Admas University Department of Computer Science

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Team Members
2. YOSEF DIRO 1032/19

Instructor- Suleyman Yimer

Submission date-
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I MEMBERU TEMSEGEN DECLARE THAT THIS Internship report has been done for the first time and I am sure
that it has not been produced by any one apart from me and never been submitted to any institution for the same
purpose or cause.
Signature ……………………………………………………



We have done this work for our self under the guidance of the following supervisors.
Signature……………………………………………. Date………………………………………….


First of all, we would like to thank our God, helping us starting from the beginning to the end of our internship
We have extend our supreme gratitude to Admas University Department Of Computer SCIENCE for providing
such kind of opportunity for students to broaden their perception on how the real world in the field of computer
science looks like as well organizing the whole internship program and its effort to make sure that the whole internship
program to achieve its desired goals.

We would also like to express our special thanks to Memberu Temsegen and the hosting company(Federal Housing
Corporation) giving us a chance to spend our practice in his company and helping us in our day to day activities
during the intern time.
Extend our grateful thanks to workers in the company those help us in moral and material needs as well as sharing
us their knowledge to improve our theoretical knowledge to the real works.
Finally, I would like to express our special thanks to our families and friends helping us in all aspects and
appreciate us to spend our all time in the work place during our internship time.

Executive Summary

The internship report focuses on my contribution towards Federal Housing Corporation as an intern and achievements
from this internship program. It provides details on my activities at the company and focuses on the achievements as
an interns.
The report consists of several chapters. The first chapter tells about the origin of the report, objectives, methodology,
scope and limitation of the report. The second chapter gives overview of the company and its work environment. The
third chapter Why do we select the company, In which section of the company, Work piece or work task, Challenges
and problems, Solution for the problem, Recommendations. Chapter four tells about my achievement from this
internship program.

Table of figures


Table 2.3 Organizational structure and Work flow……………………………..…………….11
Figure 3.3.1 computer case part…………………………………………………………..…...12
Figure3.3.2 removing a hard Drive and replacing a power supply. …………………………..13
Figer3.3.3 Installing RAM and Replacing RAM……………………………..……………….14

Table of content
Title page number
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………4
Table of figures…………………………………………………………………………………...…5

Chapter 1
1.1 Network Installation and Computer Maintenance……………………………...…… 7
1.2 Objectives of the Internship…………………………………………………………..8
Chapter 2
2.1 Back ground…………………………………………………………………………….9
2.2 Services…………………………………………………………………………………9
2.3 Organizational structure and Work flow………………………………………………..10
Chapter 3
3.1 Selecting the company………………………………………………………………….11
3.2 In which section of the company………………………………………………….……11
3.3 Work piece or work task……………………………………………………………..…11
3.4 Challenges and problems……………………………………………………………….…13
3.5 Solution for the problem…………………………………………………………….….…13

3.6 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………....…13
Chapter 4
4.1 Improving practical skill…………………………………………………………….….15
4.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge ……………………………………………………...15
4.3 Improving team play skill………………………………………………………………15
4.4 Problem solving capability…………………………………………………………..…15
4.5 Understanding work ethics and related issues…………………………………….……16
4.6 Entrepreneurship skill……………………………………………………………….….17

Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………18
5.2 Recommendation……………………………………………………………………..…18
5.3 References………………………………………………………………………………19

