Proclamation No.1133.2019

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I A!R_ 7L -." }/ 25th Year No. 71

A R A% UQ: ~ uQ 506/ 7.! I 

  ADDIS ABABA 6th June, 2019
  !" # $%& 

'() Content
A+, -." /0/123/506/ 7.! Proclamation No.1133/2019
!") :"; '<<= A+, National Electoral Board of Ethiopia Establishment
…….……………………………………..?@ 6/051A3 Proclamation ………………………….Page 11293

A+, -." /0/123/506/ PROCLAMATION No. 1133/2019



B  CD( =E; FG HI J WHEREAS, it has become important to

K ' !") LCMN(  A'O establish an independent electoral Implementation

PN( 'RS " TJN(Q body in order to enable citizens to exercise their
U%" EQ (W X';CU F !") ARYF= right to self-government through representatives
A ARY Z L[\G that they elect by way of free, fair and peaceful
elections conducted at various levels;
Q X'$J^" 9
WHEREAS, to strengthen the Ethiopian
!") :";Q ^'Q_(! A F A;"B democracy it has become necessary to organize the
` HI G 7'aJ K ' !") National Electoral Board in a manner that is
X'RYb! =R X( L+c" EQ dC( independent from the influence of any other body
';CU ARY Z L[\G and which enables it to conduct fair, trust-worthy
and peaceful election;
!") :"; A% Q WHEREAS, it has become necessary to
AL LJ Aee! APfgJ U@ ';CUJ improve the credibility and implementing capacity of
:"hQ L+c"i K
_ c."J ! % the National Electoral Board among competing
political organizations and the voting public, by
EQ j! ` F 'C?. k
making the selection and appointment of the members
lXm ;",n J L
o pQ; X(Q
of the national electoral board participatory and
7'aJ 'RYb! AcqQ 'P U ARY Z transparent and ensuring the board’s independence in
[d L?rsG regards to its organizational structure, staff
employment and deployment and budget;

 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with
 ?-LQUT AQu@ vw(/) EJ (/15) Article 55(1) and 102 of the Constitution of the
LzC =^X( f({| Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is
hereby proclaimed as follows:

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11294


/. A" "ER 1. Short Title

‚ƒ A+, “9
!") :"; '<<= This Proclamation may be cited as the “National
A+, -." /0/123/506/” † $uR Electoral Board of Ethiopia Establishment
‚ | Proclamation No. 1133/2019”.
5. "‡! 2. Definitions

ˆƒ A+, (R.‰- In this Proclamation:

1/ “? LQUR”
1/ “Constitution” means the Constitution of

  ? LQUR the Federal Democratic Republic of
[Qi “ƒ? LQURf”
LQURf” 'X U Ethiopia; “Constitutions” means the

  Constitution of the Federal Democratic
EJ  ƒ? LQURf 'X (i Republic of Ethiopia and that of the
Regional States;

2/ " :";
:";"" 'X ˆƒ A+, AQu‹ 3 LKC 2/ “Board” means the National Electoral
<<L( R
" :"hQ qW Board that is established under Article 3 of
A%  uY @ƒY #J  CD( W this Proclamation which includes all the
'R% @ƒY #n Q  9
members of the management board, the
!") :"; (i office of the board, and coordination offices
at different levels;

3/ "R
" :";"
:";" 'X ˆƒ A+, 3/ “Management Board” means a board that is
AQu‹ w (1) LzC KL( L'‚ comprised of members recruited by committee
Œ= =LX! N(J $c ‚ =aRŽ appointed by the House of People’s
 ƒ  !" # Representatives upon recommendation by the
u"( =q JN(i Prime Minister in accordance to Article 5 (1)
of this Proclamation.;

4/ “!")”
!")” 'X ? LQURf EJ ‘† 4/ “Election” means general elections, local
AU% % N( ƒB LKC =E; elections, by-elections and re-elections
$c G A%G '’ ‚! ;= conducted in accordance with Constitutions
!") (i and other relevant laws;

5/ “lXm ;",”
",” ‚! “lXm “"m”
“"m” 5/ “Political Organization or Political Party”
'X lXm ”•U
! ;k 7 '(Q means a grouping which, having formulated
 LQ?; X'
L; =QuPuR a political program, pursues its aims in a
–;Q (i lawful manner;
6/ “!") ”
” 'X X!") AYFb! 6 /“Constituency” means an electoral district
EQ L EJ ƒ– —†˜Q EQ L". established by dividing the nation's
ƒU LKC ™?s Uš ^›H† territories in accordance with the law and in
, !") A% (i a manner conducive for the execution of
elections and for the people to elect their

7/ “!") ”
” 'X  CD( =Eh 7/ “Polling Station” means a location where
!")œ !?% =E;iL
 voter registration, voting and counting is
;!‹ =Kž EJ Ÿ$
=E; carried out for elections conducted at every
:f (i level;
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11295

8/ “@ƒY #”
#” 'X I] 9
8/ “Office” means Office of the National
!") :"; @ƒY # (i Electoral Board of Ethiopia;

9/ “^H_ LQUR ¡L”

¡L” 'X 9/ “High-level Appointment” means
=aR"G =aR" ¢fG A!%P "G appointment to the rank of Minister, State
Œ=£"i ! Œ=£"G +J S‚¤" Minister, Ambassador, Commissioner,
‚! LPP‚ CD  N( ¡Ln Q Deputy Commissioner, Main Director or
fi appointment of a similar rank;

0/ “R !U%" ‡;X”

‡;X” 'X I] (R. 10/ “Ethical Misconduct” means committing
¥I\ =R''%N( UC? E¦n EJ actions that are contrary to the moral values
ƒB J q T-!U%• ‚ LKCs that the majority of Ethiopians abide by as
L"[ Q =.§ U%
 Y@ L?r well as to principles grounded in legal and
(i professional ethics;

01/ "K("
K(" 'X ƒU K( L K$( 11/ “Person” means natural or Juridical person.
‚! Y.• K( (i
02/ ˆƒ A+, (R. Q; ¨f ?Xb( 12/ Any expression in this proclamation in the
¦Q! ¨f f‰‰ masculine gender includes the feminine
RX 9
3. L<<! 3. Establishment

J  !") † FJ 1/ The National Electoral Board is hereby
X_ !") ?XO EQ ©; established having its own legal personality
^'Q_(! ‹Ed F [
§Q ªX ƒU as an autonomous organ independent from
K( X( 9
!") :"; any influence, in order to conduct free and
<-’| proper election in the Federal and State

2/ :"h $ Xƒ  !" # 2/ The Board shall be accountable to the
‚[J‰‰ House of Peoples’ Representatives.

