w7 Lab Access Part 2
w7 Lab Access Part 2
w7 Lab Access Part 2
Instructions: Use Lab Session 3 folder to use the database files you have stored. Do the
questions below. When you have completed all the questions given, save your work in their
respective databases.
2. Display the Item ID, Description, Cost and Vendor Code fields for all items where the
3. Display the Item ID, Description, for all items where Description begins with the letters
4. Display the Item ID, Description,Vendor Code and Cost fields for all items with a cost
greater than 10.
5. Display the Item ID and Description fields for all items with a selling price of $10 or less.
6. Display all fields for those items with a cost greater $10 and where the number on hand is
less than 5
7. Display all fields for those items that have a vendor code of TM or have a selling price
less than $10
8. Join the Item table and Vendor table. Display the Item ID, Description, Cost, Name, and
Telephone Number fields. Run the query.
9. Restrict the records retrieved above to only those items where the number on hand is less
than 10. Display the results.
10. Include the Item ID and Description fields in the design grid. Calculate the on-hand value
(On-hand * cost) for all records in the table. Display the results.
12. Display the average selling price of items grouped by vendor code filter
13. Join the Item and Vendor tables. Include the Vendor Code and Name fields from the
Vendor table. Include the Item ID, Description, Cost and On Hand fields from the Item
14. Create creatively a report for each of the queries above. Give the reports appropriate
names. Design, background , font, buttons , charts ..etc.
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1. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, Balance and Amount paid fields for all records in the
2. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, and Balance fields for all advertisers where the sales
rep number is 24.
3. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, and Balance fields for all advertisers where the balance
is greater than $200.
4. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, and Amount paid fields for all advertisers where the
sales rep number is 29 and the amount paid is greater than $1,000.
5. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, and City fields for all advertisers where the city begins
with C.
6. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, and Balance fields for all advertisers where the sales
rep number is 29 or the balance is less than $50.
7. Include the Advertiser ID, Name, City and State fields in the design grid. Sort the records
in ascending order by city within the state.
8. Display the cities in ascending order. Each city should display only once.
9. Display the Advertiser ID, Name, Balance and Amount Paid fields from the Advertiser
table and the First Name, Last Name and Comm Rate fields from the Sales Rep table.
10. Restrict the records retrieved in the above task to only those advertisers that are in MA.
Display the results.
11. Display the total balance and total amount paid for all advertisers.
12. Create creatively a report for each of the queries above. Give the reports appropriate
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