Minutes of Meeting

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Minutes of Meeting

A meeting is held today at 11:30am (April 21, 2022) under the chair of Prof.
Waqar Saleem Farooqi (Principal and Executive Director).

Following members attended:

1. Prof. Waqar S. Farooqi - Chair the Meeting
2. Prof. Tanveer Akhtar Butt - Member (Anesthesia)
3. Dr. Muhammad Ahmad - Member (AMD)
4. Mr. Jameel Khan - Member (Pharmacy)
5. Miss. Faiza Mehmood - Member (HR)
6. Mr. Muhammad Asim - Member (Purchase)
7. Miss. Zubaida Rehmat Ali - Member (Nursing Director)
8. Mr. Wajid Ali - Member (Pharmacy)
9. Mr. Imran - Member (Pharmacy)

Agenda: Pharmacy availability for Health Card.

Following points highlighted:

1. Health card (HC) pharmacy perform separately only for HC indoor patients.
2. Health card pharmacy perform 24/7
3. Health card pharmacy not attend any cash patient.
4. Health card pharmacy resolve delay billing issue
5. Health card pharmacy update daily patient wise bill amount for HC office.
6. Health card pharmacy send dead line of Medicine availability to Miss. Zubaida
Rehmat Ali and Mr. Jameel Khan.

HOD Pharmacy
Chughtai Pharmacy
CPTH, Lahore
Minutes of Meeting
SOPs of ER should be strictly implementation

If a call is seeked in ER most senior doctor of that specialty present at the moment
must attend the call.
If concerned doctor is not present then on call consultant of concerned
department should be informed.
If he/she is not approachable administration, (DMS/MS/ED) should be informed in
respective order.
Medical superintendent will decide and collaborate with both concerned
department to provide doctor for transporting sick patients in ambulance.
Radiology doctor available on call at night.
Timing for radiology reporting (CT Scan) is following:
Urgent investigation - 1 hour
Semi urgent - 3 hours
Others investigation timing followed as per previous SOPs.

Dr. Tahir Khalil
Medical Superintendent
CPTH, Lahore

Copy for information: -

 Principal/Executive Director
 Accounts
 Audit
 Office File

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