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Impacts of Sex Education on the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students


This study aims to investigate the possible impacts of Sex Education towards the Academic Performance
of the Senior High School students of Manlapay National Highschool as basis for enrichment activities for
the school year 2022-2023.


It aims to address the following questions in particular:

1. What is the respondent’s Demographic in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Socio-economic status?
2. What are the impacts of Sex Education to:
1.1 Awareness
1.2 Sex behavior
3. What is the level of performance is in terms their GPA in the First quarter?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the impacts of sex education to student’s academic
5. Based on the results of the study, what enrichment activity can be done?
Their academic and cerate as basis for enrichment activities that will possibly address the identified gap
of the study.

Theory Anchored on: Legal Basis:

The health belief model Republic Act 10354
( Rosenstock,1974) ‘’ Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act 2012’’
The theory of Planned Behavior
DepEd Order #31 series of 2018
(Azjen, 1985)
‘’ Policy Guidelines on the
Implementation of the comprehensive
sexuality Education (CSE)

Demographic Profile

- Socio-economic Status
- Gender
- Age Academic Performance
- Impacts
- Awareness about Sex
- Sex behavior
This theory is anchored to the health belief model is a theory that looks at how people make decisions
about their health. The model makes an effort to describe the circumstances under which a person will
engage in particular health behaviors, such getting treatment for a medical condition. The health Belief
Model (HBM) is a tool that scientists use to try to predict health behaviors. It was originally developed in
the 1950s and updated in the 1980s.The model is based on the theory that a person’s willingness to
change their health behaviors primarily comes from their health perceptions. According to this model,
your individual beliefs about health and health conditions play role in determining your health-related
behaviors. Key factors that affect your approach to health include: The barriers you think might be
standing in your way, how much of a benefit you think you will get from engaging in healthy behaviors,
what you think the consequences will be of becoming sick, and how susceptible you think you are
illness. Research suggests that perceived susceptibility to illness is an important predicator of preventive
health behaviors.

This study is anchored on Rosen stock’s theory of the health belief model. The theory focuses on being
a health program or intervention wherein it was designed and implemented to improved knowledge and
motivate people to have a much healthier lifestyle. A theory based that was implemented and utilized
as a response to the public health concerns. It has a primary Bourne to divulge the possible impacts of
an individual’s perceptions and attitude towards a certain disease and how it well cause an impact to
their health-related-decision making. The theory derived from the approach that the behavior of a
certain person has an effect with their health, how will they response to their sickness. This determines
how a person’s belief in health plays a vital role in making decision on what behavior should be followed
in response with health.

The health belief model by Edward C Green, Elaine M Murphy, Kristina Grysboks’ (2020).The health
belief model, a behavior modification paradigm that has been and is still utilized widely around the
world, is discussed in this article along with its history. The health belief model serve as foundation for
or is included into intervention to improve perceptions of personal risk, promote activities to lessen or
eliminate the risk, and – in a later iteration to foster a sense of self- efficacy to make the necessary
adjustment. The paradigm acknowledges and addresses the social context in which health behaviors
occur while keeping an individual at its center. The efficiency of the model four components and the
model as a whole are the subject of a meta- analysis.

An example of a common sexuality education activity based on the Health Belief Model would be having
students brainstorm the reasons a young person might choose to use protection during sex (perceived
benefits) and the reasons they might choose not to use protection (perceived barriers).With the help of
the Health Belief Model, students’ focus on perceived vulnerability (his of risk); perceived severity
(perceptions of the risk’s relative seriousness and effects); perceived advantages (perceptions on the
relative efficiency of actions that can lessen the threat); and obstacles (possibly unfavorable features of
a protective factor or risk reduction measure).This approach depends on pupils weighing many factors
prior to choosing an action or response. Students must feel these acts or behaviors will help them in
addition to considering their options. Lead to a desired end, and they must have faith in their ability to
do so. To make it more likely that they will adopt the conducts. This design highlights decision-making
abilities, self-efficacy, personal objectives, and threat evaluation. An illustration of Using the Health
Belief Model, a typical sexuality education exercise would be having Students consider the possible
justifications for a minor using protection during intercourse.(perceived benefits), as well as potential
reasons why people could decide not to utilize protection barriers.

