Answerkey Auditing CS PDF
Answerkey Auditing CS PDF
Answerkey Auditing CS PDF
3. 3. Which of the following is least considered if the au- d. The need of the
ditor has to determine whether specialized CIS skills auditor to make
are needed in an audit? analytical proce-
dures during the
a. The auditor needs to obtain a sufficient under- completion stage
standing of the accounting and internal control sys- of audit.
tem affected by the CIS environment.
a. Threshold
b. Relevance
c. Complexity
d. Significance
6. 6. The nature of the risks and the internal character- d. Cost-benefit ra-
istics in CIS environment that the auditors are mostly tio.
concerned include the following except:
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b. Dependence of other control over computer pro-
d. Cost-benefit ratio.
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9. Which statement is correct regarding personal a. Personal com-
computer systems? puters or PCs are
economical yet
a. Personal computers or PCs are economical yet powerful self-con-
powerful self-contained general purpose comput- tained general
ers consisting typically of a central processing unit purpose comput-
(CPU), memory, monitor, disk drives, printer cables ers consisting typ-
and modems. ically of a central
processing unit
b. Programs and data are stored only on non-remov- (CPU), memory,
able storage media. monitor, disk dri-
ves, printer cables
c. Personal computers cannot be used to process and modems.
accounting transactions and produce reports that are
essential to the preparation of financial statements.
10. 10. A personal computer can be used in various con- d. All of the above.
figurations, including
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12. 12. Which of the following is the least likely character- b. They are rela-
istic of personal computers? tively expensive.
13. 13. Which of the following is an inherent characteris- a. They are typ-
tic of software package? ically used with-
out modifications
a. They are typically used without modifications of of the programs.
the programs.
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14. 14. Which of the following is not normally a removable d. Hard disk
storage media?
a. Compact disk
b. Diskettes
c. Tapes
d. Hard disk
b. Utility program
d. Encryption
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tems, the built-in security provided has gradually in-
creased over the years.
18. 18. Which of the following is not likely a control over a. Using cryptog-
removable storage media to prevent misplacement, raphy, which is
alteration without authorization or destruction? the process of
transforming pro-
a. Using cryptography, which is the process of trans- grams and infor-
forming programs and information into an unintelligi- mation into an un-
ble form. intelligible form.
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19. 19. Which of the following least likely protects critical b. Keeping of back
and sensitive information from unauthorized access up copies offsite.
in a personal computer environment?
c. Employing passwords.
a. Back-up
b. Encryption
c. Anti-virus
21. 21. The effect of personal computers on the account- d. The cost of per-
ing system and the associated risks will least likely sonal computers.
depend on
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22. 22. The auditor may often assume that control risk b. More analytical
is high in personal computer systems since , it may procedures than
not be practicable or cost-effective for management tests of details.
to implement sufficient controls to reduce the risks of
undetected errors to a minimum level. This least likely
23. 23. Computer systems that enable users to access a. On-line comput-
data and programs directly through workstations are er systems
referred to as
d. Database systems
24. 24. On-line systems allow users to initiate various a. I, II, III and IV
functions directly. Such functions include:
I. Entering transactions
II. Making inquiries
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III. Requesting reports
IV. Updating master files
b. I, II and III
c. I and II
d. I and IV
26. 26. Types of workstations include General Purpose c. Point of sale de-
Terminals and Special Purpose Terminals. Special vices
Purpose Terminals include
b. Intelligent terminal
d. Personal computers
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c. Remote workstations require the use of telecom-
munications to link them to the computer.
29. 29. On-line computer systems may be classified ac- d. All of the above.
cording to
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c. On-Line/Inquiry
d. On-Line/Combined Processing
33. 33. A type of network that multiple buildings are close c. Metropolitan
enough to create a campus, but the space between Area Network
the buildings is not under the control of the company (MAN)
34. 34. Which of the following is least likely a character- c. WAN connec-
istic of Wide Area Network (WAN)? tions tend to be
faster than LAN.
a. Created to connect two or more geographically
separated LANs.
