... 8 UN2751 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 12, 40
Difluorochloroethanes, see 1-Chloro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,1-Difluoroethane or Refrigerant gas 2.1 UN1030 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
R 152a. 315.
Frm 00191
1,1-Difluoroethylene or Refrigerant 2.1 UN1959 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... None Forbidden 150 kg E 40
gas R 1132a.
Difluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 2.1 UN3252 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 302 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
32. 315.
Difluorophosphoric acid, anhydrous .. 8 UN1768 II 8 ........ A6, A7, B2, IB2, N5, None ... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40
N34, T8, TP2
Fmt 8010
2,3-Dihydropyran ............................... 3 UN2376 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
1,8-Dihydroxy-2,4,5,7- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
(chrysamminic acid).
Diiodoacetylene ................................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Diisobutyl ketone ............................... 3 UN1157 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Diisobutylamine ................................. 3 UN2361 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Diisobutylene, isomeric compounds .. 3 UN2050 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Diisooctyl acid phosphate .................. 8 UN1902 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Diisopropyl ether ................................ 3 UN1159 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
Diisopropylamine ............................... 3 UN1158 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B ............
Diisopropylbenzene hydroperoxide, Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
with more than 72 percent in solu-
Diketene, stabilized ........................... 6.1 UN2521 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 26, 27,
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45 40
1,2-Dimethoxyethane ......................... 3 UN2252 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
1,1-Dimethoxyethane ......................... 3 UN2377 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Dimethyl carbonate ............................ 3 UN1161 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Dimethyl chlorothiophosphate, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
with water.
PsN: PC150
Dimethyl disulfide .............................. 3 UN2381 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Dimethyl ether ................................... 2.1 UN1033 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Dimethyl-N-propylamine .................... 3 UN2266 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Dimethyl sulfate ................................. 6.1 UN1595 I 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Frm 00192
Dimethyl sulfide ................................. 3 UN1164 II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
Dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride ...... 6.1 UN2267 II 6.1, 8 IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 25
Dimethylamine, anhydrous ................ 2.1 UN1032 ........ 2.1 ..... N87, T50 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
Dimethylamine solution ..................... 3 UN1160 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 52.
2-Dimethylaminoacetonitrile .............. 3 UN2378 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L A 40, 52
Fmt 8010
2-Dimethylaminoethanol .................... 8 UN2051 II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
2-Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate .......... 6.1 UN3302 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L D 25
2-Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate .. 6.1 UN2522 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
N,N-Dimethylaniline ........................... 6.1 UN2253 II 6.1 ..... IB1, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
2,3-Dimethylbutane ............................ 3 UN2457 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Sfmt 8010
1, 3-Dimethylbutylamine .................... 3 UN2379 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 52.
Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride .............. 8 UN2262 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40
Dimethylcyclohexanes ....................... 3 UN2263 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine ........... 8 UN2264 II 8, 3 .... B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 40
Dimethyldichlorosilane ....................... 3 UN1162 II 3, 8 .... B77, T10, TP2, TP7, None ... 206 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
Dinitro-o-cresol .................................. 6.1 UN1598 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
1,3-Dinitro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Dinitro-7,8-dimethylglycoluril (dry) ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,3-Dinitro-4,5-dinitrosobenzene ....... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Dinitrobenzenes, liquid ...................... 6.1 UN1597 II 6.1 ..... 11, IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 91
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... 11, IB3, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 91
Dinitrobenzenes, solid ....................... 6.1 UN3443 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 91
Dinitrochlorobenzene, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
1,2-Dinitroethane ............................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,1-Dinitroethane (dry) ....................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Dinitrogen tetroxide ........................... 2.3 UN1067 ........ 2.3, 1, B7, B14, B45, B46, None ... 336 .... 314 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
5.1, B61, B66, B67, B77, 90
8. T50, TP21
Dinitroglycoluril or Dingu ................... 1.1D UN0489 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Frm 00193
Dinitromethane .................................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with less 1.1D UN0076 II 1.1D, None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
than 15 percent water, by mass. 6.1.
Dinitrophenol solutions ...................... 6.1 UN1599 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 36
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 36
Fmt 8010
Dinitrophenol, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1320 I 4.1, 23, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
than 15 percent water, by mass. 6.1.
Dinitrophenolates alkali metals, dry 1.3C UN0077 II 1.3C, None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
Dinitrophenolates, wetted with not 4.1 UN1321 I 4.1, 23, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
less than 15 percent water, by 6.1.
Dinitropropylene glycol ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Dinitroresorcinol, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0078 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
Dinitrosobenzylamidine and salts of Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2,2-Dinitrostilbene .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
Dinitrotoluenes, liquid ........................ 6.1 UN2038 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
PsN: PC150
Dinitrotoluenes, molten ...................... 6.1 UN1600 II 6.1 ..... T7, TP3 None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden C ............
Dinitrotoluenes, solid ......................... 6.1 UN3454 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
1,9-Dinitroxy pentamethylene-2,4, Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
6,8-tetramine (dry).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Dioxane .............................................. 3 UN1165 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Dioxolane ........................................... 3 UN1166 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Dipentene .......................................... 3 UN2052 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Frm 00194
Diphenylamine chloroarsine .............. 6.1 UN1698 I 6.1 ..... T6, TP33 None ... 201 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Diphenylchloroarsine, liquid ............... 6.1 UN1699 I 6.1 ..... A8, B14, B32, N33, N34, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L D 40
T14, TP2, TP13, TP27
Diphenylchloroarsine, solid ................ 6.1 UN3450 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg D 40
Diphenyldichlorosilane ....................... 8 UN1769 II 8 ........ A7, B2, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP7, TP13
Fmt 8010
Diphenylmethyl bromide .................... 8 UN1770 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40
Dipicryl sulfide, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0401 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
less than 10 percent water, by
Dipicryl sulfide, wetted with not less 4.1 UN2852 I 4.1 ..... 162, A2, N41, N84 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 0.5 kg D 28
Sfmt 8010
Di-n-propyl ether ................................ 3 UN2384 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Disodium trioxosilicate ....................... 8 UN3253 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52.
G Dispersant gases, n.o.s. see Refrig- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
III 8 ........ 11, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A
G Dyes, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye 6.1 UN1602 I 6.1 ..... None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A ............
intermediates, liquid, toxic, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye 8 UN3147 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg A ............
intermediates, solid, corrosive,
............................................................ ................ II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
Frm 00195
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
G Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye inter- 6.1 UN3143 I 6.1 ..... A5, IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
mediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Dynamite, see Explosive, blasting, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
type A.
Electrolyte (acid or alkali) for bat- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
teries, see Battery fluid, acid or
Elevated temperature liquid, flam- 3 UN3256 III 3 ........ IB1, T3, TP3, TP29 None ... None 247 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
mable, n.o.s., with flash point
above 37.8 C, at or above its flash
Elevated temperature liquid, n.o.s., at 9 UN3257 III 9 ........ IB1, T3, TP3, TP29 None ... None 247 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 85
or above 100 C and below its flash
§ 172.101
Epibromohydrin .................................. 6.1 UN2558 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
+ Epichlorohydrin .................................. 6.1 UN2023 II 6.1, 3 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
1,2-Epoxy-3-ethoxypropane .............. 3 UN2752 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Esters, n.o.s. ...................................... 3 UN3272 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
D Ethane-Propane mixture, refrigerated 2.1 NA1961 ........ 2.1 ..... T75, TP5 None ... 316 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
liquid. 315.
Ethane, refrigerated liquid ................. 2.1 UN1961 ........ 2.1 ..... T75, TP5 None ... None 315 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Ethanol amine dinitrate ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ethanol and gasoline mixture or Eth- 3 UN3475 II 3 ........ 144, 177, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E
anol and motor spirit mixture or
Fmt 8010
Ethanolamine or Ethanolamine solu- 8 UN2491 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52.
Ether, see Diethyl ether ..................... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ethers, n.o.s. ..................................... 3 UN3271 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Ethyl acetate ...................................... 3 UN1173 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Ethyl butyrate ..................................... 3 UN1180 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Ethyl chloride ..................................... 2.1 UN1037 ........ 2.1 ..... B77, N86, T50 None ... 322 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Ethyl chloroacetate ............................ 6.1 UN1181 II 6.1, 3 IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
PsN: PC150
Ethyl chloroformate ............................ 6.1 UN1182 I 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, N34, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40,
8. T20, TP2, TP13, TP38, 100
Ethyl 2-chloropropionate .................... 3 UN2935 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
R161. 315.
Ethyl formate ..................................... 3 UN1190 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Ethyl hydroperoxide ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ethyl isobutyrate ................................ 3 UN2385 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
+ Ethyl isocyanate ................................ 3 UN2481 I 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 52
PO 00000
Ethyl methyl ketone or Methyl ethyl 3 UN1193 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Ethyl nitrite solutions ......................... 3 UN1194 I 3, 6.1 None ... 201 .... None Forbidden Forbidden E 40, 105
Ethyl orthoformate ............................. 3 UN2524 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Ethyl oxalate ...................................... 6.1 UN2525 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fmt 8010
Ethyl perchlorate ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
D Ethyl phosphonothioic dichloride, an- 6.1 NA2927 I 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, B74, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
hydrous. T20, TP4, TP13, TP38,
D Ethyl phosphonous dichloride, anhy- 6.1 NA2845 I 6.1, 2, B9, B14, B32, B74, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 18
Sfmt 8010
Ethyl propionate ................................. 3 UN1195 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Ethyl propyl ether .............................. 3 UN2615 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Ethyl silicate, see Tetraethyl silicate ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Ethylacetylene, stabilized .................. 2.1 UN2452 ........ 2.1 ..... N88 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Ethylamine ......................................... 2.1 UN1036 ........ 2.1 ..... B77, N87, T50 None ... 321 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
Ethylamine, aqueous solution with 3 UN2270 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40, 52.
not less than 50 percent but not
more than 70 percent ethylamine.
N-Ethylaniline ..................................... 6.1 UN2272 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52, 74
2-Ethylaniline ..................................... 6.1 UN2273 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52, 74
Ethylbenzene ..................................... 3 UN1175 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines liquid ............ 6.1 UN2753 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
§ 172.101
2-Ethylbutanol .................................... 3 UN2275 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PsN: PC150
2-Ethylbutyl acetate ........................... 3 UN1177 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
2-Ethylbutyraldehyde ......................... 3 UN1178 II 3 ........ B1, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Ethyldichloroarsine ............................ 6.1 UN1892 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Ethyldichlorosilane ............................. 4.3 UN1183 I 4.3, 8, A2, A3, A7, N34, T14, None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L D 21, 28,
3. TP2, TP7, TP13 40, 49,
Frm 00198
Ethylene, acetylene and propylene in 2.1 UN3138 ........ 2.1 ..... T75, TP5 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 57
mixture, refrigerated liquid with at 315.
least 71.5 percent ethylene with
not more than 22.5 percent acety-
lene and not more than 6 percent
Fmt 8010
Ethylene chlorohydrin ........................ 6.1 UN1135 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
Ethylene ............................................. 2.1 UN1962 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... 302 .... Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Ethylene diamine diperchlorate ......... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Ethylene dibromide ............................ 6.1 UN1605 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Ethylene dibromide and methyl bro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
mide liquid mixtures, see Methyl
bromide and ethylene dibromide,
Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide 2.3 UN3300 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
mixture with more than 87 percent 2.1. 315.
ethylene oxide.
PsN: PC150
Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide 2.1 UN1041 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 25 kg B 40
mixtures with more than 9 percent 315.
but not more than 87 percent
ethylene oxide.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Ethylene oxide and 2.2 UN3298 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
pentafluoroethane mixture with not 315.
more than 7.9 percent ethylene
Ethylene oxide and propylene oxide 3 UN2983 I 3, 6.1 5, A11, N4, N34, T14, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
mixtures, with not more than 30 TP2, TP7, TP13
Frm 00199
Ethyleneimine, stabilized ................... 6.1 UN1185 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, B77, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
N25, N32, T22, TP2,
TP13, TP38, TP44
Ethylhexaldehyde, see Octyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
aldehydes etc.
2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate ................ 6.1 UN2748 II 6.1, 8 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 12, 13,
21, 25,
40, 100
2-Ethylhexylamine ............................. 3 UN2276 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Ethylphenyldichlorosilane .................. 8 UN2435 II 8 ........ A7, B2, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C
TP7, TP13
1-Ethylpiperidine ................................ 3 UN2386 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 52.
N-Ethyltoluidines ................................ 6.1 UN2754 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Ethyltrichlorosilane ............................. 3 UN1196 II 3, 8 .... A7, N34, T10, TP2, TP7, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
Etiologic agent, see Infectious sub- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
stances, etc.
Explosive articles, see Articles, ex- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
plosive , n.o.s. etc.
§ 172.101
Explosive, blasting, type A ................ 1.1D UN0081 II 1.1D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E,
PsN: PC150
Explosive, blasting, type B ................ 1.1D UN0082 II 1.1D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
Explosive, blasting, type B or Agent 1.5D UN0331 II 1.5D .. 105,106 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
blasting, Type B.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Explosive, blasting, type C ................ 1.1D UN0083 II 1.1D .. 123 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 22E
Explosive, blasting, type D ................ 1.1D UN0084 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Explosive, blasting, type E ................ 1.1D UN0241 II 1.1D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
Frm 00200
Explosive, blasting, type E or Agent 1.5D UN0332 II 1.5D .. 105, 106 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 19E
blasting, Type E.
Explosive, forbidden. See § 173.54 ... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Explosive substances, see Sub- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
stances, explosive, n.o.s. etc.
Explosives, slurry, see Explosive, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
blasting, type E.
Explosives, water gels, see Explo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
sive, blasting, type E.
Extracts, aromatic, liquid ................... 3 UN1169 II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Extracts, flavoring, liquid ................... 3 UN1197 II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fabric with animal or vegetable oil, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see Fibers or fabrics, etc.
Ferric arsenate .................................. 6.1 UN1606 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Ferric arsenite .................................... 6.1 UN1607 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
D Ferrous chloride, solid ....................... 8 NA1759 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
D Ferrous chloride, solution .................. 8 NA1760 II 8 ........ B3, IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
Ferrous metal borings or Ferrous 4.2 UN2793 III 4.2 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP3, IP7 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
metal shavings or Ferrous metal
PsN: PC150
Fire extinguisher charges, expelling, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
explosive, see Cartridges, power
Fire extinguishers containing com- 2.2 UN1044 ........ 2.2 ..... 18, 110 309 ...... 309 .... None 75 kg 150 kg A ............
pressed or liquefied gas.
Fmt 8010
Firelighters, solid with flammable liq- 4.1 UN2623 III 4.1 ..... A1, A19 None ... 213 .... None 25 kg 100 kg A 52
Fireworks ........................................... 1.1G UN0333 II 1.1G .. 108 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Fireworks ........................................... 1.2G UN0334 II 1.2G .. 108 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Fireworks ........................................... 1.3G UN0335 II 1.3G .. 108 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Sfmt 8010
Fireworks ........................................... 1.4G UN0336 II 1.4G .. 108 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Fireworks ........................................... 1.4S UN0337 II 1.4S ... 108 None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
First aid kits ....................................... 9 UN3316 ........ 9 ........ 15 161 ...... 161 .... None 10 kg 10 kg A ............
W Fish meal, stabilized or Fish scrap, 9 UN2216 III None 155, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 155 ...... 218 .... 218 .... No limit No limit B 88,
stabilized. 122,
Fish meal, unstablized or Fish scrap, 4.2 UN1374 II 4.2 ..... 155, A1, A19, IB8, IP2, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 18, 128
unstabilized. IP4, T3, TP33
Flammable compressed gas, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Compressed or Liquefied gas,
flammable, etc.
Flammable compressed gas (small ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
receptacles not fitted with a disper-
sion device, not refillable), see Re-
ceptacles, etc.
Flammable gas in lighters, see Light- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
n.o.s.. 8. 100
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1, IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 21, 40,
8. TP27 100
G Flammable liquids, corrosive, n.o.s. .. 3 UN2924 I 3, 8 .... T14, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L E 40
............................................................ ................ II 3, 8 .... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L A 40
G Flammable liquids, n.o.s. ................... 3 UN1993 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP27 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1 L 30 L E ............
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L B ............
Frm 00202
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, B52, IB3, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Flammable liquids, toxic, n.o.s. ......... 3 UN1992 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 3, 6.1 B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Flammable solid, corrosive, inor- 4.1 UN3180 II 4.1, 8 A1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40
Fmt 8010
ganic, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ III 4.1, 8 A1, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg D 40
G Flammable solid, inorganic, n.o.s. ..... 4.1 UN3178 II 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
Sfmt 8010
G Flammable solid, organic, molten, 4.1 UN3176 II 4.1 ..... IB1, T3, TP3, TP26 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden C ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... IB1, T1, TP3, TP26 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden C ............
G Flammable solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. ..... 4.1 UN3097 II 4.1, 131 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
............................................................ ................ III 4.1, 131, T1, TP33 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
G Flammable solids, toxic, organic, 4.1 UN2926 II 4.1, A1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 40
n.o.s.. 6.1.
............................................................ ................ III 4.1, A1, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40
PsN: PC150
Flares, aerial ...................................... 1.3G UN0093 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 07 ............
Flares, aerial ...................................... 1.4G UN0403 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Flares, aerial ...................................... 1.4S UN0404 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Flares, surface ................................... 1.1G UN0418 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Flares, surface ................................... 1.2G UN0419 II 1.2G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Flares, water-activated, see Contri- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
vances, water-activated, etc.
Flash powder ..................................... 1.1G UN0094 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 15 ............
PO 00000
Flash powder ..................................... 1.3G UN0305 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 15 ............
Flue dusts, poisonous, see Arsenical ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fluoric acid, see Hydrofluoric acid, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fluorine, compressed ........................ 2.3 UN1045 ........ 2.3, 1, N86 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
Frm 00203
5.1, 90
Fluoroacetic acid ............................... 6.1 UN2642 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg E ............
Fluoroanilines .................................... 6.1 UN2941 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fluorobenzene ................................... 3 UN2387 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Fmt 8010
Fluoroboric acid ................................. 8 UN1775 II 8 ........ A6, A7, B2, B15, IB2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
N3, N34, T7, TP2
Fluorophosphoric acid anhydrous ..... 8 UN1776 II 8 ........ A6, A7, B2, IB2, N3, None ... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
Fluorosilicic acid ................................ 8 UN1778 II 8 ........ A6, A7, B2, B15, IB2, None ... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
N3, N34, T8, TP2
Fluorosulfonic acid ............................. 8 UN1777 I 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, A10, B6, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40
B10, N3, N36, T10, TP2
Fluorotoluenes ................................... 3 UN2388 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Forbidden materials. See § 173.21 ... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable 3 UN1198 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Formaldehyde, solutions, with not 8 UN2209 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
less than 25 percent formaldehyde.
Formalin, see Formaldehyde, solu- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Formic acid with not less than 10% 8 UN3412 II 8 ........ IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40.
but not more than 85% acid by
Formic acid with not less than 5% 8 UN3412 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40
but less than 10% acid by mass.
Formic acid with more than 85% acid 8 UN1779 II 8, 3 .... B2, B28, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40.
by mass.
Fracturing devices, explosive, without 1.1D UN0099 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
§ 172.101
detonators for oil wells.
PsN: PC150
Fuel, aviation, turbine engine ............ 3 UN1863 I 3 ........ 144, T11, TP1, TP8, 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 144, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell car- 8 UN3477 ........ 8 ........ ........................................ 230 ...... 230 .... 230 .... 5 kg 50 kg A
tridges contained in equipment or
Fuel cell cartridges packed with
Frm 00204
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell car- 2.1 UN3479 ........ 2.1 ..... ........................................ 230 ...... 230 .... 230 .... 1 kg 15 kg B
tridges contained in equipment or
Fulminate of mercury, wet, see Mer- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
cury fulminate, etc.
Fulminating gold ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fulminating mercury .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Furfuryl alcohol .................................. 6.1 UN2874 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52, 74
Furfurylamine ..................................... 3 UN2526 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Fuse, detonating, metal clad, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cord, detonating, metal clad.
Fuse, detonating, mild effect, metal ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00205
D Fusee (railway or highway) ............... 4.1 NA1325 II 4.1 ..... None ... 184 .... None 15 kg 50 kg B ............
Fusel oil ............................................. 3 UN1201 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fuses, tracer, see Tracers for ammu- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Fuzes, combination, percussion and ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
time, see Fuzes, detonating
(UN0257, UN0367); Fuzes, igniting
(UN0317, UN0368).
Fuzes, detonating .............................. 1.1B UN0106 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Fuzes, detonating .............................. 1.2B UN0107 II 1.2B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Fuzes, detonating .............................. 1.4B UN0257 II 1.4B ... 116 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Fuzes, detonating .............................. 1.4S UN0367 II 1.4S ... 116 None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Fuzes, detonating, with protective 1.1D UN0408 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Fuzes, detonating, with protective 1.2D UN0409 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Fuzes, detonating, with protective 1.4D UN0410 II 1.4D .. 116 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Fuzes, igniting ................................... 1.3G UN0316 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Fuzes, igniting ................................... 1.4G UN0317 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Fuzes, igniting ................................... 1.4S UN0368 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Galactsan trinitrate ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
Gallium ............................................... 8 UN2803 III 8 ........ T1, TP33 None ... 162 .... 240 .... 20 kg 20 kg B 48
PsN: PC150
Gas cartridges, (flammable) without a 2.1 UN2037 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... None 1 kg 15 kg B 40
release device, non-refillable.
D Gas identification set ......................... 2.3 NA9035 ........ 2.3 ..... 6 None ... 194 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Gas oil ............................................... 3 UN1202 III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Gas, refrigerated liquid, flammable, 2.1 UN3312 ........ 2.1 ..... T75, TP5 None ... 316 .... 318 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid).
G Gas, refrigerated liquid, n.o.s. (cryo- 2.2 UN3158 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 320 ...... 316 .... 318 .... 50 kg 500 kg D ............
Frm 00206
genic liquid).
G Gas, refrigerated liquid, oxidizing, 2.2 UN3311 ........ 2.2, T75, TP5, TP22 320 ...... 316 .... 318 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid). 5.1.
Gas sample, non-pressurized, flam- 2.1 UN3167 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 302, None 1L 5L D ............
mable, n.o.s., not refrigerated liq- 304.
Fmt 8010
Gas sample, non-pressurized, toxic, 2.3 UN3168 ........ 2.3, 6 306 ...... 302 .... None Forbidden 1L D ............
flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated 2.1.
Gas sample, non-pressurized, toxic, 2.3 UN3169 ........ 2.3 ..... 6 306 ...... 302, None Forbidden 1L D D
n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid. 304.
Sfmt 8010
Gasohol gasoline mixed with ethyl al- 3 NA1203 II 3 ........ 144, 177 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E
cohol, with not more than 10% al-
Gasoline includes gasoline mixed 3 UN1203 II 3 ........ 144, 177, B1, B33, IB2, 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E
with ethyl alcohol, with not more T4, TP1
Glycerol alpha-monochlorohydrin ...... 6.1 UN2689 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Glyceryl trinitrate, see Nitroglycerin, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Glycidaldehyde .................................. 3 UN2622 II 3, 6.1 IB2, IP8, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L A 40
PsN: PC150
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting 1.1D UN0284 II 1.1D .. .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting 1.2D UN0285 II 1.2D .. .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Grenades, smoke, see Ammunition, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
smoke, etc.
Guanidine nitrate ............................... 5.1 UN1467 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 73
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene hy- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
drazine (dry).
Frm 00207
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene hy- 1.1A UN0113 II 1.1A ... 111, 117 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 12 ............
drazine, wetted with not less than
30 percent water, by mass.
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene, 1.1A UN0114 II 1.1A ... 111, 117 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 12 ............
wetted or Tetrazene, wetted with
not less than 30 percent water or
mixture of alcohol and water, by
Sfmt 8010
Gunpowder, compressed or Gun- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
powder in pellets, see Black pow-
der (UN 0028).
Gunpowder, granular or as a meal, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see Black powder (UN 0027).
Hafnium powder, dry ......................... 4.2 UN2545 I 4.2 ..... None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
............................................................ ................ II 4.2 ..... A19, A20, IB6, IP2, N34, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg D ............
T3, TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg D ............
Hafnium powder, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1326 II 4.1 ..... A6, A19, A20, IB6, IP2, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 74
than 25 percent water (a visible N34, T3, TP33
excess of water must be present)
(a) mechanically produced, particle
size less than 53 microns; (b)
chemically produced, particle size
less than 840 microns.
Hand signal device, see Signal de- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
vices, hand.
Hazardous substances, liquid or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
solid, n.o.s., see Environmentally
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Helium, compressed .......................... 2.2 UN1046 ........ 2.2 ..... ........................................ 306 ...... 302 .... 302, 75 kg 150 kg A 85
Helium, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic 2.2 UN1963 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 320 ...... 316 .... 318 .... 50 kg 500 kg B ............
Frm 00208
Heptafluoropropane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN3296 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas R 227. 315.
n-Heptaldehyde ................................. 3 UN3056 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Heptanes ........................................... 3 UN1206 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
n-Heptene .......................................... 3 UN2278 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Fmt 8010
Hexachloroacetone ............................ 6.1 UN2661 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 12, 40
Hexachlorobenzene ........................... 6.1 UN2729 III 6.1 ..... B3, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Hexachlorobutadiene ......................... 6.1 UN2279 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ............... 6.1 UN2646 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Sfmt 8010
Hexachlorophene ............................... 6.1 UN2875 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Hexadecyltrichlorosilane .................... 8 UN1781 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Hexadienes ........................................ 3 UN2458 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate and com- 2.3 UN1612 ........ 2.3 ..... 3 None ... 334 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hexamethylene diisocyanate ............. 6.1 UN2281 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L C 13, 40
Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hexamethylenediamine, solid ............ 8 UN2280 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 12
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Hexanes ............................................. 3 UN1208 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
2,2′,4,4′,6,6′- Hexanitro-3,3′- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
dihydroxyazobenzene (dry).
Hexanitroazoxy benzene ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
N,N′-(hexanitrodiphenyl) ethylene Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
dinitramine (dry).
Hexanitrodiphenyl urea ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2,2′,3′,4,4′,6-Hexanitrodiphenylamine Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hexanitrodiphenylamine or 1.1D UN0079 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Dipicrylamine or Hexyl.
Frm 00209
Hexanols ............................................ 3 UN2282 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 74
1-Hexene ........................................... 3 UN2370 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Hexogen and ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Hexogen and octogen mixtures, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
wetted or desensitized see RDX
and HMX mixtures, wetted or de-
sensitized etc.
Hexogen, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, etc.
Hexolite, or Hexotol dry or wetted 1.1D UN0118 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
with less than 15 percent water, by
Hexotonal ........................................... 1.1D UN0393 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Hexyl, see Hexanitrodiphenylamine .. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hexyltrichlorosilane ............................ 8 UN1784 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
§ 172.101
TP2, TP7, TP13
PsN: PC150
High explosives, see individual explo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
sives’ entries.
HMX, see Cyclotetramethylenete ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tranitramine, etc.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Hydrazine, anhydrous ........................ 8 UN2029 I 8, 3, A3, A6, A7, A10, B7, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40, 52,
6.1. B16, B53 125.
Hydrazine, aqueous solution, with not 6.1 UN3293 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52.
Frm 00210
III 8, 6.1 B16, B53, IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L D 40, 52
Hydrazine azide ................................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrazine chlorate ............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrazine dicarbonic acid diazide ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 8, 6.1 B16, B53, IB2, T7, TP2, None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L D 40
............................................................ ................ III 8, 6.1 B16, B53, IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L D 40
Hydrazine perchlorate ....................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrazine selenate ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydriodic acid, anhydrous, see Hy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, 2.1 UN1965 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
n.o.s.. 315.
Hydrocarbons, liquid, n.o.s. ............... 3 UN3295 I 3 ........ 144, T11, TP1, TP8, 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid 8 UN1786 I 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B15, B23, N5, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40
mixtures. N34, T10, TP2, TP13
Hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous.
Sfmt 8010
Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60 8 UN1790 I 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B4, B15, B23, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 12, 40
percent strength. N5, N34, T10, TP2,
Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 8 UN1790 II 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B15, IB2, N5, 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L D 12, 40
60 percent strength. N34, T8, TP2
Hydrofluoroboric acid, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fluoroboric acid.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fluorosilicic acid.
Hydrogen and Methane mixtures, 2.1 UN2034 ........ 2.1 ..... N89 306 ...... 302 .... 302, Forbidden 150 kg E 40, 57
compressed. 314,
Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous .......... 2.3 UN1048 ........ 2.3, 8 3, B14, N86, N89 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous .......... 2.3 UN1050 ........ 2.3, 8 3, N86, N89 None ... 304 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated liquid 2.3 UN2186 ........ 2.3, 8 3, B6 None ... None 314, Forbidden Forbidden B 40
Hydrogen, compressed ..................... 2.1 UN1049 2.1 ..... N89 306 ...... 302 .... 302, Forbidden 150 kg E 40, 57
§ 172.101
Hydrogen cyanide, solution in alcohol 6.1 UN3294 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
with not more than 45 percent hy- TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
drogen cyanide.
Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized with 6.1 UN1051 I 6.1, 3 1, B35, B61, B65, B77, None ... 195 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
less than 3 percent water. B82
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized, with 6.1 UN1614 I 6.1 ..... 5 None ... 195 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40
less than 3 percent water and ab-
sorbed in a porous inert material.
Frm 00212
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous ........... 8 UN1052 I 8.6.1 .. 3, B7, B46, B77, N86, None ... 163 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T10, TP2
Hydrogen in a metal hydride storage 2.1 UN3468 ........ 2.1 ..... 167 None ... 214 .... None Forbidden 100 kg D
system or Hydrogen in a metal hy- gross
dride storage system contained in
Fmt 8010
Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous ............. 2.3 UN2197 2.3, 3, B14, None 304 ...... 314, Forbid- Forbidden D 40
8 N86, 315. den.
Sfmt 8010
Hydrogen iodide solution, see Hydri- ................ ........... ........................................ ............. ........... ........... .................. ..................
odic acid.
III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, N3, N34, T1, 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 25, 40,
TP33 52.
Hydrogen, peroxide, aqueous solu- 5.1 UN2984 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB2, IP5, T4, TP1, 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 25, 66,
tions with not less than 8 percent TP6, TP24, TP37 75
but less than 20 percent hydrogen
peroxide (stabilized as necessary).
Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or Hy- 5.1 UN2015 I 5.1, 8 12, B53, B80, B81, B85, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 66,
PO 00000
Hydrogen sulfate, see Sulfuric acid .. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrogen sulfide ................................ 2.3 UN1053 2.3, 2, B9, B14, N89 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
2.1. 315.
Hydrosilicofluoric acid, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Fluorosilicic acid.
1-Hydroxybenzotriazole, anhydrous, 1.3C UN0508 ........ 1.3C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10
dry or wetted with less than 20
Igniters ............................................... 1.1G UN0121 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Igniters ............................................... 1.2G UN0314 II 1.2G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Igniters ............................................... 1.3G UN0315 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
§ 172.101
Igniters ............................................... 1.4G UN0325 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
PsN: PC150
Igniters ............................................... 1.4S UN0454 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
3,3′-Iminodipropylamine ..................... 8 UN2269 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP2 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
G Infectious substances, affecting ani- 6.2 UN2900 ........ 6.2 ..... A82 134 ...... 196 .... None 50 mL or 4 L or 4 kg B 40
mals only. 50 g
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Infectious substances, affecting hu- 6.2 UN 2814 ........ 6.2 ..... A82 134 ...... 196 .... None 50 mL or 4 L or 4 kg B 40
mans. 50 g
Inflammable, see Flammable ............ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00214
Initiating explosives (dry) ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Inositol hexanitrate (dry) .................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Insecticide gases, n.o.s. .................... 2.2 UN1968 ........ 2.2 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
G Insecticide gases, flammable, n.o.s. 2.1 UN3354 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
Fmt 8010
G Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3355 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone A. 2.1.
G Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3355 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone B. 2.1. 305. 315.
Sfmt 8010
G Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3355 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D ............
n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone C. 2.1. 305. 315.
G Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3355 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D ............
n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone D. 2.1. 305. 315.
G Insecticide gases, toxic, n.o.s. .......... 2.3 UN1967 ........ 2.3 ..... 3 None ... 193, 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Iodopropanes ..................................... 3 UN2392 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Iodoxy compounds (dry) .................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Iridium nitratopentamine iridium ni- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Iron chloride, see Ferric chloride ....... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Iron oxide, spent, or Iron sponge, 4.2 UN1376 III 4.2 ..... B18, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden E ............
spent obtained from coal gas puri-
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Irritating material, see Tear gas sub- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
stances, etc.
Isobutane see also Petroleum gases, 2.1 UN1969 ........ 2.1 ..... 19, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
liquefied. 315.
Isobutanol or Isobutyl alcohol ............ 3 UN1212 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PO 00000
Isobutyl acetate ................................. 3 UN1213 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isobutyl acrylate, stabilized ............... 3 UN2527 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Isobutyl alcohol, see Isobutanol ........ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Isobutyl aldehyde, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
D Isobutyl chloroformate ....................... 6.1 NA2742 I 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, B74, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12, 13,
Frm 00215
+ Isobutyl isocyanate ............................ 3 UN2486 I 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP2, TP13, TP27
Isobutyl methacrylate, stabilized ....... 3 UN2283 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Isobutyl propionate ............................ 3 UN2394 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L B ............
Isobutylamine ..................................... 3 UN1214 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
Sfmt 8010
Isobutylene see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1055 ........ 2.1 ..... 19, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
gases, liquefied. 315.
Isobutyraldehyde or Isobutyl 3 UN2045 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
Isobutyric acid .................................... 3 UN2529 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L A ............
Isobutyronitrile ................................... 3 UN2284 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 60 L E 40
Isobutyryl chloride .............................. 3 UN2395 II 3, 8 .... IB1, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 5 L C 40
G Isocyanates, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN2478 II 3, 6.1 5, A3, A7, IB2, T11, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 60 L D 40
or Isocyanate solutions, flammable, TP2, TP13, TP27
toxic, n.o.s. flash point less than
23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ III 3, 6.1 5, A3, A7, IB3, T7, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
TP13, TP28
G Isocyanates, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3080 II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 25, 40,
or Isocyanate solutions, toxic, flam- TP27 48
mable, n.o.s., flash point not less
§ 172.101
G Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or 6.1 UN2206 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L E 25, 40,
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP13, 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L E 25, 40,
TP28 48
Isocyanatobenzotrifluorides ............... 6.1 UN2285 II 6.1, 3 5, IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L D 25, 40,
Frm 00216
Isoheptenes ....................................... 3 UN2287 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isohexenes ........................................ 3 UN2288 II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T11, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Isooctane, see Octanes ..................... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Isooctenes ......................................... 3 UN1216 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isopentane, see Pentane .................. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Isopentanoic acid, see Corrosive liq- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
uids, n.o.s..
Isopentenes ....................................... 3 UN2371 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Isophorone diisocyanate .................... 6.1 UN2290 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 40
Isophoronediamine ............................ 8 UN2289 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Isoprene, stabilized ............................ 3 UN1218 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Isopropanol or Isopropyl alcohol ....... 3 UN1219 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isopropenyl acetate ........................... 3 UN2403 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isopropenylbenzene .......................... 3 UN2303 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Isopropyl acetate ............................... 3 UN1220 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Isopropyl acid phosphate .................. 8 UN1793 III 8 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Isopropyl mercaptan, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Isopropyl nitrate ................................. 3 UN1222 II 3 ........ IB9 150 ...... 202 .... None 5L 60 L D ............
Isopropyl phosphoric acid, see Iso- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
gen phosphate.
Isosorbide-5-mononitrate ................... 4.1 UN3251 III 4.1 ..... 66, 159 IB8 151 ...... 223 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 12
Isothiocyanic acid .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Jet fuel, see Fuel aviation, turbine ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
D Jet perforating guns, charged oil well, 1.1D NA0124 II 1.1D .. 55, 56 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
with detonator.
D Jet perforating guns, charged oil well, 1.4D NA0494 II 1.4D .. 55, 56 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 06 ............
with detonator.
Jet perforating guns, charged oil well, 1.1D UN0124 II 1.1D .. 55 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
without detonator.
Frm 00217
Jet perforating guns, charged, oil 1.4D UN0494 II 1.4D .. 55, 114 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 300 kg 06 ............
well, without detonator.
Jet perforators, see Charges, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
shaped, etc.
Jet tappers, without detonator, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Jet thrust unit (Jato), see Rocket mo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Kerosene ........................................... 3 UN1223 III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T2, TP2 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Ketones, liquid, n.o.s. ........................ 3 UN1224 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1 L 30 L E ............
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Krypton, compressed ......................... 2.2 UN1056 2.2 306, 302 None ... 75 kg 150 kg A
Krypton, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic 2.2 UN1970 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 320 ...... None None 50 kg 500 kg B ............
Lacquer base or lacquer chips, nitro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
cellulose, dry, see Nitrocellulose,
etc. (UN 2557).
Lacquer base or lacquer chips, plas- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tic, wet with alcohol or solvent, see
Nitrocellulose (UN2059, UN2555,
UN2556, UN2557) or Paint
Lead acetate ...................................... 6.1 UN1616 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Lead arsenates .................................. 6.1 UN1617 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Lead arsenites ................................... 6.1 UN1618 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
§ 172.101
Lead azide (dry) ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Lead azide, wetted with not less than 1.1A UN0129 II 1.1A ... 111, 117 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 12 ............
20 percent water or mixture of al-
cohol and water, by mass.
Lead compounds, soluble, n.o.s. ...... 6.1 UN2291 III 6.1 ..... 138, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Lead cyanide ..................................... 6.1 UN1620 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
Lead dioxide ...................................... 5.1 UN1872 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Lead dross, see Lead sulfate, with ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00218
Lead perchlorate, solution ................. 5.1 UN3408 II 5.1, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L A 56, 58
III 5.1, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 2.5 L 30 L A 56, 58
Sfmt 8010
Lead peroxide, see Lead dioxide ...... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Lead phosphite, dibasic ..................... 4.1 UN2989 II 4.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 34.
III 4.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 34.
Lead picrate (dry) .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Lead styphnate (dry) ......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Liquefied gas, flammable, n.o.s. ....... 2.1 UN3161 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
G Liquefied gas, n.o.s. .......................... 2.2 UN3163 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
G Liquefied gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. .......... 2.2 UN3157 ........ 2.2, A14 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg D ............
5.1. 315.
Frm 00219
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3308 ........ 2.3, 8 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Inhalation Hazard Zone A.
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3308 ........ 2.3, 8 2, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Inhalation Hazard Zone B. 315.
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3308 ........ 2.3, 8 3, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Fmt 8010
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, cor- 2.3 UN3309 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
rosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 2.1,
Sfmt 8010
Zone A. 8.
GI Liquefied gas toxic, flammable, corro- 2.3 UN3309 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
sive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 2.1, 315.
B. 8.
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, cor- 2.3 UN3309 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
G Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3160 ........ 2.3, 4 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D. 2.1. 315.
G Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.3 UN3162 ........ 2.3 ..... 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
§ 172.101
Hazard Zone A.
PsN: PC150
G Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.3 UN3162 ........ 2.3 ..... 2, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hazard Zone B. 315.
G Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.3 UN3162 ........ 2.3 ..... 3, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hazard Zone C. 315.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.3 UN3162 ........ 2.3 ..... 4 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Hazard Zone D. 315.
GI Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, corro- 2.3 UN3310 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
Frm 00220
G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3307 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Inhalation Hazard Zone A. 5.1.
G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3307 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Inhalation Hazard Zone B. 5.1. 315.
G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.3 UN3307 ........ 2.3, 3, B14 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Liquefied petroleum gas see Petro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
leum gases, liquefied.
Lithium ............................................... 4.3 UN1415 I 4.3 ..... A7, A19, IB4, IP1, N45 None ... 211 .... 244 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 52
Lithium acetylide ethylenediamine ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Lithium hydride, fused solid ............... 4.3 UN2805 II 4.3 ..... A8, A19, A20, IB4, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 52
Lithium hydroxide .............................. 8 UN2680 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52.
Lithium hydroxide, solution ................ 8 UN2679 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 29, 52.
III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP2 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 29, 52,
Frm 00221
Lithium hypochlorite, dry with more 5.1 UN1471 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 4, 48,
than 39% available chlorine (8.8% 52, 56,
available oxygen) or Lithium hypo- 58, 69,
chlorite mixtures, dry with more 106,
Fmt 8010
Lithium nitrate .................................... 5.1 UN2722 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Lithium nitride .................................... 4.3 UN2806 I 4.3 ..... A19, IB4, IP1, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E ............
Sfmt 8010
Lithium peroxide ................................ 5.1 UN1472 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB6, IP2, N34, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... None 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
TP33 66, 75
Lithium silicon .................................... 4.3 UN1417 II 4.3 ..... A19, A20, IB7, IP2, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 85, 103
LNG, see Methane etc. (UN 1972) ... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
London purple .................................... 6.1 UN1621 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
LPG, see Petroleum gases, liquefied ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Lye, see Sodium hydroxide, solutions ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Magnesium aluminum phosphide ...... 4.3 UN1419 I 4.3, A19, N34, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
+ Magnesium arsenate ......................... 6.1 UN1622 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Magnesium bisulfite solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s..
Magnesium bromate .......................... 5.1 UN1473 II 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Magnesium chlorate .......................... 5.1 UN2723 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Magnesium diamide .......................... 4.2 UN2004 II 4.2 ..... A8, A19, A20, IB6, T3, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
§ 172.101
Magnesium dross, wet or hot ............ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Magnesium fluorosilicate ................... 6.1 UN2853 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Magnesium granules, coated, particle 4.3 UN2950 III 4.3 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
size not less than 149 microns. TP33
Magnesium hydride ........................... 4.3 UN2010 I 4.3 ..... A19, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 52
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Magnesium or Magnesium alloys 4.1 UN1869 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 39, 52,
with more than 50 percent magne- 53, 74,
sium in pellets, turnings or ribbons. 101
Frm 00222
Magnesium nitrate ............................. 5.1 UN1474 III 5.1 ..... 332, A1, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A
Magnesium perchlorate ..................... 5.1 UN1475 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Magnesium peroxide ......................... 5.1 UN1476 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
66, 75
Fmt 8010
Magnesium phosphide ...................... 4.3 UN2011 I 4.3, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
Magnesium, powder or Magnesium 4.3 UN1418 I 4.3, A19, B56 None ... 211 .... 244 .... Forbidden 15 kg A 39, 52
4.2. TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, A19, B56, IB8, IP4, T1, None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 39, 52
4.2. TP33
Magnesium scrap, see Magnesium, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
etc. (UN 1869).
Manganese nitrate ............................. 5.1 UN2724 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Manganese resinate .......................... 4.1 UN1330 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mannitan tetranitrate .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mannitol hexanitrate (dry) .................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Matches, fusee .................................. 4.1 UN2254 III 4.1 ..... 186 ...... 186 .... None Forbidden Forbidden A ............
Matches, safety (book, card or strike 4.1 UN1944 III 4.1 ..... 186 ...... 186 .... None 25 kg 100 kg A ............
on box).
Matches, strike anywhere .................. 4.1 UN1331 III 4.1 ..... 186 ...... 186 .... None Forbidden Forbidden B ............
Matches, wax, Vesta ......................... 4.1 UN1945 III 4.1 ..... 186 ...... 186 .... None 25 kg 100 kg B ............
Frm 00223
Matting acid, see Sulfuric acid .......... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. ..................
Medicine, liquid, flammable, toxic, 3 UN3248 II 3, 6.1 IB2 150 ...... 202 .... None 1L 5L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 3, 6.1 IB3 150 ...... 203 .... None 5L 5L A
Medicine, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. ............. 6.1 UN1851 II 6.1 ..... 153 202 ...... 243 .... 5 L ..... 5L C 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... 153 203 ...... 241 .... 5 L ..... 5L C 40
Fmt 8010
Medicine, solid, toxic, n.o.s. .............. 6.1 UN3249 II 6.1 ..... T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... None 5 kg 5 kg C 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... None 5 kg 5 kg C 40
Memtetrahydrophthalic anhydride, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, n.o.s. 3 UN3336 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E 95
or Mercaptan mixture, liquid, flam-
mable, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, TP28 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 95
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, B52, IB3, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 95
Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic, 3 UN1228 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden 60 L B 40, 95
n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liq-
uid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ III 3, 6.1 A6, B1, IB3, T7, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 220 L A 40, 95
Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flammable, 6.1 UN3071 II 6.1, 3 A6, IB2, T11, TP2, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L C 40, 121
n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liq- TP13, TP27
uid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s., flash
point not less than 23 degrees C.
5-Mercaptotetrazol-1-acetic acid ....... 1.4C UN0448 II 1.4C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 09 ............
Mercuric arsenate .............................. 6.1 UN1623 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercuric chloride ............................... 6.1 UN1624 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercuric compounds, see Mercury ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
compounds, etc.
PsN: PC150
Mercuric nitrate .................................. 6.1 UN1625 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N73, T3, 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
+ Mercuric potassium cyanide .............. 6.1 UN1626 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, N74, N75, T6, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 52
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Mercuric sulfocyanate, see Mercury ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mercurol, see Mercury nucleate ........ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00224
Mercurous azide ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mercurous compounds, see Mercury ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
compounds, etc.
Mercurous nitrate ............................... 6.1 UN1627 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
AW Mercury .............................................. 8 UN2809 III 8 ........ 164 ...... 164 .... 240 .... 35 kg 35 kg B 40, 97
Mercury acetate ................................. 6.1 UN1629 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Fmt 8010
Mercury acetylide .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mercury ammonium chloride ............. 6.1 UN1630 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercury based pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2778 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Mercury based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3012 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Mercury benzoate .............................. 6.1 UN1631 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercury bromides .............................. 6.1 UN1634 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercury compounds, liquid, n.o.s. .... 6.1 UN2024 I 6.1 ..... None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 40
Mercury compounds, solid, n.o.s. ..... 6.1 UN2025 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Mercury oxide .................................... 6.1 UN1641 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercury oxycyanide ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Mercury oxycyanide, desensitized .... 6.1 UN1642 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52, 91
Mercury potassium iodide ................. 6.1 UN1643 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mercury salicylate .............................. 6.1 UN1644 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
+ Mercury sulfates ................................ 6.1 UN1645 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Fmt 8010
Mercury thiocyanate .......................... 6.1 UN1646 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Mesityl oxide ...................................... 3 UN1229 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Metal carbonyls, liquid, n.o.s. ............ 6.1 UN3281 I 6.1 ..... 5, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
G Metal carbonyls, solid, n.o.s. ............. 6.1 UN3466 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg D 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg B 40
Metal catalyst, dry ............................. 4.2 UN2881 I 4.2 ..... N34, T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 187 .... None Forbidden Forbidden C ............
............................................................ ................ II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, N34, T3, TP33 None ... 187 .... 242 .... Forbidden 50 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, N34, T1, TP33 None ... 187 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg C ............
Metal catalyst, wetted with a visible 4.2 UN1378 II 4.2 ..... A2, A8, IB1, N34, T3, None ... 212 .... None Forbidden 50 kg C ............
excess of liquid. TP33
Metal hydrides, flammable, n.o.s. ..... 4.1 UN3182 II 4.1 ..... A1, IB4, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg E ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... A1, IB4, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg E ............
Metal hydrides, water reactive, n.o.s. 4.3 UN1409 I 4.3 ..... A19, N34, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
............................................................ ................ II 4.3 ..... A19, IB4, N34, N40, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 52
Metal powder, self-heating, n.o.s. ..... 4.2 UN3189 II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg C ............
Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s. ..... 4.1 UN3089 II 4.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
§ 172.101
Metal salts of methyl nitramine (dry) Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
G Metal salts of organic compounds, 4.1 UN3181 II 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 40
flammable, n.o.s.. TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40
Metaldehyde ...................................... 4.1 UN1332 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Metallic substance, water-reactive, 4.3 UN3208 I 4.3 ..... A7, IB4 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40
............................................................ ................ II 4.3 ..... A7, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 40
Frm 00226
............................................................ ................ III 4.3 ..... A7, IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 40
G Metallic substance, water-reactive, 4.3 UN3209 I 4.3, A7 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40
self-heating, n.o.s.. 4.2.
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, A7, IB5, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 40
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, A7, IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 40
Fmt 8010
Methacrylaldehyde, stabilized ........... 3 UN2396 II 3, 6.1 45, IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L E 40
Methacrylic acid, stabilized ................ 8 UN2531 II 8 ........ 41, IB2, T7, TP1, TP18, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
+ Methacrylonitrile, stabilized ............... 3 UN3079 I 3, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
Sfmt 8010
Methane, compressed or Natural 2.1 UN1971 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 302 .... 302 .... Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Methazoic acid ................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
4-Methoxy-4-methylpentan-2-one ...... 3 UN2293 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
1-Methoxy-2-propanol ........................ 3 UN3092 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
+ Methoxymethyl isocyanate ................ 3 UN2605 I 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
Methyl bromide .................................. 2.3 UN1062 2.3 ..... 3, B14, N86, T50 None ... 193 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Methyl bromide and chloropicrin mix- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tures with more than 2 percent
chloropicrin, see Chloropicrin and
PO 00000
Methyl bromoacetate ......................... 6.1 UN2643 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L D 40
2-Methylbutanal ................................. 3 UN3371 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
2-Methyl-1-butene .............................. 3 UN2459 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
2-Methyl-2-butene .............................. 3 UN2460 II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T7, TP1 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Fmt 8010
3-Methyl-1-butene .............................. 3 UN2561 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Methyl tert-butyl ether ........................ 3 UN2398 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Methyl butyrate .................................. 3 UN1237 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl chloride or Refrigerant gas R 2.1 UN1063 ........ 2.1 ..... N86, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 5 kg 100 kg D 40
40. 315.
Sfmt 8010
Methyl chloride and chloropicrin mix- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tures, see Chloropicrin and methyl
chloride mixtures.
Methyl chloride and methylene chlo- 2.1 UN1912 2.1 ..... N86, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
ride mixtures. 315.
Methyl chloroacetate ......................... 6.1 UN2295 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L D ............
Methyl chlorocarbonate, see Methyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl chloroform, see 1,1,1-Tri- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl chloroformate ......................... 6.1 UN1238 I 6.1, 3, 1, B9, B14, B30, N34, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40,
8. T22, TP2, TP13, TP38, 100
Methyl chloromethyl ether ................. 6.1 UN1239 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP44
Methyl 2-chloropropionate ................. 3 UN2933 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methyl dichloroacetate ....................... 6.1 UN2299 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methyl ethyl ether, see Ethyl methyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
Methyl ethyl ketone, see Ethyl methyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in solu- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tion with more than 9 percent by
mass active oxygen.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine .................... 6.1 UN2300 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methyl fluoride, or Refrigerant gas R 2.1 UN2454 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
41. 315.
Frm 00228
Methyl formate ................................... 3 UN1243 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
2-Methyl-2-heptanethiol ..................... 6.1 UN3023 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 102
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
Methyl iodide ..................................... 6.1 UN2644 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 12, 40
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
Fmt 8010
Methyl isobutyl carbinol ..................... 3 UN2053 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methyl isobutyl ketone ....................... 3 UN1245 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl isobutyl ketone peroxide, in Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl isocyanate .............................. 6.1 UN2480 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 52
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP44
Methyl isopropenyl ketone, stabilized 3 UN1246 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl isothiocyanate ........................ 6.1 UN2477 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
TP2, TP13, TP38, TP45
Methyl isovalerate .............................. 3 UN2400 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl nitrite ...................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl norbornene dicarboxylic anhy- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
dride, see Corrosive liquids, n.o.s..
Methyl orthosilicate ............................ 6.1 UN2606 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
PsN: PC150
TP38, TP45
Methyl picric acid (heavy metal salts Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl propionate .............................. 3 UN1248 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl propyl ether ............................ 3 UN2612 II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T7, TP2 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
PO 00000
Methyl propyl ketone ......................... 3 UN1249 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyl sulfate, see Dimethyl sulfate ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl sulfide, see Dimethyl sulfide .. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl trichloroacetate ...................... 6.1 UN2533 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methyl trimethylol methane trinitrate Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methyl vinyl ketone, stabilized ........... 6.1 UN1251 I 6.1, 3, 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
Frm 00229
Methylamine dinitramine and dry Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
salts thereof.
Methylamine nitroform ....................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methylamine perchlorate (dry) ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Methylamyl acetate ............................ 3 UN1233 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
N-Methylaniline .................................. 6.1 UN2294 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, liquid ..... 6.1 UN2937 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, solid ...... 6.1 UN3438 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
3-Methylbutan-2-one .......................... 3 UN2397 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
N-Methylbutylamine ........................... 3 UN2945 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
Methylchlorosilane ............................. 2.3 UN2534 ........ 2.3, 2, B9, B14, N34 None ... 226 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40
2.1, 315.
Methylcyclohexane ............................ 3 UN2296 II 3 ........ B1, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methylcyclohexanols, flammable ....... 3 UN2617 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methylcyclohexanone ........................ 3 UN2297 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methylcyclopentane ........................... 3 UN2298 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
D Methyldichloroarsine .......................... 6.1 NA1556 I 6.1 ..... 2, T20, TP4, TP13, None ... 192 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP38, TP45
Methyldichlorosilane .......................... 4.3 UN1242 I 4.3, 8, A2, A3, A7, B6, B77, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 1L D 21, 28,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Methylene glycol dinitrate .................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2-Methylfuran ..................................... 3 UN2301 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
a-Methylglucoside tetranitrate ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
a-Methylglycerol trinitrate .................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
5-Methylhexan-2-one ......................... 3 UN2302 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Methylhydrazine ................................. 6.1 UN1244 I 6.1, 3, 1, B7, B9, B14, B30, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40,
8. B77, N34, T22, TP2, 49, 52
Frm 00230
Methylpentanes, see Hexanes .......... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Methylphenyldichlorosilane ................ 8 UN2437 II 8 ........ T10, TP2, TP7, TP13 None ... 206 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
1-Methylpiperidine ............................. 3 UN2399 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 52.
Methyltetrahydrofuran ........................ 3 UN2536 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Methyltrichlorosilane .......................... 3 UN1250 II 3, 8 .... A7, B6, B77, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
Sfmt 8010
Mines with bursting charge ............... 1.1F UN0136 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Molybdenum pentachloride ............... 8 UN2508 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg C 40
Monochloroacetone (unstabilized) ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Monochloroethylene, see Vinyl chlo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
ride, stabilized.
PsN: PC150
Monoethanolamine, see Ethanol- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
amine, solutions.
Monoethylamine, see Ethylamine ..... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Morpholine ......................................... 8 UN2054 I 8, 3 .... A6, T10, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
TP2, TP13
Motor spirit, see Gasoline ................. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Muriatic acid, see Hydrochloric acid ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Musk xylene, see 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
Naphtha see Petroleum distillates ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Naphthalene, crude or Naphthalene, 4.1 UN1334 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Naphthalene diozonide ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
beta-Naphthylamine, solid ................. 6.1 UN1650 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Frm 00231
beta-Naphthylamine solution ............. 6.1 UN3411 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
alpha-Naphthylamine ......................... 6.1 UN2077 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Naphthalene, molten ......................... 4.1 UN2304 III 4.1 ..... IB1, T1, TP3 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden C ............
Naphthylamineperchlorate ................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Naphthylthiourea ................................ 6.1 UN1651 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Naphthylurea ..................................... 6.1 UN1652 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Natural gases (with high methane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Neohexane, see Hexanes ................. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Neon, compressed ............................ 2.2 UN1065 2.2 306, 302 None ... 75 kg 150 kg A
Neon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic 2.2 UN1913 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 320 ...... 316 .... None 50 kg 500 kg B ............
New explosive or explosive device, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
see §§ 173.51 and 173.56.
Nickel carbonyl .................................. 6.1 UN1259 I 6.1, 3 1 None ... 198 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 18, 40
Nickel cyanide ................................... 6.1 UN1653 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N74, N75, 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
T3, TP33
Nickel nitrate ...................................... 5.1 UN2725 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nickel nitrite ....................................... 5.1 UN2726 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
Nickel picrate ..................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nicotine .............................................. 6.1 UN1654 II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Nicotine compounds, liquid, n.o.s. or 6.1 UN3144 I 6.1 ..... A4 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
Nicotine preparations, liquid, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 40
Nicotine compounds, solid, n.o.s. or 6.1 UN1655 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
§ 172.101
Nicotine preparations, solid, n.o.s..
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Nicotine hydrochloride liquid or solu- 6.1 UN1656 II 6.1 ..... IB2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Nicotine hydrochloride, solid ............. 6.1 UN3444 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nicotine salicylate .............................. 6.1 UN1657 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Frm 00232
Nicotine sulfate solution .................... 6.1 UN1658 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Nicotine sulphate, solid ..................... 6.1 UN3445 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nicotine tartrate ................................. 6.1 UN1659 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nitrated paper (unstable) ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
Nitrates, inorganic, aqueous solution, 5.1 UN3218 II 5.1 ..... 58, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
n.o.s.. 133
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... 58, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
Nitrates, inorganic, n.o.s. ................... 5.1 UN1477 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
Nitrates of diazonium compounds ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrating acid mixtures, spent with 8 UN1826 I 8, 5.1 A7, T10, TP2, TP13 None ... 158 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40, 66
more than 50 percent nitric acid.
Nitrating acid mixtures spent with not 8 UN1826 II 8 ........ A7, B2, IB2, T8, TP2 None ... 158 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L D 40
acid. 90
Nitric acid other than red fuming, with 8 UN2031 I 8, 5.1 A3, B47, B53, T10, TP2, None ... 158 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 44, 66,
more than 70 percent nitric acid. TP12, TP13 89, 90,
PsN: PC150
Nitric acid other than red fuming with 8 UN2031 II 8 ........ A6, B2, B47, B53, IB2, None ... 158 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L D
not more than 20 percent nitric T8, TP2
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Nitric oxide and dinitrogen tetroxide 2.3 UN1975 ........ 2.3, 1, B77 None ... 337 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
mixturesor Nitric oxide and nitro- 5.1, 90
gen dioxide mixtures. 8.
G Nitriles, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. ........ 3 UN3273 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L E 40, 52
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40, 52
G Nitriles, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. ........ 6.1 UN3275 I 6.1, 3 5, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40, 52
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40, 52
Frm 00233
G Nitriles, toxic, liquid, n.o.s. ................. 6.1 UN3276 I 6.1 ..... 5, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 52
II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 52
III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52
G Nitriles, toxic, solid, n.o.s. .................. 6.1 UN3439 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg D 52
Fmt 8010
II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 52
III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Nitrites, inorganic, aqueous solution, 5.1 UN3219 II 5.1 ..... IB1, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 46, 56,
58, 133
Nitrites, inorganic, n.o.s. .................... 5.1 UN2627 II 5.1 ..... 33, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... None 5 kg 25 kg A 46, 56,
TP33 58, 133
3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride ......... 6.1 UN2307 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
6-Nitro-4-diazotoluene-3-sulfonic acid Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitro isobutane triol trinitrate ............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
N-Nitro-N-methylglycolamide nitrate .. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2-Nitro-2-methylpropanol nitrate ........ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitro urea ........................................... 1.1D UN0147 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
N-Nitroaniline ..................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
+ Nitroanilines (o-; m-; p-;) ................... 6.1 UN1661 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nitroanisole, liquid ............................. 6.1 UN2730 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Nitroanisoles, solid ............................ 6.1 UN3458 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
+ Nitrobenzene ..................................... 6.1 UN1662 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
m-Nitrobenzene diazonium per- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid ................. 8 UN2305 II 8 ........ B2, B4, IB8, IP2, IP4, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
T3, TP33
§ 172.101
Nitrobenzol, see Nitrobenzene .......... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
5-Nitrobenzotriazol ............................. 1.1D UN0385 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Nitrobenzotrifluorides, liquid .............. 6.1 UN2306 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Nitrobenzotrifluorides, solid ............... 6.1 UN3431 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
Nitrobromobenzenes, liquid ............... 6.1 UN2732 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Nitrobromobenzenes, solid ................ 6.1 UN3459 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Nitrocellulose, dry or wetted with less 1.1D UN0340 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 13 27E
than 25 percent water (or alcohol),
Frm 00234
by mass.
Nitrocellulose, with not more than 4.1 UN2557 II 4.1 ..... 44 151 ...... 212 .... None 1 kg 15 kg D 28, 36
12.6 percent, by dry mass mixture
with or without plasticizer, with or
without pigment.
Nitrocellulose membrane filters, with 4.1 UN3270 II 4.1 ..... 43, A1 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 1 kg 15 kg D ............
Fmt 8010
Nitrocellulose, solution, flammable 3 UN2059 I 3 ........ 198, T11, TP1, TP8, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E
with not more than 12.6 percent ni- TP27
trogen, by mass, and not more
than 55 percent nitrocellulose.
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 198, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ 198, B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A
Nitrocresols, solid .............................. 6.1 UN2446 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A
Nitroethane ........................................ 3 UN2842 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Nitroethyl nitrate ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitroethylene polymer ........................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Nitrogen tetroxide and nitric oxide ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
mixtures, see Nitric oxide and ni-
trogen tetroxide mixtures.
Nitrogen tetroxide, see Dinitrogen te- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00235
Nitrogen trichloride ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrogen trifluoride ............................. 2.2 UN2451 ........ 2.2, None ... 302 .... None 75 kg 150 kg D 40
Nitrogen triiodide ............................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrogen triiodide monoamine ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrogen trioxide ................................ 2.3 UN2421 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 336 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89,
Fmt 8010
5.1, 90
Nitroglycerin, desensitized with not 1.1D UN0143 II 1.1D, 125 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 13 21E
by mass.
Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized, 3 UN3357 II 3 ........ 142 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L E ............
liquid, n.o.s. with not more than
30% nitroglycerin, by mass.
Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized, 4.1 UN3319 II 4.1 ..... 118 None ... None None Forbidden 0.5 kg E ............
solid, n.o.s. with more than 2 per-
cent but not more than 10 percent
nitroglycerin, by mass.
Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with 3 UN3064 II 3 ........ N8 None ... 202 .... None Forbidden 5L E ............
more than 1 percent but not more
§ 172.101
than 10 percent nitrogylcerin.
PsN: PC150
Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol with 3 UN1204 II 3 ........ IB2, N34 150 ...... 202 .... None 5L 60 L B ............
not more than 1 percent nitroglyc-
Nitroguanidine nitrate ........................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Nitroguanidine or Picrite, dry or 1.1D UN0282 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
wetted with less than 20 percent
water, by mass.
Frm 00236
Nitroguanidine, wetted or Picrite, 4.1 UN1336 I 4.1 ..... 23, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
wetted with not less than 20 per-
cent water, by mass.
1-Nitrohydantoin ................................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrohydrochloric acid ........................ 8 UN1798 I 8 ........ A3, B10, N41, T10, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40, 66,
TP13 74, 89,
Fmt 8010
Nitromannite (dry) .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitromannite, wetted, see Mannitol ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
hexanitrate, etc.
Nitromethane ..................................... 3 UN1261 II 3 ........ 150 ...... 202 .... None Forbidden 60 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Nitromuriatic acid, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Nitrohydrochloric acid.
Nitronaphthalene ............................... 4.1 UN2538 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
+ Nitrophenols (o-; m-; p-;) ................... 6.1 UN1663 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
m-Nitrophenyldinitro methane ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
4-Nitrophenylhydrazine, with not less 4.1 UN3376 I 4.1 ..... 162, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 28, 36
Nitrosylsulfuric acid, liquid ................. 8 UN2308 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, IB2, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L D 40, 66,
N34, T8, TP2 74, 89,
PsN: PC150
Nitrosylsulphuric acid, solid ............... 8 UN3456 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40, 66,
74, 89,
Nitrotoluenes, liquid ........................... 6.1 UN1664 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid ....... 2.2 UN2201 ........ 2.2, B6, T75, TP5, TP22 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden B 40
5.1. 315.
Nitroxylenes, liquid ............................ 6.1 UN1665 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Nitroxylenes, solid ............................. 6.1 UN3447 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Nitroxylol, see Nitroxylenes ............... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
Nonanes ............................................ 3 UN1920 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Non-flammable gas, n.o.s., see Com- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
pressed gas, etc. or Liquefied gas,
Nonliquefied gases, see Compressed ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
gases, etc.
Frm 00237
Nonliquefied hydrocarbon gas, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hydrocarbon gas mixture, com-
pressed, n.o.s..
Nonyltrichlorosilane ........................... 8 UN1799 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Fmt 8010
Nordhausen acid, see Sulfuric acid, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
fuming etc.
2,5-Norbornadiene, stabilized, see
Octadecyltrichlorosilane ..................... 8 UN1800 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Octadiene .......................................... 3 UN2309 II 3 ........ B1, IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
1,7-Octadine-3,5-diyne-1,8- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
dimethoxy-9-octadecynoic acid.
Octafluorobut-2-ene or Refrigerant 2.2 UN2422 ........ 2.2 ..... None ... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas R 1318. 315.
Octafluorocyclobutane, or Refrigerant 2.2 UN1976 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 None ... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas RC 318. 315.
Octafluoropropaneor Refrigerant gas 2.2 UN2424 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 None ... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
R 218. 315.
Octanes ............................................. 3 UN1262 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Octogen, etc. see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tetranitramine, etc..
Octolite or Octol, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0266 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
§ 172.101
Octyl aldehydes ................................. 3 UN1191 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PsN: PC150
Octyltrichlorosilane ............................ 8 UN1801 II 8 ........ A7, B2, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Oil gas, compressed .......................... 2.3 UN1071 ........ 2.3, 6 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40
2.1. 315.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Oleum, see Sulfuric acid, fuming ...... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Organic peroxide type A, liquid or Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00238
G Organic peroxide type B, liquid ......... 5.2 UN3101 II 5.2, 1 53 152 ...... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
52, 53
G Organic peroxide type B, liquid, tem- 5.2 UN3111 II 5.2, 1 53 None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type B, solid .......... 5.2 UN3102 II 5.2, 1 53 152 ...... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40,
52, 53
Fmt 8010
G Organic peroxide type B, solid, tem- 5.2 UN3112 II 5.2, 1 53 None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type C, liquid ......... 5.2 UN3103 II 5.2 ..... 152 ...... 225 .... None 5L 10 L D 12, 40,
52, 53
Sfmt 8010
G Organic peroxide type C, liquid, tem- 5.2 UN3113 II 5.2 ..... None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type C, solid .......... 5.2 UN3104 II 5.2 ..... 152 ...... 225 .... None 5 kg 10 kg D 12, 40,
52, 53
G Organic peroxide type C, solid, tem- 5.2 UN3114 II 5.2 ..... None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type E, liquid, tem- 5.2 UN3117 II 5.2 ..... None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type E, solid .......... 5.2 UN3108 II 5.2 ..... 152 ...... 225 .... None 10 kg 25 kg D 12, 40,
52, 53
PsN: PC150
G Organic peroxide type E, solid, tem- 5.2 UN3118 II 5.2 ..... None ... 225 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40,
perature controlled. 52, 53
G Organic peroxide type F, liquid ......... 5.2 UN3109 II 5.2 ..... IP5 152 ...... 225 .... 225 .... 10 L 25 L D 12, 40,
52, 53
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
perature controlled. 53
D Organic phosphate, mixed with com- 2.3 NA1955 ........ 2.3 ..... 3 None ... 334 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
pressed gas or Organic phosphate
compound, mixed with compressed
gas or Organic phosphorus com-
PO 00000
II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B
III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A
G Organoarsenic compound, solid, 6.1 UN3465 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Organochlorine pesticides liquid, 3 UN2762 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
flammable, toxic, flash point less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Sfmt 8010
Organochlorine pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN2996 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organochlorine pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN2995 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
toxic, flammable, flash point not
less than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organochlorine pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2761 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
G Organometallic compound, toxic, liq- 6.1 UN3282 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B ............
uid, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
§ 172.101
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A
PsN: PC150
G Organometallic compound, toxic, 6.1 UN3467 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
solid, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Organometallic substance, liquid, 4.2 UN3392 I 4.2 ..... B11, T21, TP2, TP7 None ... 181 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 143
G Organometallic substance, liquid, 4.2 UN3394 I 4.2, B11, T21, TP2, TP7 None ... 181 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Frm 00240
G Organometallic substance, liquid, 4.3 UN3399 I 4.3, 3 T13, TP2, TP7 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L D 40, 52
water-reactive, flammable.
II 4.3, 3 IB1, IP2, T7, TP2, TP7 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L D 40, 52
III 4.3, 3 IB2, IP4, T7, TP2, TP7 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40, 52
G Organometallic substance, solid, 4.2 UN3391 I 4.2 ..... T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 187 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D
Sfmt 8010
G Organometallic substance, solid, 4.2 UN3393 I 4.2, B11, T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 187 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 52.
pyrophoric, water-reactive. 4.3.
G Organometallic substance, solid, self- 4.2 UN3400 II 4.2 ..... IB6, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, T1, TP33 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg C ............
G Organometallic substance, solid, 4.3 UN3397 I 4.3, N40, T9, TP7, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40, 52
water-reactive, self-heating. 4.2.
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, IB4, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 40, 52
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, IB6, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 40, 52
Organophosphorus compound, toxic, 6.1 UN3279 I 6.1, 3 5, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
flammable, n.o.s.. TP27
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Organophosphorus compound, toxic, 6.1 UN3464 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
solid, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
PO 00000
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2784 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
flammable, toxic, flash point less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Frm 00241
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3018 I 6.1 ..... N76, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
toxic. TP27
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, N76, T11, TP2, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
TP13, TP27
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, N76, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3017 I 6.1, 3 N76, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
Fmt 8010
TP13, TP27
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, N76, T7, TP2, 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organophosphorus pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2783 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, N77, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N77, T3, 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, N77, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s. .. 6.1 UN2788 I 6.1 ..... A3, N33, N34, T14, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
TP13, TP27
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... A3, IB2, N33, N34, T11, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
TP2, TP13, TP27
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organotin compounds, solid, n.o.s. ... 6.1 UN3146 I 6.1 ..... A5, IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Organotin pesticides, liquid, flam- 3 UN2787 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic ...... 6.1 UN3020 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN3019 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
flammable, flash point not less
than 23 degrees C.
Frm 00242
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2,TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic ....... 6.1 UN2786 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6,
TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3,
TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1,
TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Fmt 8010
Orthonitroaniline, see Nitroanilines ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Osmium tetroxide .............................. 6.1 UN2471 I 6.1 ..... A8, IB7, IP1, N33, N34, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B 40
T6, TP33
DG Other regulated substances, liquid, 9 NA3082 III 9 ........ IB3, T2, TP1 155 ...... 203 .... 241 .... No limit No limit A ............
Sfmt 8010
DG Other regulated substances, solid, 9 NA3077 III 9 ........ B54, IB8, IP2, T1, TP33 155 ...... 213 .... 240 .... No limit No limit A ............
G Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. ....... 5.1 UN3098 I 5.1, 8 62, A6 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 2.5 L D 13, 56,
II 5.1 ..... 62, 127, A2, IB2 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
PsN: PC150
III 5.1 ..... 62, 127, A2, IB2 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
III 5.1, 62, IB2 152 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
6.1. 95,
PO 00000
G Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s. ........ 5.1 UN3085 I 5.1, 8 62 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg D 13, 56,
Frm 00243
II 5.1, 8 62, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg B 13, 34,
56, 58,
III 5.1, 8 62, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 13, 34,
56, 58,
Fmt 8010
G Oxidizing solid, flammable, n.o.s. ...... 5.1 UN3137 I 5.1, 62 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden
Sfmt 8010
G Oxidizing solid, n.o.s. ........................ 5.1 UN1479 I 5.1 ..... 62, IB5, IP1 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg D 56, 58,
II 5.1 ..... 62, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg B 56, 58,
TP33 106,
III 5.1 ..... 62, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 56, 58,
G Oxidizing solid, self-heating, n.o.s. .... 5.1 UN3100 I 5.1, 62 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden
II 5.1, 62 None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden
G Oxidizing solid, toxic, n.o.s. ............... 5.1 UN3087 I 5.1, 62 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg D 56, 58,
6.1. 106,
II 5.1, 62, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg B 56, 58,
6.1. 95,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
III 5.1, 62, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 56, 58,
6.1. 95,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Oxidizing solid, water-reactive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3121 5.1, 62 ...... None 214 ...... 214 .... Forbid- Forbidden
4.3 den.
Oxygen, compressed ......................... 2.2 UN1072 ........ 2.2, A14 306 ...... 302 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Frm 00244
5.1. 315.
Oxygen difluoride, compressed ......... 2.3 UN2190 ........ 2.3, 1, N86 None ... 304 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 13, 40,
5.1, 89, 90
Oxygen generator, chemical (includ- 5.1 UN3356 II 5.1 ..... ........................................ None ... 168 .... None Forbidden 25 kg D 56, 58,
Fmt 8010
Oxygen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic 2.2 UN1073 ........ 2.2, T75, TP5, TP22 320 ...... 316 .... 318 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
liquid). 5.1.
Paint including paint, lacquer, enam- 3 UN1263 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E
el, stain, shellac solutions, varnish,
polish, liquid filler and liquid lac-
II 3 ........ 149, B52, IB2, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 173 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B
TP8, TP28
III 3 ........ B1, B52, IB3, T2, TP1, 150 ...... 173 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A
PsN: PC150
Paint, corrosive, flammable (including 8 UN3470 II 8, 3 .... IB2, T7, TP2, TP8, TP28 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40.
paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shel-
lac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and
liquid lacquer base).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
D Parathion and compressed gas mix- 2.3 NA1967 ........ 2.3 ..... 3 None ... 334 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
Paris green, solid, see Copper ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
AW PCB, see Polychlorinated biphenyls ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
+ Pentaborane ...................................... 4.2 UN1380 I 4.2, 1 None ... 205 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Pentachloroethane ............................. 6.1 UN1669 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Pentachlorophenol ............................. 6.1 UN3155 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate (dry) ......... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate mixture, 4.1 UN3344 II 4.1 ..... 118, N85 None ... 214 .... None Forbidden Forbidden E
desensitized, solid, n.o.s. or Penta-
erythritol tetranitrate mixture, de-
sensitized, solid, n.o.s. or PETN
mixture, desensitized, solid, n.o.s.,
§ 172.101
percent phlegmatizer by mass.
PsN: PC150
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, etc.
Pentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas 2.2 UN3220 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
R 125. 315.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Pentamethylheptane .......................... 3 UN2286 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Pentane-2,4-dione ............................. 3 UN2310 III 3, 6.1 B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Pentanes ............................................ 3 UN1265 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Frm 00246
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, IP8, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Pentanitroaniline (dry) ....................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Pentanols ........................................... 3 UN1105 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, B3, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
1-Pentene (n-amylene) ...................... 3 UN1108 I 3 ........ T11, TP2 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
1-Pentol ............................................. 8 UN2705 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 26, 27
Fmt 8010
Pentolite, dry or wetted with less 1.1D UN0151 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
than 15 percent water, by mass.
Pepper spray, see Aerosols, etc. or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Perchlorates, inorganic, aqueous so- 5.1 UN3211 II 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
lution, n.o.s.. 133
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
69, 133
Perchlorates, inorganic, n.o.s. ........... 5.1 UN1481 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
Percussion caps, see Primers, cap ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Perfluoro-2-butene, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Perfumery products with flammable 3 UN1266 II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 15 L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Permanganates, inorganic, aqueous 5.1 UN3214 II 5.1 ..... 26, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 5L D 56, 58,
PO 00000
TP33 138
Peroxides, inorganic, n.o.s. ............... 5.1 UN1483 II 5.1 ..... A7, A20, IB6, IP2, N34, None ... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
T3, TP33 66, 75
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... A7, A20, IB8, IP3, N34, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 52,
T1, TP33 66, 75
Peroxyacetic acid, with more than 43 Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
tion, n.o.s..
Persulfates, inorganic, n.o.s. ............. 5.1 UN3215 III 5.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
Sfmt 8010
G Pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, 3 UN3021 I 3, 6.1 B5, T14, TP2, TP13, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B ............
flash point less than 23 degrees C. TP27
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B ............
G Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, 6.1 UN2903 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
PETN, see Pentaerythrite tetranitrate ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
PETN/TNT, see Pentolite, etc ........... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
Petrol, see Gasoline .......................... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Petroleum crude oil ........................... 3 UN1267 I 3 ........ 144, T11, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 144, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Petroleum distillates, n.o.s. or Petro- 3 UN1268 I 3 ........ 144, T11, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
leum products, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 144, IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Frm 00248
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Petroleum gases, liquefied or Lique- 2.1 UN1075 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
fied petroleum gas. 315.
D Petroleum oil ...................................... 3 NA1270 I 3 ........ 144, T11, TP1 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E ............
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ 144, IB2, T7, TP1, TP8, 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Phenacyl bromide .............................. 6.1 UN2645 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B 40
+ Phenetidines ...................................... 6.1 UN2311 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Phenol, molten ................................... 6.1 UN2312 II 6.1 ..... B14, T7, TP3 None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40
+ Phenol, solid ...................................... 6.1 UN1671 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, N78, T3, 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phenol solutions ................................ 6.1 UN2821 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pes- 6.1 UN3347 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
ticide, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flash point not less than 23 de-
PsN: PC150
grees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
21, 25,
40, 100
Phenyl isocyanate ............................. 6.1 UN2487 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
N33, N34, T20, TP2,
TP13, TP38, TP45
PO 00000
Phenyl mercaptan .............................. 6.1 UN2337 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40, 52
T20, TP2, TP13, TP38,
Phenyl phosphorus dichloride ........... 8 UN2798 II 8 ........ B2, B15, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
Phenyl phosphorus thiodichloride ..... 8 UN2799 II 8 ........ B2, B15, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
Frm 00249
Phenyl urea pesticides, liquid, toxic .. 6.1 UN3002 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2 TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
II 6.1 ..... T7, TP2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
III 6.1 ..... T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Phenylacetonitrile, liquid .................... 6.1 UN2470 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52
Phenylacetyl chloride ......................... 8 UN2577 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Phenylcarbylamine chloride ............... 6.1 UN1672 I 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Fmt 8010
+ Phenylenediamines (o-; m-; p-;) ........ 6.1 UN1673 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Sfmt 8010
Phenylhydrazine ................................ 6.1 UN2572 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Phenylmercuric acetate ..................... 6.1 UN1674 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phenylmercuric compounds, n.o.s. ... 6.1 UN2026 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Phenylmercuric hydroxide ................. 6.1 UN1894 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phenylmercuric nitrate ....................... 6.1 UN1895 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phenyltrichlorosilane .......................... 8 UN1804 II 8 ........ A7, B6, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 206 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
TP7, TP13
Phosgene ........................................... 2.3 UN1076 ........ 2.3, 8 1, B7, B46 None ... 192 .... 314 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
9-Phosphabicyclononanes or 4.2 UN2940 II 4.2 ..... A19, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
Cyclooctadiene phosphines.
Phosphine .......................................... 2.3 UN2199 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 192 .... 245 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Phosphoric acid solution ................... 8 UN1805 III 8 ........ A7, IB3, N34, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Phosphoric acid, solid ....................... 8 UN3453 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Phosphoric acid triethyleneimine, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tris-(1-aziridiyl)phosphine oxide,
§ 172.101
Phosphoric anhydride, see Phos- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
phorus pentoxide.
Phosphorous acid .............................. 8 UN2834 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 48
Phosphorus, amorphous ................... 4.1 UN1338 III 4.1 ..... A1, A19, B1, B9, B26, None ... 213 .... 243 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 74
IB8, IP3, T1, TP33
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Phosphorus bromide, see Phos- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
phorus tribromide.
Phosphorus chloride, see Phos- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00250
phorus trichloride.
Phosphorus heptasulfide, free from 4.1 UN1339 II 4.1 ..... A20, IB4, N34, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 74
yellow or white phosphorus.
Phosphorus oxybromide .................... 8 UN1939 II 8 ........ B8, IB8, IP2, IP4, N41, None ... 212 .... 240 .... Forbidden 50 kg C 12, 40
N43, T3, TP33
Fmt 8010
Phosphorus oxybromide, molten ....... 8 UN2576 II 8 ........ B2, B8, IB1, N41, N43, None ... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
T7, TP3, TP13
+ Phosphorus oxychloride .................... 8 UN1810 II 8, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
Phosphorus pentabromide ................ 8 UN2691 II 8 ........ A7, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... Forbidden 50 kg B 12, 40,
T3, TP33 53, 55
Phosphorus pentachloride ................. 8 UN1806 II 8 ........ A7, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, None ... 212 .... 240 .... Forbidden 50 kg C 40, 44,
T3, TP33 89,
Phosphoryl chloride, see Phosphorus ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Phthalic anhydride with more than 8 UN2214 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
.05 percent maleic anhydride.
Picolines ............................................ 3 UN2313 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Frm 00251
Picric acid, see Trinitrophenol, etc .... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Picrite, see Nitroguanidine, etc ......... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Picryl chloride, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Pine oil ............................................... 3 UN1272 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
alpha-Pinene ...................................... 3 UN2368 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fmt 8010
Piperazine .......................................... 8 UN2579 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 12, 52
Piperidine ........................................... 8 UN2401 I 8, 3 .... A10, T10, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 52
Pivaloyl chloride, see Trimethylacetyl ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Plastic molding compound in dough, 9 UN3314 III 9 ........ 32, IB8, IP3, IP7 155 ...... 221 .... 221 .... 100 kg 200 kg E 19, 21,
sheet or extruded rope form evolv- 25, 87,
ing flammable vapor. 144.
Plastic solvent, n.o.s., see Flam- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
mable liquids, n.o.s..
Plastics, nitrocellulose-based, self- 4.2 UN2006 III 4.2 ..... None ... 213 .... None Forbidden Forbidden C ............
heating, n.o.s..
Poisonous gases, n.o.s., see Com- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
pressed or liquefied gases, flam-
mable or toxic, n.o.s..
Polyalkylamines, n.o.s., see Amines, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Polyamines, flammable, corrosive,
n.o.s. see Amines, flammable, cor-
rosive, n.o.s.
Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
§ 172.101
corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
PsN: PC150
Polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid ....... 9 UN2315 II 9 ........ 9, 81, 140, IB3, T4, TP1 155 ...... 202 .... 241 .... 100 L 220 L A 95
Polychlorinated biphenyls, solid ........ 9 UN3432 II 9 ........ 9, 81,140, IB8, IP2, IP4, 155 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 95
T3, TP33
Polyester resin kit .............................. 3 UN3269 ........ 3 ........ 40, 149 152 ...... 225 .... None 5 kg 5 kg B ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Polyhalogenated biphenyls, liquid or 9 UN3151 II 9 ........ IB2 155 ...... 204 .... 241 .... 100 L 220 L A 95
Polyhalogenated terphenyls liquid.
