Ahmad Corbitt Talk Mar 21
Ahmad Corbitt Talk Mar 21
Ahmad Corbitt Talk Mar 21
Many centuries later, at about 600 B.C., the Lord used similar
grantor language with other would-be inhabitants of this land,
also from the Middle East. “And it came to pass that the Lord
spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, … ye … shall be
led to a land of promise; … a land which I have prepared for
you....”4 These written statements, among others, show not
only that the land belonged to the Lord, but also His clear
intention, as the Party who “preserved” and “prepared” it, to
convey it for special purposes and to particular peoples.
According to the Bible Dictionary, “Covenant … denotes an
agreement … more often between God and man[.]” Continuing
the quote: “[I]n this … case it is important to notice that the
two parties to the agreement do not stand in the relation of
independent and equal contractors. God in His good pleasure
fixes the terms, which man accepts.”5 And Gospel Principles
(but)… if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their
sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.”30
in the same land, per His covenant with Lehi. Through the
Restored Gospel He would eventually transform them into one
people in Christ with no –ites. His establishment of the
Constitution, especially the preeminent freedom of religion
clauses of the First Amendment, would “enable[] (them) to
keep (His) law[.]”67 The Lord also promised ancient Joseph that
the Book of Mormon and the Bible would “grow together, unto
the confounding of false doctrines and laying down of
contentions and establishing peace[.]”68 All these elements
would be positively crucial in this latter-day crucible of human
diversity. As Elder Quentin L. Cook taught, “The Savior’s
ministry and message have consistently declared all races and
colors are children of God. We are all brothers and sisters. In
our doctrine we believe that in the host country for the
Restoration, the United States, the U.S. Constitution and
related documents, written by imperfect men, were inspired by
God to bless all people.”69 As we “look forward with an eye of
faith and view”70 this “great day of unity,”71 we will naturally
repent, forgive, be peacemakers and unify. We will continue to
“lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice” 72
and “root out racism,”73 both quotes from President Nelson
and President Oaks, respectively. We will have “eyes to see”
others as God does.74 This includes the Constitution’s Framers
whom the Lord “raised up” and called “wise.”75 Let us
remember He permitted them to appear before a prophet in a
holy temple to request and receive their sacred ordinances and
covenants.76 Latter-day Saints should lead our nations in all
these efforts and Latter-day Saint lawyers should be at the
forefront among us.
The Gathering
At the beginning of this talk, I asked not just if God was
specially communicating with latter-day lawyers, but also why.
Let me conclude with my sense of why. All this effort, all these
Camille N. Johnson, Invite Christ to Author Your Story, October 2021
See, generally, “Covenant running with land,” e.g., thelawdictionary.com
Ether 2:7, emphasis added
1 Nephi 2:19-20, emphasis added; see, also, footnote 7
Bible Dictionary, “Covenant,” p. 651
Gospel Principles, The Lord's Covenant People, Chapter 15
See, e.g., 1 Nephi 17:13; and see 1 Nephi 2:20; see, also, 1 Nephi 4:14, 17:13-14, 2 Nephi 1:20, 2 Nephi 4:4, 2
Nephi 5:20, Jarom 1:9-10, Omni 1:6-7, Mosiah 1:7-17, Alma 9:13, 36:30, 37:13, Alma 38:1, Alma 50:20, 3 Nephi
5:22, Ether 11:8; and see, Helaman 4:15
Doctrine and Covenants 84:57; note I am not asserting that the word “covenant” as used here refers to a
covenant running with the land. However, when we live the “new covenant” referred to here, we necessarily abide
the covenant running with this land.
Criticisms and negative attacks against the Book of Mormon also raise awareness of it. Also, the Book of Mormon
shows that a just, merciful and loving God provided extra steps of notice and warning well beyond what is required
in modern law. He affirmatively reiterated the covenant to each new civilization that inhabited the land and
endeavored to do so to each generation. After the earlier Jaredites, each successive civilization was given the
record and notice of the covenant from the earlier civilization(s). The Lord even permitted each subsequent
civilization to meet the final witness of His covenant from the previous civilization (Coriantumr (Omni 1:20-22,
Ether 13:21) and Angel Moroni (Joseph Smith History 1:30-54)). Moreover, the original Conveyor of this land bore
personal witness to the truthfulness of the covenant document. (See Doctrine and Covenants 17:5-6) The prophets
assigned to their respective populations faithfully made – and make – this covenant known to all who are to be
warned and put on notice. (See, e.g., “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” including its explicit warnings.).
