Noun Clauses2

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Start know tell me is surprising Noun Clauses

* * Five Kinds:

believe said Go back (1) I asked where the bathroom is. didn’t he am happy problem suggest
2 (2) It is strange that she left. ar *
(3) I suggest that we go home now.
think wonder reason Trade can’t
(4) I am happy that you came.
* places understand
(5) The problem is that we don’t have
enough money.

is strange was angry understand Am Candy feel recommend


FREE is unlikel don’t know * am glad If you land on a * space your noun clause should have a ‘wh’ question w Go Ahead 2

Candy y ord. Use that for spaces without *.

is a fact said Go Back is am sorry benefit is too bad

1 unfair

heard Go Ahead was Trade hope

2 surprised Places

wish am not sure is importa asked is true demand

* nt *

am sure am the truth Candy is a insist is hard to END

worried pity believe

1. Hand out the main sheet and place it on the table

2. Explain to the students how to play.

Each box corresponds to one question. Each student has roll a dice and move a piece.

Ask the students to use make a sentence with noun clauses. Kinds of Noun clauses:
Embedded Questions It is adjective* + Noun Clause I am + feeling + Noun Claus Object Noun Clauses Be noun clauses
I’m not sure who he is. It’s unlikely that it will snow. I am worried that she is sick. I said that I would do it. The truth is that he cheate
I asked what time it was. It’s too bad that he came late. I am angry that they were lat I recommend that you see i d.
e. t. The problem is that we’re brok

* adjective or some other part of speech: ‘too bad’, ‘a fact’.

If the answer is correct, when it is their turn, they can go on playing, if not they have to skip one turn.

The student who first finishes the iter from “FINISH to START” is the winner

Thank the students for coming to the lesson.

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