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WEEK ____: QUIZ____

1. The o The Pope o The Deacons

________________________ o Jesus Christ 13. All baptized persons (the faithful)
seek the Kingdom of God by o Saint Peter are equally called to the fullness
engaging in temporal affairs and 7. The ______________ are the of __________________.
directing them according to God’s successors of the Apostles. o Holiness
will. o Deacons o Equality
o The Hierarchy o Priests o Brotherhood
o The Consecrated Life o Bishops 14. It is the coming down of the Holy
o The Laity 8. _______________ preached the Spirit upon Mary and the
2. The _________________ follow Kingdom of God. apostles.
Christ more nearly, give o Jesus Christ o Church
themselves to God who is loved o Abraham o Pentecost
above all. o Confucius o Easter
o The Hierarchy 15. All faithful are equal in dignity
9. Pope ____________ (name) is
o The Laity our current Pope in the Catholic and diverse in _____________.
o The Consecrated Life Church. o status
3. The _________________ profess o Pope Benedict XVI o functions
chastity, poverty and obedience o Pope Francis o movement
for the sake of the Kingdom. o Poe John Paul II 16. The ________________ is the
o The Hierarchy assembly of those who believe in
10. The Church began in or around
o The Consecrated Life the year AD 30/33 in Jesus Christ, who are baptized
o The Laity ___________ (place) on the day and who are in communion with
4. ____________ (name) is the of Pentecost. the Pope.
bishop of the Diocese of o Bethlehem o Religion
Calbayog. o Rome o Church
o Isabelo C. Abarquez o Jerusalem o church
o Maximiano T. Cruz 11. Assembly comes from the Greek 17. The __________ help the priests.
o Pedro S. Dean word __________. o The Priests
5. The individual _______________ o Qahal o The Deacons
are the visible source and o Church o The Bishops
foundation of unity in their own o Ekklesia 18. The __________ is the bishop of
particular Churches. Rome and the head of the College
12. The _____________ are the
o Deacons of Bishops.
bishop’s closest collaborators.
o Priests o The Priests o Apostles
o Bishops o The Laity o Pope
6. He instituted the Church.

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o Disciples
26. The first stage in the foundation 1. God is All-Knowing because He
19. The ___________________ has
the supreme and full authority of the Kingdom is the public knows us for who and what we
over the universal Church. manifestation and mission of the are.
o The Pope o True
o The College of Bishops Church.
o False
o The Bishops o True
20. _____________ have the tasks o False 2. God is the first cause and finale
of charity and welfare. 27. Bishops constitute the Episcopal end of everything.
o The Deacons o True
o The Bishops College.
o False
o The Priests o True
o False 3. The desire for God is written in
21. The bishop is the head of the
28. The consecrated life is a the human heart because man is
Local Church.
o True wonderful witness before the created by Him and for Him.
o False o True
whole people of God to the
o False
22. Jesus instituted the Church. supremacy of the heavenly
o True 4. By natural reason man can know
o False God with certainty, on the basis
o True
23. The Pope is the bishop of Rome. o False of his works
o True o True
29. The Laity shares in the priestly,
o False o False
prophetic and kingly office of
24. The Laity do not have the duty to 5. God is the Alpha and the Omega.
Christ. o True
spread the divine message of o True o False
salvation. o False
o True 6. The God that is God now is the
30. All the baptized Christians share
o False same God that has ever been, the
in the common priesthood of
25. Jesus chose 14 apostles with same God that will be from and
Peter as its head. o True throughout all eternity.
o True o False o True
o False o False