3/ :"h A R A% +J @™Y # =dC( 3/ The Board shall have head office in Addis
[QG EQ ARY Zs 'JN(! A?s Ababa; and as may be necessary, may open
H† c"Q)H @ƒY # XLY branch offices at any part of the country,
A.Qn Xƒ  !" # .«(Q when submit request to the House of
Ac": Yu;X U%
 "‰‰ People’s Representatives based on study,
and approved same by the House of
People’s Representatives.
 . :"h A<! 4. The Organization of the Board
1/ :"h qW Z =?XUW A!R A%  1/ The board shall have a management board
" :"; ‚dC+‰‰ consisting of 5 members that serve full-
2/ R
" :"; A%  :"h KP 2/ Members of the management board, based
(P¬ LKC X­ :"hQ 7 ' YF= on the decision of the board chairman shall
p"k Q ® g ‚L
W| be responsible to lead work departments of
the board.
gA 6/051A¸ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11296

3/ R
" :"h XR
( AYFb! ARY Z 3/ The Management board may establish sub-
[\ QUR Œ=œ Q <-! ‚ ‰‰ committees that may be necessary for the
execution of its duties.
4/ :"h XT
( ARY Z [\ z
° 4/ The Board shall have the staffs necessary
‚dŽf| for the execution of its duties.

w. R
" :"h A%  AK! 5. Appointment of Members of the Management

" :"h A%  ƒ? LQURs The members of the management board shall be
AQu@ /15 LKC $c ‚ =aRŽ appointed by the House of People’s
 =^X( T-T"7 LKC Representatives In accordance with Article 102
ƒ  !" # ‚'W± of the Constitution, upon nomination by the
Prime Minister through the following procedure:
1/ $c ‚ =aKŽ Eo R
" :"; 1/ The Prime Minister shall establish an
A% Q =LX! =^WQ A%  independent committee that will engage in
 ?X_ Œ= <-'‰- the recruitment of nominees to membership
of the management board. The committee
shall Composed of the following members:

™) ^I I‚'d <' ‡%¢../ K(i a) Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia…..

……………………………..1 person;

X) ^I P‚QR AS= ............1 K(i b) Ethiopian Academy of Sciences………...

……………………………..1 person;

²) ^I K
° ŒQ ¤³Q…1 K(i c) Ethiopian Confederation of Employees
……………………..………. 1 person;
L) ^I QU;J 'ƒ
 !" # d) Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce……
…………………………………….... 1 K(i ……………………………..1 person;

z) ^I K7 L Œ=³Q....1 K(i e) Ethiopian Human Rights Commission

……………………….……. 1 person;
C) ^´ 'ƒ
J ^I?" ³'U‘œ f) Representatives from civil societies and
=LCž………………………. 3 Kœ ‰‰ elders...…………………..….3 persons.

2/ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu@ (1) R" 2/ The members of the committee that shall be
^pCpŽ <' =^W ‚! selected from the institutions under Sub-
=LCž Œ= A%  ?X_fN(J Article (1) of this Article shall have
µfN( C?$G EQ AU%s proportional gender balance and persons
AQu@ 6 R" pCpŽQ R
" whose neutrality and capability are ensured
and when appropriate fulfill the criteria to
:"; A% LRY"n =’W EJ
become management board members under
Œ=( R." LO ¶f +‹O
Article 6 of this Proclamation;
X [Q ‚?%i
3/ Œ=( ^ƒG ^lXm ;",n J 3/ The Committee shall receive nominations
^´ 'ƒ
" :"; A% from the public, political organizations and
[\ = W UXK: Q .Ÿ' ‚u i civil societies as to persons fit to be
members of the management board;
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11297

4/ Œ=( ˆƒ A+, AQu@ 6 R" 4/ In accordance with the criteria listed under
uLž LRY"n LKC U‹J Article 6 of this Proclamation, the
ASS [ AE; ^$Ÿq Kœ Committee shall select nominees fit to be
(R. R
" :"; A%  [\ management board members from the
= W Eoœ Q LXJ Yµ OfN(Q suggestions made in a transparent and
competitive process after securing the
'C?. Eoœ˜Q "" X ‚›
consent of the nominees. It shall make the
';CUG X$c ‚ =aRŽ ‚i
list of nominees open to the public and send
it to the Prime Minister;
5/ Œ=( =p`( Eoœ "" 5/ The list of nominees prepared by the
!L ( =E; c R
" committee must be twice the number of
:"h W H :fœ -." E.H available place in the board during the
L[Q ‚d"fi selection process;

6/ $c ‚ =aRŽ Eo R
" :"; 6/ The Prime Minister after receiving the list
A%  R! "" ^Œ=( ^uX ¹ of nominees shall have consultation with
^k lXm “"mœ  " representatives of competing political
parties on the nominees presented;
uC– Eoœ ‚ !"  "i
7/ $c ‚ =aRŽ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu@ 7/ The Prime Minister after having the
¸ R" ?Xº(Q !"  C? ¹ consultation as per Sub-Article 6 of this
^uC– Eoœ L^ R
" Article recommend from nominees
:"h (R. %W H :fœ Eoœ Q submitted to it for appointment to the House
of People’s Representatives, to the available
X  !" # EQ q
place in the Board;
»/ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu‹ ¼ LzC $c ‚ 8/ The Prime Minister when recommend
=aRŽ Eoœ Q u" T
" nominees as per Sub-Article (7) of this
:"h KPJ ! KP :f H Article shall identify the Chairman and
^[ KPJ ! KP =[\Q Deputy Chairman of the management board,
Eoœ LX u"%i if their place is remained vacuum;

/ AQ; Eo R
" :"; A% 9/ A nominee to become a management board
=L( ƒ  !" # member will become a member only when
A ) ;!‹ ¡LsQ b;u( (‰‰ approved by a majority Vote of the House
of People’s Representatives.

