2019 Iran PPR
2019 Iran PPR
2019 Iran PPR
4: 323—332
DOI: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.04.003
tion in spillways is difficult due to uncertain condi- spillway. The result of simulation for aeration in
tions on the structure, complexity of this pheno- spillway shows that there is a suitable agreement
menon and its various flow conditions combining between Fluent software and experimental data
with the reaction of the surface material (Dular which proves the aeration simulation results in the
Matevž et al. 2006). numerical models by comparing with experimen-
Generally, engineers use prototype and experi- tal models are acceptable. Vosoughifar et al.
mental models to forecast cavitation. Since experi- (2013), by using a CFD code-named V-Flow in
mental and prototype models are an expensive and MATLAB software, investigatied unstable flow
time-consuming process, with the development of over spillway. The simulation results of MATLAB
various Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) V-flow code for velocity, static pressure, and total
models, using numerical models to predict and pressure were validated by Fluent software results,
investigate hydraulic characteristics and cavitation then by comparing results of two numerical mo-
phenomenon is a reasonable method (Johnson dels with the experimental model, indicating that
Michael C and Bruce M Savage, 2006). there is reasonable agreement between V-flow,
Over the past years, numerous experimental fluent and experimental model. Daneshfaraz R et
and numerical studies were conducted on spill- al. (2014) studied two numerical models of flow
ways, among which the most important researches over ogee and stepped spillways in Fluent soft-
are as follows. Olsen et al. (1998) used 2D and 3D ware with Finite Volume method and ADINA
numerical models to predict water flow and spill- software with the Finite Element method. The con-
way capacity over ogee spillway. Reynolds Ave- ducted simulation results for ADINA and Fluent
raged Navier Stokes (RANS) Equations were software show that there are good agreements
solved with the K-epsilon (k-ε) Turbulence Model between two numerical models and experimental
in Flow 3D software. Results of numerical models model. However, in some stations of the spillway,
compared with the experimental study showed that the accuracy of Finite Volume method of Fluent
there was a good agreement on discharge coe- software results is more acceptable than the Finite
fficient and the pressure distribution on the spill- Element of ADINA software results. Parsaie et al.
way and numerical models results were close to (2016) conducted flow parameters and cavitation
the physical model results. Savage et al. (2001) phenomenon along with the spillway's flip bucket
investigated flow parameters over a standard ogee- of the Balaroud Dam by simulation Flow 3D nu-
crested spillway by applying once, the experimen- merical model and experimental model. Flow 3D
tal model and then with the numerical simulation. model results shows that the RNG model has been
In the experimental model, they recorded the flow a suitable performance for hydraulic parameters
and pressure for different flow conditions. Then, and cavitation index. Bayon et al. (2018) studied
simulation of flow over ogee spillway in the Flow with numerical modeling of water flow in stepped
3D software with the volume of fluid (VOF) and spillway without aeration by Flow 3D and Open-
fractional area-volume obstacle representation Foam models. They used RNG and k-ε methods to
(Favor) models were examined in the pressure. simulation turbulent flow. It was found that the
The study shows that numerical tools were suffi- result of the k-ε method was very similar to experi-
ciently advanced to calculate discharge and pre- mental model results and there was only a 3%
ssure on the spillway. Chatila et al. (2004) mo- difference between RNG method and experimental
deled the water flow over ogee spillway with k- ε model. WAN Wu-yi et al. (2018) studied a nu-
model in ADINA software which is a Finite Ele- merical simulation over ogee spillway in Fluent
ment Fluid Mechanics simulation. The results indi- software. The comparison of Fluent model results
cate that the ADINA software has an acceptable with experimental model results stated that Fluent
performance on simulation of hydraulic characte- software is able to predict cavitation number in
ristics, and the compared numerical model has a spillways and it has an economical approach and it
good agreement with experimental results. Aydin is also a cost-effective option. Furthermore, Fluent
et al. (2009) used k-ε and RNG models in Fluent could give complete information about the prob-
software and empirical Equations and previous ability of cavitation phenomenon in different sec-
studies to investigate the effect of aeration on the tions of the spillway.
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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Vol.7 No.4: 323—332
The experimental model of Shahid Madani (Iranian Water Research Institute, 2009).
Dam's spillway was designed and constructed in In this research, Flow 3D software was used to
Water Resources Research Institute of the Mini- investigate the hydraulic characteristics and cavita-
stry of Energy on the scale of 1:40. Fig. 2 illustra- tion number in Shahid Madani Dam's spillway.
tes the scaled experimental models. In the experi- First, the hydraulic parameters of flow over the
mental model, the values of pressure, velocity, and spillway were calculated by numerical simulation.
water depth were measured in numerous sections. The numerical simulation results were compared
The velocity of the spillway was measured using a and validated by experimental model results. Then
pitot tube and measurement accuracy was ± 0.14 the cavitation number will be predicted on the
m/s. A precise limn meter was used to measure the spillway.
water depth with an accuracy of ± 0.1 mm and After numerical simulation of flow over the
values of pressure measurement were performed spillway, the measurements of water depth, velo-
by a piezometer with the accuracy of ± 0.1 mm city, and pressure were calculated at eight sections
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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Vol.7 No.4: 323—332
Fig. 2 Experimental models of Shahid Madani Dam's spillway (Iranian Water Research Institute, 2009)
over the spillway. The locations of the selected sections are presented in Fig. 3 and Table 2.