These approaches, among others, assure maximum notice and credibility of the covenant by a loving Father in
Heaven and a merciful Savior, Jesus Christ. See, also, footnote 20.
Ezra Taft Benson, Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon, October 1988
Official announcement, Library of Congress, December 8, 2016
Bible Dictionary, “Covenant,” p. 651
See, also, footnote 17
The Lord has made numerous covenants, including others relating to land. See, e.g., Mormon 5:14
2 Nephi 1:20; see, also, 1 Nephi 2:19-20; and see, e.g., 1 Nephi 17:13, 1 Nephi 2:20, 1 Nephi 4:14, 17:13-14, 2
Nephi 1:20, 2 Nephi 4:4, 2 Nephi 5:20, Jarom 1:9-10, Omni 1:6-7, Mosiah 1:7-17, Alma 9:13, 36:30, 37:13, Alma
38:1, Alma 50:20, 3 Nephi 5:22, Ether 11:8, 13:2; and see, Helaman 4:15
Ether 2:8
These declarations also clarify that from God’s holy perspective righteousness and iniquity deeply touch and
concern the land for His gracious and loving purposes.
For latter-day possessors, this extant covenant was revealed almost two centuries ago through the Book of
Ether 15:1-3, 32-33, 13:20-21 ; see, also, 14:1-2 and 11:7-8
Note that the Lord rarely, if ever, moved for injunctive relief to compel specific performance as a remedy. When
the covenant is breached, its terms call for specific damages, consequences promised in the original transaction
and reiterated repeatedly to various subsequent generations and civilizations. Rather than force His children to
perform as required by the covenant and agreed to by its original parties, the Lord defers to our agency and merely
withdraws His promised blessings. This, too, is a form of heightened equity and justice beyond modern legal
Ezra Taft Benson, The Book of Mormon – Keystone of Our Religion, October 1986
D. Todd Christofferson, G20 Forum Speech, 2018, Argentina. Elder Christofferson stated, “Just knowing about
the great good so many of you are doing inspires me and gives me hope by that working together toward common
goals we can make a real difference in the lives of millions of people… [A] pluralistic framework that welcomes
many different approaches is the best way to serve those in need… Religious organizations and faith communities
have a vital role to play in alleviating poverty and helping people live healthier, happier, and more productive lives.
For that and many other reasons, religious freedom remains essential to our efforts.”
Gerrit W. Gong, G20 Forum Speech, 2019, Japan. Elder Gong said. “Across the earth in manifold diverse
circumstances, members of my religious community promote inner and collective peace, protect and treasure
precious natural resources, foster harmonious social cooperation and invite mutual respect for religious freedom
and core moral values.”
David A. Bednar, G20 Forum Speech, 2020, virtual.
Ibid. Elder Bednar stated, “We may come from different religious traditions, but we are united in our
commitment to promote understanding and true respect for religion and people of faith.” All Church speakers in
each G20 forum did so in their respective remarks.
Ibid, and see footnote 22-24, 26 and 27.
Ronald A. Rasband, G20 Forum Speech, 2021, Italy. Elder Rasband stated, “No matter the culture, color, creed or
country, God’s love unites us to stand together to face down religious persecution.”
See, e.g., Jeffrey R. Holland, Chapman University 2015, Quentin L. Cook, Notre Dame School of Law 2021
Dallin H. Oaks, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, April 2021, emphasis added
2 Nephi 1:5, emphasis added; see, also, v.9
2 Nephi 1:5-7, emphasis added
This is an a fortiori statement. Naturally, if all who come to “this land” are brought or led by the hand of the Lord
and none will come without being brought by Him, the diverse population on the land necessarily means God
intended it.