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) wherein the individual’s behavior is best predicted by one’s
intentions; intentions are, in turn, predicted by attitudes about the behavior, the subjective norms (a
person’s perception of important others’ beliefs that he or she should or should not perform the
behavior) encasing the execution of the behavior, and the individual’s perception of their control over
the behavior Ajzen’s TPB has been used to predict many different behaviors ranging from gambling
behaviors to the use of hormone replacement. A cognitive theory by Azjen (1985) that proposes that an
individual’s decision to engage in a specific behavior such as gambling or stopping gambling can be
predicted by their intention to engage in that behavior. ‘Intentions are assumed to capture the
motivational factors that influence a behavior; they are indications of how hard people are willing to try,
of how much an effort they are planning to exert, in order to perform the behavior. As a general rule,
the stronger the intention to engage in a behavior, the more likely should be its performance’. (Azjen,

The second theory is the Planned Behavior Theory. It is a theory that predicts and explain an individual’s
intention to engage in a behavior within a specific time and place. It is examined, and several unresolved
problems are talked about. In general, empirical data show that the hypothesis is well supported. From
attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control, it is possible to
predict intentions to perform a variety of behaviors with high accuracy. These intentions, along with
perceptions of behavioral control, account for a significant amount of variation in actual behavior.
Although it has been demonstrated that attitudes,subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control
are related to the proper sets of salient behavioral, normative, and control beliefs about the activity, it is
still unclear exactly how these links work. It is discovered that expectancy-value formulations are only
partially successful in handling these linkages.In order to deal with this problem, optimal rescaling of
expectancy and value measures is proposed.

The theory applies a planned conduct, attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms about the action,
and perceived control over the behavior may all be anticipated by behavioral intention, whoch in turn
can be predicted by three fundamental factors. This theory assumes that each of the three fundamental
elements influences intentions only in that one direction. Few research have actually investigated this
fundamental concept, despite it being one of the most prevalent beliefs in many fields of psychology
and the health sciences. A correlational research, a lab-based experiment, and a quasi-experimental
field investigation were used to evaluate and support this casual chain. This illustration shows the base-
to-intention reverse causal relationship. Components suggests that the theory of planned behavior
should be modified to include reciprocal casual relations.

Nate Sutter, Sharon Paulson (2017) the purpose of the current study was to determine whether the
theory of planned behavior might be used to boost college students desire to pursue a four- year degree
(TPB). (1) Can the TPB predict traditional undergraduate’s intention to graduate? (2) Does the intention
to graduate among conventional students vary by the year of enrollment? (3) Is it possible for the TPB to
forecast transfer students’ plans to graduate? Results showed that the TPB factors predicted desire to
graduate. This discovery was explored in regard to potential intervention strategies that college
administrators could apply to raise graduation rates.

It is an act providing for a national policy on responsible parenthood and reproductive health. The law,
which stemmed from the strong advocacy of stakeholders and the commitment of the Government, is a
point for convergence of multi-sectorial efforts toward the improvement of health outcomes of the
country. It mandates the government adequately address the needs of Filipinos on responsible
parenthood and reproductive health. The law further guarantees access to information, facilities and
services most especially for the poor people by ensuring stable and sustainable reproductive health

This study is also anchored to the Reproductive health act of 2012, this state recognizes and guarantees
the human rights of all people in different aspects such as their right to equality and nondiscrimination
over the promotion of gender equality, gender equity, women empowerment and the right to a
sustainable human development, and the right to health wherein reproductive is foreseen, promoting
the openness to life. The RH Act was enacted by the government in response to the numerous health
problems afflicting the nation, including an increase in HIV/AIDS diagnosis, pregnancy-related deaths,
and infant mortality. This law allows each young poor Filipinos a free access of facilities and services that
ensures programs that are sustainable and stable environment. This was also implemented in response
with the nation’s rising poverty rate and the sought to address unmet requirements in family planning.