¸. R
" :"; A% LRY"n 6. Criteria to be a Management Board Member

1/ AQ; K( R
" :"; A% XL[Q 1/ A person shall become a management board
= X( =^WQ LRY"n ’ member only if he fulfills the following
(‰- criteria:
™) ( I½ [ I½ a) Ethiopian by birth and Ethiopian
i national;

X) 'Q_(! lXm ;", A% b) Not a member of any political party;

²) ^!") ‡S " ¾ % N( c) Has advanced professional qualification
X‚! UG lXm P‚QRG  on matters related to election;
ARS "G RfmRmRG IQk"¿³Q especially law, political science, public
d†À EJ ‘† š', % N( administration, statistics, information
p"k ^H_ q µ X(i technology and other related fields;
gA 6/051A» Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11298

L) L! T-!U%" EJ REJ X(i d) of good ethics and character;

z) K$(Q ® g XL£^! =R  e) High leadership capacity that enables

^H_ AL
" µ X(‰‰ him to hold the responsibility assigned
to him.
2/ :"h A%  RR ªX L$Q 2/ The composition of management board
9"J ¶f +‹OQ ^U! (R. members to the possible extent shall take
R?% L[Q ‚d"f| into account the ethnic and sex composition.
¼. :"h RQJ U%" 7. Powers and Duties of the Board
:"h =^W RQJ U%
 ‚dŽfi- The Board shall have the following powers and

1/ ? LQURs EJ !") U LKC 1/ execute impartially any election and

=E; 'Q_(Q! !") EJ ƒ (P¬ referendum conducted in accordance with
?XO 'RYº!i the Constitution and with Election Law;

2/ L
 Q !ƒ" X=Kž ´ 2/ grant permission, follow up and supervise
'ƒCK ;",n Yµ; LR$G civil society organizations providing voter
L^fJ LŸ$"i education;

3/ lXm ;",n Q LL?G ƒ‡ LKC 3/ register political parties, follow-up and
L^fJ LŸ$"i supervise them in accordance with the law;
4/ XlXm “"mœ ?Qp ;H = CUQ 4/ provide guidelines for the manner in which
LRY" '(J LRY"s LKC monetary funds may be contributed to
;B'(Q '^›Yi political parties and in accordance with
these guidelines allocate the funds;
5/ !") c lXm “"mœ Q L?J_ 5/ determine the manner in which political
¥IQ A$µu! LKQi parties may use media during elections;

6/ !") † Q A^ X LX^ .J 6/ undertake studies on how to divide electoral

A;"B X ¤³Q !" # (P¬ IP regions and present a recommendation to
'cCi the House of Federation on the basis of
those studies;
7/ X!") fšœ Yµ; LR$G 7/ issue licenses to election observers and
L^fJ LŸ$"i follow up and supervise their activities;
8/ :"hQ c"Q)H @ƒY #n jW! 8/ establish branch offices of the board at all
† J ^ˆ f %W ARS " regional and sub-regional levels;
E"^d '
/  CD( EJ Z( =Eh !")œ 9/ facilitate and ascertain that elections held
FJ HI [ LQ?; =EhQ periodically and at every level are
j¬f 'LªNJ 'C?.i conducted in a free and fair manner;

6/ !")Q X'RYb! =RY‡ KÁ J 10/ prepare and distribute documents and
-P-Â Q 'p`J 'K
Ãi materials necessary to conduct elections;

6// ˆƒ ƒUJ ‘† ƒB KžQ 11/ issue directives necessary to perform its
® gn XL ARY Z [\ duties given by this Proclamation and other
LLœ Q '(i laws;
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11299

65/ !") ARYF=œ Q ?XOJ F 12/ certify neutrality and freedom of electoral
'C?. EQ j! !") ARYF=fN( officers and also protect them from any
!Q ^= "R%N( ‹Ed L^ ^i influence that they may come under in
relation to their work;
63/ !")Q X'RYº! =RY‡ !") 13/ determine the number of polling stations
œ Q -." LKQi necessary to carry out an election;
0 / !")Q X'RYº! =RY‡ !") 14/ establish nation wide the electoral regions
J !") œ Q L I?s and polling stations necessary to carry out
`i an election;
0w/ ?X_G µJ ƒ 7'a  N( 15/ ensure that competent and non-partisan
!") ARYÄ=œ Q LLLJ electoral officers who enjoy public trust are
'K$Qi recruited and trained;
0¸/ ^!")J ^lXm ;",n " ¥ 16/ collect and organaize data relating to
LCDœ Q 'K%KG '$Ju"G !") elections and political parties, by reviewing
ƒB QJ AYFb!Q L?!?! 'ÅÅ election laws and their implementation,
=RYN(Q ‡S X‚n X=LX^( submit issues that need revision to the
A 'cCi concerned body;

