SOC 2 Compliance Ebook

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SOC 2 Compliance 2022

Table of Contents


What is SOC 2? 4

History of SOC 2 4

Who Does SOC 2 Apply To? 5

Importance of SOC 2 Compliance 5

Benefits of SOC 2 Compliance 6

SOC 2 Types 7

SOC 2 Controls 8

SOC 2 Certification 10

SOC 2 Resources 11

In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at SOC 2 and the requirements for certification.

You’ll learn what SOC 2 is, who it applies to, why it’s important, and how it benefits an organization. By the end
of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 assessments, the
SOC 2 Trust Principles underlying these assessments, and the criteria auditors use to evaluate and report on the
associated controls.

What is SOC 2?
SOC 2 stands for “Systems and Organizations Controls 2” and is sometimes referred to as SOC II. It is a
framework designed to help software vendors and other companies demonstrate the security controls they
use to protect customer data in the cloud. These controls are called the Trust Services Principles and include
security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

For organizations evaluating SaaS or cloud services providers, compliance with SOC 2 is a minimum
requirement. This is because it confirms to the customer that you have a certain level of maturity around
security best practices.

What SOC 2 is not

It’s important to note that SOC 2 compliance is neither a legal requirement nor a proxy for actual security best
practices. While the assessment covers the core departments and processes that interact with sensitive data,
it’s not driven by HIPAA compliance or other regulations and standards.

Certification is performed by external auditors and not by the government, and the resulting report merely
confirms that the processes you self declare are actually being followed in practice.

Nevertheless, the significance of the role of SOC 2 in data security cannot be underestimated. Understanding its
origins can help to explain why.

History of SOC 2
SOC 2 evolved from the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70, an old audit that Certified Public
Accountants (CPAs) used to assess the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls.

While security was included under the umbrella of internal controls, it came to the attention of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that some organizations were offering SAS 70 reports as
proof they were safe to work with. In response, AICPA replaced SAS 70 with the Statement on Standards for
Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 16 report, which was later renamed Systems and Organizations Controls 1 (SOC

Then in 2009, AICPA introduced SOC 2 as an audit report with a strict security focus and issued the five Trust
Services Principles. These principles were defined as “a set of professional attestation and advisory services
based on a core set of principles and criteria that address the risks and opportunities of IT-enabled systems and
privacy programs.”

Simply stated, the principles represent the criteria to be used to evaluate and report on an organization’s
controls over the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy of information and systems.

AICPA further stipulated that it was not necessary to address all the Trust Service Principles, and that an organi-
zation should select only those relevant to their own services.

Who Does SOC 2 Apply To?
SOC 2 is specifically designed for service providers that store customer data in the cloud, as a way to help
them demonstrate the security controls they use to protect that data. As such, it applies to nearly every SaaS
company and cloud vendor, as well as any company that uses the cloud to store customer information.

If you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance SOC 2 applies to you.

Importance of SOC 2 Compliance
From the point of view of a potential customer, working with a vendor that has fulfilled the SOC 2 requirements
is a guarantee of sorts. It means you can provide the information and assurances they need regarding how you
process users’ data and keep it private.

But facilitating organizational oversight isn’t the only point of SOC 2 compliance.

According to AICPA, the reports produced during the process of achieving compliance can also play an
important role in:
• Vendor management programs
• Internal corporate governance and risk management processes
• Regulatory oversight

Benefits of SOC 2 Compliance
At a fundamental level, SOC reports show potential Perhaps the most important benefit arises from
customers that you’re serious about integrity, ethics, the work required in terms of preparation for the
and security throughout your operations. Being able SOC 2 Type 2 assessment. This is covered in more
to demonstrate that you have the proper people, detail below, but it essentially requires you to install
policies, and procedures in place to handle a security long-term, ongoing internal practices that will
incident and respond accordingly places you firmly ensure the security of customer information. By
on the candidate list—which is the first step towards their very nature, these practices will ensure the
being selected as the preferred provider. long-term success of your business.


Showing compliance can also speed up your sales
cycle. Pitching new business can be easier on your
sales team because they will very likely be spared
the burden of completing endless RFIs during the
sales process. Instead, they can simply submit the
company’s SOC 2 reports.

SOC 2 Types
Becoming compliant typically takes six months and requires the
completion of two audits by third-party assessors. The SOC 2 Type 1 audit
is designed to assess the design of your security processes at a particular
point in time, while the subsequent SOC 2 Type 2 audit involves verifying
the operating effectiveness of your internal controls over the longer term.
Completion of the Type 1 audit is a prerequisite for Type 2.

Type Detail

SOC 2 Type 1 (Type I) You’ll begin by forming a multidisciplinary team, electing an executive
sponsor, and identifying an author who can collaborate with each team lead
and translate their business needs into policies.

Using the AICPA Trust Services Principles as your base and selecting only
those that apply to your services, you’ll then define the scope of the audit
and write and refine the appropriate policies.

You can expect this to take around two months to implement, test, and
fine tune the policies before you’re ready to book a formal assessment. The
assessment typically includes interviews with staff, walkthroughs of your
physical space, and a thorough review of your documentation. Once the
auditor has worked with you to clarify any necessary exceptions, the SOC 2
Type 1 report will be generated.

