GRIHA Good Site Practices Manual
GRIHA Good Site Practices Manual
GRIHA Good Site Practices Manual
Criterion 2
Preserve and protect landscape during
construction/compensatory depository forestation.
Criterion 3
Soil conservation (post construction)
Criterion 8
Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for
construction workers
Criterion 9
Reduce air pollution during construction
Criterion 12
Efficient water use during construction
Criterion 22
Reduction in waste during construction
Criterion 2: Preserve and protect landscape during
construction/compensatory depository forestation.
No erosion
taken, site
prone to soil
Figure 2
Natural drains
on site can be
used for soil
erosion control
Figure 6
Mulching to be
done on stored top
soil for its
Figure 7
Staging carried
out on site,
green geotextile
fabric boundary
divides the
disturbed part
of site from the
Figure 8
Soil erosion control around stored top soil with drains lined with
aggregate to control soil erosion
Figure 9
Soil erosion
control around
stored top soil
with drains
lined with
aggregate to
control soil
Figure 10
Sedimentation tank prepared with find and coarse aggregate lining for
water percolation
Figure 11
Sedimentation tank lined with bricks to help separate soil from water and soft
base of sedimentation tank to allow for water percolation. Notice the
segregation between the disturbed and undisturbed areas on site
Figure 12
done, area
around tree
Figure 13
done, area
around tree
Criterion 3: Soil conservation (post construction)
• Store the top soil safely on site. Stabilize the soil so that
it does not get eroded. This can be done through various
strategies like mulching, creating a sturdy small
boundary around the stored top soil etc.
Bad Examples
Figure 15
All construction workers on site have been provided with safety gear like
helmets, high-visibility jackets and safety boots, workers working on
upper levels have safety harnesses and nets. The tank in the front
stored drinking water.
Figure 27
Workers working with stones or other such activities which involve a lot
of dust, are to be given face masks as depicted here
Figure 28
Workers should
be provided
with clean
drinking water
Figure 31
Workers should
be provided
with clean
drinking water
Figure 32
And even in case of smaller sites and temporary toilets, toilets should
be maintained properly and clean
Figure 35
ation facility
for workers
should be
clean and
Criterion 9: Reduce air pollution during
Sand stored on site without any covering and will lead to dust. The site
has no barricading and dust from site will affect the workers on site as
well people living in the surrounding villages
Figure 40
Sand stored on site without any covering and will lead to dust.
Figure 41
DG genset on site without any chimney for the exhaust. This will only
throw smoke on the workers and site professionals working on site,
leading to respiratory problems.
Good Examples
Figure 42
The loose dirt tracks on the site can be watered to prevent dust
Figure 47
Water trough created at the site entrance for wheel washing of all
vehicles entering and exiting the site. This helps in cleaning the wheels
and remove any mud from leaving the site
Figure 48
Water trough created at the site entrance for wheel washing of all
vehicles entering and exiting the site. This helps in cleaning the wheels
and remove any mud from leaving the site
Figure 49
Jute bags being used on plinth beams for curing in order to save the
amount of water required for curing
Figure 52
Jute bags being used on columns for curing in order to save the
amount of water required for curing
Figure 53
Jute bags being used on slabs for curing, towards the last stages of
curing, in order to save the amount of water required for curing
Criterion 22: Reduction in waste during
waste not
properly on site.
All waste
material mixed
up on site, no
segregation of
Figure 55
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