Introduction To Dos

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Disk Operating System manages your computers resources. The part of Disk Operating System that controls the hardware such as the video screen, keyboard, mouse, disks and printer is the Kernel. A second part of Disk Operating System that interprets your commands and causes the kernel to do what you want is called the Command Interpreter. The command interpreter converts commands you enter at the command prompt to their required form and gives them to the kernel. The Disk Operating System shell is actually an interface between you and the command interpreter that provides an easy way to enter commands. Each time Disk Operating System is started, the command prompt is automatically displayed on your Screen. C:\> This line may be the only one on the screen. When the Disk Operating System shell is first set up and is waiting for your command, the Start Programs screen appears.


CD (OR CHDIR) Changes the current directory at the command prompt Format CD\ CD .. DATE Displays and sets Date Format DATE

A window is a boxed area in which you view programs, files, folders, drives, icons representing programs, files or folders and other elements. Most windows can be opened,closed, sized, reduced, enlarged, moved or positioned on the desktop.

What is Windows NT?

Windows NT is a foundation upon which Microsoft networking rests. Windows NT is a 32-bit preemptive, Multitasking operating system that belongs to Microsoft Windows family of operating system. It comes in two versions. Windows NT Work Station :- Designed to work as member of Windows NT work group. It is aimed towards users who need a reliable operating system

with a high level security. Windows NT Server :- Same as Windows NT work station but with added features that enable it to work as a network operating system. Windows NT is a secure operating system with a graphical interface. It is not a revision of any other Windows Operating System. This is a complete true operating system is itself, not relying on Disk Operating System for lower level functions. When Windows NT starts up in a computer. It starts up immediately in Windows NT.

Windows NT features
Portability Multitasking Operations Multithreading Operations File Systems File Allocation Table (FAT) used with Disk Operating System New Technology File System (NTFS) introduced by Windows NT Virtual File Allocation Table (VFAT) introduced by Windows 95 Security Support for many clients Multiprocessor Support Compatibility with Applications Unix UNIX consists of a large number of ideas, too many for a single person to master in a lifetime. it was considered a product for the Engineering and Scientific community. Later, it made significant inroads into large Corporations and Government Organizations where its robustness established it on the operating system of choice for database work (Example Oracle, Sybase & Informix) The Internet is the third and most significant phase of the UNIX cycle. Even though the people say that UNIX was died, most servers on the net are UNIX machines. Internet Service Providers use UNIX machines. UNIX operating system was written in C in1973. UNIX is popular for the following reasons: The system is written in a High Level Language, making it easy to read, understand, change, and move to other machines. It uses a hierarchical File System that allows easy maintenance and efficient implement It has a simple user interface that has the power to provide the service that users want. It provide a simple, consistent interface to peripheral devices. It is a multi-user, multiprocessor System, each user can execute several Processes simultaneously.

It hides the machine architecture from the user, making it easier to write program that run on different Hardware implementations. UNIX is a multitasking operating system, You can be performing two tasks simultaneously. UNIX has networking built in environment.

What is LINUX? LINUX is a free Operating System that was created by Linus Torvalds when he was a student as the University of Helsinki in 1991. Torvalds started Linux by writing a kernel, which is the heart of the operating system, In the 1980s and 1990s, while Microsoft flooded the world with personal computers running DOS and Windows operating systems, power users demanded more from an operating system. They ached for system that could run on networks, support many users at once (multiuser), and run many programs at once (multitasking). Features of LINUX Multi user Multitasking Graphical User Interface(X Window System) Hardware support Networking connectivity Application support

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