2 Numerical model ∂w
VF ( uA x
+ vA y
+ wA z
= )
The Flow 3D is one of the most complete, 1 ∂k
- + Gz + fz (4)
powerful and practical CFD softwares for simula- ρ ∂z
tion various flows. The software for solving three- The Equations are written for the fluid velocity
dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes in three Cartesian coordinate systems, where
Equations utilizes the finite volume method (Flow- A: The fractional areas associated with the
Science, 2014). In the three Cartesian coordinate flow. G: Local accelerations of the fluid. f: Fric-
systems, these Equations can be written as follows: tional forces in the respective directions. ρ: Signi-
∂ρ ∂ (ρuA x ) ∂ (ρvA y ) ∂ (ρwA z ) fies the fluid density. k: Local pressure.
VF + + + = R SOR
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z The Flow 3D software uses Volume of Fluid
(1) for the free surface flow models and Favor techni-
VF( uA x
+ vA y
+ wA z
= ) que utilizes for models with complex geometry
(Flow-Science, 2014). This method is showed as
1 ∂k follows:
- + Gx + fx (2)
ρ ∂x ∂F 1 ∂ ∂
+ ( FuA x ) + (FvA y ) +
VF (
uA x
+ vA y
+ wA z
= ) ∂t V f ∂x
(FwA z ) = 0)
1 ∂k ∂z
- + Gy + fy (3)
ρ ∂y where F is the fraction function, F=0 when no
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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Vol.7 No.4: 323—332
water inside and F=1 when the cell is full of water. 3 Boundary conditions
There are various well-known models in Flow
3D software for simulation turbulence flows such In order to define the boundary conditions, in
as k- ε, RNG and large eddy simulation model the inflow point (Ymin) volume flow rate, in the
(Daneshfaraz Rasoul et al. 2019). In this research, sides of the spillway (Xmin, Xmax) and bed wall con-
the RNG model was used to simulate the Shahid dition, on the upper border (Zmax) symmetry condi-
Madani Dam's spillway. The base of this model is tion and in the outflow section of the spillway,
k-ε which was developed by Jones W P and Brian outflow condition was used. The boundary condi-
Edward Launder (1972), and Launder Brian Ed- tions of Shahid Madani Dam's spillway in the
ward and Dudley Brian Spalding (1972). The final Flow 3D software were shown in Fig. 4 and Table
adjustment was presented by Yakhot VSASTBCG 3 respectively.
et al. (1992). The geometry of spillway was
created in AutoCAD 3D 2013 software then STL
file format was imported to Flow 3D.
The determination of suitable type and size of were analyzed at pressure in the 2 205 m3/s flow
the grid has a significant impact on simulation rates to determine appropriate mesh models. Fig. 5
results. The grid with large sizes gives an inappro- shows different mesh models for Shahid Madani
priate result. By increasing the number of meshes, Dam's spillway in Flow 3D software.
the time of simulation will be increased but the According to the compared different mesh
simulation results will be close to experimental models in Fig. 5. The results of mesh Types 3 and
results. However, after a certain amount of mesh 4 are close to experimental model results. Never-
number, the result will not be changed by mesh theless, the time of simulation in Type 3 is more
size. In this research, four different mesh models appropriate than that of Type 4, so Type 3 has
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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Vol.7 No.4: 323—332
been chosen for simulation and all numerical re- at G and H points. The highest velocity at Shahid
sults were presented by this mesh type. The num- Madani Dam's spillway is 25.3 m/s, 28.4 m/s and
ber of cells for different mesh types is shown in 28.8 m/s for the three flow rates of 495 m3/s, 705
Table 4. m3/s and 2 205 m3/s respectively. It can be seen
that, with an increases in flow rate, the amount of
Table 4 Mesh type and the number of cells velocity increase over the spillway. The simulation
Mesh model namel Number of cell results for the pressure indicate that the pressure
Type 1 442 000
values reduce over the spillway and the lowest
amount of pressure over the spillway occurs at 495
Type 2 584 000
m3/s flow rates, which is 0.4 m. However, the
Type 3 830 000
numerical values for the water depth also indicate
Type 4 1 096 000
that the water depth in 2 205 m3/s flow rates peaks
at 8.4 m, which is the maximum water depth in all
three flow rates. Finally, the minimum water depth
4 Results and discussion appears in 495 m3/s flow rates at 0.7 m.
To determine the difference between the expe-
By numerical simulation in Flow 3D, hydrau- rimental model and numerical model, Root Mean
lic characteristics, including flow depth, velocity, Square Error (RMSE) and the Coefficient of Deter-
and pressure for three flow rates 495 m3/s, 705 mination (R2) were used. For a reasonable fit
m3/s and 2 205 m3/s were calculated and compared between numerical models and experimental ones,
with experimental models results respectively. The the amount of R2 should be close to 1, and the
results of computed numerical models were com- values of RMSE close to zero. The amount of
pared with the experimental model results for flow RMSE and R2 for different hydraulic parameters in
depth, the pressure, and velocity of Shahid Madani Shahid Madani Dam's spillway shows that there is
Dam's spillway and shown in Fig. 6-Fig. 8. acceptable precision for the numerical and experi-
Given that the spillway has the longitudinal mental model results. The values of RMSE and R2
slope, as shown in Fig. 6, the velocity increases are shown in Table 5.
along the path and it reaches to the highest amount
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