Vanessa T Siy Van, Jhanna Uy, Joy Bagas, Valire Gilbert T Ulep(2021).The Responsible Parenthood and
Family Planning Law, a major piece of legislation that the Philippines passed in 2012, is marketed as a
multispectral, rights-based strategy for advancing sustainable human development. The first thorough
assessment of the law’s application by actors at the national level is included in this article. In
conducting the mandates, functions, and obligations outlined in the law and its implementing guidelines,
implementers will be evaluated in order to determine their progress. Three major trends in governance
and implementation from 2014 to 2020 were identified through interviews with important national
government officials and data from published papers and literature.

The two main issues with public health in the United States are teen pregnancy and STDs. The best
method to prevent these conditions is to abstain from sexual activity, but studies have shown that
school-based abstinence-only education (AOE) programs are unsuccessful in postponing sexual initiation
or reducing the teen pregnancy rate. On the other hand, comprehensive sex education (CSE) programs
have shown promise in reducing teen pregnancies and delaying the onset of sexual activity. However,
AOE programs continue to get the majority of federal funding, and most states prioritize AOE in schools
over CSE. Examining the function of policy on sexual health education, which may have an effect on
teenagers’ health and wellbeing, was the goal of this review. School nurses can use the review’s
information to help them educate parents and administrators to the negative repercussions of AOE, so
they can advocate for policy change.

Another legal base anchored to this study is DePed Order #31 series of 2018, Teacher discretion in
implementing comprehensive sexuality in rural Zambia. Adolescent reproductive health issues like HIV,
unintended pregnancies, and unsafe abortions are all intimately related to inadequate knowledge of
sexuality and reproduction as well as a lack of access to contraceptives. Zambia has launched an
ambitious national program for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), which instructors will
integrate into regular school activities with the support of foreign organizations. The curriculum has a
solid foundation in a discourse on sexual and reproductive rights that is uncommon in Zambian public
discussions on sexuality. This study investigates how teachers in middle schools in the Nyimba district of
Zambia view the curriculum and exercise professional judgment when implementing the CSE. Data were
gathered through in-depth interviews with 18 instructors using case study design, and were then
thematically analyzed using theories of discretion and policy.

The DePed Order #31 series of 2018, a memorandum that was implemented in 2018 in response with
reproductive health issue and unintended pregnancies among the young people in the country. With the
competencies of unattended pregnancies happening in the country. Inadequate knowledge towards
sexuality and the lack of access in contraceptives, in reproductive, has come to be the reason why the
competencies of unintended pregnancies is arising. Launching a national program which stated to the
comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), wherein it will integrate a regular access of activities held in
respective institution. It was believed that implementing such memorandum would help to lessen the
cases of unattended pregnancies with in the young ones. Since it provides adequate and valuable
information about sexual behavior.

Sex education taught on schools is essential for young people’s sexual health and well-being. However,
little known regarding the efficacy of initiatives outside of preventing pregnancy and STDs. To find
evidence for the efficacy of comprehensive sex education, the authors performed a systematic literature
evaluation of three decades’ worth of studies on school-based programs. A review of the literature over
the last three decades shows the comprehensive sex education across a variety of subjective and grade
levels is strongly recommended. The findings show the value of approaches that focus on a broad
definition of sexual health and embrace a positive, affirming, and inclusive perspective on human
sexuality. The National Sex Education Standards’ case for wider implementation strengthened by the

Elizabeth Jarpe-Ratner (2020) In the USA, there has been a nationwide call for comprehensive sexual
health education programs to be LGBTQ+- inclusive. The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) K-12 curriculum
was intentionally designed to align with the National Sexuality Education Standards and to be inclusive
of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning as well as other (LGBTQ+) identities (Chicago
Public Schools, 2013).This case study of CPS’s policy and curriculum implementation, with a focus on 9 th
grade, examines the extent to which this curriculum is truly experienced as inclusive by students and
teachers. Twenty-nine ninth grade sex education class-periods were observed I 4 schools, 12 teachers
were interviewed and 5 student focus groups were conducted to assess perceptions of the nature of
inclusivity going forward.