0¼/ lXm ;",n 

L;CQ 17/ coordinate political parties' joint forum;
0»/ !") (Æn Q 'C?.J ‚› ';CUi 18/ certify and officially announce election
0/ !") ©  X=u"– c¤fœ 19/ provide administrative relief for complaints
LHE LR$i raised in the course of election
~/ !") ©  !") (ÆQ =šQH 20/ cancel election results and order re-election
ƒU .K ^RÇ † !Q (ÆsQ where it has been convinced that violation
LKCJ ;= !") 'E;G EQ j! of law has occurred which would undermine
!") ©  YºL ƒU LRG the outcome of the election. In addition,
hold individuals accountable for violations
'"" ‚! K !J b.f ' HCR
of law, fraudulent acts or disturbance of
;"Z Ybq UXK: Q ƒU EQ $- peace in relation to an election;
~// ` Ap,n Xƒ  !" # 21/ prepare and submit its Budget to the House
'cCG 'b cJ R
‚ '+i of Peoples’ Representatives for approval
and implement the same;
~5/  CD( =Eh !")œ Q L"I U" 22/ impose to prepare election schedules taking
K‘S EQ p, ';CU '@ c EQ place at all levels, approve, and as needed
ARY Zs 'ÅÅJ LYºqQ L^fi amend and follow up the implementation of
the same;
~3/ Xƒ  !" # R
AYFb! 23/ submit to the House of Peoples'
l" 'cCi Representatives reports on its work;
~ / ˆƒ UJ ‘† B KžQ 24/ carry out any other activities necessary to
® gn XL ARY Z [\ fulfill its responsibilities as defined in this
'Q_(! U%
Q '^JQ‰‰ Proclamation and other laws.

». R
" :"; RQJ U%" 8. Powers and Duties of the Management Board

" :"; ˆƒ A+, AQu@ 7 X:"h In addition to the powers and duties given to the
A$µ ‚ ^K$( RQJ U%
 board through Article 7 of this Proclamation, the
Management Board shall also have the following
Ã' =^W RQJ U%

powers and duties:
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11300

1/ LLœ Q ፤ 1/ issue directives;

2/ X:"h Kž "" Rd Q =LX^s 2/ outline policy directions relating to the
l Ac)œ Q Ru! powers of the management board as listed
fN(Q! ‚^f i above, and follow up their implementation;
3/ :"h LÃCÅ( c¤f K= A [d 3/ serve as the final appeal body of the board
?XU G !") (Æn Q ‚› for complaints; approve election results
^L CN( g b;µi before officially announced;
4/ !") (ÆQ =šQH ƒU .K 4/ cancel election results and conduct re
^K Z !") Æn Q ‚K"šG election when violation of law which would
;= !") ©Si undermine the outcome of the election has
5/ R
" :"hG :"h @/#G :"h 5/ outline policies to govern liaisons between
° R
©  EQ j! :"h the management board, the office or staffs
^Ԡ LQURf J LQURf [\ of the board and governmental or non-
<' " = "N( UQÈn governmental institutions; implement the
=LŽQ l pDi R
‚ same;
( i
6/ :"hQ @ƒY # ® gJ ! ® g 6/ appoint the Chief Executive and the
ˆƒ A+, AQu@ ~ (1) LKC ‚'i Deputy Chief Executive of the secretariat as
per Article 20 (1) of this Proclamation;

7/ R
" :"h A%  =LŽQ 7/ issue Directive on ethics governing the
T-!U%" LL i U%
sQ Management Board Members; supervise the
‚^f ‰‰ implementation of the same;
. R
" :"h KP RQJ U%" 9. Powers and Duties of the Chairman of the
Management Board

" :"h KP =^W RQJ The Chairman of the Management Board shall
 ‚dŽf± have the following powers and duties:

1/ R
" :"h  ‚ I gJ +J R
1/ serve as the Main Superior and Chief
ARYF= [d ?XU i Executive Officer of the Management
2/ :"hQ ^ÂR_ ?d " %X( UQÈ 2/ represent the Board in its dealings with third
‚ i parties;
3/ R
" :"hQ RK% ‚$
G 3/ call and preside over the meetings of the
i Management Board;
4/ R
" :"h (P¬œ AU%– 4/ supervise the proper implementation of
LYb'N(Q ‚^f i decisions of the Management Board;
 ´ K"´R B Q LzCf 5/ Hire and Administer staffs in accordance
L"[œ ^† LQUT ­ j¬f with a regulation having basic principles of
=b;c Q LzC K
°Q ‚u.
G the civil service law, that will be exclusively
i passed by the government ;
6/ :"hQ (R. A CD`J R
" 6/ determine the internal organization of the
:"h A%  L^ X(Q R
HH Board as well as the division of work among
" :"; A%  " LL^" the management board member in
‚RJi consultation with the management board
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11301

7/ @ƒY #sQ A"J C,! Z Ec;J 7/ prepare and submit to the board the short
` Ap,n X:"h u"%G b;c! and long-term work plan and budget of the
L C‡Q ‚^f i office of the board and supervise its
implementation upon approval;
8/ c"Q)H @ƒY #n K
° Q q 8/ ensure that employees for branch offices of
µ  N(J ?X_ ^[\ W the office were hired from among the
+œ L^ U@G APfgJ ASS region’s qualified and impartial residents
[ LQ?; Lu$
N(Q CUi and in a manner that was transparent,
inclusive and competitive;
J  ƒ? LQURn Q 'EuH 9/ on the basis of the Federal and State
LKC ';CU !") AYFb! Z Constitutions, frame work prepare and
K‘S Ap,n XT
" :"h submit election time tables to the
u"%G b;c! U%
sQ ‚^f i Management Board and supervise its
implementation upon approval;
0/ :"h ` AU% % N( ›‚JQR 10/ ensure that the Board’s budget is used in
ƒB J L"[ LKC R
‚ L+WQ line with the appropriate rules and
CUi regulations of finance;

01/ lXm ;",n Q 

L;C 11/ Coordinate the joint political parties' forum;

02/ 'Q_(Q! :"hQJ @ƒY #sQ R

12/ present any report on the activities of the
EQcRµ¦ l" XR
" :"h Board and the office to the Management
u"%‰‰ Board.

6. R
" :"h ! KP RQJ 10. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Chairman
U%" of the Management Board

" :"h ! KP =^W The Deputy Chairman of the Management Board
‚dŽf± shall have the following powers and duties:
1/ KP( '‚d" Z n ‚K
i 1/ carry out the duties of the Chairman in the
absence of the latter;
2/ KP( =K$(Q ‘† U%
 2/ perform other duties specifically assigned to
^J(J| him by the Chairman.