Chapter 1
Network Installation and Computer Maintenance

Network Installation
Physical components of network Under this I have been performing cabling, local area network installation and
design Internet cabling types and it's protocol Twisted-pair cables: use electrical signals over copper to transmit
data. Twisted-pair cable types:
 UN shielded Twisted-Pair (UTP)
 Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP)
1. Straight-through cable (standard B in both end):-This cable type has identical wiring on both ends (pin 1 on one
end of the cable is connected to pin 1 at the other end of the cable, pin 2 is connected to pin 2 ...up to pin 8).
2. Crossover cable (Standard a one end Standard B anther end):- This type of cable is used when you need to
connect two devices that use same wires to send and receive data.
3. Roll over Cable:-Rollover cable (standard B one end and the reverse of standard B in another end):-it is used to
construct of console cable. Orange/white-orange-green/white-blue-blue/white-green-brown/white-br own in one
end and pin inverse another end.
Configured switches and routers in packet tracer.
Configured multiple VLANS packet tracer. Configured a network with three VLANS and ensured that they
communicated, started by creating VLANS and assigning them ports on the switches then configured the router
encapsulation and the router rip commands for the DHCP which assigned them IP addresses automatically.
D-Link wireless are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless
connectivity within your home, business or public access wireless networks. Access your network using a wireless
connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
Computer Maintenance
Computer is electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its
Own memory.
Computer are basically two component
 Hardware component.
 Software component.
The basic work flow of computer is:
Input Procedure Processes output.
The physical part of computer is known as hardware competent those are: Power supply, power cable, case fan,
Ram, Rom, case, hard disk, data cable, motherboard Battery, CPU fan etc. To the physical hardware part in fig3.3.1
CASE. The computer case is the box that encloses many of the parts shown below.

1.2 Objectives of the Internship
The general objective of internship program is:
 to facilitate reflection on experience
 to enhance understanding of academic materials
 to provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular
Career before permanent commitments are made
 to develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their careers
 to provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes condensing to
Effective inter personal relationships
 to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the formal
Functional activities of a participating organization
 to enhance advancement possibilities of graduates 2.1.2 Specific Objective
 to provide intensive field experience allowing for hands-on computer
 to receive an introduction to an organization within the information
Systems industry
 to receive an introduction to an organization within the information
Systems industry
 to gain a better understanding of its design and structure
 to develop an understanding of an organizations varies management
And technical skills, the communication techniques are the decision-making process
 to apply what was learned during course work like theory, skill
Development, professionalism to the working world

Chapter 2
2.1 Back ground
The Federal Housing Corporation was previously established as a rental housing management organization under
Decree No. 58/1968 and was managed as a development company. Since 2000, it has been renamed as the
Government Housing Agency under the name of Government Housing Agency and has been performing its work
since 2000. At the time, this organization was meant to properly manage the houses owned by the federal government
and to improve the protection and care of the houses, but it did not bring the desired results and caused the
organization to face many problems. Therefore, despite the fact that the agency is regularly conducting various studies
to carry out its mission properly, it has been seen from the repeated studies and performance evaluations that the
institution has not been able to get rid of the problem.

On the other hand, even if the institution stops building houses, it carries out preventive and maintenance work
that requires highly skilled manpower and costs, which is no less than building a new house, so the current
organization has been able to create a negative impact on the proper execution of maintenance works.

Following the decision of the Council of Ministers to establish the Federal Housing Corporation in its 22nd regular
meeting held on January 26, 2009, the Corporation was established by Council of Ministers Regulation No. 398/2009.
Therefore, the corporation has been transferred the rights and obligations of the former government housing agency
and has been established with housing development and related objectives, an institutional organization (structure)
that can carry this mission, the main functions of work units, manpower planning, positions with minimum
educational preparation and work experience, and positions' level and salary. Conducted a scale study.

The organization of the corporation consists of one chief executive officer and three sub-chief executive officers
namely the housing management sector, the housing development sector and the corporate service sector. The
organization has directorates, offices and services, and under the directorates, groups are organized to manage related
activities. In general, the organization of the corporation has 16 directorates, 6 branch offices, 4 offices, one service
and 64 groups, and includes 1492 employees.
2.2 Service

This service is to provide houses for the government housing seekers for residential or corporate use. Government
housing seekers who are not senior government officials can apply for government housing for corporate purposes.
If the requested house is for residential use, the availability of vacant house may be shown and given. Houses used
for corporate purposes will be auctioned.
Customers of the Corporation can submit maintenance requests. There are two types of home maintenance carried
out by the corporation. These are preventative and preventative maintenance. Preventive maintenance is carried out
in accordance with the Corporation's maintenance plan and all government buildings are maintained within five years.
Another type of home maintenance is outpatient maintenance, which requires relatively low maintenance costs.