Polyhalogenated biphenyls, solid or 9 UN3152 II 9 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 155 ...... 204 .... 241 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 95
Frm 00252
Potassium arsenate ........................... 6.1 UN1677 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Potassium arsenite ............................ 6.1 UN1678 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Potassium bisulfite solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Potassium cyanide solution ............... 6.1 UN3413 I 6.1 ..... B69, B77, N74, N75, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 52
T14, TP2, TP13
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... B69, B77, IB2, N74, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 52
N75, T11, TP2, TP13,
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... B69, B77, IB3, N74, 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52
N75, T7, TP2, TP13,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Potassium dithionite or Potassium 4.2 UN1929 II 4.2 ..... A8, A19, A20, IB6, IP2, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 13
hydrosulfite. T3, TP33
Potassium fluoride, solid ................... 6.1 UN1812 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Potassium fluoride solution ............... 6.1 UN3422 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 52
Potassium fluoroacetate .................... 6.1 UN2628 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg E ............
PO 00000
Potassium fluorosilicate ..................... 6.1 UN2655 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Potassium hydrate, see Potassium ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
hydroxide, solid.
Potassium hydrogen fluoride, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Potassium hydrogen difluoride.
Potassium hydrogen fluoride solution, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00253
Potassium hydrogendifluoride solu- 8 UN3421 II 8, 6.1 IB2, N3, N34, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A 25, 40,
tion. 52
............................................................ ................ III 8, 6.1 IB3, N3, N34, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 40, 52
Potassium hydrosulfite, see Potas- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
sium dithionite.
Sfmt 8010
Potassium hydroxide, liquid, see Po- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tassium hydroxide solution.
Potassium hydroxide, solid ................ 8 UN1813 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52.
Potassium hydroxide, solution ........... 8 UN1814 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52.
III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52.
Potassium hypochlorite, solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hypochlorite solutions, etc.
Potassium, metal alloys, liquid .......... 4.3 UN1420 I 4.3 ..... A7, A19, A20, B27 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L E 40, 52
Potassium, metal alloys, solid ........... 4.3 UN3403 I 4.3 ..... A19, A20, B27, IB4, IP1, None ... 211 .... 244 .... Forbidden 15 kg D ............
T9, TP7, TP33
Potassium metavanadate .................. 6.1 UN2864 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Potassium monoxide ......................... 8 UN2033 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 29, 52.
Potassium nitrate ............................... 5.1 UN1486 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite 5.1 UN1487 II 5.1 ..... B78, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
mixtures. TP33
Potassium nitrite ................................ 5.1 UN1488 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Potassium perchlorate ....................... 5.1 UN1489 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Potassium permanganate .................. 5.1 UN1490 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Potassium peroxide ........................... 5.1 UN1491 I 5.1 ..... A20, IB6, IP1, N34 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg B 13, 52,
66, 75
Potassium persulfate ......................... 5.1 UN1492 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 58, 145
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Potassium phosphide ........................ 4.3 UN2012 I 4.3, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
Potassium selenate, see Selenates ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00254
or Selenites.
Potassium selenite, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Potassium sodium alloys, liquid ........ 4.3 UN1422 I 4.3 ..... A7, A19, B27, N34, N40, None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1L E 40, 52
T9, TP3, TP7, TP31
Potassium sodium alloys, solid ......... 4.3 UN3404 I 4.3 ..... A19, B27, N34, N40, T9, None ... 211 .... 244 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
Fmt 8010
TP7, TP33
Potassium sulfide, anhydrous or Po- 4.2 UN1382 II 4.2 ..... A19, A20, B16, IB6, IP2, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52
tassium sulfide with less than 30 N34, T3, TP33
Primers, cap type .............................. 1.4S UN0044 II None None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Primers, cap type .............................. 1.1B UN0377 II 1.1B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 11 ............
Primers, cap type .............................. 1.4B UN0378 II 1.4B ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Primers, small arms, see Primers, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
cap type.
Primers, tubular ................................. 1.3G UN0319 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Primers, tubular ................................. 1.4G UN0320 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Primers, tubular ................................. 1.4S UN0376 II None None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 173 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Projectiles, illuminating, see Ammuni- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tion, illuminating, etc.
Projectiles, inert with tracer ............... 1.4S UN0345 II 1.4S ... .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... 25 kg 100 kg 01 ............
Projectiles, inert, with tracer .............. 1.3G UN0424 II 1.3G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
PO 00000
Projectiles, inert, with tracer .............. 1.4G UN0425 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.2D UN0346 II 1.2D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.4D UN0347 II 1.4D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.2F UN0426 II 1.2F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Frm 00255
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.4F UN0427 II 1.4F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.2G UN0434 II 1.2G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Fmt 8010
Projectiles, with burster or expelling 1.4G UN0435 II 1.4G .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Projectiles, with bursting charge ....... 1.1F UN0167 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Projectiles, with bursting charge ....... 1.1D UN0168 II 1.1D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Projectiles, with bursting charge ....... 1.2D UN0169 II 1.2D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Sfmt 8010
Projectiles, with bursting charge ....... 1.2F UN0324 II 1.2F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Projectiles, with bursting charge ....... 1.4D UN0344 II 1.4D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Propadiene, stabilized ....................... 2.1 UN2200 ........ 2.1 ..... None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Propadiene mixed with methyl acety- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Propellant, solid ................................. 1.4C UN0501 ........ 1.4C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden A 24E
Propionaldehyde ................................ 3 UN1275 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E ............
Propionic acid with not less than 8 UN3463 II 8, 3 .... IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L A.
§ 172.101
90% acid by mass.
PsN: PC150
Propionic acid with not less than 8 UN1848 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A.
10% and less than 90% acid by
Propionic anhydride ........................... 8 UN2496 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Propionitrile ........................................ 3 UN2404 II 3, 6.1 IB2, T7, TP1, TP13 None ... 202 .... 243 .... Forbidden 60 L E 40
Propionyl chloride .............................. 3 UN1815 II 3, 8 .... IB1, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
n-Propyl acetate ................................ 3 UN1276 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Frm 00256
Propyl alcohol, see Propanol ............ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
n-Propyl benzene .............................. 3 UN2364 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
n-Propyl chloroformate ...................... 6.1 UN2740 I 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, B77, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 21, 40,
8. N34, T20, TP2, TP13, 100
TP38, TP44
Fmt 8010
Propyl chloride see 1-Chloropropane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Propyl formates ................................. 3 UN1281 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
n-Propyl isocyanate ........................... 6.1 UN2482 I 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n-Propyl nitrate .................................. 3 UN1865 II 3 ........ IB9 150 ...... 202 .... None 5L 60 L D 44, 89,
90, 100
Propylamine ....................................... 3 UN1277 II 3, 8 .... A7, IB2, N34, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L E 40
Propylene see also Petroleum gases, 2.1 UN1077 ........ 2.1 ..... 19, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
liquefied. 315.
Propylene chlorohydrin ...................... 6.1 UN2611 II 6.1, 3 IB2, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 12, 40,
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, flam- 3 UN3350 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
mable, toxic, flash point less than
23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
PsN: PC150
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid toxic ........ 6.1 UN3352 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 40
Pyrethroid pesticide, solid, toxic ........ 6.1 UN3349 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Pyridine .............................................. 3 UN1282 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP2 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 21, 100
PO 00000
Pyridine perchlorate ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Pyrophoric liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. .... 4.2 UN3194 I 4.2 ..... None ... 181 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 18
G Pyrophoric liquids, organic, n.o.s. ..... 4.2 UN2845 I 4.2 ..... B11, T22, TP2, TP7 None ... 181 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 18
G Pyrophoric metals, n.o.s., or 4.2 UN1383 I 4.2 ..... B11, T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 187 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Pyrophoric alloys, n.o.s..
Frm 00257
G Pyrophoric solid, inorganic, n.o.s. ..... 4.2 UN3200 I 4.2 ..... T21, TP7, TP33 None ... 187 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
G Pyrophoric solids, organic, n.o.s. ...... 4.2 UN2846 I 4.2 ..... None ... 187 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Pyrosulfuryl chloride .......................... 8 UN1817 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T8, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
Pyroxylin solution or solvent, see Ni- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Pyrrolidine .......................................... 3 UN1922 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40, 52
Fmt 8010
Quebrachitol pentanitrate .................. Forbidden ........... ............. ........... ........... .................. .................. ............
Quicklime, see Calcium oxide ........... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Quinoline ............................................ 6.1 UN2656 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 12
R 12, see Dichlorodifluoromethane ... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
R 12B1, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 13, see Chlorotrifluoromethane ..... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 13B1, see Bromotrifluoromethane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 14, see Tetrafluoromethane .......... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 21, see Dichlorofluoromethane ...... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 22, see Chlorodifluoromethane ..... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 114, see Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 115, see Chloropentafluoroethane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 116, see Hexafluoroethane ........... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 124, see Chlorotetrafluoroethane .. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 133a, see Chlorotrifluoroethane .... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 152a, see Difluoroethane .............. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
R 500, see Dichlorodifluoromethane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
and difluorethane, etc.
R 502, see Chlorodifluoromethane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
and trifluoromethane, etc.
PsN: PC150
Radioactive material, excepted pack- 7 UN2909 ........ None 422, 422, 422, .................. .................. A ............
age-articles manufactured from 426. 426. 426.
natural uranium or depleted ura-
nium or natural thorium.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Radioactive material, excepted pack- 7 UN2908 ........ Empty 422, 422, 422, .................. .................. A ............
age-empty packaging. 428. 428. 428.
Radioactive material, excepted pack- 7 UN2911 ........ None 422, 422, ........ .................. .................. A ............
Frm 00258
excepted. 428.
Radioactive material, low specific ac- 7 UN3321 ........ 7 ........ A56, T5, TP4, W7 421, 427 .... 427 .... .................. .................. A 95, 129
tivity (LSA-II) non fissile or fissile- 422,
excepted. 428.
Radioactive material, low specific ac- 7 UN3322 ........ 7 ........ A56, T5, TP4, W7 421, 427 .... 427 .... .................. .................. A 95, 129
Sfmt 8010
Radioactive material, Type A pack- 7 UN3333 ........ 7 ........ A56, W7, W8 453 ...... 417, 417, .................. .................. A 95, 105
age, special form, fissile. 476. 476.
Radioactive material, Type B(M) 7 UN3329 ........ 7 ........ A56 453 ...... 417 .... 417 .... .................. .................. A 95, 105
package, fissile.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Radioactive material, Type B(U) 7 UN2916 ........ 7 ........ A56 .......... 416 .... 416 .... .................. .................. A 95, 105
package non fissile or fissile-ex-
Radioactive material, uranium 7 UN2978 ........ 7, 8 .... 423 ...... 420, 420, .................. .................. A 95, 132
hexafluoride non fissile or fissile- 427. 427.
PO 00000
Radioactive material, uranium 7 UN2977 ........ 7, 8 .... ........................................ 453 ...... 417, 417, .................. .................. A 95, 132
hexafluoride, fissile. 420. 420.
AW Rags, oily ........................................... 4.2 UN1856 III 4.2 ..... 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
Railway torpedo, see Signals, railway ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
track, explosive.
Frm 00259
RC 318, see Octafluorocyclobutane ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
RDX and ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
wetted or desensitized see RDX
and HMX mixtures, wetted or de-
Fmt 8010
RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted with 1.1D UN0391 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
not less than 15 percent water by
RDX, see Cyclotrimethylene ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
trinitramine, etc.
Receptacles, small, containing gas or 2.1 UN2037 ........ 2.1 ..... ........................................ 306 ...... 304 .... None 1 kg 15 kg B 40
gas cartridges (flammable) without
release device, not refillable and
not exceeding 1 L capacity.
Receptacles, small, containing gas or 2.2 UN2037 ........ 2.2 ..... ........................................ 306 ...... 304 .... None 1 kg 15 kg B 40
gas cartridges(non-flammable)
without release device, not refill-
able and not exceeding 1 L capac-
Receptacles, small, containing gas or 2.2 UN2037 ........ 2.2, A14 306 ...... 304 .... None 1 kg 15 kg B 40
gas cartridges (oxidizing) without 5.1.
release device, not refillable and
§ 172.101
not exceeding 1 L capacity.
PsN: PC150
Red phosphorus, see Phosphorus, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Refrigerant gas R 404A ..................... 2.2 UN3337 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Refrigerant gas R 407A ..................... 2.2 UN3338 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Refrigerant gas R 407B ..................... 2.2 UN3339 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
Frm 00260
Refrigerant gas R 407C .................... 2.2 UN3340 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
G Refrigerant gases, n.o.s. ................... 2.2 UN1078 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
D Refrigerant gases, n.o.s. or Dispers- 2.1 NA1954 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40
Fmt 8010
Refrigerating machines, containing 2.2 UN2857 ........ 2.2 ..... A53 306, 306 .... 306, 450 kg 450 kg A ............
non-flammable, non-toxic gases, or 307. 307.
Sfmt 8010
Rocket motors ................................... 1.3C UN0186 II 1.3C .. 109 None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 220 kg 03 ............
Rocket motors ................................... 1.1C UN0280 II 1.1C .. 109 None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rocket motors ................................... 1.2C UN0281 II 1.2C .. 109 None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rocket motors, liquid fueled .............. 1.2J UN0395 II 1.2J ... 109 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting 1.1J UN0397 II 1.1J ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting 1.2J UN0398 II 1.2J ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
Rockets, with bursting charge ........... 1.1F UN0180 II 1.1F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Rockets, with bursting charge ........... 1.1E UN0181 II 1.1E ... None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Frm 00261
Rockets, with bursting charge ........... 1.2E UN0182 II 1.2E ... None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rockets, with bursting charge ........... 1.2F UN0295 II 1.2F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Rockets, with expelling charge .......... 1.2C UN0436 II 1.2C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rockets, with expelling charge .......... 1.3C UN0437 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rockets, with expelling charge .......... 1.4C UN0438 II 1.4C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
Fmt 8010
Rockets, with inert head .................... 1.3C UN0183 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Rockets, with inert head .................... 1.2C UN0502 ........ 1.2C .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E
Rosin oil ............................................. 3 UN1286 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Rubber solution ................................. 3 UN1287 II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Sfmt 8010
III B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Rubber scrap or shoddy, powdered 4.1 UN1345 II 4.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
or granulated, not exceeding 840
microns and rubber contend ex-
ceeding 45%.
Rubidium ............................................ 4.3 UN1423 I 4.3 ..... 22, A7, A19, IB4, IP1, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
N34, N40, N45
Rubidium hydroxide ........................... 8 UN2678 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 29, 52.
Rubidium hydroxide solution ............. 8 UN2677 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 29, 52.
III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 29, 52.
Safety fuse, see Fuse, safety ............ ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Samples, explosive, other than initi- ................ UN0190 II ........... 113 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 14
ating explosives.
Sand acid, see Fluorosilicic acid ....... ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Seed cake, containing vegetable oil 4.2 UN1386 III None IB8, IP3, IP7, N7 None ... 213 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 13
solvent extractions and expelled
§ 172.101
with not more than 20 percent of
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
I Seed cake with not more than 1.5 4.2 UN2217 III None IB8, IP3, IP7, N7 None ... 213 .... 241 .... Forbidden Forbidden A 13
percent oil and not more than 11
percent moisture.
Frm 00262
Selenates or Selenites ...................... 6.1 UN2630 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg E ............
Selenic acid ....................................... 8 UN1905 I 8 ........ IB7, IP1, N34, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 25 kg A ............
Selenium compound, liquid, n.o.s ..... 6.1 UN3440 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30L B
II 6.1 ..... IIB2, T11, TP2, TP27 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B ............
III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Selenium compound, solid, n.o.s. ..... 6.1 UN3283 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
Fmt 8010
II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Selenium disulfide ............................. 6.1 UN2657 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Selenium hexafluoride ....................... 2.3 UN2194 ........ 2.3, 8 1 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Selenium nitride ................................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
Selenium oxychloride ........................ 8 UN2879 I 8, 6.1 A3, A6, A7, N34, T10, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L E 40
TP2, TP13
Self-defense spray, aerosol, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Aerosols, etc.
+A Self-defense spray, non-pressurized 9 NA3334 III 9 ........ A37 155 ...... 203 .... None No limit No limit A ............
G Self-heating liquid, toxic, inorganic, 4.2 UN3187 II 4.2, IB2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 5 L C ............
n.o.s.. 6.1.
............................................................ ................ III 4.2, IB2 None ... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L C ............
PsN: PC150
G Self-heating liquid, toxic, organic, 4.2 UN3184 II 4.2, IB2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L C ............
n.o.s.. 6.1.
............................................................ ................ III 4.2, IB2 None ... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L C ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
III 4.2, 8 IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg C
G Self-heating solid, inorganic, n.o.s. ... 4.2 UN3190 II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg C ............
G Self-heating solid, organic, n.o.s. ...... 4.2 UN3088 II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg C
III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg C
PO 00000
G Self-heating solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. .... 4.2 UN3127 ........ 4.2, ........................................ None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden
G Self-heating solid, toxic, inorganic, 4.2 UN3191 II 4.2, IB5, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
n.o.s.. 6.1.
............................................................ ................ III 4.2, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg C ............
Frm 00263
G Self-heating solid, toxic, organic, 4.2 UN3128 II 4.2, IB5, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C
n.o.s. 6.1.
III 4.2, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg C
Self-propelled vehicle, see Engines ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Fmt 8010
or Batteries etc.
G Self-reactive liquid type B .................. 4.1 UN3221 II 4.1 ..... 53 None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 52, 53
G Self-reactive liquid type B, tempera- 4.1 UN3231 II 4.1 ..... 53 None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive liquid type C ................. 4.1 UN3223 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 5L 10 L D 52, 53
Sfmt 8010
G Self-reactive liquid type C, tempera- 4.1 UN3233 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive liquid type D ................. 4.1 UN3225 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 5L 10 L D 52, 53
G Self-reactive liquid type D, tempera- 4.1 UN3235 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive liquid type E .................. 4.1 UN3227 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 10 L 25 L D 52, 53
G Self-reactive liquid type E, tempera- 4.1 UN3237 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive liquid type F .................. 4.1 UN3229 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 10 L 25 L D 52, 53
G Self-reactive liquid type F, tempera- 4.1 UN3239 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive solid type B ................... 4.1 UN3222 II 4.1 ..... 53 None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 52, 53
G Self-reactive solid type B, tempera- 4.1 UN3232 II 4.1 ..... 53 None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive solid type C .................. 4.1 UN3224 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 5 kg 10 kg D 52, 53
G Self-reactive solid type C, tempera- 4.1 UN3234 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive solid type D .................. 4.1 UN3226 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 5 kg 10 kg D 52, 53
G Self-reactive solid type D, tempera- 4.1 UN3236 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
§ 172.101
ture controlled. 53
PsN: PC150
G Self-reactive solid type E ................... 4.1 UN3228 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 10 kg 25 kg D 52, 53
G Self-reactive solid type E, tempera- 4.1 UN3238 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
G Self-reactive solid type F ................... 4.1 UN3230 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None 10 kg 25 kg D 52, 53
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Self-reactive solid type F, tempera- 4.1 UN3240 II 4.1 ..... None ... 224 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 52,
ture controlled. 53
Shale oil ............................................. 3 UN1288 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B ............
Frm 00264
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Shaped charges, see Charges, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
shaped, etc.
Signal devices, hand ......................... 1.4G UN0191 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Signal devices, hand ......................... 1.4S UN0373 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Fmt 8010
Signals, distress, ship ........................ 1.1G UN0194 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Signals, distress, ship ........................ 1.3G UN0195 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 07 ............
Signals, distress, ship ........................ 1.4G UN0505 ........ 1.4G .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06
Signals, distress, ship ........................ 1.4S UN0506 ........ 1.4S ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05
Signals, highway, see Signal de- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sfmt 8010
vices, hand.
Signals, railway track, explosive ....... 1.1G UN0192 II 1.1G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Signals, railway track, explosive ....... 1.4S UN0193 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
Signals, railway track, explosive ....... 1.3G UN0492 ........ 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Signals, railway track, explosive ....... 1.4G UN0493 ........ 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Signals, ship distress, water-acti- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Silicon chloride, see Silicon tetra- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Silicon powder, amorphous ............... 4.1 UN1346 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 74
PsN: PC150
Silicon tetrachloride ........................... 8 UN1818 II 8 ........ A3, A6, B2, B6, T10, None ... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L C 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Silicon tetrafluoride ............................ 2.3 UN1859 ........ 2.3, 8 2 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Silver acetylide (dry) .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Silver nitrate ....................................... 5.1 UN1493 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A
Silver oxalate (dry) ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Silver picrate (dry) ............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Silver picrate, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1347 I 4.1 ..... 23 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 28, 36
than 30 percent water, by mass.
PO 00000
Sludge, acid ....................................... 8 UN1906 II 8 ........ A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34, None ... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 14
T8, TP2, TP28
D Smokeless powder for small arms 4.1 NA3178 I 4.1 ..... 16 None ... 171 .... None Forbidden 7.3 kg A ............
(100 pounds or less).
Soda lime with more than 4 percent 8 UN1907 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52.
Frm 00265
sodium hydroxide.
Sodium ............................................... 4.3 UN1428 I 4.3 ..... A7, A8, A19, A20, B9, None ... 211 .... 244 .... Forbidden 15 kg D 52
B48, B68, IB4, IP1, N34,
T9, TP7, TP33, TP46
A Sodium aluminate, solid .................... 8 UN2812 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A
Sodium aluminate, solution ............... 8 UN1819 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52.
Fmt 8010
III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52.
Sodium aluminum hydride ................. 4.3 UN2835 II 4.3 ..... A8, A19, A20, IB4, T3, 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... Forbidden 50 kg E 52
Sodium ammonium vanadate ............ 6.1 UN2863 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sfmt 8010
Sodium arsanilate .............................. 6.1 UN2473 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Sodium arsenate ............................... 6.1 UN1685 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sodium arsenite, aqueous solutions 6.1 UN1686 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP2 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sodium arsenite, solid ....................... 6.1 UN2027 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sodium azide ..................................... 6.1 UN1687 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 36, 52,
Sodium bifluoride, see Sodium ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sodium bisulfite, solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s..
Sodium borohydride .......................... 4.3 UN1426 I 4.3 ..... N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 52
Sodium borohydride and sodium hy- 8 UN3320 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, N34, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52
droxide solution, with not more
than 12 percent sodium boro-
hydride and not more than 40 per-
§ 172.101
Sodium cacodylate ............................ 6.1 UN1688 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52
PsN: PC150
Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate ..... 5.1 UN3378 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 48,
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 48,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Sodium chlorate ................................. 5.1 UN1495 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
T3, TP33
Sodium chlorate, aqueous solution ... 5.1 UN2428 II 5.1 ..... A2, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 202 .... 241 .... 1L 5L B 56, 58,
Frm 00266
............................................................ ................ III 5.1 ..... A2, IB2, T4, TP1 152 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58,
69, 133
Sodium chlorate mixed with dinitro- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
toluene, see Explosive blasting,
type C.
Fmt 8010
Sodium chlorite .................................. 5.1 UN1496 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, None ... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
T3, TP33
Sodium chloroacetate ........................ 6.1 UN2659 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Sodium cuprocyanide, solid .............. 6.1 UN2316 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 52
Sodium cuprocyanide, solution ......... 6.1 UN2317 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40, 52
Sfmt 8010
Sodium cyanide, solid ....................... 6.1 UN1689 I 6.1 ..... B69, B77, IB7, N74, None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B 52
N75, T6, TP33
Sodium cyanide solution ................... 6.1 UN3414 I 6.1 ..... B69, B77, N74, N75, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 52
T14, TP2, TP13
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... B69, B77, IB2, N74, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 52
Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, wetted 4.1 UN3369 I 4.1 ..... 162, A8, A19, N41, N84 None ... 211 .... None 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 36
with not less than 10% water, by
Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, wetted 4.1 UN1348 I 4.1, 23, A8, A19, A20, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
PsN: PC150
ide, solid.
Sodium hydride .................................. 4.3 UN1427 I 4.3 ..... A19, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 52
Sodium hydrogendifluoride ................ 8 UN2439 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, N3, N34, 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 12, 25,
T3, TP33 40, 52
Sodium hydrosulfide, with less than 4.2 UN2318 II 4.2 ..... A7, A19, A20, IB6, IP2, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52.
PO 00000
Sodium hydroxide, solid .................... 8 UN1823 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52.
Sodium hydroxide solution ................ 8 UN1824 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, N34, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52.
III 8 ........ IB3, N34, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52.
Sodium hypochlorite, solution, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Hypochlorite solutions etc.
Fmt 8010
Sodium metal, liquid alloy, see Alkali ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s..
Sodium methylate .............................. 4.2 UN1431 II 4.2, 8 A7, A19, IB5, IP2, T3, None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
Sodium methylate solutions in alco- 3 UN1289 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B ............
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Sodium monoxide .............................. 8 UN1825 II 8 ........ IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52.
Sodium nitrate ................................... 5.1 UN1498 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate 5.1 UN1499 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
mixtures. TP33
Sodium nitrite ..................................... 5.1 UN1500 III 5.1, A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
6.1. TP33
Sodium pentachlorophenate .............. 6.1 UN2567 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Sodium perborate monohydrate ........ 5.1 UN3377 III 5.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 48,
Sodium perchlorate ........................... 5.1 UN1502 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Sodium permanganate ...................... 5.1 UN1503 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58,
Sodium peroxide ................................ 5.1 UN1504 I 5.1 ..... A20, IB5, IP1, N34 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg B 13, 52,
66, 75
Sodium peroxoborate, anhydrous ..... 5.1 UN3247 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 25
Sodium persulfate .............................. 5.1 UN1505 III 5.1 ..... A1, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 58, 145
§ 172.101
Sodium phosphide ............................. 4.3 UN1432 I 4.3, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
PsN: PC150
6.1. 85
Sodium picramate, dry or wetted with 1.3C UN0235 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
less than 20 percent water, by
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Sodium picramate, wetted with not 4.1 UN1349 I 4.1 ..... 23, A8, A19, N41 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 28, 36
less than 20 percent water, by
Frm 00268
Sodium picryl peroxide ...................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sodium potassium alloys, see Potas- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
sium sodium alloys.
Sodium selenate, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sodium sulfide, anhydrous or Sodium 4.2 UN1385 II 4.2 ..... A19, A20, IB6, IP2, N34, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52
Fmt 8010
66, 75
Sodium tetranitride ............................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Solids containing corrosive liquid, 8 UN3244 II 8 ........ 49, IB5, T3, TP33 154 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 40
G Solids containing flammable liquid, 4.1 UN3175 II 4.1 ..... 47, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
6.1. 85
Steel swarf, see Ferrous metal bor- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
ings, etc.
Stibine ................................................ 2.3 UN2676 ........ 2.3, 1 None ... 304 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
Storage batteries, wet, see Batteries, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
wet etc.
Strontium arsenite ............................. 6.1 UN1691 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Strontium peroxide ............................ 5.1 UN1509 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
66, 75
Strontium phosphide .......................... 4.3 UN2013 I 4.3, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
Strychnine or Strychnine salts ........... 6.1 UN1692 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
PO 00000
Styphnic acid, see Trinitroresorcinol, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Styrene monomer, stabilized ............. 3 UN2055 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.1L UN0357 II 1.1L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 8E,
Frm 00269
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.2L UN0358 II 1.2L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 8E,
Fmt 8010
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.3L UN0359 II 1.3L ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 8E,
Sfmt 8010
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.1A UN0473 II 1.1A ... 111 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 12
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.1C UN0474 II 1.1C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.1D UN0475 II 1.1D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.1G UN0476 II 1.1G .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.3C UN0477 II 1.3C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.3G UN0478 II 1.3G .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.4C UN0479 II 1.4C .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 09
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.4D UN0480 II 1.4D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 09
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.4S UN0481 II 1.4S ... ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 75 kg 05
G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ............. 1.4G UN0485 II 1.4G .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 08
G Substances, explosive, very insensi- 1.5D UN0482 II 1.5D .. ........................................ None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10
tive, n.o.s. or Substances,EVI,
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, 3 UN2780 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point
§ 172.101
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, 6.1 UN3014 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
PsN: PC150
liquid, toxic.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, 6.1 UN3013 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point
not less than 23 degrees C.
Frm 00270
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 B1, IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, 6.1 UN2779 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
solid, toxic.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Sucrose octanitrate (dry) ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sulfamic acid ..................................... 8 UN2967 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
D Sulfur ................................................. 9 NA1350 III 9 ........ 30, IB8, IP2 None ... None 240 .... No Limit No Limit A 19, 74
I Sulfur ................................................. 4.1 UN1350 III 4.1 ..... 30, IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... None 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 19, 74.
Sfmt 8010
Sulfur and chlorate, loose mixtures of Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sulfur chlorides .................................. 8 UN1828 I 8 ........ 5, A3, A7, A10, B10, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L C 40
B77, N34, T20, TP2
Sulfur dichloride, see Sulfur chlorides ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sulfur dioxide ..................................... 2.3 UN1079 ........ 2.3, 8 3, B14, T50, TP19 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP38, TP45
Sulfuretted hydrogen, see Hydrogen ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than 8 UN1831 I 8 ........ A3, A7, N34, T20, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L C 14, 40
PsN: PC150
oxide, stabilized.
Sulfurous acid .................................... 8 UN1833 II 8 ........ B3, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L B 40
+ Sulfuryl chloride ................................. 8 UN1834 I 8, 6.1 1, B6, B9, B10, B14, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
B30, B77, N34, T22,
TP2, TP38, TP44
Frm 00271
Sulfuryl fluoride .................................. 2.3 UN2191 ........ 2.3 ..... 4 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Tars, liquid including road asphalt 3 UN1999 II 3 ........ 149, B13, IB2, T3, TP3, 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
and oils, bitumen and cut backs. TP29
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, B13, IB3, T1, TP3 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Tear gas candles ............................... 6.1 UN1700 II 6.1, None ... 340 .... None Forbidden 50 kg D 40
Fmt 8010
Tear gas cartridges, see Ammunition, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
tear-producing, etc.
D Tear gas devices with more than 2 6.1 NA1693 I 6.1 ..... None ... 340 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
percent tear gas substances, by
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... None ... 340 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Tear gas devices, with not more than ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2 percent tear gas substances, by
mass, see Aerosols, etc.
Tear gas grenades, see Tear gas ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
G Tear gas substances, liquid, n.o.s. ... 6.1 UN1693 I 6.1 ..... None ... 201 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2 None ... 202 .... None Forbidden 5L D 40
G Tear gas substance, solid, n.o.s. ...... 6.1 UN3448 I 6.1 ..... T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4,T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... Forbidden 25 kg D 40
Tellurium compound, n.o.s. ............... 6.1 UN3284 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1,T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4,T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3,T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Tellurium hexafluoride ....................... 2.3 UN2195 ........ 2.3, 8 1 None ... 302 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Terpene hydrocarbons, n.o.s. ........... 3 UN2319 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Terpinolene ........................................ 3 UN2541 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Tetraazido benzene quinone ............. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
§ 172.101
Tetrabromoethane ............................. 6.1 UN2504 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PsN: PC150
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................. 6.1 UN1702 II 6.1 ..... IB2, N36, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Tetrachloroethylene ........................... 6.1 UN1897 III 6.1 ..... IB3, N36, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate ......... 6.1 UN1704 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg D 40
Tetraethyl silicate ............................... 3 UN1292 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Tetraethylammonium perchlorate Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tetraethylenepentamine .................... 8 UN2320 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A 52.
Frm 00272
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane or Refrig- 2.2 UN3159 ........ 2.2 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
erant gas R 134a. 315.
Tetrafluoroethylene, stabilized ........... 2.1 UN1081 ........ 2.1 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... None Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Tetrafluoromethane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN1982 ........ 2.2 ..... None ... 302 .... None 75 kg 150 kg A ............
gas R 14.
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydrobenzaldehyde ....... 3 UN2498 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fmt 8010
Tetrahydrofuran ................................. 3 UN2056 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Tetrahydrofurfurylamine ..................... 3 UN2943 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides with 8 UN2698 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine ................. 3 UN2410 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Tetrahydrothiophene .......................... 3 UN2412 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide, 8 UN3423 II 8 ........ B2, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52
solid. TP33
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide so- 8 UN1835 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A 52
2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenylnitramine ...... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tetranitroresorcinol (dry) ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2,3,5,6-Tetranitroso-1,4- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PsN: PC150
2,3,5,6-Tetranitroso nitrobenzene Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tetrapropylorthotitanate ..................... 3 UN2413 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Tetrazolyl azide (dry) ......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tetryl, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
AI Textile waste, wet .............................. 4.2 UN1857 III 4.2 ..... 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
PO 00000
Thallium chlorate ............................... 5.1 UN2573 II 5.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Thallium compounds, n.o.s. .............. 6.1 UN1707 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Thallium nitrate .................................. 6.1 UN2727 II 6.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A ............
4-Thiapentanal ................................... 6.1 UN2785 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L D 25, 49
Frm 00273
Thioacetic acid ................................... 3 UN2436 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, flam- 3 UN2772 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
mable, toxic, flash point less than
23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 6.1 IB2, T11, TP13, TP27 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 60 L B 40
Fmt 8010
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN3005 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
flammable, flash point not less
than 23 degrees C.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3006 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Thiocarbamate pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2771 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Thiocarbonylchloride, see ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Thioglycol ........................................... 6.1 UN2966 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Thioglycolic acid ................................ 8 UN1940 II 8 ........ A7, B2, IB2, N34, T7, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1L 30 L A ............
Thiolactic acid .................................... 6.1 UN2936 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Thionyl chloride ................................. 8 UN1836 I 8 ........ B6, B10, N34, T10, TP2, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden C 40
Thiophene .......................................... 3 UN2414 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B 40
+ Thiophosgene .................................... 6.1 UN2474 II 6.1 ..... 2, B9, B14, B32, N33, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden B 40, 52
N34, T20, TP2, TP38,
§ 172.101
PsN: PC150
Thiophosphoryl chloride .................... 8 UN1837 II 8 ........ A3, A7, B2, B8, B25, None ... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
IB2, N34, T7, TP2
Thiourea dioxide ................................ 4.2 UN3341 II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg D ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg D ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Tin chloride, fuming, see Stannic ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
chloride, anhydrous.
Tin perchloride or Tin tetrachloride, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00274
Titanium disulphide ............................ 4.2 UN3174 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Titanium hydride ................................ 4.1 UN1871 II 4.1 ..... A19, A20, IB4, N34, T3, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg E ............
Titanium powder, dry ......................... 4.2 UN2546 I 4.2 ..... None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 4.2 ..... A19, A20, IB6, IP2, N5, None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg D ............
N34, T3, TP33
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg D ............
Titanium powder, wetted with not 4.1 UN1352 II 4.1 ..... A19, A20, IB6, IP2, N34, None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 74
less than 25 percent water (a visi- T3, TP33
T3, TP33
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ A7, IB8, IP3, N34, T1, 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
Titanium trichloride, pyrophoric or Ti- 4.2 UN2441 I 4.2, 8 N34 None ... 181 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
PsN: PC150
+ Toluidines, liquid ................................ 6.1 UN1708 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Toluidines, solid ................................. 6.1 UN3451 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
2,4-Toluylenediamine, solid or 2,4- 6.1 UN1709 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
Toluenediamine, solid.
2,4-Toluylenediamine solution or 2,4- 6.1 UN3418 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
PO 00000
Toluenediamine solution.
Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with inert 1.3J UN0450 II 1.3J ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with or with- 1.1J UN0449 II 1.1J ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 04 23E
out bursting charge.
Torpedoes with bursting charge ........ 1.1E UN0329 II 1.1E ... .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Frm 00275
Torpedoes with bursting charge ........ 1.1F UN0330 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Torpedoes with bursting charge ........ 1.1D UN0451 II 1.1D .. .......... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
G Toxic by inhalation liquid, n.o.s. with 6.1 UN3381 I 6.1 ..... 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
an inhalation toxicity lower than or TP2, TP13, TP27, TP38,
equal to 200 ml/m3 and saturated TP44
Fmt 8010
§ 172.101
tive, n.o.s. with an inhalation tox- 4.3. TP2, TP13, TP38, TP44
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
G Toxic by inhalation liquid, oxidizing, 6.1 UN3387 I 6.1, 1, B9, B14, B30, T22, None ... 226 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
n.o.s. with an inhalation toxicity 5.1. TP2, TP13, TP38, TP44
lower than or equal to 200 ml/m3
Frm 00276
G Toxic liquids, flammable, organic, 6.1 UN2929 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
PsN: PC150
G Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s. ............. 6.1 UN2810 I 6.1 ..... T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, IB2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L E 40
G Toxic solid, corrosive, inorganic, 6.1 UN3290 I 6.1, 8 IB7, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg A ............
PO 00000
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 8 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg A ............
G Toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s. .............. 6.1 UN3288 I 6.1 ..... IB7, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
G Toxic solids, corrosive, organic, 6.1 UN2928 I 6.1, 8 IB7, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 25 kg B 40
Frm 00277
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 8 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B 40
G Toxic solids, flammable, organic, 6.1 UN2930 I 6.1, IB6, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg B ............
n.o.s.. 4.1.
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg B ............
Fmt 8010
G Toxic solids, organic, n.o.s. ............... 6.1 UN2811 I 6.1 ..... IB7, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
G Toxic solids, oxidizing, n.o.s. ............. 6.1 UN3086 I 6.1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 1 kg 15 kg C ............
Sfmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg C ............
G Toxic solids, self-heating, n.o.s. ........ 6.1 UN3124 I 6.1, A5, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 15 kg D 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40
G Toxic solids, water-reactive, n.o.s. .... 6.1 UN3125 I 6.1, A5, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 15 kg D 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40
G Toxins, extracted from living sources, 6.1 UN3172 I 6.1 ..... 141 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
liquid, n.o.s..
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... 141, IB2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... 141, IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B 40
G Toxins, extracted from living sources, 6.1 UN3462 I 6.1 ..... 141, IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 243 .... 5 kg 50 kg B ............
solid, n.o.s..
II 6.1 ..... 141, IB8, IP2, IP4, T3 None ... 212 .... 243 .... 25 kg 100 kg B ............
III 6.1 ..... 141, IB8, IP3, T1 TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 100 kg 200 kg A ............
§ 172.101
D Toy Caps ........................................... 1.4S NA0337 II 1.4S ... None ... 62 ...... None 25 kg 100 kg 05 ............
PsN: PC150
Tracers for ammunition ..................... 1.3G UN0212 II 1.3G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 07 ............
Tracers for ammunition ..................... 1.4G UN0306 II 1.4G .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden 75 kg 06 ............
Tractors, see Vehicle, etc .................. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Tri-(b-nitroxyethyl) ammonium nitrate Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Triallyl borate ..................................... 6.1 UN2609 III 6.1 ..... IB3 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 13
Triallylamine ....................................... 3 UN2610 III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T4, TP1 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A 40
Triazine pesticides, liquid, flammable, 3 UN2764 I 3, 6.1 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 30 L B 40
Frm 00278
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic, flam- 6.1 UN2997 I 6.1, 3 T14, TP2, TP13, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1, 3 IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L B 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1, 3 IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 153 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Triazine pesticides, solid, toxic .......... 6.1 UN2763 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
............................................................ ................ III 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, IB3, N34, 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L B 8
T4, TP1
+ Trichloroacetyl chloride ...................... 8 UN2442 II 8, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, N34, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 40
T20, TP2, TP38, TP45
PsN: PC150
Trichlorobenzenes, liquid ................... 6.1 UN2321 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Trichlorobutene .................................. 6.1 UN2322 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5 L 60 L A 25, 40
1,1,1-Trichloroethane ......................... 6.1 UN2831 III 6.1 ..... IB3, N36, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
Trichloroethylene ............................... 6.1 UN1710 III 6.1 ..... IB3, N36, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Tricresyl phosphate with more than 3 6.1 UN2574 II 6.1 ..... A3, IB2, N33, N34, T7, 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
percent ortho isomer. TP2
Triethyl phosphite .............................. 3 UN2323 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Triethylamine ..................................... 3 UN1296 II 3, 8 .... IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 5 L B 40
Triethylenetetramine .......................... 8 UN2259 II 8 ........ B2, IB2, T7, TP2 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 1 L 30 L B 40, 52
PO 00000
Trifluoroacetic acid ............................ 8 UN2699 I 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B4, N3, None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 12, 40
N34, N36, T10, TP2
Trifluoroacetyl chloride ...................... 2.3 UN3057 ........ 2.3, 8 2, B7, B9, B14, T50, None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
TP21 315.
Trifluorochloroethylene, stabilized ..... 2.3 UN1082 ........ 2.3, 3, B14, T50 None ... 304 .... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40
2.1. 315.
Frm 00279
Trifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas 2.2 UN1984 ........ 2.2 ..... 306 ...... 304 .... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............
R 23. 315.
Trifluoromethane, refrigerated liquid 2.2 UN3136 ........ 2.2 ..... T75, TP5 306 ...... None 314, 50 kg 500 kg D ............
1,1,1-Trifluoroethane or Refrigerant 2.1 UN2035 ........ 2.1 ..... T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Fmt 8010
Triformoxime trinitrate ........................ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Triisobutylene .................................... 3 UN2324 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T4, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Sfmt 8010
Triisopropyl borate ............................. 3 UN2616 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
D Trimethoxysilane ................................ 6.1 NA9269 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, T20, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
TP4, TP13, TP38, TP45
Trimethyl borate ................................. 3 UN2416 II 3 ........ IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Trimethyl phosphite ........................... 3 UN2329 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
1,3,5-Trimethyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trimethylacetyl chloride ..................... 6.1 UN2438 I 6.1, 8, 2, B3, B9, B14, B32, None ... 227 .... 244 .... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40
3. N34, T20, TP2, TP13,
TP38, TP45
Trimethylamine, anhydrous ............... 2.1 UN1083 ........ 2.1 ..... N87, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Trimethylamine, aqueous solutions 3 UN1297 I 3, 8 .... T11, TP1 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40, 135
with not more than 50 percent
trimethylamine by mass.
............................................................ ................ II 3, 8 .... B1, IB2, T7, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1 L 5 L B 40, 41
............................................................ ................ III 3, 8 .... B1, IB3, T7, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 5 L 60 L A 40, 41
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ..................... 3 UN2325 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Trimethylchlorosilane ......................... 3 UN1298 II 3, 8 .... A3, A7, B77, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1 L 5 L E 40
§ 172.101
TP2, TP7, TP13
PsN: PC150
Trimethylcyclohexylamine .................. 8 UN2326 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Trimethylene glycol diperchlorate ...... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate 6.1 UN2328 III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L B ............
Trimethylhexamethylenediamines ..... 8 UN2327 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Trimethylol nitromethane trinitrate ..... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitro-meta-cresol ............................ 1.1D UN0216 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
2,4,6-Trinitro-1,3-diazobenzene ......... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00280
2,4,6-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazido benzene Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitroacetic acid .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitroacetonitrile .............................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitroamine cobalt ........................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitroaniline or Picramide ................ 1.1D UN0153 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Fmt 8010
Trinitroanisole .................................... 1.1D UN0213 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Trinitrobenzene, wetted, with not less 4.1 UN3367 I 4.1 ..... 162, A8, A19, N41, N84 None ... 211 .... None 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 36
than 10% water, by mass.
Trinitrobenzene, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0214 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
less than 30 percent water, by
Sfmt 8010
Trinitrobenzene, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1354 I 4.1 ..... 23, A2, A8, A19, N41 None ... 211 .... None 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 28
than 30 percent water, by mass.
Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid .............. 1.1D UN0386 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
Trinitrobenzoic acid, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0215 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Trinitromethane .................................. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
1,3,5-Trinitronaphthalene ................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitronaphthalene ............................ 1.1D UN0217 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Trinitrophenetole ................................ 1.1D UN0218 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
water, by mass.
Trinitrophenol, wetted or Picric acid, 4.1 UN1344 I 4.1 ..... 23, A8, A19, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
wetted, with not less than 30 per-
cent water by mass.
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl guanidine (dry) .. Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
PO 00000
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl nitramine ............ Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl trimethylol methyl Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
nitramine trinitrate (dry).
Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine or Tet- 1.1D UN0208 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Frm 00281
Trinitroresorcinol or Styphnic acid, 1.1D UN0219 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
dry or wetted with less than 20
percent water, or mixture of alco-
hol and water, by mass.
Trinitroresorcinol, wetted or Styphnic 1.1D UN0394 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
acid, wetted with not less than 20
Fmt 8010
Sfmt 8010
Trinitrotetramine cobalt nitrate ........... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrobenzene 1.1D UN0388 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
mixtures or TNT and
trinitrobenzene mixtures or TNT
and hexanitrostilbene mixtures or
Trinitrotoluene and
hexanitrostilnene mixtures.
Trinitrotoluene mixtures containing 1.1D UN0389 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Trinitrobenzene and
Hexanitrostilbene or TNT mixtures
containing trinitrobenzene and
Trinitrotoluene or TNT, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0209 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
with less than 30 percent water, by
Trinitrotoluene (TNT), wetted, with 4.1 UN3366 I 4.1 ..... 162, A8, A19, N41, N84 None ... 211 .... None 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 36
§ 172.101
wetted, with not less than 30 per-
PsN: PC150
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Tris-(1-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide, so- 6.1 UN2501 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
............................................................ ................ III 6.1 ..... IB3, T4, TP1 153 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Frm 00282
Tris, bis-bifluoroamino diethoxy pro- Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
pane (TVOPA).
Tritonal ............................................... 1.1D UN0390 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
Tungsten hexafluoride ....................... 2.3 UN2196 ........ 2.3, 8 2, N86 None ... 338 .... None Forbidden Forbidden D 40
Turpentine .......................................... 3 UN1299 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Turpentine substitute ......................... 3 UN1300 I 3 ........ T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B ............
Fmt 8010
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Undecane .......................................... 3 UN2330 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Urea hydrogen peroxide .................... 5.1 UN1511 III 5.1, 8 A1, A7, A29, IB8, IP3, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 13
T1, TP33
Sfmt 8010
Urea nitrate, dry or wetted with less 1.1D UN0220 II 1.1D .. 119 None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 ............
than 20 percent water, by mass.
Urea nitrate, wetted, with not less 4.1 UN3370 I 4.1 ..... 162, A8, A19, N41, N84 None ... 211 .... None 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 36
than 10 percent water by mass.
Urea nitrate, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1357 I 4.1 ..... 23, 39, A8, A19, N41 None ... 211 .... None 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 36
Vanadium oxytrichloride .................... 8 UN2443 II 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B2, B16, 154 ...... 202 .... 242 .... Forbidden 30 L C 40
IB2, N34, T7, TP2
Vanadium pentoxide, non-fused form 6.1 UN2862 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 40
Vanadium tetrachloride ...................... 8 UN2444 I 8 ........ A3, A6, A7, B4, N34, None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 2.5 L C 40
PsN: PC150
T10, TP2
Vanadium trichloride .......................... 8 UN2475 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 154 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 40
Vanadyl sulfate .................................. 6.1 UN2931 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Vehicle, flammable gas powered ...... 9 UN3166 ........ 9 ........ 135, 157 220 ...... 220 .... 220 .... Forbidden No limit A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
Vinyl butyrate, stabilized .................... 3 UN2838 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Vinyl chloride, stabilized .................... 2.1 UN1086 ........ 2.1 ..... 21, B44, N86, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Vinyl chloroacetate ............................ 6.1 UN2589 II 6.1, 3 IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
PO 00000
Vinyl ethyl ether, stabilized ................ 3 UN1302 I 3 ........ A3, T11, TP2 None ... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L D ............
Vinyl fluoride, stabilized ..................... 2.1 UN1860 ........ 2.1 ..... N86 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40
Vinyl isobutyl ether, stabilized ........... 3 UN1304 II 3 ........ IB2, T4, TP1 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
Vinyl methyl ether, stabilized ............. 2.1 UN1087 ........ 2.1 ..... B44, T50 306 ...... 304 .... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40
Frm 00283
Vinyl nitrate polymer .......................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Vinylidene chloride, stabilized ........... 3 UN1303 I 3 ........ T12, TP2, TP7 150 ...... 201 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L E 40
Vinylpyridines, stabilized ................... 6.1 UN3073 II 6.1, 3, IB1, T7, TP2, TP13 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 30 L B 21, 40,
8. 52.
Vinyltoluenes, stabilized .................... 3 UN2618 III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Fmt 8010
Vinyltrichlorosilane, stabilized ............ 3 UN1305 II 3, 8 .... A3, A7, B6, N34, T10, None ... 206 .... 243 .... 1L 5L B 40
TP2, TP7, TP13
Warheads, rocket with burster or ex- 1.4D UN0370 II 1.4D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden 75 kg 02 ............
pelling charge.
Warheads, rocket with burster or ex- 1.4F UN0371 II 1.4F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Sfmt 8010
pelling charge.
Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.1D UN0286 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.2D UN0287 II 1.2D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.1F UN0369 II 1.1F ... None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 08 ............
Warheads, torpedo with bursting 1.1D UN0221 II 1.1D .. None ... 62 ...... 62 ...... Forbidden Forbidden 03 ............
G Water-reactive liquid, corrosive, n.o.s 4.3 UN3129 I 4.3, 8 T14, TP2, TP7 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 1 L D
II 4.3, 8 IB1, T11, TP2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5 L E 85
III 4.3, 8 IB2, T7, TP1 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E
G Water-reactive liquid, n.o.s. ............... 4.3 UN3148 I 4.3 ..... T9, TP2, TP7 None ... 201 .... 244 .... Forbidden 1 L E 40
II 4.3 ..... IB1, T7, TP2 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5 L E 40
III 4.3 ..... IB2, T7, TP1 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 40
G Water-reactive liquid, toxic, n.o.s. ..... 4.3 UN3130 I 4.3, A4 None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden 1 L D ............
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, IB1 None ... 202 .... 243 .... 1L 5L E 85
§ 172.101
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, IB2 None ... 203 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L E 85
PsN: PC150
G Water-reactive solid, corrosive, n.o.s 4.3 UN3131 I 4.3, 8 IB4, IP1, N40, T9, TP7, None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D
II 4.3, 8 IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 85
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
III 4.3, 8 IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 85
G Water-reactive solid, flammable, 4.3 UN3132 I 4.3, IB4, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg D ............
n.o.s.. 4.1.
Frm 00284
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, IB4, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E ............
G Water-reactive solid, n.o.s. ................ 4.3 UN2813 I 4.3 ..... IB4, N40, T9, TP7, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E 40
............................................................ ................ II 4.3 ..... IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 151 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E 40
Fmt 8010
................ III 4.3 ..... IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E 40
G Water-reactive, solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3133 II 4.3, None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, None ... 214 .... 214 .... Forbidden Forbidden E 40
Sfmt 8010
G Water-reactive solid, self-heating, 4.3 UN3135 I 4.3, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg E ............
n.o.s.. 4.2.
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, IB5, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg E ............
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg E ............
I White asbestos (chrysotile, actinolite, 9 UN2590 III 9 ........ 156, IB8, IP2, IP3, T1, 155 ...... 216 .... 240 .... 200 kg 200 kg A 34, 40
anthophyllite, tremolite). TP33
Wood preservatives, liquid ................ 3 UN1306 II 3 ........ 149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 150 ...... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A 40
PsN: PC150
AI Wool waste, wet ................................ 4.2 UN1387 III 4.2 ..... 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden A ............
Xanthates ........................................... 4.2 UN3342 II 4.2 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 241 .... 15 kg 50 kg D 40
............................................................ ................ III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg D 40
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB3, T2, TP1 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L A ............
Xylenols, solid .................................... 6.1 UN2261 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Xylenols, liquid ................................... 6.1 UN3430 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Xylidines, liquid .................................. 6.1 UN1711 II 6.1 ..... IB2, T7, TP2 153 ...... 202 .... 243 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Xylidines, solid ................................... 6.1 UN3452 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
PO 00000
Xylyl bromide, liquid .......................... 6.1 UN1701 II 6.1 ..... A3, A6, A7, IB2, N33, None ... 340 .... None Forbidden 60 L D 40
T7, TP2, TP13
Xylyl bromide, solid ........................... 6.1 UN3417 II 6.1 ..... A3, A6, A7, IB8, IP2, None ... 340 .... None 25 kg 100 kg B 40
IP4, N33, T3, TP33
p-Xylyl diazide ................................... Forbidden ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Zinc ammonium nitrite ....................... 5.1 UN1512 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg E
Frm 00285
Zinc arsenate or Zinc arsenite or 6.1 UN1712 II 6.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 153 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Zinc arsenate and zinc arsenite
Zinc ashes ......................................... 4.3 UN1435 III 4.3 ..... A1, A19, IB8, IP4, T1, 151 ...... 213 .... 241 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Fmt 8010
Zinc bisulfite solution, see Bisulfites, ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
aqueous solutions, n.o.s..
Zinc bromate ...................................... 5.1 UN2469 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58
Zinc chlorate ...................................... 5.1 UN1513 II 5.1 ..... A9, IB8, IP2, IP4, N34, 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58
Sfmt 8010
T3, TP33
Zinc chloride, anhydrous ................... 8 UN2331 III 8 ........ IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Zinc chloride, solution ........................ 8 UN1840 III 8 ........ IB3, T4, TP1 154 ...... 203 .... 241 .... 5L 60 L A ............
Zinc cyanide ...................................... 6.1 UN1713 I 6.1 ..... IB7, IP1, T6, TP33 None ... 211 .... 242 .... 5 kg 50 kg A 52
Zinc dithionite or Zinc hydrosulfite .... 9 UN1931 III None IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 155 ...... 204 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 49
Zinc ethyl, see Diethylzinc ................. ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Zinc fluorosilicate ............................... 6.1 UN2855 III 6.1 ..... IB8, IP3, T1, TP33 153 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 100 kg 200 kg A 52
Zinc hydrosulfite, see Zinc dithionite ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Zinc muriate solution, see Zinc chlo- ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
ride, solution.
Zinc nitrate ......................................... 5.1 UN1514 II 5.1 ..... IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 240 .... 5 kg 25 kg A
Zinc permanganate ............................ 5.1 UN1515 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58,
Zinc peroxide ..................................... 5.1 UN1516 II 5.1 ..... IB6, IP2, T3, TP33 152 ...... 212 .... 242 .... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 52,
66, 75
Zinc phosphide .................................. 4.3 UN1714 I 4.3, A19, N40 None ... 211 .... None Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 52,
6.1. 85
Zinc powder or Zinc dust ................... 4.3 UN1436 I 4.3, A19, IB4, IP1, N40 None ... 211 .... 242 .... Forbidden 15 kg A 52, 53
§ 172.101
............................................................ ................ II 4.3, A19, IB7, IP2, T3, TP33 None ... 212 .... 242 .... 15 kg 50 kg A 52, 53
PsN: PC150
............................................................ ................ III 4.3, IB8, IP4, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 242 .... 25 kg 100 kg A 52, 53
Zinc resinate ...................................... 4.1 UN2714 III 4.1 ..... A1, IB6, T1, TP33 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:30 Dec 30, 2010
§ 172.101
(8) (9) (10)
Packaging Quantity limitations stowage
Jkt 220213
Hazard Identi-
Sym- Hazardous materials descriptions Label Special provisions (§ 173.***) (see §§ 173.27 and
class or fication PG
bols and proper shipping names Codes (§ 172.102) 175.75)
Division Numbers Loca-
Excep- Non- Other
Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tion
tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only
PO 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
Zinc selenate, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Zinc selenite, see Selenates or ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Frm 00286
Zinc silicofluoride, see Zinc ................ ........... .......... ........ ........ .................. .................. ............
Zirconium, dry, coiled wire, finished 4.1 UN2858 III 4.1 ..... A1 151 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
metal sheets, strip (thinner than
254 microns but not thinner than
Fmt 8010
18 microns).
Zirconium, dry, finished sheets, strip 4.2 UN2009 III 4.2 ..... A1, A19 None ... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg D ............
or coiled wire.
Zirconium hydride .............................. 4.1 UN1437 II 4.1 ..... A19, A20, IB4, N34, T3, None ... 212 .... 240 .... 15 kg 50 kg E ............
Sfmt 8010
Zirconium nitrate ................................ 5.1 UN2728 III 5.1 ..... A1, A29, IB8, IP3, T1, 152 ...... 213 .... 240 .... 25 kg 100 kg A ............
Zirconium picramate, dry or wetted 1.3C UN0236 II 1.3C .. None ... 62 ...... None Forbidden Forbidden 10 5E
with less than 20 percent water, by
Zirconium scrap ................................. 4.2 UN1932 III 4.2 ..... IB8, IP3, N34, T1, TP33 None ... 213 .... 240 .... Forbidden Forbidden D ............
Zirconium suspended in a liquid ....... 3 UN1308 I 3 ........ None ... 201 .... 243 .... Forbidden Forbidden B ............
............................................................ ................ II 3 ........ IB2 None ... 202 .... 242 .... 5L 60 L B ............
............................................................ ................ III 3 ........ B1, IB2 150 ...... 203 .... 242 .... 60 L 220 L B ............
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
100 kg
25 kg
240 ....
213 ....
154 ......
IB8, IP3, T1, TP33
8 ........
Zirconium tetrachloride ......................
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00287 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
APPENDIX A TO § 172.101—LIST OF HAZARDOUS able quantity (RQ), in pounds and kilograms,
SUBSTANCES AND REPORTABLE QUANTITIES for each hazardous substance listed in Col-
1. This appendix lists materials and their umn 1 of TABLE 1.
corresponding reportable quantities (RQ’s) 5. A series of notes is used throughout
that are listed or designated as ‘‘hazardous TABLE 1 and TABLE 2 to provide additional
substances’’ under section 101(14) of the Com- information concerning certain hazardous
prehensive Environmental Response, Com- substances. These notes are explained at the
pensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. end of each TABLE.
9601(14) (CERCLA; 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq). This 6. TABLE 2 lists radionuclides that are
listing fulfills the requirement of CERCLA, hazardous substances and their cor-
42 U.S.C. 9656(a), that all ‘‘hazardous sub- responding RQ’s. The RQ’s in table 2 for
stances,’’ as defined in 42 U.S.C. 9601(14), be radionuclides are expressed in units of curies
listed and regulated as hazardous materials and terabecquerels, whereas those in table 1
under 49 U.S.C. 5101–5127. That definition in- are expressed in units of pounds and kilo-
cludes substances listed under sections grams. If a material is listed in both table 1
311(b)(2)(A) and 307(a) of the Federal Water and table 2, the lower RQ shall apply. Radio-
Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(2)(A) nuclides are listed in alphabetical order. The
and 1317(a), section 3001 of the Solid Waste RQ’s for radionuclides are given in the radio-
Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6921, and section 112 logical unit of measure of curie, abbreviated
of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7412. In addi- ‘‘Ci’’, followed, in parentheses, by an equiva-
tion, this list contains materials that the lent unit measured in terabecquerels, abbre-
Administrator of the Environmental Protec- viated ‘‘TBq’’.
tion Agency has determined to be hazardous 7. For mixtures of radionuclides, the fol-
substances in accordance with section 102 of lowing requirements shall be used in deter-
CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9602. It should be noted mining if a package contains an RQ of a haz-
that 42 U.S.C. 9656(b) provides that common ardous substance: (i) if the identity and
and contract carriers may be held liable quantity (in curies or terabecquerels) of each
under laws other than CERCLA for the re-
radionuclide in a mixture or solution is
lease of a hazardous substance as defined in
known, the ratio between the quantity per
that Act, during transportation that com-
package (in curies or terabecquerels) and the
menced before the effective date of the list-
RQ for the radionuclide must be determined
ing and regulating of that substance as a
hazardous material under 49 U.S.C. 5101–5127. for each radionuclide. A package contains an
2. This appendix is divided into two TA- RQ of a hazardous substance when the sum of
BLES which are entitled ‘‘TABLE 1—HAZ- the ratios for the radionuclides in the mix-
ARDOUS SUBSTANCES OTHER THAN ture or solution is equal to or greater than
RADIONUCLIDES’’ and ‘‘TABLE 2—RADIO- one; (ii) if the identity of each radionuclide
NUCLIDES.’’ A material listed in this appen- in a mixture or solution is known but the
dix is regulated as a hazardous material and quantity per package (in curies or
a hazardous substance under this subchapter terabecquerels) of one or more of the radio-
if it meets the definition of a hazardous sub- nuclides is unknown, an RQ of a hazardous
stance in § 171.8 of this subchapter. substance is present in a package when the
3. The procedure for selecting a proper total quantity (in curies or terabecquerels)
shipping name for a hazardous substance is of the mixture or solution is equal to or
set forth in § 172.101(c). greater than the lowest RQ of any individual
4. Column 1 of TABLE 1, entitled ‘‘Haz- radionuclide in the mixture or solution; and
ardous substance’’, contains the names of (iii) if the identity of one or more radio-
those elements and compounds that are haz- nuclides in a mixture or solution is unknown
ardous substances. Following the listing of (or if the identity of a radionuclide by itself
elements and compounds is a listing of waste is unknown), an RQ of a hazardous substance
streams. These waste streams appear on the is present when the total quantity (in curies
list in numerical sequence and are referenced or terabecquerels) in a package is equal to or
by the appropriate ‘‘D’’, ‘‘F’’, or ‘‘K’’ num- greater than either one curie or the lowest
bers. Column 2 of TABLE 1, entitled ‘‘Re- RQ of any known individual radionuclide in
portable quantity (RQ)’’, contains the report- the mixture or solution, whichever is lower.
quantity (RQ)
Hazardous substance pounds
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101
PP Aldrin 1-Chlorohexane
Alkyl (c12-c14) dimethylamine Chloronitroanilines
Alkyl (c7-c9) nitrates Chloronitrotoluenes, liquid
Alkybenzenesulphonates, branched and straight Chloronitrotoluenes, solid
chain (excluding C11–C13 straight chain or 1-Chlorooctane
branched chain homologues) PP Chlorophenolates, liquid
Allyl bromide PP Chlorophenolates, solid
ortho-Aminoanisole Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane
Aminocarb Chloropicrin
Ammonium dinitro-o-cresolate alpha-Chloropropylene
n-Amylbenzene Chlorotoluenes (meta-;para-)
PP Azinphos-ethyl PP Chlorpyriphos
PP Azinphos-methyl PP Chlorthiophos
Barium cyanide Cocculus
Bendiocarb Coconitrile
Benomyl Copper acetoarsenite
Benquinox Copper arsenite
Benzyl chlorocarbonate PP Copper chloride
Benzyl chloroformate PP Copper chloride solution
PP Binapacryl PP Copper cyanide
N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) oleamide (LOA) PP Copper metal powder
PP Brodifacoum PP Copper sulphate, anhydrous, hydrates
Bromine cyanide Coumachlor
Bromoacetone PP Coumaphos
Bromoallylene PP Cresyl diphenyl phosphate
Bromobenzene Crotonaldehyde, stabilized
ortho-Bromobenzyl cyanide Crotonic aldehyde, stabilized
Bromocyane Crotoxyphos
Bromoform Cupric arsenite
PP Bromophos-ethyl PP Cupric chloride
3-Bromopropene PP Cupric cyanide
Bromoxynil PP Cupric sulfate
Butanedione Cupriethylenediamine solution
2-Butenal, stabilized PP Cuprous chloride
Butyl benzyl phthalate Cyanide mixtures
N-tert-butyl-N-cyclopropyl-6-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine- Cyanide solutions
2,4-diamine Cyanides, inorganic, n.o.s.
2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol Cyanogen bromide
PP 2, 6-Di-tert-Butylphenol Cyanogen chloride, inhibited
para-tertiary-butyltoluene Cyanogen chloride, stabilized
PP Cadmium compounds Cyanophos
Cadmium sulphide PP 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene
Calcium arsenate PP Cyhexatin
Calcium arsenate and calcium arsenite, mixtures, PP Cymenes (o-;m-;p-)
solid PP Cypermethrin
Calcium cyanide Decyl acrylate
PP Camphechlor PP DDT
Carbaryl Decycloxytetrahydrothiophene dioxide
Carbendazim DEF
Carbofuran Desmedipham
Carbon tetrabromide Di-allate
Carbon tetrachloride Di-n-Butyl phthalate
PP Carbophenothion PP Dialifos
Cartap hydrochloride 4,4′-Diaminodiphenylmethane
PP Chlordane PP Diazinon
Chlorfenvinphos 1,3-Dibromobenzene
PP Chlorinated paraffins (C-10 - C-13) PP Dichlofenthion
PP Chlorinated paraffins (C14–C17), with more than 1% Dichloroanilines
shorter chain length 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
Chlorine 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
Chlorine cyanide, inhibited Dichlorobenzene (meta-; para-)
Chlormephos 2,2-Dichlorodiethyl ether
Chloroacetone, stabilized Dichlorodimethyl ether, symmetrical
1-Chloro-2,3-Epoxypropane Di-(2-chloroethyl) ether
2-Chloro-6-nitrotoluene 1,1-Dichloroethylene, inhibited
4-Chloro-2-nitrotoluene 1,6-Dichlorohexane
Chloro-ortho-nitrotoluene Dichlorophenyltrichlorosilane
2-Chloro-5-trifluoromethylnitrobenzene PP Dichlorvos
para-Chlorobenzyl chloride, liquid or solid PP Diclofop-methyl
Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid or solid Dicrotophos
1-Chloroheptane PP Dieldrin
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§ 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
(2) A code containing the letter ‘‘A’’ and must be described as an inhalation
refers to a special provision which ap- hazard under the provisions of this sub-
plies only to transportation by air- chapter.
craft. 4 This material is poisonous by inhalation
(see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard
(3) A code containing the letter ‘‘B’’ Zone D (see § 173.116(a) of this subchapter),
refers to a special provision that ap- and must be described as an inhalation
plies only to bulk packaging require- hazard under the provisions of this sub-
ments. Unless otherwise provided in chapter.
this subchapter, these special provi- 5 If this material meets the definition for a
sions do not apply to UN, IM Specifica- material poisonous by inhalation (see
tion portable tanks or IBCs. § 171.8 of this subchapter), a shipping name
(4) A code containing the letters ‘‘IB’’ must be selected which identifies the inha-
lation hazard, in Division 2.3 or Division
or ‘‘IP’’ refers to a special provision
6.1, as appropriate.
that applies only to transportation in 6 This material is poisonous-by-inhalation
IBCs. and must be described as an inhalation
(5) A code containing the letter ‘‘N’’ hazard under the provisions of this sub-
refers to a special provision which ap- chapter.
plies only to non-bulk packaging re- 8 A hazardous substance that is not a haz-
quirements. ardous waste may be shipped under the
(6) A code containing the letter ‘‘R’’ shipping description ‘‘Other regulated sub-
refers to a special provision which ap- stances, liquid or solid, n.o.s.’’, as appro-
priate. In addition, for solid materials, spe-
plies only to transportation by rail.
cial provision B54 applies.
(7) A code containing the letter ‘‘T’’ 9 Packaging for certain PCBs for disposal
refers to a special provision which ap- and storage is prescribed by EPA in 40 CFR
plies only to transportation in UN or 761.60 and 761.65.
IM Specification portable tanks. 11 The hazardous material must be pack-
(8) A code containing the letters aged as either a liquid or a solid, as appro-
‘‘TP’’ refers to a portable tank special priate, depending on its physical form at 55
provision for UN or IM Specification °C (131 °F) at atmospheric pressure.
portable tanks that is in addition to 12 In concentrations greater than 40 per-
those provided by the portable tank in- cent, this material has strong oxidizing
properties and is capable of starting fires
structions or the requirements in part in contact with combustible materials. If
178 of this subchapter. appropriate, a package containing this ma-
(9) A code containing the letter ‘‘W’’ terial must conform to the additional la-
refers to a special provision that ap- beling requirements of § 172.402 of this sub-
plies only to transportation by water. chapter.
(c) Tables of special provisions. The fol- 13 The words ‘‘Inhalation Hazard’’ shall be
lowing tables list, and set forth the re- entered on each shipping paper in associa-
quirements of, the special provisions tion with the shipping description, shall be
marked on each non-bulk package in asso-
referred to in column 7 of the § 172.101
ciation with the proper shipping name and
table. identification number, and shall be marked
(1) Numeric provisions. These provi- on two opposing sides of each bulk pack-
sions are multi-modal and apply to age. Size of marking on bulk package must
bulk and non-bulk packagings: conform to § 172.302(b) of this subchapter.
The requirements of §§ 172.203(m) and
Code/Special Provisions 172.505 of this subchapter do not apply.
1 This material is poisonous by inhalation 14 Motor fuel antiknock mixtures are:
(see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard a. Mixtures of one or more organic lead
Zone A (see § 173.116(a) or § 173.133(a) of this mixtures (such as tetraethyl lead,
subchapter), and must be described as an triethylmethyl lead, diethyldimethyl
inhalation hazard under the provisions of lead, ethyltrimethyl lead, and
this subchapter. tetramethyl lead) with one or more halo-
2 This material is poisonous by inhalation gen compounds (such as ethylene
(see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard dibromide and ethylene dichloride), hy-
Zone B (see § 173.116(a) or § 173.133(a) of this drocarbon solvents or other equally effi-
subchapter), and must be described as an cient stabilizers; or
inhalation hazard under the provisions of b. tetraethyl lead.
this subchapter. 15 This entry applies to ‘‘Chemical kits’’
3 This material is poisonous by inhalation and ‘‘First aid kits’’ containing one or
(see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard more compatible items of hazardous mate-
Zone C (see § 173.116(a) of this subchapter), rials in boxes, cases, etc. that, for example,
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
are used for medical, analytical, diag- packed that the percentage of diluent will
nostic, testing, or repair purposes. For not fall below that stated in the shipping
transportation by aircraft, materials for- description at any time during transport.
bidden for transportation by passenger air- Quantities of not more than 500 g per pack-
craft or cargo aircraft may not be included age with not less than 10 percent water by
in the kits. Chemical kits and first aid kits mass may also be classed in Division 4.1,
are excepted from the specification pack- provided a negative test result is obtained
aging requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with test series
when packaged in combination packagings. 6(c) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria
Chemical kits and first aid kits are also ex- (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
cepted from the labeling and placarding re- 24 Alcoholic beverages containing more
quirements of this subchapter, except when than 70 percent alcohol by volume must be
offered for transportation or transported transported as materials in Packing Group
by air. Chemical and first aid kits may be II. Alcoholic beverages containing more
transported in accordance with the con- than 24 percent but not more than 70 per-
sumer commodity and ORM exceptions in cent alcohol by volume must be trans-
§ 173.156, provided they meet all required ported as materials in Packing Group III.
conditions. Kits that are carried on board 26 This entry does not include ammonium
transport vehicles for first aid or operating permanganate, the transport of which is
purposes are not subject to the require- prohibited except when approved by the
ments of this subchapter. Associate Administrator.
16 This description applies to smokeless 28 The dihydrated sodium salt of
powder and other solid propellants that are dichloroisocyanuric acid is not subject to
used as powder for small arms and have the requirements of this subchapter.
been classed as Division 1.3 and 4.1 in ac-
29 For transportation by motor vehicle,
cordance with § 173.56 of this subchapter.
rail car or vessel, production runs (excep-
18 This description is authorized only for fire
tions for prototypes can be found in
extinguishers listed in § 173.309(b) of this
§ 173.185(e)) of not more than 100 lithium cells
subchapter meeting the following condi-
or batteries are excepted from the testing re-
a. Each fire extinguisher may only have quirements of § 173.185(a)(1) if—
extinguishing contents that are nonflam- a. For a lithium metal cell or battery, the
mable, non-poisonous, non-corrosive and lithium content is not more than 1.0 g per
commercially free from corroding com- cell and the aggregate lithium content is not
ponents. more than 2.0 g per battery, and, for a lith-
b. Each fire extinguisher must be charged ium-ion cell or battery, the equivalent lith-
with a nonflammable, non-poisonous, dry ium content is not more than 1.5 g per cell
gas that has a dew-point at or below and the aggregate equivalent lithium con-
minus 46.7 °C (minus 52 °F) at 101 kPa (1 tent is not more than 8 g per battery;
atmosphere) and is free of corroding com- b. The cells and batteries are transported
ponents, to not more than the service in an outer packaging that is a metal, plas-
pressure of the cylinder. tic or plywood drum or metal, plastic or
c. A fire extinguisher may not contain wooden box that meets the criteria for Pack-
more than 30% carbon dioxide by volume ing Group I packagings; and
or any other corrosive extinguishing c. Each cell and battery is individually
agent. packed in an inner packaging inside an outer
d. Each fire extinguisher must be protected packaging and is surrounded by cushioning
externally by suitable corrosion-resisting material that is non-combustible, and non-
coating. conductive.
19 For domestic transportation only, the 30 Sulfur is not subject to the requirements
identification number ‘‘UN1075’’ may be of this subchapter if transported in a non-
used in place of the identification number bulk packaging or if formed to a specific
specified in column (4) of the § 172.101 table. shape (for example, prills, granules, pel-
The identification number used must be lets, pastilles, or flakes). A bulk packaging
consistent on package markings, shipping containing sulfur is not subject to the
papers and emergency response informa- placarding requirements of subpart F of
tion. this part, if it is marked with the appro-
21 This material must be stabilized by ap- priate identification number as required by
propriate means (e.g., addition of chemical subpart D of this part. Molten sulfur must
inhibitor, purging to remove oxygen) to be marked as required by § 172.325 of this
prevent dangerous polymerization (see subchapter.
§ 173.21(f) of this subchapter). 31 Materials which have undergone suffi-
22 If the hazardous material is in dispersion cient heat treatment to render them non-
in organic liquid, the organic liquid must hazardous are not subject to the require-
have a flash point above 50 °C (122 °F). ments of this subchapter.
23 This material may be transported under 32 Polymeric beads and molding compounds
the provisions of Division 4.1 only if it is so may be made from polystyrene,
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
poly(methyl methacrylate) or other poly- 43 The membrane filters, including paper
meric material. separators and coating or backing mate-
33 Ammonium nitrites and mixtures of an rials, that are present in transport, must
inorganic nitrite with an ammonium salt not be able to propagate a detonation as
are prohibited. tested by one of the tests described in the
34 The commercial grade of calcium nitrate UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I,
fertilizer, when consisting mainly of a dou- Test series 1(a) (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub-
ble salt (calcium nitrate and ammonium chapter). On the basis of the results of
nitrate) containing not more than 10 per- suitable burning rate tests, and taking
cent ammonium nitrate and at least 12 per- into account the standard tests in the UN
cent water of crystallization, is not subject Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, sub-
to the requirements of this subchapter. section 33.2.1 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub-
35 Antimony sulphides and oxides which do chapter), nitrocellulose membrane filters
not contain more than 0.5 percent of ar- in the form in which they are to be trans-
senic calculated on the total mass do not ported that do not meet the criteria for a
meet the definition of Division 6.1. Division 4.1 material are not subject to the
37 Unless it can be demonstrated by testing requirements of this subchapter. Pack-
that the sensitivity of the substance in its agings must be so constructed that explo-
frozen state is no greater than in its liquid sion is not possible by reason of increased
state, the substance must remain liquid internal pressure. Nitrocellulose mem-
brane filters covered by this entry, each
during normal transport conditions. It
with a mass not exceeding 0.5 g, are not
must not freeze at temperatures above ¥15
subject to the requirements of this sub-
°C (5 °F).
chapter when contained individually in an
38 If this material shows a violent effect in
article or a sealed packet.
laboratory tests involving heating under 44 The formulation must be prepared so
confinement, the labeling requirements of that it remains homogenous and does not
Special Provision 53 apply, and the mate- separate during transport. Formulations
rial must be packaged in accordance with with low nitrocellulose contents and nei-
packing method OP6 in § 173.225 of this sub- ther showing dangerous properties when
chapter. If the SADT of the technically tested for their ability to detonate,
pure substance is higher than 75 °C, the deflagrate or explode when heated under
technically pure substance and formula- defined confinement by the appropriate
tions derived from it are not self-reactive test methods and criteria in the UN Man-
materials and, if not meeting any other ual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see § 171.7 of
hazard class, are not subject to the re- this subchapter), nor classed as a Division
quirements of this subchapter. 4.1 (flammable solid) when tested in ac-
39 This substance may be carried under pro- cordance with the procedures specified in
visions other than those of Class 1 only if § 173.124 of this subchapter (chips, if nec-
it is so packed that the percentage of essary, crushed and sieved to a particle
water will not fall below that stated at any size of less than 1.25 mm), are not subject
time during transport. When phlegmatized to the requirements of this subchapter.
with water and inorganic inert material, 45 Temperature should be maintained be-
the content of urea nitrate must not ex- tween 18 °C (64.4 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F).
ceed 75 percent by mass and the mixture Tanks containing solidified methacrylic
should not be capable of being detonated acid must not be reheated during trans-
by test 1(a)(i) or test 1(a)(ii) in the UN port.
Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 46 This material must be packed in accord-
§ 171.7 of this subchapter). ance with packing method OP6 (see § 173.225
40 Polyester resin kits consist of two com- of this subchapter). During transport, it
ponents: a base material (Class 3, Packing must be protected from direct sunshine
Group II or III) and an activator (organic and stored (or kept) in a cool and well-ven-
peroxide), each separately packed in an tilated place, away from all sources of
inner packaging. The organic peroxide heat.
must be type D, E, or F, not requiring tem- 47 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to
perature control, and be limited to a quan- this subchapter and flammable liquids may
tity of 125 mL (4.22 ounces) per inner pack- be transported under this entry without
aging if liquid, and 500 g (1 pound) if solid. first applying the classification criteria of
The components may be placed in the same Division 4.1, provided there is no free liquid
outer packaging provided they will not visible at the time the material is loaded
interact dangerously in the event of leak- or at the time the packaging or transport
age. Packing group will be II or III, accord- unit is closed. Except when the liquids are
ing to the criteria for Class 3, applied to fully absorbed in solid material contained
the base material. in sealed bags, each packaging must cor-
41 This material at the Packing Group II respond to a design type that has passed a
hazard criteria level may be transported in leakproofness test at the Packing Group II
Large Packagings. level. Small inner packagings consisting of
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
sealed packets and articles containing less transported by motor vehicle, rail car, or
than 10 mL of a Class 3 liquid in Packing aircraft.
Group II or III absorbed onto a solid mate- 55 This device must be approved in accord-
rial are not subject to this subchapter pro- ance with § 173.56 of this subchapter by the
vided there is no free liquid in the packet Associate Administrator.
or article. 56 A means to interrupt and prevent deto-
48 Mixtures of solids which are not subject nation of the detonator from initiating the
to this subchapter and toxic liquids may be detonating cord must be installed between
transported under this entry without first each electric detonator and the detonating
applying the classification criteria of Divi- cord ends of the jet perforating guns before
sion 6.1, provided there is no free liquid the charged jet perforating guns are of-
visible at the time the material is loaded fered for transportation.
or at the time the packaging or transport 57 Maneb or Maneb preparations stabilized
unit is closed. Each packaging must cor- against self-heating need not be classified
respond to a design type that has passed a in Division 4.2 when it can be dem-
leakproofness test at the Packing Group II onstrated by testing that a volume of 1 m3
level. This entry may not be used for solids of substance does not self-ignite and that
containing a Packing Group I liquid. the temperature at the center of the sam-
49 Mixtures of solids which are not subject ple does not exceed 200 °C, when the sample
to this subchapter and corrosive liquids is maintained at a temperature of not less
may be transported under this entry with- than 75 °C ±2 °C for a period of 24 hours, in
out first applying the classification cri- accordance with procedures set forth for
testing self-heating materials in the UN
teria of Class 8, provided there is no free
Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see
liquid visible at the time the material is
§ 171.7 of this subchapter).
loaded or at the time the packaging or
58 Aqueous solutions of Division 5.1 inor-
transport unit is closed. Each packaging
ganic solid nitrate substances are consid-
must correspond to a design type that has
ered as not meeting the criteria of Division
passed a leakproofness test at the Packing
5.1 if the concentration of the substances
Group II level.
in solution at the minimum temperature
50 Cases, cartridge, empty with primer encountered in transport is not greater
which are made of metallic or plastic cas- than 80% of the saturation limit.
ings and meeting the classification criteria 59 Ferrocerium, stabilized against corro-
of Division 1.4 are not regulated for domes- sion, with a minimum iron content of 10
tic transportation. percent is not subject to the requirements
51 This description applies to items pre- of this subchapter.
viously described as ‘‘Toy propellant de- 61 A chemical oxygen generator is spent if
vices, Class C’’ and includes reloadable its means of ignition and all or a part of its
kits. Model rocket motors containing 30 chemical contents have been expended.
grams or less propellant are classed as Di- 62 Oxygen generators (see § 171.8 of this sub-
vision 1.4S and items containing more than chapter) are not authorized for transpor-
30 grams of propellant but not more than tation under this entry.
62.5 grams of propellant are classed as Di- 64 The group of alkali metals includes lith-
vision 1.4C. ium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and
52 This entry may only be used for sub- caesium.
stances that do not exhibit explosive prop- 65 The group of alkaline earth metals in-
erties of Class 1 (explosive) when tested in cludes magnesium, calcium, strontium,
accordance with Test Series 1 and 2 of and barium.
Class 1 (explosive) in the UN Manual of 66 Formulations of these substances con-
Tests and Criteria, Part I (incorporated by taining not less than 30 percent non-vola-
reference; see § 171.7 of this subchapter). tile, non-flammable phlegmatizer are not
53 Packages of these materials must bear subject to this subchapter.
the subsidiary risk label, ‘‘EXPLOSIVE’’, 70 Black powder that has been classed in ac-
and the subsidiary hazard class/division cordance with the requirements of § 173.56
must be entered in parentheses imme- of this subchapter may be reclassed and of-
diately following the primary hazard class fered for domestic transportation as a Di-
in the shipping description, unless other- vision 4.1 material if it is offered for trans-
wise provided in this subchapter or portation and transported in accordance
through an approval issued by the Asso- with the limitations and packaging re-
ciate Administrator, or the competent au- quirements of § 173.170 of this subchapter.
thority of the country of origin. A copy of 74 During transport, this material must be
the approval shall accompany the shipping protected from direct sunshine and stored
papers. or kept in a cool and well-ventilated place,
54 Maneb or maneb preparations not meet- away from all sources of heat.
ing the definition of Division 4.3 or any 77 Mixtures containing not more than 23.5%
other hazard class are not subject to the oxygen by volume may be transported
requirements of this subchapter when under this entry when no other oxidizing
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
gases are present. A Division 5.1 subsidiary cartridges (cartridges, power device of Di-
risk label is not required if this special vision 1.4C or 1.4S), without changing the
provision applies. classification of Division 2.2, provided the
78 This entry may not be used to describe aggregate quantity of deflagrating (propel-
compressed air which contains more than lant) explosives does not exceed 3.2 grams
23.5 percent oxygen. An oxidizer label is per extinguishing unit.
not required for any oxygen concentration 111 Explosive substances of Division 1.1
of 23.5 percent or less. Compatibility Group A (1.1A) are forbidden
79 This entry may not be used for mixtures for transportation if dry or not desen-
that meet the definition for oxidizing gas. sitized, unless incorporated in a device.
