Chapter 4 Financial Inclusion
Chapter 4 Financial Inclusion
Chapter 4 Financial Inclusion
Research Questionnaire
Summarize of the content
Brief action plan
Subjective statement
Supporting data
Research Questionnaire:
Place of Survey: _______________ Date: _____ __ Name: ______________________ Age: ______ ___
____ Gender: M/F Occupation: ____ __________ No. of family members: ___ adults ___ children
A. SAVINGS:1. Is your household having a one bank account?
Yes No
2. No. of accounts in your household:
1 2 3 4 More than 4
3. Which type of account do you have?
Savings Bank a/c Current a/c
Recurring Deposit a/c Fixed Deposit a/c
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
4. Is the bank account with a cheque book?
Yes No
5. What were the reasons that your household opened the account?
To receive Govt. payments from NREGP
To receive Govt. payments from schemes other than NREGP
For receiving remittances
For saving money
To request a loan
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
6. Who helped you open the account?
Village Panchayat Officials Bank Officials
Neighbor Friends/Relatives
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
7. How frequently do you save in your account?
don’t save / never
At least once a month
than once a month
I put in money as and when I can
I have paid money in but not in past 12 months
I have not added money since account was opened
If others, (please specify) __________________________
8. Reasons for not having a bank account:
I have no money/little money to put in
No bank in this area
No point - benefits received in cash
No point - paid in cash
Concerned there may be too many charges
Tried to open but was refused
Lengthy processes
Not important to me
Anticipated rejection
If others, (please specify) _____________________________
9. Reasons for being refused a bank account:
Previous bad credit history
No job, unemployed
Had to have a minimum amount
Had debts
Thought I was not trustworthy
Not lived here long enough - no credit history - use spouse's account
Don't know - did not say
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
10. Are you aware that banks are opening zero min. balance accounts for everyone?
Yes No
11. How did you find out that banks were opening such ‘no-frills’ accounts?
Bank Officials SHG Members NGOs Neighbors
Village Panchayat Farmer Clubs Posters Village Meetings
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
12. Do you have any grievances in your ‘no-frills’ a/c?
If yes, please specify? _____________________________________
B. BORROWINGS:13. Have your household ever borrowed or taken a loan?
If yes, from where? Banks Relatives Friends
If others, (please specify)
14. If borrowed from banks, which of the following reasons led to this choice?
Low rate of interest
Was offered/arranged by the banks
It is easy (vague)
Trustworthy lender
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
15. If borrowed from sources other than banks, which of the following reasons ledto this
Being able to borrow relatively small sums
I did not need to provide security or guarantees
It was available locally
I can make repayments in cash in small weekly or fortnightly sums
It is convenient because they come to the door to collect
It is because I know the lender/collector
If others, (please specify) ___________________________
16. If ever borrowed, what was the type of the credit/loan?
Housing loan
Business Loan
Training/Education loan
Vehicle loan
If personal loan, purpose of the loan Household items Computer
Day to day living expenses or bills
To pay off other debts
If others,(please specify) ____________
__ If others, (please specify) ________________________
17. If loan was availed, what difficulties were faced in the process?
______________________________________________________________________ ____
18. In the past three years, have you been refused a loan or credit?
Not asked for any credit
19. If you were refused, do you know why you were turned down? Please givedetails.
______________________________________________________________________ ____
Error! Filename not specified.
C. OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES20. Are you using any other form of financial service or
If yes, then which one: Insurance Credit card Debit card
If others, (please specify) ______________________
21. What were the reasons for not availing any form of insurance?
Too expensive, can't afford it
Just don't bother, no real reasons
No need for it
I don't have much, nothing valuable
I am in process of doing it
No insurance men coming to door now
Have to have bank account
If others, (please specify) ___________________________________
21. If already having insurance, which of the following type is it?
Life insurance Health insurance Vehicle insurance
If others, (please specify) ____________________________
22. Reason for using the above said financial service(s)?
______________________________________________________________________ ____
23. What difficulties were faced in the process of accessing the above financial service(s)?
______________________________________________________________________ ____
24. In the past three years, have you been refused any of the above financial product(s)?
Not asked for any credit
25. If you were refused, do you know why you were turned down? Please give details.
______________________________________________________________________ ____
26. Over the past couple of years, have you been anywhere for taking advice about money
No, no where Family/friends Bank
Financial Adviser Social worker Others
___________ __
27. And would you say this advice was
Very helpful Helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Very unhelpful Not sure