36. 36. A device that works to control the flow of data b. Router
between two or more network segments
37. 37. The undesirable characteristics of on-line com- a. Data are usual-
puter systems least likely include ly subjected to im-
mediate validation
a. Data are usually subjected to immediate validation checks.
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38. 38. Certain general CIS controls that are particularly c. Edit, reason-
important to on-line processing least likely include ableness and oth-
er validation tests.
a. Access controls.
39. 39. Certain CIS application controls that are particu- c. Transaction
larly important to on-line processing least likely in- logs.
a. Pre-processing authorization.
b. Cut-off procedures.
c. Transaction logs.
d. Balancing.
40. 40. Risk of fraud or error in on-line systems may be d. On-line ac-
reduced in the following circumstances, except cess to data
and programs
a. If on-line data entry is performed at or near the through telecom-
point where transactions originate, there is less risk munications may
that the transactions will not be recorded. provide greater
opportunity for ac-
b. If invalid transactions are corrected and re-entered cess to data
immediately, there is less risk that such transactions and programs by
will not be corrected and re-submitted on a timely unauthorized per-
basis. sons.
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telecommunications may provide greater opportunity
for access to data and programs by unauthorized
42. 42. The following matters are of particular importance d. Cost-benefit ra-
to the auditor in an on-line computer system, except tio of installing
on-line computer
a. Authorization, completeness and accuracy of system.
on-line transactions.
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d. Cost-benefit ratio of installing on-line computer
44. 44. Which of the following is least likely a character- b. Separate data
istic of a database system? files are main-
tained for each ap-
a. Individual applications share the data in the data- plication and sim-
base for different purposes. ilar data used
by several applica-
b. Separate data files are maintained for each appli- tions may be re-
cation and similar data used by several applications peated on several
may be repeated on several different files. different files.
45. 45. Database administration tasks typically include a. All of the above
I. Defining the database structure.
II. Maintaining data integrity, security and complete-
III. Coordinating computer operations related to the
IV. Monitoring system performance.
V. Providing administrative support.
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c. II and V only
d. II, III and V only
46. 46. Due to data sharing, data independence and other a. General CIS
characteristics of database systems controls normally
have a greater in-
a. General CIS controls normally have a greater in- fluence than CIS
fluence than CIS application controls on database application con-
systems. trols on database
b. CIS application controls normally have a greater
influence than general CIS controls on database sys-
47. 47. Which statement is incorrect regarding the gener- b. Several data
al CIS controls of particular importance in a database owners should be
environment? assigned respon-
sibility for defin-
a. Since data are shared by many users, control may ing access and se-
be enhanced when a standard approach is used for curity rules, such
developing each new application program and for as who can use
application program modification. the data (access)
and what func-
b. Several data owners should be assigned respon- tions they can per-
sibility for defining access and security rules, such form (security).
as who can use the data (access) and what functions
they can perform (security).
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tivities required to design, implement and operate a
database are divided among technical, design, ad-
ministrative and user personnel.
50. 50. The effect of a database system on the account- d. The CIS appli-
ing system and the associated risks will least likely cation controls
depend on:
52. 52. Which statement is incorrect regarding the char- d. Systems em-
acteristics of a CIS organizational structure? ploying CIS meth-
ods do not in-
a. Certain data processing personnel may be the only clude manual op-
ones with a detailed knowledge of the interrelation- erations since the
ship between the source of data, how it is processed number of per-
and the distribution and use of the output. sons involved in
the processing of
b. Many conventional controls based on adequate financial informa-
segregation of incompatible functions may not exist, tion is significantly
or in the absence of access and other controls, may reduced.
be less effective.