81 Polychlorinated biphenyl items, as de- 113 The sample must be given a tentative
fined in 40 CFR 761.3, for which specifica- approval by an agency or laboratory in ac-
tion packagings are impractical, may be cordance with § 173.56 of this subchapter.
packaged in non-specification packagings 114 Jet perforating guns, charged, oil well,
meeting the general packaging require- without detonator may be reclassed to Di-
ments of subparts A and B of part 173 of vision 1.4 Compatibility Group D (1.4D) if
this subchapter. Alternatively, the item the following conditions are met:
itself may be used as a packaging if it a. The total weight of the explosive contents
meets the general packaging requirements of the shaped charges assembled in the
of subparts A and B of part 173 of this sub- guns does not exceed 90.5 kg (200 pounds)
per vehicle; and
102 The ends of the detonating cord must be
b. The guns are packaged in accordance with
tied fast so that the explosive cannot es-
Packing Method US 1 as specified in § 173.62
cape. The articles may be transported as in
of this subchapter.
Division 1.4 Compatibility Group D (1.4D) if
all of the conditions specified in § 173.63(a) 115 Boosters with detonator, detonator as-
of this subchapter are met. semblies and boosters with detonators in
103 Detonators which will not mass deto- which the total explosive charge per unit
nate and undergo only limited propagation does not exceed 25 g, and which will not
in the shipping package may be assigned to mass detonate and undergo only limited
1.4B classification code. Mass detonate propagation in the shipping package may
means that more than 90 percent of the de- be assigned to 1.4B classification code.
vices tested in a package explode prac- Mass detonate means more than 90 percent
tically simultaneously. Limited propaga- of the devices tested in a package explode
tion means that if one detonator near the practically simultaneously. Limited propa-
center of a shipping package is exploded, gation means that if one booster near the
the aggregate weight of explosives, exclud- center of the package is exploded, the ag-
ing ignition and delay charges, in this and gregate weight of explosives, excluding ig-
all additional detonators in the outside nition and delay charges, in this and all
packaging that explode may not exceed 25 additional boosters in the outside pack-
grams. aging that explode may not exceed 25 g.
105 The word ‘‘Agents’’ may be used instead 116 Fuzes, detonating may be classed in Di-
of ‘‘Explosives’’ when approved by the As- vision 1.4 if the fuzes do not contain more
sociate Administrator. than 25 g of explosive per fuze and are
106 The recognized name of the particular made and packaged so that they will not
explosive may be specified in addition to cause functioning of other fuzes, explosives
the type. or other explosive devices if one of the
107 The classification of the substance is ex- fuzes detonates in a shipping packaging or
pected to vary especially with the particle in adjacent packages.
size and packaging but the border lines 117 If shipment of the explosive substance is
have not been experimentally determined; to take place at a time that freezing
appropriate classifications should be weather is anticipated, the water con-
verified following the test procedures in tained in the explosive substance must be
§§ 173.57 and 173.58 of this subchapter. mixed with denatured alcohol so that
108 Fireworks must be so constructed and freezing will not occur.
packaged that loose pyrotechnic composi- 118 This substance may not be transported
tion will not be present in packages during under the provisions of Division 4.1 unless
transportation. specifically authorized by the Associate
109 Rocket motors must be nonpropulsive Administrator.
in transportation unless approved in ac- 119 This substance, when in quantities of
cordance with § 173.56 of this subchapter. A not more than 11.5 kg (25.3 pounds), with
rocket motor to be considered ‘‘nonpropul- not less than 10 percent water, by mass,
sive’’ must be capable of unrestrained also may be classed as Division 4.1, pro-
burning and must not appreciably move in vided a negative test result is obtained
any direction when ignited by any means. when tested in accordance with test series
110 Fire extinguishers transported under 6(c) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria
UN1044 may include installed actuating (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
120 The phlegmatized substance must be overcharged and therefore, differentiating
significantly less sensitive than dry PETN. them from non-spillable batteries. ‘‘Bat-
121 This substance, when containing less al- teries, dry, sealed, n.o.s.’’ are not subject
cohol, water or phlegmatizer than speci- to any other requirements of this sub-
fied, may not be transported unless ap- chapter except for the following:
proved by the Associate Administrator. (1) Incident reporting requirements. For
123 Any explosives, blasting, type C con- transportation by aircraft, a telephone re-
taining chlorates must be segregated from port in accordance with § 171.15(a) is required
explosives containing ammonium nitrate if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dan-
or other ammonium salts. gerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount of
125 Lactose or glucose or similar materials heat sufficient to be dangerous to packaging
may be used as a phlegmatizer provided or personal safety to include charring of
that the substance contains not less than packaging, melting of packaging, scorching
90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. These mix- of packaging, or other evidence) occurs as a
tures may be classified in Division 4.1 when direct result of a dry battery. For all modes
tested in accordance with test series 6(c) of of transportation, a written report sub-
the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, mitted, retained, and updated in accordance
see § 171.7 of this subchapter) and approved with § 171.16 is required if a fire, violent rup-
by the Associate Administrator. Testing ture, explosion or dangerous evolution of
must be conducted on at least three pack- heat occurs as a direct result of a dry bat-
ages as prepared for transport. Mixtures tery or battery-powered device;
containing at least 98%, by mass, of (2) Batteries and battery-powered device(s)
phlegmatizer are not subject to the re- containing batteries must be prepared and
quirements of this subchapter. Packages packaged for transport in a manner to pre-
containing mixtures with not less than 90% vent:
by mass, of phlegmatizer need not bear a (i) A dangerous evolution of heat;
POISON subsidiary risk label. (ii) Short circuits, including but not lim-
127 Mixtures containing oxidizing and or- ited to the following methods:
ganic materials transported under this (a) Packaging each battery or each bat-
entry may not meet the definition and cri- tery-powered device when practicable, in
teria of a Class 1 material. (See § 173.50 of fully enclosed inner packagings made of non-
this subchapter.) conductive material;
128 Regardless of the provisions of (b) Separating or packaging batteries in a
§ 172.101(c)(12), aluminum smelting by-prod- manner to prevent contact with other bat-
ucts and aluminum remelting by-products teries, devices or conductive materials (e.g.,
described under this entry, meeting the metal) in the packagings; or
definition of Class 8, Packing Group II and (c) Ensuring exposed terminals or connec-
III may be classed as a Division 4.3 mate- tors are protected with non-conductive caps,
rial and transported under this entry. The non-conductive tape, or by other appropriate
presence of a Class 8 hazard must be com- means; and
municated as required by this Part for sub- (iii) Damage to terminals. If not impact re-
sidiary hazards. sistant, the outer packaging should not be
129 These materials may not be classified used as the sole means of protecting the bat-
and transported unless authorized by the tery terminals from damage or short
Associate Administrator on the basis of re- circuiting. Batteries must be securely cush-
sults from Series 2 Test and a Series 6(c) ioned and packed to prevent shifting which
Test from the UN Manual of Tests and Cri- could loosen terminal caps or reorient the
teria (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) on terminals to produce short circuits. Bat-
packages as prepared for transport. The teries contained in devices must be securely
packing group assignment and packaging installed. Terminal protection methods in-
must be approved by the Associate Admin- clude but are not limited to the following:
istrator for Hazardous Materials Safety on (a) Securely attaching covers of sufficient
the basis of the criteria in § 173.21 of this strength to protect the terminals;
subchapter and the package type used for (b) Packaging the battery in a rigid plastic
the Series 6(c) test. packaging; or
130 Dry batteries not specifically covered (c) Constructing the battery with termi-
by another entry in the § 172.101 Table must nals that are recessed or otherwise protected
be described using this entry. Batteries de- so that the terminals will not be subjected to
scribed as ‘‘Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s’’ damage if the package is dropped.
are hermetically sealed and generally uti- (3) When transported by aircraft, for a bat-
lize metals (other than lead) and/or carbon tery whose voltage (electrical potential) ex-
as electrodes. These batteries are typically ceeds 9 volts:
used for portable power applications. The (i) When contained in a device, the device
rechargeable (and some non-rechargeable) must be packaged in a manner that prevents
types have gelled alkaline electrolytes unintentional activation or must have an
(rather than acidic) making it difficult for independent means of preventing uninten-
them to generate hydrogen or oxygen when tional activation (e.g., packaging restricts
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
access to activation switch, switch caps or required when liquid hazardous materials
locks, recessed switches, trigger locks, tem- may escape due to incorrect orientation.
perature sensitive circuit breakers, etc.); and The machinery or apparatus, if
(ii) An indication of compliance with this unpackaged, or the packaging in which it
special provision must be provided by mark- is contained shall be marked ‘‘Dangerous
ing each package with the words ‘‘not re- goods in machinery’’ or ‘‘Dangerous goods
stricted’’ or by including the words ‘‘not re- in apparatus’’, as appropriate, with the
stricted’’ on a transport document such as an identification number UN3363. For trans-
air waybill accompanying the shipment. portation by aircraft, machinery or appa-
131 This material may not be offered for ratus may not contain any material forbid-
transportation unless approved by the As- den for transportation by passenger or
sociate Administrator. cargo aircraft. The Associate Adminis-
132 This entry may only be used for uni- trator may except from the requirements
form, ammonium nitrate based fertilizer of this subchapter, equipment, machinery
mixtures, containing nitrogen, phosphate and apparatus provided:
or potash, meeting the following criteria: a. It is shown that it does not pose a sig-
(1) Contains not more than 70% ammonium nificant risk in transportation;
nitrate and not more than 0.4% total com- b. The quantities of hazardous materials do
bustible, organic material calculated as not exceed those specified in § 173.4a of
carbon or (2) Contains not more than 45% this subchapter; and
ammonium nitrate and unrestricted com- c. The equipment, machinery or apparatus
bustible material. conforms with § 173.222 of this sub-
134 This entry only applies to vehicles, ma- chapter.
chinery and equipment powered by wet 137 Cotton, dry; flax, dry; sisal, dry; and
batteries, sodium batteries, or lithium bat- tampico fiber, dry are not subject to the
teries that are transported with these bat- requirements of this subchapter when they
teries installed. Examples of such items are baled in accordance with ISO 8115,
are electrically-powered cars, lawn mow- ‘‘Cotton Bales—Dimensions and Density’’
ers, wheelchairs, and other mobility aids. (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) to a
Self-propelled vehicles that also contain an density of not less than 360 kg/m3 (22.1 lb/
internal combustion engine must be con- ft3) for cotton, 400 kg/m3 (24.97 lb/ft3) for
signed under the entry ‘‘Vehicle, flam- flax, 620 kg/m3 (38.71 lb/ft3) for sisal and 360
mable gas powered’’ or ‘‘Vehicle, flam- kg/m3 (22.1 lb/ft3) for tampico fiber and
mable liquid powered’’, as appropriate. Ex- transported in a freight container or closed
cept as provided in Special Provision A101, transport vehicle.
vehicles, machinery and equipment pow- 138 Lead compounds which, when mixed in a
ered by primary lithium batteries that are ratio of 1:1,000 with 0.07 M (Molar con-
transported with these batteries installed centration) hydrochloric acid and stirred
are forbidden aboard passenger-carrying for one hour at a temperature of 23 °C ±
aircraft. 2 °C, exhibit a solubility of 5% or less are
135 The entries ‘‘Vehicle, flammable gas considered insoluble and are not subject to
powered’’ or ‘‘Vehicle, flammable liquid the requirements of this subchapter unless
powered,’’ as appropriate, must be used they meet criteria as another hazard class
when internal combustion engines are in- or division.
stalled in a vehicle. These entries include 139 Use of the ‘‘special arrangement’’ proper
hybrid electric vehicles powered by both an shipping names for international ship-
internal combustion engine and batteries. ments must be made under an IAEA Cer-
136 This entry only applies to machinery tificate of Competent Authority issued by
and apparatus containing hazardous mate- the Associate Administrator in accordance
rials as in integral element of the machin- with the requirements in § 173.471, § 173.472,
ery or apparatus. It may not be used to de- or § 173.473 of this subchapter. Use of these
scribe machinery or apparatus for which a proper shipping names for domestic ship-
proper shipping name exists in the § 172.101 ments may be made only under a DOT spe-
Table. Except when approved by the Asso- cial permit, as defined in, and in accord-
ciate Administrator, machinery or appa- ance with the requirements of subpart B of
ratus may only contain hazardous mate- part 107 of this subchapter.
rials for which exceptions are referenced in 140 This material is regulated only when it
Column (8) of the § 172.101 Table and are meets the defining criteria for a hazardous
provided in part 173, subpart D, of this sub- substance or a marine pollutant. In addi-
chapter. Hazardous materials shipped tion, the column 5 reference is modified to
under this entry are excepted from the la- read ‘‘III’’ on those occasions when this
beling requirements of this subchapter un- material is offered for transportation or
less offered for transportation or trans- transported by highway or rail.
ported by aircraft and are not subject to 141 A toxin obtained from a plant, animal,
the placarding requirements of part 172, or bacterial source containing an infec-
subpart F, of this subchapter. Orientation tious substance, or a toxin contained in an
markings as described in § 172.312 (a)(2) are infectious substance, must be classed as
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Division 6.2, described as an infectious sub- monomethylamine nitrate; 5–30% water; 2–
stance, and assigned to UN 2814 or UN 2900, 15% fuel; 0.5–4% thickening agent; 0–10%
as appropriate. soluble flame suppressants; and trace addi-
142 These hazardous materials may not be tives. Other inorganic nitrate salts may re-
classified and transported unless author- place part of the ammonium nitrate. These
ized by the Associate Administrator. The substances must satisfactorily pass Test
Associate Administrator will base the au- Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests and Cri-
thorization on results from Series 2 tests teria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see § 171.7 of
and a Series 6(c) test from the UN Manual this subchapter), and may not be classified
of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see § 171.7 of
and transported unless approved by the As-
this subchapter) on packages as prepared
sociate Administrator.
for transport in accordance with the re-
quirements of this subchapter. 149 When transported as a limited quantity
144 If transported as a residue in an under- or a consumer commodity, the maximum
ground storage tank (UST), as defined in 40 net capacity specified in § 173.150(b)(2) of
CFR 280.12, that has been cleaned and this subchapter for inner packagings may
purged or rendered inert according to the be increased to 5 L (1.3 gallons).
American Petroleum Institute (API) 150 This description may be used only for
Standard 1604 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- uniform mixtures of fertilizers containing
chapter), then the tank and this material ammonium nitrate as the main ingredient
are not subject to any other requirements within the following composition limits:
of this subchapter. However, sediments re- a. Not less than 90% ammonium nitrate
maining in the tank that meet the defini- with not more than 0.2% total combustible,
tion for a hazardous material are subject organic material calculated as carbon, and
to the applicable regulations of this sub- with added matter, if any, that is inorganic
chapter. and inert when in contact with ammonium
145 This entry applies to formulations that nitrate; or
neither detonate in the cavitated state nor
b. Less than 90% but more than 70% ammo-
deflagrate in laboratory testing, show no
nium nitrate with other inorganic materials,
effect when heated under confinement, ex-
or more than 80% but less than 90% ammo-
hibit no explosive power, and are ther-
mally stable (self-accelerating decomposi- nium nitrate mixed with calcium carbonate
tion temperature (SADT) at 60 °C (140 °F) and/or dolomite and/or mineral calcium
or higher for a 50 kg (110.2 lbs.) package). sulphate, and not more than 0.4% total com-
Formulations not meeting these criteria bustible, organic material calculated as car-
must be transported under the provisions bon; or
applicable to the appropriate entry in the c. Ammonium nitrate-based fertilizers con-
Organic Peroxide Table in § 173.225 of this taining mixtures of ammonium nitrate and
subchapter. ammonium sulphate with more than 45% but
146 This description may be used for a ma- less than 70% ammonium nitrate, and not
terial that poses a hazard to the environ- more than 0.4% total combustible, organic
ment but does not meet the definition for material calculated as carbon such that the
a hazardous waste or a hazardous sub- sum of the percentage of compositions of
stance, as defined in § 171.8 of this sub- ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulphate
chapter, or any hazard class, as defined in exceeds 70%.
part 173 of this subchapter, if it is des- 151 If this material meets the definition of
ignated as environmentally hazardous by a flammable liquid in § 173.120 of this sub-
another Competent Authority. This provi- chapter, a FLAMMABLE LIQUID label is
sion may be used for both domestic and also required and the basic description on
international shipments. the shipping paper must indicate the Class
147 This entry applies to non-sensitized 3 subsidiary hazard.
emulsions, suspensions, and gels consisting
155 Fish meal or fish scrap may not be
primarily of a mixture of ammonium ni-
transported if the temperature at the time
trate and fuel, intended to produce a Type
of loading either exceeds 35 °C (95 °F), or
E blasting explosive only after further
processing prior to use. The mixture for exceeds 5 °C (41 °F) above the ambient tem-
emulsions typically has the following com- perature, whichever is higher.
position: 60–85% ammonium nitrate; 5–30% 156 Asbestos that is immersed or fixed in a
water; 2–8% fuel; 0.5–4% emulsifier or natural or artificial binder material, such
thickening agent; 0–10% soluble flame sup- as cement, plastic, asphalt, resins or min-
pressants; and trace additives. Other inor- eral ore, or contained in manufactured
ganic nitrate salts may replace part of the products is not subject to the requirements
ammonium nitrate. The mixture for sus- of this subchapter.
pensions and gels typically has the fol- 157 This entry includes hybrid electric vehi-
lowing composition: 60–85% ammonium ni- cles powered by both an internal combus-
trate; 0–5% sodium or potassium per- tion engine and wet, sodium or lithium
chlorate; 0–17% hexamine nitrate or batteries installed. Vehicles containing an
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
internal combustion engine must be con- 166 When transported in non-friable tablet
signed under the entry ‘‘Vehicle, flam- form, calcium hypochlorite, dry, may be
mable gas powered’’ or ‘‘Vehicle, flam- transported as a Packing Group III mate-
mable liquid powered’’, as appropriate. Ex- rial.
cept as provided in Special Provision A101, 167 These storage systems shall always be
vehicles powered by primary lithium bat- considered as containing hydrogen.
teries, that are transported with these bat- 168 For lighters containing a Division 2.1
teries installed are forbidden aboard pas- gas (see § 171.8 of this subchapter), rep-
senger-carrying aircraft. resentative samples of each new lighter de-
159 This material must be protected from sign must be examined and successfully
direct sunshine and kept in a cool, well- tested as specified in § 173.308(b)(3). For cri-
ventilated place away from sources of heat. teria in determining what is a new lighter
160 This entry applies to articles that are design, see § 173.308(b)(1). For transpor-
used as life-saving vehicle air bag infla- tation of new lighter design samples for ex-
tors, air bag modules or seat-belt amination and testing, see § 173.308(b)(2).
pretensioners containing Class 1 (explo- The examination and testing of each light-
sive) materials or materials of other haz- er design must be performed by a person
ard classes. Air bag inflators and modules authorized by the Associate Administrator
must be tested in accordance with Test se- under the provisions of subpart E of part
ries 6(c) of Part I of the UN Manual of 107 of this chapter, as specified in
Tests and Criteria (incorporated by ref- § 173.308(a)(4). For continued use of approv-
erence; see § 171.7 of this subchapter), with
als dated prior to January 1, 2012, see
no explosion of the device, no fragmenta-
§ 173.308(b)(5).
tion of device casing or pressure vessel,
For non-pressurized lighters containing a
and no projection hazard or thermal effect
that would significantly hinder fire-fight- Class 3 (flammable liquid) material, its de-
ing or other emergency response efforts in sign, description, and packaging must be ap-
the immediate vicinity. If the air bag in- proved by the Associate Administrator prior
flator unit satisfactorily passes the series to being offered for transportation or trans-
6(c) test, it is not necessary to repeat the ported in commerce. In addition, a lighter
test on the air bag module. design intended to contain a non-pressurized
161 For domestic transport, air bag infla- Class 3 material is excepted from the exam-
tors, air bag modules or seat belt ination and testing criteria specified in
pretensioners that meet the criteria for a § 173.308(b)(3). An unused lighter or a lighter
Division 1.4G explosive must be trans- that is cleaned of residue and purged of va-
ported using the description, ‘‘Articles, py- pors is not subject to the requirements of
rotechnic for technical purposes,’’ UN0431. this subchapter.
162 This material may be transported under 169 This entry applies to lighter refills (see
the provisions of Division 4.1 only if it is § 171.8 of this subchapter) that contain a
packed so that at no time during transport Division 2.1 (flammable) gas but do not
will the percentage of diluent fall below contain an ignition device. Lighter refills
the percentage that is stated in the ship- offered for transportation under this entry
ping description. may not exceed 4 fluid ounces capacity
163 Substances must satisfactorily pass (7.22 cubic inches) or contain more than 65
Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests grams of fuel. A lighter refill exceeding 4
and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see fluid ounces capacity (7.22 cubic inches) or
§ 171.7 of this subchapter). containing more than 65 grams of fuel
164 Substances must not be transported must be classed as a Division 2.1 material,
under this entry unless approved by the described with the proper shipping name
Associate Administrator on the basis of appropriate for the material, and packaged
the results of appropriate tests according in the packaging specified in part 173 of
to Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and this subchapter for the flammable gas con-
Criteria (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- tained therein. In addition, a container ex-
chapter). The material must be packaged ceeding 4 fluid ounces volumetric capacity
so that the percentage of diluent does not (7.22 cubic inches) or containing more than
fall below that stated in the approval at 65 grams of fuel may not be connected or
any time during transportation. manifolded to a lighter or similar device
165 These substances are susceptible to and must also be described and packaged
exothermic decomposition at elevated tem- according to the fuel contained therein.
peratures. Decomposition can be initiated For transportation by passenger-carrying
by heat, moisture or by impurities (e.g., aircraft, the net mass of lighter refills may
powdered metals (iron, manganese, cobalt, not exceed 1 kg per package, and, for
magnesium)). During the course of trans- cargo-only aircraft, the net mass of lighter
portation, these substances must be shaded refills may not exceed 15 kg per package.
from direct sunlight and all sources of heat See § 173.306(h) of this subchapter.
and be placed in adequately ventilated 170 Air must be eliminated from the vapor
areas. space by nitrogen or other means.
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
171 This entry may only be used when the f. Effective October 1, 2008, except when
material is transported in non-friable tab- contained in equipment, each package con-
let form or for granular or powered mix- taining more than 24 lithium cells or 12 lith-
tures that have been shown to meet the PG ium batteries must be:
III criteria in § 173.127. (1) Marked to indicate that it contains
172 This entry includes alcohol mixtures lithium batteries, and special procedures
containing up to 5% petroleum products. should be followed if the package is dam-
175 This substance must be stabilized when aged;
in concentrations of not more than 99%. (2) Accompanied by a document indicating
177 Gasoline, or, ethanol and gasoline mix- that the package contains lithium batteries
tures, for use in internal combustion en- and special procedures should be followed if
gines (e.g., in automobiles, stationary en- the package is damaged;
gines and other engines) must be assigned (3) Capable of withstanding a 1.2 meter
to Packing Group II regardless of vari- drop test in any orientation without damage
ations in volatility. to cells or batteries contained in the pack-
188 Small lithium cells and batteries. Lithium age, without shifting of the contents that
cells or batteries, including cells or bat- would allow short circuiting and without re-
teries packed with or contained in equip- lease of package contents; and
ment, are not subject to any other require- (4) Gross weight of the package may not
ments of this subchapter if they meet all of exceed 30 kg (66 pounds). This requirement
the following: does not apply to lithium cells or batteries
a. Primary lithium batteries and cells. packed with equipment;
(1) Primary lithium batteries and cells are g. Electrical devices must conform to
forbidden for transport aboard passenger-car- § 173.21;
rying aircraft. The outside of each package h. For transportation by aircraft, a tele-
that contains primary (nonrechargeable) phone report in accordance with § 171.15(a) is
lithium batteries or cells must be marked required if a fire, violent rupture, explosion
‘‘PRIMARY LITHIUM BATTERIES—FOR- or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an
BIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PAS- amount of heat sufficient to be dangerous to
SENGER AIRCRAFT’’ or ‘‘LITHIUM METAL packaging or personal safety to include char-
BATTERIES—FORBIDDEN FOR TRANS- ring of packaging, melting of packaging,
PORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT’’ scorching of packaging, or other evidence)
on a background of contrasting color. The occurs as a direct result of a lithium battery.
letters in the marking must be: For all modes of transportation, a written
(i) At least 12 mm (0.5 inch) in height on report submitted, retained, and updated in
packages having a gross weight of more than accordance with § 171.16 is required if a fire,
30 kg (66 pounds); or violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evo-
(ii) At least 6 mm (0.25 inch) on packages lution of heat occurs as a direct result of a
having a gross weight of 30 kg (66 pounds) or lithium battery or battery-powered device;
less, except that smaller font may be used as and
necessary to fit package dimensions; and i. Lithium batteries or cells are not au-
(2) The provisions of paragraph (a)(1) do thorized aboard an aircraft in checked or
not apply to packages that contain 5 kg (11 carry-on luggage except as provided in
pounds) net weight or less of primary lith- § 175.10.
ium batteries or cells that are contained in 189 Medium lithium cells and batteries. Effec-
or packed with equipment and the package tive October 1, 2008, when transported by
contains no more than the number of lith- motor vehicle or rail car, lithium cells or
ium batteries or cells necessary to power the batteries, including cells or batteries
piece of equipment; packed with or contained in equipment,
b. For a lithium metal or lithium alloy are not subject to any other requirements
cell, the lithium content is not more than 1.0 of this subchapter if they meet all of the
g. For a lithium-ion cell, the equivalent lith- following:
ium content is not more than 1.5 g; a. The lithium content anode of each cell,
c. For a lithium metal or lithium alloy when fully charged, is not more than 5
battery, the aggregate lithium content is not grams.
more than 2.0 g. For a lithium-ion battery, b. The aggregate lithium content of the
the aggregate equivalent lithium content is anode of each battery, when fully charged, is
not more than 8 g; not more than 25 grams.
d. Effective October 1, 2009, the cell or bat- c. The cells or batteries are of a type prov-
tery must be of a type proven to meet the re- en to meet the requirements of each test in
quirements of each test in the UN Manual of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR;
Tests and Criteria (IBR; see § 171.7 of this see § 171.7 of this subchapter). A cell or bat-
subchapter); tery and equipment containing a cell or bat-
e. Cells or batteries are separated or pack- tery that was first transported prior to Janu-
aged in a manner to prevent short circuits ary 1, 2006 and is of a type proven to meet
and are packed in a strong outer packaging the criteria of Class 9 by testing in accord-
or are contained in equipment; ance with the tests in the UN Manual of
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
Tests and Criteria, Third revised edition, TERIES—FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT
1999, need not be retested. ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT’’ on a
d. Cells or batteries are separated or pack- background of contrasting color. The letters
aged in a manner to prevent short circuits in the marking must be:
and are packed in a strong outer packaging (i) At least 12 mm (0.5 inch) in height on
or are contained in equipment. packages having a gross weight of more than
e. The outside of each package must be 30 kg (66 pounds); or
marked ‘‘LITHIUM BATTERIES—FORBID- (ii) At least 6 mm (0.25 inch) on packages
DEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD AIR- having a gross weight of 30 kg (66 pounds) or
CRAFT AND VESSEL’’ on a background of less, except that smaller font may be used as
contrasting color, in letters: necessary to fit package dimensions; and
(1) At least 12 mm (0.5 inch) in height on (2) The provisions of paragraph (a)(1) do
packages having a gross weight of more than not apply to packages that contain 5 kg (11
30 kg (66 pounds); or pounds) net weight or less of primary lith-
(2) At least 6 mm (0.25 inch) on packages ium batteries or cells that are contained in
having a gross weight of 30 kg (66 pounds) or or packed with equipment and the package
less, except that smaller font may be used as contains no more than the number of lith-
necessary to fit package dimensions. ium batteries or cells necessary to power the
f. Except when contained in equipment, piece of equipment.
each package containing more than 24 lith-
b. The lithium content of each cell, when
ium cells or 12 lithium batteries must be:
fully charged, is not more than 5 grams.
(1) Marked to indicate that it contains
c. The aggregate lithium content of each
lithium batteries, and special procedures
battery, when fully charged, is not more
should be followed if the package is dam-
aged; than 25 grams.
(2) Accompanied by a document indicating d. The cells or batteries are of a type prov-
that the package contains lithium batteries en to meet the requirements of each test in
and special procedures should be followed if the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR;
the package is damaged; see § 171.7 of this subchapter). A cell or bat-
(3) Capable of withstanding a 1.2 meter tery and equipment containing a cell or bat-
drop test in any orientation without damage tery that was first transported prior to Janu-
to cells or batteries contained in the pack- ary 1, 2006 and is of a type proven to meet
age, without shifting of the contents that the criteria of Class 9 by testing in accord-
would allow short circuiting and without re- ance with the tests in the UN Manual of
lease of package contents; and Tests and Criteria, Third Revised Edition,
(4) Gross weight of the package may not 1999, need not be retested.
exceed 30 kg (66 pounds). This requirement e. Cells or batteries are separated so as to
does not apply to lithium cells or batteries prevent short circuits and are packed in a
packed with equipment. strong outer packaging or are contained in
g. Electrical devices must conform to equipment.
§ 173.21 of this subchapter; and f. Electrical devices must conform to
h. A written report submitted, retained, § 173.21 of this subchapter.
and updated in accordance with § 171.16 is re- 198 Nitrocellulose solutions containing not
quired if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or more than 20% nitrocellulose may be
dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount transported as paint or printing ink, as ap-
of heat sufficient to be dangerous to pack- plicable. See UN1210, UN1263, UN3066,
aging or personal safety to include charring UN3469, and UN3470.
of packaging, melting of packaging, scorch- 237 ‘‘Batteries, dry, containing potassium
ing of packaging, or other evidence) occurs hydroxide solid, electric storage’’ must be
as a direct result of a lithium battery or bat- prepared and packaged in accordance with
tery-powered device. the requirements of § 173.159(a), (b), and (c).
190 Until the effective date of the standards For transportation by aircraft, the provi-
set forth in Special Provision 189, medium sions of § 173.159(b)(2) are applicable.
lithium cells or batteries, including cells 332 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate is not
or batteries packed with or contained in subject to the requirements of this sub-
equipment, are not subject to any other re- chapter.
quirements of this subchapter if they meet 335 Mixtures of solids that are not subject
all of the following: to this subchapter and environmentally
a. Primary lithium batteries and cells. (1) Pri- hazardous liquids or solids may be classi-
mary lithium batteries and cells are forbid- fied as ‘‘Environmentally hazardous sub-
den for transport aboard passenger-carrying stances, solid, n.o.s,’’ UN3077 and may be
aircraft. The outside of each package that transported under this entry, provided
contains primary (nonrechargeable) lithium there is no free liquid visible at the time
batteries or cells must be marked ‘‘PRI- the material is loaded or at the time the
MARY LITHIUM BATTERIES—FORBIDDEN packaging or transport unit is closed. Each
FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER transport unit must be leakproof when
AIRCRAFT’’ or ‘‘LITHIUM METAL BAT- used as bulk packaging.
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) ‘‘A’’ codes. These provisions apply A34 Aerosols containing a corrosive liquid
only to transportation by aircraft: in Packing Group II charged with a gas are
not permitted for transportation by air-
Code/Special Provisions craft.
A35 This includes any material which is not
A1 Single packagings are not permitted on covered by any of the other classes but
passenger aircraft. which has an anesthetic, narcotic, noxious
A2 Single packagings are not permitted on or other similar properties such that, in
aircraft. the event of spillage or leakage on an air-
A3 For combination packagings, if glass craft, extreme annoyance or discomfort
inner packagings (including ampoules) are could be caused to crew members so as to
used, they must be packed with absorbent prevent the correct performance of as-
material in tightly closed metal recep- signed duties.
tacles before packing in outer packagings. A37 This entry applies only to a material
A4 Liquids having an inhalation toxicity of meeting the definition in § 171.8 of this sub-
Packing Group I are not permitted on air- chapter for self-defense spray.
craft. A53 Refrigerating machines and refrig-
A5 Solids having an inhalation toxicity of erating machine components are not sub-
Packing Group I are not permitted on pas- ject to the requirements of this subchapter
senger aircraft and may not exceed a max- when containing less than 12 kg (26.4
imum net quantity per package of 15 kg (33 pounds) of a non-flammable gas or when
pounds) on cargo aircraft. containing 12 L (3 gallons) or less of ammo-
A6 For combination packagings, if plastic nia solution (UN2672) (see § 173.307 of this
inner packagings are used, they must be subchapter).
packed in tightly closed metal receptacles A54 Lithium batteries or lithium batteries
before packing in outer packagings. contained or packed with equipment that
A7 Steel packagings must be corrosion-re- exceed the maximum gross weight allowed
sistant or have protection against corro- by Column (9B) of the § 172.101 Table may
sion. only be transported on cargo aircraft if ap-
A8 For combination packagings, if glass proved by the Associate Administrator.
inner packagings (including ampoules) are A55 Prototype lithium batteries and cells
used, they must be packed with cushioning that are packed with not more than 24
material in tightly closed metal recep- cells or 12 batteries per packaging that
tacles before packing in outer packagings. have not completed the test requirements
in Sub-section 38.3 of the UN Manual of
A9 For combination packagings, if plastic
Tests and Criteria (incorporated by ref-
bags are used, they must be packed in
erence; see § 171.7 of this subchapter) may
tightly closed metal receptacles before
be transported by cargo aircraft if ap-
packing in outer packagings.
proved by the Associate Administrator and
A10 When aluminum or aluminum alloy provided the following requirements are
construction materials are used, they must met:
be resistant to corrosion. a. The cells and batteries must be trans-
A11 For combination packagings, when ported in rigid outer packagings that
metal inner packagings are permitted, conform to the requirements of Part 178
only specification cylinders constructed of of this subchapter at the Packing Group
metals which are compatible with the haz- I performance level; and
ardous material may be used. b. Each cell and battery must be protected
A13 Bulk packagings are not authorized for against short circuiting, must be sur-
transportation by aircraft. rounded by cushioning material that is
A14 This material is not authorized to be non-combustible and non-conductive, and
transported as a limited quantity or con- must be individually packed in an inner
sumer commodity in accordance with packaging that is placed inside an outer
§ 173.306 of this subchapter when trans- specification packaging.
ported aboard an aircraft. A56 Radioactive material with a subsidiary
A19 Combination packagings consisting of hazard of Division 4.2, Packing Group I,
outer fiber drums or plywood drums, with must be transported in Type B packages
inner plastic packagings, are not author- when offered for transportation by air-
ized for transportation by aircraft. craft. Radioactive material with a sub-
A20 Plastic bags as inner receptacles of sidiary hazard of Division 2.1 is forbidden
combination packagings are not authorized from transport on passenger aircraft.
for transportation by aircraft. A59 Sterilization devices, when containing
A29 Combination packagings consisting of less than 30 mL per inner packaging with
outer expanded plastic boxes with inner no more than 300 mL per outer packaging
plastic bags are not authorized for trans- may be transported in accordance with
portation by aircraft. provisions in § 173.4a, irrespective of
A30 Ammonium permanganate is not au- § 173.4a(b). In addition, after filling, each
thorized for transportation on aircraft. inner packaging must be determined to be
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
leak-tight by placing the inner packaging ages that are authorized aboard passenger
in a hot water bath at a temperature and carrying aircraft.
for a period of time sufficient to ensure an A105 The total net quantity of dangerous
internal pressure equal to the vapor pres- goods contained in one package, excluding
sure of ethylene oxide at 55 °C is achieved. magnetic material, must not exceed the fol-
Any inner packaging showing evidence of lowing:
leakage, distortion or other defect under a. 1 kg (2.2 pounds) in the case of solids;
this test may not be transported under the b. 0.5 L (0.1 gallons) in the case of liquids;
terms of this special provision. In addition c. 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) in the case of Division
to the packaging required in § 173.4a, inner 2.2 gases; or
packagings must be placed in a sealed plas- d. any combination thereof.
tic bag compatible with ethylene oxide and
capable of containing the contents in the
(3) ‘‘B’’ codes. These provisions apply
event of breakage or leakage of the inner only to bulk packagings. Except as
packaging. Glass inner packagings must be otherwise provided in this subchapter,
placed within a protective shield capable of these special provisions do not apply to
preventing the glass from puncturing the UN portable tanks or IBCs:
plastic bag in the event of damage to the
packaging (e.g., crushing). Code/Special Provisions
A60 Sterilization devices, when containing B1 If the material has a flash point at or
less than 30 mL per inner packaging with above 38 °C (100 °F) and below 93 °C (200 °F),
not more than 150 mL per outer packaging, then the bulk packaging requirements of
may be transported in accordance with the § 173.241 of this subchapter are applicable.
provisions in § 173.4a, irrespective of If the material has a flash point of less
§ 173.4a(b), provided such packagings were than 38 °C (100 °F), then the bulk packaging
first subjected to comparative fire testing. requirements of § 173.242 of this subchapter
Comparative fire testing must show no dif- are applicable.
ference in burning rate between a package B2 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305,
as prepared for transport (including the and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks are
substance to be transported) and an iden- not authorized.
tical package filled with water. B3 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305,
A82 The quantity limits in columns (9A) and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks and
and (9B) do not apply to human or animal DOT 57 portable tanks are not authorized.
body parts, whole organs or whole bodies B4 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305,
known to contain or suspected of con- and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks are
taining an infectious substance. not authorized.
A100 Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium B5 Only ammonium nitrate solutions with
batteries and cells are forbidden for trans- 35 percent or less water that will remain
port aboard passenger carrying aircraft. completely in solution under all conditions
Secondary (rechargeable) lithium batteries of transport at a maximum lading tem-
and cells are authorized aboard passenger perature of 116 °C (240 °F) are authorized
carrying aircraft in packages that do not for transport in the following bulk pack-
exceed a gross weight of 5 kg. agings: MC 307, MC 312, DOT 407 and DOT
A101 A primary lithium battery or cell 412 cargo tanks with at least 172 kPa (25
packed with or contained in equipment is psig) design pressure. The packaging shall
forbidden for transport aboard a passenger be designed for a working temperature of
carrying aircraft unless the equipment and at least 121 °C (250 °F). Only Specifications
the battery conform to the following provi- MC 304, MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank
sions and the package contains no more motor vehicles are authorized for transpor-
than the number of lithium batteries or tation by vessel.
cells necessary to power the intended piece B6 Packagings shall be made of steel.
of equipment: B7 Safety relief devices are not authorized
(1) The lithium content of each cell, when on multi-unit tank car tanks. Openings for
fully charged, is not more than 5 grams. safety relief devices on multi-unit tank car
(2) The aggregate lithium content of the tanks shall be plugged or blank flanged.
anode of each battery, when fully charged, is B8 Packagings shall be made of nickel,
not more than 25 grams. stainless steel, or steel with nickel, stain-
(3) The net weight of lithium batteries does less steel, lead or other suitable corrosion
not exceed 5 kg (11 pounds). resistant metallic lining.
A103 Equipment is authorized aboard pas- B9 Bottom outlets are not authorized.
senger carrying aircraft if the gross weight B10 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305,
of the inner package of secondary lithium and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks, and
batteries or cells packed with the equip- DOT 57 portable tanks are not authorized.
ment does not exceed 5 kg (11 pounds). B11 Tank car tanks must have a test pres-
A104 The net weight of secondary lithium sure of at least 2,068.5 kPa (300 psig). Cargo
batteries or cells contained in equipment and portable tanks must have a design
may not exceed 5 kg (11 pounds) in pack- pressure of at least 1,207 kPa (175 psig).
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00331 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
B13 A nonspecification cargo tank motor ture range. In addition, the material also
vehicle authorized in § 173.247 of this sub- must be covered with an inert gas or the
chapter must be at least equivalent in de- container must be filled with water to
sign and in construction to a DOT 406 the tank’s capacity. After unloading, the
cargo tank or MC 306 cargo tank (if con- residual material also must be covered
structed before August 31, 1995), except as with an inert gas or the container must
follows: be filled with water to the tank’s capac-
a. Packagings equivalent to MC 306 cargo ity.
tanks are excepted from the certifi- B27 Tanks must have a service pressure of
cation, venting, and emergency flow re- 1,034 kPa (150 psig). Tank car tanks must
quirements of the MC 306 specification. have a test pressure rating of 1,379 kPa (200
b. Packagings equivalent to DOT 406 cargo psig). Lading must be blanketed at all
tanks are excepted from §§ 178.345–7(d)(5), times with a dry inert gas at a pressure not
circumferential reinforcements; 178.345– to exceed 103 kPa (15 psig).
10, pressure relief; 178.345–11, outlets; B28 Packagings must be made of stainless
178.345–14, marking, and 178.345–15, cer- steel.
tification. B30 MC 312, MC 330, MC 331 and DOT 412
c. Packagings are excepted from the design cargo tanks and DOT 51 portable tanks
stress limits at elevated temperatures, as must be made of stainless steel, except
described in Section VIII of the ASME that steel other than stainless steel may
Code (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). be used in accordance with the provisions
However, the design stress limits may of § 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. Thickness
not exceed 25 percent of the stress for 0 of stainless steel for tank shell and heads
temper at the maximum design tempera-
for cargo tanks and portable tanks must be
ture of the cargo tank, as specified in the
the greater of 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) or the
Aluminum Association’s ‘‘Aluminum
thickness required for a tank with a design
Standards and Data’’ (IBR, see § 171.7 of
pressure at least equal to 1.5 times the
this subchapter).
vapor pressure of the lading at 46 °C (115
B14 Each bulk packaging, except a tank car
°F). In addition, MC 312 and DOT 412 cargo
or a multi-unit-tank car tank, must be in-
tank motor vehicles must:
sulated with an insulating material so that
the overall thermal conductance at 15.5 °C a. Be ASME Code (U) stamped for 100% ra-
(60 °F) is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per diography of all pressure-retaining welds;
hour per square meter per degree Celsius b. Have accident damage protection which
(0.075 Btu per hour per square foot per de- conforms with § 178.345–8 of this sub-
gree Fahrenheit) temperature differential. chapter;
Insulating materials must not promote c. Have a MAWP or design pressure of at
corrosion to steel when wet. least 87 psig: and
B15 Packagings must be protected with d. Have a bolted manway cover.
non-metallic linings impervious to the lad- B32 MC 312, MC 330, MC 331, DOT 412 cargo
ing or have a suitable corrosion allowance. tanks and DOT 51 portable tanks must be
B16 The lading must be completely covered made of stainless steel, except that steel
with nitrogen, inert gas or other inert ma- other than stainless steel may be used in
terials. accordance with the provisions of
B18 Open steel hoppers or bins are author- § 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. Thickness of
ized. stainless steel for tank shell and heads for
B23 Tanks must be made of steel that is cargo tanks and portable tanks must be
rubber lined or unlined. Unlined tanks the greater of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the
must be passivated before being placed in thickness required for a tank with a design
service. If unlined tanks are washed out pressure at least equal to 1.3 times the
with water, they must be repassivated vapor pressure of the lading at 46 °C (115
prior to return to service. Lading in un- °F). In addition, MC 312 and DOT 412 cargo
lined tanks must be inhibited so that the tank motor vehicles must:
corrosive effect on steel is not greater than a. Be ASME Code (U) stamped for 100% radi-
that of hydrofluoric acid of 65 percent con- ography of all pressure-retaining welds;
centration. b. Have accident damage protection which
B25 Packagings must be made from monel conforms with § 178.345–8 of this sub-
or nickel or monel-lined or nickel-lined chapter;
steel. c. Have a MAWP or design pressure of at
B26 Tanks must be insulated. Insulation least 87 psig; and
must be at least 100 mm (3.9 inches) ex- d. Have a bolted manway cover.
cept that the insulation thickness may B33 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305,
be reduced to 51 mm (2 inches) over the MC 306, and DOT 406 cargo tanks equipped
exterior heater coils. Interior heating with a 1 psig normal vent used to transport
coils are not authorized. The packaging gasoline must conform to Table I of this
may not be loaded with a material out- Special Provision. Based on the volatility
side of the packaging’s design tempera- class determined by using ASTM D 439 and
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of the par- B49 Tanks equipped with interior heater
ticular gasoline, the maximum lading pres- coils are not authorized. Single unit tank
sure and maximum ambient temperature car tanks must have a reclosing pressure
permitted during the loading of gasoline relief device having a start-to-discharge
may not exceed that listed in Table I. pressure set at no more than 1551 kPa (225
TABLE I—MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE— B50 Each valve outlet of a multi-unit tank
GASOLINE car tank must be sealed by a threaded solid
plug or a threaded cap with inert luting or
Maximum lading and gasket material. Valves must be of stain-
ASTM D439 volatility class ambient temperature less steel and the caps, plugs, and valve
(see note 1)
seats must be of a material that will not
A ........................................................ 131 °F deteriorate as a result of contact with the
(RVP<=9.0 psia) lading.
B ........................................................ 124 °F B52 Notwithstanding the provisions of
(RVP<=10.0 psia) § 173.24b of this subchapter, non-reclosing
C ........................................................ 116 °F pressure relief devices are authorized on
(RVP<=11.5 psia) DOT 57 portable tanks.
D ........................................................ 107 °F
(RVP<=13.5 psia)
B53 Packagings must be made of either alu-
E ........................................................ 100 °F minum or steel.
(RVP<=15.0 psia) B54 Open-top, sift-proof rail cars are also
NOTE 1: Based on maximum lading pressure of 1 psig at
top of cargo tank. B55 Water-tight, sift-proof, closed-top,
metal-covered hopper cars, equipped with a
B35 Tank cars containing hydrogen cyanide venting arrangement (including flame ar-
may be alternatively marked restors) approved by the Associate Admin-
‘‘Hydrocyanic acid, liquefied’’ if otherwise istrator are also authorized.
conforming to marking requirements in B56 Water-tight, sift-proof, closed-top,
subpart D of this part. Tank cars marked metal-covered hopper cars are also author-
‘‘HYDROCYANIC ACID’’ prior to October ized if the particle size of the hazardous
1, 1991 do not need to be remarked. material is not less than 149 microns.
B37 The amount of nitric oxide charged into B57 Class 115A tank car tanks used to trans-
any tank car tank may not exceed 1,379 port chloroprene must be equipped with a
kPa (200 psig) at 21 °C (70 °F). non-reclosing pressure relief device of a di-
B42 Tank cars constructed before March 16, ameter not less than 305 mm (12 inches)
2009, must have a test pressure of 34.47 Bar with a maximum rupture disc pressure of
(500 psig) or greater and conform to Class 310 kPa (45 psig).
105J. Each tank car must have a reclosing B59 Water-tight, sift-proof, closed-top,
pressure relief device having a start-to-dis- metal-covered hopper cars are also author-
charge pressure of 10.34 Bar (150 psig). The ized provided that the lading is covered
tank car specification may be marked to with a nitrogen blanket.
indicate a test pressure of 13.79 Bar (200 B60 DOT Specification 106A500X multi-unit
psig). tank car tanks that are not equipped with
B44 All parts of valves and safety relief de- a pressure relief device of any type are au-
vices in contact with lading must be of a thorized. For the transportation of phos-
material which will not cause formation of gene, the outage must be sufficient to pre-
acetylides. vent tanks from becoming liquid full at 55
B45 Each tank must have a reclosing com- °C (130 °F).
bination pressure relief device equipped B61 Written procedures covering details of
with stainless steel or platinum rupture tank car appurtenances, dome fittings,
discs approved by the AAR Tank Car Com- safety devices, and marking, loading, han-
mittee. dling, inspection, and testing practices
B46 The detachable protective housing for must be approved by the Associate Admin-
the loading and unloading valves of multi- istrator before any single unit tank car
unit tank car tanks must withstand tank tank is offered for transportation.
test pressure and must be approved by the B65 Tank cars constructed before March 16,
Associate Administrator. 2009, must have a test pressure of 34.47 Bar
B47 Each tank may have a reclosing pres- (500 psig) or greater and conform to Class
sure relief device having a start-to-dis- 105A. Each tank car must have a reclosing
charge pressure setting of 310 kPa (45 psig). pressure relief device having a start-to-dis-
B48 Portable tanks in sodium metal service charge pressure of 15.51 Bar (225 psig). The
may be visually inspected at least once tank car specification may be marked to
every 5 years instead of being retested indicate a test pressure of 20.68 Bar (300
hydrostatically. Date of the visual inspec- psig).
tion must be stenciled on the tank near B66 Each tank must be equipped with gas
the other required markings. tight valve protection caps. Outage must
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
be sufficient to prevent tanks from becom- B83 Bottom outlets are prohibited on tank
ing liquid full at 55 °C (130 °F). Specifica- car tanks transporting sulfuric acid in con-
tion 110A500W tanks must be stainless centrations over 65.25 percent.
steel. B84 Packagings must be protected with
B67 All valves and fittings must be pro- non-metallic linings impervious to the lad-
tected by a securely attached cover made ing or have a suitable corrosion allowance
of metal not subject to deterioration by for sulfuric acid or spent sulfuric acid in
the lading, and all valve openings, except concentration up to 65.25 percent.
safety valve, must be fitted with screw B85 Cargo tanks must be marked with the
plugs or caps to prevent leakage in the name of the lading in accordance with the
event of valve failure. requirements of § 172.302(b).
B68 Sodium must be in a molten condition B90 Steel tanks conforming or equivalent
when loaded and allowed to solidify before to ASME specifications which contain
shipment. Outage must be at least 5 per- solid or semisolid residual motor fuel anti-
cent at 98 °C (208 °F). Bulk packagings knock mixture (including rust, scale, or
must have exterior heating coils fusion other contaminants) may be shipped by
welded to the tank shell which have been rail freight or highway. The tank must
properly stress relieved. The only tank car have been designed and constructed to be
tanks authorized are Class DOT 105 tank capable of withstanding full vacuum. All
cars having a test pressure of 2,069 kPa (300 openings must be closed with gasketed
psig) or greater. blank flanges or vapor tight threaded clo-
B69 Dry sodium cyanide or potassium cy- sures.
anide may be shipped in the following sift- B115 Rail cars, highway trailers, roll-on/
proof and weather-resistant packagings: roll-off bins, or other non-specification
metal covered hopper cars, covered motor bulk packagings are authorized. Pack-
vehicles, portable tanks, or non-specification agings must be sift-proof, prevent liquid
bins. water from reaching the hazardous mate-
B70 If DOT 103ANW tank car tank is used: rial, and be provided with sufficient vent-
All cast metal in contact with the lading ing to preclude dangerous accumulation of
must have 96.7 percent nickel content; and flammable, corrosive, or toxic gaseous
the lading must be anhydrous and free emissions such as methane, hydrogen, and
from any impurities. ammonia. The material must be loaded
B76 Tank cars constructed before March 16, dry.
2009, must have a test pressure of 20.68 Bar
(300 psig) or greater and conform to Class (4) IB Codes and IP Codes. These pro-
105S, 112J, 114J or 120S. Each tank car visions apply only to transportation in
must have a reclosing pressure relief de- IBCs and Large Packagings. Table 1 au-
vice having a start-to-discharge pressure of thorizes IBCs for specific proper ship-
10.34 Bar (150 psig). The tank car specifica- ping names through the use of IB Codes
tion may be marked to indicate a test pres- assigned in the § 172.101 table of this
sure of 13.79 Bar (200 psig). subchapter. Table 2 defines IP Codes on
B77 Other packaging are authorized when
approved by the Associate Administrator.
the use of IBCs that are assigned to
B78 Tank cars must have a test pressure of specific commodities in the § 172.101
4.14 Bar (60 psig) or greater and conform to Table of this subchapter. Table 3 au-
Class 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 114 or 120. thorizes Large Packagings for specific
Heater pipes must be of welded construc- proper shipping names through the use
tion designed for a test pressure of 500 psig. of IB Codes assigned in the § 172.101
A 25 mm (1 inch) woven lining of asbestos table of this subchapter. Large Pack-
or other approved material must be placed agings are authorized for the Packing
between the bolster slabbing and the bot-
Group III entries of specific proper
tom of the tank. If a tank car tank is
equipped with a non-reclosing pressure re- shipping names when either Special
lief device, the rupture disc must be per- Provision IB3 or IB8 is assigned to that
forated with a 3.2 mm (0.13 inch) diameter entry in the § 172.101 Table. When no IB
hole. If a tank car tank is equipped with a code is assigned in the § 172.101 Table
reclosing pressure relief valve, the tank for a specific proper shipping name, or
must also be equipped with a vacuum relief in § 173.225(e) Organic Peroxide Table
valve. for Type F organic peroxides, use of an
B80 Each cargo tank must have a minimum
IBC or Large Packaging for the mate-
design pressure of 276 kPa (40 psig).
B81 Venting and pressure relief devices for
rial may be authorized when approved
tank car tanks and cargo tanks must be by the Associate Administrator. The
approved by the Associate Administrator. letter ‘‘Z’’ shown in the marking code
B82 Cargo tanks and portable tanks are not for composite IBCs must be replaced
authorized. with a capital code letter designation
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
IP1 ....................... IBCs must be packed in closed freight containers or a closed transport vehicle.
IP2 ....................... When IBCs other than metal or rigid plastics IBCs are used, they must be offered for transportation in a
closed freight container or a closed transport vehicle.
IP3 ....................... Flexible IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant
IP4 ....................... Flexible, fiberboard or wooden IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or be fitted with a sift-proof and
water-resistant liner.
IP5 ....................... IBCs must have a device to allow venting. The inlet to the venting device must be located in the vapor
space of the IBC under maximum filling conditions.
IP6 ....................... Non-specification bulk bins are authorized.
IP7 ....................... For UN identification numbers 1327, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1386, 1841, 2211, 2217, 2793 and 3314, IBCs are
not required to meet the IBC performance tests specified in part 178, subpart N of this subchapter.
IP8 ....................... Ammonia solutions may be transported in rigid or composite plastic IBCs (31H1, 31H2 and 31HZ1) that
have successfully passed, without leakage or permanent deformation, the hydrostatic test specified in
§ 178.814 of this subchapter at a test pressure that is not less than 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the
contents at 55 °C (131 °F).
IP13 ..................... Transportation by vessel in IBCs is prohibited.
IP14 ..................... Air must be eliminated from the vapor space by nitrogen or other means.
IP15 ..................... For UN2031 with more than 55% nitric acid, rigid plastic IBCs and composite IBCs with a rigid plastic inner
receptacle are authorized for two years from the date of IBC manufacture.
IP20 ..................... Dry sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide is also permitted in siftproof, water-resistant, fiberboard IBCs
when transported in closed freight containers or transport vehicles.
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(5) ‘‘N’’ codes. These provisions apply strong, tight non-bulk packaging meeting
only to non-bulk packagings: the requirements of subparts A and B of
part 173 of this subchapter.
Code/Special Provisions N12 Plastic packagings are not authorized.
N3 Glass inner packagings are permitted in N20 A 5M1 multi-wall paper bag is author-
combination or composite packagings only ized if transported in a closed transport ve-
if the hazardous material is free from hicle.
hydrofluoric acid. N25 Steel single packagings are not author-
N4 For combination or composite pack- ized.
agings, glass inner packagings, other than N32 Aluminum materials of construction
ampoules, are not permitted. are not authorized for single packagings.
N5 Glass materials of construction are not N33 Aluminum drums are not authorized.
authorized for any part of a packaging N34 Aluminum construction materials are
which is normally in contact with the haz- not authorized for any part of a packaging
ardous material. which is normally in contact with the haz-
N6 Battery fluid packaged with electric ardous material.
storage batteries, wet or dry, must con- N36 Aluminum or aluminum alloy construc-
form to the packaging provisions of tion materials are permitted only for halo-
§ 173.159 (g) or (h) of this subchapter. genated hydrocarbons that will not react
N7 The hazard class or division number of with aluminum.
the material must be marked on the pack- N37 This material may be shipped in an in-
age in accordance with § 172.302 of this sub- tegrally-lined fiber drum (1G) which meets
chapter. However, the hazard label cor- the general packaging requirements of sub-
responding to the hazard class or division part B of part 173 of this subchapter, the
may be substituted for the marking. requirements of part 178 of this subchapter
N8 Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol may be at the packing group assigned for the ma-
transported under this entry only when the terial and to any other special provisions
solution is packed in metal cans of not of column 7 of the § 172.101 table.
more than 1 L capacity each, overpacked N40 This material is not authorized in the
in a wooden box containing not more than following packagings:
5 L. Metal cans must be completely sur- a. A combination packaging consisting of a
rounded with absorbent cushioning mate- 4G fiberboard box with inner receptacles
rial. Wooden boxes must be completely of glass or earthenware;
lined with a suitable material impervious b. A single packaging of a 4C2 sift-proof,
to water and nitroglycerin. natural wood box; or
N11 This material is excepted for the speci- c. A composite packaging 6PG2 (glass, por-
fication packaging requirements of this celain or stoneware receptacles within a
subchapter if the material is packaged in fiberboard box).
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
N41 Metal construction materials are not uid contents are absorbed in an inert mate-
authorized for any part of a packaging rial.
which is normally in contact with the haz- N78 Packages consisting of inner glass,
ardous material. earthenware, or polyethylene or other non-
N42 1A1 drums made of carbon steel with fragile plastic bottles or jars not over 0.5
thickness of body and heads of not less kg (1.1 pounds) capacity each, or metal
than 1.3 mm (0.050 inch) and with a corro- cans not over five pounds capacity each,
sion-resistant phenolic lining are author- packed in outer wooden boxes, barrels or
ized for stabilized benzyl chloride if tested kegs, or fiberboard boxes are authorized
and certified to the Packing Group I per- and need not conform to the requirements
formance level at a specific gravity of not of part 178 of this subchapter. Net weight
less than 1.8. of contents in fiberboard boxes may not ex-
N43 Metal drums are permitted as single ceed 29 kg (64 pounds). Net weight of con-
packagings only if constructed of nickel or tents in wooden boxes, barrels or kegs may
monel. not exceed 45 kg (99 pounds).
N45 Copper cartridges are authorized as N79 Packages consisting of tightly closed
inner packagings if the hazardous material metal inner packagings not over 0.5 kg (1.1
is not in dispersion. pounds) capacity each, packed in outer
N65 Outage must be sufficient to prevent wooden or fiberboard boxes, or wooden bar-
cylinders or spheres from becoming liquid rels, are authorized and need not conform
full at 55 °C (130 °F). The vacant space (out- to the requirements of part 178 of this sub-
age) may be charged with a nonflammable chapter. Net weight of contents may not
nonliquefied compressed gas if the pressure exceed 15 kg (33 pounds).
in the cylinder or sphere at 55 °C (130 °F) N80 Packages consisting of one inner metal
does not exceed 125 percent of the marked can, not over 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) capacity,
service pressure. packed in an outer wooden or fiberboard
N72 Packagings must be examined by the box, or a wooden barrel, are authorized and
Bureau of Explosives and approved by the need not conform to the requirements of
Associate Administrator. part 178 of this subchapter.
N73 Packagings consisting of outer wooden N82 See § 173.115 of this subchapter for clas-
or fiberboard boxes with inner glass, metal sification criteria for flammable aerosols.
or other strong containers; metal or fiber N83 This material may not be transported
drums; kegs or barrels; or strong metal in quantities of more than 11.5 kg (25.4 lbs)
cans are authorized and need not conform per package.
to the requirements of part 178 of this sub- N84 The maximum quantity per package is
chapter. 500 g (1.1 lbs.).
N74 Packages consisting of tightly closed N85 Packagings certified at the Packing
inner containers of glass, earthenware, Group I performance level may not be
metal or polyethylene, capacity not over used.
0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) securely cushioned and N86 UN pressure receptacles made of alu-
packed in outer wooden barrels or wooden minum alloy are not authorized.
or fiberboard boxes, not over 15 kg (33 N87 The use of copper valves on UN pressure
pounds) net weight, are authorized and receptacles is prohibited.
need not conform to the requirements of N88 Any metal part of a UN pressure recep-
part 178 of this subchapter. tacle in contact with the contents may not
N75 Packages consisting of tightly closed contain more than 65% copper, with a tol-
inner packagings of glass, earthenware or erance of 1%.
metal, securely cushioned and packed in N89 When steel UN pressure receptacles are
outer wooden barrels or wooden or fiber- used, only those bearing the ‘‘H’’ mark are
board boxes, capacity not over 2.5 kg (5.5 authorized.
pounds) net weight, are authorized and N90 Metal packagings are not authorized.
need not conform to the requirements of (6) ‘‘R’’ codes. These provisions apply
part 178 of this subchapter.
N76 For materials of not more than 25 per-
only to transportation by rail. [Re-
cent active ingredient by weight, packages served]
consisting of inner metal packagings not (7) ‘‘T’’ codes. (i) These provisions
greater than 250 mL (8 ounces) capacity apply to the transportation of haz-
each, packed in strong outer packagings ardous materials in UN portable tanks.
together with sufficient absorbent mate- Portable tank instructions specify the
rial to completely absorb the liquid con- requirements applicable to a portable
tents are authorized and need not conform tank when used for the transportation
to the requirements of part 178 of this sub-
of a specific hazardous material. These
N77 For materials of not more than two requirements must be met in addition
percent active ingredients by weight, pack- to the design and construction speci-
agings need not conform to the require- fications in part 178 of this subchapter.
ments of part 178 of this subchapter, if liq- Portable tank instructions T1 through
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(iii) T50. When portable tank instruc- tank instruction is specified by a ‘‘T’’
tion T50 is referenced in Column (7) of Code in Column (7) of the § 172.101 Table
the § 172.101 Table, the applicable lique- for a specific hazardous material, a
fied compressed gases are authorized to specification portable tank conforming
be transported in portable tanks in ac- to an alternative tank instruction may
cordance with the requirements of be used if:
§ 173.313 of this subchapter. (A) The alternative portable tank has
(iv) T75. When portable tank instruc- a higher or equivalent test pressure
tion T75 is referenced in Column (7) of (for example, 4 bar when 2.65 bar is
the § 172.101 Table, the applicable re- specified);
frigerated liquefied gases are author- (B) The alternative portable tank has
ized to be transported in portable greater or equivalent wall thickness
tanks in accordance with the require- (for example, 10 mm when 6 mm is
ments of § 178.277 of this subchapter. specified);
(v) UN and IM portable tank codes/spe- (C) The alternative portable tank has
cial provisions. When a specific portable a pressure relief device as specified in
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102
the ‘‘T’’ Code. If a frangible disc is re- TP2 a. The maximum degree of filling
quired in series with the reclosing pres- must not exceed the degree of filling deter-
sure relief device for the specified port- mined by the following:
able tank, the alternative portable
tank must be fitted with a frangible 95
Degree of filling = 1 + α t − t .
disc in series with the reclosing pres-
sure relief device; and ( r f )
(D) With regard to bottom openings— Where:
(1) When two effective means are tr is the maximum mean bulk temperature
specified, the alternative portable tank during transport,
is fitted with bottom openings having tf is the temperature in degrees celsius of the
liquid during filling, and
two or three effective means of closure a is the mean coefficient of cubical expan-
or no bottom openings; or sion of the liquid between the mean tem-
(2) When three effective means are perature of the liquid during filling (tf) and
specified, the portable tank has no bot- the maximum mean bulk temperature dur-
tom openings or three effective means ing transportation (tr) both in degrees cel-
of closure; or sius.
(3) When no bottom openings are au- b. For liquids transported under ambient
thorized, the alternative portable tank conditions a may be calculated using the for-
must not have bottom openings.
(vi) Except when an organic peroxide d15 − d 50
is authorized under § 173.225(g), if a haz- α=
ardous material is not assigned a port- 35 d 50
able tank ‘‘T’’ Code, the hazardous ma- Where:
terial may not be transported in a d15 and d50 are the densities (in units of mass
portable tank unless approved by the per unit volume) of the liquid at 15 °C (59
Associate Administrator. °F) and 50 °C (122 °F), respectively.
(8) ‘‘TP’’ codes. (i) These provisions TP3 The maximum degree of filling (in %)
apply to the transportation of haz- for solids transported above their melting
ardous materials in IM and UN Speci- points and for elevated temperature liquids
fication portable tanks. Portable tank shall be determined by the following:
special provisions are assigned to cer-
tain hazardous materials to specify re- dr
quirements that are in addition to Degree of filling = 95 .
those provided by the portable tank in-
structions or the requirements in part Where: df and dr are the mean densities of the
178 of this subchapter. Portable tank liquid at the mean temperature of the liquid
special provisions are designated with during filling and the maximum mean bulk
temperature during transport respectively.
the abbreviation TP (tank provision)
and are assigned to specific hazardous TP4 The maximum degree of filling for
portable tanks must not exceed 90%.
materials in Column (7) of the § 172.101
TP5 For a portable tank used for the
Table. transport of flammable refrigerated liquefied
(ii) The following is a list of the port- gases or refrigerated liquefied oxygen, the
able tank special provisions: maximum rate at which the portable tank
may be filled must not exceed the liquid flow
Code/Special Provisions capacity of the primary pressure relief sys- ER14JN05.003</MATH>
TP1 The maximum degree of filling must tem rated at a pressure not exceeding 120
not exceed the degree of filling determined percent of the portable tank’s design pres-
by the following: sure. For portable tanks used for the trans-
port of refrigerated liquefied helium and re-
frigerated liquefied atmospheric gas (except
during transport, and tf is the temperature able tank shall have an outage of at least
in degrees celsius of the liquid during fill- two percent below the inlet of the pressure
ing. relief device or pressure control valve, under
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§ 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
conditions of incipient opening, with the TP20 This hazardous material must only
portable tank in a level attitude. No outage be transported in insulated tanks under a ni-
is required for helium. trogen blanket.
TP6 The tank must be equipped with a TP21 The wall thickness must not be less
pressure release device which prevent a tank than 8 mm. Portable tanks must be hydrau-
from bursting under fire engulfment condi- lically tested and internally inspected at in-
tions (the conditions prescribed in CGA pam- tervals not exceeding 2.5 years.
phlet S–1.2 (see § 171.7 of this subchapter) or TP22 Lubricants for portable tank fit-
alternative conditions approved by the Asso- tings (for example, gaskets, shut-off valves,
ciate Administrator may be used to consider flanges) must be oxygen compatible.
the fire engulfment condition), taking into TP24 The portable tank may be fitted
account the properties of the hazardous ma- with a device to prevent the build up of ex-
terial to be transported. cess pressure due to the slow decomposition
TP7 The vapor space must be purged of of the hazardous material being transported.
air by nitrogen or other means. The device must be in the vapor space when
TP8 A portable tank having a minimum the tank is filled under maximum filling
test pressure of 1.5 bar (150 kPa) may be used conditions. This device must also prevent an
when the flash point of the hazardous mate- unacceptable amount of leakage of liquid in
rial transported is greater than 0 °C (32 °F). the case of overturning.
TP9 A hazardous material assigned to
TP25 Sulphur trioxide 99.95% pure and
special provision TP9 in Column (7) of the
above may be transported in tanks without
§ 172.101 Table may only be transported in a
an inhibitor provided that it is maintained
portable tank if approved by the Associate
at a temperature equal to or above 32.5 °C
(90.5 °F).
TP10 The portable tank must be fitted
TP26 The heating device must be exterior
with a lead lining at least 5 mm (0.2 inches)
thick. The lead lining must be tested annu- to the shell. For UN 3176, this requirement
ally to ensure that it is intact and func- only applies when the hazardous material re-
tional. Another suitable lining material may acts dangerously with water.
be used if approved by the Associate Admin- TP27 A portable tank having a minimum
istrator. test pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa) may be used
TP12 This material is considered highly provided the calculated test pressure is 4 bar
corrosive to steel. or less based on the MAWP of the hazardous
TP13 Self-contained breathing apparatus material, as defined in § 178.275 of this sub-
must be provided when this hazardous mate- chapter, where the test pressure is 1.5 times
rial is transported by sea. the MAWP.
TP16 The portable tank must be pro- TP28 A portable tank having a minimum
tected against over and under pressurization test pressure of 2.65 bar (265 kPa) may be
which may be experienced during transpor- used provided the calculated test pressure is
tation. The means of protection must be ap- 2.65 bar or less based on the MAWP of the
proved by the approval agency designated to hazardous material, as defined in § 178.275 of
approve the portable tank in accordance this subchapter, where the test pressure is
with the procedures in part 107, subpart E, of 1.5 times the MAWP.
this subchapter. The pressure relief device TP29 A portable tank having a minimum
must be preceded by a frangible disk in ac- test pressure of 1.5 bar (150.0 kPa) may be
cordance with the requirements in used provided the calculated test pressure is
§ 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter to prevent 1.5 bar or less based on the MAWP of the haz-
crystallization of the product in the pressure ardous materials, as defined in § 178.275 of
relief device. this subchapter, where the test pressure is
TP17 Only inorganic non-combustible ma- 1.5 times the MAWP.
terials may be used for thermal insulation of TP30 This hazardous material may only
the tank. be transported in insulated tanks.
TP18 The temperature of this material TP31 This hazardous material may only
must be maintained between 18 °C (64.4 °F) be transported in tanks in the solid state.
and 40 °C (104 °F) while in transportation. TP32 Portable tanks may be used subject
Portable tanks containing solidified meth- to the following conditions:
acrylic acid must not be reheated during a. Each portable tank constructed of metal
transportation. must be fitted with a pressure-relief device
TP19 The calculated wall thickness must consisting of a reclosing spring loaded type,
be increased by 3 mm at the time of con- a frangible disc or a fusible element. The set
struction. Wall thickness must be verified to discharge for the spring loaded pressure
ultrasonically at intervals midway between relief device and the burst pressure for the
periodic hydraulic tests (every 2.5 years). frangible disc, as applicable, must not be
The portable tank must not be used if the greater than 2.65 bar for portable tanks with
wall thickness is less than that prescribed by minimum test pressures greater than 4 bar;
the applicable T code in Column (7) of the b. The suitability for transport in tanks
Table for this material. must be demonstrated using test 8(d) in Test
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.200
Series 8 (see UN Manual of Tests and Cri- least equal to 1.5 times the vapor pressure of
teria, Part 1, Sub-section 18.7) (IBR, see the hazardous material at 46 °C (115 °F).
§ 171.7 of this subchapter) or an alternative TP45 Each portable tank must be made of
means approved by the Associate Adminis- stainless steel, except that steel other than
trator. stainless steel may be used in accordance
TP33 The portable tank instruction as- with the provisions of 173.24b(b) of this sub-
signed for this substance applies for granular chapter. Thickness of stainless steel for port-
and powdered solids and for solids which are able tank shells and heads must be the great-
filled and discharged at temperatures above er of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the thickness re-
their melting point which are cooled and quired for a portable tank with a design pres-
transported as a solid mass. Solid substances sure at least equal to 1.3 times the vapor
transported or offered for transport above pressure of the hazardous material at 46 °C
their melting point are authorized for trans- (115 °F).
portation in portable tanks conforming to TP46 Portable tanks in sodium metal
the provisions of portable tank instruction service are not required to be
T4 for solid substances of packing group III hydrostatically retested.
or T7 for solid substances of packing group
II, unless a tank with more stringent re- (9) ‘‘W’’ codes. These provisions apply
quirements for minimum shell thickness, only to transportation by water:
maximum allowable working pressure, pres-
sure-relief devices or bottom outlets are as- Code/Special Provisions
signed in which case the more stringent tank
W7 Vessel stowage category for uranyl ni-
instruction and special provisions shall
trate hexahydrate solution is ‘‘D’’ as de-
apply. Filling limits must be in accordance
fined in § 172.101(k)(4).
with portable tank special provision TP3.
W8 Vessel stowage category for pyrophoric
Solids meeting the definition of an elevated
thorium metal or pyrophoric uranium
temperature material must be transported in
metal is ‘‘D’’ as defined in § 172.101(k)(4).
accordance with the applicable requirements
of this subchapter. W9 When offered for transportation by
TP37 IM portable tanks are only author- water, the following Specification pack-
ized for the shipment of hydrogen peroxide agings are not authorized unless approved
solutions in water containing 72% or less hy- by the Associate Administrator: woven
drogen peroxide by weight. Pressure relief plastic bags, plastic film bags, textile bags,
devices shall be designed to prevent the paper bags, IBCs and bulk packagings.
entry of foreign matter, the leakage of liquid W41 When offered for transportation by
and the development of any dangerous excess water, this material must be packaged in
pressure. In addition, the portable tank must bales and be securely and tightly bound
be designed so that internal surfaces may be with rope, wire or similar means.
effectively cleaned and passivated. Each [Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52582, Dec. 21, 1990]
tank must be equipped with pressure relief
devices conforming to the following require- EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
ments: tations affecting § 172.102, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
Concentration of hydrogen per peroxide solution Total 1 ing Aids section of the printed volume and
on GPO Access.
52% or less .............................................................. 11
Over 52%, but not greater than 60% ...................... 22
Over 60%, but not greater than 72% ...................... 32 Subpart C—Shipping Papers
1 Total venting capacity in standard cubic feet hour
(S.C.F.H.) per pound of hydrogen peroxide solution. § 172.200 Applicability.
TP38 Each portable tank must be insu- (a) Description of hazardous materials
lated with an insulating material so that the required. Except as otherwise provided
overall thermal conductance at 15.5 °C (60 °F) in this subpart, each person who offers
is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per hour per
square meter per degree Celsius (0.075 Btu
a hazardous material for transpor-
per hour per square foot per degree Fahr- tation shall describe the hazardous ma-
enheit) temperature differential. Insulating terial on the shipping paper in the
materials may not promote corrosion to manner required by this subpart.
steel when wet. (b) This subpart does not apply to
TP44 Each portable tank must be made of any material, other than a hazardous
stainless steel, except that steel other than substance, hazardous waste or marine
stainless steel may be used in accordance
pollutant, that is—
with the provisions of § 173.24b(b) of this sub-
chapter. Thickness of stainless steel for tank (1) Identified by the letter ‘‘A’’ in col-
shell and heads must be the greater of 7.62 umn 1 of the § 172.101 table, except
mm (0.300 inch) or the thickness required for when the material is offered or in-
a portable tank with a design pressure at tended for transportation by air; or
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§ 172.201 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) Identified by the letter ‘‘W’’ in (4) A shipping paper may contain ad-
column 1 of the § 172.101 table, except ditional information concerning the
when the material is offered or in- material provided the information is
tended for transportation by water; or not inconsistent with the required de-
(3) An ORM-D, except when the mate- scription. Unless otherwise permitted
rial is offered or intended for transpor- or required by this subpart, additional
tation by air. information must be placed after the
(4) Category B infectious substances basic description required by
prepared in accordance with § 173.199. § 172.202(a).
(b) [Reserved]
[Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40677, Sept. 20, 1976, as
amended by Amdt. 172–58, 45 FR 34697, May (c) Continuation page. A shipping
22, 1980; Amdt. 172–74, 47 FR 43065, Sept. 30, paper may consist of more than one
1982; Amdt. 172–112, 53 FR 17160, May 13, 1988; page, if each page is consecutively
Amdt. 172–127, 57 FR 52938, Nov. 5, 1992; 71 FR numbered and the first page bears a no-
32258, June 2, 2006] tation specifying the total number of
pages included in the shipping paper.
§ 172.201 Preparation and retention of For example, ‘‘Page 1 of 4 pages.’’
shipping papers. (d) Emergency response telephone num-
(a) Contents. When a description of ber. Except as provided in § 172.604(c), a
hazardous material is required to be in- shipping paper must contain an emer-
cluded on a shipping paper, that de- gency response telephone number and,
scription must conform to the fol- if utilizing an emergency response in-
lowing requirements: formation telephone number service
(1) When a hazardous material and a provider, identify the person (by name
material not subject to the require- or contract number) who has a contrac-
ments of this subchapter are described tual agreement with the service pro-
on the same shipping paper, the haz- vider, as prescribed in subpart G of this
ardous material description entries re- part.
quired by § 172.202 and those additional (e) Retention and Recordkeeping. Each
entries that may be required by person who provides a shipping paper
§ 172.203: must retain a copy of the shipping
(i) Must be entered first, or paper required by § 172.200(a), or an
(ii) Must be entered in a color that electronic image thereof, that is acces-
clearly contrasts with any description sible at or through its principal place
on the shipping paper of a material not of business and must make the ship-
subject to the requirements of this sub- ping paper available, upon request, to
chapter, except that a description on a an authorized official of a Federal,
reproduction of a shipping paper may State, or local government agency at
be highlighted, rather than printed, in reasonable times and locations. For a
a contrasting color (the provisions of hazardous waste, the shipping paper
this paragraph apply only to the basic copy must be retained for three years
description required by § 172.202(a)(1), after the material is accepted by the
(2), (3), and (4)), or initial carrier. For all other hazardous
(iii) Must be identified by the entry materials, the shipping paper must be
of an ‘‘X’’ placed before the basic ship- retained for two years after the mate-
ping description required by § 172.202 in rial is accepted by the initial carrier.
a column captioned ‘‘HM.’’ (The ‘‘X’’ Each shipping paper copy must include
may be replaced by ‘‘RQ,’’ if appro- the date of acceptance by the initial
priate.) carrier, except that, for rail, vessel, or
(2) The required shipping description air shipments, the date on the ship-
on a shipping paper and all copies ment waybill, airbill, or bill of lading
thereof used for transportation pur- may be used in place of the date of ac-
poses, must be legible and printed ceptance by the initial carrier. A
(manually or mechanically) in English. motor carrier (as defined in § 390.5 of
(3) Unless it is specifically authorized subchapter B of chapter III of subtitle
or required in this subchapter, the re- B) using a shipping paper without
quired shipping description may not change for multiple shipments of one
contain any code or abbreviation. or more hazardous materials having
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.202
the same shipping name and identifica- signed a packing group (e.g., Class 7)
tion number may retain a single copy are excepted from this requirement.
of the shipping paper, instead of a copy The packing group may be preceded by
for each shipment made, if the carrier the letters ‘‘PG’’ (for example, ‘‘PG
also retains a record of each shipment II’’); and
made, to include shipping name, identi- (5) Except for transportation by air-
fication number, quantity transported, craft, the total quantity of hazardous
and date of shipment. materials covered by the description
[Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40677, Sept. 20, 1976] must be indicated (by mass or volume,
or by activity for Class 7 materials)
tations affecting § 172.201, see the List of CFR and must include an indication of the
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- applicable unit of measurement, for ex-
ing Aids section of the printed volume and ample, ‘‘200 kg’’ (440 pounds) or ‘‘50 L’’
on GPO Access. (13 gallons). The following provisions
also apply:
§ 172.202 Description of hazardous ma- (i) For Class 1 materials, the quan-
terial on shipping papers. tity must be the net explosive mass.
(a) The shipping description of a haz- For an explosive that is an article,
ardous material on the shipping paper such as Cartridges, small arms, the net
must include: explosive mass may be expressed in
(1) The identification number pre- terms of the net mass of either the ar-
scribed for the material as shown in ticle or the explosive materials con-
Column (4) of the § 172.101 table; tained in the article.
(2) The proper shipping name pre- (ii) For hazardous materials in sal-
scribed for the material in Column (2) vage packaging, an estimate of the
of the § 172.101 table; total quantity is acceptable.
(3) The hazard class or division num- (iii) The following are excepted from
ber prescribed for the material, as the requirements of paragraph (a)(5) of
shown in Column (3) of the § 172.101 this section:
table. The subsidiary hazard class or
(A) Bulk packages, provided some in-
division number is not required to be
dication of the total quantity is shown,
entered when a corresponding sub-
for example, ‘‘1 cargo tank’’ or ‘‘2
sidiary hazard label is not required. Ex-
cept for combustible liquids, the sub-
sidiary hazard class(es) or subsidiary (B) Cylinders, provided some indica-
division number(s) must be entered in tion of the total quantity is shown, for
parentheses immediately following the example, ‘‘10 cylinders.’’
primary hazard class or division num- (C) Packages containing only residue.
ber. In addition— (6) For transportation by aircraft,
(i) The words ‘‘Class’’ or ‘‘Division’’ the total net mass per package, must
may be included preceding the primary be shown unless a gross mass is indi-
and subsidiary hazard class or division cated in Columns (9A) or (9B) of the
numbers. § 172.101 table in which case the total
(ii) The hazard class need not be in- gross mass per package must be shown;
cluded for the entry ‘‘Combustible liq- or, for Class 7 materials, the quantity
uid, n.o.s.’’ of radioactive material must be shown
(iii) For domestic shipments, pri- by activity. The following provisions
mary and subsidiary hazard class or di- also apply:
vision names may be entered following (i) For empty uncleaned packaging,
the numerical hazard class or division, only the number and type of packaging
or following the basic description. must be shown;
(4) The packing group in Roman nu- (ii) For chemical kits and first aid
merals, as designated for the hazardous kits, the total net mass of hazardous
material in Column (5) of the § 172.101 materials must be shown. Where the
table. Class 1 (explosives) materials; kits contain only liquids, or solids and
self-reactive substances; batteries liquids, the net mass of liquids within
other than those containing lithium, the kits is to be calculated on a 1 to 1
lithium ions, or sodium; Division 5.2 basis, i.e., 1 L (0.3 gallons) equals 1 kg
materials; and entries that are not as- (2.2 pounds);
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§ 172.203 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(iii) For dangerous goods in machin- constituent may also be used. For ex-
ery or apparatus, the individual total ample: ‘‘Flammable liquids, n.o.s. (con-
quantities or an estimate of the indi- tains Xylene and Benzene), 3, UN 1993,
vidual total quantities of dangerous II’’.
goods in solid, liquid or gaseous state, (e) Except for those materials in the
contained in the article must be shown; UN Recommendations, the ICAO Tech-
(iv) For dangerous goods transported nical Instructions, or the IMDG Code
in a salvage packaging, an estimate of (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter), a
the quantity of dangerous goods per material that is not a hazardous mate-
package must be shown; rial according to this subchapter may
(v) For cylinders, total quantity may not be offered for transportation or
be indicated by the number of cyl- transported when its description on a
inders, for example, ‘‘10 cylinders;’’
shipping paper includes a hazard class
(vi) For items where ‘‘No Limit’’ is
or an identification number specified
shown in Column (9A) or (9B) of the
in the § 172.101 Table.
§ 172.101 table, the quantity shown must
be the net mass or volume of the mate- [Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74665, Nov. 10, 1980, as
rial. For articles (e.g., UN2800 and amended by Amdt. 172–103, 51 FR 5970, Feb.
