Auxiliary Support Detachment -2CP (Leagues of Votann) [35 PL, -2CP, 870pts]
Rules: HunTR weapons, Understrength Units
Configuration [-2CP]
Game Type
HQ [9 PL, 210pts]
Force Rules
HunTR weapons: Many Votann ranged weapons have the type 'HunTR'. The number of attacks that a model
makes with a HunTR weapon is equal to the number written on that weapon's profile after its type. For example,
a model shooting a 'HunTR 1' weapon can make one attack with that weapon; a model firing a 'HunTR 3'
weapon can make three attacks, and so on. ()
Understrength Units: If you are playing a matched play game, you are allowed to have an understrength unit in
an Auxiliary Support Detachment. Due to constraints within Battlescribe, we are not able to reflect this in the
error checking. To properly calculate your PL and Points, add the unit you want to take as an understrength unit
and then open the context menu on each model in the unit you do not want to use via right click or tap and hold.
Then delete the model from that context menu. This will permanently display an error in your list, but it will
calculate your points correctly. (Warhammer 40,000 Core Book)
Selection Rules
Beam weapons: Some Votann weapons have the Beam abilty. Each time an attack is made with such a
weapon, if a hit is scored, draw a line between the closest point of this model's base (or hull) and that of the
closest model in the target unit. Make one wound roll against the target, and each other unit this line passes over
(excluding units that were not eligible to be targeted by this weapon when targets were selected). When a
VEHICLE model makes attacks with beam weapons that targets an enemy in Engagement Range, that attack is
only resolved against the target unit and it cannot hit any other unit. ()
Eye of the Ancestors: See p86 of the Leagues of Votann Codex and associated updates and errata. ()
Steady Advance: - This unit can ignore any or all modifiers to its Move characteristic and any or all modifiers to
its Advance or charge rolls.
- Each time this unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 3" to the
Move characteristic of each model in this unit (add 6" instead if this unit is ACCELERATED). ()
Void Armour: - Each time an attack is made against this unit, your opponent cannot re-roll the wound roll and
cannot re-roll the damage roll.
- Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is
reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0). ()
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