11E5 Family Vocab List

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Family Vocabulary

Topic vocabulary for the IELTS exam

* Important
Do not try and learn this list of vocabulary.
Identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise
questions about the family.
Record these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using
them regularly.

Set 1: Types of family

family – a group of people who are related to each other
- Mohit was very nervous when he met his girlfriend’s family for the first time.
immediate family – your closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband or wife
- My immediate family are my dad, mum and two sisters.
nuclear family – parents and their children
- The average nuclear family in the US is made up of parents and two children.
extended family – a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles,
etc. in addition to parents and children
- I have a large extended family with many nieces, nephews and cousins.
dysfunctional family – a family that is not behaving or working normally, where there is
conflict, misbehaviour, etc.
- Cynthia came from a dysfunctional family and could often be seen wandering the street on
her own when she was young.

Set 2: Family members - general terms

family member – someone who belongs to a specific family
- I have family members living all over the world.
to be related to – to belong to the same family as
- I’m related to many people in my village as my family has lived here for generations.
a relative – someone who is part of your family
- We are going to visit relatives who live on the coast for our holiday this year.
blood relative – someone you are related to through birth rather than marriage
- Aunty Sylvia is my blood relative but Uncle George, her husband, is only related to me by
distant relative – generally, a relative who is a third cousin or greater, or a great aunt or
uncle, especially when you have little or no involvement with him or her.
- A member of my family died last week but they were a distant relative and I didn’t know
them very well.
next of kin – the person or group of people you are most closely related to
- When you apply for a passport, you have to name your next of kin in case there is an
emergency while you are away travelling.
descendants – a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or
grandchild, and all future generations
ancestors – family members from past generations
- I’m writing my autobiography so that my descendants will know what life was like for one
of their ancestors.
household – all the people who live in one house
- There are now only three people in my household as my older brother has gone away to

Set 3: Immediate family

father – a man in relation to his child or children
mother – a woman in relation to her child or children
parent – father or mother
husband – the male partner in a marriage; a married man
wife – the female partner in a marriage; a married woman
spouse – a husband or wife
son – a person’s boy child
daughter – a person’s girl child
brother – a male who has the same parents as another person
sister – a female who has the same parents as another person
big brother / older brother (or sister) – older than you
little sister / younger sister (or brother) – younger than you
- I have two younger sisters but I do wish I had an older brother.
sibling – a brother or sister
- I have three siblings, two brothers and a sister.
twin – either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion
- My sister has just given birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
identical twins – twins who look exactly the same
- I have an identical twin brother and even our parents find it difficult to tell us apart.
an only child – a child who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters
- It can be lonely being an only child as you don’t have siblings to play with.

Set 4: Extended family

uncle – the brother of your mother or father
aunt – the sister of your mother or father
nephew – the male child of your brother or sister
niece – the female child of your brother or sister
cousin – a child of your uncle or aunt
grandparents – the parents of your parents
grandfather – the father of your mother or father
grandmother – the mother of your father or mother
grandchildren – the children of your children
grandson – the son of your son or daughter
granddaughter – the daughter of your son or daughter

Set 5: In-laws
in-laws – the relatives of your husband or wife
- When we were first married, we couldn’t afford a place of our own so lived with the in-laws.
mother-in-law – mother of your spouse
- Many people don’t get on with their mother-in-law but mine is really nice.
father-in-law – father of your spouse
- My father-in-law offered me a job in the family business so he is also my boss.
son-in-law – the husband of your daughter
- I didn’t like Amir when I first met him but he’s a great son-in-law and helps me out
whenever I need it.
daughter-in-law – the wife of your son
- We are very happy that our son has decided to marry Zehra and look forward to her
becoming our daughter-in-law.
brother-in-law – the husband of your sister
- My brother-in-law is lazy and not a very good husband to my sister.
sister-in-law – the wife of your brother
- I often help my sister-in-law to look after my baby niece.

Set 6: Stepfamilies
step – in the context of family relationships, ‘step’ means that you are related to the person
because of one of your parents marries one of their parents
stepmother – the wife of your father, but not your biological mother
stepfather – the husband of your mother, but not your biological father
stepson – the son of your new wife or husband, but not your biological son
stepdaughter – the daughter of your new wife or husband, but not your biological daughter
stepsister – the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather
stepbrother – the son of your stepmother or stepfather
half-brother – a brother you have only one parent in common with
half-sister – a sister you have only one parent in common with