53. 53. System characteristics that may result from the d. Difficulty of
nature of CIS processing include, except access to data
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and computer pro-
a. Absence of input documents. grams.
b. Lack of visible transaction trail.
c. Lack of visible output.
d. Difficulty of access to data and computer pro-
54. 54. The development of CIS will generally result in d. Multiple trans-
design and procedural characteristics that are differ- action update of
ent from those found in manual systems. These dif- multiple computer
ferent design and procedural aspects of CIS include, files or databases.
a. Consistency of performance.
b. Programmed control procedures.
c. Vulnerability of data and program storage media
d. Multiple transaction update of multiple computer
files or databases.
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56. 56. General CIS controls may include, except: d. Controls over
computer data
a. Organization and management controls. files.
d. Monitoring controls.
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c. Control over input, processing, data files and out-
put may be carried out by CIS personnel, by users of
the system, by a separate control group, or may be
programmed into application software.
60. 60. The applications of auditing procedures using the d. Computer as-
computer as an audit tool refer to sisted audit tech-
a. Integrated test facility
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61. Which statement is incorrect regarding CAATs? d. Where smaller
volumes of data
a. CAATs are often an efficient means of testing a are processed, the
large number of transactions or controls over large use of CAATs is
populations. more cost effec-
b. To ensure appropriate control procedures, the
presence of the auditor is not necessarily required at
the computer facility during the running of a CAAT.
c. Utility programs
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64. 1. An internal auditor noted the following points when b. The control
conducting a preliminary survey in connection with group works with
the audit of an EDP department. Which of the follow- user organizations
ing would be considered a safeguard in the control to correct rejected
system on which the auditor might rely? input.
a. Password
b. Limit check
c. Compatibility test
d. Reasonableness test
a. Compatibility test
b. Hash total
c. Record count
d. Self-checking digit
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a. Batch total
b. Record count
c. Self-checking digit
d. Checkpoints
69. 6. Some of the more important controls that relate d. Input validation
to automated accounting information systems are routines
validity checks, limit checks, field checks, and sign
tests. These are classified as
b. Hash totaling
c. Output controls
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b. Tape file protection, cryptographic protection, and
limit checks
a. File integrity
b. Software control
c. Random access memory (RAM)
d. Firmware
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rate and hours worked as the terminated employee.
The best control technique to detect this action using
employee identification numbers would be a
a. Batch total
b. Hash total
c. Record count
d. Subsequent check
a. Batch total
b. Completeness test
c. Sequence check
d. Reasonableness test
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13. The most critical aspect regarding separation of b. Programmers
duties within information systems is between and computer op-
a. Project leaders and programmers
77. 14. Whether or not a real time program contains ade- b. An integrated
quate controls is most effectively determined by the test facility
use of
a. Audit software
b. An integrated test facility
c. A tracing routine
d. A traditional test deck
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16. Which one of the following input validation rou- c. Sequence
tines is not likely to be appropriate in a real time check
a. Field check
b. Sign check
c. Sequence check
d. Redundant data check
82. 19. Which of the following most likely represents a b. The sys-
significant deficiency in the internal control struc- tems programmer
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ture? designs systems
for computerized
a. The systems analyst review applications of data applications and
processing and maintains systems documentation. maintains output
b. The systems programmer designs systems for
computerized applications and maintains output con-
83. 20. Which of the following activities would most likely b. Conversion
be performed in the EDP Department? of information
to machine-read-
a. Initiation of changes to master records. able form.
84. 21. For control purposes, which of the following c. Systems devel-
should be organizationally segregated from the com- opment
puter operations function?
a. Data conversion
c. Systems development
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85. 22. Which of the following is not a major reason for c. Analytical pro-
maintaining an audit trail for a computer system? cedures
a. Deterrent to irregularities
b. Monitoring purposes
c. Analytical procedures
d. Query answering
87. 24. Which of the following errors would be detected d. All of the above.
by batch controls?