6/. R
" :"h RK% T-
T-T"7 11. Rules of Procedure of the Management
1/ ^R
" :"h A%  ÂRs ^?È 1/ There shall be a quorum where at least 3
!7 ‡%¢ ‚[J| members of the Management Board are
2/ R
" :"h ‡%¢ (P¬ A%  2/ Decisions of the Management Board shall
;!‹ ) ‚KJi [d! ;!‹ EÉ be made by a majority vote; however, in
EÉ =^Y ^[ KP(  ?Y( case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a
™P R
" :"h (P¬ ‚[J‰‰ casting vote.

3/ R
" :"h 
§Q "" AK
"J 3/ The Management Board shall issue its own
RK% T-T"7 LL ‰‰ detailed rules of procedure.
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11302

65. R
" :"h A%  R
pLQ 12. Membership Term of the Management
1/ R
" :"; A%  R
pLQ 1/ The term of office of management board
R;R 7L ‚[J| members shall be six years.
2/ R
" :"; A%  XAQ; Ã' 2/ Management Board members may re-
pLQ ;= q ‚ Wi appoint for additional one term; The Prime
pL\ %Xu AQ; " Minister may directly recommend members
Z (R. _(Q! R
" :"; for re appointment to the House of People’s
A% $c ‚ =aRŽ u.f Xƒ Representatives after one month of the
 !" # 'cC AQu‹ 5 (8) termination as per Article 5(8).
LzC ;= ! ‚ ‰‰

3/ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu‹ (1) EJ (2) 3/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-
 ??( EQ $u [d A%W 
§ Article (1) and (2) of this Article, unless a
Hµ; R
(Q ^Xuu ‚! ƒ management board member leaves his
 !"#‰- membership on his own consent or is
relieved by the House of Peoples’
Representatives because of:

™) ƒL! !Q U%ŽQ ?( a) Inability to carry out his functions due
j¬f '^JQ %XLª i to health reasons;
X) U@ [ R
†f ‚! µ b) Evident lack of capacity or competence
'Ri to work;

²) ^%; T-!U%" ‡;X Ld"i‚! c) Serious ethical misconduct; or

d) Absence from work for a consecutive
L) X^ff‚ 6 
?f ‚
%XL?ri period of six months ;

!Q KJ u" ^® gs He shall not be relieved of his

A‚P!| responsibilities.

 / :"; A% ^:"; ® gs Yµh ^Xuu 4/ For a period of 2 years after leaving his
‚! Z(Q Ã" ^KJ ¹ %W position on his own consent or is relieved by
jX ALf (R. 'Q_(! ^H_ the House of Peoples’ Representatives,
LQUR ® g ! A‚ !| member of the management board may not
be appointed to any high government office.
63. R
RX LucJ RXLKJ 13. Leaving Office and Being Relieved of Office

1/ AQ; R
" :"; A% ˆƒ A+, 1/ Any person or anybody who is convinced
AQu@ 05 ( 3 ) G (™) G (X) EJ (² ) that a management board member should be
uLž !Qn ^® gs P relieved of office for the reasons stated in
‚?% † K A ‚! UXK Article 12 /3/ (a), (b) and (c) may inform to
.Ÿ'(Q Xƒ  !" # AY the Speaker of the House of People’s
‡%¢ 'cC ‚ | Representatives to that effect.

2/ AY ‡%¢( uC(Q .Ÿ' L"!• & 2/ If the Speaker of the House of People’s
!Q ‘X( L[\Q L .Ÿ'(Q Representatives, upon assessing the claim,
(;c  "‰‰ .Ÿ'( !Qf J is convinced that there are no sufficient
LL"L" =?%( ( † L‰- reasons, it shall reject the claim. If, on the
other hand, it is convinced that the claim has
sufficient reasons and requires further
gA 6/0313 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11303

investigation, the House of People’s

Representatives appoint an investigative
committee to investigate the matter, and this
committee should consist of:
a) One Federal Supreme Court judge;
™) ^$c ‚ H"; # AQ; S_i
X) ^p( ‡S‚ " u.f ?Jr b) One technical expert whose area of
q µ X( AQ; %Xqi EJ expertise is directly related to the matter
at hand;
²) ^I K7 L Œ=³Q c) One person representing the Ethiopian
^X AQ; K(i Human Rights Commission.

W ƒ  !" #

=K! A Œ= .Ÿ'(Q ?
j¬f EQ 
3/ ‡S­ L
 ‚ PX AY ‡%¢( 3/ The Speaker of the House If he meets
ARY Z [d ?r( R uC :"; necessary may temporarily suspend the
A% Z  :"h R
EQS‚PH powers and duties of a management board
U ( ‚ ‰‰ member whose case is still being
4/ A Œ=( =
 ©  .Ÿ' 4/ the board member shall have the right to
uC :"; A% E
§Q L^ ^J defend himself and present evidence during
L^ ^ 'RCD 'cC Ls the process of committee’s investigation.

5/ A Œ=( = "?( '

 5/ if the investigative committee in its
.Ÿ'(  L[\Q C?$J ‚E! investigation find the complaint lodged to
^® g RP =  ( † L G be accurate and that the management board
(P¬ IP–Q Xƒ  !" # member should be removed, the committee
AY ‡%¢ u"%i AY ‡%¢( uCXQ shall present its findings to the Speaker of
(P¬ IP X  !" # the House who shall in turn present it to the
u"%‰‰ House of People’s Representatives.