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o False o False
7. God is eternal because he gives
time for sinners to repent. 13. Man knows that God exists, first 19. There will be further revelation
o True by using his natural reason after Christ.
o False o True o True
o False o False
8. The manifold perfections of
creatures - their truth, their 14. There is time with God. 20. Through the prophets, God forms
o True
goodness, their beauty all reflect his people in the hope of
o False
the infinite perfection of God. salvation, in the expectation of a
15. God is a Supreme Being.
o True o True new and everlasting Covenant
o False o False intended for all, to be written on
9. God is good because He loves his 16. Only the Sacred Scripture their hearts.
creatures more than a mother transmits to us the teachings of o True
loves her own child. Jesus. o False
o True o True 21. Jesus is the Mediator and fullness
o False o False
of God’s Revelation.
10. Man can know God without 17. For whatever is true and holy in o True
limitation. non-Christian cultures and o False
o True
religions is accepted by the 22. Other religions cannot achieve
o False
Catholic Church since it often eternal salvation.
11. The nature and extent of God’s o True
knowledge, and God’s intimate reflects a ray of that truth which o False
involvement with humanity, can enlightens all men. 23. The Church in her doctrine, life
o True
only be known by natural reason. o False and worship, perpetuates and
o True
18. God manifests himself only transmits to every generation all
o False
through creation and in the that she herself is, all that she
12. God is almighty because He can
Church. believes.
do all things. o True
o True
o True

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o False o False o Divine Revelation

o Salvation History
24. Catholics Christians should not 30. God manifested himself to our
o Natural reason
mingle with non-Catholics. first parents from the very
o True 35. God made a covenant with him
beginning. He invited them to
o False after the flood.
intimate communion with himself o Abraham
25. God creates the whole world for
and clothed them with o Noah
us, to support us in life and o Moses
resplendent grace and justice.
reveals Himself to us through His o True 36. God chose him in order to gather
handiwork. o False together the scattered humanity
o True
31. It is the Church’s document on and in him all the nations of the
o False
Divine Revelation. earth shall be blessed.
26. It pleased God to reveal himself o Lumen Gentium o Abraham
so that men might become o Gaudium et Spes o Moses
o Dei Verbum o Noah
sharers in His divine nature.
o True 32. He is the Mediator and fullness of 37. Its records God’s entering into a
o False
all Revelation. special covenant relationship with
27. God the Father has said o Mary
o Joseph His chosen people, the race of
everything in Jesus and there will
o Jesus Christ Abraham, the people of Israel.
be no other Word than Jesus. o Salvation History
o True 33. It is the priestly people of God,
o Church
o False "called by the name of the o other Religions
28. God gave to Moses a law at LORD." 38. He is the agent, goal and content
o China
Mount Sinai. of Revelation.
o True o Israel
o America o Joseph
o False o Mary
34. It is God’s manifestation of o Jesus Christ
29. Noah is the “father of multitude of
Himself and of His will or plan of
o True salvation.

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

39. She is the mother of Jesus who

kept alive Israel’s hope of
o Mary
o Elizabeth
o Sarah
40. It is the first way through which
God himself reveals to us.
o In Creation
o in the Church
o in other Religions

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

1. Christ, the Lord commanded his 5. It is the work of God the Father ____________, who are
Apostles to preach the handing over God the Son, God successors of the Apostles.
o teachers
__________. the Son handing over himself for
o Pope and bishops
o Faith
us and God the Father and God o lawyers
o Gospel
o Dogma the Son handing over the Holy 9. It is a truth of faith contained in
2. _________ as content, refers to Spirit. the Revelation proposed in and by
o Apostolic Tradition
the revelation of God in Christ, o Divine Tradition the Church.
o Dogma
the Gospel or the mystery of o Tradition
o Deposit of Faith
Christ. 6. It is the written Word of God – o Magisterium
o tradition written under the inspiration of 10. An example of tradition as a
o traditions
the Holy Spirit – contained in the process which involves worship
o Tradition
collection of sacred books (Bible) is/are _________.
3. It is the official teaching authority
that have God as their author, o sacraments
of the Church which has the task o homily
and it was entrusted to the
of interpreting the Sacred o altar servers
Scripture and Sacred Tradition. 11. They are expressions and
o Sacred Tradition
o Magisterium o Sacred Scripture manifestations under different
o Deposit of Faith o Deposit of Faith historical forms of the one truth
o Dogma
7. They are the successors of the which is Christ.
4. These are traditions which have Apostles. o tradition
the apostles as their transmitting o Bishops o Tradition
o Priests o traditions
and originating subjects.
o Deacons 12. What was begun by God, handing
o Magisterium 8. Magisterium as an exercise of the over himself and is being carried
o Ecclesial traditions teaching role is entrusted to the on by the apostles is called
o Apostolic traditions

