Ell409 Aq
Ell409 Aq
Ell409 Aq
Based on previous patients, a hospital created a data set with symptoms as features and tagged them with just
2 different class labels: healthy and diseased. The hospital created a train-test split and requested ELL409
students to come up with a machine learning algorithm for this classification task. The hospital will select the
algorithm which can achieve the best performance (as per some suitable metric) on the test set. Assuming that
the data is highly imbalanced (most patients belong to the healthy class), which of the following performance
metrics (individually) would be suitable for the hospital to use?
(a) Recall (T P/(T P + F N )) for the diseased class
(b) Precision (T P/(T P + F P )) for the diseased class
(c) F1-score (harmonic mean of recall and precision) for the diseased class
(d) Binary classification accuracy over the two classes
6. Suppose you try quadratic (L2) regularisation on a regression model fit to data sets of different sizes sampled
from the same population (e.g., the dataP
sets of size 20 and 100 you used in Assignment 1). The error function
N 2
used is sum-of-squares error, E(w) = n=1 (y(xn ) − tn ) . For each data set, you tune the regularisation
parameter λ using cross-validation. What is the expected relation between the value of λ obtained and N , the
size of the training data set used?
(a) λ should increase as N increases
(b) λ should decrease as N increases
(c) The relation between λ and N depends on the dimension of the parameter vector w
(d) In general, λ should not depend on N
7. Suppose you wish to normalise/rescale your features (either to the range [0, 1], or via z-scoring) before training
a classifier on them. Which of the following approaches would be suitable to assess the validation performance
of the trained classifier?
(a) Perform the feature normalisation once on your entire data set, then assess the classifier via cross-
validation on this set.
(b) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, but for each fold, separately normalise the features for the
training and validation sets.
(c) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, and for each fold, compute the normalisation parameters
for each feature (min and max, or µ and σ) only on the respective training set; then apply these same
parameters to rescale/normalise the features for the validation set.
(d) Split the data set into just a single training and validation set each; normalise the features separately
for both sets, then train and validate as usual.
8. With reference to the earlier question, the hospital selected the model supplied by student S. The model
outperformed every other student’s model in the class on the test set; however, it turned but to perform very
badly when deployed at the hospital. S used the following strategy: they started with a model M1 trained on
the training set and evaluated it on the test set using the performance metric identified in the earlier question.
S then improved the model (to get M2 ) after carefully analysing the misclassified instances on the test set
and adjusting the model accordingly. After K such rounds of improvement S was able to get state-of-the-art
performance with model MK on the test set and supplied the model MK to the hospital.
Can you figure out what might have gone wrong? [1.5]
ELL409: Machine Intelligence and Learning
Assignments Quiz, Form: B
Maximum marks: 12
(Answer all questions on this question paper. Read all section-specific
instructions carefully.)
Entry Number:
5. Suppose you’ve been given a regression data set generated from a polynomial function plus some unknown
kind of noise. You fit a regression function to it by minimising sum-of-squares error. In which of the following
circumstances will the resulting model be expected to accurately recover the underlying polynomial, assuming
you have provided for sufficient data and model complexity?
(a) Only when the noise is Gaussian
(b) Only when the noise is symmetric about zero
(c) Only when the noise is zero-mean
(d) Always
6. Can cross-validation error be regarded as a reasonable estimate of testing error?
(a) Yes, even if the error has been obtained after hyperparameter tuning
(b) Yes, but only when no hyperparameter tuning has been done
(c) Yes, but only when the number of folds is not too large
(d) No, never
Based on previous patients, a hospital created a data set with symptoms as features and tagged them with just
2 different class labels: healthy and diseased. The hospital created a train-test split and requested ELL409
students to come up with a machine learning algorithm for this classification task. The hospital will select the
algorithm which can achieve the best performance (as per some suitable metric) on the test set. Assuming that
the data is highly imbalanced (most patients belong to the healthy class), which of the following performance
metrics (individually) would be suitable for the hospital to use?
(a) Recall (T P/(T P + F N )) for the diseased class
(b) Precision (T P/(T P + F P )) for the diseased class
(c) F1-score (harmonic mean of recall and precision) for the diseased class
(d) Binary classification accuracy over the two classes
8. With reference to the earlier question, the hospital selected the model supplied by student S. The model
outperformed every other student’s model in the class on the test set; however, it turned but to perform very
badly when deployed at the hospital. S used the following strategy: they started with a model M1 trained on
the training set and evaluated it on the test set using the performance metric identified in the earlier question.
S then improved the model (to get M2 ) after carefully analysing the misclassified instances on the test set
and adjusting the model accordingly. After K such rounds of improvement S was able to get state-of-the-art
performance with model MK on the test set and supplied the model MK to the hospital.
Can you figure out what might have gone wrong? [1.5]
ELL409: Machine Intelligence and Learning
Assignments Quiz, Form: C
Maximum marks: 12
(Answer all questions on this question paper. Read all section-specific
instructions carefully.)
