Keynote - Elem - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
Keynote - Elem - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
Keynote - Elem - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
To score each test as a percentage, take the total mark Philip: And what do you think?
(e.g. 60), divide by 80 (e.g. 0.75) and multiply by 100 = 75%. Ruth: Erm, unique isn’t the word I’d use! But it’s better
than my dad’s hobby.
Did the text include ...? Marks Judith: ice to meet you too. I’d like to start by asking
you some questions.
information about what job the student does
Malcolm: Sure.
or what job he/she’d like to do?
Judith: o you have any special talents or abilities,
information about what the student likes to do
in his/her free time?
information about what types of music and Malcolm:
I can speak Chinese fluently. I’m from Singapore
films the student likes? and Chinese is my first language.
accurate use of the present simple and (if Judith: Wonderful. Would you like to teach Chinese?
applicable) would like? Malcolm: N
o, I wouldn’t. I can’t explain Chinese grammar
accurate use of vocabulary for jobs, free time very well. That would be a big challenge for me!
activities, music and films? Judith: All right. What would you like to do?
Total marks out of 10 Malcolm: W
ell, I can write computer code and I write a
lot of it in my free time. When I sit down at my
computer and start coding, I can be there for
hours and hours.
Test 2 (Units 4–6) Judith: ow! OK. And what do you use your code to
Malcolm: A
pps for smartphones or tablets. I love keeping
1 fit so I’m working on a fitness app at the
1 take 2 (smart)watch 3 make 4 play 5 ride moment. It tracks your heart rate and tells you
6 play 7 presentation 8 suffer 9 money 10 make how you can improve it.
2 Judith: hat sounds great. You clearly have a talent for
11 pressure 12 money 13 hands 14 focus computing. Did you study computer science at
15 instead 16 made 17 guy 18 problems university?
19 Stress 20 giving Malcolm: No, I did Business Studies.
Judith: h, right. Well, my advice is to start your own
GRAMMAR business. Use what you know about business
3 to sell your apps. Or look for a job at a software
21 F 22 H 23 I 24 B 25 J 26 K 27 E 28 A company.
29 G 30 D Malcolm: All right.
5 7
41 Expert 42 make 43 messages 44 go 45 lot Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about a
46 isn’t 47 light 48 €50 49 short 50 evening gadget. Give them one minute to read the information and
prepare their questions and answers. Then have them ask
and answer the questions. As they are speaking, monitor
LISTENING their English and award marks up to ten according to the
6 criteria in the table below. Give two marks if the student
51 speak 52 fluently 53 grammar 54 well 55 code meets each criterion well, one mark if their performance is
56 apps 57 fitness app 58 business 59 software satisfactory, and no marks if they do not meet the criterion
60 Friday at all.
7 Test 4 (Units 10–12)
Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about
Elizabeth Cochran. Give them one minute to read the VOCABULARY
information and prepare their questions and answers.
Then have them ask and answer the questions. As they are
1 perspective 2 landscape 3 doing 4 spaces 5 to
speaking, monitor their English and award marks up to ten
6 skip 7 eat 8 sleep 9 take 10 heavy
according to the criteria in the table below. Give two marks
if the student meets each criterion well, one mark if their 2
performance is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 A 17 C 18 A
meet the criterion at all. 19 A 20 B
8 6
Use the following table to award ten marks. Give two marks 51 C 52 B 53 A 54 B 55 A 56 B 57 C 58 C
if the student’s writing meets each criterion well, one mark if 59 B 60 B
their writing is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not meet
Transcript T.4
the criterion at all.
Simone: S
o, Ivan, I have the three best photos from the
photo shoot.
Ivan: OK.
Simone: W
e need to choose the right one for the
Ivan: OK. Well, this one is a landscape. It looks like the
forest to the west of the town.
Simone: W
e could use this one. It’s a nice shot of the town complete the task, i.e. ask or answer all of the
centre. questions?
Ivan: Yeah, you can see a lot of green space.
say the questions and answers intelligibly?
Simone: And the streets look really clean.
Ivan: Yes. I like the colours and the lighting. know when to listen to their partner and when
to speak?
Simone: M
e too, but I find it weird that you can’t see any
people. use correct vocabulary for city life most of the
Ivan: Oh, yes, you’re right. I didn’t notice that. Maybe time?
the photographer digitally altered the image so
use correct grammar most of the time?
there wouldn’t be any people in it.
Simone: W
ell, if he did, that wasn’t a very good idea. When Total out of 10
people see how friendly and happy the people
who live in a town are, they want to go there.
Ivan: You’re right. Why don’t we look at the third
Use the following table to award ten marks. Give two marks
Simone: All right. Here it is … Perfect!
if the student’s writing meets each criterion well, one mark if
Ivan: Look, there’s a man riding a bike. their writing is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not meet
Simone: Yes and that woman’s running in the park. the criterion at all.
Ivan: They both look really fit and healthy.
Did the text include ...? Marks
Simone: Y
es and there’s a bus in the photo too, so people
can see what good public transport we have. How a suggestion for where the friend should move
about using this photo then? to?
Ivan: Fine with me. I think it’s the best one.
a suggestion for where the friend shouldn’t
Simone: G
reat. If I call the photographer now, he can send move to?
us a bigger image this afternoon.
reasons for the suggestions?
SPEAKING accurate use of vocabulary for city life?
accurate use of should and shouldn’t to make
Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about
the city of Lichfield. Give them one minute to read the
information and prepare their questions and answers. Total out of 10
Then have them ask and answer the questions. As they are
speaking, monitor their English and award marks up to ten