Set 7: Parenting
parent – a person's father or mother
- I’m glad that my parents live close by as it’s easy to visit them.
motherhood – the state of being a mother
- I’d like to have children one day but I’m not ready for motherhood yet.
fatherhood – the state of being a father
- Sakda is taking the responsibilities of fatherhood seriously and now only goes out drinking
with his friends once a month.
to start a family – to have children
- Billy and I are planning to start a family as soon as we get married.
to give birth – to have a baby
- It was a special moment in Cesar’s life when he saw his wife giving birth to their first child.
offspring – a person's child or children
- My two sisters are coming over later with their offspring so the house is going to be very
family man – a man who enjoys being at home with his wife and children
- Deepak used to love partying but now that he has kids he’s become a real family man.
family life – the kind of life a person normally leads when they are married and have children
- My husband and I enjoy doing lots of activities with our children and we all have a great
family life together.
to raise (a child) – to take care of a child until they become an adult
- It’s a big responsibility raising children but I love being a parent.
to bring up (a child) – to raise a child
- When Jae-min’s husband died, she was left to bring up the children on her own.
upbringing – the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your
- I was fortunate to have a good upbringing but not all children have caring parents who look
after them well and teach them the right way to behave.
to support (a family) – to have enough money to be able to look after a family
- Egor earned very low wages and had to work two jobs to support his family. breadwinner –
the member of a family who earns most of the money that the family needs
- In many countries, men are expected to be the breadwinner in a family.
dependant – someone who depends on you for financial support, such as a child or family
member who does not work
- I‘m working hard to get a promotion and earn more money now that I’m a husband and a
father and have dependants who rely on me.
to adopt – to legally take another person's child into your own family and take care of them
as your own child
- Paul and Siri were unable to have children of their own and decided to adopt a baby.
to foster – to take care of someone else’s child, usually for a limited time, without becoming
the child's legal parent
- Even though I’m an only child, I always had other boy’s and girl’s to play with when I was
growing up as mum and dad often used to foster other children.
over-protective parents – a parent who protect their child too much
- Overprotective parents can prevent their children from building confidence and
spoilt child – a child who shows bad behaviour because they have been allowed to do or
have anything they want
- I don’t like playing with the girl next door because she’s a spoilt child and gets in a temper
if I don’t let her win all the games.
single parent – a person bringing up a child or children without a partner
- My sister is a single parent now that her husband has left her.
stay at home parent / stay at home mum – a parent who stays at home to take care of their
children rather than going out to work
- These days, it’s far more usual for men to be a stay-at-home parent than when I was
young when it was always the mother who looked after the kids.
to look after – to take care of
- I’m going to look after my daughter’s children on Saturday while she has a day out with her
childcare – the care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery or childminder while parents
are working
- Childcare is a big problem for many working parents and they are lucky if their own parents
can help out.
strict – strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, or likely to severely
punish someone if they do not obey
- My parents are very strict with me and I have to finish all my homework before I’m allowed
to play or watch TV.
authoritarian – demanding that people obey completely and refusing to allow them the
freedom to act as they wish
- My father was very authoritarian when I was growing up and I was terrified of him.

Set 8: The Generations

generation – all the people of about the same age within a society or within a
particular family
- It’s hard to believe how much everyday life has changed for my grandparent’s generation.
older generation – people of middle-age and older
younger generation – young adults, teenagers and children
- The older generation are often stuck in their ways, while the younger generation
welcome change.
generation gap – a difference of opinions between one generation and another regarding
beliefs and attitudes, often leading to a lack of understanding between them
- It’s a skilled politician who can bridge the generation gap.
teenager – a person aged between 13 and 19 years
- My lovely little boy turned into a rebellious monster when he was a teenager but now he’s a
lovely young man.
adolescent – a young person who is developing into an adult
- Many adolescents develop emotional problems as they try to find their place in the world.
Set 9: Other vocabulary
sibling rivalry – the feeling of competitiveness that often exists between brothers and sisters
- There was huge sibling rivalry between my two brothers and they were always fighting but
they are the best of friends now that they’re adults.
run in the family – a common feature in a family; something which is passed from parents to
- Artistic ability seems to run in the family.
hereditary – passed from the genes of a parent to a child
- Diabetes is hereditary in our family so I make sure that I eat healthily and keep fit to lessen
my chances of getting it.
childhood – the time when someone is a child
- Many children in the world do not have a happy childhood.
family background – the details of a person's family regarding education, social status, etc.
- We want our son to marry a girl from a good family background.
family gathering / family get-together – an informal event where family members meet up
- We’re having a family get-together to celebrate my mother’s birthday.
close-knit – involving groups of people in which everyone supports each other
- We’re a close-knit family and know that we can rely on each other when one of us needs
family ties – the sense of connection between family members
- Family ties aren’t as strong as they used to be in my country because relatives often live
many miles apart and even in different countries.
to care for – to provide the things someone needs, especially someone who is young, old, or
- In my country, sons and daughters are expected to care for their elderly parents.
a widow – a woman whose husband has died
- Her husband died young and she has been a widow for almost thirty years now.
a widower – a man whose wife has died
- My mother died last year so my father is now a widower.
to desert – to leave someone without help or in a difficult situation and not come back
- My father deserted us when I was young and my mother has brought me up on her own.

Set 10: Idioms

There are many idioms about the family but I’ve chosen just a few that might prove a useful
addition to your family vocabulary. Pick only one or two to learn and make sure that you know
how to use them 100% or they won’t make sense.
If you’re unsure about them, give them a miss rather than risking sounding silly.

get on with / get along with – to like someone and have a friendly relationship with them
- I used to fight with my siblings when we were young but I get on with them really well now
that we’re adults.
to fall out with / to have a falling out – to have a disagreement which ruins a
relationship with that person
- I fell out with my sister when she started dating my boyfriend.
- The two brothers had a falling out over the broken toy.
on speaking terms – friendly enough to talk
- My parents had a big argument and are not on speaking terms at the moment.
to look alike – to look very similar to someone else
- My twin sister and I look alike and people often call us by each other’s names.
to take after (someone) – to be very similar to an older family member
- Mila was excellent at drawing. She took after her mother who was a famous artist.
a chip off the old block – the person is very similar (in character and personality) to one of
their parents
- Sanjay is always cracking jokes, just like his father. He’s a real chip off the old block.
to follow in someone’s footsteps – to do the same thing as someone else did previously,
especially someone in your family
- I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a doctor like he is.
spitting image – to look extremely similar to someone
- Cher is the spitting image of her mother.
wears the trousers – to be the person in a family who holds the authority and makes
- My dad likes to thinks that he’s in charge but it’s my mother who wears the trousers in our
black sheep (of the family) – someone who brings shame to their family by being different or
doing something wrong
- My brother first started getting into trouble with the police when he was a teenager and he’s
become the black sheep of the family.

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