Template 1 MAPEH 10
Template 1 MAPEH 10
Template 1 MAPEH 10
Department of Education
Region III
Describe the nature and 3rd Executes the skills involved in the 3rd
25 background of the dance. PE9PF- 42 dance PE9RD-IIIb-h-4
Analyzes art elements and 4th Executes the skills involved in the 4th
principles in the production of dance PE9RD-IIIb-h-4
work following a specific art
style from the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods. A9EL-IIIb-1 27
37 and identifies distinct
characteristics of arts and its
representative artists during the
Neoclassic and Romantic
periods. A9EL-IIIa-2, A9EL-IIIa-3
Describes the types of intentional 5th Describe the nature and 5th
injuries- H9IS-IVa-d-32 and background of the dance. PE9PF-
49 Identifies risk and protective 11a-h39
factors related to intentional 23
injuries. - H9IS-IVe-h-33-34
Executes the skills involved in the 6th Analyzes art elements and 6th
dance PE9RD-IIIb-h-4 principles in the production of
work following a specific art style
from the Neoclassic and Romantic
periods. A9EL-IIIb-1 and identifies
40 36 distinct characteristics of arts and
its representative artists during
the Neoclassic and Romantic
periods. A9EL-IIIa-2, A9EL-IIIa-3
Relates classical music to its 7th Suggests ways to prevent and 7th
5 historical and cultural manage environmental health
background. MU9CL-II1-f2 20 issues H9CE-Ie-f-13
Undertakes physical activity and 8th Describe the nature and 8th
Analyzes art elements and 9th Use artworks to derive the 9th
principles in the production of traditions/history of an art period.
work following a specific art A9PL IIh-3
style from the Neoclassic and
56 Romantic periods. A9EL-IIIb-1
and identifies distinct 10
characteristics of arts and its
representative artists during the
Neoclassic and Romantic
periods. A9EL-IIIa-2, A9EL-IIIa-3
Prepared by
Subject Teacher