UN3166) the quantity must be the gross 18, 1986; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52589, Dec. 21,
mass, followed by the letter ‘‘G’’; and 1990; 56 FR 66252, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 172–127,
(7) The number and type of packages 57 FR 52938, Nov. 5, 1992; Amdt. 172–130, 58 FR
51531, Oct. 1, 1993; 66 FR 33425, June 21, 2001;
must be indicated. The type of pack-
68 FR 45030, July 31, 2003; 68 FR 75741, Dec. 31,
ages must be indicated by description 2003; 69 FR 34611, June 22, 2004; 69 FR 54046,
of the package (for example, ‘‘12 Sept. 7, 2004; 69 FR 76153, Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR
drums’’). Indication of the packaging 34397, June 14, 2005; 71 FR 78626, Dec 29, 200672
specification number (‘‘1H1’’) may be FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007; 73 FR 57005, Oct. 1, 2008;
included in the description of the pack- 74 FR 2252, Jan. 14, 2009; 75 FR 72, Jan. 4, 2010]
age (for example, ‘‘12 1H1 drums’’ or ‘‘12
drums (UN 1A1)’’). Abbreviations may § 172.203 Additional description re-
be used for indicating packaging types quirements.
(for example, ‘‘cyl.’’ for ‘‘cylinder’’) (a) Special permits. Except as provided
provided the abbreviations are com- in § 173.23 of this subchapter, each ship-
monly accepted and recognizable. ping paper issued in connection with a
(b) Except as provided in this sub- shipment made under a special permit
part, the basic description specified in must bear the notation ‘‘DOT–SP’’ fol-
paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3) and (4) of this lowed by the special permit number as-
section must be shown in sequence signed and located so that the notation
with no additional information inter- is clearly associated with the descrip-
spersed. For example, ‘‘UN2744, tion to which the special permit ap-
Cyclobutyl chloroformate, 6.1, (8, 3),
plies. Each shipping paper issued in
PG II.’’
connection with a shipment made
(c) The total quantity of the material
under an exemption or special permit
covered by one description must appear
issued prior to October 1, 2007, may
before or after, or both before and
bear the notation ‘‘DOT–E’’ followed by
after, the description required and au-
thorized by this subpart. The type of the number assigned and so located
packaging and destination marks may that the notation is clearly associated
be entered in any appropriate manner with the description to which it ap-
before or after the basic description. plies.
Abbreviations may be used to express (b) Limited quantities. The description
units of measurement and types of for a material offered for transpor-
packagings. tation as ‘‘limited quantity,’’ as au-
(d) Technical and chemical group thorized by this subchapter, must in-
names may be entered in parentheses clude the words ‘‘Limited Quantity’’ or
between the proper shipping name and ‘‘Ltd Qty’’ following the basic descrip-
hazard class or following the basic de- tion.
scription. An appropriate modifier, (c) Hazardous substances. (1) Except
such as ‘‘contains’’ or ‘‘containing,’’ for Class 7 (radioactive) materials de-
and/or the percentage of the technical scribed in accordance with paragraph
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.203
(d) of this section, if the proper ship- may be inserted in addition to the ac-
ping name for a material that is a haz- tivity units.
ardous substance does not identify the (4) The category of label applied to
hazardous substance by name, the each package in the shipment. For ex-
name of the hazardous substance must ample: ‘‘RADIOACTIVE WHITE-I.’’
be entered in parentheses in associa- (5) The transport index assigned to
tion with the basic description. If the each package in the shipment bearing
material contains two or more haz- RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II or RADIO-
ardous substances, at least two haz- ACTIVE YELLOW-III labels.
ardous substances, including the two (6) For a package containing fissile
with the lowest reportable quantities Class 7 (radioactive) material:
(RQs), must be identified. For a haz- (i) The words ‘‘Fissile Excepted’’ if
ardous waste, the waste code (e.g., the package is excepted pursuant to
D001), if appropriate, may be used to § 173.453 of this subchapter; or other-
identify the hazardous substance. wise
(2) The letters ‘‘RQ’’ must be entered (ii) The criticality safety index for
on the shipping paper either before or that package.
after the basic description required by (7) For a package approved by the
§ 172.202 for each hazardous substance U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) or
(see definition in § 171.8 of this sub- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
chapter). For example: ‘‘RQ, UN 1098, (NRC), a notation of the package iden-
Allyl alcohol, 6.1, I, Toxic-inhalation tification marking as prescribed in the
hazard, Zone B’’; or ‘‘UN 3077, Environ- applicable DOE or NRC approval (see
mentally hazardous substances, solid, § 173.471 of the subchapter).
n.o.s., 9, III, RQ (Adipic acid)’’. (8) For an export shipment or a ship-
(d) Radioactive material. The descrip- ment in a foreign made package, a no-
tion for a shipment of a Class 7 (radio- tation of the package identification
active) material must include the fol- marking as prescribed in the applicable
lowing additional entries as appro- International Atomic Energy Agency
priate: (IAEA) Certificate of Competent Au-
(1) The name of each radionuclide in thority which has been issued for the
the Class 7 (radioactive) material that package (see § 173.473 of the sub-
is listed in § 173.435 of this subchapter. chapter).
For mixtures of radionuclides, the (9) For a shipment required by this
radionuclides required to be shown subchapter to be consigned as exclusive
must be determined in accordance with use:
§ 173.433(g) of this subchapter. Abbre- (i) An indication that the shipment is
viations, e.g., ‘‘99Mo,’’ are authorized. consigned as exclusive use; or
(2) A description of the physical and (ii) If all the descriptions on the ship-
chemical form of the material, if the ping paper are consigned as exclusive
material is not in special form (generic use, then the statement ‘‘Exclusive Use
chemical description is acceptable for Shipment’’ may be entered only once
chemical form). on the shipping paper in a clearly visi-
(3) The activity contained in each ble location.
package of the shipment in terms of (10) For the shipment of a package
the appropriate SI units (e.g., containing a highway route controlled
Becquerels (Bq), Terabecquerels (TBq), quantity of Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
etc.). The activity may also be stated rials (see § 173.403 of this subchapter)
in appropriate customary units (Curies the words ‘‘Highway route controlled
(Ci), milliCuries (mCi), microCuries quantity’’ or ‘‘HRCQ’’ must be entered
(uCi), etc.) in parentheses following the in association with the basic descrip-
SI units. Abbreviations are authorized. tion.
Except for plutonium-239 and pluto- (e) Empty packagings. (1) The descrip-
nium-241, the weight in grams or kilo- tion on the shipping paper for a pack-
grams of fissile radionuclides may be aging containing the residue of a haz-
inserted instead of activity units. For ardous material may include the words
plutonium-239 and plutonium-241, the ‘‘RESIDUE: Last Contained * * *’’ in
weight in grams of fissile radionuclides association with the basic description
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00345 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.203 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
of the hazardous material last con- ized by § 173.315(a), Note 15 of this sub-
tained in the packaging. chapter, or
(2) The description on the shipping (ii) The words ‘‘NOT FOR Q and T
paper for a tank car containing the res- TANKS’’ for grades of liquefied petro-
idue of a hazardous material must in- leum gas other than ‘‘Noncorrosive’’.
clude the phrase, ‘‘RESIDUE: LAST (i) Transportation by water. Each ship-
CONTAINED * * *’’ before the basic de- ment by water must have the following
scription. additional shipping paper entries:
(f) Transportation by air. A statement (1) The name of the shipper.
indicating that the shipment is within (2) Minimum flash point if 60 °C (140
the limitations prescribed for either °F) or below (in °C closed cup (c.c.)) in
passenger and cargo aircraft or cargo association with the basic description.
aircraft only must be entered on the (3) For a hazardous material con-
shipping paper. signed under an ‘‘n.o.s.’’ entry not in-
(g) Transportation by rail. (1) A ship- cluded in the segregation groups listed
ping paper prepared by a rail carrier in section 3.1.4 of the IMDG Code but
for a rail car, freight container, trans- belonging, in the opinion of the con-
port vehicle or portable tank that con- signor, to one of these groups, the ap-
tains hazardous materials must include
propriate segregation group must be
the reporting mark and number when
shown in association with the basic de-
displayed on the rail car, freight con-
scription (for example, IMDG Code seg-
tainer, transport vehicle or portable
regation group—1 Acids). When no seg-
regation group is applicable, there is
(2) The shipping paper for each DOT-
no requirement to indicate that condi-
113 tank car containing a Division 2.1
material or its residue must contain an
appropriate notation, such as ‘‘DOT (j) [Reserved]
113’’, and the statement ‘‘Do not hump (k) Technical names for ‘‘n.o.s.’’ and
or cut off car while in motion.’’ other generic descriptions. Unless other-
(3) When shipments of elevated tem- wise excepted, if a material is de-
perature materials are transported scribed on a shipping paper by one of
under the exception permitted in the proper shipping names identified by
§ 173.247(h)(3) of this subchapter, the the letter ‘‘G’’ in column (1) of the
shipping paper must contain an appro- § 172.101 Table, the technical name of
priate notation, such as ‘‘Maximum op- the hazardous material must be en-
erating speed 15 mph.’’. tered in parentheses in association
(h) Transportation by highway. Fol- with the basic description. For example
lowing the basic description for a haz- ‘‘Corrosive liquid, n.o.s., (Octanoyl
ardous material in a Specification MC chloride), 8, UN 1760, II’’, or ‘‘Corrosive
330 or MC 331 cargo tank, there must be liquid, n.o.s., 8, UN 1760, II (contains
entered for— Octanoyl chloride)’’. The word ‘‘con-
(1) Anhydrous ammonia. (i) The words tains’’ may be used in association with
‘‘0.2 PERCENT WATER’’ to indicate the technical name, if appropriate. For
the suitability for shipping anhydrous organic peroxides which may qualify
ammonia in a cargo tank made of for more than one generic listing de-
quenched and tempered steel as author- pending on concentration, the tech-
ized by § 173.315(a), Note 14 of this sub- nical name must include the actual
chapter, or concentration being shipped or the con-
(ii) The words ‘‘NOT FOR Q and T centration range for the appropriate
TANKS’’ when the anhydrous ammonia generic listing. For example, ‘‘Organic
does not contain 0.2 percent or more peroxide type B, solid, 5.2, UN 3102
water by weight. (dibenzoyl peroxide, 52–100%)’’ or ‘‘Or-
(2) Liquefied petroleum gas. (i) The ganic peroxide type E, solid, 5.2, UN
word ‘‘NONCORROSIVE’’ or 3108 (dibenzoyl peroxide, paste, <52%)’’.
‘‘NONCOR’’ to indicate the suitability Shipping descriptions for toxic mate-
for shipping ‘‘Noncorrosive’’ liquefied rials that meet the criteria of Division
petroleum gas in a cargo tank made of 6.1, PG I or II (as specified in § 173.132(a)
quenched and tempered steel as author- of this subchapter) or Division 2.3 (as
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.203
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§ 172.204 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.205
person who offers a hazardous material EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
for transportation by air must add to tations affecting § 172.204, see the List of CFR
the certification required in this sec- Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
ing Aids section of the printed volume and
tion the following statement:
on GPO Access.
‘‘I declare that all of the applicable
air transport requirements have been § 172.205 Hazardous waste manifest.
(i) Each person who offers any pack- (a) No person may offer, transport,
age or overpack of hazardous materials transfer, or deliver a hazardous waste
for transport by air must ensure that: (waste) unless an EPA Form 8700–22
(A) The articles or substances are not and 8700–22A (when necessary) haz-
prohibited for transport by air (see the ardous waste manifest (manifest) is
§ 172.101 Table); prepared in accordance with 40 CFR
(B) The articles or substances are 262.20 and is signed, carried, and given
properly classed, marked and labeled as required of that person by this sec-
and otherwise in a condition for trans- tion.
port as required by this subchapter; (b) The shipper (generator) shall pre-
(C) The articles or substances are pare the manifest in accordance with 40
packaged in accordance with all the CFR part 262.
applicable air transport requirements, (c) The original copy of the manifest
including appropriate types of pack- must be dated by, and bear the hand-
aging that conform to the packing re- written signature of, the person rep-
quirements and the ‘‘A’’ Special Provi- resenting:
sions in § 172.102; inner packaging and (1) The shipper (generator) of the
maximum quantity per package limits; waste at the time it is offered for
the compatibility requirements (see, transportation, and
for example, § 173.24 of this subchapter); (2) The initial carrier accepting the
and requirements for closure for both waste for transportation.
inner and outer packagings, absorbent (d) A copy of the manifest must be
materials, and pressure differential in dated by, and bear the handwritten sig-
§ 173.27 of this subchapter. Other re- nature of the person representing:
quirements may also apply. For exam- (1) Each subsequent carrier accepting
ple, single packagings may be prohib- the waste for transportation, at the
ited, inner packaging may need to be time of acceptance, and
packed in intermediate packagings, (2) The designated facility receiving
and certain materials may be required the waste, upon receipt.
to be transported in packagings meet- (e) A copy of the manifest bearing all
ing a more stringent performance required dates and signatures must be:
level. (1) Given to a person representing
(ii) [Reserved] each carrier accepting the waste for
(4) Radioactive material. Each person transportation,
who offers any radioactive material for (2) Carried during transportation in
transportation aboard a passenger-car- the same manner as required by this
rying aircraft shall sign (mechanically subchapter for shipping papers,
or manually) a printed certificate stat- (3) Given to a person representing the
ing that the shipment contains radio- designated facility receiving the waste,
active material intended for use in, or (4) Returned to the shipper (gener-
incident to, research, or medical diag- ator) by the carrier that transported
nosis or treatment. the waste from the United States to a
(d) Signature. The certifications re- foreign destination with a notation of
quired by paragraph (a) or (c) of this the date of departure from the United
section: States, and
(1) Must be legibly signed by a prin- (5) Retained by the shipper (gener-
cipal, officer, partner, or employee of ator) and by the initial and each subse-
the shipper or his agent; and quent carrier for three years from the
(2) May be legibly signed manually, date the waste was accepted by the ini-
by typewriter, or by other mechanical tial carrier. Each retained copy must
means. bear all required signatures and dates
[Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40677, Sept. 20, 1976] up to and including those entered by
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§ 172.300 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
the next person who received the (5) Before accepting hazardous waste
waste. from a rail transporter, a non-rail
(f) Transportation by rail. Notwith- transporter must sign and date the
standing the requirements of para- manifest and provide a copy to the rail
graphs (d) and (e) of this section, the transporter.
following requirements apply: (g) The person delivering a hazardous
(1) When accepting hazardous waste waste to an initial rail carrier shall
from a non-rail transporter, the initial send a copy of the manifest, dated and
rail transporter must: signed by a representative of the rail
(i) Sign and date the manifest ac- carrier, to the person representing the
knowledging acceptance of the haz- designated facility.
ardous waste; (h) A hazardous waste manifest re-
(ii) Return a signed copy of the mani- quired by 40 CFR part 262, containing
fest to the non-rail transporter; all of the information required by this
(iii) Forward at least three copies of subpart, may be used as the shipping
the manifest to: paper required by this subpart.
(A) The next non-rail transporter, if (i) The shipping description for a haz-
any; ardous waste must be modified as re-
(B) The designated facility, if the quired by § 172.101(c)(9).
shipment is delivered to that facility
[Amdt. 172–58, 45 FR 34698, May 22, 1980, as
by rail; or amended by Amdt. 172–90, 49 FR 10510, Mar.
(C) The last rail transporter des- 20, 1984; 49 FR 11184, Mar. 26, 1984; Amdt. 172–
ignated to handle the waste in the 248, 61 FR 28675, June 5, 1996; 70 FR 34075,
United States; and June 13, 2005]
(iv) Retain one copy of the manifest
and rail shipping paper in accordance Subpart D—Marking
with 40 CFR 263.22.
(2) Rail transporters must ensure § 172.300 Applicability.
that a shipping paper containing all
(a) Each person who offers a haz-
the information required on the mani-
ardous material for transportation
fest (excluding the EPA identification
shall mark each package, freight con-
numbers, generator certification and
tainer, and transport vehicle con-
signatures) and, for exports, an EPA
taining the hazardous material in the
Acknowledgment of Consent accom-
manner required by this subpart.
panies the hazardous waste at all
(b) When assigned the function by
times. Intermediate rail transporters
this subpart, each carrier that trans-
are not required to sign either the
ports a hazardous material shall mark
manifest or shipping paper.
each package, freight container, and
(3) When delivering hazardous waste
transport vehicle containing the haz-
to the designated facility, a rail trans-
ardous material in the manner required
porter must:
by this subpart.
(i) Obtain the date of delivery and
handwritten signature of the owner or [Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74666, Nov. 10, 1980]
operator of the designated facility on
the manifest or the shipping paper (if § 172.301 General marking require-
the manifest has not been received by ments for non-bulk packagings.
the facility); and (a) Proper shipping name and identi-
(ii) Retain a copy of the manifest or fication number. (1) Except as otherwise
signed shipping paper in accordance provided by this subchapter, each per-
with 40 CFR 263.22. son who offers a hazardous material for
(4) When delivering hazardous waste transportation in a non-bulk packaging
to a non-rail transporter, a rail trans- must mark the package with the prop-
porter must: er shipping name and identification
(i) Obtain the date of delivery and number (preceded by ‘‘UN’’ or ‘‘NA,’’ as
the handwritten signature of the next appropriate) for the material as shown
non-rail transporter on the manifest; in the § 172.101 Table. Identification
and numbers are not required on pack-
(ii) Retain a copy of the manifest in agings that contain only ORM-D mate-
accordance with 40 CFR 263.22. rials or limited quantities, as defined
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.302
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§ 172.303 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
identification number specified for the scribed in §§ 172.326, 172.328, 172.330, and
material in the § 172.101 table— 172.331, respectively, of this subpart.
(1) On each side and each end, if the (f) A bulk packaging marked prior to
packaging has a capacity of 3,785 L October 1, 1991, in conformance to the
(1,000 gallons) or more; regulations of this subchapter in effect
(2) On two opposing sides, if the pack- on September 30, 1991, need not be re-
aging has a capacity of less than 3,785 marked if the key words of the proper
L (1,000 gallons); or shipping name are identical to those
(3) For cylinders permanently in- currently specified in the § 172.101
stalled on a tube trailer motor vehicle, table. For example, a tank car marked
on each side and each end of the motor ‘‘NITRIC OXIDE’’ need not be re-
vehicle. marked ‘‘NITRIC OXIDE, COM-
(b) Size of markings. Except as other- PRESSED’’.
wise provided, markings required by (g) A rail car, freight container,
this subpart on bulk packagings truck body or trailer in which the lad-
must— ing has been fumigated with any haz-
(1) Have a width of at least 6.0 mm ardous material, or is undergoing fumi-
(0.24 inch) and a height of at least 100 gation, must be marked as specified in
mm (3.9 inches) for rail cars; § 173.9 of this subchapter.
(2) Have a width of at least 4.0 mm
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(0.16 inch) and a height of at least 25 amended at 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
mm (one inch) for portable tanks with 172–150, 61 FR 50624, Sept. 26, 1996; Amdt. 172–
capacities of less than 3,785 L (1,000 gal- 151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 39398, July
lons) and IBCs; and 22, 1997; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 73164,
(3) Have a width of at least 6.0 mm Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
(0.24 inch) and a height of at least 50
mm (2.0 inches) for cargo tanks and § 172.303 Prohibited marking.
other bulk packagings. (a) No person may offer for transpor-
(c) Special permit packagings. Except tation or transport a package which is
as provided in § 173.23 of this sub- marked with the proper shipping name,
chapter, the outside of each package the identification number of a haz-
used under the terms of a special per- ardous material or any other markings
mit must be plainly and durably indicating that the material is haz-
marked ‘‘DOT–SP’’ followed by the spe- ardous (e.g., RQ, INHALATION HAZ-
cial permit number assigned. Packages ARD) unless the package contains the
authorized by an exemption issued identified hazardous material or its
prior to October 1, 2007 may be plainly residue.
and durably marked ‘‘DOT–E’’ in lieu (b) This section does not apply to—
of ‘‘DOT–SP’’ followed by the number (1) Transportation of a package in a
assigned as specified in the most recent transport vehicle or freight container
version of that exemption. if the package is not visible during
(d) Each bulk packaging marked with transportation and is loaded by the
a proper shipping name, common name shipper and unloaded by the shipper or
or identification number as required by consignee.
this subpart must remain marked when
(2) Markings on a package which are
it is emptied unless it is—
securely covered in transportation.
(1) Sufficiently cleaned of residue and
(3) The marking of a shipping name
purged of vapors to remove any poten-
on a package when the name describes
tial hazard; or
a material not regulated under this
(2) Refilled, with a material requiring subchapter.
different markings or no markings, to
such an extent that any residue re- [Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
maining in the packaging is no longer amended at 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991; 72 FR
hazardous. 55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
(e) Additional requirements for
marking portable tanks, cargo tanks, § 172.304 Marking requirements.
tank cars, multi-unit tank car tanks, (a) The marking required in this sub-
and other bulk packagings are pre- part—
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.312
(1) Must be durable, in English and design must be legibly and durably
printed on or affixed to the surface of a marked on the outside of the pack-
package or on a label, tag, or sign. aging with the international vehicle
(2) Must be displayed on a back- registration code of the country of ori-
ground of sharply contrasting color; gin of the design. The international ve-
(3) Must be unobscured by labels or hicle registration code for packages de-
attachments; and signed by a United States company or
(4) Must be located away from any agency is the symbol ‘‘USA.’’
other marking (such as advertising)
(d) Each package which conforms to
that could substantially reduce its ef-
a Type B(U) or Type B(M) package de-
(b) [Reserved] sign must have the outside of the out-
ermost receptacle, which is resistant to
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as the effects of fire and water, plainly
amended by Amdt. 172–29B, 41 FR 57067, Dec.
marked by embossing, stamping or
30, 1976]
other means resistant to the effects of
§ 172.306 [Reserved] fire and water with a radiation symbol
that conforms to the requirements of
§ 172.308 Authorized abbreviations. Appendix B of this part.
(a) Abbreviations may not be used in (e) Each Type B(U), Type B(M) or
a proper shipping name marking except fissile material package destined for
as authorized in this section. export shipment must also be marked
(b) The abbreviation ‘‘ORM’’ may be ‘‘USA’’ in conjunction with the speci-
used in place of the words ‘‘Other Reg- fication marking, or other package cer-
ulated Material.’’ tificate identification. (See §§ 173.471,
(c) Abbreviations which appear as au- 173.472, and 173.473 of this subchapter.)
thorized descriptions in column 2 of the
§ 172.101 table (e.g., ‘‘TNT’’ and ‘‘PCB’’) [Docket No. RSPA–99–6283 (HM–230), 69 FR
are authorized. 3668, Jan. 26, 2004]
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as § 172.312 Liquid hazardous materials
amended by Amdt. 172–145, 60 FR 49110, Sept. in non-bulk packagings.
21, 1995]
(a) Except as provided in this section,
§ 172.310 Class 7 (radioactive) mate- each non-bulk combination package
rials. having inner packagings containing
In addition to any other markings re- liquid hazardous materials, single
quired by this subpart, each package packaging fitted with vents, or open
containing Class 7 (radioactive) mate- cryogenic receptacle intended for the
rials must be marked as follows: transport of refrigerated liquefied
(a) Each package with a gross mass gases must be:
greater than 50 kg (110 lb) must have (1) Packed with closures upward, and
its gross mass including the unit of (2) Legibly marked with package ori-
measurement (which may be abbre- entation markings that are similar to
viated) marked on the outside of the the illustration shown in this para-
graph, on two opposite vertical sides of
(b) Each industrial, Type A, Type
the package with the arrows pointing
B(U), or Type B(M) package must be
in the correct upright direction. The
legibly and durably marked on the out-
side of the packaging, in letters at arrows must be either black or red on
least 13 mm (0.5 in) high, with the white or other suitable contrasting
words ‘‘TYPE IP–1,’’ ‘‘TYPE IP–2,’’ background and commensurate with
‘‘TYPE IP–3,’’ ‘‘TYPE A,’’ ‘‘TYPE the size of the package. Depicting a
B(U)’’ or ‘‘TYPE B(M),’’ as appropriate. rectangular border around the arrows
A package which does not conform to is optional.
Type IP–1, Type IP–2, Type IP–3, Type
A, Type B(U) or Type B(M) require-
ments may not be so marked.
(c) Each package which conforms to
an IP–1, IP–2, IP–3 or a Type A package
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§ 172.313 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.317
same proper shipping name and identi- the square-on-point border containing
fication number; and the identification (ID) number.
(3) If the transport vehicle or freight [68 FR 45030, July 31, 2003, as amended at 69
container contains more than one ma- FR 76153, Dec. 20, 2004; 73 FR 4716, Jan. 28,
terial meeting the provisions of this 2008]
paragraph (c), it shall be marked with
the identification number for one ma- § 172.316 Packagings containing mate-
terial, determined as follows: rials classed as ORM-D.
(i) For different materials in the (a) Each non-bulk packaging con-
same hazard zone, with the identifica- taining a material classed as ORM-D
tion number of the material having the must be marked on at least one side or
greatest aggregate gross weight; and end with the ORM-D designation imme-
(ii) For different materials in both diately following or below the proper
Hazard Zones A and B, with the identi- shipping name of the material. The
fication number for the Hazard Zone A ORM designation must be placed with-
material. in a rectangle that is approximately 6.3
(d) For a packaging containing a Di- mm (0.25 inches) larger on each side
vision 6.1 PG III material, ‘‘PG III’’ than the designation. The designation
may be marked adjacent to the POI- for ORM-D must be:
SON label. (See § 172.405(c).) (1) ORM-D-AIR for an ORM-D that is
prepared for air shipment and packaged
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52592, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 57 FR 46624, Oct. 9, 1992; Amdt. in accordance with the provisions of
172–151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 39398, § 173.27 of this subchapter.
39405, July 22, 1997; 63 FR 16075, Apr. 1, 1998; (2) ORM-D for an ORM-D other than
64 FR 10776, Mar. 5, 1999] as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this
§ 172.315 Packages containing limited (b) When the ORM-D marking includ-
quantities. ing the proper shipping name can not
Except for transportation by aircraft be affixed on the package surface, it
or as otherwise provided in this sub- may be on an attached tag.
chapter, a package containing a lim- (c) The marking ORM-D is the cer-
ited quantity of hazardous materials is tification by the person offering the
not required to be marked with the packaging for transportation that the
proper shipping name provided it is material is properly described, classed,
marked with the identification (ID) packaged, marked and labeled (when
number, preceded by the letters ‘‘UN’’ appropriate) and in proper condition
or ‘‘NA,’’ as applicable, for the entry as for transportation according to the ap-
shown in the § 172.101 Table, and placed plicable regulations of this subchapter.
within a square-on-point border in ac- This form of certification does not pre-
cordance with the following: clude the requirement for a certificate
(a) The ID number marking must be on a shipping paper when required by
durable, legible and of such a size rel- subpart C of this part.
ative to the package as to be readily [Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
visible. The width of line forming the amended by Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52592, Dec.
square-on-point must be at least 2 mm 21, 1990; 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991]
and the height of the ID number must
be at least 6 mm. The marking must be § 172.317 KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT
applied on at least one side or one end handling mark.
of the outer packaging. (a) General. For transportation by
(b) When two or more hazardous ma- aircraft, each package containing self-
terials with different ID numbers are reactive substances of Division 4.1 or
contained in the package, the pack- organic peroxides of Division 5.2 must
aging must be marked with either indi- be marked with the KEEP AWAY
vidual square-on-points bearing a sin- FROM HEAT handling mark specified
gle ID number, or a single square-on- in this section.
point large enough to include each ap- (b) Location and design. The marking
plicable ID number. must be a rectangle measuring at least
(c) As applicable, the letters ‘‘RQ’’ 105 mm (4.1 inches) in height by 74 mm
must be marked in association with (2.9 inches) in width. Markings with
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00355 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.320 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
not less than half this dimension are HEAT handling mark must conform to
permissible where the dimensions of the following:
the package can only bear a smaller (1) Except for size, the KEEP AWAY
mark. FROM HEAT handling mark must ap-
(c) KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT han- pear as follows:
dling mark. The KEEP AWAY FROM
(2) The symbol, letters and border § 172.320 Explosive hazardous mate-
must be black and the background rials.
white, except for the starburst which (a) Except as otherwise provided in
must be red. paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this
(3) The KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT section, each package containing a
handling marking required by para- Class 1 material must be marked with
graph (a) of this section must be dura- the EX-number for each substance, ar-
ble, legible and displayed on a back- ticle or device contained therein.
ground of contrasting color. (b) Except for fireworks approved in
[69 FR 76153, Dec. 20, 2004] accordance with § 173.56(j) of this sub-
chapter, a package of Class 1 materials
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.322
may be marked, in lieu of the EX-num- does not identify by name the compo-
ber required by paragraph (a) of this nent which makes the material a ma-
section, with a national stock number rine pollutant, the name of that com-
issued by the Department of Defense or ponent must be marked on the package
identifying information, such as a in parentheses in association with the
product code required by regulations marked proper shipping name. Where
for commercial explosives specified in two or more components which make a
27 CFR part 555, if the national stock material a marine pollutant are
number or identifying information can present, the names of at least two of
be specifically associated with the EX- the components most predominantly
number assigned. contributing to the marine pollutant
(c) When more than five different designation must appear in parentheses
Class 1 materials are packed in the in association with the marked proper
same package, the package may be shipping name; and
marked with only five of the EX-num- (2) The MARINE POLLUTANT mark
bers, national stock numbers, product shall be placed in association with the
codes, or combination thereof. hazard warning labels required by sub-
(d) The requirements of this section part E of this part or, in the absence of
do not apply if the EX-number, product any labels, in association with the
code or national stock number of each marked proper shipping name.
explosive item described under a proper (b) A bulk packaging that contains a
shipping description is shown in asso- marine pollutant must—
ciation with the shipping description
(1) Be marked with the MARINE
required by § 172.202(a) of this part.
POLLUTANT mark on at least two op-
Product codes and national stock num-
posing sides or two ends other than the
bers must be traceable to the specific
EX-number assigned by the Associate bottom if the packaging has a capacity
Administrator. of less than 3,785 L (1,000 gallons). The
(e) The requirements of this section mark must be visible from the direc-
do not apply to the following Class 1 tion it faces. The mark may be dis-
materials: played in black lettering on a square-
(1) Those being shipped to a testing on-point configuration having the same
agency in accordance with § 173.56(d) of outside dimensions as a placard; or
this subchapter; (2) Be marked on each end and each
(2) Those being shipped in accordance side with the MARINE POLLUTANT
with § 173.56(e) of this subchapter, for mark if the packaging has a capacity
the purposes of developmental testing; of 3,785 L (1,000 gallons) or more. The
(3) Those which meet the require- mark must be visible from the direc-
ments of § 173.56(h) of this subchapter tion it faces. The mark may be dis-
and therefore are not subject to the ap- played in black lettering on a square-
proval process of § 173.56 of this sub- on-point configuration having the same
chapter; outside dimensions as a placard.
(4) [Reserved]; (c) A transport vehicle or freight con-
(5) Those that are transported in ac- tainer that contains a package subject
cordance with § 173.56(c)(2) of this sub- to the marking requirements of para-
chapter and, therefore, are covered by graph (a) or (b) of this section must be
a national security classification cur- marked with the MARINE POLLUT-
rently in effect. ANT mark. The mark must appear on
[Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991, as each side and each end of the transport
amended by Amdt. 172–139, 59 FR 67487, Dec. vehicle or freight container, and must
29, 1994; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 74 FR 53188, be visible from the direction it faces.
Oct. 16, 2009] This requirement may be met by the
marking displayed on a freight con-
§ 172.322 Marine pollutants. tainer or portable tank loaded on a
(a) For vessel transportation of each motor vehicle or rail car. This mark
non-bulk packaging that contains a may be displayed in black lettering on
marine pollutant— a white square-on-point configuration
(1) If the proper shipping name for a having the same outside dimensions as
material which is a marine pollutant a placard.
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§ 172.323 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(d) The MARINE POLLUTANT mark (A) Non-bulk packages, except in the
is not required— case of packages which, because of
(1) On single packagings or combina- their size, can only bear smaller
tion packagings where each single marks;
package or each inner packaging of (B) Bulk packages with a capacity of
combination packagings has: less than 3,785 L (1,000 gallons); or
(i) A net quantity of 5 L (1.3 gallons) (ii) At least 250 mm (10 inches) for
or less for liquids; or marks applied to all other bulk pack-
(ii) A net mass of 5 kg (11 pounds) or ages.
less for solids (f) Exceptions. See § 171.4(c).
(2) On a combination packaging con-
taining a marine pollutant, other than [Amdt. 172–127, 57 FR 52938, Nov. 5, 1992, as
amended by Amdt. 172–136, 59 FR 38064, July
a severe marine pollutant, in inner
26, 1994; Amdt. 172–145, 60 FR 49110, Sept. 21,
packagings each of which contains: 1995; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 56098,
(i) 5 L (1.3 gallons) or less net capac- Sept. 23, 2005; 74 FR 2252, Jan. 14, 2009]
ity for liquids; or
(ii) 5 kg (11 pounds) or less net capac- § 172.323 Infectious substances.
ity for solids. (a) In addition to other requirements
(3) Except for transportation by ves-
of this subpart, after September 30,
sel, on a bulk packaging, freight con-
2003, a bulk packaging containing a
tainer or transport vehicle that bears a
regulated medical waste, as defined in
label or placard specified in subparts E
§ 173.134(a)(5) of this subchapter, must
or F of this part.
be marked with a BIOHAZARD mark-
ing conforming to 29 CFR
fective January 14, 2010 the MARINE
POLLUTANT mark must conform to
(1) On two opposing sides or two ends
the following:
other than the bottom if the packaging
(1) Except for size, the MARINE POL-
has a capacity of less than 3,785 L (1,000
LUTANT mark must appear as follows:
gallons). The BIOHAZARD marking
must measure at least 152.4 mm (6
inches) on each side and must be visi-
ble from the direction it faces.
(2) On each end and each side if the
packaging has a capacity of 3,785 L
(1,000 gallons) or more. The BIO-
HAZARD marking must measure at
least 152.4 mm (6 inches) on each side
and must be visible from the direction
it faces.
(b) For a bulk packaging contained in
or on a transport vehicle or freight
container, if the BIOHAZARD marking
on the bulk packaging is not visible,
the transport vehicle or freight con-
Symbol (fish and tree): Black on white tainer must be marked as required by
or suitable contrasting background. paragraph (a) of this section on each
(2) The symbol and border must be side and each end.
black and the background white, or the (c) The background color for the BIO-
symbol, border and background must HAZARD marking required by para-
be of contrasting color to the surface graph (a) of this section must be or-
to which the mark is to be affixed. ange and the symbol and letters must
Each side of the mark must be— be black. Except for size the BIO-
(i) At least 100 mm (4 inches) for HAZARD marking must appear as fol-
marks applied to: lows:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.324
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§ 172.325 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
the name of the hazardous substance posing sides with the word ‘‘HOT’’ in
must be marked on the package, in pa- black or white Gothic lettering on a
rentheses, in association with the prop- contrasting background. The marking
er shipping name or the identification must be displayed on the packaging
number as applicable. If the material itself or in black lettering on a plain
contains two or more hazardous sub- white square-on-point configuration
stances, at least two hazardous sub- having the same outside dimensions as
stances, including the two with the a placard. (See § 172.302(b) for size of
lowest reportable quantities (RQs), markings on bulk packagings.)
must be identified. For a hazardous (b) Bulk packagings containing mol-
waste, the waste code (e.g., D001), if ap- ten aluminum or molten sulfur must be
propriate, may be used to identify the marked ‘‘MOLTEN ALUMINUM’’ or
hazardous substance. ‘‘MOLTEN SULFUR’’, respectively, in
(b) The letters ‘‘RQ’’ must be marked the same manner as prescribed in para-
on the package in association with the graph (a) of this section.
proper shipping name or the identifica- (c) If the identification number is
tion number displayed in accordance displayed on a white-square-on-point
with § 172.315. display configuration, as prescribed in
§ 172.336(b), the word ‘‘HOT’’ may be
[73 FR 4716, Jan. 28, 2008] displayed in the upper corner of the
same white-square-on-point display
§ 172.325 Elevated temperature mate- configuration. The word ‘‘HOT’’ must
rials. be in black letters having a height of
(a) Except as provided in paragraph at least 50 mm (2.0 inches). Except for
(b) of this section, a bulk packaging size, these markings shall be as illus-
containing an elevated temperature trated for an Elevated temperature ma-
material must be marked on two op- terial, liquid, n.o.s.:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.326
[Amdt. 172–125, 58 FR 3348, Jan. 8, 1993, as amended by Amdt. 172–139, 59 FR 67487, Dec. 29, 1994]
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00361 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.328 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.331
(i) The tank car must be marked on ance with §§ 172.302(a) and 172.332 of this
each side and each end as required by subpart.
§ 172.302 with the identification number (b) A motor vehicle or rail car used
specified for the material in the to transport a multi-unit tank car
§ 172.101 table; and tank containing a hazardous material
(ii) A tank car containing any of the must be marked on each side and each
following materials must be marked on end, as required by § 172.332, with the
each side with the key words of the identification number specified for the
proper shipping name specified for the material in the § 172.101 table.
material in the § 172.101 table, or with a (c) After September 30, 2006, no per-
common name authorized for the mate- son may offer for transportation or
rial in this subchapter (e.g., ‘‘Refrig- transport a tank car or multi-unit
erant Gas’’): tank car tank containing liquefied pe-
Acrolein, stabilized troleum gas (LPG) that is unodorized
Ammonia, anhydrous, liquefied unless it is legibly marked NON–ODOR-
Ammonia solutions (more than 50% ammo- IZED or NOT ODORIZED on two oppos-
nia) ing sides near the marked proper ship-
Bromine or Bromine solutions ping name required by paragraphs
Bromine chloride (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, or near
Chloroprene, stabilized the placards. The NON–ODORIZED or
Dispersant gas or Refrigerant gas (as defined NOT ODORIZED marking may appear
in § 173.115 of this subchapter)
on a tank car or multi-unit tank car
Division 2.1 materials
Division 2.2 materials (in Class DOT 107 tank tank used for both unodorized and
cars only) odorized LPG.
Division 2.3 materials [Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990, as
Formic acid amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions 45458, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 28676,
Hydrofluoric acid, solution June 5, 1996; Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 50254, Sept.
Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized (less than 3% 25, 1996; 66 FR 33425, June 21, 2001; 69 FR
water) 64471, Nov. 4, 2004]
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous
Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions (great- § 172.331 Bulk packagings other than
er than 20% hydrogen peroxide) portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank
Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized cars and multi-unit tank car tanks.
Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid
mixtures (a) Each person who offers a haz-
Nitric acid (other than red fuming) ardous material to a motor carrier for
Phosphorus, amorphous transportation in a bulk packaging
Phosphorus, white dry or Phosphorus, white, shall provide the motor carrier with
under water or Phosphorus white, in solu-
the required identification numbers on
tion, or Phosphorus, yellow dry or Phos-
phorus, yellow, under water or Phosphorus, placards or plain white square-on-point
yellow, in solution display configurations, as authorized,
Phosphorus white, molten or shall affix orange panels containing
Potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate mix- the required identification numbers to
tures the packaging prior to or at the time
Potassium permanganate the material is offered for transpor-
Sulfur trioxide, stabilized tation, unless the packaging is already
Sulfur trioxide, uninhibited
marked with the identification number
(2) In a multi-unit tank car tank, un- as required by this subchapter.
less the tank is marked on two oppos- (b) Each person who offers a bulk
ing sides, in letters and numerals no packaging containing a hazardous ma-
less than 50 mm (2.0 inches) high— terial for transportation shall affix to
(i) With the proper shipping name the packaging the required identifica-
specified for the material in the tion numbers on orange panels, square-
§ 172.101 table or with a common name on-point configurations or placards, as
authorized for the material in this sub- appropriate, prior to, or at the time
chapter (e.g., ‘‘Refrigerant Gas’’); and the packaging is offered for transpor-
(ii) With the identification number tation unless it is already marked with
specified for the material in the identification numbers as required by
§ 172.101 table, unless marked in accord- this subchapter.
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§ 172.332 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.336
unless it is the correct identification
number for all hazardous materials of
the same class in the transport vehicle
or freight container on which it is dis-
(e) Except as specified in § 172.338, an
identification number may not be dis-
played on an orange panel on a cargo
tank unless affixed to the cargo tank
by the person offering the hazardous
material for transportation in the
cargo tank.
(f) If a placard is required by § 172.504,
an identification number may not be
displayed on an orange panel unless it
is displayed in proximity to the
[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74667, Nov. 10, 1980, as
amended by Amdt. 172–81, 48 FR 28099, June placard.
20, 1983; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29527, Aug. 10, (g) No person shall add any color,
1987; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990; number, letter, symbol, or word other
56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 172–151, 62 than as specified in this subchapter, to
FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 65 FR 50459, Aug. 18, any identification number marking
2000; 68 FR 57632, Oct. 6, 2003]
display which is required or authorized
§ 172.334 Identification numbers; pro- by this subchapter.
hibited display.
[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74667, Nov. 10, 1980, as
(a) No person may display an identi- amended by Amdt. 172–104, 51 FR 23078, June
fication number on a RADIOACTIVE, 25, 1986; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10,
EXPLOSIVES 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6, 1987; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990;
DANGEROUS, or subsidiary hazard 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 172–127, 59
placard. FR 49133, Sept. 26, 1994]
(b) No person may display an identi-
fication number on a placard, orange § 172.336 Identification numbers; spe-
panel or white square-on-point display cial provisions.
configuration unless— (a) When not required or prohibited
(1) The identification number is spec- by this subpart, identification numbers
ified for the material in § 172.101; may be displayed on a transport vehi-
(2) The identification number is dis- cle or a freight container in the man-
played on the placard, orange panel or ner prescribed by this subpart.
white square-on-point configuration (b) Identification numbers, when re-
authorized by § 172.332 or § 172.336(b), as quired, must be displayed on either or-
appropriate, and any placard used for
ange panels (see § 172.332(b)) or on a
display of the identification number
plain white square-on-point display
corresponds to the hazard class of the
configuration having the same outside
material specified in § 172.504;
(3) Except as provided under § 172.336 dimensions as a placard. In addition,
(c)(4) or (c)(5), the package, freight con- for materials in hazard classes for
tainer, or transport vehicle on which which placards are specified and identi-
the number is displayed contains the fication number displays are required,
hazardous material associated with but for which identification numbers
that identification number in § 172.101. may not be displayed on the placards
(c) Except as required by authorized for the material (see
§ 172.332(c)(4) for a combustible liquid, § 172.334(a)), identification numbers
the identification number of a material must be displayed on orange panels or
may be displayed only on the placards on the plain white square-on-point dis-
required by the tables in § 172.504. play configuration in association with
(d) Except as provided in § 172.336, a the required placards. An identifica-
placard bearing an identification num- tion number displayed on a white
ber may not be used to meet the re- square-on-point display configuration
quirements of subpart F of this part is not considered to be a placard.
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§ 172.338 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(1) The 100 mm (3.9 inch) by 215 mm ber is displayed for the liquid petro-
(8.5 inches) area containing the identi- leum distillate fuel having the lowest
fication number shall be located as pre- flash point. After October 1, 2010, if a
scribed by § 172.332 (c)(1) and (c)(2) and cargo tank is used to transport a gaso-
may be outlined with a solid or dotted line and alcohol fuel blend containing
line border. more than ten percent ethanol, the
(2) [Reserved] identification number ‘‘3475’’ must also
(c) Identification numbers are not re- be displayed in addition to the identi-
quired: fication number for the liquid petro-
(1) On the ends of a portable tank, leum distillate fuel having the lowest
cargo tank or tank car having more flash point.
than one compartment if hazardous (7) On nurse tanks meeting the provi-
materials having different identifica- sions of § 173.315(m) of this subchapter.
tion numbers are being transported [Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74667, Nov. 10, 1980, as
therein. In such a circumstance, the amended by Amdt. 172–74, 47 FR 40365, Sept.
identification numbers on the sides of 30, 1982; Amdt. 172–109, 52 FR 13038, Apr. 20,
the tank shall be displayed in the same 1987; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 1987;
sequence as the compartments con- Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990; 56
taining the materials they identify. FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 65 FR 50459, Aug. 18,
2000; 73 FR 4716, Jan. 28, 2008]
(2) On a cargo tank containing only
gasoline, if the cargo tank is marked § 172.338 Replacement of identification
‘‘Gasoline’’ on each side and rear in let- numbers.
ters no less than 50 mm (2 inches) high,
If more than one of the identification
or is placarded in accordance with
number markings on placards, orange
§ 172.542(c).
panels, or white square-on-point dis-
(3) On a cargo tank containing only
play configurations that are required
fuel oil, if the cargo tank is marked to be displayed are lost, damaged or de-
‘‘Fuel Oil’’ on each side and rear in let- stroyed during transportation, the car-
ters no less than 50 mm (2 inches) high, rier shall replace all the missing or
or is placarded in accordance with damaged identification numbers as
§ 172.544(c). soon as practicable. However, in such a
(4) For each of the different liquid pe- case, the numbers may be entered by
troleum distillate fuels, including gas- hand on the appropriate placard, or-
oline and gasohol, in a compartmented ange panel or white square-on-point
cargo tank or tank car, if the identi- display configuration providing the
fication number is displayed for the correct identification numbers are en-
distillate fuel having the lowest flash tered legibly using an indelible mark-
point. After October 1, 2010, if a com- ing material. When entered by hand,
partmented cargo tank or tank car the identification numbers must be lo-
contains such fuels together with a cated in the white display area speci-
gasoline and alcohol fuel blend con- fied in § 172.332. This section does not
taining more than ten percent ethanol, preclude required compliance with the
the identification number ‘‘3475’’ or placarding requirements of subpart F
‘‘1987’’ must also be displayed as appro- of this subchapter.
priate in addition to the identification
number for the liquid petroleum dis- [Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 1987]
tillate fuel having the lowest flash
point. Subpart E—Labeling
(5) For each of the different liquid pe-
troleum distillate fuels, including gas- § 172.400 General labeling require-
oline and gasohol transported in a ments.
cargo tank, if the identification num- (a) Except as specified in § 172.400a,
ber is displayed for the liquid petro- each person who offers for transpor-
leum distillate fuel having the lowest tation or transports a hazardous mate-
flash point. rial in any of the following packages or
(6) For each of the different liquid pe- containment devices, shall label the
troleum distillate fuels, including gas- package or containment device with la-
oline and gasohol, transported in a bels specified for the material in the
cargo tank, if the identification num- § 172.101 table and in this subpart:
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00366 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.400a
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 172–
151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 64 FR 10776, Mar. 5, 1999; 64 FR 51918, Sept. 27, 1999; 69 FR 3668,
Jan. 26, 2004; 69 FR 64471, Nov. 4, 2004]
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§ 172.401 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(3) A package containing a hazardous placard, under the conditions set forth
material other than ammunition that in § 171.23(b)(11) of this subchapter.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52594, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(i) Loaded and unloaded under the su- amended by Amdt. 172–132, 58 FR 50501, Sept.
pervision of DOD personnel, and 27, 1993; 172–130, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993;
(ii) Escorted by DOD personnel in a Amdt. 172–139, 59 FR 67490, Dec. 29, 1994;
separate vehicle. Amdt. 172–145, 60 FR 49110, Sept. 21, 1995; 63
(4) A compressed gas cylinder perma- FR 52849, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 10776, Mar. 5,
nently mounted in or on a transport 1999; 65 FR 58626, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 44255,
Aug. 22, 2001; 68 FR 75742, Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR
64472, Nov. 4, 2004; 72 FR 25176, May 3, 2007; 73
(5) A freight container, aircraft unit FR 4716, Jan. 28, 2008; 74 FR 2252, Jan. 14,
load device or portable tank, which— 2009]
(i) Is placarded in accordance with
subpart F of this part, or § 172.401 Prohibited labeling.
(ii) Conforms to paragraph (a)(3) or (a) Except as otherwise provided in
(b)(3) of § 172.512. this section, no person may offer for
(6) An overpack or unit load device in transportation and no carrier may
or on which labels representative of transport a package bearing a label
each hazardous material in the over- specified in this subpart unless:
pack or unit load device are visible. (1) The package contains a material
(7) A package of low specific activity that is a hazardous material, and
radioactive material and surface con- (2) The label represents a hazard of
taminated objects, when transported the hazardous material in the package.
under § 173.427(a)(6)(vi) of this sub- (b) No person may offer for transpor-
chapter. tation and no carrier may transport a
(b) Certain exceptions to labeling re- package bearing any marking or label
quirements are provided for small which by its color, design, or shape
quantities and limited quantities in ap- could be confused with or conflict with
plicable sections in part 173 of this sub- a label prescribed by this part.
chapter. (c) The restrictions in paragraphs (a)
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of and (b) of this section, do not apply to
§ 172.402(a), a Division 6.1 subsidiary packages labeled in conformance with:
hazard label is not required on a pack- (1) The UN Recommendations (IBR,
age containing a Class 8 (corrosive) see § 171.7 of this subchapter);
material which has a subsidiary hazard (2) The IMDG Code (IBR, see § 171.7 of
of Division 6.1 (poisonous) if the tox- this subchapter);
icity of the material is based solely on
(3) The ICAO Technical Instructions
the corrosive destruction of tissue
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter);
rather than systemic poisoning. In ad-
(4) The TDG Regulations (IBR, see
dition, a Division 4.1 subsidiary hazard
§ 171.7 of this subchapter).
label is not required on a package bear-
(5) The Globally Harmonized System
ing a Division 4.2 label.
of Classification and Labelling of
(d) A package containing a material
Chemicals (GHS) (IBR, see § 171.7 of
poisonous by inhalation (see § 171.8 of
this subchapter).
this subchapter) in a closed transport
(d) The provisions of paragraph (a) of
vehicle or freight container may be ex-
this section do not apply to a pack-
cepted from the POISON INHALATION
aging bearing a label if that packaging
(1) Unused or cleaned and purged of
all residue;
(2) Transported in a transport vehicle
or freight container in such a manner
that the packaging is not visible dur-
ing transportation; and
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.402
(3) Loaded by the shipper and un- cordance with the display requirements
loaded by the shipper or consignee. in this subchapter.
[Amdt. 172–9, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as (c) Cargo Aircraft Only label. Each per-
amended by Amdt. 172–75, 47 FR 44471, Oct. 7, son who offers for transportation or
1982; Amdt. 172–77, 47 FR 54822, Dec. 6, 1982; transports by aircraft a package con-
Amdt. 172–94, 49 FR 38134, Sept. 27, 1984; taining a hazardous material which is
Amdt. 172–100, 50 FR 41521, Oct. 11, 1985; authorized on cargo aircraft only shall
Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52594, Dec. 21, 1990; label the package with a CARGO AIR-
Amdt. 172–132, 58 FR 50501, Sept. 27, 1993; 66
CRAFT ONLY label specified in
FR 8647, Feb. 1, 2001; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28,
2001; 68 FR 75741, 75742, Dec. 31, 2003; 74 FR § 172.448 of this subpart.
2252, Jan. 14, 2009] (d) Class 7 (Radioactive) Materials. Ex-
cept as otherwise provided in this para-
§ 172.402 Additional labeling require- graph, each package containing a Class
ments. 7 material that also meets the defini-
(a) Subsidiary hazard labels. Each tion of one or more additional hazard
package containing a hazardous mate- classes must be labeled as a Class 7 ma-
rial— terial as required by § 172.403 and for
(1) Shall be labeled with primary and each additional hazard.
subsidiary hazard labels as specified in (1) For a package containing a Class
column 6 of the § 172.101 table (unless 7 material that also meets the defini-
excepted in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec- tion of one or more additional hazard
tion); and classes, whether or not the material
(2)For other than Class 1 or Class 2 satisfies § 173.4a(b)(7) of this sub-
materials (for subsidiary labeling re- chapter, a subsidiary label is not re-
quirements for Class 1 or Class 2 mate- quired on the package if the material
rials see paragraph (e) or paragraphs (f) conforms to the remaining criteria in
and (g), respectively, of this section), if § 173.4a of this subchapter.
not already labeled under paragraph (2) Each package or overpack con-
(a)(1) of this section, shall be labeled taining fissile material, other than
with subsidiary hazard labels in ac- fissile-excepted material (see § 173.453
cordance with the following table: of this subchapter) must bear two
FISSILE labels, affixed to opposite
SUBSIDIARY HAZARD LABELS sides of the package or overpack, which
Subsidiary hazard Subsidiary Hazard (Class or Division) conforms to the figure shown in
level (packing § 172.441; such labels, where applicable,
group) 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 6.1 8
must be affixed adjacent to the labels
I ........................... X *** *** X X X X for radioactive materials.
II .......................... X X X X X X X
III ......................... * X X X X X X
(e) Class 1 (explosive) Materials. In ad-
dition to the label specified in column
X—Required for all modes.
*—Required for all modes, except for a material with a flash 6 of the § 172.101 table, each package of
point at or above 38 °C (100 °F) transported by rail or high- Class 1 material that also meets the
**—Reserved definition for:
***—Impossible as subsidiary hazard. (1) Division 6.1, Packing Groups I or
(b) Display of hazard class on labels. II, shall be labeled POISON or POISON
The appropriate hazard class or divi- INHALATION HAZARD, as appro-
sion number must be displayed in the priate.
lower corner of a primary hazard label (2) Class 7, shall be labeled in accord-
and a subsidiary hazard label. A sub- ance with § 172.403 of this subpart.
sidiary label meeting the specifications (f) Division 2.2 materials. In addition
of this section which were in effect on to the label specified in column 6 of the
September 30, 2001, such as, a label § 172.101 table, each package of Division
without the hazard class or division 2.2 material that also meets the defini-
number displayed in the lower corner tion for an oxidizing gas (see § 171.8 of
of the label) may continue to be used this subchapter) must be labeled OXI-
as a subsidiary label in domestic trans- DIZER.
portation by rail or highway until Oc- (g) Division 2.3 materials. In addition
tober 1, 2005, provided the color toler- to the label specified in column 6 of the
ances are maintained and are in ac- § 172.101 table, each package of Division
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00369 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.403 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
2.3 material that also meets the defini- (b) The proper label to affix to a
tion for: package of Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
(1) Division 2.1, must be labeled rial is based on the radiation level at
Flammable Gas; the surface of the package and the
(2) Division 5.1, must be labeled Oxi- transport index. The proper category of
dizer; and label must be determined in accord-
(3) Class 8, must be labeled Corrosive. ance with paragraph (c) of this section.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52594, Dec. 21, 1990, as The label to be applied must be the
amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. highest category required for any of
172–139, 59 FR 67490, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 172– the two determining conditions for the
140, 60 FR 26805, May 18, 1995; Amdt. 172–149, package. RADIOACTIVE WHITE-I is
61 FR 27173, May 30, 1996; 62 FR 39405, July 22,
1997; 66 FR 33425, June 21, 2001; 69 FR 3668,
the lowest category and RADIO-
Jan. 26, 2004; 74 FR 2252, Jan. 14, 2009] ACTIVE YELLOW-III is the highest.
For example, a package with a trans-
§ 172.403 Class 7 (radioactive) mate- port index of 0.8 and a maximum sur-
rial. face radiation level of 0.6 millisievert
(a) Unless excepted from labeling by (60 millirems) per hour must bear a
§§ 173.421 through 173.427 of this sub- RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III label.
chapter, each package of radioactive (c) Category of label to be applied to
material must be labeled as provided in Class 7 (radioactive) materials pack-
this section. ages:
Maximum radiation level at any point
Transport index Label category 1
on the external surface
(d) EMPTY label. See § 173.428(d) of ACTIVE label must have two of these
this subchapter for EMPTY labeling re- labels, affixed to opposite sides of the
quirements. package. (See § 172.406(e)(3) for freight
(e) FISSILE label. For packages re- container label requirements).
quired in § 172.402 to bear a FISSILE (g) The following applicable items of
label, each such label must be com- information must be entered in the
pleted with the criticality safety index blank spaces on the RADIOACTIVE
(CSI) assigned in the NRC or DOE label by legible printing (manual or
package design approval, or in the cer- mechanical), using a durable weather
tificate of approval for special arrange- resistant means of marking:
ment or the certificate of approval for (1) Contents. Except for LSA-1 mate-
the package design issued by the Com- rial, the names of the radionuclides as
petent Authority for import and export taken from the listing of radionuclides
shipments. For overpacks and freight in § 173.435 of this subchapter (symbols
containers required in § 172.402 to bear which conform to established radiation
a FISSILE label, the CSI on the label protection terminology are authorized,
must be the sum of the CSIs for all of i.e., 99Mo, 60Co, etc.). For mixtures of
the packages contained in the over- radionuclides, with consideration of
pack or freight container. space available on the label, the radio-
(f) Each package required by this sec- nuclides that must be shown must be
tion to be labeled with a RADIO- determined in accordance with
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.405
§ 173.433(g) of this subchapter. For LSA- (5) The category of the Class 7 label
I material, the term ‘‘LSA-I’’ may be of the overpack, and not that of any of
used in place of the names of the radio- the packages contained therein, must
nuclides. be used in accordance with Table 1 of
(2) Activity. The activity in the pack- § 172.504(e) to determine when the
age must be expressed in appropriate transport vehicle must be placarded.
SI units (e.g., Becquerels (Bq), (6) For fissile material, the criti-
Terabecquerels (TBq), etc.). The activ- cality safety index which must be en-
ity may also be stated in appropriate tered on the overpack FISSILE label is
customary units (Curies (Ci), the sum of the criticality safety indi-
milliCuries (mCi), microCuries (uCi), ces of the individual packages in the
etc.) in parentheses following the SI overpack, as stated in the certificate of
units. Abbreviations are authorized. approval for the package design issued
Except for plutonium-239 and pluto- by the NRC or the U.S. Competent Au-
nium-241, the weight in grams or kilo- thority.
grams of fissile radionuclides may be [Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976]
inserted instead of activity units. For EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
plutonium-239 and plutonium-241, the tations affecting § 172.403, see the List of CFR
weight in grams of fissile radionuclides Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
may be inserted in addition to the ac- ing Aids section of the printed volume and
tivity units. on GPO Access.
(3) Transport index. (see § 173.403 of
§ 172.404 Labels for mixed and consoli-
this subchapter.) dated packaging.
(h) When one or more packages of
Class 7 (radioactive) material are (a) Mixed packaging. When hazardous
placed within an overpack, the over- materials having different hazard
pack must be labeled as prescribed in classes are packed within the same
packaging, or within the same outside
this section, except as follows:
container or overpack as described in
(1) The ‘‘contents’’ entry on the label
§ 173.25 and authorized by § 173.21 of this
may state ‘‘mixed’’ in place of the
subchapter, the packaging, outside
names of the radionuclides unless each container or overpack must be labeled
inside package contains the same as required for each class of hazardous
radionuclide(s). material contained therein.
(2) The ‘‘activity’’ entry on the label (b) Consolidated packaging. When two
must be determined by adding together or more packages containing compat-
the number of becquerels of the Class 7 ible hazardous material (see § 173.21 of
(radioactive) materials packages con- this subchapter) are placed within the
tained therein. same outside container or overpack,
(3) For an overpack, the transport the outside container or overpack must
index (TI) must be determined by add- be labeled as required for each class of
ing together the transport indices of hazardous material contained therein.
the Class 7 (radioactive) materials
packages contained therein, except § 172.405 Authorized label modifica-
that for a rigid overpack, the transport tions.
index (TI) may alternatively be deter- (a) For Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8,
mined by direct measurement as pre- text indicating a hazard (for example
scribed in § 173.403 of this subchapter FLAMMABLE LIQUID) is not required
under the definition for ‘‘transport on a primary or subsidiary label.
index,’’ taken by the person initially (b) For a package containing Oxygen,
offering the packages contained within compressed, or Oxygen, refrigerated
the overpack for shipment. liquid, the OXIDIZER label specified in
(4) The category of Class 7 label for § 172.426 of this subpart, modified to dis-
the overpack must be determined from play the word ‘‘OXYGEN’’ instead of
the table in § 172.403(c) using the TI de- ‘‘OXIDIZER’’, and the class number
rived according to paragraph (h)(3) of ‘‘2’’ instead of ‘‘5.1’’, may be used in
this section, and the maximum radi- place of the NON-FLAMMABLE GAS
ation level on the surface of the over- and OXIDIZER labels. Notwithstanding
pack. the provisions of paragraph (a) of this
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§ 172.406 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
section, the word ‘‘OXYGEN’’ must ap- ever, duplicate labels must be dis-
pear on the label. played on at least two sides or two
(c) For a package containing a Divi- ends (other than the bottom) of—
sion 6.1, Packing Group III material, (1) Each package or overpack having
the POISON label specified in § 172.430 a volume of 1.8 m 3 (64 cubic feet) or
may be modified to display the text more;
‘‘PG III’’ instead of ‘‘POISON’’ or (2) Each non-bulk package containing
‘‘TOXIC’’ below the mid line of the a radioactive material;
label. Also see § 172.313(d). (3) Each DOT 106 or 110 multi-unit
tank car tank. Labels must be dis-
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52594, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR played on each end;
45458, Oct. 1, 1992; 64 FR 10776, Mar. 5, 1999; 66 (4) Each portable tank of less than
FR 33425, June 21, 2001] 3,785 L (1000 gallons) capacity;
(5) Each freight container or aircraft
§ 172.406 Placement of labels. unit load device having a volume of 1.8
(a) General. (1) Except as provided in m3 (64 cubic feet) or more, but less than
paragraphs (b) and (e) of this section, 18 m3 (640 cubic feet). One of each re-
each label required by this subpart quired label must be displayed on or
must— near the closure; and
(i) Be printed on or affixed to a sur- (6) An IBC having a volume of 1.8 m3
face (other than the bottom) of the (64 cubic feet) or more.
package or containment device con- (f) Visibility. A label must be clearly
taining the hazardous material; and visible and may not be obscured by
(ii) Be located on the same surface of markings or attachments.
the package and near the proper ship- [Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52594, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ping name marking, if the package di- amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
mensions are adequate. 172–130, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993; 73 FR 4716,
(2) Except as provided in paragraph Jan. 28, 2008]
(e) of this section, duplicate labeling is
not required on a package or contain- § 172.407 Label specifications.
ment device (such as to satisfy redun- (a) Durability. Each label, whether
dant labeling requirements). printed on or affixed to a package,
(b) Exceptions. A label may be printed must be durable and weather resistant.
on or placed on a securely affixed tag, A label on a package must be able to
or may be affixed by other suitable withstand, without deterioration or a
means to: substantial change in color, a 30-day
(1) A package that contains no radio- exposure to conditions incident to
active material and which has dimen- transportation that reasonably could
sions less than those of the required be expected to be encountered by the
label; labeled package.
(2) A cylinder; and (b) Design. (1) Except for size and
(3) A package which has such an ir- color, the printing, inner border, and
regular surface that a label cannot be symbol on each label must be as shown
satisfactorily affixed. in §§ 172.411 through 172.448 of this sub-
(c) Placement of multiple labels. When part, as appropriate.
primary and subsidiary hazard labels (2) The dotted line border shown on
are required, they must be displayed each label is not part of the label speci-
next to each other. Placement con- fication, except when used as an alter-
forms to this requirement if labels are native for the solid line outer border to
within 150 mm (6 inches) of one an- meet the requirements of § 172.406(d) of
other. this subpart.
(d) Contrast with background. Each (c) Size. (1) Each diamond (square-on-
label must be printed on or affixed to a point) label prescribed in this subpart
background of contrasting color, or must be at least 100 mm (3.9 inches) on
must have a dotted or solid line outer each side with each side having a solid
border. line inner border 5.0 to 6.3 mm (0.2 to
(e) Duplicate labeling. Generally, only 0.25 inches) from the edge.
one of each different required label (2) The CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY
must be displayed on a package. How- label must be a rectangle measuring at
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.407
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§ 172.411 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.415
(d) In addition to complying with [Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66256, Dec. 20, 1991, as
amended by Amdt. 172–139, 59 FR 67490, Dec.
§ 172.407, the background color on the
29, 1994; 66 FR 33425, June 21, 2001; 68 FR
EXPLOSIVE 1.4, EXPLOSIVE 1.5 and 45031, July 31, 2003]
EXPLOSIVE 1.6 label must be orange.
The ‘‘*’’ must be replaced with the ap- § 172.415 NON-FLAMMABLE GAS
propriate compatibility group. The label.
compatibility group letter must be (a) Except for size and color, the
shown as a capitalized Roman letter. NON-FLAMMABLE GAS label must be
Division numbers must measure at as follows:
least 30 mm (1.2 inches) in height and
at least 5 mm (0.2 inches) in width.
(e) An EXPLOSIVE subsidiary label
is required for materials identified in
Column (6) of the HMT as having an ex-
plosive subsidiary hazard. The division
number or compability group letter
may be displayed on the subsidiary
hazard label. Except for size and color,
the EXPLOSIVE subsidiary label must
be as follows:
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00375 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.416 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.427
(a) Except for size and color, the § 172.427 ORGANIC PEROXIDE label.
DANGEROUS WHEN WET label must (a) Except for size and color, the OR-
be as follows: GANIC PEROXIDE label must be as
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00377 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 172.427 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.432
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§ 172.436 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.441
(b) In addition to complying with bol must be black, except for the ‘‘II’’
§ 172.407, the background on the RADIO- which must be red.
ACTIVE WHITE-I label must be white. [Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66259, Dec. 20, 1991]
The printing and symbol must be
black, except for the ‘‘I’’ which must be § 172.440 RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III
red. label.
[Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66259, Dec. 20, 1991] (a) Except for size and color, the RA-
§ 172.438 RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II as follows:
(a) Except for size and color, the RA-
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§ 172.442 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.448
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§ 172.450 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
October 1, 2008, may be used until Jan- provisions of §§ 173.4, 173.4a, 173.4b of
uary 1, 2013. this subchapter; and
[74 FR 2252, Jan. 14, 2009, as amended at 75 (6) Combustible liquids in non-bulk
FR 72, Jan. 4, 2010] packagings.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52599, Dec. 21, 1990, as
§ 172.450 EMPTY label.
amended by Amdt. 172–149, 61 FR 27173, May
(a) Each EMPTY label, except for 30, 1996; 74 FR 2253, Jan. 14, 2009]
size, must be as follows:
§ 172.502 Prohibited and permissive
(a) Prohibited placarding. Except as
provided in paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion, no person may affix or display on
a packaging, freight container, unit
load device, motor vehicle or rail car—
(1) Any placard described in this sub-
part unless—
(i) The material being offered or
transported is a hazardous material;
(ii) The placard represents a hazard
of the hazardous material being offered
or transported; and
(iii) Any placarding conforms to the
requirements of this subpart.
(2) Any sign, advertisement, slogan
(such as ‘‘Drive Safely’’), or device
that, by its color, design, shape or con-
(1) Each side must be at least 6
tent, could be confused with any
inches (152 mm.) with each letter at
placard prescribed in this subpart.
least 1 inch (25.4 mm.) in height.
(2) The label must be white with (b) Exceptions. (1) The restrictions in
black printing. paragraph (a) of this section do not
(b) [Reserved] apply to a bulk packaging, freight con-
tainer, unit load device, transport vehi-
cle or rail car which is placarded in
Subpart F—Placarding conformance with TDG Regulations,
§ 172.500 Applicability of placarding the IMDG Code or the UN Rec-
requirements. ommendations (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
(a) Each person who offers for trans-
portation or transports any hazardous (2) The restrictions of paragraph (a)
material subject to this subchapter of this section do not apply to the dis-
shall comply with the applicable play of a BIOHHAZARD marking, a
placarding requirements of this sub- ‘‘HOT’’ marking, or an identification
part. number on a white square-on-point
(b) This subpart does not apply to— configuration in accordance with
(1) Infectious substances; §§ 172.323(c), 172.325(c), or 172.336(b) of
(2) Hazardous materials classed as this part, respectively.
ORM-D; (3) The restrictions in paragraph
(3) Hazardous materials authorized (a)(2) of this section do not apply until
by this subchapter to be offered for October 1, 2001 to a safety sign or safe-
transportation as Limited Quantities ty slogan (e.g., ‘‘Drive Safely’’ or
when identified as such on shipping pa- ‘‘Drive Carefully’’), which was perma-
pers in accordance with § 172.203(b); nently marked on a transport vehicle,
(4) Hazardous materials prepared in bulk packaging, or freight container on
accordance with § 173.13 of this sub- or before August 21, 1997.
chapter; (c) Permissive placarding. Placards
(5) Hazardous materials which are may be displayed for a hazardous mate-
packaged as small quantities under the rial, even when not required, if the
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.504
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§ 172.504 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Placard de-
Category of material (Hazard class or division number sign section
Placard name
and additional description, as appropriate) reference
(§ )
(f) Additional placarding exceptions. (1) (6) The EXPLOSIVE 1.4 placard is not
When more than one division placard is required for those Division 1.4 Compat-
required for Class 1 materials on a ibility Group S (1.4S) materials that
transport vehicle, rail car, freight con- are not required to be labeled 1.4S.
tainer or unit load device, only the (7) For domestic transportation of
placard representing the lowest divi- oxygen, compressed or oxygen, refrig-
sion number must be displayed. erated liquid, the OXYGEN placard in
(2) A FLAMMABLE placard may be § 172.530 of this subpart may be used in
used in place of a COMBUSTIBLE place of a NON-FLAMMABLE GAS
placard on— placard.
(i) A cargo tank or portable tank. (8) For domestic transportation, a
(ii) A compartmented tank car which POISON INHALATION HAZARD
contains both flammable and combus- placard is not required on a transport
tible liquids. vehicle or freight container that is al-
ready placarded with the POISON GAS
placard is not required on a transport
(9) For Class 9, a CLASS 9 placard is
vehicle which contains non-flammable not required for domestic transpor-
gas if the transport vehicle also con- tation, including that portion of inter-
tains flammable gas or oxygen and it is national transportation, defined in
placarded with FLAMMABLE GAS or § 171.8 of this subchapter, which occurs
OXYGEN placards, as required. within the United States. However, a
(4) OXIDIZER placards are not re- bulk packaging must be marked with
quired for Division 5.1 materials on the appropriate identification number
freight containers, unit load devices, on a CLASS 9 placard, an orange panel,
transport vehicles or rail cars which or a white square-on-point display con-
also contain Division 1.1 or 1.2 mate- figuration as required by subpart D of
rials and which are placarded with EX- this part.
PLOSIVES 1.1 or 1.2 placards, as re- (10) For Division 6.1, PG III mate-
quired. rials, a POISON placard may be modi-
(5) For transportation by transport fied to display the text ‘‘PG III’’ below
vehicle or rail car only, an OXIDIZER the mid line of the placard.
placard is not required for Division 5.1 (11) For domestic transportation, a
materials on a transport vehicle, rail POISON placard is not required on a
car or freight container which also con- transport vehicle or freight container
tains Division 1.5 explosives and is required to display a POISON INHALA-
placarded with EXPLOSIVES 1.5 plac- TION HAZARD or POISON GAS
ards, as required. placard.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.506
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§ 172.507 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
§ 172.507 Special placarding provi- rail car, including tank cars containing
sions: Highway. only a residue of the material; and
(3) Class DOT 113 tank cars used to
(a) Each motor vehicle used to trans-
transport a Division 2.1 (flammable
port a package of highway route con-
gas) material, including tank cars con-
trolled quantity Class 7 (radioactive)
taining only a residue of the material.
materials (see § 173.403 of this sub- (b) Chemical ammunition. Each rail
chapter) must have the required RA- car containing Division 1.1 or 1.2 (ex-
DIOACTIVE warning placard placed on plosive) ammunition which also meets
a square background as described in the definition of a material poisonous
§ 172.527. by inhalation (see § 171.8 of this sub-
(b) A nurse tank, meeting the provi- chapter) must be placarded EXPLO-
sions of § 173.315(m) of this subchapter, SIVES 1.1 or EXPLOSIVES 1.2 and
is not required to be placarded on an POISON GAS or POISON INHALATION
end containing valves, fittings, regu- HAZARD.
lators or gauges when those appur-
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
tenances prevent the markings and
amended by Amdt. 172–103, 51 FR 5971, Feb.
placard from being properly placed and 18, 1986; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10,
visible. 1987; Amdt. 172–111, 52 FR 36671, Sept. 30, 1987;
Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. 21, 1990; 56
[Amdt. 172–103, 51 FR 5971, Feb. 18, 1986, as
FR 66260, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR 45460, Oct. 1,
amended by Amdt. 172–143, 60 FR 50305, Sept.
1992; Amdt. 172–248, 61 FR 28676, June 5, 1996;
28, 1995] Amdt. 172–151, 62 FR 1231, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR
39398, July 22, 1997]
§ 172.508 Placarding and affixing plac-
ards: Rail. § 172.512 Freight containers and air-
(a) Each person offering a hazardous craft unit load devices.
material for transportation by rail (a) Capacity of 640 cubic feet or more.
shall affix to the rail car containing Each person who offers for transpor-
the material, the placards specified by tation, and each person who loads and
this subpart. Placards displayed on transports, a hazardous material in a
motor vehicles, transport containers, freight container or aircraft unit load
or portable tanks may be used to sat- device having a capacity of 640 cubic
isfy this requirement, if the placards feet or more shall affix to the freight
otherwise conform to the provisions of container or aircraft unit load device
this subpart. the placards specified for the material
(b) No rail carrier may accept a rail in accordance with § 172.504. However:
car containing a hazardous material (1) The placarding exception provided
for transportation unless the placards in § 172.504(c) applies to motor vehicles
for the hazardous material are affixed transporting freight containers and
thereto as required by this subpart. aircraft unit load devices,
(2) The placarding exception provided
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as in § 172.504(c) applies to each freight
amended by Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. container and aircraft unit load device
21, 1990]
being transported for delivery to a con-
signee immediately following an air or
§ 172.510 Special placarding provi-
sions: Rail. water shipment, and,
(3) Placarding is not required on a
(a) White square background. The fol- freight container or aircraft unit load
lowing must have the specified plac- device if it is only transported by air
ards placed on a white square back- and is identified as containing a haz-
ground, as described in § 172.527: ardous material in the manner pro-
(1) Division 1.1 and 1.2 (explosive) ma- vided in part 7, chapter 2, section 2.7, of
terials which require EXPLOSIVES 1.1 the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR,
or EXPLOSIVES 1.2 placards affixed to see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
the rail car; (b) Capacity less than 18 m3 (640 cubic
(2) Materials classed in Division 2.3 feet). Each person who offers for trans-
Hazard Zone A or 6.1 Packing Group I portation by air, and each person who
Hazard Zone A which require POISON loads and transports by air, a haz-
GAS or POISON placards affixed to the ardous material in a freight container
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00388 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.516
or aircraft unit load device having a (2) Is refilled, with a material requir-
capacity of less than 18 m3 (640 cubic ing different placards or no placards, to
feet) shall affix one placard of the type such an extent that any residue re-
specified by paragraph (a) of this sec- maining in the packaging is no longer
tion unless the freight container or air- hazardous; or
craft unit load device: (3) Contains the residue of a haz-
(1) Is labeled in accordance with sub- ardous substance in Class 9 in a quan-
part E of this part, including tity less than the reportable quantity,
§ 172.406(e); and conforms to § 173.29(b)(1) of this
(2) Contains radioactive materials re- subchapter.
quiring the Radioactive Yellow III (c) Exceptions. The following pack-
label and is placarded with one Radio- agings may be placarded on only two
active placard and is labeled in accord- opposite sides or, alternatively, may be
ance with subpart E of this part, in- labeled instead of placarded in accord-
cluding § 172.406(e); or, ance with subpart E of this part:
(3) Is identified as containing a haz- (1) A portable tank having a capacity
ardous material in the manner pro- of less than 3,785 L (1000 gallons);
vided in part 7, chapter 2, section 2.7, of (2) A DOT 106 or 110 multi-unit tank
the ICAO Technical Instructions. When car tank;
hazardous materials are offered for (3) A bulk packaging other than a
transportation, not involving air trans- portable tank, cargo tank, or tank car
portation, in a freight container having (e.g., a bulk bag or box) with a volu-
a capacity of less than 640 cubic feet metric capacity of less than 18 cubic
the freight container need not be plac- meters (640 cubic feet);
arded. However, if not placarded, it (4) An IBC; and
must be labeled in accordance with (5) A Large Packaging as defined in
subpart E of this part. § 171.8 of this subchapter.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) [Amdt. 172–136, 59 FR 38064, July 26, 1994;
and (b) of this section, packages con- Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 50255, Sept. 25, 1996, as
taining hazardous materials, other amended by 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 69 FR
than ORM-D, offered for transportation 64473, Nov. 4, 2004; 75 FR 5392, Feb. 2, 2010]
by air in freight containers are subject
to the inspection requirements of § 172.516 Visibility and display of plac-
§ 175.30 of this chapter.
(a) Each placard on a motor vehicle
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as and each placard on a rail car must be
amended by Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40680, Sept.
20, 1976; Amdt. 172–87, 48 FR 53712, Nov. 29,
clearly visible from the direction it
1983; 48 FR 55469, Dec. 13, 1983; Amdt. 172–103, faces, except from the direction of an-
51 FR 5971, Feb. 18, 1986; Amdt. 172–111, 52 FR other transport vehicle or rail car to
36671, Sept. 30, 1987; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR which the motor vehicle or rail car is
52601, Dec. 21, 1990; 66 FR 33426, June 21, 2001; coupled. This requirement may be met
66 FR 45182, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75741, Dec. 31, by the placards displayed on the
2003; 69 FR 54046, Sept. 7, 2004] freight containers or portable tanks
loaded on a motor vehicle or rail car.
§ 172.514 Bulk packagings. (b) The required placarding of the
(a) Except as provided in paragraph front of a motor vehicle may be on the
(c) of this section, each person who of- front of a truck-tractor instead of or in
fers for transportation a bulk pack- addition to the placarding on the front
aging which contains a hazardous ma- of the cargo body to which a truck-
terial, shall affix the placards specified tractor is attached.
for the material in §§ 172.504 and 172.505. (c) Each placard on a transport vehi-
(b) Each bulk packaging that is re- cle, bulk packaging, freight container
quired to be placarded when it contains or aircraft unit load device must—
a hazardous material, must remain (1) Be securely attached or affixed
placarded when it is emptied, unless thereto or placed in a holder thereon.
it— (See appendix C to this part.);
(1) Is sufficiently cleaned of residue (2) Be located clear of appurtenances
and purged of vapors to remove any po- and devices such as ladders, pipes,
tential hazard; doors, and tarpaulins;
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§ 172.519 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(3) So far as practicable, be located so must be able to pass a 414 kPa (60 p.s.i.)
that dirt or water is not directed to it Mullen test.
from the wheels of the transport vehi- (3) Reflective or retroreflective mate-
cle; rials may be used on a placard if the
(4) Be located away from any mark- prescribed colors, strength and dura-
ing (such as advertising) that could bility are maintained.
substantially reduce its effectiveness, (b) Design. (1) Except as provided in
and in any case at least 3 inches (76.0 § 172.332 of this part, each placard must
mm.) away from such marking; be as described in this subpart, and ex-
(5) Have the words or identification cept for size and color, the printing,
number (when authorized) printed on it inner border and symbol must be as
displayed horizontally, reading from shown in §§ 172.521 through 172.560 of
left to right; this subpart, as appropriate.
(6) Be maintained by the carrier in a (2) The dotted line border shown on
condition so that the format, leg- each placard is not part of the placard
ibility, color, and visibility of the specification. However, a dotted or
placard will not be substantially re- solid line outer border may be used
duced due to damage, deterioration, or
when needed to indicate the full size of
obscurement by dirt or other matter;
a placard that is part of a larger for-
(7) Be affixed to a background of con-
mat or is on a background of a non-
trasting color, or must have a dotted
contrasting color.
or solid line outer border which con-
trasts with the background color. (3) For other than Class 7 or the
DANGEROUS placard, text indicating
(d) Recommended specifications for a
placard holder are set forth in appendix a hazard (for example, ‘‘FLAM-
C of this part. Except for a placard MABLE’’) is not required. Text may be
holder similar to that contained in ap- omitted from the OXYGEN placard
pendix C to this part, the means used only if the specific identification num-
to attach a placard may not obscure ber is displayed on the placard.
any part of its surface other than the (4) For a placard corresponding to the
borders. primary or subsidiary hazard class of a
(e) A placard or placard holder may material, the hazard class or division
be hinged provided the required format, number must be displayed in the lower
color, and legibility of the placard are corner of the placard. However, a per-
maintained. manently affixed subsidiary placard
meeting the specifications of this sec-
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
tion which were in effect on October 1,
amended by Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74668, Nov.
10, 1980; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. 21, 2001, (such as, a placard without the
1990; 65 FR 50460, Aug. 18, 2000] hazard class or division number dis-
played in the lower corner of the
§ 172.519 General specifications for placard) and which was installed prior
placards. to September 30, 2001, may continue to
(a) Strength and durability. Placards be used as a subsidiary placard in do-
must conform to the following: mestic transportation by rail or high-
(1) A placard may be made of any way, provided the color tolerances are
plastic, metal or other material capa- maintained and are in accordance with
ble of withstanding, without deteriora- the display requirements in this sub-
tion or a substantial reduction in effec- chapter. Stocks of non-permanently af-
tiveness, a 30-day exposure to open fixed subsidiary placards in compliance
weather conditions. with the requirements in effect on Sep-
(2) A placard made of tagboard must tember 30, 2001, may continue to be
be at least equal to that designated used in domestic transportation by rail
commercially as white tagboard. Tag- or highway until October 1, 2005, or
board must have a weight of at least 80 until current stocks are depleted,
kg (176 pounds) per ream of 610 by 910 whichever occurs first.
mm (24 by 36-inch) sheets, water- (c) Size. (1) Each placard prescribed in
proofing materials included. In addi- this subpart must measure at least 273
tion, each placard made of tagboard mm (10.8 inches) on each side and must
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.521
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§ 172.522 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.528
§ 172.526 [Reserved]
way route controlled quantity radio- be green. The letters in both words
active materials, must be as follows: must be at least 38 mm (1.5 inches)
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§ 172.530 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
high. The symbol, text, class number FLAMMABLE GAS placard must be
and inner border must be white. red. The symbol, text, class number
[Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66261, Dec. 20, 1991] and inner border must be white.
[Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66262, Dec. 20, 1991]
§ 172.530 OXYGEN placard.
(a) Except for size and color, the OX- § 172.536 [Reserved]
YGEN placard must be as follows:
§ 172.540 POISON GAS placard.
(a) Except for size and color, the POI-
SON GAS placard must be as follows:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.547
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§ 172.548 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.554
§ 172.553 [Reserved]
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§ 172.555 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.558
(b) In addition to complying with symbol, text, class number and inner
§ 172.519, the background color on the border must be black.
