Naas Proposal

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Created For:

NAAS : 09032751557,08141534385

National Association of Agricultural Students

[email protected],

: 10 Project Title

Name of Project Manager

Contact Number

E-mail :

No. of Employees



1. Summary
Funaab Payis a subsidiary of Titan City, an I.T Company that deals with Web, Mobile &
applications. This e-payment platform was developed in 2016 to ease and to reduce the stress of the
Students when to trying to pay for their dues. This website will make it very easy for student to pay
their dues On and Off campus with their smartphones or laptop.

2. Introduction
Titan city was created to cater for the need of people who like to introduce technology
advancement to their job or business so as to improve their work force and also to boost up
their business. Around December2015, this company was created by group of geeks in
which their main goal is to cater and develop new solutions for people and companies
entirely. Our services and activities are listed below:

 Designing of School Management System for Secondary schools, Colleges

 Development of Web applications e.g: Customer Relationship Management,
Admission Management System, Email Marketing System, E-Payment Portal.
 Development of Mobile Applications: E-Commerce App, Organic Agriculture

Farmer App and so on.
 Designing of Forum and Social Networking System.
 Installation of CCTV cameras
Well structured Digital marketing based on clientele budget
Trainings for large audiences regarding INFORMATION TECH.

We really understand that the stress in which the student are passing through when
trying to pay their dues is much and also it affects the Excos in which they won’t have the
time to attend toother issues concerning the association. Also, from the report that we
gathered, we saw that STALLITES find it difficult to pay for their dues.
4. Goals/Objectives
 This will save student’s time and reduces stress during student registration
process as we have undeniable evidences that students are over stressed and
waste a lot of their time trying to pay up their NAAS dues. This will
help you deliver on your promises.
 The platform is very user friendly and with top level cyber security that
guarantees cyber safety.
 It ensures proper accountability and transparency. Knowing your administration
is an exemplary one in accountability and transparency . This is a good platform
to deliver on your promises.
 It saves time and eliminates administrative stress. As all you get is an alert in the
ASSOCIATION’S bank account while your executives can spend the saved time
attending to important matters of the Association.
 This will be a great legacy as this will the first time of implementing ane-
payment platform in the history of the Association.

5. Procedures/Scope of Work
 The website can be accessed through this link:
 Click on NAAS icon, select college and fill in the necessary info
 After successful payment, the student will be directed to the payment success page and a
Transaction code will be generated automatically.
 The generated transaction code will be used to generate their receipt any time they wish.
 The receipts are sent o the maila dddress of the students for safe keeping.

6. Evaluation
For transparency and accountability, a payment list is being generated for the
association exco’s, so as to check and also monitor the number of transaction that has
been made and number of students that has made the payment for their dues. On the
payment list, a transaction id with the student’s matric number will be present on the
list so as to cross-check if the student haven’t forged or edit the receipt by
himself/herself and also serve a means of evidence so as to Sign the original receipt
by the financial secretary of the association.


1. There is a barcode scanner that can be scanned at any time to check for the
authenticity of the receipts
2. The financial secretary and any administrator on the portal can easily check the
code to confirm if students have paid or not.
3. An updated payment list will be submitted to the office of the financial secretary on
designated days that will be agreed upon during the signing of an MOU. This list
will be available on request too.


As part of our way of giving back to this association, the following will be done as soon as
a memorandum of understanding is signed:
1. 3 students will be entitled to N15,000 each and we assume it will be on merit, however,
the association reserves the right to pick these students,
2. The company is offering to teach all NAAS EXECUTIVES well on the nitty gritty of
Information Technology and how to profit from it.
3. FUNAAB Hackthon a competition where ideas are designed from start to finish in less
than 6 hours will be done so as to increase the culture of strategic reasoning and
problem solving within the members of the association.
4. All events and programmes of the association where information technology will be
worked upon and we will work with the various offices in question to achieve their
goals when we are called upon.
5. In every NAAS events, 10-15 minutes of interaction, Sponsored by TITAN GALAXY
will be used to quickly educate members present at such gatherings about the latest
opportunities in Information Technology.

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