To take a deeper dive, check out: SOC 2 Type 1 Guide: Everything You Need
To Know

SOC 2 Type 2 (Type II) You can’t embark on the preparations for the Type 2 audit until you’ve been
through the Type 1 process. This is because while the Type 1 audit assesses
processes and policies, the Type 2 audit verifies the effectiveness over time
of the controls you’ve instituted to ensure those processes and policies are

To walk through the complete path to a Type 2 audit, read: SOC 2 Type 2
Guide: Everything You Need To Know

SOC 2 Controls
The 2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security, The Trust Services Criteria consist of:
Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, • Criteria common to all five of the trust services
and Privacy documents the control criteria which categories (common criteria)
have been established by the Assurance Services • Additional specific criteria for the availability,
Executive Committee (ASEC) of the AICPA. These are processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy
the criteria your selected auditor will use to evaluate categories
and report on the controls you have put in place to
ensure the security, availability, processing integrity,
confidentiality, or privacy of information and systems.

Common Criteria

Type Detail

CC1 Organization The CC1 series of controls forms the foundation of ethics and integrity on
which all subsequent controls are built. It establishes how your organization
has been incorporated and addresses how your Board of Directors was
formed. It also includes HR topics such as recruitment and training practice.

CC2 Communication The CC2 controls establish your obligation to collect information and
describe how it will be disseminated internally and externally. While they
may appear obvious, their purpose is essentially to eliminate ignorance as a
valid excuse for a failure to investigate a control violation.

CC3 Risk The CC3 control series is focused on financial risks, but many modern
technology companies pivot implementation of these controls towards
technical risk.

CC4 Monitoring The CC4 series of controls deals with how you intend to monitor your
adherence to the controls themselves. They establish the cadence for your
audit and how you intend to communicate the results to internal and
external stakeholders.

CC5 Control Activities The CC5 series of controls deals with the control activities themselves. These
control activities take place within the technology environment you’ve
deployed, as well as within the policies and procedures you’ve adopted. The
most important element of the CC5 controls is the establishment of the
policies themselves and how these are distributed to personnel.

Specific Criteria

Type Detail

CC6 Logical & Physical The CC6 series of controls is by far the biggest section of controls within the
Access Trust Services Criteria. It’s where the rubber meets the road between your
policies and procedures and the actual implementation of your security
architecture. Everything you have to say about access, data handling and
disposal, and threat prevention is included somewhere in the CC6 series.

CC7 Operations The CC7 series of controls sets forth the pillars of your security architecture
and implies certain tool choices such as those regarding vulnerability
detection and anomaly detection.

CC8 Changes The CC8 series of controls is in fact a single control dealing with changes. It
seeks to establish an approval hierarchy around significant elements of the
control environment such as policies, procedures, or technologies. As long as
your environment does not permit unilateral changes to these elements of
the control environment, you should be in good shape.

CC9 Mitigations The CC9 series of controls addresses risk mitigation. It’s related to the three
series where risks are identified, but it goes a step further to prescribe
the activities and steps that should be taken to mitigate those risks. For
example, if database failure were identified as a risk, a mitigation action
would be taking backups of that database.

P Series - Privacy The P series of controls addresses Privacy. This is an enormous and relatively
new addition to the Trust Services Criteria and incorporates 18 controls in
total. Most of these controls are focused on businesses that have substantial
privacy obligations and are already equipped with solid policy. So what’s
needed is to map the existing controls to the P series controls.

PI Series - Processing The PI series addresses situations where your organization is performing
Integrity transactions on behalf of another organization. Just as with the privacy
controls, it’s likely that your customer contract already contains many of the
guarantees the PI controls seek to address. Your task will be to map your
existing contracts, commitments, and policies back to the PI series controls.

SOC 2 Certification
To attain SOC 2 certification, you must ensure compliance across the Trust
Services Criteria. Five main principles are used to measure and report upon this,
which include: .

This principle gives a customer reasonable assurance that their data is safe and secure, and
demonstrates that systems are protected against unauthorized access (both physical and

Besides the security principle, availability is the second most common principle chosen for
the SOC 2 examination. It focuses on systems being available for operation and use.

This principle focuses on system processing being complete, accurate, timely, and valid.

The confidentiality principle ensures information deemed confidential is protected as
committed or agreed.

The privacy principle refers to how personal information (first name, last name, address,
phone number, etc.) is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of. It ensures your
data handling practices align with your privacy notice and use the criteria defined in privacy
principles issued by the AICPA.

Not every SOC 2 report must include all five principles, so figuring out which Trust Services Principles apply is
key to defining the system boundaries and the scope of the audit—and to maintaining your sanity.

For example, if you run a data center and offer data storage to customers, but your client does all the data
processing on their own systems, then the security and availability principles—but not the processing integrity
principle—would apply. If the stored data contains personal information, then the privacy principle would also
be in scope for your service organization.

We promised to provide all the definitions, links, and resources you need to gain a solid understanding of SOC 2.
Our aim is to be a single port of call for all things SOC 2 and our complete guide would not be complete unless
we invited you to dig into the strongDM knowledge base for more information.

SOC 2 Resources
• SOC 2 Glossary • SOC 2 Team & Roles

• SOC 2 Report: A Breakdown • SOC 2 Certification Cost

• SOC 2 Dashboard • Free SOC 2 Policy Templates

• SOC 2 Audits • Comply - Open-source repo for SOC 2 resource

management and pre-authored policies
• Prepare For Your First SOC 2 Audit

• How Long Does a SOC 2 Audit Take

• SOC 2 Audit Scope

• SOC 2 Policies Guide

• SOC 2 Training Course

• SOC 2 Log Management

• Differences Between SOC 1 vs SOC 2

• How To Stay SOC 2 Compliant

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