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o Apostolic Tradition
18. The apostles handed on, by 22. God desires all men to be saved
o Tradition
o Divine Tradition writing only what they and to come to know Christ

13. It is the body of saving truth themselves had received - Jesus.

o True
entrusted by Christ to the whether from the lips of Christ,
o False
Apostles and handed on by them from his way of life and his
23. Jesus spread his teaching by
to be preserved and proclaimed. works, or whether they had
written words.
o doctrines learned it at the prompting of the o True
o Deposit of faith o False
Holy Spirit.
o dogma
o True 24. Sacred Scripture and Sacred
14. He is the successor of St. Peter. o False
o Priests Tradition are equally important.
19. Tradition also is the process by o True
o Pope
o Bishop which this “Christian Spirit” is o False

15. “Traditio” means  ________. formed, sustained, nourished in 25. Tradition in the “broad sense” is
o To reveal individuals and communities. the entire process by which the
o To believe o True Church in her doctrine, life and
o To hand over o False
worship, perpetuates and
16. The Church derives her certainty 20. Sacred Tradition and Sacred
transmits to every generation all
about all revealed truths from the Scripture have one common
that she herself is, all that she
holy Scriptures alone. source.
o True o True believes.
o False o False o True
o False
17. Tradition also signifies 21. In keeping with the Lord’s
transmission by some means command, the Gospel was
other than writing.   handed on in three ways.
o True o True
o False o False

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o Faith is necessary for salvation.

1. It is man’s response to God’s 6. He is the one sent by God the
o Faith is a gift from God.
revelation. Father and his beloved Son. o We walk by faith and not by
o Love o Saint Peter sight.
o Faith o Holy Spirit
11. Faith as entrusting means
o Hope o Jesus Christ
2. Faith is the beginning of eternal 7. Perseverance in faith means
o doing deeds of justice and love
life means _______. ___________. o knowing the doctrines or truth of
o faith is a grace from God o faith is necessary for salvation our faith tradition
o the human intellect and will o persevere in the faith until the o loving, trusting, and hoping in the
cooperate with divine grace end by nourishing it with the Lord
o we walk by faith and not by sight. word of God and doing works of
charity 12. Faith as _________ means that
3. Faith as believing entails
o faith is in accordance with reason the human intellect and will
8. She is the most perfect cooperate with divine grace.
o doing deeds of justice and love
o Faith as grace
o knowing the doctrines or truth of embodiment of faith in the New
o Faith and understanding
our faith tradition Testament. o Faith as a human act
o loving, trusting, and hoping in the o Elizabeth
Lord o Sarah 13. Faith and understanding means
4. Faith as doing means o Mary __________.
o faith is necessary for salvation
_______________. 9. "Blessed is she who believed that
o faith is in accordance with reason
o knowing the doctrines or truth of
there would be a fulfillment of o persevere in the faith until the
our faith tradition
o loving, trusting, and hoping in the what was spoken to her from the end by nourishing it with the
Lord word of God and doing works of
Lord"(Lk 1:45) is said by charity
o doing deeds of justice and love
_________. 14. "Behold I am the handmaid of the
5. “To keep God’s commandments” o Sarah
o Mary Lord; let it be done to me
means ______________.
o To know the Holy Trinity o Elizabeth according to your word" (Lk 1:38)
o To love in deed and truth 10. The necessity of faith means that is said by ______.
o To celebrate in prayer and o Abraham
sacraments the love of God. ___________.