RADIOACTIVE placard must be white [Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1991;
in the lower portion with a yellow tri- Amdt. 172–130, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993; 65 FR
angle in the upper portion. The base of 58627, Sept. 29, 2000]
the yellow triangle must be 29 mm ±5
mm (1.1 inches ±0.2 inches) above the § 172.558 CORROSIVE placard.
placard horizontal center line. The (a) Except for size and color, the
CORROSIVE placard must be as fol-
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§ 172.560 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.602
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§ 172.604 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.606
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§ 172.700 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.704
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§ 172.800 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(5) Certification that the hazmat em- motor vehicle, portable tank, tank car,
ployee has been trained and tested, as or other bulk container.
required by this subpart. (1) Any quantity of a Division 1.1, 1.2,
(e) Limitations. The following limita- or 1.3 material;
tions apply: (2) A quantity of a Division 1.4, 1.5, or
(1) A hazmat employee who repairs, 1.6 material requiring placarding in ac-
modifies, reconditions, or tests pack- cordance with subpart F of this part;
agings, as qualified for use in the (3) A large bulk quantity of Division
transportation of hazardous materials, 2.1 material;
and who does not perform any other
(4) A large bulk quantity of Division
function subject to the requirements of
2.2 material with a subsidiary hazard of
this subchapter, is not subject to the
training requirement of paragraph 5.1;
(a)(3) of this section. (5) Any quantity of a material poi-
(2) A railroad maintenance-of-way sonous by inhalation, as defined in
employee or railroad signalman, who § 171.8 of this subchapter;
does not perform any function subject (6) A large bulk quantity of a Class 3
to the requirements of this subchapter, material meeting the criteria for Pack-
is not subject to the training require- ing Group I or II;
ments of paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(4), or (7) A quantity of desensitized explo-
(a)(5) of this section. Initial training sives meeting the definition of Division
for a railroad maintenance-of-way em- 4.1 or Class 3 material requiring
ployee or railroad signalman in accord- placarding in accordance with subpart
ance with this section must be com- F of this part;
pleted by October 1, 2006. (8) A large bulk quantity of a Divi-
[Amdt. 172–126, 57 FR 20952, May 15, 1992, as sion 4.2 material meeting the criteria
amended by Amdt. 172–126, 58 FR 5851, Jan. for Packing Group I or II;
22, 1993; Amdt. 172–145, 60 FR 49110, Sept. 21, (9) A quantity of a Division 4.3 mate-
1995; Amdt. 172–149, 61 FR 27173, May 30, 1996; rial requiring placarding in accordance
65 FR 50460, Aug. 18, 2000; 68 FR 14521, Mar. with subpart F of this part;
25, 2003; 70 FR 73164, Dec. 9, 2005; 73 FR 4716,
Jan. 28, 2008; 73 FR 57005, Oct. 1, 2008; 75 FR (10) A large bulk quantity of a Divi-
10988, Mar. 9, 2010] sion 5.1 material in Packing Groups I
and II; perchlorates; or ammonium ni-
Subpart I—Safety and Security trate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, or
ammonium nitrate emulsions, suspen-
Plans sions, or gels;
(11) Any quantity of organic per-
SOURCE: 68 FR 14521, Mar. 25, 2003, unless
oxide, Type B, liquid or solid, tempera-
otherwise noted.
ture controlled;
§ 172.800 Purpose and applicability. (12) A large bulk quantity of Division
6.1 material (for a material poisonous
(a) Purpose. This subpart prescribes
requirements for development and im- by inhalation see paragraph (5) above);
plementation of plans to address secu- (13) A select agent or toxin regulated
rity risks related to the transportation by the Centers for Disease Control and
of hazardous materials in commerce. Prevention under 42 CFR part 73 or the
(b) Applicability. Each person who of- United States Department of Agri-
fers for transportation in commerce or culture under 9 CFR part 121;
transports in commerce one or more of (14) A quantity of uranium
the following hazardous materials hexafluoride requiring placarding
must develop and adhere to a transpor- under § 172.505(b);
tation security plan for hazardous ma- (15) International Atomic Energy
terials that conforms to the require- Agency (IAEA) Code of Conduct Cat-
ments of this subpart. As used in this egory 1 and 2 materials including High-
section, ‘‘large bulk quantity’’ refers to way Route Controlled quantities as de-
a quantity greater than 3,000 kg (6,614 fined in 49 CFR 173.403 or known as
pounds) for solids or 3,000 liters (792 radionuclides in forms listed as RAM–
gallons) for liquids and gases in a sin- QC by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
gle packaging such as a cargo tank sion;
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.804
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§ 172.820 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.820
(i) Safety and security risks pre- (i) A rail carrier may complete the
sented by use of the alternative initial process by September 1, 2009,
route(s); using data for the six month period
(ii) Comparison of the safety and se- from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008;
curity risks of the alternative(s) to the or
primary rail transportation route, in- (ii) A rail carrier may complete the
cluding the risk of a catastrophic re- initial process by March 31, 2010, using
lease from a shipment traveling along data for all of 2008, provided the rail
each route; carrier notifies the FRA Associate Ad-
(iii) Any remediation or mitigation ministrator of Safety in writing by
measures implemented on the primary September 1, 2009 that it has chosen
or alternative route(s); and this second option.
(iv) Potential economic effects of (2) Beginning in 2010, the rail trans-
using the alternative route(s), includ- portation route analysis, alternative
ing but not limited to the economics of route analysis, and route selection
the commodity, route, and customer process required under paragraphs (c),
relationship. (d), and (e) of this section must be com-
pleted no later than the end of the cal-
(2) In performing the analysis re-
endar year following the year to which
quired by this paragraph, the rail car-
the analyses apply.
rier should seek relevant information
(3) The initial analysis and route se-
from state, local, and tribal officials,
lection determinations required under
as appropriate, regarding security risks
paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this sec-
to high-consequence targets along or in
tion must include a comprehensive re-
proximity to the alternative routes. If view of the entire system. Subsequent
a rail carrier determines that it is not analyses and route selection deter-
appropriate to seek such relevant in- minations required under paragraphs
formation, then it must explain its rea- (c), (d), and (e) of this section must in-
soning for that determination in its clude a comprehensive, system-wide re-
analysis. view of all operational changes, infra-
(e) Route Selection. A carrier must use structure modifications, traffic adjust-
the analysis performed as required by ments, changes in the nature of high-
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section to consequence targets located along, or
select the route to be used in moving in proximity to, the route, and any
the materials covered by paragraph (a) other changes affecting the safety or
of this section. The carrier must con- security of the movements of the mate-
sider any remediation measures imple- rials specified in paragraph (a) of this
mented on a route. Using this process, section that were implemented during
the carrier must at least annually re- the calendar year.
view and select the practicable route (4) A rail carrier need not perform a
posing the least overall safety and se- rail transportation route analysis, al-
curity risk. The rail carrier must re- ternative route analysis, or route se-
tain in writing all route review and se- lection process for any hazardous ma-
lection decision documentation and re- terial other than the materials speci-
strict the distribution, disclosure, and fied in paragraph (a) of this section.
availability of information contained (g) Rail carrier point of contact on rout-
in the route analysis to covered per- ing issues. Each rail carrier must iden-
sons with a need-to-know, as described tify a point of contact (including the
in parts 15 and 1520 of this title. This name, title, phone number and e-mail
documentation should include, but is address) on routing issues involving
not limited to, comparative analyses, the movement of materials covered by
charts, graphics or rail system maps. this section in its security plan and
(f) Completion of route analyses. (1) provide this information to:
Rail carriers have the following op- (1) State and/or regional Fusion Cen-
tions for completing the initial route ters that have been established to co-
analysis, alternative route analysis, ordinate with state, local and tribal of-
and route selection process required ficials on security issues and which are
under paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this located within the area encompassed
section: by the rail carrier’s rail system; and
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§ 172.822 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) State, local, and tribal officials in (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section to
jurisdictions that may be affected by a covered persons with a need-to-know,
rail carrier’s routing decisions and who as described in parts 15 and 1520 of this
directly contact the railroad to discuss title.
routing decisions. (j) Compliance and enforcement. If the
(h) Storage, delays in transit, and noti- carrier’s route selection documenta-
fication. With respect to the materials tion and underlying analyses are found
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec- to be deficient, the carrier may be re-
tion, each rail carrier must ensure the quired to revise the analyses or make
safety and security plan it develops changes in route selection. If DOT finds
and implements under this subpart in- that a chosen route is not the safest
cludes all of the following: and most secure practicable route
(1) A procedure under which the rail available, the FRA Associate Adminis-
carrier must consult with offerors and trator for Safety, in consultation with
consignees in order to develop meas- TSA, may require the use of an alter-
ures for minimizing, to the extent native route. Prior to making such a
practicable, the duration of any stor- determination, FRA and TSA will con-
age of the material incidental to move- sult with the Surface Transportation
ment (see § 171.8 of this subchapter). Board (STB) regarding whether the
(2) Measures to prevent unauthorized contemplated alternative route(s)
access to the materials during storage would be economically practicable.
or delays in transit. [73 FR 20771, April 16, 2008, as amended at 73
(3) Measures to mitigate risk to pop- FR 72193, Dec. 26, 2008]
ulation centers associated with in-
transit storage. § 172.822 Limitation on actions by
(4) Measures to be taken in the event states, local governments, and In-
of an escalating threat level for mate- dian tribes.
rials stored in transit. A law, order, or other directive of a
(5) Procedures for notifying the con- state, political subdivision of a state,
signee in the event of a significant or an Indian tribe that designates, lim-
delay during transportation; such noti- its, or prohibits the use of a rail line
fication must be completed within 48 (other than a rail line owned by a
hours after the carrier has identified state, political subdivision of a state,
the delay and must include a revised or an Indian tribe) for the transpor-
delivery schedule. A significant delay tation of hazardous materials, includ-
is one that compromises the safety or ing, but not limited to, the materials
security of the hazardous material or specified in § 172.820(a), is preempted. 49
delays the shipment beyond its normal U.S.C. 5125, 20106.
expected or planned shipping time. No- [73 FR 20772, April 16, 2008]
tification should be made by a method
acceptable to both the rail carrier and APPENDIX A TO PART 172—OFFICE OF
(i) Recordkeeping. (1) Each rail carrier TATION COLOR TOLERANCE CHARTS
must maintain a copy of the informa- AND TABLES
tion specified in paragraphs (b), (c), (d),
(e), and (f) of this section (or an elec- The following are Munsell notations and
Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage
tronic image thereof) that is accessible
(CIE) coordinates which describe the Office
at, or through, its principal place of of Hazardous Materials Transportation Label
business and must make the record and Placard Color Tolerance Charts in tables
available upon request, at a reasonable 1 and 2, and the CIE coordinates for the color
time and location, to an authorized of- tolerances specified in table 3. Central colors
ficial of the Department of Transpor- and tolerances described in table 2 approxi-
tation or the Department of Homeland mate those described in table 1 while allow-
Security. Records must be retained for ing for differences in production methods
and materials used to manufacture labels
a minimum of two years.
and placards surfaced with printing inks.
(2) Each rail carrier must restrict the Primarily, the color charts based on table 1
distribution, disclosure, and avail- are for label or placard colors applied as
ability of information collected or de- opaque coatings such as paint, enamel or
veloped in accordance with paragraphs plastic, whereas color charts based on table
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 172, App. A
2 are intended for use with labels and plac- that the colors of labels printed directly on
ards surfaced only with inks. package surfaces are outside the table 1 or 2
For labels printed directly on packaging tolerances, a spectrophotometer or other in-
surfaces, table 3 may be used, although com- strumentation may be required to insure
pliance with either table 1 or table 2 is suffi- compliance with table 3.
cient. However, if visual reference indicates
CIE data for source C
Color Munsell notations
Y x y
Central color ................................................................ 7.5R 4.0/14 .................................... 12.00 .5959 .3269
Orange ......................................................................... 8.5R 4.0/14 .................................... 12.00 .6037 .3389
Purple and vivid ........................................................... 6.5R 4.0/14 .................................... 12.00 .5869 .3184
Grayish ........................................................................ 7.5R 4.0/12 .................................... 12.00 .5603 .3321
Vivid ............................................................................. 7.5R 4.0/16 .................................... 12.00 .6260 .3192
Light ............................................................................. 7.5R 4.5/14 .................................... 15.57 .5775 .3320
Dark ............................................................................. 7. 5R 3.5/14 ................................... 09.00 .6226 .3141
Central color ................................................................ 5.OYR 6.0/15 ................................. 30.05 .5510 .4214
Yellow and Grayish ..................................................... 6.25YR 6.0/15 ................................ 30.05 .5452 .4329
Red and vivid .............................................................. 3.75YR 6.0/15 ................................ 30.05 .5552 .4091
Grayish ........................................................................ 5.OYR 6.0/13 ................................. 30.05 .5311 .4154
Vivid ............................................................................. 5.OYR 6.0/16 ................................. 30.05 .5597 .4239
Light ............................................................................. 5.OYR 6.5/15 ................................. 36.20 .5427 .4206
Dark ............................................................................. 5.OYR 5.5/15 ................................. 24.58 .5606 .4218
Central color ................................................................ 5.OY 8.0/12 .................................... 59.10 .4562 .4788
Green ........................................................................... 6.5Y 8.0/12 ..................................... 59.10 .4498 .4865
Orange and vivid ......................................................... 3.5Y 8.0/12 ..................................... 59.10 .4632 .4669
Grayish ........................................................................ 5.OY 8.0/10 .................................... 59.10 .4376 .4601
Vivid ............................................................................. 5.OY 8.0/14 .................................... 59.10 .4699 .4920
Light ............................................................................. 5.OY 8.5/12 .................................... 68.40 .4508 .4754
Dark ............................................................................. 5.OY 7.5/12 .................................... 50.68 .4620 .4823
Central color ................................................................ 7.5G 4.0/9 ...................................... 12.00 .2111 .4121
Bluish ........................................................................... 0.5BG 4.0/9 .................................... 12.00 .1974 .3809
Green-yellow ............................................................... 5.0G 4.0/9 ...................................... 12.00 .2237 .4399
Grayish A ..................................................................... 7.5G 4.0/7 ...................................... 12.00 .2350 .3922
Grayish B 2 ................................................................... 7.5G 4.0/6 ...................................... 12.00 .2467 .3822
Vivid ............................................................................. 7.5G 4.0/11 .................................... 12.00 .1848 .4319
Light ............................................................................. 7.5G 4.5/9 ...................................... 15.57 .2204 .4060
Dark ............................................................................. 7.5G 3.5/9 ...................................... 09.00 .2027 .4163
Central color ................................................................ 2.5PB 3.5/10 .................................. 09.00 .1691 .1744
Purple .......................................................................... 4.5PB 3.5/10 .................................. 09.00 .1796 .1711
Green and vivid ........................................................... 10.0B 3.5/10 ................................... 09.00 .1557 .1815
Grayish ........................................................................ 2.5PB 3.5/8 .................................... 09.00 .1888 .1964
Vivid ............................................................................. 2.5PB 3.5/12 .................................. 09.00 .1516 .1547
Light ............................................................................. 2.5PB 4.0/10 .................................. 12.00 .1805 .1888
Dark ............................................................................. 2.5PB 3.0/10 .................................. 06.55 .1576 .1600
Central color ................................................................ 10.0P 4.5/10 ................................... 15.57 .3307 .2245
Reddish purple ............................................................ 2.5RP 4.5/10 .................................. 15.57 .3584 .2377
Blue purple .................................................................. 7.5P 4.5/10 ..................................... 15.57 .3068 .2145
Reddish gray ............................................................... 10.0P 4.5/8 ..................................... 15.57 .3280 .2391
Gray 2 ........................................................................... 10.0P 4.5/6.5 .................................. 15.57 .3254 .2519
Vivid ............................................................................. 10.0P 4.5/12 ................................... 15.57 .3333 .2101
Light ............................................................................. 10.0P 5.0/10 ................................... 19.77 .3308 .2328
Dark ............................................................................. 10.0P 4.0/10 ................................... 12.00 .3306 .2162
1 Maximum chroma is not limited.
2 For the colors green and purple, the minimum saturation (chroma) limits for porcelain enamel on metal are lower than for
most other surface coatings. Therefore, the minimum chroma limits of these two colors as displayed on the Charts for compari-
son to porcelain enamel on metal is low, as shown for green (grayish B) and purple (gray).
NOTE: CIE=Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage.
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Pt. 172, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
CIE data for source C
Color/series Munsell notation
Y x y
Central series:
Central color ................................................................ 6.8R 4.47/12.8 ............................... 15.34 .5510 .3286
Grayish ........................................................................ 7.2R 4.72/12.2 ............................... 17.37 .5368 .3348
Purple .......................................................................... 6.4R 4.49/12.7 ............................... 15.52 .5442 .3258
Purple and vivid ........................................................... 6.1R 4.33/13.1 ............................... 14.25 .5529 .3209
Vivid ............................................................................. 6.7R 4.29/13.2 ............................... 13.99 .5617 .3253
Orange ......................................................................... 7.3R 4.47/12.8 ............................... 15.34 .5572 .3331
Orange and grayish ..................................................... 7.65R 4.70/12.4 ............................. 17.20 .5438 .3382
Light series:
Light ............................................................................. 7.0R 4.72/13.2 ............................... 17.32 .5511 .3322
Light and orange ......................................................... 7.4R 4.96/12.6 ............................... 19.38 .5365 .3382
Light and purple .......................................................... 6.6R 4.79/12.9 ............................... 17.94 .5397 .3289
Dark series:
Dark A ......................................................................... 6.7R 4.19/12.5 ............................... 13.30 .5566 .3265
Dark B ......................................................................... 7.0R 4.25/12.35 ............................. 13.72 .5522 .3294
Dark and purple ........................................................... 7.5R 4.23/12.4 ............................... 13.58 .5577 .3329
Central series:
Central color ......................................................... 5.0YR 6.10/12.15 ........................... 31.27 .5193 .4117
Yellow and grayish A ........................................... 5.8YR 6.22/11.7 ............................. 32.69 .5114 .4155
Yellow and grayish B ........................................... 6.1YR 6.26/11.85 ........................... 33.20 .5109 .4190
Vivid ...................................................................... 5.1YR 6.07/12.3 ............................. 30.86 .5226 .4134
Red and vivid A .................................................... 3.9YR 5.87/12.75 ........................... 28.53 .5318 .4038
Red and vivid B .................................................... 3.6YR 5.91/12.6 ............................. 29.05 .5291 .4021
Grayish ................................................................. 4.9YR 6.10/11.9 ............................. 31.22 .5170 .4089
Light series:
Light and vivid A .......................................................... 5.8YR 6.78/12.7 ............................. 39.94 .5120 .4177
Light and yellow .......................................................... 6.0YR 6.80/12.8 ............................. 40.20 .5135 .4198
Light and vivid B .......................................................... 4.9YR 6.60/12.9 ............................. 37.47 .5216 .4126
Dark series:
Dark and yellow ........................................................... 5.8YR 5.98/11.0 ............................. 29.87 .5052 .4132
Dark A ......................................................................... 5.1YR 5.80/11.1 ............................. 27.80 .5127 .4094
Dark B ......................................................................... 5.0YR 5.80/11.0 ............................. 27.67 .5109 .4068
Central series:
Central color ......................................................... 4.3Y 7.87/10.3 ................................ 56.81 .4445 .4589
Vivid A .................................................................. 4.5Y 7.82/10.8 ................................ 55.92 .4503 .4658
Vivid B .................................................................. 3.3Y 7.72/11.35 .............................. 54.24 .4612 .4624
Vivid and orange .................................................. 3.2Y 7.72/10.8 ................................ 54.25 .4576 .4572
Grayish A ............................................................. 4.1Y 7.95/9.7 .................................. 58.18 .4380 .4516
Grayish B ............................................................. 5.1Y 8.06/9.05 ................................ 60.12 .4272 .4508
Green-yellow ........................................................ 5.2Y 7.97/9.9 .................................. 58.53 .4356 .4605
Light series:
Light ............................................................................. 5.4Y 8.59/10.5 ................................ 70.19 .4351 .4628
Light and green-yellow ................................................ 5.4Y 8.56/11.2 ................................ 69.59 .4414 .4692
Light and vivid ............................................................. 4.4Y 8.45/11.4 ................................ 67.42 .4490 .4662
Dark series:
Dark and green-yellow ................................................ 4.4Y 7.57/9.7 .................................. 51.82 .4423 .4562
Dark and orange A ...................................................... 3.4Y 7.39/10.4 ................................ 48.86 .4584 .4590
Dark and orange B ...................................................... 3.5Y 7.41/10.0 ................................ 49.20 .4517 .4544
Central series:
Central color ......................................................... 9.75G 4.26/7.75 ............................. 13.80 .2214 .3791
Grayish ................................................................. 10G 4.46/7.5 .................................. 15.25 .2263 .3742
Blue A ................................................................... 1.4BG 4.20/7.4 ............................... 13.36 .2151 .3625
Blue B ................................................................... 1.0BG 4.09/7.75 ............................. 12.60 .2109 .3685
Vivid ...................................................................... 8.4G 4.09/8.05 ............................... 12.59 .2183 .3954
Vivid green-yellow ................................................ 7.0G 4.23/8.0 ................................. 13.54 .2292 .4045
Green-yellow ........................................................ 7.85G 4.46/7.7 ............................... 15.23 .2313 .3914
Light series:
Light and vivid ............................................................. 9.5G 4.45/8.8 ................................. 15.21 .2141 .3863
Light and blue .............................................................. 0.2BG 4.31/8.8 ............................... 14.12 .2069 .3814
Light and green-yellow ................................................ 8.3G 4.29/9.05 ............................... 14.01 .2119 .4006
Dark series:
Dark and green-yellow ................................................ 7.1G 4.08/7.1 ................................. 12.55 .2354 .3972
Dark and grayish ......................................................... 9.5G 4.11/6.9 ................................. 12.70 .2282 .3764
Dark ............................................................................. 8.5G 3.97/7.2 ................................. 11.78 .2269 .3874
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 172, App. B
CIE data for source C
Color/series Munsell notation
Y x y
Central series:
Central color ......................................................... 3.5PB 3.94/9.7 ............................... 11.58 .1885 .1911
Green and grayish A ............................................ 2.0PB 4.35/8.7 ............................... 14.41 .1962 .2099
Green and grayish B ............................................ 1.7PB 4.22/9.0 ............................... 13.50 .1898 .2053
Vivid ...................................................................... 2.9PB 3.81/9.7 ............................... 10.78 .1814 .1852
Purple and vivid A ................................................ 4.7PB 3.53/10.0 ............................. 9.15 .1817 .1727
Purple and vivid B ................................................ 5.0PB 3.71/9.9 ............................... 10.20 .1888 .1788
Grayish ................................................................. 3.75PB 4.03/9.1 ............................. 12.17 .1943 .1961
Light series:
Light and green A ........................................................ 1.7PB 4.32/9.2 ............................... 14.22 .1904 .2056
Light and green B ........................................................ 1.5PB 4.11/9.6 ............................... 12.72 .1815 .1971
Light and vivid ............................................................. 3.2PB 3.95/10.05 ........................... 11.70 .1831 .1868
Dark series:
Dark and grayish ......................................................... 3.9PB 4.01/8.7 ............................... 12.04 .1982 .1992
Dark and purple A ....................................................... 4.8PB 3.67/9.3 ............................... 9.95 .1918 .1831
Dark and purple B ....................................................... 5.2PB 3.80/9.05 ............................. 10.76 .1985 .1885
Central series:
Central color ......................................................... 9.5P 4.71/11.3 ................................ 17.25 .3274 .2165
Red ....................................................................... 1.0RP 5.31/10.8 ............................. 22.70 .3404 .2354
Red and vivid A .................................................... 1.4RP 5.00/11.9 ............................. 19.78 .3500 .2274
Red and vivid B .................................................... 0.2RP 4.39/12.5 ............................. 14.70 .3365 .2059
Vivid ...................................................................... 8.0P 4.04/12.0 ................................ 12.23 .3098 .1916
Blue ...................................................................... 7.0P 4.39/10.8 ................................ 14.71 .3007 .2037
Grayish ................................................................. 8.8P 5.00/10.3 ................................ 19.73 .3191 .2251
Light series:
Light and red A ............................................................ 0.85RP 5.56/11.1 ........................... 25.18 .3387 .2356
Light and red B ............................................................ 1.1RP 5.27/12.3 ............................. 22.27 .3460 .2276
Light and vivid ............................................................. 9.2P 4.94/11.95 .............................. 19.24 .3247 .2163
Dark series:
Dark and grayish ......................................................... 9.6P 4.70/10.9 ................................ 17.19 .3283 .2204
Dark and vivid ............................................................. 8.4P 4.05/11.6 ................................ 12.35 .3144 .1970
Dark and blue .............................................................. 7.5P 4.32/10.5 ................................ 14.19 .3059 .2078
CIE data for source C Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
[Amdt. 172–50, 44 FR 9757, Feb. 15, 1979; Amdt. 172–50, 44 FR 10984, Feb. 26, 1979, as amended
by Amdt. 172–50, 44 FR 22467, Apr. 16, 1979; 50 FR 45731, Nov. 1, 1985; Amdt. 172–127, 59 FR 49133,
Sept. 26, 1994]
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Pt. 172, App. B 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 172, App. D
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Pt. 173 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
where the material is relinquished to an- 24. Past incidents;
other entity. Railroad facilities are railroad 25. Overall times in transit;
property including, but not limited to, clas- 26. Training and skill level of crews; and
sification and switching yards, storage fa- 27. Impact on rail network traffic and con-
cilities, and non-private sidings; however, gestion.
they do not include an offeror’s facility, pri-
[73 FR 20772, April 16, 2008]
vate track, private siding, or consignee’s fa-
cility. Each rail carrier must use best efforts
to communicate with its shippers, con- PART 173—SHIPPERS—GENERAL RE-
signees, and interlining partners to ensure QUIREMENTS FOR SHIPMENTS
the safety and security of shipments during
all stages of transportation.
C. Because of the varying operating envi-
ronments and interconnected nature of the Subpart A—General
rail system, each carrier must select and
document the analysis method/model used
173.1 Purpose and scope.
and identify the routes to be analyzed.
173.2 Hazardous materials classes and index
D. The safety and security risk analysis
to hazard class definitions.
must consider current data and information
173.2a Classification of a material having
as well as changes that may reasonably be
more than one hazard.
anticipated to occur during the analysis
173.3 Packaging and exceptions.
year. Factors to be considered in the per-
173.4 Small quantity exceptions.
formance of this safety and security risk
173.4a Excepted quantities.
analysis include:
1. Volume of hazardous material trans- 173.5 Agricultural operations.
ported; 173.5a Oilfield service vehicles and mechan-
2. Rail traffic density; ical displacement meter provers.
3. Trip length for route; 173.5b Portable and mobile refrigeration
4. Presence and characteristics of railroad systems.
facilities; 173.6 Materials of trade exceptions.
5. Track type, class, and maintenance 173.7 Government operations and materials.
schedule; 173.8 Exceptions for non-specification pack-
6. Track grade and curvature; agings used in intrastate transportation.
7. Presence or absence of signals and train 173.9 Transport vehicles or freight con-
control systems along the route (‘‘dark’’ tainers containing lading which has been
versus signaled territory); fumigated.
8. Presence or absence of wayside hazard 173.10 Tank car shipments.
detectors; 173.12 Exceptions for shipment of waste ma-
9. Number and types of grade crossings; terials.
10. Single versus double track territory; 173.13 Exceptions for Class 3, Divisions 4.1,
11. Frequency and location of track turn- 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, and Classes 8 and 9 mate-
outs; rials.
12. Proximity to iconic targets;
13. Environmentally sensitive or signifi- Subpart B—Preparation of Hazardous
cant areas; Materials for Transportation
14. Population density along the route;
15. Venues along the route (stations, 173.21 Forbidden materials and packages.
events, places of congregation); 173.22 Shipper’s responsibility.
16. Emergency response capability along 173.22a Use of packagings authorized under
the route; special permits.
17. Areas of high consequence along the 173.23 Previously authorized packaging.
route, including high consequence targets as 173.24 General requirements for packagings
defined in § 172.820(c); and packages.
18. Presence of passenger traffic along 173.24a Additional general requirements for
route (shared track); non-bulk packagings and packages.
19. Speed of train operations; 173.24b Additional general requirements for
20. Proximity to en-route storage or repair bulk packagings.
facilities; 173.25 Authorized packagings and over-
21. Known threats, including any non-pub- packs.
lic threat scenarios provided by the Depart- 173.26 Quantity limitations.
ment of Homeland Security or the Depart- 173.27 General requirements for transpor-
ment of Transportation for carrier use in the tation by aircraft.
development of the route assessment; 173.28 Reuse, reconditioning and remanufac-
22. Measures in place to address apparent ture of packagings.
safety and security risks; 173.29 Empty packagings.
23. Availability of practicable alternative 173.30 Loading and unloading of transport
routes; vehicles.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 173
173.31 Use of tank cars. 173.137 Class 8—Assignment of packing
173.32 Requirements for the use of portable group.
tanks. 173.140 Class 9—Definitions.
173.33 Hazardous materials in cargo tank 173.141 Class 9—Assignment of packing
motor vehicles. group.
173.34 [Reserved] 173.144 Other Regulated Materials (ORM)—
173.35 Hazardous materials in intermediate Definitions.
bulk containers (IBCs). 173.145 Other Regulated Materials—Assign-
173.36 Hazardous materials in Large Pack- ment of packing group.
agings. 173.150 Exceptions for Class 3 (flammable
173.40 General packaging requirements for and combustible liquids).
toxic materials packaged in cylinders. 173.151 Exceptions for Class 4.
173.152 Exceptions for Division 5.1
Subpart C—Definitions, Classification and (oxidizers) and Division 5.2 (organic per-
Packaging for Class 1 oxides).
173.153 Exceptions for Division 6.1 (poi-
173.50 Class 1—Definitions. sonous materials).
173.51 Authorization to offer and transport
173.154 Exceptions for Class 8 (corrosive ma-
173.52 Classification codes and compat-
173.155 Exceptions for Class 9 (miscella-
ibility groups of explosives.
neous hazardous materials).
173.53 Provisions for using old classifica-
173.156 Exceptions for ORM materials.
tions of explosives.
173.54 Forbidden explosives.
173.55 [Reserved] Subpart E—Non-bulk Packaging for Haz-
173.56 New explosives—Definition and proce- ardous Materials Other Than Class 1
dures for classification and approval. and Class 7
173.57 Acceptance criteria for new explo-
sives. 173.158 Nitric acid.
173.58 Assignment of class and division for 173.159 Batteries, wet.
new explosives. 173.159a Exceptions for non-spillable bat-
173.59 Description of terms for explosives. teries.
173.60 General packaging requirements for 173.160 Bombs, smoke, non-explosive (corro-
explosives. sive).
173.61 Mixed packaging requirements. 173.161 Chemical kits and first aid kits.
173.62 Specific packaging requirements for 173.162 Gallium.
explosives. 173.163 Hydrogen fluoride.
173.63 Packaging exceptions. 173.164 Mercury (metallic and articles con-
taining mercury).
Subpart D—Definitions, Classification, 173.166 Air bag inflators, air bag modules
Packing Group Assignments and Ex- and seat-belt pretensioners.
ceptions for Hazardous Material Other 173.168 Chemical oxygen generators.
173.170 Black powder for small arms.
Than Class 1 and Class 7 173.171 Smokeless powder for small arms.
173.115 Class 2, Divisions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3— 173.172 Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel
Definitions. tank.
173.116 Class 2—Assignment of hazard zone. 173.173 Paint, paint-related material, adhe-
173.117–173.119 [Reserved] sives and ink and resins.
173.120 Class 3—Definitions. 173.174 Refrigerating machines.
173.121 Class 3—Assignment of packing 173.181 Pyrophoric materials (liquids).
group. 173.182 Barium azide—50 percent or more
173.124 Class 4, Divisions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3— water wet.
Definitions. 173.183 Nitrocellulose base film.
173.125 Class 4—Assignment of packing 173.184 Highway or rail fusee.
group. 173.185 Lithium batteries and cells.
173.127 Class 5, Division 5.1—Definition and 173.186 Matches.
assignment of packing groups. 173.187 Pyrophoric solids, metals or alloys,
173.128 Class 5, Division 5.2—Definitions and n.o.s.
types. 173.188 White or yellow phosphorous.
173.129 Class 5, Division 5.2—Assignment of 173.189 Batteries containing sodium or cells
packing group. containing sodium.
173.132 Class 6, Division 6.1—Definitions. 173.192 Packaging for certain toxic gases in
173.133 Assignment of packing group and Hazard Zone A.
hazard zones for Division 6.1 materials. 173.193 Bromoacetone, methyl bromide,
173.134 Class 6, Division 6.2—Definitions and chloropicrin and methyl bromide or
exceptions. methyl chloride mixtures, etc.
173.136 Class 8—Definitions. 173.194 Gas identification sets.
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Pt. 173 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
173.195 Hydrogen cyanide, anhydrous, sta- 173.242 Bulk packagings for certain medium
bilized (hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solu- hazard liquids and solids, including solids
tion). with dual hazards.
173.196 Category A infectious substances. 173.243 Bulk packaging for certain high haz-
173.197 Regulated medical waste. ard liquids and dual hazard materials
173.198 Nickel carbonyl. which pose a moderate hazard.
173.199 Category B infectious substances. 173.244 Bulk packaging for certain
173.201 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- pyrophoric liquids (Division 4.2), dan-
ardous materials in Packing Group I. gerous when wet (Division 4.3) materials,
173.202 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- and poisonous liquids with inhalation
ardous materials in Packing Group II. hazards (Division 6.1).
173.203 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- 173.245 Bulk packaging for extremely haz-
ardous materials in Packing Group III. ardous materials such as poisonous gases
173.204 Non-bulk, non-specification pack- (Division 2.3).
agings for certain hazardous materials. 173.247 Bulk packaging for certain elevated
173.205 Specification cylinders for liquid temperature materials.
hazardous materials. 173.249 Bromine.
173.206 Packaging requirements for
chlorosilanes. Subpart G—Gases; Preparation and
173.211 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- Packaging
ardous materials in Packing Group I.
173.212 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- 173.300 [Reserved]
ardous materials in Packing Group II. 173.301 General requirements for shipment
173.213 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- of compressed gases and other hazardous
ardous materials in Packing Group III. materials in cylinders, UN pressure re-
173.214 Packagings which require approval ceptacles and spherical pressure vessels.
by the Associate Administrator. 173.301a Additional general requirements
173.216 Asbestos, blue, brown, or white. for shipment of specification cylinders.
173.217 Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice). 173.301b Additional general requirements
173.218 Fish meal or fish scrap. for shipment of UN pressure receptacles.
173.219 Life-saving appliances. 173.302 Filling of cylinders with nonlique-
173.220 Internal combustion engines, self- fied (permanent) compressed gases.
propelled vehicles, mechanical equip- 173.302a Additional requirements for ship-
ment containing internal combustion en- ment nonliquefied (permanent) com-
gines, and battery powered vehicles or pressed gases in specification cylinders.
equipment. 173.302b Additional requirements for ship-
173.221 Polymeric beads, expandable and ment of non-liquefied (permanent) com-
Plastic molding compound. pressed gases in UN pressure receptacles.
173.222 Dangerous good in machinery or ap- 173.303 Charging of cylinders with com-
paratus. pressed gas in solution (acetylene).
173.223 Packagings for certain flammable 173.304 Filling of cylinders with liquefied
solids. compressed gases.
173.224 Packaging and control and emer- 173.304a Additional requirements for ship-
gency temperatures for self-reactive ma- ment of liquefied compressed gases in
terials. specification cylinders.
173.225 Packaging requirements and other 173.304b Additional requirements for ship-
provisions for organic peroxides. ment of liquefied compressed gases in UN
173.226 Materials poisonous by inhalation, pressure receptacles.
Division 6.1, Packing Group I, Hazard 173.305 Charging of cylinders with a mixture
Zone A. of compressed gas and other material.
173.227 Materials poisonous by inhalation, 173.306 Limited quantities of compressed
Division 6.1, Packing Group I, Hazard gases.
Zone B. 173.307 Exceptions for compressed gases.
173.228 Bromine pentaflouride or bromine 173.308 Cigarette lighter or other similar de-
trifluoride. vice charged with fuel.
173.229 Chloric acid solution or chlorine di- 173.309 Fire extinguishers.
oxide hydrate, frozen. 173.310 Exceptions for radiation detectors.
173.230 Fuel cell cartridges containing haz- 173.312 Requirements for shipment of
ardous material. MEGCs.
173.313 UN Portable Tank Table for Lique-
Subpart F—Bulk Packaging for Hazardous fied Compressed Gases.
Materials Other Than Class 1 and Class 7 173.314 Compressed gases in tank cars and
multi-unit tank cars.
173.240 Bulk packaging for certain low haz- 173.315 Compressed gases in cargo tanks and
ard solid materials. portable tanks.
173.241 Bulk packagings for certain low haz- 173.316 Cryogenic liquids in cylinders.
ard liquid and solid materials. 173.318 Cryogenic liquids in cargo tanks.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 173
173.319 Cryogenic liquids in tank cars. 173.436 Exempt material activity concentra-
173.320 Cryogenic liquids; exceptions. tions and exempt consignment activity
173.321 Ethylamine. limits for radionuclides.
173.322 Ethyl chloride. 173.441 Radiation level limitations and ex-
173.323 Ethylene oxide. clusive use provisions.
173.334 Organic phosphates mixed with com- 173.442 Thermal limitations.
pressed gas. 173.443 Contamination control.
173.335 [Reserved] 173.447 Storage incident to transportation—
173.336 Nitrogen dioxide, liquefied, or general requirements.
dinitrogen tetroxide, liquefied. 173.448 General transportation require-
173.337 Nitric oxide. ments.
173.338 Tungsten hexafluoride. 173.453 Fissile materials—exceptions.
173.340 Tear gas devices. 173.457 Transportation of fissile material
packages—specific requirements.
Subpart H [Reserved] 173.459 Mixing of fissile material packages
with non-fissile or fissile-excepted mate-
Subpart I—Class 7 (Radioactive) Materials rial packages.
173.461 Demonstration of compliance with
173.401 Scope. tests.
173.403 Definitions. 173.462 Preparation of specimens for testing.
173.410 General design requirements. 173.465 Type A packaging tests.
173.411 Industrial packagings. 173.466 Additional tests for Type A pack-
173.412 Additional design requirements for agings designed for liquids and gases.
Type A packages. 173.467 Tests for demonstrating the ability
173.413 Requirements for Type B packages. of Type B and fissile materials pack-
173.415 Authorized Type A packages. agings to withstand accident conditions
173.416 Authorized Type B packages. in transportation.
173.417 Authorized fissile materials pack- 173.468 Test for LSA-III material.
ages. 173.469 Tests for special form Class 7 (radio-
173.418 Authorized packages—pyrophoric active) materials.
Class 7 (radioactive) materials. 173.471 Requirements for U.S. Nuclear Regu-
173.419 Authorized packages—oxidizing latory Commission approved packages.
Class 7 (radioactive) materials. 173.472 Requirements for exporting DOT
173.420 Uranium hexafluoride (fissile, fissile Specification Type B and fissile pack-
excepted and non-fissile). ages.
173.421 Excepted packages for limited quan- 173.473 Requirements for foreign-made
tities of Class 7 (radioactive) materials. packages.
173.422 Additional requirements for ex- 173.474 Quality control for construction of
cepted packages containing Class 7 (ra- packaging.
dioactive) materials. 173.475 Quality control requirements prior
173.423 Requirements for multiple hazard to each shipment of Class 7 (radioactive)
limited quantity Class 7 (radioactive) materials.
materials. 173.476 Approval of special form Class 7 (ra-
173.424 Excepted packages for radioactive dioactive) materials.
instruments and articles. 173.477 Approval of packagings containing
173.425 Table of activity limits—excepted greater than 0.1 kg of non-fissile or
quantities and articles. fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride.
173.426 Excepted packages for articles con-
taining natural uranium or thorium.
Subparts J–O [Reserved]
173.427 Transport requirements for low spe-
cific activity (LSA) Class 7 (radioactive)
materials and surface contaminated ob-
jects (SCO).
173.428 Empty Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
rials packaging.
173.431 Activity limits for Type A and Type
B packages.
173.433 Requirements for determining basic
radionuclide values, and for the listing of
radionuclides on shipping papers and la-
173.434 Activity-mass relationships for ura-
nium and natural thorium.
173.435 Table of A1 and A2 values for radio- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49
nuclides. CFR 1.45, 1.53.
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§ 173.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to (c) In general, the Hazardous Mate-
part 173 appear at 70 FR 56098, Sept. 23, 2005. rials Regulations (HMR) contained in
this subchapter are based on the UN
Subpart A—General Recommendations and are consistent
with international regulations issued
§ 173.1 Purpose and scope. by the International Civil Aviation Or-
(a) This part includes: ganization (ICAO Technical Instruc-
(1) Definitions of hazardous materials tions) and the International Maritime
for transportation purposes; Organization (IMDG Code). However,
the HMR are not consistent in all re-
(2) Requirements to be observed in
spects with the UN Recommendations,
preparing hazardous materials for ship-
the ICAO Technical Instructions or the
ment by air, highway, rail, or water, or
IMDG Code, and compliance with the
any combination thereof; and
HMR will not guarantee acceptance by
(3) Inspection, testing, and retesting regulatory bodies outside of the United
responsibilities for persons who retest, States.
recondition, maintain, repair and re-
build containers used or intended for [Amdt. 173–94, 41 FR 16062, Apr. 15, 1976, as
use in the transportation of hazardous amended by Amdt. 173–100, 41 FR 40476, Sept.
materials. 20, 1976; Amdt. 173–161, 48 FR 2655, Jan. 20,
1983; Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52606, Dec. 21, 1990;
(b) A shipment of hazardous mate- Amdt. 173–231, 57 FR 20953, May 15, 1992; 64
rials that is not prepared in accordance FR 10776, Mar. 5, 1999; 68 FR 61941, Oct. 30,
with this subchapter may not be of- 2003]
fered for transportation by air, high-
way, rail, or water. It is the responsi- § 173.2 Hazardous materials classes
bility of each hazmat employer subject and index to hazard class defini-
to the requirements of this subchapter tions.
to ensure that each hazmat employee The hazard class of a hazardous ma-
is trained in accordance with the re- terial is indicated either by its class
quirements prescribed in this sub- (or division) number, its class name, or
chapter. It is the duty of each person by the letters ‘‘ORM-D’’. The following
who offers hazardous materials for table lists class numbers, division num-
transportation to instruct each of his bers, class or division names and those
officers, agents, and employees having sections of this subchapter which con-
any responsibility for preparing haz- tain definitions for classifying haz-
ardous materials for shipment as to ap- ardous materials, including forbidden
plicable regulations in this subchapter. materials.
49 CFR ref-
Class Division No. Name of class or division erence for
No. (if any) definitions
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.2a
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52606, Dec. 21, 1990, as amended at 57 FR 45460, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 173–
234, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993]
NOTE 1: The most stringent packing group precedence over other packing groups; for
assigned to a hazard of the material takes example, a material meeting Class 3 PG II
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§ 173.3 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
and Division 6.1 PG I (oral toxicity) is classi- tation, must be open to inspection by a
fied as Class 3 PG I. duly authorized representative of the
NOTE 2: A material which meets the defini- initial carrier or of the Department.
tion of Class 8 and has an inhalation toxicity
by dusts and mists which meets criteria for
Methods of manufacture and related
Packing Group I specified in § 173.133(a)(1) functions necessary for completion of a
must be classed as Division 6.1 if the oral or DOT specification or U.N. standard
dermal toxicity meets criteria for Packing packaging must be open to inspection
Group I or II. If the oral or dermal toxicity by a representative of the Department.
meets criteria for Packing Group III or less, (b) The regulations setting forth
the material must be classed as Class 8.
packaging requirements for a specific
(c) The following materials are not material apply to all modes of trans-
subject to the provisions of paragraph portation unless otherwise stated, or
(a) of this section because of their unless exceptions from packaging re-
unique properties: quirements are authorized.
(1) A Class 1 (explosive) material that (c) Salvage drums. Packages of haz-
meets any other hazard class or divi- ardous materials that are damaged, de-
sion as defined in this part shall be as- fective, or leaking; packages found to
signed a division in Class 1. Class 1 ma- be not conforming to the requirements
terials shall be classed and approved in of this subchapter after having been
accordance with § 173.56 of this part; placed in transportation; and, haz-
(2) A Division 5.2 (organic peroxide) ardous materials that have spilled or
material that meets the definition of leaked may be placed in a metal or
any other hazard class or division as plastic removable head salvage drum
defined in this part, shall be classed as that is compatible with the lading and
Division 5.2; shipped for repackaging or disposal
(3) A Division 6.2 (infectious sub- under the following conditions:
stance) material that also meets the (1) Except as provided in paragraph
definition of another hazard class or di- (c)(7) of this section, the drum must be
vision, other than Class 7, or that also a UN 1A2, 1B2, 1N2 or 1H2 tested and
is a limited quantity Class 7 material, marked for Packing Group III or higher
shall be classed as Division 6.2; performance standards for liquids or
(4) A material that meets the defini- solids and a leakproofness test of 20
tion of a wetted explosive in kPa (3 psig). Alternatively, a drum
§ 173.124(a)(1) of this subchapter (Divi-
manufactured and marked prior to Oc-
sion 4.1). Wetted explosives are either
tober 1, 1993 as a salvage drum, in ac-
specifically listed in the § 172.101 table
cordance with the provisions of this
or are approved by the Associate Ad-
section in effect on September 30, 1991,
ministrator (see § 173.124(a)(1) of this
is authorized. Capacity of the drum
subchapter); and
may not exceed 450 L (119 gallons).
(5) A limited quantity of a Class 7
(radioactive) material that meets the (2) Each drum shall be provided when
definition for more than one hazard necessary with sufficient cushioning
class or division shall be classed in ac- and absorption material to prevent ex-
cordance with § 173.423. cessive shifting of the damaged pack-
age and to eliminate the presence of
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52606, Dec. 21, 1990, as any free liquid at the time the salvage
amended at 56 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. drum is closed. All cushioning and ab-
173–241, 59 FR 67490, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–
247, 60 FR 48787, Sept. 20, 1995; Amdt. 173–244,
sorbent material used in the drum
60 FR 50307, Sept. 28, 1995; 64 FR 10776, Mar. must be compatible with the hazardous
5, 1999; 66 FR 33426, June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45182, material.
45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45032, July 31, 2003] (3) Each salvage packaging must be
marked with the proper shipping name
§ 173.3 Packaging and exceptions. of the hazardous material inside the
(a) The packaging of hazardous mate- packaging and the name and address of
rials for transportation by air, high- the consignee. In addition, the pack-
way, rail, or water must be as specified aging must be marked ‘‘SALVAGE’’ or
in this part. Methods of manufacture, ‘‘SALVAGE DRUM’’.
packing, and storage of hazardous ma- (4) Each drum shall be labeled as pre-
terials, that affect safety in transpor- scribed for the respective material.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.3
(5) The shipper shall prepare shipping (iii) The name and address or reg-
papers in accordance with subpart C of istered symbol of the manufacturer;
part 172 of this subchapter. and
(6) Transportation is authorized by (iv) The words ‘‘SALVAGE CYL-
motor vehicle and cargo vessel only. INDER’’ in letters at least 50 mm (2.0
(7) A salvage packaging marked ‘‘T’’ inches) high on opposite sides near the
in accordance with applicable provi- middle of the cylinder; stamping on the
sions in the UN Recommendations may sidewall is not authorized.
be used. (4) Each salvage cylinder must be la-
(d) Salvage cylinders. Cylinders of haz- beled for the hazardous material con-
ardous materials that are damaged or tained inside the packaging.
leaking may be overpacked in a non- (5) The shipper must prepare shipping
DOT specification full opening hinged papers in accordance with subpart C of
head or fully removable head steel sal- part 172 of this subchapter.
vage cylinder under the following con- (6) Transportation is authorized by
ditions: motor vehicle only.
(1) Only a cylinder containing a Divi- (7) Each salvage cylinder must be
sion 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 6.1, or a Class 8 ma- cleaned and purged after each use.
terial may be overpacked in a salvage (8) In addition to the training re-
cylinder. A cylinder containing acety- quirements of §§ 172.700 through 172.704
lene may not be overpacked in a sal- of this subchapter, a person who loads,
vage cylinder. unloads or transports a salvage cyl-
(2) Each salvage cylinder— inder must be trained in handling,
(i) Must be designed, constructed and loading and unloading the salvage cyl-
marked in accordance with Section inder.
VIII, Division I of the ASME Code (9) Cylinder Requalification: At least
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) with once every five years, each cylinder
a minimum design margin of 4 to 1. must be visually inspected (internally
Salvage cylinders may not be equipped and externally) in accordance with
with a pressure relief device. Damaged CGA Pamphlet C–6 (IBR, see § 171.7 of
cylinders must be securely positioned this subchapter) and pressure tested. A
in the salvage cylinder to prevent ex- minimum test pressure of at least 11⁄2
cessive movement. The overpack re- times MAWP must be maintained for
quirements of § 173.25 of this part do at least 30 seconds. The cylinder must
not apply to salvage cylinders used in be examined under test pressure and
accordance with this section. removed from service if a leak or a de-
(ii) Must have a maximum water ca- fect is found.
pacity of 450 L (119 gallons). (i) The retest and inspection must be
(iii) Except for liquefied nitrous performed by a person familiar with
oxide and carbon dioxide, contents of salvage cylinders and trained and expe-
the damaged or leaking cylinder must rienced in the use of the inspection and
be limited in pressure and volume so testing equipment.
that if totally discharged into the sal- (ii) Each salvage cylinder that is suc-
vage cylinder, the pressure in the sal- cessfully requalified must be durably
vage cylinder will not exceed 5⁄4 of the and legibly marked with the word
MAWP at 55 °C (131 °F). ‘‘Tested’’ followed by the requalifica-
(iv) Must have gaskets, valves and tion date (month/year), e.g., ‘‘Tested 9/
fittings that are compatible with the 04.’’ The marking must be in letters
hazardous materials contained within. and numbers at least 12 mm (0.5 inches)
(3) Each salvage cylinder must be high. The requalification marking may
plainly and durably marked. Unless be placed on any portion of the upper
otherwise specified, the markings end of the cylinder near the marking
below must be in the same area on any required in (d)(3) of this section or on a
portion of the upper end: metal plate permanently secured to the
(i) The proper shipping name of the cylinder. Stamping on the cylinder
hazardous material contained inside sidewall is not authorized.
the packaging; (10) Record retention: The owner of
(ii) The name and address of the con- each salvage cylinder or his authorized
signee or consignor; agent shall retain a record of the most
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§ 173.4 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
recent visual inspection and pressure 3, Division 4.1, Division 4.2 (PG II and
test until the salvage cylinder is re- III), Division 4.3 (PG II and III), Divi-
qualified. The records must be made sion 5.1, Division 5.2, Division 6.1, Class
available to a DOT representative upon 7, Class 8, and Class 9 materials that
request. also meet the definition of one or more
(e) Emergency transportation of DOT of these hazard classes, are not subject
3A480 or 3AA480 cylinders and DOT to any other requirements of this sub-
106A500 multi-unit tank car tanks. (1) A chapter when—
DOT 3A480 or DOT 3AA480 cylinder con- (1) The maximum quantity of mate-
taining chlorine or sulphur dioxide rial per inner receptacle or article is
that has developed a leak in a valve or limited to—
fusible plug may be repaired tempo-
(i) Thirty (30) mL (1 ounce) for au-
rarily by trained personnel using a
thorized liquids, other than Division
Chlorine Institute Kit ‘‘A’’ (IBR, see
§ 171.7 of this subchapter). The repaired 6.1, Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A or
cylinder is authorized to be trans- B materials;
ported by private or contract carrier (ii) Thirty (30) g (1 ounce) for author-
one time, one way, from the point of ized solid materials;
discovery to a proper facility for dis- (iii) One (1) g (0.04 ounce) for author-
charge and examination. ized materials meeting the definition
(2) A DOT 106A500 multi-unit tank of a Division 6.1, Packing Group I, Haz-
car tank containing chlorine or sul- ard Zone A or B material; and
phur dioxide that has developed a leak (iv) An activity level not exceeding
in the valve or fusible plug may be that specified in §§ 173.421, 173.424,
temporarily repaired by trained per- 173.425 or 173.426, as appropriate, for a
sonnel using a Chlorine Institute Kit package containing a Class 7 (radio-
‘‘B’’ (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). active) material.
The repaired tank is authorized to be (2) With the exception of temperature
transported by private or contract car- sensing devices, each inner receptacle:
rier one time, one way, from the point (i) Is not liquid-full at 55 °C (131 °F),
of discovery to a proper facility for dis- and
charge and examination.
(ii) Is constructed of plastic having a
(3) Training for personnel making the
repairs in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of minimum thickness of no less than 0.2
this section must include: mm (0.008 inch), or earthenware, glass,
(i) Proper use of the devices and tools or metal;
in the applicable kits; (3) Each inner receptacle with a re-
(ii) Use of respiratory equipment and movable closure has its closure held se-
all other safety equipment; and curely in place with wire, tape, or
(iii) Knowledge of the properties of other positive means;
chlorine and sulphur dioxide. (4) Unless equivalent cushioning and
(4) Packagings repaired with ‘‘A’’ or absorbent material surrounds the in-
‘‘B’’ kits must be properly blocked and side packaging, each inner receptacle
braced to ensure the packagings are se- is securely packed in an inside pack-
cured in the transport vehicle. aging with cushioning and absorbent
material that:
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52607, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. (i) Will not react chemically with the
173–234, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173– material, and
261, 62 FR 24719, May 6, 1997; 66 FR 45380, Aug. (ii) Is capable of absorbing the entire
28, 2001; 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003; 69 FR 76154, contents (if a liquid) of the receptacle;
Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR 3307, Jan. 24, 2005; 68 FR (5) The inside packaging is securely
61941, Oct. 30, 2003; 70 FR 34397, June 14, 2005;
70 FR 56098, Sept. 23, 2005; 75 FR 27213, May
packed in a strong outer packaging;
14, 2010] (6) The completed package, as dem-
onstrated by prototype testing, is capa-
§ 173.4 Small quantities for highway ble of sustaining—
and rail. (i) Each of the following free drops
(a) When transported domestically by made from a height of 1.8 m (5.9 feet)
highway or rail in conformance with directly onto a solid unyielding surface
this section, small quantities of Class without breakage or leakage from any
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.4a
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§ 173.4a 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(1) For other than a Division 2.2 or (5) Placement of the material in the
Division 5.2 material: package or packing different materials
(i) Packing Group I—300 g (0.66 in the package must not result in a
pounds) for solids or 300 mL (0.08 gal- violation of § 173.21.
lons) for liquids; (6) Each package must be of such a
(ii) Packing Group II—500 g (1.1 size that there is adequate space to
pounds) for solids or 500 mL (0.1 gal- apply all necessary markings.
lons) for liquids; (7) The package is not opened or oth-
(iii) Packing Group III—1 kg (2.2 erwise altered until it is no longer in
pounds) for solids or 1 L (0.2 gallons) commerce.
for liquids; (8) Overpacks may be used and may
(2) For Division 2.2 material, 1 L (61 also contain packages of hazardous ma-
cubic inches); or terial or other materials not subject to
(3) For Division 5.2 material, 500 g the HMR subject to the requirements
(1.1 pounds) for solids or 250 mL (0.05 of § 173.25.
gallons) for liquids. (f) Package tests. The completed pack-
age as prepared for transport, with
(e) Packaging materials. Packagings
inner packagings filled to not less than
used for the transport of excepted
95% of their capacity for solids or 98%
quantities must meet the following:
for liquids, must be capable of with-
(1) Each inner receptacle must be
standing, as demonstrated by testing
constructed of plastic, or of glass, por-
which is appropriately documented,
celain, stoneware, earthenware or
without breakage or leakage of any
metal. When used for liquid hazardous
inner packaging and without signifi-
materials, plastic inner packagings
cant reduction in effectiveness:
must have a thickness of not less than
(1) Drops onto a solid unyielding sur-
0.2 mm (0.008 inch).
face from a height of 1.8 m (5.9 feet):
(2) Each inner packaging with a re- (i) Where the sample is in the shape
movable closure must have its closure of a box, it must be dropped in each of
held securely in place with wire, tape the following orientations:
or other positive means. Each inner re- (A) One drop flat on the bottom;
ceptacle having a neck with molded (B) One drop flat on the top;
screw threads must have a leak proof, (C) One drop flat on the longest side;
threaded type cap. The closure must (D) One drop flat on the shortest side;
not react chemically with the mate- and
rial. (E) One drop on a corner at the junc-
(3) Each inner packaging must be se- tion of three intersecting edges.
curely packed in an intermediate pack- (ii) Where the sample is in the shape
aging with cushioning material in such of a drum, it must be dropped in each
a way that, under normal conditions of of the following orientations:
transport, it cannot break, be punc- (A) One drop diagonally on the top
tured or leak its contents. The inter- chime, with the center of gravity di-
mediate packaging must completely rectly above the point of impact;
contain the contents in case of break- (B) One drop diagonally on the base
age or leakage, regardless of package chime; and
orientation. For liquid hazardous ma- (C) One drop flat on the side.
terials, the intermediate packaging (2) A compressive load as specified in
must contain sufficient absorbent ma- § 178.606(c) of this subchapter. Each of
terial that: the tests in this paragraph (f) of this
(i) Will absorb the entire contents of section may be performed on a dif-
the inner packaging. ferent but identical package; that is,
(ii) Will not react dangerously with all tests need not be performed on the
the material or reduce the integrity or same package.
function of the packaging materials. (g) Marking. Excepted quantities of
(iii) The absorbent material may be hazardous materials packaged,
the cushioning material. marked, and otherwise offered and
(4) The intermediate packaging must transported in accordance with this
be securely packed in a strong, rigid section must be durably and legibly
outer packaging. marked with the following marking:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.4b
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§ 173.5 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(7) The aggregate quantity of haz- Division 5.1, PG III, in a bulk pack-
ardous material per package does not aging, or
exceed 100 g (0.22 pounds) for solids or (ii) 1900 L (502 gallons) for liquids or
100 mL (3.38 ounces) for liquids; gases, or 2,300 kg (5,070 lbs.) for solids,
(8) The gross mass of the completed of any other agricultural product;
package does not exceed 29 kg (64 (3) The movement and packaging of
pounds); the agricultural product conform to
(9) The package is not opened or oth- the requirements of the State in which
erwise altered until it is no longer in
it is transported and are specifically
commerce; and
authorized by a State statute or regu-
(10) For transportation by aircraft:
(i) The hazardous material is author- lation in effect before October 1, 1998;
ized to be carried aboard passenger-car- and
rying aircraft in Column 9A of the (4) Each person having any responsi-
§ 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table; bility for transporting the agricultural
and product or preparing the agricultural
(ii) Material packed in accordance product for shipment has been in-
with this section may not be carried in structed in the applicable requirements
checked or carry-on baggage. of this subchapter.
(b) [Reserved] (c) Formulated liquid agricultural
[74 FR 2255, Jan. 14, 2009, as amended at 75
products in specification packagings of
FR 5393, Feb. 2, 2010] 220 L (58 gallons) capacity, or less, with
closures manifolded to a closed mixing
§ 173.5 Agricultural operations. system and equipped with positive dry
(a) For other than a Class 2 material, disconnect devices may be transported
the transportation of an agricultural by a private motor carrier between a
product over local roads between fields final distribution point and an ulti-
of the same farm is excepted from the mate point of application or for load-
requirements of this subchapter. A ing aboard an airplane for aerial appli-
Class 2 material transported over local cation.
roads between fields of the same farm (d) See § 173.315(m) pertaining to
is excepted from subparts G and H of nurse tanks of anhydrous ammonia.
part 172 of this subchapter. In either (e) See § 173.6 pertaining to materials
instance, transportation of the haz- of trade.
ardous material is subject to the fol- (f) See § 172.800(b) pertaining to secu-
lowing conditions: rity plans.
(1) It is transported by a farmer who
is an intrastate private motor carrier; [Amdt. 173–259, 62 FR 1215, Jan. 8, 1997, as
and amended by Amdt. 173–262, 62 FR 49566, Sept.
22, 1997; Amdt. 173–259, 63 FR 8142, Feb. 18,
(2) The movement of the agricultural
1998; 65 FR 50460, Aug. 18, 2000; 70 FR 73165,
product conforms to requirements of Dec. 9, 2005; 73 FR 4717, Jan. 28, 2008]
the State in which it is transported
and is specifically authorized by a § 173.5a Oilfield service vehicles and
State statute or regulation in effect be- mechanical displacement meter
fore October 1, 1998. provers.
(b) The transportation of an agricul-
(a) Oilfield service vehicles. Notwith-
tural product to or from a farm, within
standing § 173.29 of this subchapter, a
150 miles of the farm, is excepted from
the requirements in subparts G and H cargo tank motor vehicle used in oil-
of part 172 of this subchapter and from field servicing operations is not subject
the specific packaging requirements of to the specification requirements of
this subchapter when: this subchapter provided—
(1) It is transported by a farmer who (1) The cargo tank and equipment
is an intrastate private motor carrier; contains only residual amounts (i.e., it
(2) The total amount of agricultural is emptied so far as practicable) of a
product being transported on a single flammable liquid alone or in combina-
motor vehicle does not exceed: tion with water,
(i) 7,300 kg (16,094 lbs.) of ammonium (2) No flame producing device is oper-
nitrate fertilizer properly classed as ated during transportation, and
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.5a
(3) The proper shipping name is pre- time sufficiently long to assure detec-
ceded by ‘‘RESIDUE: LAST CON- tion of leaks, but in no case less than
TAINED * * * ’’ on the shipping paper 5 minutes.
for each movement on a public high- (4) In addition to the training re-
way. quirements in subpart H, the person
(b) Mechanical displacement meter who performs the visual inspection or
provers. (1) A mechanical displacement pressure test and/or signs the inspec-
meter prover, as defined in § 171.8 of tion report must have the knowledge
this subchapter, permanently mounted and ability to perform them as re-
on a truck chassis or trailer and trans- quired by this section.
ported by motor vehicle is excepted (5) A meter prover that fails the peri-
from the specification packaging re- odic test and inspection must be re-
quirements in part 178 of this sub- jected and removed from hazardous
chapter provided it— materials service unless the meter
(i) Contains only the residue of a Di- prover is adequately repaired, and
vision 2.1 (flammable gas) or Class 3 thereafter, a successful test is con-
(flammable liquid) material. For liq- ducted in accordance with the require-
uids, the meter prover must be drained ments of this section.
to not exceed 10% of its capacity or, to (6) Prior to any repair work, the
the extent that draining of the meter meter prover must be emptied of any
prover is impracticable, to the max-
hazardous material. A meter prover
imum extent practicable. For gases,
containing flammable lading must be
the meter prover must not exceed 25%
of the marked pressure rating;
(ii) Has a water capacity of 3,785 L (7) Each meter prover successfully
(1,000 gallons) or less; completing the external visual inspec-
(iii) Is designed and constructed in tion and the pressure test must be
accordance with chapters II, III, IV, V marked with the test date (month/
and VI of ASME Standard B31.4 (IBR, year), and the type of test or inspec-
see § 171.7 of this subchapter); tion as follows:
(iv) Is marked with the MAWP deter- (i) V for external visual inspection;
mined from the pipe component with and
the lowest pressure rating; and (ii) P for pressure test.
(v) Is equipped with rear-end protec- The marking must be on the side of a
tion as prescribed in § 178.337–10(c) of tank or the largest piping component
this subchapter and 49 CFR 393.86 of the in letters 32 mm (1.25 inches) high on a
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regula- contrasting background.
tions. (8) The owner must retain a record of
(2) The description on the shipping the most recent external visual inspec-
paper for a meter prover containing the tion and pressure test until the next
residue of a hazardous material must test or inspection of the same type is
include the phrase ‘‘RESIDUE: LAST successfully completed. The test or in-
CONTAINED * * * ’’ before the basic spection report must include the fol-
description. lowing:
(3) Periodic test and inspection. (i) (i) Serial number or other meter
Each meter prover must be externally prover identifier;
visually inspected once a year. The ex- (ii) Type of test or inspection per-
ternal visual inspection must include formed;
at a minimum: checking for leakage, (iii) Test date (month/year);
defective fittings and welds, defective (iv) Location of defects found, if any,
closures, significant dents and other and method used to repair each defect;
defects or abnormalities which indicate
(v) Name and address of person per-
a potential or actual weakness that
forming the test or inspection;
could render the meter prover unsafe
for transportation; and (vi) Disposition statement, such as
(ii) Each meter prover must be pres- ‘‘Meter Prover returned to service’’ or
sure tested once every 5 years at not ‘‘Meter Prover removed from service’’.
less than 75% of design pressure. The [70 FR 3308, Jan. 24, 2005, as amended at 75
pressure must be held for a period of FR 27213, May 14, 2010]
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§ 173.5b 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.6
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§ 173.6 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.7
without affecting its eligibility for ex- port vehicle from the transport vehicle
ceptions provided by this section. carrying the hazardous materials that
[Amdt. 173–259, 62 FR 1216, Jan. 8, 1997, as
are excepted by this paragraph. A docu-
amended by Amdt. 173–262, 62 FR 49566, Sept. ment certifying that the shipment is
22, 1997; 62 FR 51560, Oct. 1, 1997; Amdt. 173– for the purpose of national security
259, 63 FR 8142, Feb. 18, 1998; 63 FR 52849, Oct. must be in the possession of the person
1, 1998; 66 FR 45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 53137, in charge of providing security during
Aug. 14, 2002; 68 FR 75742, Dec. 31, 2003; 68 FR transportation.
61941, Oct. 30, 2003; 71 FR 32258, June 2, 2006; (c) Shipments of explosive samples,
72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
not exceeding 1 g net weight, offered by
§ 173.7 Government operations and and consigned to the Bureau of Alco-
materials. hol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) of
the Department of the Treasury are
(a) Hazardous materials offered for
not otherwise subject to the regula-
transportation by, for, or to the De-
tions in parts 110–189 of this subchapter
partment of Defense (DOD) of the U.S.
when placed in a specifically designed
Government, including commercial
multi-unit assembly packed in a strong
shipments pursuant to a DOD contract,
outer packaging. The packaging must
must be packaged in accordance with
the regulations in this subchapter or in be of a type accepted by ATF as capa-
packagings of equal or greater strength ble of precluding a propagation of any
and efficiency as certified by DOD in explosion outside the packaging. The
accordance with the procedures pre- second component from the outside of
scribed by ‘‘Packaging of Hazardous the packaging must be marked or
Material, DLAD 4145.41/AR 700–143/AFJI tagged to indicate the presence of an
24–210/NAVSUPINST 4030.55B/MCO explosive.
4030.40B (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- (d) Notwithstanding the require-
chapter).’’ Hazardous materials offered ments of §§ 173.416 and 173.417 of this
for transportation by DOD under this subchapter, packagings made by or
provision may be reshipped by any under the direction of the U.S. Depart-
shipper to any consignee provided the ment of Energy may be used for the
original packaging has not been dam- transportation of Class 7 materials
aged or altered in any manner. when evaluated, approved, and certified
(1) Hazardous materials sold by the by the Department of Energy against
DOD in packagings that are not packaging standards equivalent to
marked in accordance with the require- those specified in 10 CFR part 71. Pack-
ments of this subchapter may be ages shipped in accordance with this
shipped from DOD installations if the paragraph shall be marked and other-
DOD certifies in writing that the pack- wise prepared for shipment in a manner
agings are equal to or greater in equivalent to that required by this sub-
strength and efficiency than the pack- chapter for packagings approved by the
aging prescribed in this subchapter. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The shipper shall obtain such a certifi- (e) Class 1 (explosive) materials
cation in duplicate for each shipment. owned by the Department of Defense
He shall give one copy to the origi- and packaged prior to January 1, 1990,
nating carrier and retain the other for in accordance with the requirements of
no less than 1 year. this subchapter in effect at that time,
(2) [Reserved] are excepted from the marking and la-
(b) Shipments of hazardous mate- beling requirements of part 172 of this
rials, made by or under the direction or subchapter and the packaging and
supervision of the U.S. Department of package marking requirements of part
Energy (DOE) or the Department of De- 178 of this subchapter, provided the
fense (DOD), for the purpose of na- packagings have maintained their in-
tional security, and which are escorted tegrity and the explosive material is
by personnel specifically designated by declared as ‘‘government-owned goods
or under the authority of those agen- packaged prior to January 1, 1990’’ on
cies, are not subject to the require- the shipping papers. In addition, pack-
ments of this subchapter. For transpor- ages of these materials owned by the
tation by a motor vehicle or a rail car, Department of Defense that are
the escorts must be in a separate trans- marked and labeled in conformance
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§ 173.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
with the requirements of the HMR that leum product in accordance with the
were in effect at the time they were provisions of paragraph (d) of this sec-
originally marked and labeled are ex- tion.
cepted from the current marking and (c) Permanently secured non-bulk tanks
labeling requirements. for petroleum products. Notwithstanding
(f) The requirements of this sub- requirements for specification pack-
chapter do not apply to shipments of agings in subpart F of this part 173 and
hazardous materials carried aboard an parts 178 and 180 of this subchapter, a
aircraft that is not owned by a govern- non-specification metal tank perma-
ment or engaged in carrying persons or
nently secured to a transport vehicle
property for commercial purposes, but
and protected against leakage or dam-
is under the exclusive direction and
age in the event of a turnover, having
control of the government for a period
of not less than 90 days as specified in a capacity of less than 450 L (119 gal-
a written contract or lease. An aircraft lons), may be used by an intrastate
is under the exclusive direction and motor carrier for transportation of a
control of a government when the gov- flammable liquid petroleum product in
ernment exercises responsibility for: accordance with the provisions of para-
(1) Approving crew members and de- graph (d) of this section.
termining they are qualified to operate (d) Additional requirements. A pack-
the aircraft; aging used under the provisions of
(2) Determining the airworthiness paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of this section
and directing maintenance of the air- must—
craft; and (1) Be operated by an intrastate
(3) Dispatching the aircraft, includ- motor carrier and in use as a pack-
ing the times of departure, airports to aging for hazardous material before Oc-
be used, and type and amount of cargo tober 1, 1998;
to be carried. (2) Be operated in conformance with
[29 FR 18671, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 the requirements of the State in which
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] it is authorized;
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- (3) Be specifically authorized by a
tations affecting § 173.7, see the List of CFR State statute or regulation in effect be-
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- fore October 1, 1998, for use as a pack-
ing Aids section of the printed volume and aging for the hazardous material being
on GPO Access.
§ 173.8 Exceptions for non-specifica- (4) Be offered for transportation and
tion packagings used in intrastate transported in conformance with all
transportation. other applicable requirements of this
(a) Non-specification bulk packagings. subchapter;
Notwithstanding requirements for (5) Not be used to transport a flam-
specification packagings in subpart F mable cryogenic liquid, hazardous sub-
of this part and parts 178 and 180 of this stance, hazardous waste, or a marine
subchapter, a non-specification bulk pollutant (except for gasoline); and
packaging may be used for transpor- (6) On and after July 1, 2000, for a
tation of a hazardous material by an tank authorized under paragraph (b) or
intrastate motor carrier until July 1, (c) of this section, conform to all re-
2000, in accordance with the provisions quirements in part 180 (except for
of paragraph (d) of this section. § 180.405(g)) of this subchapter in the
(b) Non-specification cargo tanks for pe- same manner as required for a DOT
troleum products. Notwithstanding re-
specification MC 306 cargo tank motor
quirements for specification pack-
agings in subpart F of this part and
parts 178 and 180 of this subchapter, a [Amdt. 173–259, 62 FR 1216, Jan. 8, 1997, as
non-specification cargo tank motor ve- amended by Amdt. 172–262, 62 FR 49567, Sept.
hicle having a capacity of less than 22, 1997; Amdt. 173–259, 63 FR 8142, Feb. 18,
13,250 L (3,500 gallons) may be used by 1998; 66 FR 45380, Aug. 28, 2001]
an intrastate motor carrier for trans-
portation of a flammable liquid petro-
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.9
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§ 173.9 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(2) The ‘‘*’’ shall be replaced with the (1) Has been completely ventilated ei-
technical name of the fumigant. ther by opening the doors of the unit or
(f) A closed cargo transport unit that by mechanical ventilation after fumi-
has been fumigated is not subject to gation, and
any other provisions of this subchapter (2) Displays the FUMIGANT mark-
if it— ing, including the date of ventilation.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.10
(g) For international shipments, tion) for such removal. The consignee
transport documents should indicate must furnish adequately safe mechan-
the date of fumigation, type and ical hoist, obtained from the carrier if
amount of fumigant used, and instruc- desirable, by which the tanks shall be
tions for disposal of any residual fumi- lifted from the car and deposited di-
gant, including fumigation devices. rectly upon vehicles furnished by the
(h) Any person subject to the require- consignee for immediate removal from
ments of this section, solely due to the carrier property or tanks must be lift-
fumigated lading, must be informed of
ed by adequately safe mechanical hoist
the requirements of this section and
from car directly to vessels for further
the safety precautions necessary to
protect themselves and others in the transportation.
event of an incident or accident involv- (c) Any tank car of other than DOT-
ing the fumigated lading. 106A or 110A type (see §§ 179.300 and
(i) Any person who offers for trans- 179.301 of this subchapter), containing
portation or transports a rail car, anhydrous ammonia, liquefied hydro-
freight container, truck body or trailer carbon or liquefied petroleum gas, and
that is subject to this subchapter sole- having interior pipes of liquid and gas
ly because of the hazardous materials discharge valves equipped with check
designation specified in paragraph (a) valves, may be consigned for delivery
of this section is not subject to any re- and unloading on carrier tracks, if the
quirements of this subchapter other lading is piped directly from the car to
than those contained in this section. permanent storage tanks of sufficient
[71 FR 78629, Dec. 29, 2006] capacity to receive the entire contents
of the car. Such cars may also be con-
§ 173.10 Tank car shipments. signed for storage on a private track or
(a) Tank cars containing any 2.1 ma- on a carrier track when designated by
terial (including a cryogenic liquid) or the carrier for such storage.
Class 3 material with a flash point (d) For cars of the DOT-106A or 110A
below 38 °C (100 °F), except liquid road type (see §§ 179.300 and 179.301 of this
asphalt or tar, may not be offered for subchapter), the tanks must be placed
transportation unless originally con- in position and attached to the car
signed or subsequently reconsigned to structure by the shipper.
parties having private-siding (see Note (e) Class 3 materials with a flash
1 of this section) or to parties using
point below 38 °C (100 °F) and Division
railroad siding facilities which have
2.1 materials (including a cryogenic
been equipped for piping the liquid
from tank cars to permanent storage liquid) may not be loaded into tank
tanks of sufficient capacity to receive cars on carrier property from tank
contents of car. trucks or drums.
(b) A tank car containing any Class 2 NOTE 1: For this purpose, a private track is
material must not be offered for trans- a track outside of carrier’s right-of-way,
portation unless the car is consigned yard, and terminals, and of which the carrier
for delivery (see paragraph (c) of this does not own either the rails, ties, roadbed
section) and unloading on a private or right-of-way; or a track or portion of a
track (see Note 1 of this section) except track which is devoted to the purpose of its
that where no private track is avail- user, either by lease or written agreement;
able, delivery and unloading on carrier in which case the lease or written agreement
tracks is permitted provided the fol- will be considered as equivalent to owner-
lowing conditions are complied with: ship.
(1) Any tank car of DOT-106A or 110A NOTE 2: Carriers should give permission for
type (see §§ 179.300 and 179.301 of this the unloading of these containers on carrier
tracks only where no private siding is avail-
subchapter) may be offered for trans-
able within reasonable trucking distance of
portation and the loaded unit tanks final destination. The danger involved is the
may be removed from car frame on car- release of compressed gases due to accidental
rier tracks, provided the shipper has
obtained from the delivering carrier
and filed with originating carrier, writ-
ten permission (see Note 2 of this sec-
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§ 173.12 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
damage to container in handling. The expo- Division 4.2 Packing Group I materials
sure to this danger decreases directly with must be packaged using UN standard
the isolation of the unloading point. steel or plastic drums tested and
[29 FR 18773, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 marked to the Packing Group I per-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and by Amdt. 173–162, 48 formance level for liquids or solids; and
FR 10226, Mar. 10, 1983, and amended by bromine pentafluoride and bromine
Amdt. 173–180, 49 FR 42735, Oct. 24, 1984;
Amdt. 173–207, 53 FR 38274, Sept. 29, 1988;
trifluoride may not be packaged using
Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52608, Dec. 21, 1990; 56 UN 4G fiberboard boxes:
FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 173–234, 58 FR (A) A UN 1A2 or UN 1B2 metal drum,
51532, Oct. 1, 1993; 67 FR 61013, Sept. 27, 2002] a UN 1D plywood drum, a UN 1G fiber
drum, or a UN 1H2 plastic drum, tested
§ 173.12 Exceptions for shipment of and marked to at least the Packing
waste materials. Group III performance level for liquids
(a) Open head drums. If a hazardous or solids;
material that is a hazardous waste is (B) At a minimum, a double-walled
required by this subchapter to be UN 4G fiberboard box made out of 500
shipped in a closed head drum (i.e., a pound burst-strength fiberboard fitted
drum with a 7.0 cm (3 inches) or less with a polyethylene liner at least 3
bung opening) and the hazardous waste mils (0.12 inches) thick and when filled
contains solids or semisolids that make during testing to 95 percent capacity
its placement in a closed head drum with a solid material, successfully
impracticable, an equivalent (except passes the tests prescribed in §§ 178.603
for closure) open head drum may be (drop) and 178.606 (stacking), and is ca-
used for the hazardous waste. pable of passing the tests prescribed in
(b) Lab packs. (1) Waste materials § 178.608 (vibration) to at least the
prohibited by paragraph (b)(3) of this Packing Group II performance level for
section are not authorized for trans- liquids or solids; or
port in packages authorized by this
(C) A UN 11G fiberboard intermediate
paragraph (b). Waste materials classed
bulk container (IBC) or a UN 11HH2
as Class or Division 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1,
composite IBC, fitted with a poly-
5.2, 6.1, 8, or 9 are excepted from the
ethylene liner at least 6 mils (0.24
specification packaging requirements
inches) thick, that successfully passes
of this subchapter for combination
the tests prescribed in Subpart O of
packagings if packaged in accordance
Part 178 and § 178.603 to at least the
with this paragraph (b) and transported
Packing Group II performance level for
for disposal or recovery by highway,
liquids or solids; a UN 11HH2 is com-
rail or cargo vessel. In addition, a ge-
neric description from the § 172.101 Haz- posed of multiple layers of encap-
ardous Materials Table may be used in sulated corrugated fiberboard between
place of specific chemical names, when inner and outer layers of woven coated
two or more chemically compatible polypropylene.
waste materials in the same hazard (iii) The gross weight of each com-
class are packaged in the same outside pleted combination package may not
packaging. exceed 205 kg (452 lbs).
(2) Combination packaging require- (3) Prohibited materials. The following
ments: waste materials may not be packaged
(i) Inner packagings. The inner pack- or described under the provisions of
agings must be either glass, not ex- this paragraph (b): a material poi-
ceeding 4 L (1 gallon) rated capacity, or sonous-by-inhalation, a Division 6.1
metal or plastic, not exceeding 20 L (5.3 Packing Group I material, chloric acid,
gallons) rated capacity. Inner pack- and oleum (fuming sulfuric acid).
agings containing liquid must be sur- (c) Reuse of packagings. A previously
rounded by a chemically compatible used packaging may be reused for the
absorbent material in sufficient quan- shipment of waste material trans-
tity to absorb the total liquid contents. ported for disposal or recovery, not
(ii) Outer packaging. Each outer pack- subject to the reconditioning and reuse
aging may contain only one class of provisions contained in § 173.28 and part
waste material. The following outer 178 of this subchapter, under the fol-
packagings are authorized except that lowing conditions:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.12
(1) Except as authorized by this para- (2) Waste cyanides and waste acids. For
graph, the waste must be packaged in waste cyanides stored, loaded, and
accordance with this part and offered transported with waste acids:
for transportation in accordance with (i) The cyanide or a cyanide mixture
the requirements of this subchapter. may not exceed 2 kg (4.4 pounds) net
(2) Transportation is performed by weight per inner packaging and may
highway only. not exceed 10 kg (22 pounds) net weight
(3) A package is not offered for trans- per outer packaging; a cyanide solution
portation less than 24 hours after it is may not exceed 2 L (0.6 gallon) per
finally closed for transportation, and inner packaging and may not exceed 10
each package is inspected for leakage L (3.0 gallons) per outer packaging; and
and is found to be free from leaks im- (ii) The acids must be packaged in
mediately prior to being offered for lab packs in accordance paragraph (b)
transportation. of this section or in single packagings
(4) Each package is loaded by the authorized for the acid in Column (8B)
shipper and unloaded by the consignee, of the § 172.101 Hazardous Materials
unless the motor carrier is a private or Table of this subchapter not to exceed
contract carrier. 208 L (55 gallons) capacity.
(5) The packaging may be used only (3) Waste Division 4.2 materials and
once under this paragraph and may not waste Class 8 liquids. For waste Division
be used again for shipment of haz-
4.2 materials stored, loaded, and trans-
ardous materials except in accordance
ported with waste Class 8 liquids:
with § 173.28.
(i) The Division 4.2 material may not
(d) Technical names for n.o.s. descrip-
tions. The requirements for the inclu- exceed 2 kg (4.4 pounds) net weight per
sion of technical names for n.o.s. de- inner packaging and may not exceed 10
scriptions on shipping papers and pack- kg (22 pounds) net weight per outer
age markings, §§ 172.203 and 172.301 of packaging; and
this subchapter, respectively, do not (ii) The Class 8 liquid must be pack-
apply to packages prepared in accord- aged in lab packs in accordance with
ance with paragraph (b) of this section, paragraph (b) of this section or in sin-
except that packages containing mate- gle packagings authorized for the ma-
rials meeting the definition of a haz- terial in Column (8B) of the § 172.101
ardous substance must be described as Hazardous Materials Table of this sub-
required in § 172.203 of this subchapter chapter not to exceed 208 L (55 gallons)
and marked as required in § 172.324 of capacity.
this subchapter. (4) Waste Division 6.1 Packing Group I,
(e) Segregation requirements. Waste Hazard Zone A material and waste Class
materials packaged according to para- 3, Class 8 liquids, or Division 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
graph (b) of this section and trans- 5.1 and 5.2 materials. For waste Division
ported in conformance with this para- 6.1 Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A
graph (e) are not subject to the seg- material stored, loaded, and trans-
regation requirements in §§ 174.81(d), ported with waste Class 8 liquids, or
176.83(b), and 177.848(d) if blocked and Division 4.2, 4.3, 5.1 and 5.2 materials:
braced in such a manner that they are (i) The Division 6.1 Packing Group I,
separated from incompatible materials Hazard Zone A material must be pack-
by a minimum horizontal distance of aged in accordance with § 173.226(c) of
1.2 m (4 feet) and the packages are this subchapter and overpacked in a
loaded at least 100 mm (4 inches) off UN standard steel or plastic drum
the floor of the freight container, unit meeting the Packing Group I perform-
load device, transport vehicle, or rail ance level;
car. The following conditions specific (ii) The Class 8 liquid must be pack-
to incompatible materials also apply: aged in lab packs in accordance with
(1) General restrictions. The freight paragraph (b) of this section or in sin-
container, unit load device, transport gle packagings authorized for the ma-
vehicle, or rail car may not contain terial in Column (8B) of the § 172.101
any Class 1 explosives, Class 7 radio- Hazardous Materials Table of this sub-
active material, or uncontainerized chapter not to exceed 208 L (55 gallons)
hazardous materials; capacity.