Age, The level of awareness among school-age children about sexual and reproductive health was
investigated using a cross-sectional study design. In order to gauge adolescents’ knowledge of sexual
and reproductive health, 743 teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 were studied using a self-created
semi-structured questionnaire. The mean age of study subjects was 15.958+1.61 years, majority of
adolescents i.e., 93.5% favor sex education. An 86.3% said sex education can prevent the occurrence of
AIDS and 91.5% of adolescents prefer doctors should give them sex education followed by 83.0%
school/teacher and least preference was parents 37.3%.

Max Bauer, Silvan Hammerli, Brigitte Leeers(2020) Adolescents are quite interested in learning about
the thoughts and views of other sex. Having this understanding may help people create relationships
that are both physically and emotionally gratifying. Sexual education curricula should cover topics like
initiating and managing relationships, societal ideals, addressing pornography, and the pleasure and
desire aspects of sexuality in addition to sexual and reproductive health information in order to increase
adolescents’ sexual and relationship competence.
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Gender interacts with but is different from sex, which refers to the different biological and physiological
characteristics of females, males and intersex persons, such as chromosomes, hormones and
reproductive organs. Gender and sex are related to but different from gender identity. Gender identity
refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not
correspond to the person’s physiology or designated sex at birth. Gender influences people’s experience
of and access to healthcare. The way that health services are organized and provided can either limit or
enable a person’s access to healthcare information, support and services, and the outcome of those
encounters. Health services should be affordable, accessible and acceptable to all, and they should be
provided with quality, equity and dignity. Gender inequality and discrimination faced by women and
girls puts their health and well-being t risk. Women and girls often face greater barriers than men and
boys to accessing health information and services. These barriers include restrictions on mobility; last of
access to decision-making power; lower literacy rates; discriminatory attitudes of communities and
healthcare providers; and lack of training and awareness amongst healthcare providers and health
systems of the specific health needs and challenges of women and girls. Harmful gender norms –
especially those related to rigid notions of masculinity - can also affect boys and men’s health and well-
being negatively. For example, specific notions of masculinity may encourage boys and men to smoke,
take sexual and other health risks, miss-use alcohol and not seek help or health care. Such gender norms
also contribute to boys and men perpetrating violence - as well as being subjected to violence
themselves. They can also have grave implication for their mental health.

Maureen Rabbitte (2020) Comprehensive sexual health education increases sexual health knowledge
and decreases adverse health outcomes and high-risk behaviors in heterosexual youth but lacks
information relevant to gender and sexual minority youth. Universal access to comprehensive sexual
health education that includes information relevant ti gender and sexual minority individuals is lacking in
the United States, leading to poor health outcomes for gender and sexual minority youth. The purpose
of this review was to examine sexual health education programs in schools in the United States for the
inclusion of information on gender identity and sexual orientation. The review provides information on
current programs offered on schools and suggestions to make more inclusive to gender and sexual
minority youth.

Socioeconomic is the study of the relationship between economic activity and social life. In many cases,
however, socio-economists focus on the social impact of a specific kind of economic change. Such
changes might include displacement of people due to a closing factory, village-to-city migration, market
manipulation and even the signing of trade treaties, etc. The goal of a socio-economic development,
usually in terms of improvements in metrics such as GDP, life expectancy, literacy and/or levels of
employment. Socioeconomic status (SES) is defined as a measure of one’s combined economic and
social status and tends to be positively associated with better health. This entry focuses on the three
common measures of socioeconomic status; education, income, and occupation. It include definitions,
theoretical background, and empirical support for each of these SES indicators and their relationship
with health. SES is generally thought to influence health through three avenues; SES influences health
through the ability to purchase health promoting resources and treatments, socialization of early health
habits and continuing socialization of early health habits differs by SES, and it has been posited that,
rather than SES influencing health, health influences SES – less healthy individuals complete fewer years
of school, miss more work, and earn lower incomes. Also, socioeconomic status is the position of an
individual or group on the socioeconomic scale, which is determined by a combination of social and
economic factors such as income, amount and kind of education, type and prestige of occupation, place
of residence, and in some societies or parts of society ethnic origin or religious background.
Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, as well as issues
related to privilege, power, and control.