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

o Mary o False
19. Faith is a personal adherence of
o Elizabeth
man to God. 25. These three aspects of our
15. He is the father of all who o True Christian Faith – believing, doing,
believe. o False
prayerful trusting – respond to
o Moses
20. Faith is only one dimensioned;
o Noah the three classical questions
o Abrham that is believing only in God. posed to every person in life.
o True o True
16. Faith is formative and o False o False
transformative. 21. Man's response to God by faith
o True 26. She believes first, and she
o False must be free, therefore, nobody nourishes and sustains our faith.
17. Faith is not in accordance with is to be forced to embrace the o Elizabeth
o Mother Church
reason and there is always faith against his will.
o Sarah
o True
disagreement between faith and o False 27. Which does not belong to the
reason. 22. Faith is a human act means that group?
o True o 12 Articles
o False it is a gift of God, a supernatural
o Summary of Beliefs
18. Methodical research in all virtue infused by him. o Proclamation of Identity
o True
branches of knowledge, provided o False 28. This creed draws its great
it is carried out in a truly scientific 23. Throughout her life and until her authority from the fact that it
manner and does not override last ordeal, when Jesus, died on stems from the first two
moral laws, can never conflict the cross, Mary's faith never ecumenical Councils.
o Athanasian Creed
with the faith, because the things wavered. o Nicene Creed
of the world and the things of o True o Apostles’ Creed
o False
faith derive from the same God. 29. It is the faith of the Church
o True 24. Faith does not seek
o False confessed by the bishops
o True assembled in council or more

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

personal “sense of belonging” in o True

generally by the liturgical
the Church o False
assembly of believers o communicates the Christian
o "They believe" 40. The Niceno-Constantinopolitan
message to the world
o "I believe" Creed is also called Nicene Creed.
34. It is the ancient baptismal symbol
o "We Believe" o True
of the Church of Rome. o False
30. It is the faith of the Church o Nicene Creed
o Athanasian Creed 41. The creed is a sign of recognition
professed personally by each
o Apostles’ Creed and communion among believers.
believer, principally during
o True
Baptism. 35. It is the summary of faith.
o False
o "We Believe" o The Creed
o "They believe" o The Holy Rosary 42. The Apostolic Creed is composed
o "I believe" o The Our Father
of 10 articles.
36. The Nicene Creed is the ancient o True
31. It is a Greek word which means
o False
half of a broken object. baptismal symbol of the Church
o Symbolon 43. The Creed functions as a pledge
of Rome.
o Credo o True of loyalty to God and the Church.
o Profession o False o True
o False
32. It is rightly considered to be a 37. The believer has received faith
44. “We acknowledge one baptism for
faithful summary of the apostles' from others and should hand it on
the forgiveness of sins” is the
faith. to others.
o Athanasian Creed o True Article 9 of the Nicene Creed.
o Nicene Creed o False o True
o Apostles’ Creed o False
38. The first “profession of faith” is
33. As Proclamation of Identity, the 45. The Church is our Mother and
made during confirmation.
creed _____________________. o True Teacher in faith.
o are public confessions of Christian o False o True
faith in the Triune God o False
39. “I believe in the Holy Spirit" is the
o can be an effective means by
which we gradually develop a real Article 8 of the Apostles’ Creed.

WEEK ____: QUIZ____

46. “We believe in one God, the

Father, the Almighty, maker of
heaven and earth, and of all that
is, seen and unseen” is first
article of Apostles’ creed.
o True
o False
47. Apostles’ Creed is considered as
the faithful summary of the
apostles’ faith.
o True
o False
48. The "professions of faith" does
not summarize the faith that
Christians profess.
o True
o False
49. I cannot believe without being
carried by the faith of others, and
by my faith I help support others
in the faith.
o True
o False
50. The Holy Spirit is Lord and giver
of life.
o True
o False


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