Screw Product Range

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High quality engineering and Worldwide advice and sales

Screw Compressor Controls

long experience – for the highest economy,
performance and reliability
Problem-free, energy-saving compressor operation, reliability and low maintenance
costs are the results of thorough development work – based on close partnership
with the customer.

Product information Economic upgrading Installation proposals

Detailed data sheets describe Investigations into specific Our valve and control equip- connections and its compati-
the main characteristics of applications can be carried ment literature contains biliy with other equipment on
the equipment and provide out by our screw compressor suggestions on installation the compressor, and where
application and installation specialists on compressor and an example of a layout. appropriate we can provide
data obtained from practical supplied by the customer on Individual advice will provide technical support for com-
tests and measurements. our own in-house test rigs. suggestions for the installa- pressor trials.
Tests and measurements can tion of our equipment, its
also be done at the
customer‘s site, as our teams
and their hardware and soft-
ware are flexible and mobile.
The parameters established
in this way are decisive for HOERBIGER Compression Technology is a business unit of HOERBIGER Holding AG, Zug / Switzerland. HOERBIGER is active

the economical upgrading throughout the world as a leading player in the fields of compression technology, automation technology and drive technology.

of the compressor with In 2007, its 6,300 employees achieved sales of around 1 billion Euro. The focal points of its business activities include key

HOERBIGER control components and services for compressors, engines and turbomachines, pneumatic and hydraulic systems for vehicles and machine

equipment. tools, as well as components and systems for shift and clutch operations in vehicle drive trains of all kinds. Through innovations in
attractive technological niche markets, the HOERBIGER Group sets standards and delivers cutting-edge solutions for the benefit of
its customers.

HOERBIGER’s complete range of various screw compressor control shemes For the best tailor-made solutions:
tests, measurements, advice and service
Expert advice from HOERBIGER Compression Technology ensures that the control
process, component function, equipment and dimensions are in perfect harmony and
meet the demands of the application.

Valves and capacity control modules for the suction side

■ For oil-injected screw compressors which are pressurized at shutdown
Suction control valves HAK, HDK, AS
Valves and capacity control modules
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors which are not pressurized at shutdown HDK
DK for the suction side
Butterfly valves and butterfly valve controllers DK, DKS

Pneumatic controllers and servo drives Components for

the discharge line
■ Controllers for stepless matching of output to demand
Proportional controllers P2, P3, PR Pneumatic controllers Consequent usage of FEM analysis helps HOERBIGER’s quality assurance conforms to
and servo drives e. g. to find the optimum shape of housings ISO 9001 and is certfied by Lloyd’s Register
■ Controllers for full load/idling two point control HAK MPLVH
DKS or other important design features.
Pilot valves ARC, ARC-T
■ Servo drives to operate valves and motor speed controllers ETS
Servo cylinders Z and P P2 PR
Research and development Expert advice Tests and measurements

Start, stop and idling equipment

Experience over decades in Expert advice on the choice of For special applications, In the laboratory: Physical
For oil-injected compressors MPVL, MD
P3 Z, P development and design of valves and control equipment optimised tuning, etc: and chemical suitability of
■ Venting at shutdown
MPLVC valves and control equipment will significantly improve the Detailed data corresponding materials: Function, perfor-
Venting valves VV, HEV
AVP for screw compressors is the quality of the compressor to the range of advice mance, tightness and dura-
■ Reducing oil separator pressure at idling VV, HEV
W key to: control and can also save required. bility of complete products,
■ Blowing-off excess air at idling
■ High-tech materials up to 50% of the cost of sub-assemblies and individual
Bleed valve AVP Z, P
■ 3D-CAD buying and fitting compressor For special valves or control parts.
■ Finite Elements control equipment. modules, tailor-made for
Components for the discharge line
Method calculations FEM mass-produced compressors: On the compressor test rig:
■ Minimum pressure/non-return valves to maintain pressure
Start, stop and idling ■ Endurance tests on the For this we need: Detailed specification for the Performance and durability
in oil-injected compressors
equipment compressor For all inquiries: compressor and its applica- in real working conditions;
Minimum pressure valves MPVL, MPVLC, MPVLH, MD
■ Rapid prototyping The main data for the com- tion. ease of installation and
Assembly kit ETS
■ Development in pressor (capacity, final pres- servicing; suitability for
Equipment for oil partnership with OEMs sure, type of compressor) different control processes;
Equipment for the oil and air lines A and air lines
■ Continuous design compatibility with other
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors
improvement with HOERBIGER and non-
Non-return valves A
OSV innovative solutions HOERBIGER equipment on
■ For oil-injected compressors TV, TF
the compressor.
Oil stop valves OSV
Thermostatic valves TV, TF
HOERBIGER’s complete range of various screw compressor control shemes For the best tailor-made solutions:
tests, measurements, advice and service
Expert advice from HOERBIGER Compression Technology ensures that the control
process, component function, equipment and dimensions are in perfect harmony and
meet the demands of the application.