6/ uC( (P¬ IP   !" 6/ the management board member regarding
# A%  A ) ;!@ ^b u .Ÿ'( whom the complaint is lodged shall be
uC :"; A% ^® gs ‚P| removed from his position if the decision is
approved by majority vote of the House of
People’s Representatives.
6 .
6 . R
" :"; A%  T-!U%" 14. Ethics of Management Board Members

"Ž R
" :"h =( A%  While the specifics will be determined by
T-!U%" LL =KQ [d 'Q_(! directives to be issued by the management board
" :"h A%± any member of the management board shall:

1/ K$(Q ® g ?XOG FJ 1/ discharge his responsibility impartially,

cQ :J '^JQ AXi freely and in good faith;
2/ 'Q_(Q! !") =PH lXm 2/ not directly or indirectly support or oppose
;",! [ U Eo u.f! [ any political organization or private
p++ L ?H! [ Lµ! LQuPuR candidate participating in the election;
gA 6/031  Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11304

3/ R
" :"; A%s !Q 3/ not seek any benefit out of confidential
%?r( =R.
LCD .c! 'Ur information that he obtained by virtue of
‚! X'Ur L^" X!i being a management board member;

4/ :"hQ =R." X 3_ ?Q APk LR$ 4/ not disclose to a third party any confidential
‚! '%^Q X!i information of the board;
5/ 'Q_(! j¬f :"hQ ‚! A% sQ 5/ refrain from any acts that in any way
7'aG?XOJ F ^=BS ‚! damages the credibility, impartiality and
^=B;H 'Q_(! U%" LŸ$ independence of the board or its members.
6w.. R
" :"h A%  L
6w 15. Rights of Management Board Members

'Q_(! R
" :"; A% =^W Any member of the management board shall
Ln ‚dŽf± have the following rights:

1/ 'Q_(Q! R
" :"hQ RK% 1/ to participate and vote in any meetings of
LPHJ ;!‹ LR$i management board;

2/ :"hQ KÁ LL^i 2/ to refer and get access to documents of the

3/ R
" :"hQ RR% . EJ A`QS 3/ to be called by the board for meeting and
cs 'Ur፤ know the agenda in a timely manner;
4/ ARNʂ RK% EQ $
L$ci 4/ to request for an extraordinary meeting to be
5/ R
" :"; A%s ?O 5/ to receive payment appropriate for his
=?%(Q H 'Uri management board membership;
6/ ^%; Q` Y‹q E, ^HQ, ¥ 6/ not to be arrested or prosecuted without
u" ® g ‚ ERW ;CR X ƒ permission of the House of People’s
 !" # Yµ; XLJ Representatives except in the case of
Q` XL^KR L| flagrante delicto.
6¸. R
" :"h A%  .c! U 16. Conflict of Interests of Management Board
1/ 'Q_(! R
" :"; A% 1/ A management board member shall
K$(Q ® g HI J ?X_ immediately inform the management board
XL EQS‚  = "U 'Q_(! and remove himself from duty when any
7‚ .c! U X ‡S‚ situation of conflict of interest occurs which
?.L(  (\ XR
" :"h prevent him from carrying out his duties in a
'Pc E
§Q 'UX ‚d"f|
fair and impartial manner.

2/ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu‹ (1) $uK( 2/ Where the situation provided in Sub-Article
j¬f ^K ‡S­ µX‡%¢ ‚Ë ‡S­ (1) above occurs, it shall be recorded in the
uœ˜ R
" :"; A%  minutes and decided upon by the rest of the
‚KJ| management board members.
3/ ^‡S­ " .c! U X( R
3/ A decision or action shall be re-considered
" :"; A% j¬f(Q P‚?‹ where management board member that has a
'JN(! LQ?; Pk (P¬  XY conflict of interest with the matter
^[ ‡S­ EQ ?J EQ f‚ ‚ C‰‰ participates in the decision or action in any
capacity without notifying the management
board about the situation.
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11305

4/ 'Q_(! K( R
" :"; A%  4/ Any person claiming that a management
^=­ ‡S‚ " p .c! U board member has conflict of interest
AX † L 'RCD(Q  (\ :"h regarding a matter that he is involved in or
@ƒY # É XR
" :"; with a matter being considered in a meeting
'cC ‚ ‰‰ he participated may immediately submit his
evidence to the management board through
the office.
6¼. RX ‚U%O 17. Appeal

1/ R
" :"h =KN( LÃCÅ 1/ Final administrative decisions of the
 ^H_ management board may be appealed to the
H"; # EQ j! !") © J Federal High Court, and final decisions with
(ÆQ LX^ =KN( LÃCÅ regard to electoral process and results may
 $c ‚ H"; # be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court.
‚U%O f­ ‚ W‰‰
2/ H"; #s ‚U%ÈQ uX AQ; " 2/ Courts shall decide cases within one month
Z (K. (P¬ LR$ ‚d"fi [d! since an appeal is lodged, however if the
‡S­ ASg ^[ H"; #s ‡S­ matter is of urgent nature, the court may be
%ƒ =$‚u( H. (P¬ LR$ required to issue a decision that takes into
‚d"f‰‰ account its urgency.

6». R
" :"; A%  LJ
LJ .c' 18. Salary and Benefits of Management Board
.c! Members

:"h KP EJ uŽ :"h A%  The salary and benefits of the Chairman of the
LJ .c'.c! EQ j! ^® gfN( management board and the rest of the members,
^§ ¹ RX=?È LJ .c and also the rights and benefits they
§Q AR † =KQ ‚[J receive when outgoing shall be decided next
6. :"h @ƒY # 19. The Office of the Board

:"h AQ; +J ® gJ AQ; ! +J The Board shall have office headed by one chief
® g =L
@ƒY # ‚dC+‰‰ executive and one deputy chief executive.

~. @ƒY #s ® gJ ! ® g AK!J 20. Appointment and Accountability of Chief

$ Executive and Deputy Chief Executive of the
the Office of the Board

1/ @ƒY #s ® gJ ! ® g U‹J 1/ Chief Executive and Deputy Chief

APfg [ !L ©  ˆƒ A+, Executive of the office shall be appointed
AQu@ 5 XR
" :"; A%  ¡L by the management board through the
LX^sQ AU%  N( LRY"n nomination of the chairman after assessed
'’ fN( ^C?$ ¹ L"$( the fulfillment of necessary requirements
" :"h KP Ac
 indicated in Article 5 of this Proclamation.
:"h ‚K'W‰‰
2/ @ƒY #s +J ® g $s XR
2/ The Chief Executive of the office shall be
" :"h KP [Q ! accountable to the management board and
® g( $ X@™Y #s +J ® g the Deputy Chief Executive of the office
shall be accountable to the chief executive
of the management board.
gA 6/031¸ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11306