Entry Number:
5. In training an SVM with a polynomial kernel, one typically has two hyperparameters: the order of the polyno-
mial d, and the slack penalty C. Suppose one does a grid search on these and obtains a contour plot showing
pairs of values which correspond to the same cross-validation error. Moving along a given contour in the
direction of increasing d, C will generally be
(a) Increasing
(b) Decreasing
(c) Increasing for the part of the contour corresponding to overfitting, decreasing for the part correspond-
ing to underfitting
(d) Decreasing for the part of the contour corresponding to overfitting, increasing for the part correspond-
ing to underfitting
6. Suppose you wish to normalise/rescale your features (either to the range [0, 1], or via z-scoring) before training
a classifier on them. Which of the following approaches would be suitable to assess the validation performance
of the trained classifier?
(a) Perform the feature normalisation once on your entire data set, then assess the classifier via cross-
validation on this set.
(b) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, but for each fold, separately normalise the features for the
training and validation sets.
(c) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, and for each fold, compute the normalisation parameters
for each feature (min and max, or µ and σ) only on the respective training set; then apply these same
parameters to rescale/normalise the features for the validation set.
(d) Split the data set into just a single training and validation set each; normalise the features separately
for both sets, then train and validate as usual.
7. Can cross-validation error be regarded as a reasonable estimate of testing error?
(a) Yes, even if the error has been obtained after hyperparameter tuning
(b) Yes, but only when no hyperparameter tuning has been done
(c) Yes, but only when the number of folds is not too large
(d) No, never
8. With reference to the earlier question, the hospital selected the model supplied by student S. The model
outperformed every other student’s model in the class on the test set; however, it turned but to perform very
badly when deployed at the hospital. S used the following strategy: they started with a model M1 trained on
the training set and evaluated it on the test set using the performance metric identified in the earlier question.
S then improved the model (to get M2 ) after carefully analysing the misclassified instances on the test set
and adjusting the model accordingly. After K such rounds of improvement S was able to get state-of-the-art
performance with model MK on the test set and supplied the model MK to the hospital.
Can you figure out what might have gone wrong? [1.5]
ELL409: Machine Intelligence and Learning
Assignments Quiz, Form: D
Maximum marks: 12
(Answer all questions on this question paper. Read all section-specific
instructions carefully.)
Entry Number:
Based on previous patients, a hospital created a data set with symptoms as features and tagged them with just
2 different class labels: healthy and diseased. The hospital created a train-test split and requested ELL409
students to come up with a machine learning algorithm for this classification task. The hospital will select the
algorithm which can achieve the best performance (as per some suitable metric) on the test set. Assuming that
the data is highly imbalanced (most patients belong to the healthy class), which of the following performance
metrics (individually) would be suitable for the hospital to use?
(a) Recall (T P/(T P + F N )) for the diseased class
(b) Precision (T P/(T P + F P )) for the diseased class
(c) F1-score (harmonic mean of recall and precision) for the diseased class
(d) Binary classification accuracy over the two classes
6. Suppose you try quadratic (L2) regularisation on a regression model fit to data sets of different sizes sampled
from the same population (e.g., the dataP
sets of size 20 and 100 you used in Assignment 1). The error function
N 2
used is sum-of-squares error, E(w) = n=1 (y(xn ) − tn ) . For each data set, you tune the regularisation
parameter λ using cross-validation. What is the expected relation between the value of λ obtained and N , the
size of the training data set used?
(a) λ should increase as N increases
(b) λ should decrease as N increases
(c) The relation between λ and N depends on the dimension of the parameter vector w
(d) In general, λ should not depend on N
7. Suppose you wish to normalise/rescale your features (either to the range [0, 1], or via z-scoring) before training
a classifier on them. Which of the following approaches would be suitable to assess the validation performance
of the trained classifier?
(a) Perform the feature normalisation once on your entire data set, then assess the classifier via cross-
validation on this set.
(b) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, but for each fold, separately normalise the features for the
training and validation sets.
(c) Do cross-validation on the entire data set, and for each fold, compute the normalisation parameters
for each feature (min and max, or µ and σ) only on the respective training set; then apply these same
parameters to rescale/normalise the features for the validation set.
(d) Split the data set into just a single training and validation set each; normalise the features separately
for both sets, then train and validate as usual.
8. With reference to the earlier question, the hospital selected the model supplied by student S. The model
outperformed every other student’s model in the class on the test set; however, it turned but to perform very
badly when deployed at the hospital. S used the following strategy: they started with a model M1 trained on
the training set and evaluated it on the test set using the performance metric identified in the earlier question.
S then improved the model (to get M2 ) after carefully analysing the misclassified instances on the test set
and adjusting the model accordingly. After K such rounds of improvement S was able to get state-of-the-art
performance with model MK on the test set and supplied the model MK to the hospital.
Can you figure out what might have gone wrong? [1.5]