Valves and capacity control modules for the suction side

■ For oil-injected screw compressors which are pressurized at shutdown
Suction control valves HAK, HDK, AS
Valves and capacity control modules
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors which are not pressurized at shutdown HDK
DK for the suction side
Butterfly valves and butterfly valve controllers DK, DKS

Pneumatic controllers and servo drives Components for

the discharge line
■ Controllers for stepless matching of output to demand
Proportional controllers P2, P3, PR Pneumatic controllers Consequent usage of FEM analysis helps HOERBIGER’s quality assurance conforms to
and servo drives e. g. to find the optimum shape of housings ISO 9001 and is certfied by Lloyd’s Register
■ Controllers for full load/idling two point control HAK MPLVH
DKS or other important design features.
Pilot valves ARC, ARC-T
■ Servo drives to operate valves and motor speed controllers ETS
Servo cylinders Z and P P2 PR
Research and development Expert advice Tests and measurements

Start, stop and idling equipment

Experience over decades in Expert advice on the choice of For special applications, In the laboratory: Physical
For oil-injected compressors MPVL, MD
P3 Z, P development and design of valves and control equipment optimised tuning, etc: and chemical suitability of
■ Venting at shutdown
MPLVC valves and control equipment will significantly improve the Detailed data corresponding materials: Function, perfor-
Venting valves VV, HEV
AVP for screw compressors is the quality of the compressor to the range of advice mance, tightness and dura-
■ Reducing oil separator pressure at idling VV, HEV
W key to: control and can also save required. bility of complete products,
■ Blowing-off excess air at idling
■ High-tech materials up to 50% of the cost of sub-assemblies and individual
Bleed valve AVP Z, P
■ 3D-CAD buying and fitting compressor For special valves or control parts.
■ Finite Elements control equipment. modules, tailor-made for
Components for the discharge line
Method calculations FEM mass-produced compressors: On the compressor test rig:
■ Minimum pressure/non-return valves to maintain pressure
Start, stop and idling ■ Endurance tests on the For this we need: Detailed specification for the Performance and durability
in oil-injected compressors
equipment compressor For all inquiries: compressor and its applica- in real working conditions;
Minimum pressure valves MPVL, MPVLC, MPVLH, MD
■ Rapid prototyping The main data for the com- tion. ease of installation and
Assembly kit ETS
■ Development in pressor (capacity, final pres- servicing; suitability for
Equipment for oil partnership with OEMs sure, type of compressor) different control processes;
Equipment for the oil and air lines A and air lines
■ Continuous design compatibility with other
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors
improvement with HOERBIGER and non-
Non-return valves A
OSV innovative solutions HOERBIGER equipment on
■ For oil-injected compressors TV, TF
the compressor.
Oil stop valves OSV
Thermostatic valves TV, TF
HOERBIGER’s complete range of various screw compressor control shemes For the best tailor-made solutions:
tests, measurements, advice and service
Expert advice from HOERBIGER Compression Technology ensures that the control
process, component function, equipment and dimensions are in perfect harmony and
meet the demands of the application.

Valves and capacity control modules for the suction side

■ For oil-injected screw compressors which are pressurized at shutdown
Suction control valves HAK, HDK, AS
Valves and capacity control modules
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors which are not pressurized at shutdown HDK
DK for the suction side
Butterfly valves and butterfly valve controllers DK, DKS

Pneumatic controllers and servo drives Components for

the discharge line
■ Controllers for stepless matching of output to demand
Proportional controllers P2, P3, PR Pneumatic controllers Consequent usage of FEM analysis helps HOERBIGER’s quality assurance conforms to
and servo drives e. g. to find the optimum shape of housings ISO 9001 and is certfied by Lloyd’s Register
■ Controllers for full load/idling two point control HAK MPLVH
DKS or other important design features.
Pilot valves ARC, ARC-T
■ Servo drives to operate valves and motor speed controllers ETS
Servo cylinders Z and P P2 PR
Research and development Expert advice Tests and measurements