~/ @ƒY #s +J ® g RQJ U%" 21. Powers and Duties of the Chief Executive of
the Office

@ƒY #s +J ® g R
" :"h EJ The Chief Executive of the office shall perform
" :"h KP =K$( A$µ ‚ the following powers and duties according to the
LLJ Ac) LKC =^WQ order and direction given to him by the
 ^J(J‰‰- management board and the chairman of the
management board:

1/ :"hQ ;H KÌ R
p"H  ‚ 1/ direct the supporting activities of the board
® g ‚L
i as its head;
2/ :"hQ RQJ U%" AYFb! PG 2/ facilitate, coordinate and create suitable
 EQ j! !˜ j¬f EQ Y$" conditions for the performance of the
 "i board’s power and responsibility;
3/ ^:"h KP " LL^" :"hQ 3/ prepare agenda for the meetings of the board
RK% A`QS pDi in consultation with the management board
4/ :"hQ µX‡%¢J ‘† KÁ AU%– 4/ properly keep the minutes and other
‚‚ši documents of the board;

5/ :"h (P¬œ X=LX^fN( ?d 5/ cause the decisions of the board to be

EQ  XÍ  "i transmitted to the parties concerne;
6/ :"h ‡%¢ RK% ‚ X;!‹ LPH 6/ keep minutes of management board meetings
µX ‡%¢ ‚‚ši by participating in meetings without voting
7/ RX@ƒY #s R
EQcRµ¦ Z( 7/ prepare and present periodic reports to the
l" Ap,n X:"h KP u"%i chairman of the management board about
the activities of the office;
8/ :"h KP =KžQ ‘† U%
 8/ perform other duties assigned to him by the
^J(J‰‰ chairman of the board.

~5. @ƒY #s ! ® g RQJ U%" 22. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Chief
Executive of the Office

@ƒY #s ! ® g =^W RQJ The Deputy Chief Executive of the office shall
 ‚dŽf‰- have the following powers and duties:

1/ +J ® g( X‚( =KžQ U%

 1/ perform activities assigned to him by the
^J(Ji chief executive of the office;

2/ @ƒY #s +J ® g ‘X Z 2/ act on behalf of the chief executive in his

® g(Q n ‚K
‰‰ absence.
~3. :"h  c"Q)H @ƒY # 23. Regional Branch Offices of the Board

1/ jW! † !") =R%" 1/ A regional branch office of the board shall
c"Q)H @/# ‚<<'‰‰ be established in all regions.
2/  c"Q)H @/# ® gœ :"h 2/ The regional office heads shall be appointed
=( LL LKC ?X_fN(J by the management board, after recruited
q µfN( ^C?$ W and nominated by the chairman of the
+œ L^ :"h KP Ac
 board, among residents of the regional state
:"h ‚K'W‰‰ who are competent and non-partisan
through directive to be issued by the
management board.
gA 6/031¼ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11307

3/ :"h † Q ŸS R›G ƒ–Q 3/ The management board, taking into account
 Q š LKC the size of the regional states, settlement of
';CU X c"Q)H @ƒY #n peoples and the number of voters may
$ [\ EQ AU%s ËQ EJ !") establish permanent or temporary
 'R% <= <-! coordinating offices that are accountable to
‚ | regional state branch offices.
4/ ˆƒ AQu‹ QUR AQu‹ (3) ?XÎ 4/ The impartiality and professional efficiency
'R% @ƒY #n ?XOfN(J of the coordinating offices referred in Sub-
q µfN( C?$ [Q ‚?%‰‰ Article (3) of this Article shall be certified.
"" U%"J ® gfN( :"h details of their responsibilities and duties
=( LL ‚KJ‰‰ shall be determined in accordance with
directive to be issued by the board.
~ .
~ . :"h  c"Q)H @ƒY # U%"J 24. Powers and Duties of Regional Branch
® g Offices of the Board

EQSQh :"h  c"Q)H @ƒY # Each regional branch office of the board, in
" :"h EJ R
" :"h accordance with regulation and guidance from
KP EQ j! EQ AU%s :"h @ƒY the management Board and the chairman of the
management Board, and as may be necessary by
# ® g =K$( A$µ ‚ LLJ
the chief executive of the office, shall have the
Ac) LKC =^W U%"J ® g
following powers and duties:
1/  CD =E (Q !") ‚L
i 1/ direct, coordinate and control election at the
i state level;
2/ RŽ =<<q 'R% @ƒY #n 2/ submit recommendation to the office of the
Ï j¬f X:"h @ƒY # Board about ways of organizing electoral
™P u"%i coordinating offices to be established under
3/ X!") =RY‡ KÁ J -P- 3/ follow up and ensure that documents and
X=LX^fN( 'R% @ƒY #n J materials required for the election reach to
!") J œ cs the concerned electoral coordinating offices,
L;CPN(Q ‚^f GCUi constituency and polling stations on time;
4/ ^:"hJ R
© s ® g X( R
4/ based on the direction of the management
" :"; A% =K$( LL board and the management board member
LKC ^=LX^fN( A  " responsible for this work stream, offer and
L%" R-J L
 !ƒ" coordinate voter and civic education with
i other concerned bodies;
5/ L
 ALp?G Eoœ Au
CJ 5/ follow up and control the voter registration,
;!‹ AK. R"7 ƒ‡ =Yc ( nomination of candidates and voting
LKC EE L[\Q ‚^f G procedures to make sure that they are
i conducted in accordance with the law;
6/ ˆƒ AQu@ QUR AQu@ (5) $u§ 6/ investigate and decide on grievances and
‡S ‚ =§Q c¤fœ J complaints lodged at regional state levels
µ(œ  CD ELCLC :"h submitted on matters provided in Sub-
=( LL LKC ‚RJi Article (5) of this Article in accordance with
a directive to be issued by the board;
7/ WQ !") © J (Æ =LX^ 7/ submit to the office of the board report on
X:"h @ƒY # l" u"%i the election process and results of the
regional state;
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11308