2.3 Organizational structure and Work flow
Structure of Federal Housing Corporation

Management Board Office Management Board


Directing corporate communications Office of the Chief Executive

Strategic Planning and Business

Gender Affairs Office Development Directorate

Directorate of Change and Institutional Directorate of Corporate Law Services

Capacity Building

Ethics Monitoring Office Directorate of Quality Control and

Payment Audit

Directorate of Information Communication

Customer Service Complaint Handling

Directorate of Corporate Audit Services

Home development sector Corporate Services Sector

Home management sector

Projects Research, Design Directorate of Corporate

Preparation and Monitoring Enforcement and leasing of
Human Resource
Directorate houses and possessions
Development and
Directorate of Corporate
Directorate of land and
infrastructure preparation and Directorate of Housing Repair Finance Management
supervision and Renovation
Directorate of Technical
Directorate of Project Services
Monitoring and Contract
Management Directorate of Corporate
Procurement and Asset
Branch Offices (6) Record and archive

Table 2.3 Organizational structure and Work flow

Chapter 3
3.1 Selecting the company

We select the company because they are Experience in Their Field, Honesty and Integrity, The Right
Resources, Strong Safety Standards, Adherence to Quality Control and Necessary Certifications
3.2 In which section of the company
We work in network administration department. The network administration works on:-
 Designing the Network
The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task not usually performed by new network
administrators. Designing a network involves making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of
your organization. In larger sites this task is performed by a senior network architect: an experienced network
administrator familiar with both network software and hardware.
 Setting up the Network
After the new network is designed, the second phase of network administration begins, which involves setting up and
configuring the network. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and
configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The tasks involved in this phase are a major responsibility for network administrators. You should expect to perform
these tasks unless your organization is very large, with an adequate network structure already in place.
 Maintaining the Network
The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute the bulk of your
responsibilities. They might include:

 Adding new host machines to the network

 Administering network security
 Administering network services, such as NFSTM services, name services, and electronic mail
 Troubleshooting network problems
 Expanding the Network
The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand
its features and services. Initially, you can increase network population by adding new hosts and expanding
network services by providing additional shared software.

3.3 Work piece or work task


Configured switches and routers in packet tracer.
Configured multiple VLANS packet tracer. Configured a network with three VLANS and ensured that they
communicated, started by creating VLANS and assigning them ports on the switches then configured the router
encapsulation and the router rip commands for the DHCP which assigned them IP addresses automatically.
Looked at common computer problems and how to solve them that were unnecessary rebooting, Blue screen, PC
lights but no display, overheating, RAM problems, Keyboard failure and Beep Codes.

Computer is electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its
Own memory.
Computer are basically two component
 Hardware component.
 Software component.
The basic work flow of computer is:
Input Procedure Processes output.
The physical part of computer is known as hardware competent those are: Power supply, power cable, case fan,
Ram, Rom, case, hard disk, data cable, motherboard Battery, CPU fan etc. To the physical hardware part in fig3.3.1
CASE. The computer case is the box that encloses many of the parts shown below.

Figure 3.3.1 computer case part

Looked at how to handle clients' computers and used tools like towel, blower and brush.
Inserted a windows 10 installation DVD into the DVD/CD drive and on post, pressed F12 key on the keyboard to
enter the bios menu, selected the boot media that was cd/dvd.
Inserted the Windows Server 2008 installation DVD in the DVD/CD drive, on post pressed F12 for the boot menu
and selected the boot device, the installer runs, the Installation

3.4 Challenges and problems

Long distance, we travelled a long distance to attend the internship sessions but we endeavored to cope up because
we had to make sure we was at the company in time so that we never missed out on all the training activities of the
During my internship we encountered difficulty in adjusting to the new environment. Traffic jam was a serious
challenge when going to the training station and coming back.

3.5 Solution for the problem

To overcome the above challenges we have studied hard day and night using the resources from the internet and
from the networking manager, Maintenance Manager and we would like to thank our mentors and the main reason
we overcome our challenge is that we work together as a team.

3.6 Recommendations

1. Improving Slow Performance. Causes, much older computers with small amounts of RAM and slow processors
the solutions to this slow performance is to increase the RAM. By means of change the old RAM or to add another
expansion card RAM.
2. Hard Disk Fragmentation. Causes, is when files are stored in different places on a hard drive the better solution to
this is depending on what storage space was available when the file was last modified.
3. Working Environment. I recommend the company, computer work room should be clean, well-organized and
properly lit. Avoid hazards to the computer and hazards to the workers
4. Replacing a Power Supply. Power fault is mainly burn electrical devices, so recommend the company to use power
divider to resist the power.