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88. 25. The use of a header label in conjunction with a. Computer oper-
magnetic tape is most likely to prevent errors by the ator
a. Computer operator
b. Keypunch operator
c. Computer programmer
d. Maintenance technician
89. 26. For the accounting system of ACME Company, the b. Verify the
amounts of cash disbursements entered into an EDP amount was en-
terminal are transmitted to the computer that imme- tered accurately
diately transmits the amounts back to the terminal for
display on the terminal screen. This display enables
the operator to
90. 27. When EDP programs or files can be accessed b. Personal identi-
from terminals, users should be required to enter fication code
a. Parity check
b. Personal identification code
c. Self-diagnostic test
d. Echo check
91. 28. The possibility of erasing a large amount of infor- a. File protection
mation stored on magnetic tape most likely would be ring
reduced by the use of
92. 29. Which of the following controls most likely would b. Backup
assure that an entity can reconstruct its financial diskettes or tapes
records? of files are stored
away from origi-
a. Hardware controls are built into the computer by nals.
the computer manufacturer.
93. 30. Mill Co. uses a batch processing method to a. Report showing
process its sales transactions. Data on Mill's sales exceptions and
transaction tape are electronically sorted by cus- control totals.
tomer number and are subject to programmed edit
checks in preparing its invoices, sales journals, and
updated customer account balances. One of the di-
rect outputs of the creation of this tape most likely
would be a
94. 31. Using microcomputers in auditing may affect the d. Working pa-
methods used to review the work of staff assistants per documenta-
because tion may not con-
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tain readily ob-
a. The audit field work standards for supervision may servable details of
differ. calculations.
96. 33. After the preliminary phase of the review of a d. The controls ap-
client's EDP controls, an auditor may decide not to pear adequate
perform tests of controls (compliance tests) related
to the control procedures within the EDP portion of
the client's internal control structure. Which of the
following would not be a valid reason for choosing to
omit such tests?
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preclude reliance on the stated procedure.
97. 34. Which of the following client electronic data pro- a. A system that
cessing (EDP) systems generally can be audited with- performs relative-
out examining or directly testing the EDP computer ly uncomplicat-
programs of the system? ed processes and
produces detailed
a. A system that performs relatively uncomplicated output.
processes and produces detailed output.
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d. Are written specifically to enable auditors to extract
and sort data.
99. 36. To obtain evidence that online access controls are c. Enter invalid
properly functioning, an auditor most likely would identification num-
bers or pass-
a. Create checkpoints at periodic intervals after live words to ascertain
data processing to test for unauthorized use of the whether the sys-
system. tem rejects them.
100. 37. Which of the following statements most likely b. It is usually eas-
represents a disadvantage for an entity that keeps mi- ier for unautho-
crocomputer-prepared data files rather than manually rized persons to
prepared files? access and alter
the file
a. Attention is focused on the accuracy of the pro-
gramming process rather than errors in individual
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38. An auditor would least likely use computer soft- c. Assess EDP
ware to controls
103. 40. Auditors often make use of computer programs c. Utility programs
that perform routine processing functions such as
sorting and merging. These programs are made avail-
able by electronic data processing companies and
others and are specifically referred to as
a. Compiler programs
b. Supervisory programs
c. Utility programs
d. User programs
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file contains name, address, credit limit, and account
credit limits with
balance. The auditor wishes to test this file to deter-
account balances
mine whether the credit limits are being exceeded. and print out the
The best procedure for the auditor to follow would bedetails of any ac-
to count with a bal-
ance exceeding its
a. Develop test data that would cause some account credit limit
balances to exceed the credit limit and determine if
the system properly detects such situations.
105. 42. The use of generalized audit software package b. Is a major aid in
retrieving informa-
a. Relieves an auditor of the typical tasks of investi- tion from comput-
gating exceptions, verifying sources of information, erized files.
and evaluating reports.
106. 43. An auditor used test data to verify the existence of a. The program
controls in a certain computer program. Even though tested is the same
the program performed well on the test, the auditor one used in the
may still have a concern that
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regular production
a. The program tested is the same one used in the runs
regular production runs.