8/ X!") AYĺ! =L LÉ AU% 8/ collect and analyze data that help the
 N(Q LCDœ EKKJ E$J execution of elections and periodically
Z( X:"h @ƒY # l" report them to the office of the board;
9/ RXR
EQcRµ¦( cs X:"h @ƒY 9/ submit periodic reports about its work
# l" u"%i activities to the office of the board;
0/ R
" :"h =( LL 10/ cause the establishment of political parties'
LKC  EJ !")  CD joint forum at regional state, and polling
lXm ;",n 
L;C EQ +u" station levels in accordance with a directive
 "G  =<<q lXm to be issued by the management board,
L;C R%
i coordinate political parties joint forum
established at the regional state level;
01/ WQ c"Q)H @ƒY # A#sf K= 11/ establish the Grievance Hearing Committee
Œ= :"h =( LL LzC of the regional state office in accordance
<-'i with the directive to be issued by the Board;
02/ R
" :"h KPJ @ƒY #s 12/ perform other duties assigned to it by the
® g =KžQ ‘† U%
 chairman of the management board and the
^J(J‰‰ chief executive of the office of the board.


~w. ` 25. Budget

1/ :"h
§ =p`Ð 7Lf ` Xƒ 1/ The Annual Budget of the board prepared
 !" # u": ‚b;µ‰‰ by it shall be approved by the House of
People’s Representatives.
2/ ?Qp =aR"G ˆƒ AQu@ QUR AQu@ 2/ The Ministry of Finance shall credit the
(1) LKC X:"h L XQ ` whole Board’s Budget to the Boards’ bank
b u AQ; " Z (R. qW `sQ account within one month, that approved
 :"h %Q ©P R?%‰‰ inaccordance to Sub-Article (1) of this
3/ :"h ÂK 7L ` U! 3/ the Board may request the House of
EQ RQX Xƒ  !" # People’s Representatives for the allocation
.« 'cC ‚ | of a three years budget plan.
4/ :"h AU% % N( ƒB LKC RÑfJ 4/ The Board may accept gifts and monetary
?Qp E"SfQ ^ÂR_ ?d u aids from third parties in accordance with
‚ | relevant laws.
~¸. ©P LšU 26. Books of Accounts
1/ :"h ’ J X_ [ ©Ò 1/ The Board shall keep complete and accurate
LšU ‚‚š‰‰ books of account.

2/ :"h ©Ò LšUJ ?Qp  zÁ 2/ The books of accounts and financial
+J O " ‚! E"§ =X( documents of the Board shall be Audited
O " 7Ls ‚LCL
‰‰ annually by the Federal Auditor General or
by an Auditor designated by him.
gA Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11309

~¼. L%"J 'RYb
'RYb! UÔf 27. Duty to Cooperate and Execute

1/ 'Q_(! 
! [  LQUR 1/ Any federal or regional government body
A ^:"h X=u"X ƒ .« presented with a lawful request from the
" ';CUJ 'RYb! UÔf board has an obligation to cooperate with
AX| the board and act upon the request of the
2/ ˆƒ AQu@ QUR AQu@ (1)  ??(Q 2/ Any person who by violating the provision
UÔf LR !") ©  EQ RÕB of Sub-Article (1) of this Article impedes
 C? 'Q_(! K( AU% % N( the election process will face administrative
E"!D measures on the basis of relevant laws and
‚K;fG EQ j! !") ‡
principles. Additionally, such person shall
= U?( LKC Q` $&
be criminally liable on the basis of the
Electoral Law.
~». L£? ;QÓ 28. Transitory Provision
‚ƒ A+, ^L(s g A+, -." The House of People’s Representatives may
5122///1ሺ91A9 LKC ¡L( R
‚ W decide from among the board members
:"; A%  L^ $c ‚ =aRŽ appointed before the enactment of this
$& ƒ  !" # R
Proclamation based on Proclamation
" :"; A% EQ Ÿ­ RQ No.532/2007 to stay in a position until their term
‚ ‰‰ of office is lapsed up on the request of the Prime
~. LJ UÔfQ RX'R XH 29. Transfer of Rights and Duties
A+, -." 5122///1ሺ91A9 LKC <- The Rights and Duties given to the National
XC( 9
!") :"; K.( Ž Electoral Board which was established through
LJ UÔfœ ˆƒ A+, LKC Proclamation No.532/2007 are hereby transferred
X<<L( 9
!") :";  Y+‰‰ to the National Electoral Board established
through this Proclamation.

2. QJ LL '( RQ 30. Power to Issue Regulations and Directives
1/ ƒ  !" # ‚ƒQQ A+, 1/ The House of People’s Representatives may
X'RYb! =R  Q  issue Regulation for the proper
‚ | implementation of this Proclamation.
2/ R
" :"h ‚ƒQQ A+, ^† 2/ The management board may issue Directives
= Q X'RYb! =RY‡ necessary for the implementation of the
LLœ Q  ‚ ‰‰ Regulation to be issued under this
2/. Ŏ ƒB 31. Repealed Laws
1/ ÅÅX( I !") A+, -." 1/ Provisions of the amended electoral law
5122///1ሺ91A9 ;QӜ ˆƒ A+, Proclamation No. 532/1999 shall not be
£Y\ ‡S ‚ YF=  N(!‰‰ applicable to matters covered by this
gA 6/0316 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R }/ UQ: ~ qN 506/ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 71 6th June, 2019 … 11310

2/ ^ˆƒ A+, " =µC\ ƒB J 'S 2/ Law and Customary practices inconsistent
• ˆƒ A+, ‚ YF= with this proclamation shall not be
N(!| applicable on this proclamation.

25. A+Ï =bJ Z 32. Effective date

‚ƒ A+,   !" # ^b u This Proclamation shall come into force on this
L ~¼ uQ 506/ 7.! `!• bJ 5th day of April, 2019 upon approval by the
‚[J‰‰ House of People’s Representatives.

A R A% UQ: ~ uQ 506/ 7.! Done at Addis Ababa, on this 6th day of June,




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