Figure3.3.2 removing a hard Drive and replacing a power supply.

5. Replacing RAM. RAM is the working place of CPU so it can fail or come loose from its housing and need to be
restated. In this cause easily damaged by electrostatic charges, so it is very important for the user to be grounded
before picking up RAM.

Figer3.3.3 Installing RAM and Replacing RAM

Chapter 4
4.1 Improving practical skill

These programs enable us to correlate the theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Work experience offers a
really good opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in a real life work environment. As computer
science the organization gives an opportunity to contribute in improvement the computer networking technological
potential. Some of the personal skills we developed when we were in the organization can be listed as:-
Networking section we were working with Troubleshooting Project to design the
System and understanding the behavior of system. Example:-Network Installation, Router and Switch Configuration
Network Troubleshooting and wireless router (D-Link) setup Configuration.
Maintenance section we were working with Troubleshooting Computer hardware and software and Printer Project to
design the system and understanding the behavior of system.

4.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

Even if we have some vision in various courses learn in the class, briefly we know more while we saw really. We
recall and relate the theoretical knowledge with practical. While you do something you force to refer about the subject
this make you to remember and upgrade yourself. To improve our theoretical knowledge list below. Learn more about
various courses like network design, computer maintenance and Printer maintenance we faced in the company, Apply
class room theoretical part to real work situations our design project in the company and Try to know how to configure
and punch Network.

4.3 Improving team play skill

A team player is a person who plays or works well as a member of a team or group. Teams in an organization need
strong team players to perform well to reach their goals. Team work is also needed to share different experience
alongside the work. During the internship period we were doing the project in group. When we were doing the entire
project we had a role and even if tasks are done individually by the respective person at different section of the project,
there are times at which different individuals come together to communicate with each other in order to reach for the
desired goals. And at times where everything becomes very complex team work plays an important role in solving
the difficulties. The most important point in team playing skill is just reaching an agreement from different on the
work to be done. As mentioned above we divided in teams during the internship time and we have been working as
a team in order to solve some problems and it helps us a lot in solving the problem easily and quickly. During our
internship time we have massively improved our team work spirit. As we all in our campus life sometimes we study
in group and sometimes individually. But during internship time there is no individual thing even if you are
performing your own task because finally it is going too integrated as one project to do so you need to work as a team
unless your work may be valueless.

4.4Problem solving capability

1. Listening skills
Active listeners are generally great problem solvers. They can listen to those around them to gather the information
needed to solve the problem at hand. They recognize the importance of valuing others’ opinions and experiences to
help understand why the problem occurred and the best course of action to remedy it.
2. Analytical thinking skills
Analytical thinkers can identify the logical reasons why a problem occurred, what the long-term effects of the issue
could be, and identify how effective different solutions might be to select the most practical one.

3. Creative thinking skills
Creative thinkers can balance their analytical skills with creative solutions. Creative thinking skills allow individuals
to uncover innovative and progressive solutions to problems. They’re able to provide new perspectives and provide
imaginative and experimental solutions to all kinds of problems.
4. Communication skills
Problem solvers should also possess great communication skills. The ability to effectively relay complex information
thoroughly yet succinctly is a huge benefit for employers working in fast-paced environments.
5. Decision-making skills
Those with problem-solving skills will also possess the ability to make decisions and be confident in them. This is
important, as most problem-solving steps involve making firm decisions to provide a successful outcome.
6. Teamwork
Although problem-solvers need to be independent thinkers, it’s also vital for them to work well as part of a team.
Determining the best solution often requires collaboration, so it’s important that candidates can demonstrate how they
can motivate others to come up with the best solutions and work with them to help develop and implement solutions.