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§ 173.13 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(iii) The Division 4.2 material may accordance with applicable state, local,
not exceed 2 kg (4.4 pounds) net weight or tribal requirements.
per inner packaging and may not ex- [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52609, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ceed 10 kg (22 pounds) net weight per amended at 56 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
outer packaging; 173–231, 57 FR 52939, Nov. 5, 1992; Amdt. 173–
(iv) The Division 5.1 materials may 138, 59 FR 49133, Sept. 26, 1994; 65 FR 50460,
not exceed 2 kg (4.4 pounds) net weight Aug. 18, 2000; 65 FR 58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR
48569, Aug. 14, 2003; 70 FR 3309, Jan. 24, 2005;
per inner packaging and may not ex-
73 FR 4717, Jan. 28, 2008; 74 FR 2255, Jan. 14,
ceed 10 kg (22 pounds) net weight per 2009; 75 FR 27214, May 14, 2010]
outer packaging. The aggregate net
weight per freight container, unit load § 173.13 Exceptions for Class 3, Divi-
device, transport vehicle, or rail car sions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, and Class-
may not exceed 100 kg (220 pounds); es 8 and 9 materials.
(v) The Division 5.2 material may not (a) A Class 3, 8 or 9, or Division 4.1,
exceed 1 kg (2.2 pounds) net weight per 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, or 6.1 material is excepted
inner packaging and may not exceed 5 from the labeling (except for the
kg (11 pounds) net weight per outer CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label),
packaging. Organic Peroxide, Type B placarding and segregation require-
material may not exceed 0.5 kg (1.1 ments of this subchapter if prepared for
pounds) net weight per inner packaging transportation in accordance with the
and may not exceed 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) requirements of this section. A mate-
net weight per outer packaging. The rial that meets the definition of a ma-
aggregate net weight per freight con- terial poisonous by inhalation may not
tainer, unit load device, transport vehi- be offered for transportation or trans-
cle, or rail car may not exceed 50 kg ported under provisions of this section.
(110 pounds). (b) A hazardous material conforming
to the requirements of this section
(f) Additional exceptions. Lab packs
may be transported by motor vehicle
conforming to the requirements of this
and rail car. In addition, packages pre-
section are not subject to the fol- pared in accordance with this section
lowing: may be transported by aircraft under
(1) The overpack marking and label- the following conditions:
ing requirements in § 173.25(a)(2) of this (1) Cargo-only aircraft. Only hazardous
subchapter when secured to a pallet materials permitted to be transported
with shrink-wrap or stretch-wrap ex- aboard either a passenger or cargo-only
cept that labels representative of each aircraft by column (9A) or (9B) of the
Hazard Class or Division in the over- Hazardous Materials Table in § 172.101
pack must be visibly displayed on two of this subchapter are authorized
opposing sides. aboard cargo-only aircraft.
(2) The restrictions for overpacks (2) Passenger carrying aircraft. Only
containing Class 8, Packing Group I hazardous materials permitted to be
material and Division 5.1, Packing transported aboard a passenger aircraft
Group I material in § 173.25(a)(5) of this by column (9A) of the Hazardous Mate-
subchapter. These waste materials may rials Table in § 172.101 of this sub-
be overpacked with other materials. chapter are authorized aboard pas-
(g) Household waste. Household waste, senger aircraft. The completed pack-
as defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, age, assembled as for transportation,
is not subject to the requirements of must be successfully tested in accord-
this subchapter when transported in ance with part 178 of this subchapter at
the Packing Group I level. A hazardous
accordance with applicable state, local,
material which meets the definition of
or tribal requirements.
a Division 5.1 (oxidizer) at the Packing
(f) Household waste. Household waste, Group I level in accordance with
as defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, § 173.127(b)(1)(i) of this subchapter may
is not subject to the requirements of not be transported aboard a passenger
this subchapter when transported in aircraft.
(3) Packages offered for transpor-
tation aboard either passenger or
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.21
cargo-only aircraft must meet the re- quantity of material in any inner pack-
quirements for transportation by air- aging may not exceed 2.85kg (6.25
craft specified in § 173.27 of this sub- pounds). For transportation by air-
chapter. craft, the net quantity in one package
(c) A hazardous material permitted may not exceed the quantity specified
by paragraph (a) of this section must in columns (9A) or (9B), as appropriate.
be packaged as follows: (ii) The inner packaging must be
(1) For liquids: placed in a hermetically sealed barrier
(i) The hazardous material must be bag which is impervious to the lading.
placed in a tightly closed glass, plastic (iii) The barrier bag and its contents
or metal inner packaging with a max- must be placed in a fiberboard box that
imum capacity not exceeding 1.2 L. is placed in a hermetically-sealed bar-
Sufficient outage must be provided rier bag which is impervious to the lad-
such that the inner packaging will not ing.
become liquid full at 55 °C (130 °F). The (iv) The intermediate packaging
net quantity (measured at 20 °C (68 °F)) must be placed inside an outer pack-
of liquid in any inner packaging may aging conforming to § 173.211.
not exceed 1 L. For transportation by (v) Not more than four intermediate
aircraft, the net quantity in one pack- packagings are permitted in an outer
age may not exceed the quantity speci- packaging.
fied in columns (9A) or (9B), as appro- (d) The outside of the package must
priate. be marked, in association with the
(ii) The inner packaging must be proper shipping name, with the state-
placed in a hermetically sealed barrier ment: ‘‘This package conforms to 49
bag which is impervious to the lading, CFR 173.13.’’
and then wrapped in a non-reactive ab- [Amdt. 173–253, 61 FR 27173, May 30, 1996, as
sorbent material in sufficient quantity amended at 65 FR 50460, Aug. 18, 2000; 66 FR
to completely absorb the contents of 45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 3309, Jan. 24, 2005;
the inner packaging. Alternatively, the 71 FR 54395, Sept. 14, 2006; 75 FR 27215, May
inner packaging may first be wrapped 14, 2010]
in a non-reactive absorbent material
and then placed in the hermetically Subpart B—Preparation of Haz-
sealed barrier bag. The combination of ardous Materials for Transpor-
inner packaging, absorbent material, tation
and bag must be placed in a snugly fit-
ting metal can. § 173.21 Forbidden materials and pack-
(iii) The metal can must be securely ages.
closed. For liquids that are in Division Unless otherwise provided in this
4.2 or 4.3, the metal can must be her- subchapter, the offering for transpor-
metically sealed. For Division 4.2 ma- tation or transportation of the fol-
terials in Packing Group I, the metal lowing is forbidden:
can must be tested in accordance with (a) Materials that are designated
part 178 of this subchapter at the Pack- ‘‘Forbidden’’ in Column 3 of the
ing Group I performance level. § 172.101 table.
(iv) The metal can must be placed in (b) Forbidden explosives as defined in
a fiberboard box that is placed in a her- § 173.54 of this part.
metically sealed barrier bag which is (c) Electrical devices, such as bat-
impervious to the lading. teries and battery-powered devices,
(v) The intermediate packaging must which are likely to create sparks or
be placed inside a securely closed, generate a dangerous evolution of heat,
outer packaging conforming to unless packaged in a manner which
§ 173.201. precludes such an occurrence.
(vi) Not more than four intermediate (d) For carriage by aircraft, any
packagings are permitted in an outer package which has a magnetic field of
packaging. more than 0.00525 gauss measured at 4.5
(2) For solids: m (15 feet) from any surface of the
(i) The hazardous material must be package.
placed in a tightly closed glass, plastic (e) A material in the same pack-
or metal inner packaging. The net aging, freight container, or overpack
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§ 173.21 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.22
instructions for the vehicle operator on (i) Except for a package containing a
actions to take if the inside tempera- lighter design sample that meets the
ture exceeds the control temperature requirements of § 173.308(b)(2), a pack-
and approaches or reaches the emer- age containing a lighter (see § 171.8 of
gency temperature for the material. In this subchapter) containing a Division
addition, the written temperature-con- 2.1 material, of a design that has not
trol procedures must identify enroute been examined and successfully tested
points where the consumable refrig- by an authorized person under the cri-
erant may be procured, or where re- teria specified in § 173.308(a)(4) or, a
pairs to, or replacement of, the me- lighter design containing a Class 3 ma-
chanical refrigeration unit may be ac- terial, that has not been approved by
complished. the Associate Administrator.
(E) The vehicle operator shall main- (j) An organic peroxide of the ‘‘ke-
tain the written temperature-control tone peroxide’’ category which con-
procedures, and the written record of tains more than 9 percent available ox-
temperature measurements specified in ygen as calculated using the equation
paragraph (f)(3)(i)(C) of this section, if in § 173.128(a)(4)(ii). The category, ke-
applicable, in the same manner as spec- tone peroxide, includes, but is not lim-
ified in § 177.817 of this subchapter for ited to:
shipping papers. Acetyl acetone peroxide
(F) If the control temperature is Cyclohexanone peroxide(s)
maintained by use of a consumable re- Diacetone alcohol peroxides
frigerant (e.g., dry ice or liquid nitro- Methylcyclohexanone peroxide(s)
gen), the quantity of consumable re- Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide(s)
Methyl isobutyl ketone peroxide(s)
frigerant must be sufficient to main-
tain the control temperature for twice (k) Notwithstanding any other provi-
the average transit time under normal sion of this subchapter, including sub-
conditions of transportation. part C of part 171 and 175.10(a)(2) of this
(G) A material that has a control subchapter, an oxygen generator
temperature of 40 °C (104 °F) or higher (chemical) as cargo on a passenger-car-
may be transported by common car- rying aircraft. This prohibition does
rier. A material that has a control not apply to an oxygen generator for
temperature below 40 °C (104 °F) must medical or personal use of a passenger
be transported by a private or contract that meets the requirements of
carrier. § 175.10(a)(7) of this subchapter.
(ii) For transportation by vessel, [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52609, Dec. 21, 1990]
shipments are authorized in accordance
with the control temperature require-
tations affecting § 173.21, see the List of CFR
ments in Chapter 7.7 of the IMDG Code Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). ing Aids section of the printed volume and
(g) Packages which give off a flam- on GPO Access.
mable gas or vapor, released from a
material not otherwise subject to this § 173.22 Shipper’s responsibility.
subchapter, likely to create a flam- (a) Except as otherwise provided in
mable mixture with air in a transport this part, a person may offer a haz-
vehicle. ardous material for transportation in a
(h) Packages containing materials packaging or container required by
(other than those classed as explosive) this part only in accordance with the
which will detonate in a fire. following:
(1) For purposes of this paragraph, (1) The person shall class and de-
‘‘detonate’’ means an explosion in scribe the hazardous material in ac-
which the shock wave travels through cordance with parts 172 and 173 of this
the material at a speed greater than subchapter, and
the speed of sound. (2) The person shall determine that
(2) When tests are required to evalu- the packaging or container is an au-
ate the performance of a package under thorized packaging, including part 173
the provisions of this paragraph, the requirements, and that it has been
testing must be done or approved by manufactured, assembled, and marked
one of the agencies specified in § 173.56. in accordance with:
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§ 173.22a 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(i) Section 173.7(a) and parts 173, 178, representative of the Department upon
or 179 of this subchapter; request for the time period of the pack-
(ii) A specification of the Department aging’s periodic retest date, i.e., every
in effect at the date of manufacture of 12 months for single or composite pack-
the packaging or container; agings and every 24 months for com-
(iii) National or international regula- bination packagings.
tions based on the UN Recommenda- (b) No person may offer a motor car-
tions (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- rier any hazardous material specified
chapter), as authorized in § 173.24(d)(2); in 49 CFR 385.403 unless that motor car-
(iv) An approval issued under this rier holds a safety permit issued by the
subchapter; or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminis-
(v) An exemption or special permit tration.
issued under subchapter A of this chap- (c) Prior to each shipment of fissile
ter. radioactive materials, and Type B or
(3) In making the determination highway route controlled quantity
under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, packages of radioactive materials (see
the person may accept: § 173.403), the shipper shall notify the
(i) Except for the marking on the consignee of the dates of shipment and
bottom of a metal or plastic drum with expected arrival. The shipper shall also
a capacity over 100 L which has been notify each consignee of any special
reconditioned, remanufactured or oth- loading/unloading instructions prior to
erwise converted, the manufacturer’s his first shipment. For any shipment of
certification, specification, approval, irradiated reactor fuel, the shipper
or exemption or special permit mark- shall provide physical protection in
ing (see §§ 178.2 and 179.1 of this sub- compliance with a plan established
chapter); or under:
(ii) With respect to cargo tanks pro- (1) Requirements prescribed by the
vided by a carrier, the manufacturer’s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
identification plate or a written cer- or
tification of specification or exemption (2) Equivalent requirements approved
or special permit provided by the car- by the Associate Administrator.
rier. [Amdt. 173–100, 42 FR 2689, Jan. 13, 1977]
(4) For a DOT Specification or UN
standard packaging subject to the re- tations affecting § 173.22, see the List of CFR
quirements of part 178 of this sub- Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
chapter, a person must perform all ing Aids section of the printed volume and
functions necessary to bring the pack- on GPO Access.
age into compliance with parts 173 and
178 of this subchapter, as identified by § 173.22a Use of packagings authorized
the packaging manufacturer or subse- under special permits.
quent distributor (for example, apply- (a) Except as provided in paragraph
ing closures consistent with the manu- (b) of this section, no person may offer
facturer’s closure instructions) in ac- a hazardous material for transpor-
cordance with § 178.2 of this subchapter. tation in a packaging the use of which
A person must maintain a copy of the is dependent upon an exemption or spe-
manufacturer’s notification, including cial permit issued under subpart B of
closure instructions (see § 178.2(c) of part 107 of this title, unless that person
this subchapter) unless permanently is the holder of or a party to the ex-
embossed or printed on the packaging. emption or special permit.
When applicable, a person must main- (b) If an exemption or special permit
tain a copy of any supporting docu- authorizes the use of a packaging for
mentation for an equivalent level of the transportation of a hazardous ma-
performance under the selective test- terial by any person or class of persons
ing variation in § 178.601(g)(1) of this other than or in addition to the holder
subchapter. A copy of the notification, of the exemption or special permit,
unless permanently embossed or print- that person or a member of that class
ed on the packaging, and supporting of persons may use the packaging for
documentation, when applicable, must the purposes authorized in the exemp-
be made available for inspection by a tion or special permit subject to the
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.24
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§ 173.24 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.24
exceed 0.5 percent for materials meet- gaskets or other closure components, if
ing the definition of a Division 6.1 ma- any) used on a specification packaging
terial according to § 173.132 and 2.0 per- must conform to all applicable require-
cent for other hazardous materials, ments of the specification and must be
when subjected to a temperature no closed in accordance with information,
lower than— as applicable, provided by the manufac-
(A) 18 °C (64 °F) for 180 days in ac- turer’s notification required by § 178.2
cordance with Test Method 1 in appen- of this subchapter.
dix B of this part; (g) Venting. Venting of packagings, to
(B) 50 °C (122 °F) for 28 days in accord- reduce internal pressure which may de-
ance with Test Method 2 in appendix B velop by the evolution of gas from the
of this part; or contents, is permitted only when—
(C) 60 °C (140 °F) for 14 days in accord-
(1) Except for shipments of cryogenic
ance with Test Method 3 in appendix B
liquids as specified in § 173.320(c) and of
of this part.
(iii) Alternative procedures or rates carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), trans-
of permeation are permitted if they portation by aircraft is not involved;
yield a level of safety equivalent to or (2) Except as otherwise provided in
greater than that provided by para- this subchapter, the evolved gases are
graph (e)(3)(ii) of this section and are not poisonous, likely to create a flam-
specifically approved by the Associate mable mixture with air or be an as-
Administrator. phyxiant under normal conditions of
(4) Mixed contents. Hazardous mate- transportation;
rials may not be packed or mixed to- (3) The packaging is designed so as to
gether in the same outer packaging preclude an unintentional release of
with other hazardous or nonhazardous hazardous materials from the recep-
materials if such materials are capable tacle;
of reacting dangerously with each (4) For bulk packagings, other than
other and causing— IBCs, venting is authorized for the spe-
(i) Combustion or dangerous evo- cific hazardous material by a special
lution of heat; provision in the § 172.101 table or by the
(ii) Evolution of flammable, poi- applicable bulk packaging specification
sonous, or asphyxiant gases; or in part 178 of this subchapter; and
(iii) Formation of unstable or corro- (5) Intermediate bulk packagings
sive materials. (IBCs) may be vented when required to
(5) Packagings used for solids, which reduce internal pressure that may de-
may become liquid at temperatures velop by the evolution of gas subject to
likely to be encountered during trans- the requirements of paragraphs (g)(1)
portation, must be capable of con- through (g)(3) of this section. The IBC
taining the hazardous material in the
must be of a type that has successfully
liquid state.
passed (with the vent in place) the ap-
(f) Closures. (1) Closures on pack-
plicable design qualification tests with
agings shall be so designed and closed
no release of hazardous material.
that under conditions (including the ef-
fects of temperature, pressure and vi- (h) Outage and filling limits—(1) Gen-
bration) normally incident to transpor- eral. When filling packagings and re-
tation— ceptacles for liquids, sufficient ullage
(i) Except as provided in paragraph (outage) must be left to ensure that
(g) of this section, there is no identifi- neither leakage nor permanent distor-
able release of hazardous materials to tion of the packaging or receptacle will
the environment from the opening to occur as a result of an expansion of the
which the closure is applied; and liquid caused by temperatures likely to
(ii) The closure is leakproof and se- be encountered during transportation.
cured against loosening. For air trans- Requirements for outage and filling
port, stoppers, corks or other such fric- limits for non-bulk and bulk pack-
tion closures must be held in place by agings are specified in §§ 173.24a(d) and
positive means. 173.24b(a), respectively.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in (2) Compressed gases and cryogenic liq-
this subchapter, a closure (including uids. Filling limits for compressed
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§ 173.24a 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
gases and cryogenic liquids are speci- out rupture or leakage, the vibration
fied in §§ 173.301 through 173.306 for cyl- test procedure specified in § 178.608 of
inders and §§ 173.314 through 173.319 for this subchapter.
bulk packagings. (b) Non-bulk packaging filling limits. (1)
(i) Air transportation. Except as pro- A single or composite non-bulk pack-
vided in subpart C of part 171 of this aging may be filled with a liquid haz-
subchapter, packages offered or in- ardous material only when the specific
tended for transportation by aircraft gravity of the material does not exceed
must conform to the general require- that marked on the packaging, or a
ments for transportation by aircraft in
specific gravity of 1.2 if not marked,
§ 173.27.
except as follows:
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52610, Dec. 21, 1990, as (i) A Packing Group I packaging may
amended by Amdt. 173–227, 56 FR 49989, Oct. be used for a Packing Group II mate-
2, 1991; 56 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 173–
238, 59 FR 38064, July 26, 1994; Amdt. 173–241, rial with a specific gravity not exceed-
59 FR 67491, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–242, 60 ing the greater of 1.8, or 1.5 times the
FR 26805, May 18, 1995; 66 FR 8647, Feb. 1, specific gravity marked on the pack-
2001; 66 FR 45379, 81, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45032, aging, provided all the performance
July 31, 2003; 68 FR 75742, Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR criteria can still be met with the high-
76154, Dec. 20, 2004; 72 FR 25176, May 3, 2007;
er specific gravity material;
73 FR 4717, Jan. 28, 2008; 74 FR 2255, Jan. 14,
2009] (ii) A Packing Group I packaging
may be used for a Packing Group III
§ 173.24a Additional general require- material with a specific gravity not ex-
ments for non-bulk packagings and ceeding the greater of 2.7, or 2.25 times
packages. the specific gravity marked on the
(a) Packaging design. Except as pro- packaging, provided all the perform-
vided in § 172.312 of this subchapter: ance criteria can still be met with the
(1) Inner packaging closures. A com- higher specific gravity material; and
bination packaging containing liquid (iii) A Packing Group II packaging
hazardous materials must be packed so may be used for a Packing Group III
that closures on inner packagings are material with a specific gravity not ex-
upright. ceeding the greater of 1.8, or 1.5 times
(2) Friction. The nature and thickness
the specific gravity marked on the
of the outer packaging must be such
packaging, provided all the perform-
that friction during transportation is
not likely to generate an amount of ance criteria can still be met with the
heat sufficient to alter dangerously the higher specific gravity material.
chemical stability of the contents. (2) Except as otherwise provided in
(3) Securing and cushioning. Inner this section, a non-bulk packaging may
packagings of combination packagings not be filled with a hazardous material
must be so packed, secured and cush- to a gross mass greater than the max-
ioned to prevent their breakage or imum gross mass marked on the pack-
leakage and to control their shifting aging.
within the outer packaging under con- (3) A single or composite non-bulk
ditions normally incident to transpor- packaging which is tested and marked
tation. Cushioning material must not for liquid hazardous materials may be
be capable of reacting dangerously filled with a solid hazardous material
with the contents of the inner pack- to a gross mass, in kilograms, not ex-
agings or having its protective prop- ceeding the rated capacity of the pack-
erties significantly weakened in the aging in liters, multiplied by the spe-
event of leakage. cific gravity marked on the packaging,
(4) Metallic devices. Nails, staples and or 1.2 if not marked. In addition:
other metallic devices shall not pro-
(i) A single or composite non-bulk
trude into the interior of the outer
packaging in such a manner as to be packaging which is tested and marked
likely to damage inner packagings or for Packing Group I liquid hazardous
receptacles. materials may be filled with a solid
(5) Vibration. Each non-bulk package Packing Group II hazardous material
must be capable of withstanding, with-
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.24a
to a gross mass, in kilograms, not ex- form to the relevant packaging sec-
ceeding the rated capacity of the pack- tions of this part applicable to that
aging in liters, multiplied by 1.5, multi- hazardous material;
plied by the specific gravity marked on (ii) The package as prepared for ship-
the packaging, or 1.2 if not marked. ment meets the performance tests pre-
(ii) A single or composite non-bulk scribed in part 178 of this subchapter
packaging which is tested and marked for the packing group indicating the
for Packing Group I liquid hazardous highest order of hazard for the haz-
materials may be filled with a solid ardous materials contained in the
Packing Group III hazardous material package;
to a gross mass, in kilograms, not ex-
(iii) Corrosive materials (except
ceeding the rated capacity of the pack-
aging in liters, multiplied by 2.25, mul- ORM-D) in bottles are further packed
tiplied by the specific gravity marked in securely closed inner receptacles be-
on the packaging, or 1.2 if not marked. fore packing in outer packagings; and
(iii) A single or composite non-bulk (iv) For transportation by aircraft,
packaging which is tested and marked the total net quantity does not exceed
for Packing Group II liquid hazardous the lowest permitted maximum net
materials may be filled with a solid quantity per package as shown in Col-
Packing Group III hazardous material umn 9a or 9b, as appropriate, of the
to a gross mass, in kilograms, not ex- § 172.101 table. The permitted maximum
ceeding the rated capacity of the pack- net quantity must be calculated in
aging in liters, multiplied by 1.5, multi- kilograms if a package contains both a
plied by the specific gravity marked on liquid and a solid.
the packaging, or 1.2 if not marked. (2) A packaging containing inner
(4) Packagings tested as prescribed in packagings of Division 6.2 materials
§ 178.605 of this subchapter and marked may not contain other hazardous mate-
with the hydrostatic test pressure as rials except—
prescribed in § 178.503(a)(5) of this sub- (i) Refrigerants, such as dry ice or
chapter may be used for liquids only
liquid nitrogen, as authorized under
when the vapor pressure of the liquid
the HMR;
conforms to one of the following:
(i) The vapor pressure must be such (ii) Anticoagulants used to stabilize
that the total pressure in the pack- blood or plasma; or
aging (i.e., the vapor pressure of the (iii) Small quantities of Class 3, Class
liquid plus the partial pressure of air or 8, Class 9, or other materials in Pack-
other inert gases, less 100 kPa (15 psia)) ing Groups II or III used to stabilize or
at 55 °C (131 °F), determined on the prevent degradation of the sample, pro-
basis of a maximum degree of filling in vided the quantity of such materials
accordance with paragraph (d) of this does not exceed 30 mL (1 ounce) or 30 g
section and a filling temperature of 15 (1 ounce) in each inner packaging. The
°C (59 °F)), will not exceed two-thirds of maximum quantity in an outer pack-
the marked test pressure; age, including a hazardous material
(ii) The vapor pressure at 50 °C (122 used to preserve or stabilize a sample,
°F) must be less than four-sevenths of may not exceed 4 L (1 gallon) or 4 kg
the sum of the marked test pressure (8.8 pounds). Such preservatives are not
plus 100 kPa (15 psia); or subject to the requirements of this sub-
(iii) The vapor pressure at 55 °C (131 chapter.
°F) must be less than two-thirds of the (d) Liquids must not completely fill a
sum of the marked test pressure plus receptacle at a temperature of 55 °C
100 kPa (15 psia).
(131 °F) or less.
(5) No hazardous material may re-
main on the outside of a package after [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52611, Dec. 21, 1990, as
filling. amended at 56 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
(c) Mixed contents. (1) An outer non- 45460, Oct. 1, 1992; 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993;
bulk packaging may contain more than Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50624, Sept. 26, 1996; 66
one hazardous material only when— FR 45380, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 61941, Oct. 30,
(i) The inner and outer packagings 2003; 71 FR 32258, June 2, 2006]
used for each hazardous material con-
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§ 173.24b 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.26
codes, and tank provision codes, or and the overpack is marked with pack-
other special provisions assigned to the age orientation marking arrows on two
hazardous material in Column (7) of opposite vertical sides of the overpack
the Table. In addition, the portable with the arrows pointing in the correct
tank must— direction of orientation.
(i) Conform to applicable provisions (4) The overpack is marked with the
in the UN Recommendations (IBR, see word ‘‘OVERPACK’’ when specification
§ 171.7 of this subchapter) and the re- packagings are required, unless speci-
quirements of this subpart; fication markings on the inside pack-
(ii) Be capable of passing the pre- ages are visible.
scribed tests and inspections in part 180 (5) Packages containing Class 8 (cor-
of this subchapter applicable to the UN rosive) materials in Packing Group I or
portable tank specification; Division 5.1 (oxidizing) materials in
(iii) Be designed and manufactured Packing Group I may not be over-
according to the ASME Code (IBR, see packed with any other materials.
§ 171.7 of this subchapter) or a pressure (b) Shrink-wrapped or stretch-
vessel design code approved by the As- wrapped trays may be used as outer
sociate Administrator; packagings for inner packagings pre-
(iv) Be approved by the Associate Ad- pared in accordance with the limited
ministrator when the portable tank is quantity provisions or consumer com-
designed and constructed under the modity provisions of this subchapter,
provisions of an alternative arrange- provided that—
ment (see § 178.274(a)(2) of this sub- (1) Inner packagings are not fragile,
chapter); and liable to break or be easily punctured,
(v) The competent authority of the such as those made of glass, porcelain,
country of manufacture must provide stoneware or certain plastics; and
reciprocal treatment for UN portable
(2) Each complete package does not
tanks manufactured in the United
exceed 20 kg (44 lbs) gross weight.
(c) Hazardous materials which are re-
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52612, Dec. 21, 1990, as quired to be labeled POISON may be
amended at 56 FR 66266, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. transported in the same motor vehicle
173–234, 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173– with material that is marked or known
243, 60 FR 40038, Aug. 4, 1995; Amdt. 173–252, 61
FR 28676, June 5, 1996; Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR
to be foodstuffs, feed or any edible ma-
50624, Sept. 26, 1996; 66 FR 33426, June 21, 2001; terial intended for consumption by hu-
67 15743, Apr. 3, 2002; 68 FR 75742, Dec. 31, 2003; mans or animals provided the haz-
74 FR 2255, Jan. 14, 2009] ardous material is marked, labeled,
and packaged in accordance with this
§ 173.25 Authorized packagings and subchapter, conforms to the require-
overpacks. ments of paragraph (a) of this section
(a) Authorized packages containing and is overpacked as specified in
hazardous materials may be offered for § 177.841(e) of this subchapter or in an
transportation in an overpack as de- overpack which is a UN 1A2, 1B2, or 1N2
fined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, if all drum tested and marked for a Packing
of the following conditions are met: Group II or higher performance level.
(1) The package meets the require-
[Amdt. 173–165, 48 FR 28099, June 20, 1983, as
ments of §§ 173.21 and 173.24 of this sub-
amended by Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52612 Dec.
chapter. 21, 1990; 56 FR 66266, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 173–
(2) The overpack is marked with the 234, 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173–214, 59
proper shipping name and identifica- FR 67491, Dec. 29, 1994; 64 FR 10776, Mar. 5,
tion number, when applicable, and is 1999; 68 FR 45032, July 31, 2003; 69 FR 76155,
labeled as required by this subchapter Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR 34397, June 14, 2005; 73 FR
for each hazardous material contained 57005, Oct. 1, 2008]
therein, unless marking and labels rep-
resentative of each hazardous material § 173.26 Quantity limitations.
in the overpack are visible. When quantity limitations do not ap-
(3) Each package subject to the ori- pear in the packaging requirements of
entation marking requirements of this subchapter, the permitted gross
§ 172.312 of this subchapter is packed in weight or capacity authorized for a
the overpack with its filling holes up packaging is as shown in the packaging
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§ 173.27 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.27
Not greater than 0.5L ............................................................... 0.5L ................................... 0.5L.
Greater than 0.5L. not greater than lL ..................................... 0.5L ................................... lL.
Greater than 1L, not greater than 5L ....................................... 1L ...................................... 5L.
Greater than 5L, not greater than 60L ..................................... 2.5L ................................... 10L.
Greater than 60L, not greater than 220L ................................. 5L ...................................... 25L.
Greater than 220L .................................................................... No limit .............................. No limit.
Not greater than 5 kg ............................................................... 0.5 kg ................................ 1 kg.
Greater than 5 kg, not greater than 25 kg ............................... 1 kg ................................... 2.5 kg.
Greater than 25 kg, not greater than 200 kg ........................... 5 kg ................................... 10 kg.
Greater than 200 kg ................................................................. No limit .............................. No limit.
Not greater than 2.5L ............................................................... 1L ...................................... 1L.
Greater than 2.5L, not greater than 30L .................................. 2.5L ................................... 2.5L.
Greater than 30L, not greater than 60L ................................... 5L ...................................... 10L.
Greater than 60L, not greater than 220L ................................. 5L ...................................... 25L.
Greater than 220L .................................................................... No limit .............................. No limit.
Not greater than 15 kg ............................................................. 1 kg ................................... 2.5 kg.
Greater than 15 kg, not greater than 50 kg ............................. 2.5 kg ................................ 5 kg.
Greater than 50 kg, not greater than 200 kg ........................... 5 kg ................................... 10 kg.
Greater than 200 kg ................................................................. No limit .............................. No limit.
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§ 173.28 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(g) Cylinders. For any cylinder con- (i) Retested without failure in ac-
taining hazardous materials and incor- cordance with § 178.604 of this sub-
porating valves, sufficient protection chapter using an internal air pressure
must be provided to prevent operation (gauge) of at least 48 kPa (7.0 psig) for
of, and damage to, the valves during Packing Group I and 20 kPa (3.0 psig)
transportation, by one of the following for Packing Group II and Packing
methods: Group III; and
(1) By equipping each cylinder with (ii) Marked with the letter ‘‘L’’, with
securely attached valve caps or protec- the name and address or symbol of the
tive headrings; or person conducting the test, and the
(2) By boxing or crating the cylinder. last two digits of the year the test was
(h) Tank cars and cargo tanks. Any conducted. Symbols, if used, must be
tank car or cargo tank containing a registered with the Associate Adminis-
hazardous material may not be trans-
ported aboard aircraft.
(3) Packagings made of paper (other
(i) Effective October 1, 2006, each per-
son who offers a hazardous material for than fiberboard), plastic film, or tex-
transportation by aircraft must in- tile are not authorized for reuse;
clude the certification statement speci- (4) Metal and plastic drums and
fied in § 172.204(c)(3). jerricans used as single packagings or
the outer packagings of composite
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52612, Dec. 21, 1990, as packagings are authorized for reuse
amended at 56 FR 66266, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
173–138, 59 FR 49133, Sept. 26, 1994; 65 FR
only when they are marked in a perma-
58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45380, Aug. 28, 2001; nent manner (e.g., embossed) in mm
68 FR 45032, July 31, 2003; 69 FR 76155, Dec. 20, with the nominal (for metal pack-
2004; 71 FR 14602, Mar. 22, 2006; 73 FR 57006, agings) or minimum (for plastic pack-
Oct. 1, 2008; 75 FR 53597, Sept. 1, 2010] agings) thickness of the packaging ma-
terial, as required by § 178.503(a)(9) of
§ 173.28 Reuse, reconditioning and re- this subchapter, and—
manufacture of packagings.
(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(a) General. Packagings and recep- (b)(4)(ii) of this section, conform to the
tacles used more than once must be in following minimum thickness criteria:
such condition, including closure de-
vices and cushioning materials, that Maximum ca- Minimum thickness of packaging material
they conform in all respects to the pre- pacity not Metal drum or Plastic drum or
scribed requirements of this sub- jerrican jerrican
chapter. Before reuse, each packaging
20 L ............. 0.63 mm (0.025 inch) 1.1 mm (0.043 inch).
must be inspected and may not be re- 30 L ............. 0.73 mm (0.029 inch) 1.1 mm (0.043 inch).
used unless free from incompatible res- 40 L ............. 0.73 mm (0.029 inch) 1.8 mm (0.071 inch).
idue, rupture, or other damage which 60 L ............. 0.92 mm (0.036 inch) 1.8 mm (0.071 inch).
reduces its structural integrity. Pack- 120 L ........... 0.92 mm (0.036 inch) 2.2 mm (0.087 inch).
agings not meeting the minimum 220 L ........... 0.92 mm (0.036 2.2 mm (0.087 inch).
thickness requirements prescribed in inch) 1.
450 L ........... 1.77 mm (0.070 inch) 5.0 mm (0.197 inch).
paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section may
not be reused or reconditioned for 1 Metal drums or jerricans with a
(b) Reuse of non-bulk packaging. A minimum thickness of 0.82 mm body
non-bulk packaging used more than and 1.09 mm heads which are manufac-
once must conform to the following tured and marked prior to January 1,
provisions and limitations: 1997 may be reused. Metal drums or
(1) A non-bulk packaging which, upon jerricans manufactured and marked on
inspection, shows evidence of a reduc- or after January 1, 1997, and intended
tion in integrity may not be reused un- for reuse, must be constructed with a
less it is reconditioned in accordance minimum thickness of 0.82 mm body
with paragraph (c) of this section. and 1.11 mm heads.
(2) Before reuse, packagings subject (ii) For stainless steel drums and
to the leakproofness test with air pre- jerricans, conform to a minimum wall
scribed in § 178.604 of this subchapter thickness as determined by the fol-
shall be— lowing equivalence formula:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.28
not refilled for reuse on a date more the provisions of subpart L of part 178
than five years from the date of manu- of this subchapter, shall mark that
facture marked on the packaging in ac- packaging as required by § 178.503(c)
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§ 173.29 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
and (d) of this subchapter. The mark- receptacle has occurred. Drums or
ing is the certification of the recondi- jerricans not meeting the minimum
tioner that the packaging conforms to thickness requirements prescribed in
the standard for which it is marked paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section may
and that all functions performed by the not be reused or reconditioned for
reconditioner which are prescribed by reuse.
this subchapter have been performed in
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52614, Dec. 21, 1990]
compliance with this subchapter.
(4) The markings applied by the re- EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
conditioner may be different from tations affecting § 173.28, see the List of CFR
those applied by the manufacturer at Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
ing Aids section of the printed volume and
the time of original manufacture, but on GPO Access.
may not identify a greater performance
capability than that for which the § 173.29 Empty packagings.
original design type had been tested
(for example, the reconditioner may (a) General. Except as otherwise pro-
mark a drum which was originally vided in this section, an empty pack-
marked as 1A1/Y1.8 as 1A1/Y1.2 or 1A1/ aging containing only the residue of a
Z2.0). hazardous material shall be offered for
(5) Packagings which have significant transportation and transported in the
defects which cannot be repaired may same manner as when it previously
not be reused. contained a greater quantity of that
(d) Remanufacture of non-bulk pack- hazardous material.
agings. For the purpose of this sub- (b) Notwithstanding the require-
chapter, remanufacture is the conver- ments of paragraph (a) of this section,
sion of a non-specification, non-bulk an empty packaging is not subject to
packaging to a DOT specification or any other requirements of this sub-
U.N. standard, the conversion of a chapter if it conforms to the following
packaging meeting one specification or provisions:
standard to another specification or (1) Any hazardous material shipping
standard (for example, conversion of name and identification number mark-
1A1 non-removable head drums to 1A2 ings, any hazard warning labels or
removable head drums) or the replace- placards, and any other markings indi-
ment of integral structural packaging cating that the material is hazardous
components (such as non-removable (e.g., RQ, INHALATION HAZARD) are
heads on drums). A person who re- removed, obliterated, or securely cov-
manufactures a non-bulk packaging to ered in transportation. This provision
conform to a specification or standard does not apply to transportation in a
in part 178 of this subchapter is subject transport vehicle or a freight container
to the requirements of part 178 of this if the packaging is not visible in trans-
subchapter as a manufacturer. portation and the packaging is loaded
(e) Non-reusable containers. A pack- by the shipper and unloaded by the
aging marked as NRC according to the shipper or consignee;
DOT specification or UN standard re- (2) The packaging—
quirements of part 178 of this sub- (i) Is unused;
chapter may be reused for the ship- (ii) Is sufficiently cleaned of residue
ment of any material not required by and purged of vapors to remove any po-
this subchapter to be shipped in a DOT tential hazard;
specification or UN standard pack- (iii) Is refilled with a material which
aging. is not hazardous to such an extent that
(f) A Division 6.2 packaging to be re- any residue remaining in the pack-
used must be disinfected prior to reuse aging no longer poses a hazard; or
by any means effective for neutralizing (iv) Contains only the residue of—
the infectious substance the packaging (A) An ORM-D material; or
previously contained. A secondary (B) A Division 2.2 non-flammable gas,
packaging or outer packaging con- other than ammonia, anhydrous, and
forming to the requirements of § 173.196 with no subsidiary hazard, at a gauge
or § 173.199 need not be disinfected prior pressure less than 200 kPa (29.0 psig); at
to reuse if no leakage from the primary 20 °C (68 °F); and
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.31
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§ 173.31 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.31
Tank Cars (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- cars plus static head, plus gas padding
chapter). Tank cars not requiring bot- pressure in the vacant space of a tank
tom-discontinuity protection under the car;
terms of Appendix Y of the AAR Speci- (2) 133 percent of the maximum load-
fications for Tank Cars as of July 1, ing or unloading pressure, whichever is
1996, must conform to these require- greater;
ments no later than July 1, 2006, except (3) 20.7 Bar (300 psig) for materials
that tank cars transporting a material that are poisonous by inhalation (see
that is hazardous only because it meets § 173.31(e)(2)(ii) for compliance dates);
the definition of an elevated tempera- (4) The minimum pressure prescribed
ture material or because it is molten by the specification in part 179 of this
sulfur do not require bottom disconti- subchapter; or
nuity protection. (5) The minimum test pressure pre-
(6) Scheduling of modifications and scribed for the specific hazardous ma-
progress reporting. The date of conform- terial in the applicable packaging sec-
ance for the continued use of tank cars tion in subpart F or G of this part.
subject to paragraphs (b)(4), (b)(5), and
(d) Examination before shipping. (1) No
(f) of this section and § 173.314(j) is sub-
person may offer for transportation a
ject to the following conditions and
tank car containing a hazardous mate-
rial or a residue of a hazardous mate-
(i) Each tank car owner shall modify,
rial unless that person determines that
reassign, retire, or remove at least 50
the tank car is in proper condition and
percent of their in-service tank car
safe for transportation. As a minimum,
fleet within the first half of the com-
each person offering a tank car for
pliance period and the remainder of
transportation must perform an exter-
their in-service tank car fleet during
nal visual inspection that includes:
the second half of the compliance pe-
(i) Except where insulation or a ther-
mal protection system precludes an in-
(ii) By October 1 of each year, each
spection, the tank shell and heads for
owner of a tank car subject to this
abrasion, corrosion, cracks, dents, dis-
paragraph (b)(6) shall submit to the
tortions, defects in welds, or any other
Federal Railroad Administration, Haz-
condition that makes the tank car un-
ardous Materials Division, Office of
safe for transportation;
Safety Assurance and Compliance, 1120
Vermont Avenue, Mail Stop 25, Wash- (ii) The piping, valves, fittings, and
ington, DC 20590, a progress report that gaskets for corrosion, damage, or any
shows the total number of in-service other condition that makes the tank
tank cars that need head protection, car unsafe for transportation;
thermal protection, or bottom-dis- (iii) For missing or loose bolts, nuts,
continuity protection; the number of or elements that make the tank car
new or different tank cars acquired to unsafe for transportation;
replace those tank cars required to be (iv) All closures on tank cars and de-
upgraded to a higher service pressure; termine that the closures and all fas-
and the total number of tank cars tenings securing them are properly
modified, reassigned, acquired, retired, tightened in place by the use of a bar,
or removed from service the previous wrench, or other suitable tool;
year. (v) Protective housings for proper se-
(c) Tank car test pressure. A tank car curement;
used for the transportation of a haz- (vi) The pressure relief device, in-
ardous material must have a tank test cluding a careful inspection of the rup-
pressure equal to or greater than the ture disc in non-reclosing pressure re-
greatest of the following: lief devices, for corrosion or damage
(1) Except for shipments of carbon di- that may alter the intended operation
oxide, anhydrous hydrogen chloride, of the device. The rupture disc is not
vinyl fluoride, ethylene, or hydrogen, required to be removed prior to visual
133 percent of the sum of lading vapor inspection if the tank car contains the
pressure at the reference temperature residue, as defined in § 171.8 of this sub-
of 46 °C (115 °F) for non-insulated tank chapter, of a Class 8, PG II or PG III
cars or 41 °C (105 °F) for insulated tank material with no subsidiary hazard or
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§ 173.31 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
the residue of a Class 9 elevated tem- (iii) A tank car meeting the applica-
perature material; ble authorized tank car specifications
(vii) Each tell-tale indicator after listed in § 173.244(a)(2) or (3), or
filling and prior to transportation to § 173.314(c) or (d) is authorized for the
ensure the integrity of the rupture transportation of a material poisonous
disc; by inhalation for a period of 20 years
(viii) The external thermal protec- after the date of original construction.
tion system, tank-head puncture re- (iv) A tank car owner retiring or oth-
sistance system, coupler vertical re- erwise removing a tank car from serv-
straint system, and bottom disconti- ice transporting materials poisonous
nuity protection for conditions that by inhalation, other than because of
make the tank car unsafe for transpor- damage to the car, must retire or re-
tation; move cars constructed of non-normal-
(ix) The required markings on the ized steel in the head or shell before re-
tank car for legibility; and moving any car in service transporting
(x) The periodic inspection date materials poisonous by inhalation con-
markings to ensure that the inspection structed of normalized steel meeting
and test intervals are within the pre- the applicable DOT specification.
scribed intervals. (f) Special requirements for hazardous
(2) Closures on tank cars are re- substances. (1) A tank car used for a
quired, in accordance with this sub- hazardous substance listed in para-
chapter, to be designed and closed so graph (f)(2) of this section must have a
that under conditions normally inci- tank test pressure of at least 13.8 Bar
dent to transportation, including the (200 psig), head protection and a metal
effects of temperature and vibration, jacket, except that—
there will be no identifiable release of (i) No metal jacket is required if—
a hazardous material to the environ- (A) The tank test pressure is 23.4 Bar
ment. ln any action brought to enforce (340 psig) or higher; or
this section, the lack of securement of (B) The tank shell and heads are
any closure to a tool-tight condition, manufactured from AAR steel speci-
detected at any point, will establish a fication TC–128, normalized;
rebuttable presumption that a proper (ii) A higher test pressure is required
inspection was not performed by the of- if otherwise specified in this sub-
feror of the car. That presumption may chapter; and
be rebutted by any evidence indicating (iii) Other than as provided in para-
that the lack of securement resulted graph (b)(6) of this section, a tank car
from a specific cause not within the which does not conform to the require-
control of the offeror. ments of this paragraph (f)(1), and was
(e) Special requirements for materials authorized for a hazardous substance
poisonous by inhalation—(1) Interior under the regulations in effect on June
heater coils. Tank cars used for mate- 30, 1996, may continue in use until July
rials poisonous by inhalation may not 1, 2006.
have interior heater coils. (2) List of hazardous substances. Haz-
(2) Tank car specifications. A tank ardous substances for which the provi-
car used for a material poisonous by in- sions of this paragraph (f) apply are as
halation must have a tank test pres- follows:
sure of 20.7 Bar (300 psig) or greater, Aldrin
head protection, and a metal jacket Allyl chloride
(e.g., DOT 105S300W), except that— alpha-BHC
(i) A higher test pressure is required beta-BHC
if otherwise specified in this sub- delta-BHC
chapter; and gamma-BHC
(ii) Each tank car constructed on or Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether
after March 16, 2009, and used for the Bromoform
Carbon tetrachloride
transportation of PIH materials must
meet the applicable authorized tank p-Chloroaniline
car specifications and standards listed Chlorobenzene
in § 173.244(a)(2) or (3) and § 173.314(c) or Chlorobenzilate
(d). p-Chloro-m-cresol
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.32
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether (1) Each hazmat employee who is re-
Chloroform sponsible for loading or unloading a
2-Chloronapthalene tank car must secure access to the
track to prevent entry by other rail
DDE equipment, including motorized service
DDT vehicles. Derails, lined and locked
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane switches, portable bumper blocks, or
m-Dichlorobenzene other equipment that provides an
o-Dichlorobenzene equivalent level of security may be
p-Dichlorobenzene used to satisfy this requirement.
3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine (2) Caution signs must be displayed
on the track or on the tank cars to
1,2-Dichloroethane warn persons approaching the cars
1,1-Dichloroethylene from the open end of the track and
Dichloroisopropyl ether must be left up until after all closures
Dichloromethane @ are secured and the cars are in proper
2,4-Dichlorophenol condition for transportation. The cau-
2,6-Dichlorophenol tion signs must be of metal or other
1,2-Dichloropropane durable material, rectangular, at 30.48
cm (12 inches) high by 38.10 cm (15
alpha-Endosulfan inches) wide, and bear the word
beta-Endosulfan ‘‘STOP.’’ The word ‘‘STOP’’ must ap-
Endrin pear in letters at least 10.16 cm (4
Endrin aldehyde inches) high. The letters must be white
Heptachlor on a blue background. Additional
Heptachlor epoxide words, such as ‘‘Tank Car Connected’’
Hexachlorobenzene or ‘‘Crew at Work,’’ may also appear in
Hexachlorobutadiene white letters under the word ‘‘STOP.’’
(3) At least one wheel on the tank car
Hexachloropropene must be blocked against movement in
Isodrin both directions, and the hand brakes
Kepone must be set. If multiple tank cars are
Methoxychlor coupled together, sufficient hand
4,4′-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) brakes must be set and wheels blocked
Methylene bromide to prevent movement in both direc-
Pentachlorobenzene tions.
Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) [Amdt. 173–245, 60 FR 49072, Sept. 21, 1995, as
Pentachlorophenol amended by Amdt. 173–245, 61 FR 33254, June
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 26, 1996; Amdt. 173–256, 61 FR 51338, Oct. 1,
Pronamide 1996; 65 FR 58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 33427,
Silvex (2,4,5-TP) June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45379, 45381, Aug. 28, 2001;
2,4,5-T 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR 75743, Dec. 31,
TDE 2003; 68 FR 61941, Oct. 30, 2003; 70 FR 34075,
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene June 13, 2005; 72 FR 25176, May 3, 2007; 72 FR
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 55692, Oct. 1, 2007; 74 FR 1799, Jan. 13, 2009; 75
Tetrachloroethane FR 27215, May 14, 2010]
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol § 173.32 Requirements for the use of
Toxaphene portable tanks.
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (a) General requirements. No person
may offer a hazardous material for
Trichloroethylene transportation in a portable tank ex-
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol cept as authorized by this subchapter.
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (1) Except as otherwise provided in
Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate this subpart, no person may use a port-
(g) Tank car loading and unloading. able tank for the transportation of a
When placed for loading or unloading hazardous material unless it meets the
and before unsecuring any closure, a requirements of this subchapter.
tank car must be protected against (2) No person may fill and offer for
movement or coupling as follows: transportation a portable tank when
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§ 173.32 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
the prescribed periodic test or inspec- stainless steel portable tank internally
tion under subpart G of part 180 of this lined with polyethylene that was con-
subchapter has become due until the structed on or before October 1, 1996,
test or inspection has been successfully and that meets all requirements of
completed. This requirement does not DOT Specification 57 except for being
apply to any portable tank filled prior equipped with a polypropylene dis-
to the test or inspection due date. charge ball valve and polypropylene
(3) When a portable tank is used as a secondary discharge opening closure,
cargo tank motor vehicle, it must con- may be marked as a Specification 57
form to all the requirements prescribed portable tank and used in accordance
for cargo tank motor vehicles. (See with the provisions of this section.
§ 173.33.) (2) A DOT Specification 51, IM 101, or
(b) Substitute packagings. A particular IM 102 portable tank may not be manu-
Specification portable tank may be factured after January 1, 2003; however,
substituted for another portable tank such tanks may continue to be used for
as follows: the transportation of a hazardous ma-
(1) An IM or UN portable tank may terial provided they meet the require-
be used whenever an IM or UN portable ments of this subchapter, including the
tank having less stringent require- specification requirements and the re-
ments is authorized provided the port- quirements of this subchapter for the
able tank meets or exceeds the require- transportation of the particular haz-
ments for pressure-relief devices, bot- ardous material according to the T
tom outlets and any other special pro- codes in effect on September 30, 2001 or
visions specified in § 172.102(c)(7)(vi) of the new T codes in § 172.102(c)(7)(i) (see
this subchapter. § 171.14(d)(4) for transitional provisions
(2) Where a Specification IM101 or applicable to T codes), and provided
IM102 portable tank is prescribed, a UN the portable tanks conform to the peri-
portable tank or Specification 51 port- odic inspection and tests specified for
able tank otherwise conforming to the the particular portable tank in subpart
special commodity requirements of G of part 180 of this subchapter. After
§ 172.102(c)(7) of this subchapter for the January 1, 2003, all newly manufac-
material to be transported may be tured portable tanks must conform to
used. the requirements for the design, con-
(3) A DOT Specification 51 portable struction and approval of UN portable
tank may be used whenever a DOT tanks as specified in §§ 178.273, 178.274,
Specification 56, 57, or 60 portable tank 178.275, 178.276, 178.277 and part 180, sub-
is authorized. A DOT Specification 60 part G, of this subchapter.
portable tank may be used whenever a (3) A DOT Specification portable
DOT Specification 56 or 57 portable tank manufactured prior to January 1,
tank is authorized. A higher integrity 1992 that is equipped with a non-re-
tank used instead of a specified port- closing pressure relief device may con-
able tank must meet the same design tinue in service for the hazardous ma-
profile; for example, a DOT Specifica- terials for which it is authorized. Ex-
tion 51 portable tank must be lined if cept for a DOT Specification 56 or 57
used instead of a lined DOT Specifica- portable tank, a DOT Specification
tion 60 portable tank. portable tank manufactured after Jan-
(4) A portable tank authorized by the uary 1, 1992, used for materials meeting
Transport Canada TDG Regulations the definition for Division 6.1 liquids,
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) may Packing Group I or II, Class 2 gases, or
be used provided it conforms to the ap- Class 3 or 4 liquids, must be equipped
plicable requirements in § 171.12 of this with a reclosing pressure relief valve
subchapter. having adequately sized venting capac-
(c) Grandfather provisions for portable ity unless otherwise specified in this
tanks—(1) Continued use of Specification subchapter (see §§ 178.275(f)(1) and
56 and 57 portable tanks. Continued use 178.277 of this subchapter).
of an existing portable tank con- (4) Any portable tank container con-
structed to DOT Specification 56 or 57 structed prior to May 15, 1950, com-
is authorized only for a portable tank plying with the requirements of either
constructed before October 1, 1996. A the ASME Code for Unfired Pressure
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.32
Vessels, 1946 Edition, or the API ASME peratures that the hazardous material
Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, 1943 will experience during transportation.
Edition, may be used for the transpor- (e) External inspection prior to filling.
tation of liquefied compressed gas, pro- Each portable tank must be given a
vided it fulfills all the requirements of complete external inspection prior to
the part and specifications for the par- filling. Any unsafe condition must be
ticular gas or gases to be transported. corrected prior to its being filled and
Such portable tanks must be marked offered for transportation. The exter-
‘‘ICC Specification 51X’’ on the plate nal inspection shall include a visual in-
required by the specification, except as spection of:
modified by any or all of the following: (1) The shell, piping, valves and other
(i) Portable tanks designed and con- appurtenances for corroded areas,
structed in accordance with Pars. U–68, dents, defects in welds and other de-
U–69, or U–201 of the ASME Code, 1943 fects such as missing, damaged, or
and 1946 editions, may be used. Port- leaking gaskets;
able tanks designed and constructed in (2) All flanged connections or blank
accordance with Par. U–68 or Par. U–69 flanges for missing or loose nuts and
may be re-rated at a working pressure bolts;
25 percent in excess of the design pres- (3) All emergency devices for corro-
sure for which the portable tank was sion, distortion, or any damage or de-
originally constructed. If the portable fect that could prevent their normal
tank is re-rated, the re-rated pressure operation;
must be marked on the plate as fol- (4) All required markings on the tank
lows: ‘‘Re-rated working pressure— for legibility; and
psig’’. (5) Any device for tightening man-
(ii) Loading and unloading acces- hole covers to ensure such devices are
sories, valves, piping, fittings, safety operative and adequate to prevent
and gauging devices, do not have to leakage at the manhole cover.
comply with the requirements for the (f) Loading requirements. (1) A haz-
particular location on the portable ardous material may not be loaded into
tank. a portable tank if the hazardous mate-
(5) Any ICC Specification 50 portable rial would:
tank fulfilling the requirements of that (i) Damage the portable tank;
specification may be continued in serv- (ii) React with the portable tank; or
ice for transportation of a liquefied pe- (iii) Otherwise compromise its prod-
troleum gas if it is retested every five uct retention capability.
years in accordance with the require- (2) A hazardous material may not be
ments in § 180.605 of this subchapter. loaded in a DOT Specification 51, DOT
Use of existing portable tanks is au- Specification 60, an IM or UN portable
thorized. New construction is not au- tank unless the portable tank has a
thorized. pressure relief device that provides
(d) Determination of an authorized total relieving capacity meeting the
portable tank. Prior to filling and offer- requirements of this subchapter.
ing a portable tank for transportation, (3) Except during a pressure test, a
the shipper must ensure that the port- portable tank may not be subjected to
able tank conforms to the authorized a pressure greater than its marked
specification and meets the applicable maximum allowable working pressure
requirements in this subchapter for the or, when appropriate, its marked de-
hazardous material. The shipper must sign pressure.
ensure that the MAWP, design pressure (4) A portable tank may not be load-
or test pressure of the portable tank, ed to a gross mass greater than the
as applicable, is appropriate for the maximum allowable gross mass speci-
hazardous material being transported. fied on its identification plate.
Determination of the applicable pres- (5) Except for a non-flowable solid or
sure must take into account the max- a liquid with a viscosity of 2,680
imum pressure used to load or unload centistokes (millimeters squared per
the hazardous material, the vapor pres- second) or greater at 20 °C (68 °F), an
sure, static head and surge pressures of IM or UN portable tank, or compart-
the hazardous material and the tem- ment thereof, having a volume greater
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§ 173.32 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
than 7,500 L (1,980 gallons) may not be (3) A portable tank or Specification
loaded to a filling density of more than 106A or 110A multi-unit tank car con-
20% and less than 80% by volume. This taining a hazardous material may not
filling restriction does not apply if a be offered for transportation aboard a
portable tank is divided by partitions passenger vessel unless:
or surge plates into compartments of (i) The vessel is operating under a
not more than 7,500 L (1,980 gallons) ca- change to its character of vessel cer-
pacity; this portable tank must not be tification as defined in § 171.8 of this
offered for transportation in an ullage subchapter; and
condition liable to produce an unac- (ii) The material is permitted to be
ceptable hydraulic force due to surge. transported aboard a passenger vessel
(6) The outage for a portable tank in the § 172.101 Table of this subchapter.
may not be less than 2% at a tempera- (h) Additional general commodity-spe-
ture of 50 °C (122 °F) unless otherwise cific requirements. In addition to other
specified in this subchapter. For UN applicable requirements, the following
portable tanks, the applicable max- requirements apply:
imum filling limits apply as specified (1) Each uninsulated portable tank
according to the assigned TP codes in used for the transportation of a lique-
Column (7) of the § 172.101 Table of this fied compressed gas must have an exte-
subchapter except when transported rior surface finish that is significantly
domestically. reflective, such as a light-reflecting
(7) Each tell-tale indicator or pres- color if painted, or a bright reflective
sure gauge located in the space be- metal or other material if unpainted.
tween a frangible disc and a safety re- (2) If a hazardous material is being
lief valve mounted in series must be transported in a molten state, the port-
checked after the tank is filled and able tank must be thermally insulated
prior to transportation to ensure that with suitable insulation material of
the frangible disc is leak free. Any sufficient thickness that the overall
leakage through the frangible disc thermal conductance is not more than
must be corrected prior to offering the 0.080 Btu per hour per square foot per
tank for transportation. degree Fahrenheit differential.
(8) During filling, the temperature of (3) No person may offer a liquid haz-
the hazardous materials shall not ex- ardous material of Class 3, PG I or II,
ceed the limits of the design tempera- or PG III with a flash point of less than
ture range of the portable tank. 100 °F (38 °C); Division 5.1, PG I or II; or
(9) The maximum mass of liquefied Division 6.1, PG I or II, in an IM or UN
compressed gas per liter (gallon) of portable tank that is equipped with a
shell capacity (kg/L or lbs./gal.) may bottom outlet as authorized in Column
not exceed the density of the liquefied (7) of the § 172.101 Table of this sub-
compressed gas at 50 °C (122 °F). The chapter by assignment of a T Code in
portable tank must not be liquid full at the appropriate proper shipping name
60 °C (140 °F). entry, for unloading to a facility while
(g) Additional requirements for specific it remains on a transport vehicle with
modal transport. In addition to other ap- the power unit attached unless—
plicable requirements, the following (i) The tank outlets conform to
apply: § 178.275(d)(3) of this subchapter; or
(1) A portable tank containing a haz- (ii) The facility at which the IM or
ardous material may not be loaded UN portable tank is to be unloaded
onto a highway or rail transport vehi- conforms to the requirements in
cle unless loaded entirely within the § 177.834(o) of this subchapter.
horizontal outline of the vehicle, with- (i) Additional requirements for portable
out overhang or projection of any part tanks other than IM specification and UN
of the tank assembly. portable tanks. (1) The bursting
(2) An IM or UN portable tank used strength of any piping and fittings
for the transportation of flammable must be at least four times the design
liquids by rail may not be fitted with pressure of the tank, and at least four
non-reclosing pressure relief devices times the pressure to which, in any in-
except in series with reclosing pressure stance, it may be subjected in service
relief valves. by the action of a pump or other device
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.32
(not including safety relief valves) that 1(g) of this subchapter). The valve must
may subject piping to pressures greater be located inside the portable tank or
than the design pressure of the tank. at a point outside the portable tank
(2) Pipe joints must be threaded, where the line enters or leaves the
welded or flanged. If threaded pipe is portable tank. The valve seat must be
used, the pipe and pipe fittings must located inside the portable tank or
not be lighter than Schedule 80 weight. may be located within a welded flange
Where copper tubing is permitted, or its companion flange, or within a
joints must be brazed or be of equally nozzle or within a coupling. The instal-
strong metal union type. The melting lation must be made in such a manner
point of brazing material may not be as to reasonably assure that any undue
lower than 1,000 °F (537.8 °C). The meth- strain which causes failure requiring
od of joining tubing must not decrease functioning of the valve shall cause
the strength of the tubing such as by failure in such a manner that it will
the cutting of threads. not impair the operation of the valve.
(3) Non-malleable metals may not be (i) A safety device connection or liq-
used in the construction of valves or uid level gauging device that is con-
fittings. structed so that the outward flow of
(4) Suitable provision must be made the tank contents will not exceed that
in every case to allow for expansion, passed by an opening of 0.1397 cm
contraction, jarring and vibration of (0.0550 inches) is not required to be
all pipe. Slip joints may not be used for equipped with excess-flow valves.
this purpose. (ii) An excess-flow valve must close
(5) Piping and fittings must be automatically if the flow reaches the
grouped in the smallest practicable rated flow of gas or liquid specified by
space and must be protected from dam- the original valve manufacturer when
age as required by the specification. piping mounted directly on the valve is
(6) All piping, valves and fittings on
sheared off before the first valve,
every portable tank must be leakage
pump, or fitting downstream from the
tested with gas or air after installation
excess flow valve.
and proved tight at not less than the
design pressure of the portable tank on (iii) An excess-flow valve may be de-
which they are used. In the event of re- signed with a by-pass, not to exceed a
placement, all such piping, valves, or 0.1016 cm (0.040 inches) diameter open-
fittings must be tested in accordance ing to allow equalization of pressure.
with the requirements of this section (iv) Filling and discharge lines must
before the portable tank is returned to be provided with manually operated
transportation service. The require- shut-off valves located as close to the
ments of this section apply to all hoses tank as practical. Unless this valve is
used on portable tanks, except that manually operable at the valve, the
hoses may be tested either before or line must also have a manual shut-off
after installation on the portable tank. valve. The use of ‘‘Stop-Check’’ valves
(7) All materials used in the con- to satisfy with one valve the require-
struction of portable tanks and their ments of this section is forbidden. For
appurtenances may not be subject to portable tanks used for refrigerated
destructive attack by the contents of liquefied gases, a ‘‘stop check’’ valve
the portable tank. may be used on the vapor side of the
(8) No aluminum, copper, silver, zinc pressure buildup circuit.
nor their alloys may be used. Brazed (10) Each portable tank used for car-
joints may not be used. All parts of a bon dioxide or nitrous oxide must be
portable tank and its appurtenances lagged with a suitable insulation mate-
used for anhydrous ammonia must be rial of such thickness that the overall
steel. thermal conductance is not more than
(9) Each outlet of a portable tank 0.08 Btu per square foot per degree
used for the transportation of non-re- Fahrenheit differential in temperature
frigerated liquefied compressed gases, per hour. The conductance must be de-
except carbon dioxide, must be pro- termined at 60 °Fahrenheit. Insulation
vided with a suitable automatic excess- material used on portable tanks for ni-
flow valve (see definition in § 178.337– trous oxide must be noncombustible.
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§ 173.33 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.33
(iii) For liquid hazardous materials (6) Substitute packagings. Unless oth-
loaded in DOT specification cargo erwise specified, where MC 307, MC 312,
tanks equipped with a 1 psig normal DOT 407 or DOT 412 cargo tanks are au-
vent, the sum of the tank static head thorized, minimum tank design pres-
plus 1 psig. In addition, for hazardous sure is 172.4 kPa (25 psig) for any Pack-
materials loaded in these cargo tanks, ing Group I or Packing Group II liquid
the vapor pressure of the lading at 115 lading that meets more than one haz-
°F must be not greater than 1 psig, ex- ard class definition.
cept for gasoline transported in accord- (d) Relief system. (1) Non-reclosing
ance with Special Provision B33 in pressure relief devices are not author-
§ 172.102(c)(3) of this subchapter. ized in any cargo tank except when in
(iv) For liquid hazardous materials series with a reclosing pressure relief
not covered in paragraph (c)(1)(i), (ii), device. However, a cargo tank marked
or (iii) of this section, the sum of the or certified before August 31, 1995
vapor pressure of the lading at 115 °F, which is fitted with non-reclosing pres-
plus the tank static head exerted by sure relief devices may continue to be
the lading, plus any pressure exerted used in any hazardous material service
for which it is authorized. The require-
by the gas padding, including air in the
ments in this paragraph do not apply
ullage space or dome.
to MC 330, MC 331 and MC 338 cargo
(v) The pressure prescribed in subpart tanks.
B, D, E, F, G, or H of this part, as ap- (2) Each cargo tank motor vehicle
plicable. used to transport a liquid hazardous
(vi) The maximum pressure in the material with a gas pad must have a
tank during loading or unloading. pressure relief system that provides
(2) Any Specification MC 300, MC 301, the venting capacity prescribed in
MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, MC 306 or MC § 178.345–10(e) of this subchapter. The
312, cargo tank motor vehicle with no requirements in this paragraph do not
marked design pressure or marked with apply to MC 330, MC 331 and MC 338
a design pressure of 3 psig or less may cargo tanks.
be used for an authorized lading where (3) A cargo tank motor vehicle made
the pressure derived from § 173.33(c)(1) to a specification listed in column 1
is less than or equal to 3 psig. After De- may have pressure relief devices or
cember 31, 1990, a cargo tank may not outlets conforming to the applicable
be loaded and offered for transpor- specification to which the tank was
tation unless marked or remarked with constructed, or the pressure relief de-
an MAWP or design pressure in accord- vices or outlets may be modified to
ance with 49 CFR 180.405(k). meet the applicable requirement for
(3) Any Specification MC 310 or MC the specification listed in column 2
311 cargo tank motor vehicle may be without changing the markings on the
used for an authorized lading where the tank specification plate. The venting
pressure derived from § 173.33(c)(1) is capacity requirements of the original
less than or equal to the MAWP or DOT cargo tank specification must be
MWP, respectively, as marked on the met whenever a pressure relief valve is
specification plate. modified.
(4) Any cargo tank marked or cer- Column 1 Column 2
tified before August 31, 1995, marked
with a design pressure rather than an MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 306 or DOT 406.
MC 303, MC 305.
MAWP may be used for an authorized MC 306 .................................. DOT 406.
lading where the largest pressure de- MC 304 .................................. MC 307 or DOT 407.
rived from § 173.33(c)(1) is less than or MC 307 .................................. DOT 407.
MC 310, MC 311 ................... MC 312 or DOT 412.
equal to the design pressure marked on MC 312 .................................. DOT 412.
the cargo tank. MC 330 .................................. MC 331.
(5) Any material that meets the defi-
nition of a Division 6.1, Packing Group (e) Retention of hazardous materials in
I or II (poisonous liquid) material must product piping during transportation.
be loaded in a cargo tank motor vehi- DOT specification cargo tanks used for
cle having a MAWP of 25 psig or great- the transportation of any material
er. that is a Division 6.1 (poisonous liquid)
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§ 173.34 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.35
a lining or some other suitable method (iii) The absolute pressure (vapor
of protection. Increased thickness for pressure of the hazardous material plus
corrosion or abrasion protection must atmospheric pressure) in the IBC at 55
be added to the wall thickness specified °C (131 °F). This absolute pressure must
in § 178.705(c)(1)(iv) of this subchapter. not exceed two-thirds of the sum of the
(d) Notwithstanding requirements in marked test pressure and 100 kPa (14.5
§ 173.24b of this subpart, when filling an psia).
IBC with liquids, sufficient ullage must (iv) Twice the static pressure of the
be left to ensure that, at the mean bulk substance, measured at the bottom of
temperature of 50 °C (122 °F), the IBC is the IBC. This value must not be less
not filled to more than 98 percent of its than twice the static pressure of water.
water capacity. (2) Gauge pressure (pressure in the
(e) Where two or more closure sys- IBC above ambient atmospheric pres-
tems are fitted in series, the system sure) in metal IBC must not exceed 110
nearest to the hazardous material kPa (16 psig) at 50 °C (122 °F) or 130 kPa
being carried must be closed first. (18.9 psig) at 55 °C (131 °F).
(f) During transportation— (i) The requirements in this section
do not apply to DOT-56 or –57 portable
(1) No hazardous material may re-
main on the outside of the IBC; and
(j) No IBC may be filled with a Pack-
(2) Each IBC must be securely fas- ing Group I liquid. Rigid plastic, com-
tened to or contained within the trans- posite, flexible, wooden or fiberboard
port unit. IBC used to transport Packing Group I
(g) Each IBC used for transportation solid materials may not exceed 1.5
of solids which may become liquid at cubic meters (53 cubic feet) capacity.
temperatures likely to be encountered For Packing Group I solids, a metal
during transportation must also be ca- IBC may not exceed 3 cubic meters (106
pable of containing the substance in cubic feet) capacity.
the liquid state. (k) When an IBC is used for the trans-
(2) Liquids having a vapor pressure portation of liquids with a flash point
greater than 110 kPa (16 psig) at 50 °C of 60 °C (140 °F) (closed cup) or lower, or
(122 °F) or 130 kPa (18.9 psig) at 55 °C powders with the potential for dust ex-
(131 °F) may not be transported in plosion, measures must be taken dur-
metal IBCs. ing product loading and unloading to
(1) A rigid plastic or composite IBC prevent a dangerous electrostatic dis-
may only be filled with a liquid having charge.
a vapor pressure less than or equal to (l) IBC filling limits. (1) Except as pro-
the greater of the following two values: vided in this section, an IBC may not
the first value is determined from any be filled with a hazardous material in
of the methods in paragraphs (h)(1) (i), excess of the maximum gross mass
(ii) or (iii) of this section. The second marked on that container.
value is determined by the method in (2) An IBC which is tested and
paragraph (h)(1)(iv) of this section. marked for Packing Group II liquid
(i) The gauge pressure (pressure in materials may be filled with a Packing
the IBC above ambient atmospheric Group III liquid material to a gross
pressure) measured in the IBC at 55 °C mass not exceeding 1.5 times the max-
(131 °F). This gauge pressure must not imum gross mass marked on that con-
exceed two-thirds of the marked test tainer, if all the performance criteria
pressure and must be determined after can still be met at the higher gross
the IBC was filled and closed at 15 °C mass.
(60 °F) to less than or equal to 98 per- (3) An IBC which is tested and
cent of its capacity. marked for liquid hazardous materials
(ii) The absolute pressure (vapor may be filled with a solid hazardous
pressure of the hazardous material plus material to a gross mass not exceeding
atmospheric pressure) in the IBC at 50 the maximum gross mass marked on
°C (122 °F). This absolute pressure must that container. In addition, an IBC in-
not exceed four-sevenths of the sum of tended for the transport of liquids
the marked test pressure and 100 kPa which is tested and marked for Pack-
(14.5 psia). ing Group II liquid materials may be
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§ 173.36 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
filled with a Packing Group III solid that friction during transportation is
hazardous material to a gross mass not not likely to generate an amount of
exceeding the marked maximum gross heat sufficient to dangerously alter the
mass multiplied by 1.5 if all the per- chemical stability of the contents.
formance criteria can still be met at (4) Securing and cushioning. Inner
the higher gross mass. packagings of Large Packagings must
(4) An IBC which is tested and be packed, secured and cushioned to
marked for Packing Group I solid ma- prevent their breakage or leakage and
terials may be filled with a Packing to control their shifting within the
Group II solid material to a gross mass outer packaging under conditions nor-
not exceeding the maximum gross mass mally incident to transportation. Cush-
marked on that container, multiplied ioning material must not be capable of
by 1.5, if all the performance criteria reacting dangerously with the contents
can be met at the higher gross mass; or of the inner packagings or having its
a Packing Group III solid material to a protective properties significantly
gross mass not exceeding the maximum weakened in the event of leakage.
gross mass marked on the IBC, multi- (5) Metallic devices. Nails, staples and
plied by 2.25, if all the performance cri- other metallic devices must not pro-
teria can be met at the higher gross trude into the interior of the outer
mass. An IBC which is tested and packaging in such a manner as to be
marked for Packing Group II solid ma- likely to damage inner packagings or
terials may be filled with a Packing receptacles.
Group III solid material to a gross (c) Initial use and reuse of Large Pack-
mass not exceeding the maximum gross agings. A Large Packaging may be re-
mass marked on the IBC, multiplied by used. If an inner packaging is con-
1.5. structed of paper or flexible plastic,
the inner packaging must be replaced
[Amdt. 173–238, 59 FR 38064, July 26, 1994, as
amended by Amdt. 173–243, 60 FR 40038, Aug. before each reuse. Before a Large Pack-
4, 1995; 64 FR 10777, Mar. 5, 1999; 66 FR 45380, aging is filled and offered for transpor-
45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003; tation, the Large Packaging must be
71 FR 78631, Dec. 29, 2006; 75 FR 5393, Feb. 2, given an external visual inspection, by
2010] the person filling the Large Packaging,
to ensure:
§ 173.36 Hazardous materials in Large (1) The Large Packaging is free from
Packagings. corrosion, contamination, cracks, cuts,
(a) No person may offer or accept a or other damage which would render it
hazardous material for transportation unable to pass the prescribed design
in a Large Packaging except as author- type test to which it is certified and
ized by this subchapter. Except as oth- marked; and
erwise provided in this subchapter, no (2) The Large Packaging is marked in
Large Packaging may be filled with a accordance with requirements in
Packing Group I or II material. Each § 178.910 of this subchapter. Additional
Large Packaging used for the transpor- marking allowed for each design type
tation of hazardous materials must may be present. Required markings
conform to the requirements of its that are missing, damaged or difficult
specification and regulations for the to read must be restored or returned to
transportation of the particular com- original condition.
modity. (d) During transportation—
(b) Packaging design. (1) Inner pack- (1) No hazardous material may re-
aging closures. A Large Packaging con- main on the outside of the Large Pack-
taining liquid hazardous materials aging; and
must be packed so that closures on (2) Each Large Packaging must be se-
inner packagings are upright. curely fastened to or contained within
(2) Flexible Large Packagings. Flexible the transport unit.
Large Packagings (e.g., 51H) are only (e) Each Large Packaging used for
authorized for use with flexible inner transportation of solids which may be-
packagings. come liquid at temperatures likely to
(3) Friction. The nature and thickness be encountered during transportation
of the outer packaging must be such may not be transported in paper or
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.40
fiber inner packagings. The inner pack- elsewhere in this subchapter, the re-
agings must be capable of containing quirements in this section are applica-
the substance in the liquid state. ble to cylinders used for that material.
(f) Liquid hazardous materials may (a) Authorized cylinders. (1) A cylinder
only be offered for transportation in must conform to a DOT specification
inner packagings appropriately resist- or a UN standard prescribed in subpart
ant to an increase of internal pressure C of part 178 of this subchapter, except
likely to develop during transpor- that acetylene cylinders and non-refill-
tation. able cylinders are not authorized. The
(g) A Large Packaging used to trans- use of UN tubes and MEGCs is prohib-
port hazardous materials may not ex- ited for Hazard Zone A materials.
ceed 3 cubic meters (106 cubic feet) ca- (2) The use of a specification 3AL cyl-
pacity. inder made of aluminum alloy 6351–T6
(h) Mixed contents. (1) An outer Large is prohibited for a Division 2.3 Hazard
Packaging may contain more than one Zone A material or a Division 6.1 Haz-
hazardous material only when— ard Zone A material.
(i) The inner and outer packagings (3) A UN composite cylinder certified
used for each hazardous material con- to ISO–11119–3 is not authorized for a
form to the relevant packaging sec- Division 2.3 Hazard Zone A or B mate-
tions of this part applicable to that rial.
hazardous material, and not result in a (4) For UN seamless cylinders used
violation of § 173.21; for Hazard Zone A materials, the max-
(ii) The package as prepared for ship- imum water capacity is 85 L.
ment meets the performance tests pre- (b) Outage and pressure requirements.
scribed in part 178 of this subchapter For DOT specification cylinders, the
for the hazardous materials contained pressure at 55 °C (131 °F) of Hazard
in the package; Zone A and Hazard Zone B materials
(iii) Corrosive materials (except may not exceed the service pressure of
ORM–D) in bottles are further packed the cylinder. Sufficient outage must be
in securely closed inner receptacles be- provided so that the cylinder will not
fore packing in outer packagings; and be liquid full at 55 °C (131 °F).
(iv) For transportation by aircraft, (c) Closures. Each cylinder containing
the total net quantity does not exceed a Hazard Zone A material must be
the lowest permitted maximum net closed with a plug or valve conforming
quantity per package as shown in Col- to the following:
umn 9a or 9b, as appropriate, of the (1) Each plug or valve must have a
§ 172.101 table. The permitted maximum taper-threaded connection directly to
net quantity must be calculated in the cylinder and be capable of with-
kilograms if a package contains both a standing the test pressure of the cyl-
liquid and a solid. inder without damage or leakage.
(2) A packaging containing inner (2) Each valve must be of the
packagings of Division 6.2 materials packless type with non-perforated dia-
may not contain other hazardous mate- phragm, except that, for corrosive ma-
rials, except dry ice. terials, a valve may be of the packed
(i) When a Large Packaging is used type with an assembly made gas-tight
for the transportation of liquids with a by means of a seal cap with gasketed
flash point of 60.5 °C (141 °F) (closed joint attached to the valve body or the
cup) or lower, or powders with the po- cylinder to prevent loss of material
tential for dust explosion, measures through or past the packing.
must be taken during product loading (3) Each valve outlet must be sealed
and unloading to prevent a dangerous by a threaded cap or threaded solid
electrostatic discharge. plug and inert gasketing material.
[75 FR 5393, Feb. 2, 2010] (4) The materials of construction for
the cylinder, valves, plugs, outlet caps,
§ 173.40 General packaging require- luting, and gaskets must be compatible
ments for toxic materials packaged with each other and with the lading.
in cylinders. (d) Additional handling protection.
When this section is referenced for a Each cylinder or cylinder overpack
Hazard Zone A or B hazardous material combination offered for transportation
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§ 173.50 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
containing a Division 2.3 or 6.1 Hazard taining Hazard Zone B materials in ac-
Zone A or B material must conform to cordance with § 173.312.
the valve damage protection perform-
[67 FR 51642, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 67
ance requirements of this section. In FR 61289, Sept. 30, 2002; 68 FR 24660, May 8,
addition to the requirements of this 2003; 71 FR 33880, June 12, 2006]
section, overpacks must conform to the
overpack provisions of § 173.25.
(1) DOT specification cylinders must
Subpart C—Definitions, Classifica-
conform to the following: tion and Packaging for Class
(i) Each cylinder with a wall thick- 1
ness at any point of less than 2.03 mm
(0.08 inch) and each cylinder that does SOURCE: Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617, Dec. 21,
not have fitted valve protection must 1990, unless otherwise noted.
be overpacked in a box. The box must
conform to overpack provisions in § 173.50 Class 1—Definitions.
§ 173.25. Box and valve protection must (a) Explosive. For the purposes of this
be of sufficient strength to protect all subchapter, an explosive means any sub-
parts of the cylinder and valve, if any, stance or article, including a device,
from deformation and breakage result- which is designed to function by explo-
ing from a drop of 2.0 m (7 ft) or more sion (i.e., an extremely rapid release of
onto a non-yielding surface, such as gas and heat) or which, by chemical re-
concrete or steel, impacting at an ori- action within itself, is able to function
entation most likely to cause damage. in a similar manner even if not de-
‘‘Deformation’’means a cylinder or signed to function by explosion, unless
valve that is bent, distorted, mangled, the substance or article is otherwise
misshapen, twisted, warped, or in a classed under the provisions of this
similar condition. subchapter. The term includes a pyro-
(ii) Each cylinder with a valve must technic substance or article, unless the
be equipped with a protective metal substance or article is otherwise
cap, other valve protection device, or classed under the provisions of this
an overpack which is sufficient to pro- subchapter.
tect the valve from breakage or leak- (b) Explosives in Class 1 are divided
age resulting from a drop of 2.0 m (7 ft) into six divisions as follows:
onto a non-yielding surface, such as (1) Division 1.1 consists of explosives
concrete or steel. Impact must be at an that have a mass explosion hazard. A
orientation most likely to cause dam- mass explosion is one which affects al-
age. most the entire load instantaneously.
(2) Each UN cylinder containing a (2) Division 1.2 consists of explosives
Hazard Zone A or Hazard Zone B mate- that have a projection hazard but not a
rial must have a minimum test pres- mass explosion hazard.
sure in accordance with P200 of the UN (3) Division 1.3 consists of explosives
Recommendations (IBR, see § 171.7 of that have a fire hazard and either a
this subchapter). For Hazard Zone A minor blast hazard or a minor projec-
gases, the cylinder must have a min- tion hazard or both, but not a mass ex-
imum wall thickness of 3.5 mm if made plosion hazard.
of aluminum alloy or 2 mm if made of
(4) Division 1.4 consists of explosives
steel or, alternatively, cylinders may
that present a minor explosion hazard.
be packed in a rigid outer packaging
The explosive effects are largely con-
that meets the Packing Group I per-
fined to the package and no projection
formance level when tested as prepared
of fragments of appreciable size or
for transport, and that is designed and
range is to be expected. An external
constructed to protect the cylinder and
valve from puncture or damage that fire must not cause virtually instanta-
may result in release of the gas. neous explosion of almost the entire
contents of the package.