Elizabeth Kemigisha, Katharine Bruce, Olena Ivaniva, Els Leye, Gily Coene, Gad N Ruzaaza, Anna B
Ninsiima, Wendo Mlahagwa, Viola N nyakato, Kristien Michielsen (2019). Limited research has been
conducted on the effectiveness of sexuality education for very young adolescents (VYAS) ages 10-14
years in Sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, evaluations of sexuality education programs often report
outcomes of risky sexual practices, yet positive aspects of sexuality are hardly studied and rarely

Sexual awareness is about acknowledging just how big your sexuality is - including its innate connection
to your reproductive and overall health. It is about learning how to understand and tune into the mental
and physical well-being of yourself and your partners. It is recognizing everything from your sexual
orientation, your sexual hang-ups, your role in protecting yourself and partners from STIs and having
fulfilling, safe sexual experiences.

Germeen Riad, Carie Forden(2021).The incidence of sexual and gender-based violence, including child
marriage, female genital multilation/cutting, virginity testing, sexual abuse, is high in Egypt. Child
protection social workers must deal with children who have been victims of such practices and must
provide the sex education that is necessary for its prevention, but the “culture of silence” that surrounds
sexuality in Egypt may make this difficult.A survey of 86 child protection social workers and 11 semi-
structured interviews were conducted in oder to better.

Sex behavior a review of studies examining how well sex education programs work in lowering risky
sexual behavior among young people. The study’s findings suggest that comprehensive sex education
programs can postpone the initiation of sexual activity in teenagers and young adults, decrease the
frequency of sexual encounters, cut down on unsafe sex, lower the number of sexual encounters, cut
down on unsafe sex, lower the number of sexual partners, and boost condom and contraceptives use.
Additionally, sex education programs often lead to greater understanding about human sexuality and do
not increase sexual behavior among teenagers and young people. The material provided by sex
education programs must be objective and supported by science; they must also describe the many
practices and strategies that can lower the chances of becoming pregnant and having a sexual.

Hildie Leung, Daniel TL Shek, Edvina Leung, Esther YW Shek(2019). IN 2017, the World Health
Organization estimated that 2 million or more young people worldwide were HIV positive. Addiotionally,
according to the World Health Organization, young people are thought to account for one-third of all
new HIV infections worldwide (aged 15-25). And teen pregnancy rates are rising across the board. Thes
unsettling patterns imply that current interventions and programs for sexuality education may be
insufficient and/or ineffective.

Impacts, A review of studies examining how well sex education programs work in lowering risky sexual
behavior among young people. The study’s findings suggest that comprehensive sex education programs
can postpone the initiation sexual activity in teenagers and young adults, decrease the frequency of
sexual encounters, cut down on unsafe sex, lower the number of sexual partners, and boost condom
and contraceptive use. Additionally, sex education programs often lead to greater understanding about
human sexuality and do not increase sexual behavior among teenagers and young people. The material
provided by sex education programs must be objective and supported by science; they must also
describe the many practices and strategies that can lower the chances of becoming pregnant and having
a sexual partner.

David Paton, Stephen Bullivant, Juan Soto(2020). To date most studies of the impact of school-based
sex education have focused either on specific, local interventions or experiences at a national level. In
this paper, we use a new cross-country dataset to explore the extent to which laws on sex education
affect teenage pregnancy rates in developed countries. We find some evidence that laws mandating sex
education in schools are associated with higher rates of teenage fertility. Parental opt out laws may
minimize adverse effects of sex education mandates for younger teens. The estimated effects of
mandatory sex education are robust to some but not all our specifications designed to tease out
specifications designed to tease out causality. Taken together, changes in national laws relating to sexual
health are unable to explain the significant declines in teenage pregnancy rates, which have been
observed in many developed countries in recent years.