4.5 Understanding work ethics and related issues

In today's complex world, Ethical conduct of workers is very important for developing healthy working
environment and increasing productivity. The work ethic is a cultural norm that advocates being personally
accountable and responsible for the work that one does and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value. The
term is often applied to characteristics of people, both at work and at play.
Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one does his/her job or
responsibilities. These involve attitude, behavior, respect, communication, interaction, and how one gets along with
others. Work ethics demonstrate many things about whom and how a person is. Thus employer expects employees
to develop certain desirable traits that will help them to perform their jobs well so that the company can succeed.
Ethical work conduct enables us in order to posses' appropriate behaviors in the work and so we develop proper
relationships with co-workers and it helps us to create good working environment. There are two common types of
ethics. These are Personal ethics and Professional ethics.
Personal ethics
Personal ethics are values which are expected to be possessed by all individuals in their life, and contribute a lot for
a smooth interaction among individuals and peaceful co-existence of a society. What we gained in the company
principles of personal ethics include:
 Concern for the wellbeing of other
 Honesty
 Integrity
 Fairness
 Responsibility
 Possessing a Positive Attitude
 Compliant to the law
 Benevolence (doing well)
 Compliant to the law
 Benevolence (doing well)

Professional ethics
Professional ethics refers to the standards or a set of moral principles for regulating behaviors of a certain defined
profession. The following are some of the common professional ethical principles what we gained in the internship
 Punctuality- means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time
And to complete a given task within the given period.
 Reliability- The worker should be qualified for the part he is supposed to be
Performing. He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned. Honesty- Regarding this value
each worker regardless of its status should
Abstain from bad behaviors such as cheating, bias, corruption etc.
 Cooperation- Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other
While working. That is because it is through such system problems could be
Easily solved.
 Respect the rule and regulation the company

4.6 Entrepreneurship skill

Internship program allows us to gain a better perspective of post-graduation employment by applying the
principles and theories we have developed in the classroom. This practical application creates an easier transition for
us from the classroom to the working world. While practicing on job training we realize that creativity and problem
solving is one of the starting points of entrepreneurs. This internship motivates us not to be employee because it
enables us to know more about our career, the real challenges, and way of business establishment in our profession.
A wide range of skills are seen as entrepreneurial and useful to entrepreneurs, these include both personal traits and
 Management skills - the ability to manage time and people (both yourself and
Others) successfully.
 Communication skills and the ability to sell ideas and persuade others.
 The ability to work both as part of a team and independently.
 Able to plan, coordinate and organize effectively.
 Able to research effectively, for example available markets, suppliers,
Customers and the competition.
 Self-motivated, Innovative thinking, creative and disciplined.

Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion

We conclude by giving our sincere thanks to the Merciful GOD who has enabled us go through this internship
training successfully and the management of FEDERAL HOUSE CORPORATION for the excellent work done. We
wish anyone in the field of computer science not to miss the work that we have done at FHC in the IT department
because students acquire whatever skill is needed in the field of working.
Internship training has enabled us to gain new insight and more comprehensive understanding about the real
information technology skills such as networking, troubleshooting, software installation, information security.
In this internship program we tried to create a good relationship with employees and ask several questions what is
not clear. The other thing we got from this internship program is how to manage work through this also we have
increased our self-confidence, work ethics and how to work cooperatively with others in the offices, from this
we have learnt good values and principles like politeness, respecting others , giving decision, punctuality
,fulfilling responsibilities, giving a good attention to others. opportunity to the student to have enough knowledge
that help student in the future, and it's good opportunity to know work environment and to prepares themselves for
the future goal and to have a good Aim before graduation.

5.2 Recommendation to the university

We would like to recommend to our university: The university needs to give special attention to the course that
given in the class an upgrading the knowledge of some teachers about that course. As our university mainly concerns
about theory it need to have a course about what industries are need and the real world's activities like the
programming languages and other computer systems. The university should arrange some practical visit in some
courses before and after the internship program. Because it helps the student to easily understand what they learn in
their laboratory and lecture class session.
 And also the university has to take the responsibility of placing the Students with appropriate companies
because it is difficult for the
Students to communicate with the hosting companies.
 Finally, the budget allocation for this internship program is not enough for the students to in this program.

5.3 References
 Federal Housing Corporation
 Network Administrator Mr. Memberu Temsegen
 Wikipedia


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