STATIC LOAD TEST - การทดสอบการรับน้ำหนักของเสาเข็ม
STATIC LOAD TEST - การทดสอบการรับน้ำหนักของเสาเข็ม
STATIC LOAD TEST - การทดสอบการรับน้ำหนักของเสาเข็ม
The Static Loading Test (SLT) involves the direct measurement of pile head displacement in the response
to a physically applied test load. It is the most fundamental form of pile load test and is considered as the
bench-mark of pile performance. The Types of Static Load Tests may be carried out for the following load
• Compression
• Tension
• Lateral
The Static Loading Test (SLT) shall be performed when concrete has reached its required strength i.e., 28
days. For the SLT the load is commonly applied via a jack acting against a reaction beam against a reaction
mass or dead weight. Static load tests on piles are generally carried out to determining load capacity of a pile
for quality assurance on the new installed bored piles.
• All of work permit required for this working shall be applied and approved / issued by Owner prior to
commence the work.
• Barricade and warning signs shall be provided around working area.
• Owner directions and instructions must be strictly observed during performing the work.
• The working area shall be cleared of non-essential personnel and wearing PPE.
• Provide enough equipment, tool and etc. according to safety requirement
There is minimum equipment shall be needed to complete the Static Loading Test: Kentledge System
• Concrete Counterweight used as test load, with at least 10 % greater than the maximum anticipated test
load. Not applicable in case of using frame reaction system method.
• Reaction Beam: The main steel girder and Secondary girders will be laid across the test pile with system
set up.
• Hydraulic Jacks: Single acting Hydraulic Jacks (Different diameter) with Hydraulic Pump and Pressure
measurement tools all calibrated.
• Bearing stiffeners: Steel bearing plates are needed to spread the load from the outer perimeter of the jack(s),
or the bearing surface of beams or boxes to bear on the surface of the test pile or pile cap, also to spread the
load between the jack(s), load cells, and hemispherical bearings and to spread the load to the test beam(s),
test pile, or pile cap. Bearing plates shall extend the full flange width of steel beams and the complete top
area of piles
• Dial gauges: Minimum tow dial gauges shall be provided to monitor the pile’s head movements by
mounting between the pile head and reference beams. The micrometre has a range of 0‐100 mm (depending
on the type of the test) and an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
• Reference Beam: Two reference beams (Steel channel) will be cross‐connected and laid on support, firmly
embedded in ground with one end fixed and the other end freed.
The pile may be tested in standards cycles as STS PILE TESTING’s Proposal of Static Test Program.
Static Load Testing (Compression)
Photo: Ready first layer of the Counterweight and Steel beam into position and visual inspection the safety
for testing.
Photo: The Pile head to be chipped off up to 300mm above Cut-off Level
Photo: Ready first layer Steel beams and counterweights into position and visual inspection the safety
objectives for perform the static load testing.
Photo: Install structural tension connectors extending from the test pile
Photo : Place the hydraulic jack(s), hemispherical bearing(s), and bearing plates on top of the test beam(s).
Centre a reaction frame over the jack(s), and anchor it to the tension connections extending from the test
Photo: Lateral test loads shall be applied at approximately pile cut-off elevation.
Photo : Ready the Counter weight and references beam into position and visual inspection the safety
objectives for perform the static load testing.
Static Load Testing (Compression)
This vertical compression pile-maintained load test is usually carried out to ensure the structural
and geotechnical soundness of the pile and also to predict settlement of other piles. The usual procedure is
to increase the load in stages until the proposed working load and a certain factor of safety is reached and
then to unload and to leave the load off until the rise or rebound substantially ceases.
Photo: Loading Sequence for Compression Testing Maintained Load Test Procedure for Compression will
be used as following each application of an increment of load the load shall be held for not less than the
Photo: Movement of the pile head shall be measured using the dial gauge and checked with a leveling
instrument and scale rules fixed to their holders.
Photo: The Dial gauges on an independent ‘pipe frame’ to measure the pile head displacement.
Photo: Records the upward movement of the test pile shall be kept promptly throughout the testing period.
Photo: Lateral loads shall be applied using hydraulic cylinders equipped with spherical bearings and operated
by a single hydraulic pump
The test results will then be reported in the form of Time, load, and settlements
- Load vs. settlement curve.
- Time vs. settlement curve.
- Time vs. load curve.
- Report and recommendations on the ultimate pile capacity.
- Schedule of loading.
- Certification of calibration (Dial Gauges and Pressure measure)
The acceptable test pile meets any other criteria indicated in the contract documents, and all reports and
certifications have been submitted as outlined in “Test Results”