28. Is there any financial advice centre/credit counseling center in your area?
Yes No
29. If yes, how satisfied are you with its working and the advice it provides?
Completely satisfied Satisfied Just ok
Unsatisfied Completely unsatisfied
30. If you are not satisfied with its working, then please give reasons.
______________________________________________________________________ ____
__________________________________________________________________ 75
31. At present how worried are you about getting into debt?
Very worried Fairly worried Not very worried
Not at all worried Not sure
32. What would you do if you needed money in an emergency?
Ask family or friends Take out a bank loan or overdraft
Take out loan from other sources Use my credit card
Sell something Draw on savings
Don't know
If others, (please specify) ___________________________________
33. Level of interest in local financial services (1.Very
interested 2.Fairlyinterested 3.Not very interested 4.Not at all interested 5.Not sure):
Saving small amounts of money 1 2 3 4 5
Take out a loan at reasonable interest 1 2 3 4 5
Taking a business loan 1 2 3 4 5
Advice about managing debts 1 2 3 4 5
Advice on welfare benefits 1 2 3 4 5
More information about financial matters 1 2 3 4 5
34. Level of importance in the following (1. Very important 2. Fairly important 3.Not very
important 4. Not at all important 5. Not sure):
Bank a/c 1 2 3 4 5
Small personal loan 1 2 3 4 5
Credit card 1 2 3 4 5
Financial counseling 1 2 3 4 5
Investment advice 1 2 3 4 5
Financial education 1 2 3 4 5
, the gender profile of the respondents is recorded. It can be seen that out of
the 50 customers interviewed for this survey, 72% were found to be male and
28% were found to be female. It can be seen that majority of the loan wishers
here are male as loan requirement for business purposes are more demanded
by mail people.
In the order to analyze the age buckets under which the customers that were
interviewed were falling, the age profile of the respondents was done and it
came out that around 60% of the respondents were falling under the age
criteria of 25-30 years making it the majority whereas 18% were under 20-25
years and rest were under 16% and 6% respectively. This shows that majority
of the customers are adult and have proper knowledge about the product that
they are going to buy.
An educated person makes wiser choices and is also aware about the market
scenarios. Here, to know the education level of the respondents, Table No. 6
showed the results depicting the level of qualification that respondents were
having. It was seen that 54% of the respondents were graduated and falls
under the majority section with 22% of the customers being higher secondary
passed. This shows that the majority of the customers are educated and have
good knowledge about market scenarios.
Table No. 6 clearly shows that majority of the respondent felt comfortable in
approaching the private banks like J&K Bank and HDFC Bank for the loan
purposes. It was seen that there were few people as well who did not prefer to
approach private banks in order to get the loan.
There are different type of loans that one can avail from the bank in order to
fulfil the desires and needs. Different loans like Car Loan, Shop Loan, Credit
Card Loan, Personal Loan and Home Loan. In Table No. 6 and Figure No. 6, the
respondents were told to give their responses regarding the type of loan for
which they are visiting the bank to get their loan disbursed. It was seen that
84% of the majority of people preferred to take Personal loan and around 16%
were there to take home loan.
In Table No. 6, the respondents were asked about the preferences of selecting
the bank that they feel is the best in terms of getting there desired loan. The
result revealed a super positive response that showed respondents were
strongly agree with the HDFC Bank Ltd. as their major bank and preferred bank
from which they will take loan. 34% were there as well who wanted to take
loan from J&K Bank Ltd.
Table No. 6 revealed the data regarding the statement in which the
respondents were asked about the situation like whether they feel
comfortable with loan disbursal process being adopted by J&K Bank Ltd.
In response to this statement, 56% of the respondents seems to be agreed
towards this statement and 42% were neutral as if they liked or they did not
liked and 2% were strongly agreed to this statement.
In Table and Figure No. 6, the respondents were asked about the statement
that whether they feel comfortable with the process that HDFC Bank Ltd. has
adopted for the disbursal of Loan. In reply to this, 84% of the majority
individuals said that they are agreed to this statement whereas 16% were
there as well who were strongly agreed.
The figure and table number 6 represented the data collected for the
statement in which the respondents were asked about their comfortable level
regarding the interest and processing fee being charged by J&K Bank. 72%
of the majority of the respondents were seen agreed to this statement
whereas 28% were strongly agreed.
Brand loyalty is very important factor in deciding which bank they will be
preferring to get their loan. Figure and table number 6 showed the interest of
the people with regard to the statement that are they comfortable with the
amount of interest and processing fees that the HDFC Bank is charging from
them. It has been seen that 96% of the customers were satisfied with this and
4% were strongly agreed to this statement as well.
Table and Figure number 6 showed the interest of the individual regarding the
fact that if the bank will have online facility for loan application and disbursal
policy. To this response, it was seen that majority of the individuals were
having neutral response to this. With 40% of the individual being agree to this.
This shows mixed response of the individual to the statement as some
individual are not seem interested to this thing.
In responses that we have catered from Table number 6 and figure 6, it has
been seen that majority of the respondents were comfortable with HDFC Bank
Ltd. for their loan disbursal and experience. The responses are shown in table
and graphs.
By collating available information on the current markets for financial
services and their
list can be compiled of the basic financial services that are needed to
participate fully
for citizens to participate fully in European society. Over the last four
decades, European citizens have seen a sharp increase in the use of
financial services in their daily lives.
This financial isation of society has dramatically changed the way people
receive their
income and spend their money. The importance of financial products has
grown to such
an extent that lack of access can create a real challenge for financially
excluded citizens
Currently, the market for financial services offers products to a large range
of citizens.
all citizens are able to access services is now a political concern. This has
been acknowledged at European level through the European Pillar for
Social Rights under Principle 20
How can these financial services overcome existing
barriers to access?
‘standard’ and access may not always be possible for those with
different abilities.
To ensure that each of the products and categories that have been
identified for the minimum basket of goods addresses these
barriers, a number of provisions can be used as a
unexpected happens.