(e) Interconnection. Cylinders may not
be manifolded or connected. This provi-
sion does not apply to MEGCs con-
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.52
(5) Division 1.5 1 consists of very in- prior to such explosives being offered
sensitive explosives. This division is for transportation.
comprised of substances which have a [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617, Dec. 21, 1990, as
mass explosion hazard but are so insen- amended by 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001]
sitive that there is very little prob-
ability of initiation or of transition § 173.52 Classification codes and com-
from burning to detonation under nor- patibility groups of explosives.
mal conditions of transport. (a) The classification code for an ex-
(6) Division 1.6 2 consists of extremely plosive, which is assigned by the Asso-
insensitive articles which do not have a ciate Administrator in accordance with
mass explosive hazard. This division is this subpart, consists of the division
comprised of articles which contain number followed by the compatibility
only extremely insensitive detonating group letter. Compatibility group let-
substances and which demonstrate a ters are used to specify the controls for
negligible probability of accidental ini- the transportation, and storage related
tiation or propagation. thereto, of explosives and to prevent an
increase in hazard that might result if
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617 Dec. 21, 1990, as certain types of explosives were stored
amended at 56 FR 66267, Dec. 20, 1991; 66 FR or transported together. Transpor-
45183, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003] tation compatibility requirements for
carriers are prescribed in §§ 174.81,
§ 173.51 Authorization to offer and 175.78. 176.83 and 177.848 of this sub-
transport explosives. chapter for transportation by rail, air,
(a) Unless otherwise provided in this vessel, and public highway, respec-
subpart, no person may offer for trans- tively, and storage incidental thereto.
portation or transport an explosive, (b) Compatibility groups and classi-
unless it has been tested and classed fication codes for the various types of
and approved by the Associate Admin- explosives are set forth in the following
istrator (§ 173.56). tables. Table 1 sets forth compatibility
(b) Reports of explosives approved by groups and classification codes for sub-
the Department of Defense or the De- stances and articles described in the
partment of Energy must be filed with, first column of table 1. Table 2 shows
the number of classification codes that
and receive acknowledgement in writ-
are possible within each explosive divi-
ing by, the Associate Administrator
sion. Altogether, there are 35 possible
classification codes for explosives.
Compat- Classi-
Description of substances or article to be classified ibility fication
group code
1 The probability of transition from burn- 2 The risk from articles of Division 1.6 is
ing to detonation is greater when large quan- limited to the explosion of a single article.
tities are transported in a vessel.
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§ 173.53 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Article containing a secondary detonating explosive substance with its means of initiation, with a propel- F 1.1F
ling charge (other than one containing flammable liquid or gel or hypergolic liquid) or without a propel- 1.2F
ling charge. 1.3F
Pyrotechnic substance or article containing a pyrotechnic substance, or article containing both an explo- G 1.1G
sive substance and an illuminating, incendiary, tear-producing or smoke-producing substance (other 1.2G
than a water-activated article or one containing white phosphorus, phosphide or flammable liquid or gel 1.3G
or hypergolic liquid). 1.4G
Article containing both an explosive substance and white phosphorus .......................................................... H 1.2H
Article containing both an explosive substance and flammable liquid or gel .................................................. J 1.1J
Article containing both an explosive substance and a toxic chemical agent .................................................. K 1.2K
Explosive substance or article containing an explosive substance and presenting a special risk (e.g., due L 1.1L
to water-activation or presence of hybergolic liquids, phosphides or pyrophoric substances) needing iso- 1.2L
lation of each type. 1.3L
Articles containing only extremely insensitive detonating substances. ........................................................... N 1.6N
Substance or article so packed or designed that any hazardous effects arising from accidental functioning S 1.4S
are limited to the extent that they do not significantly hinder or prohibit fire fighting or other emergency
response efforts in the immediate vicinity of the package.
Hazard A B C D E F G H J K L N S A-S
1.1 1.1A 1.1B 1.1C 1.1D 1.1E 1.1F 1.1G .......... 1.1J .......... 1.1L .......... .......... 9
1.2 .......... 1.2B 1.2C 1.2D 1.2E 1.2F 1.2G 1.2H 1.2J 1.2K 1.2L .......... .......... 10
1.3 .......... .......... 1.3C .......... .......... 1.3F 1.3G 1.3H 1.3J 1.3K 1.3L .......... .......... 7
1.4 .......... 1.4B 1.4C 1.4D 1.4E 1.4F 1.4G .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1.4S 7
1.5 .......... .......... .......... 1.5D .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1
1.6 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1.6N .......... 1
1.6 1 3 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 1 1 35
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617, Dec. 21, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67492, Dec. 29,
1994; 64 FR 51918, Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001]
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.56
(d) Propellants that are unstable, offer a new explosive for transportation
condemned or deteriorated. unless that person has specified to the
(e) Nitroglycerin, diethylene glycol examining agency the ranges of com-
dinitrate, or any other liquid explo- position of ingredients and compounds,
sives not specifically authorized by showing the intended manufacturing
this subchapter. tolerances in the composition of sub-
(f) A loaded firearm (except as pro- stances or design of articles which will
vided in 49 CFR 1544.219). be allowed in that material or device,
(g) Fireworks that combine an explo- and unless it has been examined,
sive and a detonator. classed and approved as follows:
(h) Fireworks containing yellow or (1) Except for an explosive made by
white phosphorus. or under the direction or supervision of
(i) A toy torpedo, the maximum out- the Department of Defense (DOD) or
side dimension of which exceeds 23 mm the Department of Energy (DOE), a
(0.906 inch), or a toy torpedo containing new explosive must be examined and
a mixture of potassium chlorate, black assigned a recommended shipping de-
antimony (antimony sulfide), and sul- scription, division and compatibility
fur, if the weight of the explosive mate- group, based on the tests and criteria
rial in the device exceeds 0.26 g (0.01 prescribed in §§ 173.52, 173.57 and 173.58.
ounce). The person requesting approval of the
(j) Explosives specifically forbidden new explosive must submit to the Asso-
in the § 172.101 table of this subchapter. ciate Administrator a report of the ex-
(k) Explosives not meeting the ac- amination and assignment of a rec-
ceptance criteria specified in § 173.57 of ommended shipping description, divi-
this subchapter. sion, and compatibility group. If the
(l) An explosive article with its Associate Administrator finds the ap-
means of initiation or ignition in- proval request meets the regulatory
stalled, unless approved in accordance criteria, the new explosive will be ap-
with § 173.56. proved in writing and assigned an EX
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617 Dec. 21, 1990, as number. The examination must be per-
amended at 56 FR 66267, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. formed by a person who is approved by
173–236, 58 FR 50236, Sept. 24, 1993; 67 FR the Associate Administrator under the
61013, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003] provisions of subpart H of part 107 of
§ 173.55 [Reserved] this chapter and who—
(i) Has (directly, or through an em-
§ 173.56 New explosives—definition ployee involved in the examination) at
and procedures for classification least ten years of experience in the ex-
and approval. amination, testing and evaluation of
(a) Definition of new explosive. For explosives;
the purposes of this subchapter a new (ii) Does not manufacture or market
explosive means an explosive produced explosives, and is not controlled by or
by a person who: financially dependent on any entity
(1) Has not previously produced that that manufactures or markets explo-
explosive; or sives, and whose work with respect to
(2) Has previously produced that ex- explosives is limited to examination,
plosive but has made a change in the testing and evaluation; and
formulation, design or process so as to (iii) Is a resident of the United
alter any of the properties of the explo- States.
sive. An explosive will not be consid- (2) A new explosive made by or under
ered a ‘‘new explosive’’ if an agency the direction or supervision of a com-
listed in paragraph (b) of this section ponent of the DOD may be examined,
has determined, and confirmed in writ- classed, and concurred in by:
ing to the Associate Administrator, (i) U.S. Army Technical Center for
that there are no significant dif- Explosives Safety (SMCAC-EST), Naval
ferences in hazard characteristics from Sea Systems Command (SEA–9934), or
the explosive previously approved. Air Force Safety Agency (SEW), when
(b) Examination, classing and ap- approved by the Chairman, DOD Explo-
proval. Except as provided in para- sives Board, in accordance with the
graph (j) of this section, no person may DOD Explosives Hazard Classification
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§ 173.56 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Procedures (IBR, see § 171.7 of the sub- sel from the place where it was pro-
chapter); or duced to an agency identified in para-
(ii) The agencies and procedures spec- graph (b) of this section, for examina-
ified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. tion if—
(3) A new explosive made by or under (1) The new explosive has been as-
the direction or supervision of the De- signed a tentative shipping description
partment of Energy (DOE) may be— and class in writing by the testing
(i) Examined by the DOE in accord- agency;
ance with the DOD Explosives Hazard (2) The new explosive is packaged as
Classification Procedures, and must be required by this part according to the
classed and approved by DOE; or tentative description and class as-
(ii) Examined, classed, and approved signed, unless otherwise specified in
in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of writing by the testing agency; and,
this section. (3) The package is labeled as required
(4) For a material shipped under the by this subchapter and the following is
description of ‘‘ammonium nitrate-fuel marked on the package:
oil mixture (ANFO)’’, the only test re- (i) The words ‘‘SAMPLE FOR LAB-
quired for classification purposes is the ORATORY EXAMINATION’’;
Cap Sensitivity Test—Test Method 5(a) (ii) The net weight of the new explo-
prescribed in the Explosive Test Man- sive; and
ual (UN Manual of Tests and Criteria)
(iii) The tentative shipping name and
(IBR, see § 171.7 of the subchapter). The
identification number.
test must be performed by an agency
listed in paragraph (b)(1), (b)(2), or (e) Transportation of unapproved ex-
(b)(3) of this section, the manufacturer, plosives for developmental testing.
or the shipper. A copy of the test re- Notwithstanding the requirements of
port must be submitted to the Asso- paragraph (b) of this section, the owner
ciate Administrator before the mate- of a new explosive that has not been
rial is offered for transportation, and a examined or approved may transport
copy of the test report must be re- that new explosive from the place
tained by the shipper for as long as where it was produced to an explosives
that material is shipped. At a min- testing range if—
imum, the test report must contain the (1) It is not a primary (a 1.1A initi-
name and address of the person or or- ating) explosive or a forbidden explo-
ganization conducting the test, date of sive according to this subchapter;
the test, quantitative description of (2) It is described as a Division 1.1 ex-
the mixture, including prill size and plosive (substance or article) and is
porosity, and a description of the test packed, marked, labeled, described on
results. shipping papers and is otherwise of-
(c) Filing DOD or DOE approval re- fered for transportation in conform-
port. DOD or DOE must file a copy of ance with the requirements of this sub-
each approval, accompanied by sup- chapter applicable to Division 1.1;
porting laboratory data, with the Asso- (3) It is transported in a motor vehi-
ciate Administrator and receive ac- cle operated by the owner of the explo-
knowledgement in writing before offer- sive; and
ing the new explosive for transpor- (4) It is accompanied by a person, in
tation, unless the new explosive is: addition to the operator of the motor
(1) Being transported under para- vehicle, who is qualified by training
graph (d) or (e) of this section; or and experience to handle the explosive.
(2) Covered by a national security (f) Notwithstanding the requirements
classification currently in effect. of paragraphs (b) and (d) of this sec-
(d) Transportation of explosive sam- tion, the Associate Administrator may
ples for examination. Notwithstanding approve a new explosive on the basis of
the requirements of paragraph (b) of an approval issued for the explosive by
this section with regard to the trans- the competent authority of a foreign
portation of a new explosive that has government, or when examination of
not been approved, a person may offer the explosive by a person approved by
a sample of a new explosive for trans- the Associate Administrator is imprac-
portation, by railroad, highway, or ves- ticable, on the basis of reports of tests
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.57
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§ 173.58 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Test (Test Method 3(a)(i)), the Friction sive or a gelatin dynamite loses more
Sensitivity Test (Test Method 3(b)(iii)), than 10 percent by weight of the liquid
the Thermal Stability Test (Test Meth- explosive; or
od 3(c)) at 75 °C (167 °F) and the Small- (3) During the leakage test (Test
Scale Burning Test (Test Method Method D–1 in appendix D to this part),
3(d)(i)), each as described in the Explo- there is any loss of liquid.
sive Test Manual (UN Manual of Tests
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617 Dec. 21, 1990, as
and Criteria) (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
amended at 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; 64 FR
subchapter). A substance is forbidden 51918, Sept. 27, 1999; 68 FR 75743, Dec. 31, 2003]
for transportation if any one of the fol-
lowing occurs: § 173.58 Assignment of class and divi-
(1) For a liquid, failure to pass the sion for new explosives.
test criteria when tested in the Drop
(a) Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 explo-
Weight Impact Sensitivity Test appa-
sives. In addition to the test prescribed
ratus for liquids;
in § 173.57 of this subchapter, a sub-
(2) For a solid, failure to pass the test
stance or article in these divisions
criteria when tested in the Drop
must be subjected to Test Methods 6(a),
Weight Impact Sensitivity Test appa-
6(b), and 6(c), as described in the UN
ratus for solids;
Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see
(3) The substance has a friction sen-
§ 171.7 of this subchapter), for assign-
sitiveness equal to or greater than that
ment to an appropriate division. The
of dry pentaerythrite tetranitrate
criteria for assignment of class and di-
(PETN) when tested in the Friction
vision are as follows:
Sensitivity Test;
(4) The substance fails to pass the (1) Division 1.1 if the major hazard is
test criteria specified in the Thermal mass explosion;
Stability Test at 75 °C (167 °F); or (2) Division 1.2 if the major hazard is
(5) Explosion occurs when tested in dangerous projections;
the Small-Scale Burning Test. (3) Division 1.3 if the major hazard is
(b) An explosive article, packaged or radiant heat or violent burning, or
unpackaged, or a packaged explosive both, but there is no blast or projection
substance must be subjected to the hazard;
Thermal Stability Test for Articles and (4) Division 1.4 if there is a small haz-
Packaged Articles (Test method 4(a)(i)) ard with no mass explosion and no pro-
and the Twelve Meter Drop Test (Test jection of fragments of appreciable size
Method 4(b)(ii)), when appropriate, in or range;
the Explosive Test Manual. An article (5) Division 1.4 Compatibility Group
or packaged substance is forbidden for S (1.4S) if the hazardous effects are
transportation if evidence of thermal confined within the package or the
instability or excessive impact sensi- blast and projection effects do not sig-
tivity is found in those tests according nificantly hinder emergency response
to the criteria and methods of assess- efforts; or
ing results prescribed therein. (6) Not in the explosive class if the
(c) Dynamite (explosive, blasting, substance or article does not have sig-
type A) is forbidden for transportation nificant explosive hazard or if the ef-
if any of the following occurs: fects of explosion are completely con-
(1) It does not have uniformly mixed fined within the article.
with the absorbent material a satisfac- (b) Division 1.5 explosive. Except for
tory antacid in a quantity sufficient to ANFO, a substance that has been ex-
have the acid neutralizing power of an amined in accordance with the provi-
amount of magnesium carbonate equal sions § 173.57(a) of this subchapter,
to one percent of the nitroglycerin or must be subjected to the following ad-
other liquid explosive ingredient; ditional tests: Cap Sensitivity Test,
(2) During the centrifuge test (Test Princess Incendiary Spark Test, DDT
Method D–2, in appendix D to this part) Test, and External Fire Test, each as
or the compression test (Test Method described in the Explosive Test Man-
D–3 in appendix D to this part), a non- ual. A material may not be classed as
gelatin dynamite loses more than 3 a Division 1.5 explosive if any of the
percent by weight of the liquid explo- following occurs:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.59
(1) Detonation occurs in the Cap Sen- Administrator based on the criteria
sitivity Test (Test Method 5(a)); prescribed in § 173.52(b) of this sub-
(2) Detonation occurs in the DDT chapter.
Test (Test Method 5(b)(ii));
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617 Dec. 21, 1990, as
(3) An explosion, evidenced by a loud
amended at 56 FR 66267, Dec. 20, 1991; 63 FR
noise and projection of fragments, oc- 52849, Oct. 1, 1998; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001;
curs in the External Fire Test (Test 68 FR 75743, Dec. 31, 2003]
Method 5(c), or
(4) Ignition or explosion occurs in the § 173.59 Description of terms for explo-
Princess Incendiary Spark Test (Test sives.
Method 5(d)).
(c) Division 1.6 explosive. (1) In order For the purpose of this subchapter, a
to be classed as a 1.6 explosive, an arti- description of the following terms is
cle must pass all of the following tests, provided for information only. They
as prescribed in the Explosive Test must not be used for purposes of classi-
Manual: fication or to replace proper shipping
(i) The 1.6 Article External Fire Test; names prescribed in § 172.101 of this
(ii) The 1.6 Article Slow Cook-off subchapter.
Test; Ammonium-nitrate—fuel oil mixture
(iii) The 1.6 Article Propagation Test; (ANFO). A blasting explosive con-
and taining no essential ingredients other
(iv) The 1.6 Article Bullet Impact than prilled ammonium nitrate and
Test. fuel oil.
(2) A substance intended for use as Ammunition. Generic term related
the explosive load in an article of Divi- mainly to articles of military applica-
sion 1.6 must be an extremely insensi- tion consisting of all types of bombs,
tive detonating substance (EIDS). In grenades, rockets, mines, projectiles
order to determine if a substance is an and other similar devices or contri-
EIDS, it must be subjected to the tests vances.
in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (c)(2)(x) Ammunition, illuminating, with or with-
of this section, which are described in out burster, expelling charge or propelling
the Explosive Test Manual. The sub- charge. Ammunition designed to
stance must be tested in the form (i.e., produce a single source of intense light
composition, granulation, density, etc.) for lighting up an area. The term in-
in which it is to be used in the article. cludes illuminating cartridges, gre-
A substance is not an EIDS if it fails nades and projectiles, and illuminating
any of the following tests:
and target identification bombs. The
(i) The Drop Weight Impact Sensi-
term excludes the following articles
tivity Test;
which are listed separately: cartridges,
(ii) The Friction Sensitivity Test;
signal; signal devices; hand signals; dis-
(iii) The Thermal Sensitivity Test at
tress flares, aerial and flares, surface.
75 °C (167 °F);
(iv) The Small Scale Burning Test; Ammunition, incendiary. Ammunition
(v) The EIDS Cap Test; containing an incendiary substance
(vi) The EIDS Gap Test; which may be a solid, liquid or gel in-
(vii) The Susan Test; cluding white phosphorus. Except when
(viii) The EIDS Bullet Impact Test; the composition is an explosive per se,
(ix) The EIDS External Fire Test; it also contains one or more of the fol-
and lowing: a propelling charge with primer
(x) The EIDS Slow Cook-off Test. and igniter charge, or a fuze with
(d) The Associate Administrator may burster or expelling charge. The term
waive or modify certain test(s) identi- includes: Ammunition, incendiary, liquid
fied in §§ 173.57 and 173.58 of this sub- or gel, with burster, expelling charge
chapter, or require additional testing, or propelling charge; Ammunition, in-
if appropriate. In addition, the Asso- cendiary with or without burster, expel-
ciate Administrator may limit the ling charge or propelling charge; and
quantity of explosive in a device. Ammunition, incendiary, white phos-
(e) Each explosive is assigned a com- phorus, with burster, expelling charge
patibility group letter by the Associate or propelling charge.
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§ 173.59 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.59
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§ 173.59 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.59
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§ 173.59 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.60
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§ 173.61 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- paper, multiwall, plastics ................... steel (4A).
CEPTIONS: water resistant. textile, plastic coat- aluminium (4B).
1. For UN Nos. 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0219 plastics ................... ed or lined. natural wood, ordi-
and 0394, packagings must be lead free textile ...................... Receptacles ............... nary (4C1).
2. Intermediate packagings are not required if textile, rubberized .. metal ...................... natural wood, sift
leakproof drums are used as the outer pack- woven plastics ....... plastics ................... proof (4C2).
aging Receptacles ............... plywood (4D).
3. For UN 0072 and UN 0226, intermediate pack- metal ...................... reconstituted wood
agings are not required plastics ................... (4F).
fibreboard (4G).
plastics, expanded
plastics, solid
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
Plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
112(b) This packing instruction applies to dry solids Bags .......................... Bags (for UN 0150 Bags.
other than powders. paper, Kraft ............ only). woven plastics sift-
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- paper, multiwall, plastics ................... proof (5H2/3).
CEPTIONS:. water resistant. textile, plastic coat- plastics, film (5H4).
1. For UN 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0216, 0219 plastics ................... ed or lined. textile, sift-proof
and 0386, packagings must be lead free. textile ...................... (5L2).
2. For UN 0209, bags, sift-proof (5H2) are rec- textile, rubberized textile, water resist-
ommended for flake or prilled TNT in the dry plastics. ant (5L3).
state and a maximum net mass of 30 kg.. woven plastics ....... paper, multiwall,
3. For UN 0222, inner packagings are not re- water resistant
quired. (5M2).
steel (4A).
aluminium (4B).
natural wood, ordi-
nary (4C1).
natural wood, sift
proof (4C2).
plywood (4D)
reconstituted wood
fibreboard (4G).
plastics, expanded
plastics, solid
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
Plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
112(c) This packing instruction applies to solid dry Bags .......................... Bags .......................... Boxes.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- paper, multiwall, paper, multiwall, steel (4A).
CEPTIONS: water resistant. water resistant natural wood,
1. For UN 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0216, 0219 plastics ................... with inner lining. aluminum (4B).
and 0386, packagings must be lead free woven plastics ....... plastics ................... ordinary (4C1).
2. For UN 0209, bags, sift-proof (5H2) are rec- Receptacles ............... Receptacles ............... natural wood,
ommended for flake or prilled TNT in the dry fibreboard ............... metal ...................... sift proof (4C2).
state. Bags must not exceed a maximum net metal ...................... plastics ................... plywood (4D).
mass of 30 kg. plastics ................... reconstituted wood
3. Inner packagings are not required if drums are wood ...................... (4F).
used as the outer packaging. fibreboard (4G).
4. At least one of the packagings must be sift- plastics, solid
proof (4H2).
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
Plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
113 ................................................................................. Bags .......................... Not necessary ........... Boxes.
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- paper ...................... .................................... steel (4A).
CEPTIONS: plastics ................... aluminum (4B).
1. For UN 0094 and UN 0305, no more than 50 g textile, rubberized .. natural wood, ordi-
of substance must be packed in an inner pack- Receptacles ............... nary (4C1).
aging fibreboard ............... natural wood, sift-
2. For UN 0027, inner packagings are not nec- metal ...................... proof walls (4C2).
essary when drums are used as the outer pack- plastics ................... plywood (4D).
aging wood ...................... reconstituted wood
3. At least one of the packagings must be sift- Sheets ....................... (4F).
proof paper, kraft ............. fibreboard (4G).
4. Sheets must only be used for UN 0028 paper, waxed ......... plastics, solid
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
Plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
114(a) This packing instruction applies to wetted sol- Bags .......................... Bags .......................... Boxes.
ids. plastics ................... plastics ................... steel (4A).
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- textile ...................... textile, plastic coat- natural wood, ordi-
CEPTIONS:. woven plastics ....... ed or lined. nary (4C1).
1. For UN 0077, 0234, 0235 and 0236, pack- Receptacles ............... Receptacles ............... natural wood, sift
agings must be lead free. metal ...................... metal ...................... proof walls (4C2).
2. For UN 0342, inner packagings are not re- plastics ................... plastics ................... plywood (4D).
quired when metal (1A2 or 1B2) or plastics reconstituted wood
(1H2) drums are used as outer packagings. (4F).
3. Intermediate packagings are not required if fibreboard (4G).
leakproof removable head drums are used as plastics, solid
the outer packaging. (4H2).
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
removable head
114(b) This packing instruction applies to dry solids.
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- Bags .......................... Not necessary ........... Boxes.
CEPTIONS: paper, kraft natural wood, ordinary
1. For UN 0077, 0132, 0234, 0235 and 0236, pack- plastics (4C1).
agings must be lead free textile, sift-proof natural wood, sift-
2. For UN 0160 and UN 0161, when metal drums woven plastics, sift- proof walls (4C2).
(1A2 or 1B2) are used as the outer packaging, proof. plywood (4D).
metal packagings must be so constructed that the reconstituted wood
risk of explosion, by reason of increased internal Recep- .................................... (4F).
pressure from internal or external causes, is pre- tacles ................... fiberboard (4G).
vented fiberboard
3. For UN 0160, UN 0161, and UN 0508, inner pack- metal Drums.
agings are not necessary if drums are used as the paper steel, removable head
outer packaging plastics (1A2).
4. For UN 0508 and UN 0509, metal packagings must woven plastics, sift- aluminum, removable
not be used proof. head (1B2).
plywood (1D).
fiber (1G).
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
115 ................................................................................. Receptacles Bags .......................... Boxes.
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- metal plastics in metal re- natural wood, ordi-
CEPTIONS: plastics ceptacles. nary (4C1).
1. For liquid explosives, inner packagings must be Drums ........................ natural wood, sift
surrounded with non-combustible absorbent metal ...................... proof walls (4C2).
cushioning material in sufficient quantity to ab- plywood (4D).
sorb the entire liquid content. Metal receptacles reconstituted wood
should be cushioned from each other. The net (4F).
mass of explosive per package may not exceed fibreboard (4G).
30 kg when boxes are used as outer pack- Drums.
aging. The net volume of explosive in each plastics, removable
package other than boxes must not exceed 120 head (1H2).
litres steel, removable
2. For UN 0075, 0143, 0495 and 0497 when head (1A2).
boxes are used as the outer packaging, inner aluminium, remov-
packagings must have taped screw cap clo- able head (1B2).
sures and be not more than 5 litres capacity plywood (1D).
each. A composite packaging consisting of a fibre (1G).
plastic receptacle in a metal drum (6HA1) may Specification MC–200
be used in lieu of combination packagings. Liq- containers may be
uid substances must not freeze at temperatures used for transport
above ¥15 °C (+5 °F) by motor vehicle.
3. For UN 0144, intermediate packagings are not
116 ................................................................................. Bags Not necessary ........... Bags.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- paper, water and oil .. .................................... woven plastics
CEPTIONS: resistant ................. (5H1/2/3).
1. For UN 0082, 0241, 0331 and 0332, inner plastics ................... paper, mulitwall,
packagings are not necessary if leakproof re- texitile, plasic coat- water resistant
movable head drums are used as the outer ed or. (5M2).
packaging lined ....................... plastics, film (5H4).
2. For UN 0082, 0241, 0331 and 0332, inner woven plasics, sift- textile, sift-proof
packagings are not required when the explosive proof. (5L2).
is contained in a material impervious to liquid Receptacles ............... textile, water resist-
3. For UN 0081, inner packagings are not re- fibreboard, water ant (5L3).
quired when contained in rigid plastic which is resistant. Boxes.
impervious to nitric esters metal ...................... steel (4A).
4. For UN 0331, inner packagings are not re- plastics ................... aluminium (4B).
quired when bags (5H2), (5H3) or (5H4) are wood, sift-proof ...... wood, natural, ordi-
used as outer packagings Sheets ....................... nary (4C1).
5. Bags (5H2 or 5H3) must be used only for UN paper, water resist- natural wood, sift
0082, 0241, 0331 and 0332 ant. proof walls (4C2).
6. For UN 0081, bags must not be used as outer paper, waxed ......... plywood (4D).
packagings plastics ................... reconstituted wood
fibreboard (4G).
plastics, solid
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, remov-
able head (1B2).
Plywood (1D).
fibre (1G).
plastics, removable
head (1H2).
steel, removable
head (3A2).
plastics, removable
head (3H2).
117 ................................................................................. Not necessary ........... Not necessary ........... IBCs.
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- .................................... .................................... metal (11A), (11B),
CEPTIONS: (11N), (21A),
1. This packing instruction may only be used for (21B), (21N),
explosives of 0082 when they are mixtures of (31A), (31B),
ammonium nitrate or other inorganic nitrates (31N).
with other combustible substances which are flexible (13H2),
not explosive ingredients. Such explosives must (13H3), (13H4),
not contain nitroglycerin, similar liquid organic (13L2), (13L3),
nitrates, liquid or solid nitrocarbons, or chlor- (13L4), (13M2).
ates. rigid plastics
2. This packing instruction may only be used for (11H1), (11H2),
explosives of UN 0241 which consist of water (21H1), (21H2),
as an essential ingredient and high proportions (31H1), (31H2).
of ammonium nitrate or other oxidizers, some composite (11HZ1),
or all of which are in solution. The other con- (11HZ2),
stituents may include hydrocarbons or alu- (21HZ1),
minium powder, but must not include nitro-de- (21HZ2),
rivatives such as trinitrotoluene. (31HZ1),
3. Metal IBCs must not be used for UN 0082 and (31HZ2).
4. Flexible IBCs may only be used for solids.
130 ................................................................................. Not necessary ........... Not necessary ...........
Particular Packaging Requirements:
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
132(b) For articles without closed casings ................... Receptacles fiber- Not necessary ........... Boxes.
board metal plas- steel (4A); alu-
tics. Sheets paper minum (4B).
plastics. wood, natural, ordi-
nary (4C1).
wood, natural, sift
proof walls (4C2).
plywood (4D).
reconstituted wood
fiberboard (4G).
plastics, solid
133 ................................................................................. Receptacles ............... Receptacles ............... Boxes.
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EX- Intermediate pack- fibreboard ............... steel (4A).
CEPTIONS: agings are only re- metal ...................... aluminium (4B).
1. For UN 0043, 0212, 0225, 0268 and 0306 quired when trays plastics ................... wood, natural, ordi-
trays are not authorized as inner packagings are used as inner wood ...................... nary (4C1).
packagings. wood, natural, sift
fibreboard .................. proof walls (4C2).
metal ...................... plywood (4D).
plastics ................... reconstituted wood
wood ...................... (4F).
Trays, fitted with di- fibreboard (4G).
viding. plastics, solid
partitions .................... (4H2).
fibreboard ..................
plastics .......................
wood ..........................
134 ................................................................................. Bags .......................... Not necessary ........... Boxes.
water resistant steel (4A).
Receptacles aluminium (4B).
fibreboard wood, natural, or-
metal dinary (4C1).
plastics wood, natural, sift
wood proof walls (4C2).
Sheets plywood (4D).
fibreboard, cor- reconstituted
rugated wood (4F).
Tubes fibreboard (4G).
fibreboard plastics, ex-
panded (4H1).
plastics, solid
fibreboard (1G).
plastics, remov-
able head (1H2).
steel, removable
head (1A2).
aluminium, re-
movable head
plywood (1D).
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.62
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§ 173.62 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.63
[Amdt. 173–260, 62 FR 24720, May 6, 1997; 62 FR 45702, Aug. 28, 1997; 62 FR 51560, Oct. 1, 1997;
63 FR 1884, Jan. 12, 1998; 63 FR 52849, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 51918, Sept. 27, 1999; 65 FR 50461, Aug.
18, 2000; 65 FR 58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 65 FR 60383, Oct. 11, 2000; 66 FR 33429, 33430, June 21, 2001;
66 FR 45183, 45379, 45382, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45033, July 31, 2003; 68 FR 48569, Aug. 14, 2003; 68
FR 61941, Oct. 30, 2003; 73 FR 4717, Jan. 28, 2008; 74 FR 53188, Oct. 16, 2009; 75 FR 72, Jan. 4,
2010; 75 FR 5394, Feb. 2, 2010]
VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00501 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
§ 173.115 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(4) Passenger-carrying aircraft used blasting caps with leg wires 4 feet long
to transport personnel to remote work or longer, delay connectors in plastic
sites, such as offshore drilling units. sheaths, or blasting caps with empty
(b) Cartridges, small arms, and car- plastic tubing 12 feet long or longer
tridges power devices. (1) Cartridges, may be packed as follows in which case
small arms, and cartridges power de- they are excepted from the packaging
vices (which are used to project fas- requirements of § 173.62:
tening devices) which have been (1) No more than 50 detonators in one
classed as a Division 1.4S explosive inner packaging;
may be reclassed, offered for transpor- (2) IME Standard 22 container (IBR,
tation, and transported as ORM–D ma- see § 171.7 of this subchapter) or com-
terial when packaged in accordance partment is used as the outer pack-
with paragraph (b)(2) of this section. aging;
For transportation by aircraft, the (3) No more than 1000 detonators in
package must also comply with the ap- one outer packaging; and
plicable requirements of § 173.27 of this (4) No material may be loaded on top
subchapter. Such transportation is ex- of the IME Standard 22 container and
cepted from the requirements of sub- no material may be loaded against the
parts E (Labeling) and F (Placarding) outside door of the IME Standard 22
of part 172 of this subchapter. Car- compartment.
tridges, small arms, and cartridges (g) Detonators that are classed as
power devices that may be shipped as 1.4B or 1.4S and contain no more than
ORM–D material are limited to: 1 g of explosive (excluding ignition and
(i) Ammunition for rifle, pistol or delay charges) may be packed as fol-
shotgun; lows in which case they are excepted
(ii) Ammunition with inert projec- from the packaging requirements of
tiles or blank ammunition; § 173.62:
(iii) Ammunition having no tear gas, (1) No more than 50 detonators in one
incendiary, or detonating explosive inner packaging;
projectiles; (2) IME Standard 22 container is used
(iv) Ammunition not exceeding 12.7 as the outer packaging;
mm (50 caliber or 0.5 inch) for rifle or (3) No more than 1000 detonators in
pistol, cartridges or 8 gauge for one outer packaging; and
shotshells; and (4) Each inner packaging is marked
(v) Cartridges, power devices which ‘‘l.4B Detonators’’ or ‘‘1.4S Deto-
are used to project fastening devices. nators’’, as appropriate.
(2) Packaging for cartridges, small
arms, and cartridges power devices as [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52617, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66268, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
ORM-D material must be as follows: 173–236, 58 FR 50536, Sept. 24, 1993; Amdt. 173–
(i) Ammunition must be packed in in- 253, 61 FR 27175, May 30, 1996; 68 FR 75743,
side boxes, or in partitions which fit Dec. 31, 2003; 71 FR 14602, Mar. 22, 2006]
snugly in the outside packaging, or in
metal clips; Subpart D—Definitions Classifica-
(ii) Primers must be protected from
accidental initiation;
tion, Packing Group Assign-
(iii) Inside boxes, partitions or metal ments and Exceptions for
clips must be packed in securely-closed Hazardous Materials Other
strong outside packagings; Than Class 1 and Class 7
(iv) Maximum gross weight is limited
to 30 kg (66 pounds) per package; and SOURCE: Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634 Dec. 21,
(v) Cartridges, power devices which 1990, unless otherwise noted.
are used to project fastening devices
and 22 caliber rim-fire cartridges may § 173.115 Class 2, Divisions 2.1, 2.2, and
be packaged loose in strong outside 2.3—Definitions.
packagings. (a) Division 2.1 (Flammable gas). For
(c)–(e) [Reserved] the purpose of this subchapter, a flam-
(f) Detonators containing no more mable gas (Division 2.1) means any ma-
than 1 g explosive (excluding ignition terial which is a gas at 20 °C (68 °F) or
and delay charges) that are electric less and 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia) of pressure
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.115
(a material which has a boiling point of § 173.133(b)(1)(i) or CGA P–20 (IBR, see
20 °C (68 °F) or less at 101.3 kPa (14.7 § 171.7 of this subchapter).
psia)) which— (d) Non-liquefied compressed gas. A
(1) Is ignitable at 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia) gas, which when packaged under pres-
when in a mixture of 13 percent or less sure for transportation is entirely gas-
by volume with air; or eous at ¥50 °C (¥58 °F) with a critical
(2) Has a flammable range at 101.3 temperature less than or equal to ¥50
kPa (14.7 psia) with air of at least 12 °C (¥58 °F), is considered to be a non-
percent regardless of the lower limit. liquefied compressed gas.
Except for aerosols, the limits specified (e) Liquefied compressed gas. A gas,
in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this which when packaged under pressure
section shall be determined at 101.3 for transportation is partially liquid at
kPa (14.7 psia) of pressure and a tem- temperatures above ¥50 °C (¥58 °F), is
perature of 20 °C (68 °F) in accordance considered to be a liquefied compressed
with the ASTM E681–85, Standard Test gas. A liquefied compressed gas is fur-
Method for Concentration Limits of ther categorized as follows:
Flammability of Chemicals or other (1) High pressure liquefied gas which is
equivalent method approved by the As- a gas with a critical temperature be-
sociate Administrator. The flamma- tween ¥50 °C (¥58 °F) and + 65 °C (149
bility of aerosols is determined by the °F), and
tests specified in § 173.115 (k) of this (2) Low pressure liquefied gas which is
section. a gas with a critical temperature above
(b) Division 2.2 (non-flammable, non- + 65 °C (149 °F).
poisonous compressed gas—including com- (f) Compressed gas in solution. A com-
pressed gas, liquefied gas, pressurized pressed gas in solution is a non-liquefied
cryogenic gas, compressed gas in solution, compressed gas which is dissolved in a
asphyxiant gas and oxidizing gas). For solvent.
the purpose of this subchapter, a non- (g) Cryogenic liquid. A cryogenic liquid
flammable, nonpoisonous compressed means a refrigerated liquefied gas hav-
gas (Division 2.2) means any material ing a boiling point colder than ¥90 °C
(or mixture) which— (¥130 °F) at 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia) abso-
(1) Exerts in the packaging a gauge lute. A material meeting this defini-
pressure of 200 kPa (29.0 psig/43.8 psia) tion is subject to requirements of this
or greater at 20 °C (68 °F), is a liquefied subchapter without regard to whether
gas or is a cryogenic liquid, and it meets the definition of a non-flam-
(2) Does not meet the definition of mable, non-poisonous compressed gas
Division 2.1 or 2.3. in paragraph (b) of this section.
(c) Division 2.3 (Gas poisonous by inha- (h) Flammable range. The term flam-
lation). For the purpose of this sub- mable range means the difference be-
chapter, a gas poisonous by inhalation tween the minimum and maximum vol-
(Division 2.3) means a material which ume percentages of the material in air
is a gas at 20 °C (68 °F) or less and a that forms a flammable mixture.
pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia) (a ma- (i) Service pressure. The term service
terial which has a boiling point of 20 °C pressure means the authorized pressure
(68 °F) or less at 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia)) marking on the packaging. For exam-
and which— ple, for a cylinder marked ‘‘DOT
(1) Is known to be so toxic to humans 3A1800’’, the service pressure is 12410
as to pose a hazard to health during kPa (1800 psig).
transportation, or (j) Refrigerant gas or Dispersant gas.
(2) In the absence of adequate data on The terms Refrigerant gas and Dispers-
human toxicity, is presumed to be ant gas apply to all nonpoisonous re-
toxic to humans because when tested frigerant gases; dispersant gases (fluo-
on laboratory animals it has an LC50 rocarbons) listed in § 172.101 of this sub-
value of not more than 5000 mL/m3 (see chapter and §§ 173.304, 173.314(c),
§ 173.116(a) of this subpart for assign- 173.315(a), and 173.315(h) and mixtures
ment of Hazard Zones A, B, C or D). thereof; and any other compressed gas
LC50 values for mixtures may be deter- having a vapor pressure not exceeding
mined using the formula in 260 psia at 54 °C(130 °F), used only as a
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§ 173.116 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.120
(1) Any liquid meeting one of the liquid gives off vapor within a test ves-
definitions specified in § 173.115. sel in sufficient concentration to form
(2) Any mixture having one or more an ignitable mixture with air near the
components with a flash point of 60 °C surface of the liquid. It shall be deter-
(140 °F) or higher, that make up at mined as follows:
least 99 percent of the total volume of (i) For a homogeneous, single-phase,
the mixture, if the mixture is not of- liquid having a viscosity less than 45
fered for transportation or transported S.U.S. at 38 °C (100 °F) that does not
at or above its flash point. form a surface film while under test,
(3) Any liquid with a flash point one of the following test procedures
greater than 35 °C (95 °F) that does not shall be used:
sustain combustion according to ASTM (A) Standard Method of Test for
D 4206 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester,
chapter) or the procedure in appendix (ASTM D 56);
H of this part. (B) Standard Methods of Test for
(4) Any liquid with a flash point Flash Point of Liquids by Setaflash
greater than 35 °C (95 °F) and with a Closed Tester, (ASTM D 3278); or
fire point greater than 100 °C (212 °F) (C) Standard Test Methods for Flash
according to ISO 2592 (IBR, see § 171.7 of Point by Small Scale Closed Tester,
this subchapter). (ASTM D 3828).
(5) Any liquid with a flash point (ii) For a liquid other than one meet-
greater than 35 °C (95 °F) which is in a ing all of the criteria of paragraph
water-miscible solution with a water (c)(1)(i) of this section, one of the fol-
content of more than 90 percent by lowing test procedures shall be used:
mass. (A) Standard Method of Test for
(b) Combustible liquid. (1) For the Flash Point by Pensky—Martens
purpose of this subchapter, a combus- Closed Tester, (ASTM D 93). For cut-
tible liquid means any liquid that does back asphalt, use Method B of ASTM D
not meet the definition of any other 93 or alternate tests authorized in this
hazard class specified in this sub- standard; or
chapter and has a flash point above 60 (B) Standard Methods of Test for
°C (140 °F) and below 93 °C (200 °F). Flash Point of Liquids by Setaflash
(2) A flammable liquid with a flash Closed Tester (ASTM D 3278).
point at or above 38 °C (100 °F) that (2) For a liquid that is a mixture of
does not meet the definition of any compounds that have different vola-
other hazard class may be reclassed as tility and flash points, its flash point
a combustible liquid. This provision shall be determined as specified in
does not apply to transportation by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, on the
vessel or aircraft, except where other material in the form in which it is to
means of transportation is impracti- be shipped. If it is determined by this
cable. An elevated temperature mate- test that the flash point is higher than
rial that meets the definition of a Class ¥7 °C (20 °F) a second test shall be
3 material because it is intentionally made as follows: a portion of the mix-
heated and offered for transportation ture shall be placed in an open beaker
or transported at or above its flash (or similar container) of such dimen-
point may not be reclassed as a com- sions that the height of the liquid can
bustible liquid. be adjusted so that the ratio of the vol-
(3) A combustible liquid that does not ume of the liquid to the exposed sur-
sustain combustion is not subject to face area is 6 to one. The liquid shall be
the requirements of this subchapter as allowed to evaporate under ambient
a combustible liquid. Either the test pressure and temperature (20 to 25 °C
method specified in ASTM D 4206 or the (68 to 77 °F)) for a period of 4 hours or
procedure in appendix H of this part until 10 percent by volume has evapo-
may be used to determine if a material rated, whichever comes first. A flash
sustains combustion when heated point is then run on a portion of the
under test conditions and exposed to an liquid remaining in the evaporation
external source of flame. container and the lower of the two
(c) Flash point. (1) Flash point means flash points shall be the flash point of
the minimum temperature at which a the material.
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§ 173.121 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(3) For flash point determinations by Flow time t in Jet diameter Flash point c.c.
Setaflash closed tester, the glass sy- seconds in mm
ringe specified need not be used as the 20<t≤32 ............. 6 above 5 °C (41 °F).
method of measurement of the test 32<t≤44 ............. 6 above ¥1 °C (31.2 °F).
sample if a minimum quantity of 2 mL 44<t≤100 ........... 6 above ¥5 °C (23 °F).
100<t ................. 6 ¥5 °C (23 °F) and below.
(0.1 ounce) is assured in the test cup.
(d) If experience or other data indi- (2) The methods by which the tests
cate that the hazard of a material is referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of this
greater or less than indicated by the section shall be performed are as fol-
criteria specified in paragraphs (a) and lows:
(b) of this section, the Associate Ad- (i) Viscosity test. The flow time in sec-
ministrator may revise the classifica- onds is determined at 23 °C (73.4 °F)
tion or make the material subject or using the ISO standard cup with a 4
not subject to the requirements of mm (0.16 inch) jet as set forth in ISO
parts 170–189 of this subchapter. 2431 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634 Dec. 21, 1990, as Where the flow time exceeds 100 sec-
amended by Amdt. 173–227, 56 FR 49989, Oct. onds, a further test is carried out using
2, 1991; 56 FR 66268, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR 45461, the ISO standard cup with a 6 mm (0.24
Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67506, 67507, inch) jet.
Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50625, Sept. (ii) Solvent Separation Test. This test
26, 1996; Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24731, May 6,
1997; 66 FR 45379, 45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
is carried out at 23 °C (73 °F) using a
75743, Dec. 31, 2003; 71 FR 78631, Dec. 29, 2006] 100.0 mL(3 ounces) measuring cylinder
of the stoppered type of approximately
§ 173.121 Class 3—Assignment of pack- 25.0 cm (9.8 inches) total height and of
ing group. a uniform internal diameter of approxi-
(a) The packing group of a Class 3 mately 30 mm (1.2 inches) over the cali-
material is as assigned in column 5 of brated section. The sample should be
the § 172.101 table. When the § 172.101 stirred to obtain a uniform consist-
table provides more than one packing ency, and poured in up to the 100 mL (3
group for a hazardous material, the ounces) mark. The stopper should be
packing group shall be determined by inserted and the cylinder left standing
applying the following criteria: undisturbed for 24 hours. After 24
hours, the height of the upper sepa-
Packing Initial boiling rated layer should be measured and the
Flash point (closed-cup)
group point
percentage of this layer as compared
I ........... ....................................................... ≤35°C (95 °F) with the total height of the sample cal-
II .......... <23°C (73 °F) ............................... >35 °C (95 °F)
III ......... ≥23 °C, ≤60 °C (≥73 °F, ≤140 °F) >35 °C (95 °F)
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(b) Criteria for inclusion of viscous amended at 56 FR 66268, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
Class 3 materials in Packing Group III. (1) 173–241, 59 FR 67507, Dec. 29, 1994 Amdt. 173–
Viscous Class 3 materials in Packing 255, 61 FR 50625, Sept. 26, 1996; 64 FR 10777,
Group II with a flash point of less than Mar. 5, 1999; 64 FR 51918, Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR
45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75744, Dec. 31, 2003;
23 °C (73 °F) may be grouped in Packing 71 FR 78631, Dec. 29, 2006]
Group III provided that—
(i) Less than 3 percent of the clear § 173.124 Class 4, Divisions 4.1, 4.2 and
solvent layer separates in the solvent 4.3—Definitions.
separation test; (a) Division 4.1 (Flammable Solid). For
(ii) The mixture does not contain any
the purposes of this subchapter, flam-
substances with a primary or a sub-
mable solid (Division 4.1) means any of
sidiary risk of Division 6.1 or Class 8;
the following three types of materials:
(iii) The capacity of the packaging is
(1) Desensitized explosives that—
not more than 30 L (7.9 gallons); and
(i) When dry are Explosives of Class 1
(iv) The viscosity and flash point are
other than those of compatibility
in accordance with the following table:
group A, which are wetted with suffi-
Flow time t in Jet diameter Flash point c.c.
cient water, alcohol, or plasticizer to
seconds in mm suppress explosive properties; and
20<t≤60 ............. 4 above 17 °C (62.6 °F). (ii) Are specifically authorized by
60<t≤100 ........... 4 above 10 °C (50 °F). name either in the § 172.101Table or
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.124
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§ 173.125 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.127
4.1 when the time of burning of one or (C) A positive result is obtained in a
more of the test runs, in accordance test using a 100 mm sample cube at 100
with the UN Manual of Tests and Cri- °C and a negative result is obtained in
teria, is less than 45 seconds or the rate a test using a 25 mm sample cube at 140
of burning is more than 2.2 mm/s. Pow- °C and the substance is transported in
ders of metals or metal alloys must be packagings with a volume of less than
classified in Division 4.1 when they can 450 L.
be ignited and the reaction spreads (d) A Division 4.3 dangerous when wet
over the whole length of the sample in material is assigned to—
10 minutes or less. (1) Packing Group I, if the material
(2) Packing group criteria for readily reacts vigorously with water at ambi-
combustible materials of Division 4.1 ent temperatures and demonstrates a
are assigned as follows: tendency for the gas produced to ignite
(i) For readily combustible solids spontaneously, or which reacts readily
(other than metal powders), Packing with water at ambient temperatures
Group II if the burning time is less such that the rate of evolution of flam-
than 45 seconds and the flame passes mable gases is equal or greater than 10
the wetted zone. Packing Group II L per kilogram of material over any
must be assigned to powders of metal one minute;
or metal alloys if the zone of reaction (2) Packing Group II, if the material
spreads over the whole length of the reacts readily with water at ambient
sample in 5 minutes or less. temperatures such that the maximum
(ii) For readily combustible solids rate of evolution of flammable gases is
(other than metal powders), Packing equal to or greater than 20 L per kilo-
Group III must be assigned if the burn- gram of material per hour, and which
ing rate time is less than 45 seconds does not meet the criteria for Packing
and the wetted zone stops the flame Group I; or
propagation for at least 4 minutes. (3) Packing Group III, if the material
Packing Group III must be assigned to reacts slowly with water at ambient
metal powders if the reaction spreads temperatures such that the maximum
over the whole length of the sample in rate of evolution of flammable gases is
more than 5 minutes but not more than greater than 1 L per kilogram of mate-
10 minutes. rial per hour, and which does not meet
(c) Packing group criteria for Divi- the criteria for Packing Group I or II.
sion 4.2 materials is as follows:
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634 Dec. 21, 1990, as
(1) Pyrophoric liquids and solids of amended by Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50625, Sept.
Division 4.2 are assigned to Packing 26, 1996; Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24731, May 6,
Group I. 1997; 62 FR 51560, Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR 45380,
(2) A self-heating material is as- Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75744, Dec. 31, 2003]
signed to—
(i) Packing Group II, if the material § 173.127 Class 5, Division 5.1—Defini-
gives a positive test result when tested tion and assignment of packing
with a 25 mm cube size sample at 140 groups.
°C; or (a) Definition. For the purpose of this
(ii) Packing Group III, if— subchapter, oxidizer (Division 5.1)
(A) A positive test result is obtained means a material that may, generally
in a test using a 100 mm sample cube at by yielding oxygen, cause or enhance
140 °C and a negative test result is ob- the combustion of other materials.
tained in a test using a 25 mm sample (1) A solid material is classed as a Di-
cube at 140 °C and the substance is vision 5.1 material if, when tested in
transported in packagings with a vol- accordance with the UN Manual of
ume of more than 3 cubic meters; or Tests and Criteria (IBR, see § 171.7 of
(B) A positive test result is obtained this subchapter), its mean burning
in a test using a 100 mm sample cube at time is less than or equal to the burn-
120 °C and a negative result is obtained ing time of a 3:7 potassium bromate/
in a test using a 25 mm sample cube at cellulose mixture.
140 °C and the substance is transported (2) A liquid material is classed as a
in packagings with a volume of more Division 5.1 material if, when tested in
than 450 L; or accordance with the UN Manual of
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§ 173.128 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Tests and Criteria, it spontaneously ig- sion 5.2) means any organic compound
nites or its mean time for a pressure containing oxygen (O) in the bivalent
rise from 690 kPa to 2070 kPa gauge is -O-O- structure and which may be con-
less then the time of a 1:1 nitric acid sidered a derivative of hydrogen per-
(65 percent)/cellulose mixture. oxide, where one or more of the hydro-
(b) Assignment of packing groups. (1) gen atoms have been replaced by or-
The packing group of a Division 5.1 ma- ganic radicals, unless any of the fol-
terial which is a solid shall be assigned lowing paragraphs applies:
using the following criteria: (1) The material meets the definition
(i) Packing Group I, for any material of an explosive as prescribed in subpart
which, in either concentration tested, C of this part, in which case it must be
exhibits a mean burning time less than classed as an explosive;
the mean burning time of a 3:2 potas- (2) The material is forbidden from
sium bromate/cellulose mixture. being offered for transportation ac-
(ii) Packing Group II, for any mate- cording to § 172.101 of this subchapter
rial which, in either concentration or § 173.21;
tested, exhibits a mean burning time (3) The Associate Administrator has
less than or equal to the mean burning determined that the material does not
time of a 2:3 potassium bromate/cel- present a hazard which is associated
lulose mixture and the criteria for with a Division 5.2 material; or
Packing Group I are not met. (4) The material meets one of the fol-
(iii) Packing Group III for any mate- lowing conditions:
rial which, in either concentration (i) For materials containing no more
tested, exhibits a mean burning time than 1.0 percent hydrogen peroxide, the
less than or equal to the mean burning available oxygen, as calculated using
time of a 3:7 potassium bromate/cel- the equation in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of
lulose mixture and the criteria for this section, is not more than 1.0 per-
Packing Group I and II are not met. cent, or
(2) The packing group of a Division (ii) For materials containing more
5.1 material which is a liquid shall be than 1.0 percent but not more than 7.0
assigned using the following criteria: percent hydrogen peroxide, the avail-
(i) Packing Group I for: able oxygen, content (Oa) is not more
(A) Any material which spontane- than 0.5 percent, when determined
ously ignites when mixed with cel- using the equation:
lulose in a 1:1 ratio; or
(B) Any material which exhibits a n ici
mean pressure rise time less than the O a = 16 × ∑
pressure rise time of a 1:1 perchloric i =1 m i
acid (50 percent)/cellulose mixture. where, for a material containing k species of
(ii) Packing Group II, any material organic peroxides:
which exhibits a mean pressure rise ni = number of -O-O- groups per molecule of
time less than or equal to the pressure the i th species
rise time of a 1:1 aqueous sodium chlo- ci = concentration (mass percent) of the i th
rate solution (40 percent)/cellulose mix- species
ture and the criteria for Packing Group mi = molecular mass of the i th species
I are not met. (b) Generic types. Division 5.2 organic
(iii) Packing Group III, any material peroxides are assigned to a generic sys-
which exhibits a mean pressure rise tem which consists of seven types. An
time less than or equal to the pressure organic peroxide identified by tech-
rise time of a 1:1 nitric acid (65 per- nical name in the Organic Peroxides
cent)/cellulose mixture and the criteria Table in § 173.225 is assigned to a ge-
for Packing Group I and II are not met. neric type in accordance with that
[Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24732, May 6, 1997, as table. Organic peroxides not identified
amended at 68 FR 75744, Dec. 31, 2003] in the Organic Peroxides table are as-
signed to generic types under the pro-
§ 173.128 Class 5, Division 5.2—Defini- cedures of paragraph (c) of this section.
tions and types. (1) Type A. Organic peroxide type A is
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of an organic peroxide which can detonate
this subchapter, organic peroxide (Divi- or deflagrate rapidly as packaged for
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.132
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§ 173.132 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
which is known to be so toxic to hu- hour to both male and female young
mans as to afford a hazard to health adult albino rats, causes death within
during transportation, or which, in the 14 days in half of the animals tested. If
absence of adequate data on human the material is administered to the
toxicity: animals as a dust or mist, more than 90
(1) Is presumed to be toxic to humans percent of the particles available for
because it falls within any one of the inhalation in the test must have a di-
following categories when tested on ameter of 10 microns or less if it is rea-
laboratory animals (whenever possible, sonably foreseeable that such con-
animal test data that has been re- centrations could be encountered by a
ported in the chemical literature human during transport. The result is
should be used): expressed in mg/L of air for dusts and
(i) Oral Toxicity. A liquid or solid mists or in mL/m3 of air (parts per mil-
with an LD50 for acute oral toxicity of lion) for vapors. See § 173.133(b) for LC50
not more than 300 mg/kg. determination for mixtures and for
(ii) Dermal Toxicity. A material with limit tests.
an LD50 for acute dermal toxicity of (i) When provisions of this sub-
not more than 1000 mg/kg. chapter require the use of the LC50 for
(iii) Inhalation Toxicity. (A) A dust or acute toxicity on inhalation of dusts
mist with an LC50 for acute toxicity on and mists based on a one-hour exposure
inhalation of not more than 4 mg/L; or and such data is not available, the LC50
(B) A material with a saturated for acute toxicity on inhalation based
vapor concentration in air at 20 °C (68 on a four-hour exposure may be multi-
°F) greater than or equal to one-fifth of plied by four and the product sub-
the LC50 for acute toxicity on inhala- stituted for the one-hour LC50 for acute
tion of vapors and with an LC50 for toxicity on inhalation.
acute toxicity on inhalation of vapors
(ii) When the provisions of this sub-
of not more than 5000 mL/m3; or
chapter require the use of the LC50 for
(2) Is an irritating material, with
acute toxicity on inhalation of vapors
properties similar to tear gas, which
based on a one-hour exposure and such
causes extreme irritation, especially in
data is not available, the LC50 for acute
confined spaces.
toxicity on inhalation based on a four-
(b) For the purposes of this sub-
chapter— hour exposure may be multiplied by
(1) LD50 (median lethal dose) for two and the product substituted for the
acute oral toxicity is the statistically one-hour LC50 for acute toxicity on in-
derived single dose of a substance that halation.
can be expected to cause death within (iii) A solid substance should be test-
14 days in 50% of young adult albino ed if at least 10 percent of its total
rats when administered by the oral mass is likely to be dust in a respirable
route. The LD50 value is expressed in range, e.g. the aerodynamic diameter
terms of mass of test substance per of that particle-fraction is 10 microns
mass of test animal (mg/kg). or less. A liquid substance should be
(2) LD50 for acute dermal toxicity tested if a mist is likely to be gen-
means that dose of the material which, erated in a leakage of the transport
administered by continuous contact for containment. In carrying out the test
24 hours with the shaved intact skin both for solid and liquid substances,
(avoiding abrading) of an albino rabbit, more than 90% (by mass) of a specimen
causes death within 14 days in half of prepared for inhalation toxicity testing
the animals tested. The number of ani- must be in the respirable range as de-
mals tested must be sufficient to give fined in this paragraph (b)(3)(iii).
statistically valid results and be in (c) For purposes of classifying and as-
conformity with good pharmacological signing packing groups to mixtures
practices. The result is expressed in possessing oral or dermal toxicity haz-
mg/kg body mass. ards according to the criteria in
(3) LC50 for acute toxicity on inhala- § 173.133(a)(1), it is necessary to deter-
tion means that concentration of mine the acute LD50 of the mixture. If
vapor, mist, or dust which, adminis- a mixture contains more than one ac-
tered by continuous inhalation for one tive constituent, one of the following
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.133
methods may be used to determine the (d) The foregoing categories shall not
oral or dermal LD50 of the mixture: apply if the Associate Administrator
(1) Obtain reliable acute oral and der- has determined that the physical char-
mal toxicity data on the actual mix- acteristics of the material or its prob-
ture to be transported; able hazards to humans as shown by
(2) If reliable, accurate data is not documented experience indicate that
available, classify the formulation ac- the material will not cause serious
cording to the most hazardous con- sickness or death.
stituent of the mixture as if that con- [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
stituent were present in the same con- amended at 56 FR 66268, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
centration as the total concentration 173–234, 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173–
of all active constituents; or 261, 62 FR 24732, May 6, 1997; 62 FR 45702, Au-
(3) If reliable, accurate data is not gust 28, 1997; 65 FR 58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR
available, apply the formula: 45379, 45382, Aug. 28, 2001; 69 FR 76155, Dec. 20,
2004; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
C A + C B C Z 100
+ + = § 173.133 Assignment of packing group
TA TB TZ TM and hazard zones for Division 6.1
(a) The packing group of Division 6.1
C = the % concentration of constituent A, B materials shall be as assigned in col-
... Z in the mixture;
umn 5 of the § 172.101 table. When the
T = the oral LD50 values of constituent A, B
... Z; § 172.101 table provides more than one
TM = the oral LD50 value of the mixture. packing group or hazard zone for a haz-
ardous material, the packing group and
NOTE TO FORMULA IN PARAGRAPH (c)(3): This hazard zone shall be determined by ap-
formula also may be used for dermal
plying the following criteria:
toxicities provided that this information is
available on the same species for all con- (1) The packing group assignment for
stituents. The use of this formula does not routes of administration other than in-
take into account any potentiation or pro- halation of vapors shall be in accord-
tective phenomena. ance with the following table:
Dermal toxicity LD50 Inhalation toxicity by dusts
Packing group Oral toxicity LD50 (mg/kg) (mg/kg) and mists LC50 (mg/L)
(2)(i) The packing group and hazard based on inhalation of vapors shall be
zone assignments for liquids (see in accordance with the following table:
§ 173.115(c) of this subpart for gases)
Packing Group Vapor concentration and toxicity
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§ 173.133 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(3) When the packing group deter- the packing group assigned to the ma-
mined by applying these criteria is dif- terial shall be that indicated for the
ferent for two or more (oral, dermal or highest degree of toxicity for any of
inhalation) routes of administration, the routes of administration.
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.133
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Packaging group Ratio of volatility and LC50
this paragraph, the packing group and (hazard zone)
hazard zone of a tear gas substance is III ............................ R ≥ 1/5 and LC50 (mixture) ≤ 5000 mL/
as assigned in column 5 of the § 172.101 m3; and the criteria for Packing
table. Group I, Hazard Zones A and B and
Packing Group II are not met.
(b) The packing group and hazard
zone for Division 6.1 mixtures that are
(2) In the absence of LC50 data on the
poisonous (toxic) by inhalation may be
poisonous (toxic) constituent sub-
determined by one of the following
stances, the mixture may be assigned a
packing group and hazard zone based
(1) Where LC50 data is available on
on the following simplified threshold
each of the poisonous (toxic) sub-
toxicity tests. When these threshold
stances comprising the mixture—
tests are used, the most restrictive
(i) The LC50 of the mixture is esti-
packing group and hazard zone must be
mated using the formula:
determined and used for the transpor-
1 tation of the mixture.
LC50 ( mixture) = n (i) A mixture is assigned to Packing
∑ LCi Group I, Hazard Zone A only if both the
following criteria are met:
i =1 50 i
where (A) A sample of the liquid mixture is
vaporized and diluted with air to create
fi = mole fraction of the ith component sub-
stance of the liquid.
a test atmosphere of 200 mL/m3 vapor-
LC50i = mean lethal concentration of the ith ized mixture in air. Ten albino rats
component substance in mL/m3 (five male and five female) are exposed
to the test atmosphere as determined
(ii) The volatility of each component by an analytical method appropriate
substance is estimated using the for- for the material being classified for one
mula: hour and observed for fourteen days. If
five or more of the animals die within
10 6 the fourteen-day observation period,
Vi = Pi × mL /m 3 the mixture is presumed to have an
LC50 equal to or less than 200 mL/m3.
(B) A sample of the vapor in equi-
Pi = partial pressure of the ith component
substance in kPa at 20 °C and one atmos-
librium with the liquid mixture is di-
pheric pressure. Pi may be calculated ac- luted with 499 equal volumes of air to
cording to Raoult’s Law using appropriate form a test atmosphere. Ten albino
activity coefficients. Where activity coeffi- rats (five male and five female) are ex-
cients are not available, the coefficient posed to the test atmosphere for one
may be assumed to be 1.0. hour and observed for fourteen days. If
(iii) The ratio of the volatility to the five or more of the animals die within
LC50 is calculated using the formula: the fourteen-day observation period,
the mixture is presumed to have a vol-
Vi atility equal to or greater than 500
R=∑ times the mixture LC50.
i =1 LC 50 i (ii) A mixture is assigned to Packing
(iv) Using the calculated values LC50 Group I, Hazard Zone B only if both the
(mixture) and R, the packing group for following criteria are met, and the
the mixture is determined as follows: mixture does not meet the criteria for
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A:
Packaging group
(hazard zone) Ratio of volatility and LC50 (A) A sample of the liquid mixture is
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§ 173.134 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
mixture is presumed to have an LC50 (B) The vapor pressure of the liquid
equal to or less than 1000 mL/m3. mixture is measured and if the vapor
(B) A sample of the vapor in equi- concentration is equal to or greater
librium with the liquid mixture is di- than 1000 mL/m3, the mixture is pre-
luted with 9 equal volumes of air to sumed to have a volatility equal to or
form a test atmosphere. Ten albino greater than 1⁄5 the mixture LC50.
rats (five male and five female) are ex- [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
posed to the test atmosphere for one amended at 56 FR 66268–66270, Dec. 20, 1991; 57
hour and observed for fourteen days. If FR 45461–45463, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 173–234, 58
five or more of the animals die within FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173–138, 59 FR
the fourteen-day observation period, 49133, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR
50626, Sept. 26, 1996; 66 FR 45183, 45380, Aug.
the mixture is presumed to have a vol- 28, 2001; 66 FR 49556, Sept. 28, 2001; 69 FR
atility equal to or greater than 10 54046, Sept. 7, 2004; 71 FR 54395, Sept. 14, 2006;
times the mixture LC50. 71 FR 78631, Dec. 29, 2006; 74 FR 53188, Oct. 16,
(iii) A mixture is assigned to Packing 2009]
Group II only if both the following cri-
teria are met, and the mixture does not § 173.134 Class 6, Division 6.2—Defini-
tions and exceptions.
meet the criteria for Packing Group I
(Hazard Zones A or B): (a) Definitions and classification cri-
(A) A sample of the liquid mixture is teria. For the purposes of this sub-
vaporized and diluted with air to create chapter, the following definitions and
a test atmosphere of 3000 mL/m3 vapor- classification criteria apply to Division
ized mixture in air. Ten albino rats 6.2 materials.
(five male and five female) are exposed (1) Division 6.2 (Infectious substance)
to the test atmosphere for one hour means a material known or reasonably
and observed for fourteen days. If five expected to contain a pathogen. A
or more of the animals die within the pathogen is a microorganism (includ-
fourteen-day observation period, the ing bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae,
parasites, fungi) or other agent, such
mixture is presumed to have an LC50
as a proteinaceous infectious particle
equal to or less than 3000 mL/m3.
(prion), that can cause disease in hu-
(B) A sample of the vapor in equi- mans or animals. An infectious sub-
librium with the liquid mixture is used stance must be assigned the identifica-
to form a test atmosphere. Ten albino tion number UN 2814, UN 2900, UN 3373,
rats (five male and five female) are ex- or UN 3291 as appropriate, and must be
posed to the test atmosphere for one assigned to one of the following cat-
hour and observed for fourteen days. If egories:
five or more of the animals die within (i) Category A: An infectious sub-
the fourteen-day observation period, stance in a form capable of causing
the mixture is presumed to have a vol- permanent disability or life-threat-
atility equal to or greater than the ening or fatal disease in otherwise
mixture LC50. healthy humans or animals when expo-
(iv) A mixture is assigned to Packing sure to it occurs. An exposure occurs
Group III only if both the following cri- when an infectious substance is re-
teria are met, and the mixture does not leased outside of its protective pack-
meet the criteria for Packing Groups I aging, resulting in physical contact
(Hazard Zones A or B) or Packing with humans or animals. A Category A
Group II (Hazard Zone C): infectious substance must be assigned
(A) A sample of the liquid mixture is to identification number UN 2814 or UN
vaporized and diluted with air to create 2900, as appropriate. Assignment to UN
a test atmosphere of 5000 mL/m3 vapor- 2814 or UN 2900 must be based on the
ized mixture in air. Ten albino rats known medical history or symptoms of
(five male and five female) are exposed the source patient or animal, endemic
to the test atmosphere for one hour local conditions, or professional judg-
and observed for fourteen days. If five ment concerning the individual cir-
or more of the animals die within the cumstances of the source human or
fourteen-day observation period, the animal.
mixture is presumed to have an LC50 (ii) Category B: An infectious sub-
equal to or less than 5000 mL/m3. stance that is not in a form generally
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.134
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§ 173.134 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(5) A material with a low probability logical product, when such materials
of containing an infectious substance, are transported by a private or con-
or where the concentration of the in- tract carrier in a motor vehicle used
fectious substance is at a level natu- exclusively to transport such mate-
rally occurring in the environment so rials. Medical or clinical equipment
it cannot cause disease when exposure and laboratory products may be trans-
to it occurs. Examples of these mate- ported aboard the same vehicle pro-
rials include: Foodstuffs; environ- vided they are properly packaged and
mental samples, such as water or a secured against exposure or contamina-
sample of dust or mold; and substances tion. If the human or animal sample or
that have been treated so that the biological product meets the definition
pathogens have been neutralized or de- of regulated medical waste in para-
activated, such as a material treated graph (a)(5) of this section, it must be
by steam sterilization, chemical dis- offered for transportation and trans-
infection, or other appropriate method, ported in conformance with the appro-
so it no longer meets the definition of priate requirements for regulated med-
an infectious substance. ical waste.
(6) A biological product, including an (11) A human or animal sample (in-
experimental or investigational prod- cluding, but not limited to, secreta, ex-
uct or component of a product, subject creta, blood and its components, tissue
to Federal approval, permit, review, or and tissue fluids, and body parts) being
licensing requirements, such as those transported for routine testing not re-
required by the Food and Drug Admin- lated to the diagnosis of an infectious
istration of the U.S. Department of disease, such as for drug/alcohol test-
Health and Human Services or the U.S. ing, cholesterol testing, blood glucose
Department of Agriculture. level testing, prostate specific anti-
(7) Blood collected for the purpose of body testing, testing to monitor kid-
blood transfusion or the preparation of ney or liver function, or pregnancy
blood products; blood products; plasma; testing, or for tests for diagnosis of
plasma derivatives; blood components; non-infectious diseases, such as cancer
tissues or organs intended for use in biopsies, and for which there is a low
transplant operations; and human cell, probability the sample is infectious.
tissues, and cellular and tissue-based (12) Laundry and medical equipment
products regulated under authority of and used health care products, as fol-
the Public Health Service Act (42 lows:
U.S.C. 264–272) and/or the Food, Drug, (i) Laundry or medical equipment
and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 332 et seq.). conforming to the regulations of the
(8) Blood, blood plasma, and blood Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
components collected for the purpose ministration of the Department of
of blood transfusion or the preparation Labor in 29 CFR 1910.1030. This excep-
of blood products and sent for testing tion includes medical equipment in-
as part of the collection process, except tended for use, cleaning, or refurbish-
where the person collecting the blood ment, such as reusable surgical equip-
has reason to believe it contains an in- ment, or equipment used for testing
fectious substance, in which case the where the components within which
test sample must be shipped as a Cat- the equipment is contained essentially
egory A or Category B infectious sub- function as packaging. This exception
stance in accordance with § 173.196 or does not apply to medical equipment
§ 173.199, as appropriate. being transported for disposal.
(9) Dried blood spots or specimens for (ii) Used health care products not
fecal occult blood detection placed on conforming to the requirements in 29
absorbent filter paper or other mate- CFR 1910.1030 and being returned to the
rial. manufacturer or the manufacturer’s
(10) A Division 6.2 material, other designee are excepted from the require-
than a Category A infectious sub- ments of this subchapter when offered
stance, contained in a patient sample for transportation or transported in ac-
being transported for research, diag- cordance with this paragraph (b)(12).
nosis, investigational activities, or dis- For purposes of this paragraph, a
ease treatment or prevention, or a bio- health care product is used when it has
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.134
been removed from its original pack- (v) Medical waste generated from
aging. Used health care products con- households and transported in accord-
taminated with or suspected of con- ance with applicable state, local, or
tamination with a Category A infec- tribal requirements.
tious substance may not be transported (14) Corpses, remains, and anatomical
under the provisions of this paragraph. parts intended for interment, crema-
(A) Each used health care product tion, or medical research at a college,
must be drained of free liquid to the ex- hospital, or laboratory.
tent practicable and placed in a water- (15) Forensic material transported on
tight primary container designed and behalf of a U.S. Government, state,
constructed to assure that it remains local or Indian tribal government agen-
intact under conditions normally inci- cy, except that—
dent to transportation. For a used (i) Forensic material known or sus-
health care product capable of cutting pected to contain a Category B infec-
or penetrating skin or packaging mate- tious substance must be shipped in a
rial, the primary container must be ca- packaging conforming to the provi-
pable of retaining the product without sions of § 173.24.
puncture of the packaging under nor- (ii) Forensic material known or sus-
mal conditions of transport. Each pri- pected to contain a Category A infec-
mary container must be marked with a tious substance or an infectious sub-
BIOHAZARD marking conforming to 29 stance listed as a select agent in 42
CFR 1910.1030(g)(1)(i). CFR Part 73 must be transported in
(B) Each primary container must be packaging capable of meeting the test
placed inside a watertight secondary standards in § 178.609 of this subchapter.
container designed and constructed to The secondary packaging must be
assure that it remains intact under marked with a BIOHAZARD symbol
conditions normally incident to trans- conforming to specifications in 29 CFR
portation. The secondary container 1910.1030(g)(1)(i). An itemized list of
must be marked with a BIOHAZARD contents must be enclosed between the
marking conforming to 29 CFR secondary packaging and the outer
1910.1030(g)(1)(i). packaging.
(C) The secondary container must be (16) Agricultural products and food as
placed inside an outer packaging with defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and
sufficient cushioning material to pre- Cosmetics Act (21 U.S.C. 332 et seq.).
vent movement between the secondary (c) Exceptions for regulated medical
container and the outer packaging. An waste. The following provisions apply
itemized list of the contents of the pri- to the transportation of regulated med-
mary container and information con- ical waste:
cerning possible contamination with a (1) A regulated medical waste trans-
Division 6.2 material, including its pos- ported by a private or contract carrier
sible location on the product, must be is excepted from—
placed between the secondary con- (i) The requirement for an ‘‘INFEC-
tainer and the outside packaging. TIOUS SUBSTANCE’’ label if the outer
(D) Each person who offers or trans- packaging is marked with a ‘‘BIO-
ports a used health care product under HAZARD’’ marking in accordance with
the provisions of this paragraph must 29 CFR 1910.1030; and
know about the requirements of this (ii) The specific packaging require-
paragraph. ments of § 173.197, if packaged in a rigid
(13) Any waste or recyclable mate- non-bulk packaging conforming to the
rial, other than regulated medical general packaging requirements of
waste, including— §§ 173.24 and 173.24a and packaging re-
(i) Household waste as defined in quirements specified in 29 CFR
§ 171.8, when transported in accordance 1910.1030, provided the material does
with applicable state, local, or tribal not include a waste concentrated stock
requirements. culture of an infectious substance.
(ii) Sanitary waste or sewage; Sharps containers must be securely
(iii) Sewage sludge or compost; closed to prevent leaks or punctures.
(iv) Animal waste generated in ani- (2) A waste stock or culture of a Cat-
mal husbandry or food production; or egory B infectious substance may be
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§ 173.136 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
offered for transportation and trans- tion and assignment of packing group
ported as a regulated medical waste for Class 8 materials corrosive to skin.
when it is packaged in a rigid non-bulk [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
packaging conforming to the general amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
packaging requirements of §§ 173.24 and 173–234, 58 FR 51532, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 173–
173.24a and packaging requirements 241, 59 FR 67508, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–261,
specified in 29 CFR 1910.1030 and trans- 62 FR 24732, May 6, 1997; 69 FR 76155, Dec. 20,
ported by a private or contract carrier 2004; 71 FR 78631, Dec. 29, 2006]
in a vehicle used exclusively to trans-
port regulated medical waste. Medical § 173.137 Class 8—Assignment of pack-
ing group.
or clinical equipment and laboratory
products may be transported aboard The packing group of a Class 8 mate-
the same vehicle provided they are rial is indicated in Column 5 of the
properly packaged and secured against § 172.101 Table. When the § 172.101 Table
exposure or contamination. Sharps provides more than one packing group
containers must be securely closed to for a Class 8 material, the packing
prevent leaks or punctures. group must be determined using data
(d) If an item listed in paragraph (b) obtained from tests conducted in ac-
or (c) of this section meets the defini- cordance with the 1992 OECD Guideline
tion of another hazard class or if it is for Testing of Chemicals, Number 404,
a hazardous substance, hazardous ‘‘Acute Dermal Irritation/Corrosion’’
waste, or marine pollutant, it must be (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) as
offered for transportation and trans- follows:
ported in accordance with applicable (a) Packing Group I. Materials that
requirements of this subchapter. cause full thickness destruction of in-
tact skin tissue within an observation
[67 FR 53138, Aug. 14, 2002, as amended at 68 period of up to 60 minutes starting
FR 57632, Oct. 6, 2003; 70 FR 56098, Sept. 23,
2005; 71 FR 32258, June 2, 2006; 71 FR 78631,
after the exposure time of three min-
Dec. 29, 2006; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007; 73 FR utes or less.
4718, Jan. 28, 2008; 74 FR 2257, Jan. 14, 2009] (b) Packing Group II. Materials other
than those meeting Packing Group I
§ 173.136 Class 8—Definitions. criteria that cause full thickness de-
(a) For the purpose of this sub- struction of intact skin tissue within
chapter, ‘‘corrosive material’’ (Class 8) an observation period of up to 14 days
means a liquid or solid that causes full starting after the exposure time of
thickness destruction of human skin at more than three minutes but not more
the site of contact within a specified than 60 minutes.
period of time. A liquid, or a solid (c) Packing Group III. Materials,
which may become liquid during trans- other than those meeting Packing
portation, that has a severe corrosion Group I or II criteria—
rate on steel or aluminum based on the (1) That cause full thickness destruc-
criteria in § 173.137(c)(2) is also a corro- tion of intact skin tissue within an ob-
sive material.. servation period of up to 14 days start-
(b) If human experience or other data ing after the exposure time of more
indicate that the hazard of a material than 60 minutes but not more than 4
is greater or less than indicated by the hours; or
results of the tests specified in para- (2) That do not cause full thickness
graph (a) of this section, PHMSA may destruction of intact skin tissue but
revise its classification or make the de- exhibit a corrosion on either steel or
termination that the material is not aluminum surfaces exceeding 6.25 mm
subject to the requirements of this sub- (0.25 inch) a year at a test temperature
chapter. of 55 °C (130 °F) when tested on both
(c) Skin corrosion test data produced materials. The corrosion may be deter-
no later than September 30, 1995, using mined in accordance with the UN Man-
the procedures of part 173, appendix A, ual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see
in effect on September 30, 1995 (see 49 § 171.7 of this subchapter) or other
CFR part 173, appendix A, revised as of equivalent test methods.
October 1, 1994) for appropriate expo- NOTE TO § 173.137: When an initial test on
sure times may be used for classifica- either a steel or aluminum surface indicates
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.150
the material being tested is corrosive, the § 173.150 Exceptions for Class 3 (flam-
follow up test on the other surface is not re- mable and combustible liquids).
(a) General. Exceptions for hazardous
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as materials shipments in the following
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. paragraphs are permitted only if this
173–241, 59 FR 67508, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173– section is referenced for the specific
261, 62 FR 24733, May 6, 1997; 68 FR 75744, Dec.
hazardous material in the § 172.101
31, 2003; 69 FR 76155, Dec. 20, 2004; 71 FR 78631,
Dec. 29, 2006; 74 FR 2257, Jan. 14, 2009] Table of this subchapter.
(b) Limited quantities. Limited quan-
§ 173.140 Class 9—Definitions. tities of flammable liquids (Class 3) and
combustible liquids are excepted from
For the purposes of this subchapter, labeling requirements, unless the ma-
miscellaneous hazardous material (Class terial also meets the definition of Divi-
9) means a material which presents a sion 6.1 or is offered for transportation
hazard during transportation but which or transported by aircraft, and the
does not meet the definition of any specification packaging requirements
other hazard class. This class includes: of this subchapter when packaged in
(a) Any material which has an anes- combination packagings according to
thetic, noxious or other similar prop- this paragraph. For transportation by
erty which could cause extreme annoy- aircraft, the package must also comply
ance or discomfort to a flight crew with the applicable requirements of
member so as to prevent the correct § 173.27 of this subchapter and only haz-
performance of assigned duties; or ardous materials authorized aboard
(b) Any material that meets the defi- passenger-carrying aircraft may be
nition in § 171.8 of this subchapter for transported as a limited quantity. In
an elevated temperature material, a addition, shipments of limited quan-
hazardous substance, a hazardous tities are not subject to subpart F
waste, or a marine pollutant. (Placarding) of part 172 of this sub-
chapter. Each package must conform
[Amdt. 173–224, 57 FR 45463, Oct. 1, 1992, as to the packaging requirements of sub-
amended by Amdt. 173–231, 57 FR 52939, Nov.
part B of this part and may not exceed
5, 1992; Amdt. 173–233, 58 FR 33305, June 16,
1993] 30 kg (66 pounds) gross weight. The fol-
lowing combination packagings are au-
§ 173.141 Class 9—Assignment of pack- thorized:
ing group. (1) For flammable liquids in Packing
Group I, inner packagings not over 0.5
The packing group of a Class 9 mate- L (0.1 gallon) net capacity each, packed
rial is as indicated in column 5 of the in strong outer packagings;
§ 172.101 table. (2) For flammable liquids in Packing
Group II, inner packagings not over 1.0
§ 173.144 Other Regulated Materials
(ORM)—Definitions. L (0.3 gallons) net capacity each, unless
the material has a subsidiary hazard of
For the purpose of this subchapter, Division 6.1, Packing Group II, in
‘‘ORM-D material’’ means a material which case the inner packagings may
such as a consumer commodity, which, not exceed 100 mL (3.38 ounces) net ca-
although otherwise subject to the regu- pacity each, packed in a strong outer
lations of this subchapter, presents a packaging.
limited hazard during transportation (3) For flammable liquids in Packing
due to its form, quantity and pack- Group III and combustible liquids,
aging. It must be a material for which inner packagings not over 5.0 L (1.3 gal-
exceptions are provided in the § 172.101 lons) net capacity each, packed in
table. Each ORM-D material and cat- strong outer packagings.
egory of ORM-D material is listed in (c) Consumer commodities. Except for a
the § 172.101 table. material that has a subsidiary hazard
of Division 6.1, Packing Group II, a
§ 173.145 Other Regulated Materials— limited quantity which conforms to the
Assignment of packing group. provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec-
Packing groups are not assigned to tion and is a ‘‘consumer commodity’’
ORM-D materials. as defined in 171.8 of this subchapter,
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§ 173.151 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.152
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§ 173.153 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
material also meets the definition of organic peroxide which does not re-
Division 6.1 or is offered for transpor- quire temperature control)—
tation or transported by aircraft, and (i) The organic peroxide component
the specification packaging require- must be packed in inner packagings
ments of this subchapter when pack- not over 125 mL (4.22 ounces) net capac-
aged in combination packagings ac- ity each for liquids or 500 g (17.64
cording to this paragraph. For trans- ounces) net capacity each for solids;
portation by aircraft, the package (ii) The flammable liquid component
must also comply with the applicable must be packed in inner packagings
requirements of § 173.27 of this sub- not over 5 L (1.3 gallons) net capacity
chapter and only hazardous materials each for Packing Group II or III liquid;
authorized aboard passenger-carrying and
aircraft may be transported as a lim- (iii) The flammable liquid component
ited quantity. In addition, shipments of and the organic peroxide component
these limited quantities are not subject may be packed in the same strong
to subpart F of part 172 (Placarding) of outer packaging provided they will not
this subchapter. Each package must interact dangerously in the event of
conform to the packaging require- leakage.
ments of subpart B of this part and (c) Consumer commodities. Except for a
may not exceed 30 kg (66 pounds) gross material that has a subsidiary hazard
weight. The following combination of Division 6.1, Packing Group II, a
packagings are authorized: limited quantity which conforms to the
(1) For oxidizers in Packing Group II, provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec-
inner packagings not over 1.0 L (0.3 gal- tion, and is a ‘‘consumer commodity’’
lon) net capacity each for liquids or as defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter,
not over 1.0 kg (2.2 pounds) net capac- may be renamed ‘‘Consumer com-
ity each for solids, unless the material modity’’ and reclassed as ORM–D. In
has a subsidiary hazard of Division 6.1, addition to the exceptions provided by
Packing Group II, in which case the paragraph (b) of this section, ship-
inner packagings may not exceed 100 ments of ORM–D materials are not sub-
mL (3.38 ounces) for liquids or 0.5 kg ject to the shipping paper requirements
(1.1 pounds) for solids, packed in a of subpart C of part 172 of this sub-
strong outer packaging. chapter, unless the material meets the
(2) For oxidizers in Packing Group definition of a hazardous substance,
III, inner packagings not over 5 L (1.3 hazardous waste, marine pollutant, or
gallons) net capacity each for liquids are offered for transportation and
or not over 5.0 kg (11 lbs) net capacity transported by aircraft, and are eligi-
each for solids, and packed in strong ble for the exceptions provided in
outer packagings. § 173.156.