Acts 17:26
John 15:12 (John 7:16)
Doctrine and Covenants 38:27, John 17:20-23
Preamble to the United States Constitution
Doctrine and Covenants 101:79-80, emphasis added
NOTE: this talk was written before I had any knowledge President and Sister Oaks would be in attendance.
Dallin H. Oaks, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, April 2021
Doctrine and Covenants 101:78, emphasis added
Doctrine and Covenants 98:5, emphasis added
Dred Scott v. Sanford 60 US 393 (1857)
Doctrine and Covenants 101:77, emphasis added
Alma 10-12
Dallin H. Oaks, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, April 2021
Russell M. Nelson, Hear Him, April 2020
Alma 14:18-27
Alma 14:14, 10
Moses 7:56
Alma 14:11; see, also, Doctrine and Covenants 101:79
Alma 14:11; see, generally, Alma 14:8-11
Hymnal of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, #214, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, v.3
Doctrine and Covenants 130:12-13; see, generally, Section 87
Doctrine and Covenants 101:79-80, 98:5
Doctrine and Covenants 130:12-13
Moses 7:28 and 33
1 Corinthians 3:6; Doctrine and Covenants 101:79-80, 98:5-9
Address at Freedom Awards Gala, America’s Freedom Festival, Provo, Utah, July 1, 2021, as quoted in Church
News on July 1, 2021
Hymnal of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, #338, America the Beautiful, v.2
De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol. 1, chap. 13
Address at Freedom Awards Gala, America’s Freedom Festival, Provo, Utah, July 1, 2021, as quoted in Church
News on July 1, 2021
In tort law, the principle of res ipsa loquiter holds that obvious evidence can suffice for plaintiffs to meet their
burden of proof. We might also say that we hold the U.S. Constitution’s successfulness to be self-evident.
Jeffrey R. Holland, “Remember Lot’s Wife”: Faith Is for the Future, BYU Devotional January 13, 2009
Alma 5:6
Alma 37:2
Dale G. Renlund, Infuriating Unfairness, April 2021
Russell M. Nelson, Begin with the End in Mind, 2014 Mission Leaders Seminar
Doctrine and Covenants 44:5; see, also, v.4 and Sections 98:8 and 101:77
2 Nephi 3:12, emphasis added
Quentin L. Cook, Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity, October 2020
Alma 5:15
Henry B. Eyring, Our Hearts Knit As One, October 2008; see, also, Doctrine and Covenants 45:69-71
Russell M. Nelson, Let God Prevail, October 2020
Dallin H. Oaks, Love Your Enemies, October 2020; and see Racism and Other Challenges, BYU Speeches, October
27, 2020
Eyes to See, Sister Michelle D. Craig, October 2020
Doctrine and Covenants 101:80
“In an address in the Tabernacle on Temple Square on 16 September 1877, Elder Woodruff first told publicly of
the visitation of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. ‘They waited on me for two days and two nights,’
he said, ‘I thought it very singular, that notwithstanding so much work had been done, and yet nothing had been
done for them.’ (Journal of Discourses, 19:229.)” Reported in Ensign, October 1991.
Dallin H. Oaks, Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination, address given at the University of
Virginia, November 12, 2021, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-dallin-h-oaks-speech-
United States Pledge of Allegiance
Dallin H. Oaks, Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination, address given at university of
Virginia, November 12, 2021, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-dallin-h-oaks-speech-
Russell M. Nelson, Hope of Israel, June 3, 2018
“The Object is great which We have in View, and We must expect a great Expence of Blood to obtain it. But We
should always remember, that a free Constitution of civil Government cannot be purchased at too dear a Rate; as
there is nothing on this Side of the new Jerusalem, of equal Importance to Mankind. (Letter from John Adams in
Philadelphia to Archibald Bulloch, 1 July 1776). I find it most interesting that Adams should reference a “new
Jerusalem” given what the Lord was creating through the Founders and prophecies from the very instrument of
the covenant running with the land, Ether 13:2-11.
Russell M. Nelson, Hope of Israel, June 3, 2018
Henry B. Eyring, Our Hearts Knit As One, October 2008