IKEA's financial ratios from 2018-2020 show that it has high profitability as evidenced by ROE, ROTA, and ROS, though these rates have declined slightly over time. Asset turnover has also decreased, suggesting IKEA could improve efficiency. Accounts receivable days are longer than accounts payable days, meaning IKEA pays suppliers before collecting from creditors. However, liquidity and financial strength ratios have improved from 2018, indicating better ability to meet obligations. Overall, IKEA demonstrates strong but declining performance compared to competitors.
IKEA's financial ratios from 2018-2020 show that it has high profitability as evidenced by ROE, ROTA, and ROS, though these rates have declined slightly over time. Asset turnover has also decreased, suggesting IKEA could improve efficiency. Accounts receivable days are longer than accounts payable days, meaning IKEA pays suppliers before collecting from creditors. However, liquidity and financial strength ratios have improved from 2018, indicating better ability to meet obligations. Overall, IKEA demonstrates strong but declining performance compared to competitors.
IKEA's financial ratios from 2018-2020 show that it has high profitability as evidenced by ROE, ROTA, and ROS, though these rates have declined slightly over time. Asset turnover has also decreased, suggesting IKEA could improve efficiency. Accounts receivable days are longer than accounts payable days, meaning IKEA pays suppliers before collecting from creditors. However, liquidity and financial strength ratios have improved from 2018, indicating better ability to meet obligations. Overall, IKEA demonstrates strong but declining performance compared to competitors.
IKEA's financial ratios from 2018-2020 show that it has high profitability as evidenced by ROE, ROTA, and ROS, though these rates have declined slightly over time. Asset turnover has also decreased, suggesting IKEA could improve efficiency. Accounts receivable days are longer than accounts payable days, meaning IKEA pays suppliers before collecting from creditors. However, liquidity and financial strength ratios have improved from 2018, indicating better ability to meet obligations. Overall, IKEA demonstrates strong but declining performance compared to competitors.
IKEA's performance is analyzed based on its past financial ratios and compared to Walmart and the US retail industry average. Several ratios related to profitability, liquidity, and financial strength are discussed.
IKEA's profitability ratios like ROE, ROTA and ROS are generally higher than Walmart and the US retail industry, though some like asset turnover have decreased in recent years.
IKEA's liquidity ratios like current ratio and quick ratio have improved relative to Walmart and US retail industry since 2018, though accounts receivable days are longer.
IKEA's Retail industry Financial ratios IKEA 2020 Walmart 2020 VALUATION in the US 2020 Profitability ratios
performance ROE 18.1% 1.9% 16.6%
based on ROTA 10.5% 2.2% 10.7%
competitors ROS 9.4% 2.8% 4.8%
and industry Asset turnover 1.12 n.a. 2.21
average Liquidity ratios
Current ratio 1.74 1.32 0.97
Quick ratio 1.04 0.60 0.49
Inventory days 56.59 61.00 29.34
Accounts receivable days 81.55 10.00 4.25
Accounts payable days 55.69 n.a. 32.08
Financial strength ratios
Interest coverage 5.30 2.18 4.10
Debt to equity 1.51 1.82 2.25
Cost of debt 2.91% n.a. 3.60%
IKEA's ROE values over the years show that IKEA is a riskier company compared to Walmart and other competitors in the US retail industry. It is worth paying attention to the decreasing ROE in the past three years. However, ROE shows that performance the returns in this company are high enough to justify investments. ROTA and ROS show that IKEA effectively uses its assets to make profits; these values are higher than Walmart and the other competitors in the US retail An example of industry. a correct Asset Turnover has a negative trend, meaning that IKEA is decreasing its analysis efficiency in using its assets to generate sales. Also, Asset Turnover in 2020 is lower than Walmart's. The asset turnover ratio tends to be higher for companies in the Retail industry. Hence, lower values may indicate that Ikea's collection period may be too long, leading to higher accounts receivable. Indeed, Account Payable days are lower than Account Receivable, meaning that IKEA pays its suppliers before creditors. The values are negative even when compared to Walmart and the US retail industry. This trend was opposite in 2018, emphasizing the importance of focusing on this matter. Current ratio and quick ratio values show that IKEA may cover the obligation due shortly. From 2018, the values of Liquidity ratios changed positively, improving their relative performance compared to Walmart and the other competitors in the US retail industry. Finally, financial strength ratios, which provide IKEA's ability to meet interest and payments, in the long run, are improving from the values in 2018. IKEA is in a better position compared to Walmart and other competitors in the US retail industry.