Academic Performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.
Students’ Performance in academe is the benchmark of the learnings that they obtain in various
subjects, wherein they participate. In relation, sexual intimacy is a part of many students’ lives.
However, students who do not use contraception consistently and correctly face health risks. Therefore,
academic performance of each students is seriously at risk. This study is derived with the intent to
provide knowledge to keep the sake of the health and academic performance of each students’ not to
be put at risk.

An enrichment program enables students to realize their potential in a variety of settings beyond the
classroom. Through educational enrichment programs, students can develop a sense of self-awareness
and understand their schoolwork better with enrichment programs that are in line with the school
curriculum. They also learn how to positively grow their interests and skills to have a more robust
understanding of their potential. Most school curriculum is limited to a specific boundary and time
schedule, but kids need to experience more than what is being taught in books. School lessons are
sometimes, time-consuming and demanding that students don’t get time to explore more other than
regular school work. Education enrichment programs encourage students to learn through different
methods as they enjoy engaging projects and activities beyond the pages of a book. Enrichment
programs can incorporate topics which develops the children’s’ curiosity to learn something new and
fun. In connection of sex education, enrichment activities shows some unethical behavior in which can
shows shameless, embarrassment, and some cultural beliefs surrounding the subject of sex education
are obstacles to providing adolescents with the necessary information. According to the principles of
medical ethics, the main principle in sex education is beneficence, and sometimes infringement of
confidentiality has its advantages.


 Demographic Profile  Seek approval for

data gathering
Age E A
through letter to the
Gender Teacher-In-Charge. N C
 Data gathered will
Socio-economic be: R T

Collected, Tabulated, I I
 The Impacts of sex
education to: Computed, Analyzed, and C V
Awareness H I
 Data gathered
Sex behavior will be treated M T
 GPA with the E I
Simple Average N E
 Significant
relationship between Weighted Mean T S
se education and Spearman Rho
academic Conclusion and
performance. Recommendation
Figure 2.

Flow of the Study

In the process, it starts off with a receipt stating that the researchers are allowed to
gathered data within the institution, which is a transmittal letter that should be signed by
the Teacher-In-Charge. The needed data for the study will be collected, tabulated,
computed, analyzed, and interpreted. The data will be treated using simple average,
weighted mean, Spearman Rho. The output of the study is the proposed enrichment
activities anchored from the findings of the study. Firstly, before the researcher proceed
on surveying and gather information from the target respondents’, they need first to
have a receipt that shows that the Teacher-In-Charge of the institution where the
researchers’ wish to conduct the survey agreed and give them the permission to do so.
The receipt should be in a form of a transmittal letter where the Teacher-In-Charge’s
name and signature can be found. After receiving the signed transmittal letter the
researchers’ can now proceed on conducting the survey.
The distribution of questionnaire’s where the information needed by the researchers’
can be found, will follow. The target respondents’ are given enough time to fill-out the
needed information found in the distributed questionnaire. Afterwards, the researchers’
will collect all the distributed questionnaire and count, record, and list the result in a
systematic form. Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to
the collected information and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications
of the findings of the researcher’s.
The data gathered can be treated in three different ways namely: simple average,
weighted mean, and spearman rho. Simple average is considered as the basic method
that is used in simple calculations. It refers to a number that is derived by adding all
numbers in data divided by the count or figures in the data set. The weighted mean is a
means of determining the average of a set of values by assigning weightage to each
value in relation to their value of importance and significance. While, Spearman’s Rho is
a measure of nonlinear dependence between two random variables.
The last step in the process is conclusion and recommendation. Most of the research
studies end with conclusions and recommendations. Apart of the process is conclusion
wherein the generated abstractions from the findings that answer the specific questions
can be found. Rather, it is the part consisting a summary of the main point or arguments
of the study. Lastly, recommendations are based on the conclusions of the study. It
consist of a detailed description of the suggestion for future action basing on the
significance of the findings. Including the implications for future use of findings and
recommendation for future researches.

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