Start, stop and idling equipment

Experience over decades in Expert advice on the choice of For special applications, In the laboratory: Physical
For oil-injected compressors MPVL, MD
P3 Z, P development and design of valves and control equipment optimised tuning, etc: and chemical suitability of
■ Venting at shutdown
MPLVC valves and control equipment will significantly improve the Detailed data corresponding materials: Function, perfor-
Venting valves VV, HEV
AVP for screw compressors is the quality of the compressor to the range of advice mance, tightness and dura-
■ Reducing oil separator pressure at idling VV, HEV
W key to: control and can also save required. bility of complete products,
■ Blowing-off excess air at idling
■ High-tech materials up to 50% of the cost of sub-assemblies and individual
Bleed valve AVP Z, P
■ 3D-CAD buying and fitting compressor For special valves or control parts.
■ Finite Elements control equipment. modules, tailor-made for
Components for the discharge line
Method calculations FEM mass-produced compressors: On the compressor test rig:
■ Minimum pressure/non-return valves to maintain pressure
Start, stop and idling ■ Endurance tests on the For this we need: Detailed specification for the Performance and durability
in oil-injected compressors
equipment compressor For all inquiries: compressor and its applica- in real working conditions;
Minimum pressure valves MPVL, MPVLC, MPVLH, MD
■ Rapid prototyping The main data for the com- tion. ease of installation and
Assembly kit ETS
■ Development in pressor (capacity, final pres- servicing; suitability for
Equipment for oil partnership with OEMs sure, type of compressor) different control processes;
Equipment for the oil and air lines A and air lines
■ Continuous design compatibility with other
■ For oil-injected and oil-free compressors
improvement with HOERBIGER and non-
Non-return valves A
OSV innovative solutions HOERBIGER equipment on
■ For oil-injected compressors TV, TF
the compressor.
Oil stop valves OSV
Thermostatic valves TV, TF
High quality engineering and Worldwide advice and sales
Screw Compressor Controls
long experience – for the highest economy,
performance and reliability
Problem-free, energy-saving compressor operation, reliability and low maintenance
costs are the results of thorough development work – based on close partnership
with the customer.

Product information Economic upgrading Installation proposals

Detailed data sheets describe Investigations into specific Our valve and control equip- connections and its compati-
the main characteristics of applications can be carried ment literature contains biliy with other equipment on
the equipment and provide out by our screw compressor suggestions on installation the compressor, and where
application and installation specialists on compressor and an example of a layout. appropriate we can provide
data obtained from practical supplied by the customer on Individual advice will provide technical support for com-
tests and measurements. our own in-house test rigs. suggestions for the installa- pressor trials.
Tests and measurements can tion of our equipment, its
also be done at the
customer‘s site, as our teams
and their hardware and soft-
ware are flexible and mobile.
The parameters established
in this way are decisive for HOERBIGER Compression Technology is a business unit of HOERBIGER Holding AG, Zug / Switzerland. HOERBIGER is active

the economical upgrading throughout the world as a leading player in the fields of compression technology, automation technology and drive technology.

of the compressor with In 2007, its 6,300 employees achieved sales of around 1 billion Euro. The focal points of its business activities include key

HOERBIGER control components and services for compressors, engines and turbomachines, pneumatic and hydraulic systems for vehicles and machine

equipment. tools, as well as components and systems for shift and clutch operations in vehicle drive trains of all kinds. Through innovations in
attractive technological niche markets, the HOERBIGER Group sets standards and delivers cutting-edge solutions for the benefit of
its customers.

High quality engineering and Worldwide advice and sales
Screw Compressor Controls
long experience – for the highest economy,
performance and reliability
Problem-free, energy-saving compressor operation, reliability and low maintenance
costs are the results of thorough development work – based on close partnership
with the customer.

Product information Economic upgrading Installation proposals

Detailed data sheets describe Investigations into specific Our valve and control equip- connections and its compati-
the main characteristics of applications can be carried ment literature contains biliy with other equipment on
the equipment and provide out by our screw compressor suggestions on installation the compressor, and where
application and installation specialists on compressor and an example of a layout. appropriate we can provide
data obtained from practical supplied by the customer on Individual advice will provide technical support for com-
tests and measurements. our own in-house test rigs. suggestions for the installa- pressor trials.
Tests and measurements can tion of our equipment, its
also be done at the
customer‘s site, as our teams
and their hardware and soft-
ware are flexible and mobile.
The parameters established
in this way are decisive for HOERBIGER Compression Technology is a business unit of HOERBIGER Holding AG, Zug / Switzerland. HOERBIGER is active

the economical upgrading throughout the world as a leading player in the fields of compression technology, automation technology and drive technology.

of the compressor with In 2007, its 6,300 employees achieved sales of around 1 billion Euro. The focal points of its business activities include key

HOERBIGER control components and services for compressors, engines and turbomachines, pneumatic and hydraulic systems for vehicles and machine

equipment. tools, as well as components and systems for shift and clutch operations in vehicle drive trains of all kinds. Through innovations in
attractive technological niche markets, the HOERBIGER Group sets standards and delivers cutting-edge solutions for the benefit of
its customers.


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