Green Eco

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Description of the Problem:
(Explanation of the problem making use of the relevant concepts of Economics

Trees are important because they provide cover from the sun, provide habitats for
wildlife and provide clean oxygen for human beings. However, despite of its importance
to us, many companies abuse Mother Nature. Deforestation is one of the problems that
have been created by abusive companies and corporations. Many trees have been cut
down and forests destroyed by enterprising companies for the purpose of supplying our
needs and wants. These companies use social science to understand what the
consumers need and want. These in return allows and gives them the opportunity to
be more productive and efficient to drive demand and supply for the purpose of profit.
This leads to more forests being cleared out for factories,residential and commercial
developments. The more we abuse these finite resources, the closer we will be to
scarcity (these resources being scarce) that will lead to global warming which can
cause harm to us. Raising our environmental awareness can help avert further damage
to our forests and help make our environment sustainable for the future.



Actions/Ways How it will it be done or Effects on the Country’s

accomplished Improvement/Development
Indicate specific actions/ways to Explanation of how the said actions Justification on how the said action
address the problem will be done or accomplished. can help in the country’s

First Action/Way: I will make a 3-page e- I believe that if we could

I will make an informative brochure that includes inform more people and get
e-brochure and post it on graphs and images that them to care we will be able
social media like FB, emphasize the harm to reduce the harm we cause
Instagram or TikTok deforestation does to our on the planet and make
harm to nature and after people take action to stop
that, I could post it on a deforestation to remove
social media platform so it scarcity.
could garner attention and
raise awareness .
Second Action/Way: I will make 1 page flyer, I know that this action will
containing information directly inform people and
I will create flyers about the bad things about they will immediately take
advocating and informing deforestation. I will identify action, this will reduce the
about the ills of areas where there is heavy demand for things that
deforestation, and invite my pedestrian traffic and contribute to deforestation
friends to distribute it with distribute it.
Third Action/Way: I will find their website page These organizations are
I could donate a portion of and place a donation of much than only I. If I could
my money to an money so they could use help them on their mission
organization like Team that money and hopefully they would be able to help
trees who are solely make a big change for the reduce demand and let
dedicated to planting trees best nature and the ozone layer
and stopping global heal.

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