(3) For organic peroxides which do [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
not require temperature control during amended by Amdt. 173–231, 57 FR 52940, Nov.
transportation— 5, 1992; Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67508, Dec. 29,
1994; Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24733, May 6, 1997;
(i) For Type D, E, or F organic perox- 66 FR 45381, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45033, July 31,
ides, inner packagings not over 125 mL 2003; 69 FR 76156, Dec. 20, 2004; 71 FR 14603,
(4.22 ounces) net capacity each for liq- Mar. 22, 2006; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
uids or 500 g (17.64 ounces) net capacity
for solids, packed in strong outer pack- § 173.153 Exceptions for Division 6.1
agings. (poisonous materials).
(ii) For Type B or C organic perox- (a) General. Exceptions for hazardous
ides, inner packagings not over 25 mL materials shipments in the following
(0.845 ounces) net capacity each for liq- paragraphs are permitted only if this
uids or 100 g (3.528 ounces) net capacity section is referenced for the specific
for solids, packed in strong outer pack- hazardous material in the § 172.101 table
agings. of this subchapter.
(4) For polyester resin kits consisting (b) Limited quantities of Division 6.1
of a base material component (Class 3, materials. The exceptions in this para-
Packing Group II or III) and an acti- graph do not apply to poison-by-inhala-
vator component (Type C, D, E, or F tion materials. Limited quantities of
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.154
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§ 173.155 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
material has a subsidiary hazard of Di- § 173.155 Exceptions for Class 9 (mis-
vision 6.1, Packing Group II in which cellaneous hazardous materials).
case the inner packagings may not ex-
(a) General. Exceptions for hazardous
ceed 100 mL (3.38 ounces) for liquids or
materials shipments in the following
0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) for solids, packed in
paragraphs are permitted only if this
a strong outer packaging.
(2) For corrosive materials in Pack- section is referenced for the specific
ing Group III, in inner packagings not hazardous material in the § 172.101 table
over 5.0 L (1.3 gallons) net capacity of this subchapter.
each for liquids, or not over 5.0 kg (11 (b) Limited quantities. Limited quan-
lbs) net capacity each for solids, and tities of miscellaneous hazardous ma-
packed in strong outer packagings. terials (Class 9) are excepted from la-
(c) Consumer commodities. Except for a beling, unless offered for transpor-
material that has a subsidiary hazard tation or transported by aircraft, and
of Division 6.1, Packing Group II, a the specification packaging require-
limited quantity which conforms to the ments of this subchapter when pack-
provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec- aged in combination packagings ac-
tion, and is a ‘‘consumer commodity’’ cording to this paragraph. For trans-
as defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, portation by aircraft, the package
may be renamed ‘‘Consumer com- must also comply with the applicable
modity’’ and reclassed as ORM–D. In requirements of § 173.27 of this sub-
addition to the exceptions provided by chapter and only hazardous materials
paragraph (b) of this section, ship- authorized aboard passenger-carrying
ments of ORM–D materials are not sub- aircraft may be transported as a lim-
ject to the shipping paper requirements ited quantity. In addition, shipments of
of subpart C of part 172 of this sub-
these limited quantities are not subject
chapter, unless the material meets the
to subpart F (Placarding) of part 172 of
definition of a hazardous substance,
this subchapter. Each package must
hazardous waste, marine pollutant, or
are offered for transportation and conform to the packaging require-
transported by aircraft, and are eligi- ments of subpart B of this part and
ble for the exceptions provided in may not exceed 30 kg (66 pounds) gross
§ 173.156. weight. The following combination
(d) Materials corrosive to aluminum or packagings are authorized:
steel only. Except for a hazardous sub- (1) For liquids, inner packagings not
stance, a hazardous waste, or a marine over 5.0 L (1.3 gallons) net capacity
pollutant, a material classed as a Class each. packed in strong outer pack-
8, Packing Group III, material solely agings.
because of its corrosive effect— (2) For solids, inner packagings not
(1) On aluminum is not subject to over 5.0 kg (11 pounds) net capacity
any other requirements of this sub- each, packed in strong outer pack-
chapter when transported by motor ve- agings.
hicle or rail car in a packaging con- (c) Consumer commodities. A limited
structed of materials that will not quantity which conforms to the provi-
react dangerously with or be degraded sions of paragraph (b) of this section
by the corrosive material; or and is a ‘‘consumer commodity’’ as de-
(2) On steel is not subject to any fined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, may
other requirements of this subchapter
be renamed ‘‘Consumer commodity’’
when transported by motor vehicle or
and reclassed as ORM-D material. In
rail car in a bulk packaging con-
addition to the exceptions provided by
structed of materials that will not
react dangerously with or be degraded paragraph (b) of this section, ship-
by the corrosive material. ments of ORM-D materials are not sub-
ject to the shipping paper requirements
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as of subpart C of part 172 of this sub-
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
chapter, unless the material meets the
45463, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 173–231, 57 FR 52940,
Nov. 5, 1992; 68 FR 45033, July 31, 2003; 69 FR definition of a hazardous substance, a
76157, Dec. 20, 2004; 71 FR 14603, Mar. 22, 2006; hazardous waste, or a marine pollutant
72 FR 55693, Oct. 1, 2007] or unless offered for transportation or
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.158
transported by aircraft, and are eligi- (iii) The trays are placed in a fiber-
ble for the exceptions provided in board box which is banded and secured
§ 173.156. to a wooden pallet by metal, fabric, or
plastic straps, to form a single
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. palletized unit;
173–231, 57 FR 52940, Nov. 5, 1992; Amdt. 173– (iv) The package conforms to the
253, 61 FR 27174, May 30, 1996; 71 FR 14603, general packaging requirements of sub-
Mar. 22, 2006] part B of this part;
(v) The maximum net quantity of
§ 173.156 Exceptions for ORM mate- hazardous material permitted on one
rials. palletized unit is 250 kg (550 pounds);
(a) Exceptions for hazardous mate- and
rials shipments in the following para- (vi) The package is properly marked
graphs are permitted only if this sec- in accordance with § 172.316 of this sub-
tion is referenced for the specific haz- chapter.
ardous material in the § 172.101 table or
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
in a packaging section in this part. amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
(b) ORM-D. Packagings for ORM-D 45463, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50626,
materials are specified according to Sept. 26, 1996; 63 FR 37461, July 10, 1998]
hazard class in §§ 173.150 through 173.155
and in § 173.306. In addition to other ex- Subpart E—Non-bulk Packaging
ceptions specified for ORM-D materials
in this part:
for Hazardous Materials Other
(1) Strong outer packagings as speci- Than Class 1 and Class 7
fied in this part, marking requirements
specified in subpart D of part 172 of this SOURCE: Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21,
subchapter, and the 30 kg (66 pounds) 1990, unless otherwise noted.
gross weight limitation are not re-
§ 173.158 Nitric acid.
quired for materials classed as ORM-D
when— (a) Nitric acid exceeding 40 percent
(i) Unitized in cages, carts, boxes or concentration may not be packaged
similar overpacks; with any other material.
(ii) Offered for transportation or (b) Nitric acid in any concentration
transported by: which does not contain sulfuric acid or
(A) Rail; hydrochloric acid as impurities, when
(B) Private or contract motor car- offered for transportation or trans-
rier; or ported by rail, highway, or water shall
(C) Common carrier in a vehicle be packaged in specification containers
under exclusive use for such service; as follows:
and (1) 1A1 stainless steel drums are au-
(iii) Transported to or from a manu- thorized, subject to the following limi-
facturer, a distribution center, or a re- tations:
tail outlet, or transported to a disposal (i) Stainless steel used in drums must
facility from one offeror. conform to the following thicknesses:
(2) The 30 kg (66 pounds) gross weight
Nominal (marked) capacity (in Minimum thickness (in mm)
limitation does not apply to materials liters) of 1A1 drum of stainless steel
classed as ORM-D when offered for
55 0.9
transportation, or transported, by 115 1.2
highway or rail between a manufac- 210 1.5
turer, a distribution center, and a re- 450 2.0
tail outlet provided—
(i) Inner packagings conform to the (ii) Drums weighing less than 85 per-
quantity limits for inner packagings cent of their original tare weight may
specified in §§ 173.150(b), 173.152(b), not be used.
173.154(b), 173.155(b) and 173.306 (a) and (iii) Type 304 or other grades of
(b), as appropriate; equivalent corrosion-resistant steels in
(ii) The inner packagings are packed the as-welded condition are permissible
into corrugated fiberboard trays to pre- for nitric acid concentrations up to and
vent them from moving freely; including 78 percent.
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§ 173.158 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(iv) For all concentrations of nitric (d) Nitric acid of 90 percent or great-
acid, the following are permissible: er concentration, when offered for
(A) Type 304 heat-treated (quenched transportation or transported by rail,
in water at 1040 °C (1900 °F)), highway, or water may be packaged as
(B) Stabilized Type 347 in the as- follows:
welded condition, (1) In 4C1, 4C2, 4D or 4F wooden boxes
(C) Stabilized Type 347 stress-relieved with inner packagings consisting of
(845–900 °C (1550–1650 °F)), glass bottles further individually over-
(D) Stabilized Type 347 heat-treated packed in tightly closed metal pack-
(quenched in water at 1040 °C (1900 °F)), agings. Glass bottles must be of 2.5 L
or (0.66 gallon) or less capacity and cush-
(E) Other grades of equivalent corro- ioned with a non-reactive, absorbent
sion resistance. material within the metal packagings.
(v) All parts of drum exposed to lad- (2) In combination packagings with
ing must be capable of withstanding 1A2, 1B2, 1D, 1G, 1H2, 3H2 or 4G outer
the corrosive effect of nitric acid to the packagings with inner glass packagings
extent that 65 percent boiling nitric of 2.5 L (0.66 gallons) or less capacity
acid does not penetrate the metal more cushioned with a non-reactive, absorb-
than 0.0381 mm (0.002 inches) per ent material and packed within a
month. (ASTM A 262 may be used for a tightly closed intermediate packaging
suitable corrosion test procedure.) of metal or plastic.
(e) Nitric acid of less than 90 percent
(vi) In addition to marking required
concentration, when offered for trans-
by § 178.503 of this subchapter, the fol-
portation or transported by rail, high-
lowing marks, in lettering of at least
way, or water may be packaged in 4G
12.7 mm (0.5 inch) height, must be
fiberboard boxes or 4C1, 4C2, 4D or 4F
placed on drums used to transport ni-
wooden boxes with inside glass pack-
tric acid:
agings of not over 2.5 L (0.66 gallon) ca-
(A) The type of steel used in body and
pacity each.
head sheets as identified by American
(f) Nitric acid of 70 percent or less
Iron and Steel Institute type number,
concentration, when offered for trans-
and, in addition, the letters ‘‘HT’’ fol-
portation or transported by rail, high-
lowing the steel designation on con-
way, or water, may be packaged as fol-
tainers subject to stress relieving or
heat treatment during manufacture.
(1) In composite packagings 6PA1,
(B) The thickness in mm of metal in 6PA2, 6PB1, 6PB2, 6PC, 6PD1, 6PH1, or
thinnest part. When the thickness of 6PH2. 6HH1 and 6HA1 composite pack-
metal in the body differs from that in aging with plastic inner receptacles
the head, both must be indicated with meeting the compatibility require-
slanting line between and with the ments § 173.24(e) (e.g., PFA Teflon) are
gauge of the body indicated first. authorized.
(C) Original tare weight in kilo- (2) In 4H1 expanded plastic boxes with
grams, preceded by the letters ‘‘TW.’’ inner glass packagings of not over 2.5 L
An example of the markings required (0.66 gallon) each.
by paragraphs (b)(1)(vi) (A), (B), and (C) (3) In combination packagings with
of this section is ‘‘304HT/1.9/2.7/TW55.’’ 1A2, 1B2, 1D, 1G, 1H2, 3H2, 4C1, 4C2, 4D,
(2) 4H1 expanded plastics outer pack- 4F or 4G outer packagings and plastic
agings with glass inner receptacles of inner packagings not over 2.5 L (0.66
not greater than 2.5 L (0.66 gallon) ca- gallon) capacity further individually
pacity each. No more than four 2.5 L overpacked in tightly closed metal
(0.66 gallon) inner receptacles may be packagings.
packed in one outer packaging. (g) Nitric acid of more than 70 per-
(c) Nitric acid of 80 percent or greater cent concentration, when offered for
concentration which does not contain transportation or transported by cargo
sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid as aircraft only, must be packaged in
impurities, when offered for transpor- combination packagings with 1A2, 1B2,
tation or transported by rail, highway, 1D, 1G, 1H2, 3H2, 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F or 4G
or water may be packaged in 1B1 alu- outer packagings with glass or earth-
minum drums. enware inner packagings of not over 1
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.159
L (0.3 gallon) or glass ampoules of not tecting the battery terminals from
over 0.5 L (0.1 gallon). damage or short circuiting. Batteries
(h) Nitric acid of less than 70 percent must be securely cushioned and packed
concentration, when offered for trans- to prevent shifting which could loosen
portation in cargo aircraft only must terminal caps or reorient the termi-
be packaged in combination pack- nals. Batteries contained in devices
agings with 1A2, 1B2, 1D, 1G, 1H2, 3H2, must be securely installed. Terminal
4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F or 4G outer packagings protection methods include but are not
with inner packagings of— limited to:
(1) Glass or earthenware not over 2.5 (i) Securely attaching covers of suffi-
L (0.66 gallon) capacity; cient strength to protect the termi-
(2) Plastic not over 2.5 L (0.66 gallon) nals;
capacity further individually over- (ii) Packaging the battery in a rigid
packed in tightly closed metal pack- plastic packaging; or
agings; or (iii) Constructing the battery with
(3) Glass ampoule not over 0.5 L (0.1 terminals that are recessed or other-
gallon) capacity. wise protected so that the terminals
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as will not be subjected to damage if the
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. package is dropped.
173–241, 59 FR 67509, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173– (b) For transportation by aircraft:
255, 61 FR 50626, Sept. 26, 1996; 68 FR 75744, (1) The packaging for wet batteries
Dec. 31, 2003] must incorporate an acid- or alkali-
§ 173.159 Batteries, wet. proof liner, or include a supplementary
packaging with sufficient strength and
(a) Electric storage batteries, con- adequately sealed to prevent leakage of
taining electrolyte acid or alkaline electrolyte fluid in the event of spill-
corrosive battery fluid (wet batteries), age; and
may not be packed with other mate- (2) Any battery-powered device,
rials except as provided in paragraphs equipment or vehicle must be packaged
(g) and (h) of this section and in for transport in a manner to prevent
§§ 173.220 and 173.222; and any battery or unintentional activation or must have
battery-powered device must be pre- an independent means of preventing
pared and packaged for transport in a unintentional activation (e.g., pack-
manner to prevent: aging restricts access to activation
(1) A dangerous evolution of heat switch, switch caps or locks, recessed
(i.e., an amount of heat sufficient to be switches, trigger locks, temperature
dangerous to packaging or personal sensitive circuit breakers, etc.).
safety to include charring of pack- (c) The following specification pack-
aging, melting of packaging, scorching agings are authorized for batteries
of packaging, or other evidence); packed without other materials pro-
(2) Short circuits, including, but not
vided all requirements of paragraph (a)
limited to:
of this section, and for transportation
(i) Packaging each battery or each
by aircraft, paragraph (b) of this sec-
battery-powered device when prac-
tion are met:
ticable, in fully enclosed inner pack-
(1) Wooden box: 4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F.
agings made of non-conductive mate-
rial; (2) Fiberboard box: 4G.
(ii) Separating or packaging bat- (3) Plywood drum: 1D.
teries and battery-powered devices in a (4) Fiber drum: 1G.
manner to prevent contact with other (5) Plastic drum: 1H2.
batteries, devices or conductive mate- (6) Plastic jerrican: 3H2.
rials (e.g., metal) in the packagings; or (7) Plastic box: 4H2.
(iii) Ensuring exposed terminals are (d) The following non-specification
protected with non-conductive caps, packagings are authorized for batteries
non-conductive tape, or by other appro- packed without other materials pro-
priate means; and vided all requirements of paragraph (a)
(3) Damage to terminals. If not impact of this section, and for transportation
resistant, the outer packaging must by aircraft, paragraph (b) of this sec-
not be used as the sole means of pro- tion are met:
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§ 173.159 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(1) Electric storage batteries are age to battery terminal caps, cell cov-
firmly secured to skids or pallets capa- ers or filler caps.
ble of withstanding the shocks nor- (7) Single batteries exceeding 34 kg
mally incident to transportation are (75 pounds) each may be packed in com-
authorized for transportation by rail, pletely closed fiberboard boxes. Boxes
highway, or vessel. The height of the must be of double-wall corrugated fi-
completed unit must not exceed 11⁄2 berboard of at least 181 kg (400 pounds)
times the width of the skid or pallet. test, or solid fiberboard testing at least
The unit must be capable of with- 181 kg (400 pounds); a box may have
standing, without damage, a super- hand holes in its ends provided that the
imposed weight equal to two times the hand holes will not materially weaken
weight of the unit or, if the weight of the box. Sides and ends of the box must
the unit exceeds 907 kg (2,000 pounds), a have cushioning between the battery
superimposed weight of 1814 kg (4,000 and walls of the box; combined thick-
pounds). Battery terminals must not be ness of cushioning material and walls
relied upon to support any part of the of the box must not be less than 1.3 cm
superimposed weight and must not (0.5 inch); and cushioning must be ex-
short out if a conductive material is celsior pads, corrugated fiberboard, or
placed in direct contact with them. other suitable cushioning material.
(2) Electric storage batteries weigh- The bottom of the battery must be pro-
ing 225 kg (500 pounds) or more, con- tected by a minimum of one excelsior
sisting of carriers’ equipment, may be pad or by a double-wall corrugated fi-
shipped by rail when mounted on suit- berboard pad. The top of the battery
able skids. Such shipments may not be must be protected by a wood frame,
offered in interchange service. corrugated trays or scored sheets of
(3) One to three batteries not over corrugated fiberboard having minimum
11.3 kg (25 pounds) each, packed in test of 91 kg (200 pounds), or other
strong outer boxes. The maximum au- equally effective cushioning material.
thorized gross weight is 34 kg (75 Top protection must bear evenly on
pounds). connectors and/or edges of the battery
(4) Not more than four batteries not cover to facilitate stacking of bat-
over 7 kg (15 pounds) each, packed in teries. No more than one battery may
strong outer fiberboard or wooden be placed in one box. The maximum au-
boxes. The maximum authorized gross thorized gross weight is 91 kg (200
weight is 30 kg (65 pounds). pounds).
(5) Not more than five batteries not (e) When transported by highway or
over 4.5 kg (10 pounds) each, packed in rail, electric storage batteries con-
strong outer fiberboard or wooden taining electrolyte or corrosive battery
boxes. The maximum authorized gross fluid are not subject to any other re-
weight is 30 kg (65 pounds). quirements of this subchapter, if all of
(6) Single batteries not exceeding 34 the following are met:
kg (75 pounds) each, packed in 5-sided (1) No other hazardous materials may
slip covers or in completely closed fi- be transported in the same vehicle;
berboard boxes. Slip covers and boxes (2) The batteries must be loaded or
must be of solid or double-faced cor- braced so as to prevent damage and
rugated fiberboard of at least 91 kg (200 short circuits in transit;
pounds) Mullen test strength. The slip (3) Any other material loaded in the
cover or fiberboard box must fit snugly same vehicle must be blocked, braced,
and provide inside top clearance of at or otherwise secured to prevent con-
least 1.3 cm (0.5 inch) above battery tact with or damage to the batteries;
terminals and filler caps with rein- and
forcement in place. Assembled for ship- (4) The transport vehicle may not
ment, the bottom edges of the slipcover carry material shipped by any person
must come to within 2.5 cm (1 inch) of other than the shipper of the batteries.
the bottom of the battery. The com- (f) Batteries can be considered as
pleted package (battery and box or slip non-spillable provided they are capable
cover) must be capable of withstanding of withstanding the following two
a top-to-bottom compression test of at tests, without leakage of battery fluid
least 225 kg (500 pounds) without dam- from the battery:
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.159a
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§ 173.160 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
transportation, a written report in ac- § 173.161 Chemical kits and first aid
cordance with § 171.16(a) is required if a kits.
fire, violent rupture, explosion or dan- (a) Chemical kits and First aid kits
gerous evolution of heat occurs as a di- must conform to the following require-
rect result of a non-spillable battery. ments:
(c) Non-spillable batteries are ex- (1) The kits may only contain haz-
cepted from the packaging require- ardous materials for which packaging
ments of § 173.159 under the following exceptions are provided in column 8(A)
conditions: the § 172.101 Table of this subchapter.
(1) Non-spillable batteries must be se- (2) The kits must be packed in a
curely packed in strong outer pack- strong outer packaging conforming to
agings and meet the requirements of the packaging requirements of subpart
§ 173.159(a). A non-spillable battery B of this subchapter.
which is an integral part of and nec- (3) The kits must include sufficient
essary for the operation of mechanical absorbent material to completely ab-
or electronic equipment must be se- sorb the contents of any liquid haz-
curely fastened in the battery holder ardous materials contained in the kits.
on the equipment; The contents must be separated,
(2) The battery and outer packaging placed, or packed, and closed with
must be plainly and durably marked cushioning material to protect them
‘‘NON-SPILLABLE’’ or ‘‘NON-SPILL- from damage.
ABLE BATTERY.’’ The requirement to (4) The contents of the kits must be
mark the outer package does not apply packed so there will be no possibility of
when the battery is installed in a piece the mixture of contents causing dan-
of equipment that is transported gerous evolution of heat or gas.
unpackaged. (5) The packing group assigned to the
(d) Non-spillable batteries are ex- kits as a whole must be the most strin-
cepted from all other requirements of gent packing group assigned to any in-
this subchapter when offered for trans- dividual substance contained in the
portation and transported in accord- kits.
ance with paragraph (c) of this section (6) Inner receptacles containing haz-
and the following: ardous materials within the kits must
(1) At a temperature of 55 °C (131 °F), not contain more than 250 ml for liq-
the battery must not contain any uids or 250 g for solids per receptacle.
unabsorbed free-flowing liquid, and (7) The total quantity of hazardous
must be designed so that electrolyte materials in any one outer package
will not flow from a ruptured or must not exceed either 10 L or 10 kg.
cracked case; and (b) Chemical kits and First aid kits
(2) For transport by aircraft, when are excepted from the specification
contained in a battery-powered device, packaging requirements of this sub-
equipment or vehicle must be prepared chapter. Chemical kits and First aid
and packaged for transport in a man- kits are also excepted from the label-
ner to prevent unintentional activation ing requirements of this subchapter ex-
in conformance with § 173.159(b)(2) of cept when offered for transportation or
this Subpart. transported by air. In addition, Chem-
[74 FR 2258, Jan. 14, 2009, as amended at 75
ical kits and First aid kits are not sub-
FR 72, Jan. 4, 2010] ject to subpart F of part 172 of this sub-
chapter (Placarding), part 174 (Carriage
§ 173.160 Bombs, smoke, non-explosive by rail) of this subchapter except
(corrosive). § 174.24 (Shipping papers), and part 177
Bombs, smoke, non-explosive may be (Carriage by highway) of this sub-
shipped provided they are without igni- chapter except § 177.817 (Shipping pa-
tion elements, bursting charges, deto- pers). Kits that meet the definition for
nating fuses or other explosive compo- a consumer commodity in § 171.8 of this
nents. They must be packaged in wood- subchapter may be transported in ac-
en (4C1, 4C2), plywood (4D) or reconsti- cordance with the exceptions for ORM
tuted wood (4F) boxes, or plywood materials in § 173.156.
drums (1D), which meet Packing Group [Doc. No. 2002–13658, 68 FR 45033, July 31,
II requirements. 2003]
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.164
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§ 173.164 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.166
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§ 173.168 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
cushioned and secured within the pack- age contains no hazardous materials
age to prevent movement during trans- other than the devices.
portation. [Amdt. 173–230, 57 FR 1878, Jan. 16, 1992, as
(e) Packagings. Rigid, outer pack- amended by Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67509, Dec.
agings, meeting the general packaging 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24733, May 6,
requirements of part 173, and the pack- 1997; 62 FR 51560, Oct. 1, 1997; 64 FR 10778,
aging specification and performance re- Mar. 5, 1999; 65 FR 50461, Aug. 18, 2000; 65 FR
58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 8647, Feb. 1, 2001;
quirements of part 178 of this sub- 66 FR 45183, 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45034,
chapter at the Packing Group III per- July 31, 2003; 68 FR 57632, Oct. 6, 2003; 68 FR
formance level are authorized as fol- 61941, Oct. 30, 2003; 71 FR 54395, Sept. 14, 2006;
lows. The packagings must be designed 71 FR 78632, Dec. 29,2006]
and constructed to prevent movement
§ 173.168 Chemical oxygen generators.
of the articles and inadvertent oper-
ation. An oxygen generator, chemical (de-
(1) 1A2, 1B2, 1G or 1H2 drums. fined in § 171.8 of this subchapter) may
be transported only under the fol-
(2) 3A2 or 3H2 jerricans.
lowing conditions:
(3) 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G or 4H2 boxes. (a) Approval. A chemical oxygen gen-
(4) Reusable high strength plastic or erator that is shipped with an explosive
metal containers or dedicated handling or non-explosive means of initiation
devices are authorized for shipment of attached must be classed and approved
air bag inflators, air bag modules, and by the Associate Administrator in ac-
seat-belt pretensioners from a manu- cordance with the procedures specified
facturing facility to the assembly facil- in § 173.56 of this subchapter.
ity, subject to the following conditions: (b) Impact resistance. A chemical oxy-
(i) The gross weight of the container gen generator, without any packaging,
or handling device may not exceed 1000 must be capable of withstanding a 1.8
kg (2205 pounds). The container or han- meter drop onto a rigid, non-resilient,
dling device structure must provide flat and horizontal surface, in the posi-
adequate support to allow them to be tion most likely to cause actuation or
stacked at least three high with no loss of contents.
damage to the containers or devices. (c) Protection against inadvertent actu-
ation. A chemical oxygen generator
(ii) If not completely enclosed by de-
must incorporate one of the following
sign, the container or handling device means of preventing inadvertent actu-
must be covered with plastic, fiber- ation:
board, or metal. The covering must be (1) A chemical oxygen generator that
secured to the container by banding or is not installed in protective breathing
other comparable methods. equipment (PBE):
(iii) Internal dunnage must be suffi- (i) Mechanically actuated devices:
cient to prevent shifting of the devices (A) Two pins, installed so that each
within the container. is independently capable of preventing
(5) Packagings specified in the ap- the actuator from striking the primer;
proval document issued by the Asso- (B) One pin and one retaining ring,
ciate Administrator in accordance with each installed so that each is independ-
paragraph (e) of this section are also ently capable of preventing the actu-
authorized. ator from striking the primer; or
(f) Labeling. Notwithstanding the pro- (C) A cover securely installed over
visions of § 172.402 of this subchapter, the primer and a pin installed so as to
prevent the actuator from striking the
each package or handling device must
primer and cover.
display a CLASS 9 label. Additional la-
(ii) Electrically actuated devices:
beling is not required when the pack- The electrical leads must be mechani-
cally shorted and the mechanical short
must be shielded in metal foil.
(iii) Devices with a primer but no ac-
tuator: A chemical oxygen generator
that has a primer but no actuating
mechanism must have a protective
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.171
cover over the primer to prevent actu- (ii) The contents of the generator
ation from external impact. have been expended.
(2) A chemical oxygen generator in-
[72 FR 4455, Jan. 31, 2007, as amended at 72
stalled in a PBE must contain a pin in- FR 55097, Sept. 28, 2007; 74 FR 2259, Jan. 14,
stalled so as to prevent the actuator 2009; 74 FR 53188, Oct. 16, 2009]
from striking the primer, and be placed
in a protective bag, pouch, case or § 173.170 Black powder for small arms.
cover such that the protective breath-
ing equipment is fully enclosed in such Black powder for small arms that has
a manner that the protective bag, been classed in Division 1.1 may be re-
pouch, case or cover prevents uninten- classed as a Division 4.1 material, for
tional actuation of the oxygen gener- domestic transportation by motor ve-
ator. hicle, rail freight, and cargo vessel
(d) Packaging. A chemical oxygen only, subject to the following condi-
generator and a chemical oxygen gen- tions:
erator installed in equipment, (e.g., a (a) The powder must be examined and
PBE) must be placed in a rigid outer approved for Division 1.1 and Division
packaging that— 4.1 classification in accordance with
(1) Conforms to the requirements of §§ 173.56 and 173.58;
either: (b) The total quantity of black pow-
(i) Part 178, subparts L and M, of this der in one motor vehicle, rail car, or
subchapter at the Packing Group I or freight container may not exceed 45.4
II performance level; or kg (100 pounds) net mass, and no more
(ii) The performance criteria in Air than four freight containers may be on
Transport Association (ATA) Specifica- board one cargo vessel;
tion No. 300 for a Category I Shipping (c) The black powder must be packed
Container. in inner metal or heavy wall conduc-
(2) After September 30, 2009, with its tive plastic receptacles not over 454 g
contents, is capable of meeting the fol- (16 ounces) net capacity each, with no
lowing additional requirements when more than 25 cans in one outer UN 4G
transported by cargo-only aircraft: fiberboard box. The inner packagings
(i) The Flame Penetration Resistance must be arranged and protected so as
Test specified in Appendix E to part 178 to prevent simultaneous ignition of the
of this subchapter. contents. The complete package must
(ii) The Thermal Resistance Test be of the same type which has been ex-
specified in Appendix D to part 178 of amined as required in § 173.56;
this subchapter. (d) Each completed package must be
(e) Equipment marking. The outside marked ‘‘BLACK POWDER FOR
surface of a chemical oxygen generator SMALL ARMS’’ and ‘‘NA 0027’’; and
must be marked to indicate the pres- (e) Each package must bear the
ence of an oxygen generator (e.g., ‘‘ox- FLAMMABLE SOLID label.
ygen generator, chemical’’). The out-
side surface of equipment containing a [Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50626, Sept. 26, 1996, as
chemical oxygen generator that is not amended at Amdt. 173–255, 62 FR 14338, Mar.
readily apparent (e.g., a sealed pas- 26, 1997]
senger service unit) must be clearly
marked to indicate the presence of the § 173.171 Smokeless powder for small
oxygen generator (example: ‘‘Oxygen
Generator Inside’’). Smokeless powder for small arms
(f) Items forbidden in air transpor- which has been classed in Division 1.3
tation. (1) A chemical oxygen generator may be reclassed in Division 4.1, for do-
is forbidden for transportation on mestic transportation by motor vehi-
board a passenger-carrying aircraft. cle, rail car, vessel, or cargo-only air-
(2) A chemical oxygen generator is craft, subject to the following condi-
forbidden for transportation by both tions:
passenger-carrying and cargo-only air- (a) The powder must be examined and
craft after: approved for a Division 1.3 and Division
(i) The manufacturer’s expiration 4.1 classification in accordance with
date; or §§ 173.56 and 173.58 of this part.
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§ 173.172 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.183
subpart B of this part but need not con- metal cans must be closed by positive
form to the requirements of part 178 of means, not by friction.
this subchapter. (c) Steel drums (1A2) or fiber drums
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as (1G) not exceeding 220 L (58 gallons) ca-
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. pacity each with strong tight inner
173–241, 59 FR 67509, Dec. 29, 1994] metal cans not over 4.0 L (1 gallon) ca-
pacity each, closed by positive means,
§ 173.174 Refrigerating machines. not friction.
A refrigerating machine assembled (1) Inner packagings must have no
for shipment and containing 7 kg (15 opening exceeding 25 mm (1 inch) di-
pounds) or less of a flammable liquid ameter and must be surrounded with
for its operation in a strong, tight re- noncombustible cushioning material.
ceptacle is excepted from labeling (ex- (2) Net quantity of pyrophoric liquids
cept when offered for transportation or may not exceed two-thirds of the rated
transported by air) and the specifica- capacity of the outer drum. For exam-
tion packaging requirements of this ple, a 220 L (58 gallons) outer drum may
subchapter. In addition. shipments are contain no more than 147 L (39 gallons)
not subject to subpart F of part 172 of of pyrophoric liquids.
this subchapter (Placarding), to part (3) Each layer of inner containers
174 of this subchapter (Carriage by rail) must be separated by a metal plate sep-
except § 174.24 (Shipping papers) and to arator in addition to cushioning mate-
part 177 (Carriage by highway) of this rial.
subchapter except § 177.817 (Shipping
papers). [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66270, Dec. 20, 1991; 65 FR
§ 173.181 Pyrophoric materials (liq- 58629, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45183, 45380, Aug.
uids). 28, 2001; 68 FR 24660, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 61941,
Oct. 30, 2003]
When the § 172.101 table specifies that
a hazardous material be packaged § 173.182 Barium azide—50 percent or
under this section, only the following more water wet.
non-bulk packagings are authorized:
Barium azide—50 percent or more
(a) Specification steel or nickel cyl-
water wet, must be packed in wooden
inders prescribed for any compressed
boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) or fiber
gas except acetylene having a min-
drums (1G) with inner glass packagings
imum design pressure of 1206 kPa (175
not over 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) capacity
psig). Cylinders with valves must be:
(1) Equipped with steel valve protec- each. Packagings must have rubber
tion caps or collars, unless overpacked; stoppers wire tied for securement. If
or transportation is to take place when
(2) Overpacked in a wooden box (4C1, and where freezing weather is possible,
4C2, 4D or 4F); fiberboard box (4G), or a suitable antifreeze solution must be
plastic box (4H1 or 4H2). Cylinders used to prevent freezing. Each pack-
must be secured to prevent shifting in aging must conform to the require-
the box and, when offered for transpor- ments of part 178 of this subchapter at
tation or transported, must be so load- the Packing Group I performance level.
ed that pressure relief devices remain
§ 173.183 Nitrocellulose base film.
in the vapor space of the cylinder. (See
§ 177.838(h) of this subchapter.) Films, nitrocellulose base, must be
(b) Wooden boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) packaged in packagings conforming to
or fiberboard boxes (4G) enclosing not the requirements of part 178 of this
more than four strong, tight metal subchapter at the Packing Group III
cans with inner receptacles of glass or performance level, as follows:
metal, not over 1 L (0.3 gallon) capac- (a) In steel drums (1A2), aluminum
ity each, having positive screwcap clo- drums (1B2), steel jerricans (3A2),
sures adequately gasketed. Inner pack- wooden (4C1, 4C2), plywood (4D) or re-
agings must be cushioned on all sides constituted wood (4F) boxes or plywood
with dry, absorbent, incombustible ma- drums (1D) with each reel in a tightly
terial in a quantity sufficient to absorb closed metal can, polypropylene can-
the entire contents. The strong, tight ister, or strong cardboard or fiberboard
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§ 173.184 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
inner packaging with cover held in in the UN Manual of Tests and Cri-
place by adhesive tape or paper; or teria, Third Revised Edition, 1999, need
(b) In fiberboard (4G) boxes or fiber not be retested.
drums (1G) with a single tightly closed (2) Incorporate a safety venting de-
metal can, polypropylene canister, or vice or otherwise be designed in a man-
strong cardboard or fiberboard inner ner that will preclude a violent rupture
packaging with cover held in place by under conditions normally incident to
adhesive tape or paper; authorized only transportation.
for not over 600 m (1969 feet) of film. (3) Be equipped with an effective
means to prevent dangerous reverse
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643 Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 173–255, 61 FR 50627, Sept.
current flow (e.g., diodes, fuses, etc.) if
26, 1996] a battery contains cells or series of
cells that are connected in parallel.
§ 173.184 Highway or rail fusee. (4) Be packaged in combination pack-
agings conforming to the requirements
(a) A fusee is a device designed to
of part 178, subparts L and M, of this
burn at a controlled rate and to
subchapter at the Packing Group II
produce visual effects for signaling
performance level. The lithium battery
purposes. The composition of the fusee
or cell must be packed in inner pack-
must be such that the fusee will not ig-
agings in such a manner as to prevent
nite spontaneously or undergo marked
short circuits, including movement
decomposition when subjected to a
which could lead to short circuits. The
temperature of 75 °C (167 °F) for 48 con-
inner packaging must be packed within
secutive hours.
one of the following outer packagings:
(b) Fusees (highway and railway)
metal boxes (4A or 4B); wooden boxes
must be packaged in steel drums (1A2),
(4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F); fiberboard boxes
steel jerricans (3A2), wooden (4C1, 4C2),
(4G); solid plastic boxes (4H2); fiber
plywood (4D) or reconstituted wood
drums (1G); metal drums (1A2 or 1B2);
(4F) boxes or in fiberboard boxes (4G),
plywood drums (1D); plastic jerricans
plywood (1D) or fiber (1G) drums. If the
(3H2); or metal jerricans (3A2 or 3B2).
fusees are equipped with spikes pack-
(5) Be equipped with an effective
agings must have reinforced ends to
means of preventing external short cir-
prevent penetration of spikes through
the outer packagings; packages must
(6) Except as provided in paragraph
be capable of passing drop test require-
(d) of this section, cells and batteries
ments (§ 178.603 of this subchapter), in-
with a liquid cathode containing sulfur
cluding at least one drop with spike in
dioxide, sulfuryl chloride or thionyl
a downward position, and other re-
chloride may not be offered for trans-
quirements of part 178 of this sub-
portation or transported if any cell has
chapter, at the Packing Group II per-
been discharged to the extent that the
formance level.
open circuit voltage is less than two
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as volts or is less than 2/3 of the voltage of
amended at 66 FR 45379] the fully charged cell, whichever is
§ 173.185 Lithium cells and batteries. (b) Lithium cells or batteries packed
(a) Cells and batteries. A lithium cell with equipment. Lithium cells or bat-
or battery, including a lithium poly- teries packed with equipment may be
mer cell or battery and a lithium-ion transported as Class 9 materials if the
cell or battery, must conform to all of batteries and cells meet all the re-
the following requirements: quirements of paragraph (a) of this sec-
(1) Be of a type proven to meet the tion. The equipment and the packages
requirements of each test in the UN of cells or batteries must be further
Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR; see packed in a strong outer packaging.
§ 171.7 of this subchapter). A cell or bat- The cells or batteries must be packed
tery and equipment containing a cell in such a manner as to prevent short
or battery that was first transported circuits, including movement that
prior to January 1, 2006 and is of a type could lead to short circuits.
proven to meet the criteria of Class 9 (c) Lithium cells or batteries contained
by testing in accordance with the tests in equipment. Lithium cells or batteries
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.186
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§ 173.187 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.192
must be packaged in 1A2, 1B2, 1D, 1G, the battery casing will not exceed 240
1H2, 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G or 4H2 outer °C (464 °F) during transportation; and
packagings which meet the require- (iii) No other hazardous materials,
ments of part 178 of this subchapter at with the exception of cells containing
the Packing Group II performance sodium, may be loaded in the same
level. transport vehicle or freight container.
(c) Batteries must consist of cells se- Batteries must be separated from all
cured within, and fully enclosed by a other freight by a distance of not less
metal casing so constructed and closed than 0.5 m (1.6 feet).
as to prevent the release of the haz- (e) Vehicles, machinery and equip-
ardous materials under normal condi- ment powered by sodium batteries
tions of transport. Batteries may be of- must be consigned under the entry
fered for transportation, and trans- ‘‘Battery-powered vehicle or Battery-
ported, unpacked or in protective pack- powered equipment.’’
agings that are not subject to the re-
quirements of part 178 of this sub- [Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67511, Dec. 29, 1994, as
chapter. amended by Amdt. 173–256, 61 FR 51338, Oct.
(d) Batteries containing any liquid 1, 1996; 66 FR 45380, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 61941,
sodium may not be offered for trans- Oct. 30, 2003; 74 FR 2259, Jan. 14, 2009]
portation, or transported, by aircraft.
§ 173.192 Packaging for certain toxic
Batteries containing liquid sodium
gases in Hazard Zone A.
may be transported by motor vehicle,
rail car or vessel under the following When § 172.101 of this subchapter
conditions: specifies a toxic material must be
(1) Batteries must be equipped with packaged under this section, only the
an effective means of preventing exter- following cylinders are authorized:
nal short circuits, such as by providing (a) Specification 3A1800, 3AA1800,
complete electrical insulation of bat- 3AL1800, 3E1800, or seamless UN cyl-
tery terminals or other external elec- inders with a minimum test pressure in
trical connectors. Battery terminals or accordance with P200 of the UN Rec-
other electrical connectors penetrating ommendations (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
the heat insulation fitted in battery subchapter).
casings must be provided with thermal (1) Specification 3A, 3AA, or 3AL cyl-
insulation sufficient to prevent the inders may not exceed 57 kg (125 lb)
temperature of the exposed surfaces of water capacity (nominal).
such devices from exceeding 55 °C (130 (2) Specification 3AL cylinders may
°F). only be offered for transportation or
(2) No battery may be offered for transported by highway and rail.
transportation if the temperature at
(b) Packagings must conform to the
any point on the external surface of
requirements of § 173.40.
the battery exceeds 55 °C (130 °F).
(3) If any external source of heating (c) For cylinders used for phosgene:
is used during transportation to main- (1) The filling density may not exceed
tain sodium in batteries in a molten 125 percent;
state, means must be provided to en- (2) A cylinder may not contain more
sure that the internal temperature of than 68 kg (150 lb) of phosgene; and
the battery does not reach or exceed (3) Each cylinder containing phos-
400 °C (752 °F). gene must be tested for leakage before
(4) When loaded in a transport vehi- it is offered for transportation or
cle or freight container: transported and must show no leakage.
(i) Batteries must be secured so as to The leakage test must consist of im-
prevent significant shifting within the mersing the cylinder and valve, with-
transport vehicle or freight container out the protective cap attached, in a
under conditions normally incident to bath of water at a temperature of ap-
transportation; proximately 66 °C (150 °F) for at least 30
(ii) Adequate ventilation and/or sepa- minutes, during which time frequent
ration between batteries must be pro- examinations must be made to note
vided to ensure that the temperature any escape of gas. The valve of the cyl-
at any point on the external surface of inder may not be loosened after this
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§ 173.193 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
test. Suitable safeguards must be pro- Cans must not be liquid full at 130 °F.
vided to protect personnel and facili- Cans must be constructed of tinplate or
ties should failure occur during the lined with suitable material and must
test. As an alternative, each cylinder have concave or pressure ends.
containing phosgene may be tested for (d) Cylinders, except those con-
leakage by a method approved in writ- taining methyl bromide, must conform
ing by the Associate Administrator. to § 173.40 of this part.
[67 FR 51643, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 71 [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as
FR 33880, June 12, 2006] amended at 56 FR 66271, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
45463, Oct. 1, 1992]
§ 173.193 Bromoacetone, methyl bro-
mide, chloropicrin and methyl bro- § 173.194 Gas identification sets.
mide or methyl chloride mixtures, Gas identification sets containing
etc. poisonous material must be packaged
(a) Bromoacetone must be packaged in packagings conforming to the re-
as follows in wooden boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D quirements of part 178 of this sub-
or 4F) with inner glass receptacles or chapter at the Packing Group I per-
tubes in hermetically sealed metal re- formance level, as follows:
ceptacles in corrugated fiberboard car- (a) In glass inner receptacles, her-
tons. Bottles may not contain over 500 metically sealed, of not over 40 mL (1.4
g (17.6 ounces) of liquid each and must fluid ounces) each. Each glass inner re-
be cushioned in cans with at least 12.7 ceptacle must in turn be placed in a
mm (0.5 inch) of absorbent material. sealed fiberboard receptacle, cushioned
Total amount of liquid in the outer box with absorbent material. Not more
must not exceed 11 kg (24 pounds). than 12 fiberboard receptacles must in
Packagings must conform to the re- turn be placed in a 4G fiberboard box.
quirements of part 178 of this sub- No more than four boxes, well-cush-
chapter at the Packing Group I per- ioned, may in turn be placed in a steel
formance level. cylinder. The cylinder must have a
(b) Bromoacetone, methyl bromide, wall thickness of at least 3.7 mm (0.146
chloropicrin and methyl bromide mix- inch) and must have a hermetically
tures, chloropicrin and methyl chloride sealed steel closure.
mixtures, and chloropicrin mixtures (b) When the poisonous material is
charged with non-flammable, non-liq- absorbed in a medium such as acti-
uefied compressed gas must be packed vated charcoal or silical gel, gas identi-
in Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3C, 3E, 4A, fication sets may be shipped as follows:
4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4C cylinders having (1) If the poisonous material does not
not over 113 kg (250 pounds) water ca- exceed 5 mL (0.2 fluid ounce) if a liquid
pacity (nominal). This capacity does or 5 g (0.2 ounce) if a solid, it may be
not apply to shipments of methyl bro- packed in glass inner receptacles of not
mide. over 120 mL (4.1 fluid ounces) each.
(c) Methyl bromide mixtures con- Each glass receptacle, cushioned with
taining up to 2% chloropicrin must be absorbent material must be packed in a
packaged in 4G fiberboard boxes with hermetically sealed metal can of not
inside metal cans containing not over less than 0.30 mm (0.012 inch) wall
one pound each, or inside metal cans thickness. Metal cans, surrounded on
with a minimum wall thickness of 0.007 all sides by at least 25 mm (1 inch) of
inch containing not over 13⁄4 pounds dry sawdust, must be packed in 4C1,
each. The one-pound can must be capa- 4C2, 4D or 4F wooden boxes. Not more
ble of withstanding an internal pres- than 100 mL (3.4 fluid ounces) or 100 g
sure of 130 psig without leakage or per- (3.5 ounces) of poisonous materials may
manent distortion. Vapor pressure of be packed in one outer wooden box.
the contents must not exceed 130 psig (2) If the poisonous material does not
at 55 °C (130 °F). The 13⁄4–pound can exceed 5 mL (0.2 fluid ounce) if a liquid
must be capable of withstanding an in- or 20 g (0.7 ounce) if a solid, it may be
ternal pressure of 140 psig without packed in glass inner receptacles with
leakage or permanent distortion. screw-top closures of not less than 60
Vapor pressure of the contents must mL (2 ounces), hermetically sealed.
not exceed 140 psig at 55 °C (130 °F). Twelve bottles containing poisonous
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.196
material, not to exceed 100 mL (3.4 6.2 material that is a Category A infec-
ounces) or 100 g (3.5 ounces), or both, tious substance must meet the test
may be placed in a plastic carrying standards of § 178.609 of this subchapter
case, each glass receptacle surrounded and must be marked in conformance
by absorbent cushioning and each sepa- with § 178.503(f) of this subchapter. A
rated from the other by sponge rubber packaging for a Category A infectious
partitions. The plastic carrying case substance is a triple packaging con-
must be placed in a tightly fitting fi- sisting of the following components:
berboard box which in turn must be (1) A leakproof primary receptacle.
placed in a tightly fitting 4C1, 4C2, 4D (2) A leakproof secondary packaging.
or 4F wooden box. If multiple fragile primary receptacles
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as are placed in a single secondary pack-
amended at 66 FR 45183, 45381, Aug. 28, 2001] aging, they must be either wrapped in-
dividually or separated to prevent con-
§ 173.195 Hydrogen cyanide, anhy- tact between them.
drous, stabilized (hydrocyanic acid, (3) A rigid outer packaging of ade-
aqueous solution). quate strength for its capacity, mass
(a) Hydrogen cyanide, anhydrous, and intended use. The outer packaging
stabilized, must be packed in specifica- must measure not less than 100 mm (3.9
tion cylinders or UN pressure recep- inches) at its smallest overall external
tacles as follows: dimension.
(1) As prescribed in § 173.192; (4) For a liquid infectious substance,
(2) Specification 3A480, 3A480X, an absorbent material placed between
3AA480, or 3A1800 metal cylinders of the primary receptacle and the sec-
not over 126 kg (278 pounds) water ca- ondary packaging. The absorbent ma-
pacity (nominal); terial must be sufficient to absorb the
(3) Shipments in 3AL cylinders are entire contents of all primary recep-
authorized only when transported by tacles.
highway and rail; or (5) An itemized list of contents en-
(4) UN cylinders, as specified in part closed between the secondary pack-
178, with a minimum test pressure of aging and the outer packaging.
100 bar and a maximum filling ratio of (6) The primary receptacle or sec-
0.55. The use of UN tubes and MEGCs is ondary packaging used for infectious
not authorized. substances must be capable of with-
(b) Cylinders may not be charged standing, without leakage, an internal
with more than 0.27 kg (0.6 pound) of pressure producing a pressure differen-
liquid per 0.45 kg (1 pound) water ca- tial of not less than 95 kPa (0.95 bar, 14
pacity of cylinder. Each filled cylinder psi).
must be tested for leakage before being (7) The primary receptacle or sec-
offered for transportation or trans- ondary packaging used for infectious
ported and must show absolutely no substances must be capable of with-
leakage; this test must consist of pass- standing without leakage temperatures
ing a piece of Guignard’s sodium pic- in the range of ¥40 °C to +55 °C (¥40 °F
rate paper over the closure of the cyl- to +131 °F).
inder, without the protection cap at- (b) Additional requirements for pack-
tached, to detect any escape of hydro- aging Category A infectious substances.
gen cyanide from the cylinder. Other Category A infectious substances must
equally efficient test methods may be be packaged according to the following
used in place of sodium picrate paper. requirements, depending on the phys-
(c) Packagings for hydrogen cyanide ical state and other characteristics of
must conform to § 173.40. the material.
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as (1) Infectious substances shipped at am-
amended at 56 FR 66271, Dec. 20, 1991; 71 FR bient temperatures or higher. Primary re-
33880, June 12, 2006] ceptacles must be made of glass, metal,
or plastic. Positive means of ensuring a
§ 173.196 Category A infectious sub- leakproof seal must be provided, such
stances. as heat seal, skirted stopper, or metal
(a) Category A infectious substances crimp seal. If screw caps are used, they
packaging. A packaging for a Division must be secured by positive means,
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§ 173.197 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
such as with adhesive tape, paraffin such substances cannot be sent by any
sealing tape, or manufactured locking other means. An animal containing or
closure. Lyophilized substances may contaminated with an infectious sub-
also be transported in primary recep- stance must be transported under
tacles that are flame-sealed with glass terms and conditions approved by the
ampoules or rubber-stoppered glass Associate Administrator for Hazardous
vials fitted with metal seals. Materials Safety.
(2) Infectious substances shipped refrig- (d) Body parts, organs or whole bod-
erated or frozen (ice, pre-frozen packs, ies meeting the definition of Division
dry ice). Ice, dry ice, or other refrig- 6.2 material must be packaged as fol-
erant must be placed around the sec- lows:
ondary packagings or in an overpack (1) In Division 6.2 packaging, as spec-
with one or more complete packages ified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
marked in accordance with § 178.503 of section; or
this subchapter. Interior supports must (2) In packaging meeting the require-
be provided to secure the secondary ments of § 173.197.
packagings in the original position
after the ice or dry ice has dissipated. [67 FR 53140, Aug. 14, 2002, as amended at 71
If ice is used, the outer packaging or FR 32260, June 2, 2006; 74 FR 2259, Jan. 14,
overpack must be leakproof. If dry ice
is used, the outer packaging or over- § 173.197 Regulated medical waste.
pack must permit the release of carbon
dioxide gas and otherwise meet the (a) General provisions. Non-bulk pack-
provisions in § 173.217. The primary re- agings, Large Packagings, and non-
ceptacle and the secondary packaging specification bulk outer packagings
must maintain their integrity at the used for the transportation of regu-
temperature of the refrigerant used, as lated medical waste or clinical waste
well as the temperatures and pressures or (bio) medical waste must be rigid
of transport by aircraft to which they containers meeting the provisions of
could be subjected if refrigeration were subpart B of this part.
lost. (b) Non-bulk packagings. Except as
(3) Infectious substances shipped in liq- provided in § 173.134(c) of this subpart,
uid nitrogen. The primary receptacle non-bulk packagings for regulated
and the secondary packaging must medical waste or clinical waste or (bio)
maintain their integrity at the tem- medical waste must be UN standard
perature of the liquid nitrogen as well packagings conforming to the require-
as the temperatures and pressures of ments of Part 178 of this subchapter at
transport by aircraft to which they the Packing Group II performance
could be subjected if refrigeration were level. A non-bulk packaging used as a
lost. Refrigerated liquid nitrogen pack- sharps container must be puncture-re-
agings must be metal vacuum insu- sistant for sharps and sharps with re-
lated vessels or flasks vented to the at- sidual fluid as demonstrated by con-
mosphere to prevent any increase in ducting the performance tests in Part
pressure within the packaging. The use 178, subpart M, of this subchapter on
of safety relief valves, check valves, packagings containing materials rep-
frangible discs, or similar devices in resentative of the sharps and fluids
the vent lines is prohibited. Fill and (such as sterile sharps) intended to be
discharge openings must be protected transported in the packagings. Sharps
against the entry of foreign materials containers must be securely closed to
that might cause an increase in the in- prevent leaks or punctures in conform-
ternal pressure. The package orienta- ance with the instructions provided by
tion markings specified in § 172.312(a) of the packaging manufacturer in accord-
this subchapter must be marked on the ance with § 178.2(c) of this subchapter.
packaging. The packaging must be de- (c) Large Packagings.
signed to prevent the release of any re- (c) Large Packagings. Large Pack-
frigerated liquid nitrogen irrespective agings constructed, tested, and marked
of the packaging orientation. in accordance with the requirements
(c) Live animals may not be used to specified in subparts P and Q of part
transport infectious substances unless 178 of this subchapter and conforming
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.197
to other requirements of this para- fects that could damage plastic film
graph (c) may be used for the transpor- inner packagings or impede disinfec-
tation of regulated medical waste, pro- tion operations.
vided the waste is contained in inner (iii) Except as otherwise provided in
packagings conforming to the require- this paragraph (d), each Cart or BOP
ments of paragraph (e) of this section. must be used exclusively for the trans-
* * * Each Large Packaging design portation of regulated medical waste.
must be capable of meeting the vibra- Prior to reuse, each Cart or BOP must
tion test specified in § 178.819 of this be disinfected by any means effective
subchapter. Each Large Packaging is for neutralizing the infectious sub-
subject to the periodic design requali- stance the packaging previously con-
fication requirements for IBCs in tained.
§ 178.801(e) of this subchapter, and to (iv) Untreated concentrated stock
the proof of compliance requirements cultures of infectious substances con-
of § 178.801(j) and record retention re- taining Category A materials may not
quirements of § 178.801(l) of this sub- be transported in a Cart or BOP.
chapter. Inner packagings used for liq- (v) Division 6.1 toxic waste or Class 7
uids must be rigid. radioactive waste, with the exception
(1) Authorized packagings. Only the of chemotherapeutic waste, may not be
following Large Packagings are au- transported in a Cart or BOP.
thorized for the transportation of liq- (vi) Division 6.1 or Class 7
uid or solid regulated medical waste: chemotherapeutic waste; untreated
(i) Metal: 50A, 50B, or 50N. concentrated stock cultures of infec-
(ii) Rigid plastic: 50H. tious substances containing Category B
(2) Additional requirements. Each infectious substances; unabsorbed liq-
Large Packaging used to transport liq- uids; and sharps containers may be
uid regulated medical waste must con- transported in a Cart or BOP only if
tain absorbent material in sufficient packaged in rigid non-bulk packagings
quantity and appropriate location to conforming to paragraph (a) of this sec-
absorb the entire amount of liquid tion.
present in the event of an uninten- (2) Wheeled cart (Cart). A Cart is au-
tional release of contents. Each Large thorized as an outer packaging for the
Packaging design intended for the transportation of regulated medical
transportation of sharps containers waste if it conforms to the following
must be puncture resistant and capable requirements:
of retaining liquids. The design must (i) Each Cart must consist of a solid,
also be tested and certified as meeting one-piece body with a nominal volume
the performance tests specified for in- not exceeding 1,655 L (437 gallons).
termediate bulk containers intended (ii) Each Cart must be constructed of
for the transportation of liquids in sub- metal, rigid plastic, or fiberglass fitted
part O of part 178 of this subchapter. with a lid to prevent leakage during
(d) Non-specification bulk packaging. A transport.
wheeled cart (Cart) or bulk outer pack- (iii) Each Cart must be capable of
aging (BOP) is authorized as an outer meeting the requirements of § 178.810
packaging for the transportation of (drop test) at the Packing Group II per-
regulated medical waste in accordance formance level.
with the provisions of this paragraph (iv) Inner packagings must be placed
(d). into a Cart and restrained in such a
(1) General requirements. The fol- manner as to minimize the risk of
lowing requirements apply to the breakage.
transportation of regulated medical (3) Bulk outer packaging (BOP). A BOP
waste in Carts or BOPs: is authorized as an outer packaging for
(i) Regulated medical waste in each regulated medical waste if it conforms
Cart or BOP must be contained in non- to the following requirements:
bulk inner packagings conforming to (i) Each BOP must be constructed of
paragraph (e) of this section. metal or fiberglass and have a capacity
(ii) Each Cart or BOP must have of at least 3.5 cubic meters (123.6 cubic
smooth, non-porous interior surfaces feet) and not more than 45 cubic meters
free of cracks, crevices, and other de- (1,590 cubic feet).
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§ 173.197 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
(ii) Each BOP must have bottom and for Propagation Tear Resistance of
side joints of fully welded or seamless Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by
construction and a rigid, weatherproof Pendulum Method’’ (IBR, § 171.7 of this
top to prevent the intrusion of water subchapter) and for impact resistance
(e.g., rain or snow). in ASTM D 1709, ‘‘Standard Test Meth-
(iii) Each opening in a BOP must be ods for Impact Resistance of Plastic
fitted with a closure to prevent the in- Film by the Free-Falling Dart Method’’
trusion of water or the release of any (IBR, § 171.7 of this subchapter). The
liquid during all loading, unloading, film bag must meet an impact resist-
and transportation operations. ance of 165 grams and a tearing resist-
(iv) In the upright position, each BOP ance of 480 grams in both the parallel
must be leakproof and able to contain and perpendicular planes with respect
a liquid quantity of at least 300 liters to the length of the bag.
(79.2 gallons) with closures open. (ii) The plastic film bag must be
(v) Inner packagings must be placed closed with a minimum of entrapped
in a BOP in such a manner as to mini- air to prevent leakage in transpor-
mize the risk of breakage. Rigid inner tation. The bag must be capable of
packagings may not be placed in the being held in an inverted position with
same BOP with plastic film bag inner the closed end at the bottom for a pe-
packagings unless separated from each riod of 5 minutes without leakage.
other by rigid barriers or dividers to (iii) When used as an inner packaging
prevent damage to the packagings for Carts or BOPs, a plastic film bag
caused by load shifting during normal may not weigh more than 10 kg (22 lbs.)
conditions of transportation. when filled.
(vi) Division 6.1 or Class 7 (2) Liquids. Liquid regulated medical
chemotherapeutic waste, untreated waste or clinical waste or (bio) medical
concentrated stock cultures of infec- waste transported in a Large Pack-
tious substances containing Category B aging, Cart, or BOP must be packaged
infectious substances, unabsorbed liq- in a rigid inner packaging conforming
uids, and sharps may be transported in to the provisions of subpart B of this
a BOP only if separated and secured as part. conforming to the provisions of
required in paragraph (d)(3)(v) of this subpart B of this part. Liquid materials
section. are not authorized for transportation
(e) Inner packagings authorized for in inner packagings having a capacity
Large Packagings, Carts, and BOPs. greater than 19 L (5 gallons).
After September 30, 2003, inner pack- (3) Sharps. Sharps transported in a
agings must be durably marked or Large Packaging, Cart, or BOP must be
tagged with the name and location packaged in a puncture-resistant inner
(city and state) of the offeror, except packaging (sharps container). Each
when the entire contents of the Large sharps container must be securely
Packaging, Cart, or BOP originates at closed to prevent leaks or punctures in
a single location and is delivered to a conformance with instructions pro-
single location. vided by the packaging manufacturer.
(1) Solids. A plastic film bag is au- Each sharps container exceeding 76 L
thorized as an inner packaging for solid (20 gallons) in volume must be capable
regulated medical waste transported in of passing the performance tests in
a Cart, Large Packaging, or BOP. Part 178, subpart M, of this subchapter
Waste material containing absorbed at the Packing Group II performance
liquid may be packaged as a solid in a level. A sharps container may be re-
plastic film bag if the bag contains suf- used only if it conforms to the fol-
ficient absorbent material to absorb lowing criteria:
and retain all liquid during transpor- (i) The sharps container is specifi-
tation. cally approved and certified by the U.S.
(i) The film bag may not exceed a Food and Drug Administration as a
volume of 175 L (46 gallons). The film medical device for reuse.
bag must be marked and certified by (ii) The sharps container must be per-
its manufacturer as having passed the manently marked for reuse.
tests prescribed for tear resistance in (iii) The sharps container must be
ASTM D 1922, ‘‘Standard Test Method disinfected prior to reuse by any means
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.199
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§ 173.199 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.201
quantity contained in each outer pack- liner. If dry ice is used, the outside
aging, including any material used to packaging must permit the release of
stabilize or prevent degradation of the carbon dioxide gas and otherwise meet
samples, may not exceed 4 L (1 gallon). the provisions in § 173.217. The primary
The outer packaging limitation does receptacle and secondary packaging
not include ice, dry ice, or liquid nitro- must maintain their integrity at the
gen when used to maintain the integ- temperature of the refrigerant used, as
rity of the material. well as the temperatures and pressures
(c) Solid Category B infectious sub- of transport by aircraft they could be
stances. Solid Category B infectious subjected to if refrigeration were lost,
substances must be packaged in a tri- and sufficient absorbent material must
ple packaging, consisting of a primary be provided to absorb all liquid, includ-
receptacle, secondary packaging, and ing melted ice.
outer packaging, conforming to the fol- (2) The package is marked ‘‘Carbon
lowing provisions: dioxide, solid’’ or ‘‘Dry ice’’ and an in-
(1) The primary receptacle must be dication that the material being refrig-
siftproof. erated is used for diagnostic treatment
(2) If several fragile primary recep- purposes (e.g., frozen medical speci-
tacles are placed in a single secondary mens).
packaging, they must be either individ- (e) Training. Each person who offers
ually wrapped or separated to prevent or transports a Category B infectious
contact between them. substance under the provisions of this
(3) The secondary packaging must be section must know about the require-
siftproof. ments of this section.
(4) If residual liquid may be present [67 FR 53142, Aug. 14, 2002, as amended at 71
in the primary receptacle during trans- FR 32261, June 2, 2006; 72 FR 55693, Oct. 1,
portation, then the material must be 2007]
transported in accordance with re-
quirements in paragraph (b) of this sec- § 173.201 Non-bulk packagings for liq-
tion. A solid material that may become uid hazardous materials in Packing
liquid during transportation must be Group I.
transported in accordance with para- (a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter
graph (b) of this section. specifies that a liquid hazardous mate-
(5) Except for packages containing rial be packaged under this section,
body parts, organs, or whole bodies, for only non-bulk packagings prescribed in
shipment by aircraft, the outer pack- this section may be used for its trans-
aging may not contain more than 4 kg portation. Each packaging must con-
(8.8 pounds), including any material form to the general packaging require-
used to stabilize or prevent degrada- ments of subpart B of part 173, to the
tion of the samples. The outer pack- requirements of part 178 of this sub-
aging limitation does not include ice, chapter at the Packing Group I per-
dry ice, or liquid nitrogen when used to formance level, and to the require-
maintain the integrity of the material. ments of the special provisions of col-
(d) Refrigerated or frozen specimens umn 7 of the § 172.101 table.
(ice, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen). In ad- (b) The following combination pack-
dition to complying with the require- agings are authorized:
ments in this paragraph (d), dry ice and
Outer packagings:
liquid nitrogen must be offered for Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2
transportation or transported in ac- Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2
cordance with the applicable require- Metal drum other than steel or aluminum:
ments of this subchapter. 1N1 or 1N2
(1) Ice or dry ice must be placed out- Plywood drum: 1D
side the secondary packaging or in an Fiber drum: 1G
overpack. Interior supports must be Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2
Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2
provided to secure the secondary pack-
Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2
agings in the original position after the Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2
ice or dry ice has dissipated. If ice is Steel box: 4A
used, the outside packaging must be Aluminum box: 4B
leakproof or must have a leakproof Natural wood box: 4C1 or 4C2
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§ 173.202 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
Plywood box: 4D Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2
Reconstituted wood box: 4F Metal drum other than steel or aluminum:
Fiberboard box: 4G 1N1 or 1N2
Expanded plastic box: 4H1 Plywood drum: 1D
Solid plastic box: 4H2
Fiber drum: 1G
Inner packagings: Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2
Glass or earthenware receptacles
Wooden barrel: 2C2
Plastic receptacles
Metal receptacles Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2
Glass ampoules Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2
Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2
(c) Except for transportation by pas- Steel box: 4A
senger aircraft, the following single Aluminum box: 4B
packagings are authorized: Natural wood box: 4C1 or 4C2
Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2 Plywood box: 4D
Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2 Reconstituted wood box: 4F
Metal drum other than steel, or aluminum: Fiberboard box: 4G
1N1 or 1N2 Expanded plastic box: 4H1
Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2 Solid plastic box: 4H2
Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2
Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2 Inner packagings:
Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2 Glass or earthenware receptacles
Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, fiber Plastic receptacles
or plastic drum: 6HA1, 6HB1, 6HG1, 6HH1 Metal receptacles
Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, wood- Glass ampoules
en, plywood or fiberboard box: 6HA2, 6HB2,
6HC, 6HD2 or 6HG2 (c) Except for transportation by pas-
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu- senger aircraft, the following single
minum or fiber drum: 6PA1, 6PB1 or 6PG1
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu- packagings are authorized:
minum, wooden or fiberboard box: 6PA2, Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2
6PB2, 6PC or 6PG2 Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in solid or ex-
panded plastic packaging: 6PH1 or 6PH2 Metal drum other than steel or aluminum:
Cylinders, specification or UN standard, as 1N1 or 1N2
prescribed for any compressed gas, except Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2
3HT and those prescribed for acetylene. Fiber drum: 1G (with liner)
Wooden barrel: 2C1
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52634, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 173–241, 59 FR 67518, Dec. Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2
29, 1994; Amdt. 173–261, 62 FR 24734, May 6, Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2
1997; 71 FR 33880, June 12, 2006] Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2
Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, fiber
§ 173.202 Non-bulk packagings for liq- or plastic drum: 6HA1, 6HB1, 6HG1 or 6HH1
uid hazardous materials in Packing Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, wood-
Group II. en, plywood or fiberboard box: 6HA2, 6HB2,
(a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter 6HC, 6HD2 or 6HG2
specifies that a liquid hazardous mate- Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu-
rial be packaged under this section, minum or fiber drum: 6PA1, 6PB1 or 6PG1
only non-bulk packagings prescribed in Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu-
minum, wooden or fiberboard box: 6PA2,
this section may be used for its trans-
6PB2, 6PC or 6PG2
portation. Each packaging must con-
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in solid or ex-
form to the general packaging require- panded plastic packaging: 6PH1 or 6PH2
ments of subpart B of part 173, to the Plastic receptacle in plywood drum: 6HD1
requirements of part 178 of this sub- Glass, porcelain or stoneware in plywood
chapter at the Packing Group I or II drum or wickerwork hamper: 6PDl or 6PD2
performance level (unless otherwise ex- Cylinders, specification, as prescribed for
cepted), and to the particular require- any compressed gas, except for Specifica-
ments of the special provisions of col- tions 8 and 3HT
umn 7 of the § 172.101 table.
[Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(b) The following combination pack-
amended at 56 FR 66271, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt
agings are authorized: 173–241, 59 FR 67518, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–
Outer packagings: 261, 62 FR 24734, May 6, 1997; 62 FR 51560, Oct.
Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2 1, 1997]
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.206
§ 173.203 Non-bulk packagings for liq- Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu-
uid hazardous materials in Packing minum, wooden or fiberboard box: 6PA2,
Group III. 6PB2, 6PC or 6PG2
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in solid or ex-
(a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter panded plastic packaging: 6PH1 or 6PH2
specifies that a liquid hazardous mate- Plastic receptacle in plywood drum: 6HD1
rial be packaged under this section, Glass, porcelain or stoneware in plywood
only non-bulk packagings prescribed in drum or wickerwork hamper: 6PD1 or 6PD2
this section may be used for its trans- Cylinders, as prescribed for any compressed
gas, except for Specifications 8 and 3HT
portation. Each packaging must con-
form to the general packaging require- [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ments of subpart B of part 173, to the amended at 56 FR 66271, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
requirements of part 178 of this sub- 173–241, 59 FR 67518, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 173–
261, 62 FR 24734, May 6, 1997]
chapter at the Packing Group I, II or
III performance level, and to the re- § 173.204 Non-bulk, non-specification
quirements of the special provisions of packagings for certain hazardous
column 7 of the § 172.101 table. materials.
(b) The following combination pack- When § 172.101 of this subchapter
agings are authorized: specifies that a liquid or solid haz-
Outer packagings: ardous material be packaged under this
Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2 section, any appropriate non-bulk
Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2 packaging which conforms to the gen-
Metal drum other than steel or aluminum:
eral packaging requirements of subpart
1N1 or 1N2
Plywood drum: 1D B of part 173 may be used for its trans-
Fiber drum: 1G portation. Packagings need not con-
Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2 form to the requirements of part 178 of
Wooden barrel: 2C2 this subchapter.
Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2
Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2 § 173.205 Specification cylinders for
Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2 liquid hazardous materials.
Steel box: 4A
Aluminum box: 4B When § 172.101 of this subchapter
Natural wood box: 4C1 or 4C2 specifies that a hazardous material
Plywood box: 4D must be packaged under this section,
Reconstituted wood box: 4F the use of any specification or UN cyl-
Fiberboard box: 4G inder, except those specified for acety-
Expanded plastic box: 4H1 lene, is authorized. Cylinders used for
Solid plastic box: 4H2
toxic materials in Division 6.1 or 2.3
Inner packagings: must conform to the requirements of
Glass or earthenware receptacles § 173.40.
Plastic receptacles
Metal receptacles [71 FR 33881, June 12, 2006]
Glass ampoules
§ 173.206 Packaging requirements for
(c) The following single packagings chlorosilanes.
are authorized:
(a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter
Steel drum: 1A1 or 1A2 specifies that a hazardous material be
Aluminum drum: 1B1 or 1B2 packaged under this section, only non-
Metal drum other than steel or aluminum: bulk packagings prescribed in this sec-
Plastic drum: 1H1 or 1H2
tion may be used for its transpor-
Fiber drum: 1G (with liner) tation. Each packaging must conform
Wooden barrel: 2C1 to the general packaging requirements
Steel jerrican: 3A1 or 3A2 of subpart B of part 173, to the require-
Plastic jerrican: 3H1 or 3H2 ments of part 178 of this subchapter at
Aluminum jerrican: 3B1 or 3B2 the Packing Group I or II performance
Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, fiber level (unless otherwise excepted), and
or plastic drum: 6HA1, 6HB1, 6HG1 or 6HH1
to the particular requirements of the
Plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, wood-
en, plywood or fiberboard box: 6HA2, 6HB2, special provisions of Column (7) of the
6HC, 6HD2 or 6HG2 § 172.101 Table.
Glass, porcelain or stoneware in steel, alu- (b) The following combination pack-
minum or fiber drum: 6PA1, 6PB1, or 6PG1 agings are authorized:
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§ 173.211 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.213
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§ 173.214 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.219
(2) Other packagings containing solid specimens), is excepted from the ship-
carbon dioxide must be marked ‘‘CAR- ping paper and certification require-
BON DIOXIDE, SOLID—DO NOT STOW ments of this subchapter if the require-
BELOW DECKS.’’ ments of paragraphs (a) and (c)(2) of
(c) For transportation by aircraft: this section are met and the package is
(1) In addition to the applicable marked ‘‘Carbon dioxide, solid’’ or
marking requirements in subpart D of ‘‘Dry ice’’ and is marked with an indi-
part 172, the net mass of the carbon di- cation that the material being refrig-
oxide, solid (dry ice) must be marked erated is being transported for diag-
on the outside of the package. This nostic or treatment purposes.
provision also applies to unit load de- [73 FR 4718, Jan. 28, 2008]
vices (ULDs) when the ULD contains
dry ice and is considered the pack- § 173.218 Fish meal or fish scrap.
(a) Except as provided in Column (7)
(2) The shipper must make arrange-
of the HMT in § 172.101 of this sub-
ments with the operator for each ship-
chapter, fish meal or fish scrap, con-
taining at least 6%, but not more than
(3) The quantity limits per package
12% water, is authorized for transpor-
shown in Columns (9A) and (9B) of the
tation by vessel only when packaged as
Hazardous Materials Table in § 172.101
are not applicable to dry ice being used
(1) Burlap (jute) bag;
as a refrigerant for other than haz-
(2) Multi-wall paper bag;
ardous materials loaded in a unit load
(3) Polyethylene-lined burlap or
device or other type of pallet. In such
paper bag;
a case, the unit load device or other
(4) Cargo tank;
type of pallet must allow the venting
(5) Portable tank;
of the carbon dioxide gas to prevent a
(6) Rail car; or
dangerous build up of pressure, and be
(7) Freight container.
identified to the operator.
(b) [Reserved]
(4) Dry ice is excepted from the ship-
(c) When fish scrap or fish meal is of-
ping paper requirements of subpart C of
fered for transportation by vessel in
part 172 of this subchapter provided al-
bulk in freight containers, the fish
ternative written documentation is
meal must contain at least 100 ppm of
supplied containing the following in-
anti-oxident (ethoxyquin) at the time
formation: proper shipping name (Dry
of shipment.
ice or Carbon dioxide, solid), class 9,
UN number 1845, the number of pack- [Amdt. 173–224, 55 FR 52643, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ages, and the net quantity of dry ice in amended at 68 FR 45034, July 31, 2003]
each package. The information must be
included with the description of the § 173.219 Life-saving appliances.
materials. (a) A life-saving appliance, self-in-
(5) Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), in flating or non-self-inflating, containing
quantities not exceeding 2.5 kg (5.5 small quantities of hazardous mate-
pounds) per package and used as a re- rials that are required as part of the
frigerant for the contents of the pack- life-saving appliance must conform to
age is excepted from all other require- the requirements of this section. Pack-
ments of this subchapter if the require- agings must conform to the general
ments of paragraph (a) of this section packaging requirements of subpart B of
are complied with and the package is this part but need not conform to the
marked ‘‘Carbon dioxide, solid’’ or requirements of part 178 of this sub-
‘‘Dry ice’’, is marked with the name of chapter. The appliances must be
the contents being cooled, and is packed, so that they cannot be acciden-
marked with the net weight of the dry tally activated and, except for life
ice or an indication that the net weight vests, the hazardous materials must be
is 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) or less. in inner packagings packed so as to
(d) Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), prevent shifting within the outer pack-
when used to refrigerate materials aging. The hazardous materials must
being shipped for diagnostic or treat- be an integral part of the appliance and
ment purposes (e.g., frozen medical in quantities that do not exceed those
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§ 173.220 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
appropriate for the actual appliance in rigid outer packagings with a max-
when in use. imum gross mass of 40 kg.
(b) Life saving appliances may con- [69 FR 76158, Dec. 20, 2004, as amended at 72
tain: FR 44950, Aug. 9, 2007; 73 FR 57006, Oct. 1,
(1) Division 2.2 compressed gases, in- 2008]
cluding oxygen. However, oxygen gen-
erators are not permitted; § 173.220 Internal combustion engines,
(2) Signal devices (Class 1), which self-propelled vehicles, mechanical
equipment containing internal com-
may include smoke and illumination bustion engines, and battery pow-
signal flares; ered vehicles or equipment.
(3) Electric storage batteries and (a) Applicability. An internal combus-
lithium batteries (Life saving appli- tion engine, self-propelled vehicle,
ances containing lithium batteries mechanized equipment containing an
must be transported in accordance internal combustion engine, or a bat-
with § 173.185, and Special Provisions tery powered vehicle or equipment is
188, 189, A101, A103 and A104 as applica- subject to the requirements of this sub-
ble.); chapter when transported as cargo on a
(4) First aid or repair kits con- transport vehicle, vessel, or aircraft
forming to the applicable material and if—
quantity limitations of § 173.161 of this (1) The engine or fuel tank contains a
subchapter; liquid or gaseous fuel. An engine may
(5) Strike-anywhere matches; be considered as not containing fuel
(6) For self-inflating life saving appli- when the fuel tank, engine compo-
ances only, cartridges power device of nents, and fuel lines have been com-
Division 1.4S, for purposes of the self- pletely drained, sufficiently cleaned of
inflating mechanism provided that the residue, and purged of vapors to re-
quantity of explosives per appliance move any potential hazard and the en-
does not exceed 3.2 g; or gine when held in any orientation will
(7) Limited quantities of other haz- not release any liquid fuel;
ardous materials. (2) It is equipped with a wet battery
(c) Hazardous materials in life saving (including a non-spillable battery), a
appliances must be packaged as fol- sodium battery or lithium battery; or
lows: (3) Except as provided in paragraph
(1) Division 2.2 compressed gases (e)(1) of this section, it contains other
hazardous materials subject to the re-
must be packaged in cylinders in ac-
quirements of this subchapter.
cordance with the requirements of this
(b) Requirements. Unless otherwise ex-
cepted in paragraph (b)(4) of this sec-
(2) Signal devices (Class 1) must be in tion, vehicles, engines and equipment
packagings that prevent them from are subject to the following require-
being inadvertently activated; ments:
(3) Strike-anywhere matches must be (1) Flammable liquid fuel. A fuel tank
cushioned to prevent movement or fric- containing a flammable liquid fuel
tion in a metal or composition recep- must be drained and securely closed,
tacle with a screw-type closure in a except that up to 500 mL (17 ounces) of
manner that prevents them from being residual fuel may remain in the tank,
inadvertently activated; engine components, or fuel lines pro-
(4) Limited quantities of other haz- vided they are securely closed to pre-
ardous materials must be packaged in vent leakage of fuel during transpor-
accordance with the requirements of tation. Self-propelled vehicles con-
this subchapter; and taining diesel fuel are excepted from
(5) For other than transportation by the requirement to drain the fuel
aircraft, life saving appliances con- tanks, provided that sufficient ullage
taining no hazardous materials other space has been left inside the tank to
than carbon dioxide cylinders with a allow fuel expansion without leakage,
capacity not exceeding 100 cm3 are not and the tank caps are securely closed.
subject to the provisions of this sub- (2) Flammable liquefied or compressed
chapter provided they are overpacked gas fuel. (i) For transportation by
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.220
motor vehicle, rail car or vessel, fuel (4) Modal exceptions. Quantities of
tanks and fuel systems containing flammable liquid fuel greater than 500
flammable liquefied or compressed gas mL (17 ounces) may remain in self-pro-
fuel must be securely closed. For trans- pelled vehicles and mechanical equip-
portation by vessel, the requirements ment only under the following condi-
of §§ 176.78(k) and 176.905 of this sub- tions:
chapter apply. (i) For transportation by motor vehi-
(ii) For transportation by aircraft: cle or rail car, the fuel tanks must be
(A) Flammable gas-powered vehicles, securely closed.
machines, equipment or cylinders con-
(ii) For transportation by vessel, the
taining the flammable gas must be
shipment must conform to § 176.905 of
completely emptied of flammable gas.
Lines from vessels to gas regulators, this subchapter.
and gas regulators themselves, must (iii) For transportation by aircraft,
also be drained of all traces of flam- when carried in aircraft designed or
mable gas. To ensure that these condi- modified for vehicle ferry operations
tions are met, gas shut-off valves must and when all of the following condi-
be left open and connections of lines to tions are met:
gas regulators must be left discon- (A) Authorization for this type oper-
nected upon delivery of the vehicle to ation has been given by the appropriate
the operator. Shut-off valves must be authority in the government of the
closed and lines reconnected at gas reg- country in which the aircraft is reg-
ulators before loading the vehicle istered;
aboard the aircraft; or alternatively (B) Each vehicle is secured in an up-
(B) Flammable gas powered vehicles, right position;
machines or equipment, which have (C) Each fuel tank is filled in a man-
cylinders (fuel tanks) that are equipped ner and only to a degree that will pre-
with electrically operated valves, may clude spillage of fuel during loading,
be transported under the following con-
unloading, and transportation; and
(1) The valves must be in the closed (D) Each area or compartment in
position and in the case of electrically which a self-propelled vehicle is being
operated valves, power to those valves transported is suitably ventilated to
must be disconnected; prevent the accumulation of fuel va-
(2) After closing the valves, the vehi- pors.
cle, equipment or machinery must be (c) Battery-powered or installed. Bat-
operated until it stops from lack of fuel teries must be securely installed, and
before being loaded aboard the aircraft; wet batteries must be fastened in an
(3) In no part of the closed system upright position. Batteries must be
shall the pressure exceed 5% of the protected against a dangerous evo-
maximum allowable working pressure lution of heat, short circuits, and dam-
of the system or 290 psig (2000 kPa), age to terminals in conformance with
whichever is less; and § 173.159(a) and leakage; or must be re-
(4) There must not be any residual moved and packaged separately under
liquefied gas in the system, including § 173.159. Battery-powered vehicles, ma-
the fuel tank. chinery or equipment including bat-
(3) Truck bodies or trailers on flat tery-powered wheelchairs and mobility
cars—flammable liquid or gas powered. aids are not subject to any other re-
Truck bodies or trailers with auto- quirements of this subchapter except
matic heating or refrigerating equip- § 173.21 when transported by rail, high-
ment of the flammable liquid type may
way or vessel.
be shipped with fuel tanks filled and
equipment operating or inoperative, (d) Lithium batteries. Except as pro-
when used for the transportation of vided in § 172.102, Special Provision
other freight and loaded on flat cars as A101 of this subchapter, vehicles, en-
part of a joint rail and highway move- gines and machinery powered by lith-
ment, provided the equipment and fuel ium metal batteries that are trans-
supply conform to the requirements of ported with these batteries installed
§ 177.834(l) of this subchapter.
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§ 173.221 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)
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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.223
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§ 173.224 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)