Syllabus Class Viii 2022-23
Syllabus Class Viii 2022-23
Syllabus Class Viii 2022-23
Chemistry :
1st Unit Test Chapter 1: Matter
Chapter 2: Physical and Chemical Change
1st Half Yearly Exam Chapter 2: Physical and Chemical Changes
Chapter 3: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Chapter 4: Atomic Structure
Chapter 5: Language of Chemistry
2nd Unit Test Chapter 6: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 7: Hydrogen
2nd Half Yearly Exam Chapter 6: Chemical Reaction
Chapter 7: Hydrogen
Chapter 8: Water
Chapter 9: Carbon and its compounds
Diagram List
1st Half Yearly 1. Separating a mixture of ammonium chloride and salt
ii. Distillation of Salt Solution
iii. Separating a mixture of oil and water
iv. Thomson’s cathode ray discharge tube experiment
v. Eugen Goldstein’s anode ray discharge tube experiment
2nd Half Yearly : i. Laboratory preparation of hydrogen
ii. Electrolysis of water
iii. Hydrogen is lighter than air
iv. Destructive distillation of wood
v. Carbon Cycle
vi. Laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide
Book: Lakhmir Singh’s Science Biology for ICSE
Author: Lakhmir Singh Manjit Kaur
Publication: S.Chand
Diagram List
1st Unit Test : Lesson 1: Transportation in Plants
Fig 1.1 Highly of Structure of Root Hair
Fig 1.3 Process of Osmosis
Fig 1.4 Cell to cell conduction of water from root hair to xylem
Fig1.9 Movement of water from soil to root cells and then
xylem vessels
Lesson 6: Circulatory System
Fig 6.3 Types of blood vessels
Fig 6.5 Blood Circulation
1st Half Yearly : Lesson 2: Reproduction in Plants
Fig 2.2 Budding in Yeast
Fig 2.7 Some underground stems (a) Rhizome (ginger)
(d) Tuber (Potato)
Fig 2.13 Parts of a Flower
Fig 2.18 Fertilisation in Plants
Chapter 3: The Judiciary
2nd Half-yearly Exam : History-
Chapter 8: Reform Movements
Chapter 9: Struggle for Freedom I
Chapter 10: Struggle for Freedom II
Chapter 4: The United Nations
(Note: Chapter-3: The Judiciary of CIVICS to be included in Second Half-Yearly
Computer Science:
1st Unit Test : Chapter-1 & Math Functions (Conversions &Outputs)
1st Half-yearly Exam : Chapter-1 to 4 , Math Functions(Conversions &Outputs)
Programming: Math Functions
2nd Unit Test : Chapter-7 and Math Functions (Conversions &Outputs)
2nd Half-yearly Exam : Chapter-5 to 8, Math Functions (Conversions &Outputs)
Programming: For Loop, Counters, Accumulators, Series
Moral Science:
1st Half-yearly Exam : Chapter 1: Beginning of Life
Chapter 2: How to win a friend
Chapter 3: Don’t worry be happy
Chapter 4: The Art of forgiveness
Chapter 5: No love without sacrifice
Chapter 6: Criticism
Chapter 7: Perseverance
Chapter 8: Learn to accept failures
Chapter 9: Good Characters
Included: History of St. Peter’s
2nd Half-yearly Exam : Chapter 10: The silent voice within
Chapter 11: Learn to tolerate
Chapter 12: Positive thinking
Chapter 13: Anger Management
Chapter 14: Self Confidence
Chapter 15: Hope
Chapter 16: Jealousy: The green eyed monster
Chapter 17: No success without sacrifice
General Knowledge:
1st Half-yearly Exam : 1. In The Wild [pg - 07 to 18]
2. Beyond Boundaries [pg - 19 to 31]
3. Science Wizard [pg - 32 to 44]
4. Incredible India [pg - 45 to 49].
+ Quiz - a Thon [pg - 94, Q: 01 to 25].
+ St Peter's History.
+ Current Affairs.
2nd Half-yearly Exam : 1. Incredible India [pg - 50 to 56]
2. Inking Canvas [pg - 57 to 68]
3. Talk Of The Town [pg - 69 to 80]
4. Game Point [pg - 81 to 88]
5. Mind Over Matter [pg - 89 to 93]
+ Quiz - a Thon pg - 94, Q: 26 to 50].
+ St Peter's History.
+ Current Affairs.
1st Half-yearly Exam : 1. Still Life [Water Colour] (Pg No.- 26)
2. Vehicle [Dumper Truck] (Pg No.- 32)
3. Drawing Flowers and Leaves (Pg No.- 36)
4. Drawing Birds [Sparrow] (Pg No.- 39)
5. Drawing Insects [Butterfly] (Pg No.- 41)
6. Drawing Landscape (Pg No.- 44)
7. Composition of Posters (Pg No.- 66)
8. White Lotus Flower Vase [Craft Work] (Pg No.- 74)
2nd Half-yearly Exam : 1. Still Life [Oil Pastels] (Pg No.- 28)
2. Vehicles [Cruise Ship or Aeroplane] (Pg No.- 33)
3. Drawing Trees (Pg No.- 37)
4. Drawing Common Birds (Pg No.- 40)
5. Drawing Insects [Grasshopper] (Pg No.- 41)
6. Drawing Landscape (Pg No.- 46)
7. Folk Art [Patachitra] (Pg No.- 69)
8. Photo Frame In Mosaic Effect (Pg No.- 75)