107. 44. An auditor most likely would introduce test data c. Discovery of
into a computerized payroll system to test internal invalid employee
controls related to the I.D. numbers.
108. 45. When an auditor tests a computerized accounting d. Test data are
system, which of the following is true of the test data processed by the
approach? client's computer
programs under
a. Test data must consist of all possible valid and the auditor's con-
invalid conditions. trol.
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d. Test data are processed by the client's computer
programs under the auditor's control.
109. 46. Which of the following statements is not true to c. The test data
the test data approach when testing a computerized must consist of all
accounting system? possible valid and
invalid conditions.
a. The test need consist of only those valid and
invalid conditions which interest the auditor
110. 47. Which of the following is not among the errors a. Numeric char-
that an auditor might include in the test data when acters in alphanu-
auditing a client's EDP system? meric fields.
b. Authorized code
111. 48. An auditor who is testing EDP controls in a payroll c. Time tickets with
system would most likely use test data that contain invalid job num-
conditions such as bers
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c. Time tickets with invalid job numbers.
112. 49. Auditing by testing the input and output of an EDP a. Not detect pro-
system instead of the computer program itself will gram errors which
do not show up
a. Not detect program errors which do not show up in in the output sam-
the output sampled. pled.
114. 51. Which of the following methods of testing appli- a. Parallel simula-
cation controls utilizes a generalized audit software tion
package prepared by the auditors?
a. Parallel simulation
b. Integrated testing facility approach
c. Test data approach
d. Exception report tests
117. 54. Where disk files are used, the grandfather-fa- d. Process of up-
ther-son updating backup concept is relatively diffi- dating old records
cult to implement because the is destructive.
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118. 55. An auditor would most likely be concerned with c. Access controls
which of the following controls in a distributed data
processing system?
a. Hardware controls
b. Systems documentation controls
c. Access controls
d. Disaster recovery controls
120. 57. Which of the following is a computer test made to b. Validity check
ascertain whether a given characteristic belongs to
the group?
a. Parity check
b. Validity check
c. Echo check
d. Limit check
a. Echo check
b. Validity control
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c. Signal control
d. Check digit control
a. Key verifying
b. Self-checking digit
c. Batch total
d. Item inspection
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a. Random access sampling
b. Integrated data processing
c. On-line, real-time system
d. Batch processing system
127. 64. Test data, integrated test data and parallel simula- c. Generalized au-
tion each require an auditor to prepare data and com- dit software
puter programs. CPAs who lack either the technical
expertise or time to prepare programs should request
from the manufacturers or EDP consultants for
128. 65. Which of the following best describes a funda- d. Functions that
mental control weakness often associated with elec- would normally be
tronic data processing system? separated in a
manual system
a. EDP equipment is more subject to system error are combined in
than manual processing is subject to human error. the EDP system
like the function of
b. Monitoring is not an adequate substitute for the programmers and
use of test data. operators.
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transactions in a similar manner.
129. 66. Which of the following tasks could not be per- b. Physical count
formed when using a generalized audit software of inventories.
130. 67. All of the following are "auditing through the com- a. Reviewing
puter" techniques except source code
b. Test-decking
131. 68. The output of a parallel simulation should always b. Compared with
be actual results
a. Printed on a report.
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d. Both a and b.
133. 70. From an audit viewpoint, which of the following b. Their ease of
represents a potential disadvantage associated with access by novice
the widespread use of microcomputers? users
a. Their portability.
134. 71. Which of the following functions would have the d. The applica-
least effect on an audit if it was not properly segre- tions programmer
gated? and the systems
a. The systems analyst and the programmer func-
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135. 72. To obtain evidence that user identification and a. Attempt to sign
password control procedures are functioning as de- on to the system
signed, an auditor would most likely using invalid user
identifications and
a. Attempt to sign on to the system using invalid user passwords
identifications and passwords.
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