LANA Time Web User Manuel
LANA Time Web User Manuel
LANA Time Web User Manuel
The software features a simple access control module that can connect to standalone access control terminals. An
Automatic Synchronization function is available to automatically synchronize data between devices and server among
the same “Area” With its new user-friendly UI, managing timetable, shifting schedule, and generating attendance
report have become easily managed.
• Super User: It refers to a user with all operation permissions of the system. A Super User is able to assign new users
(such as company management personnel, registrars or attendance Administrators) and configure corresponding
user roles.
• Role: When using the system, a super user needs to assign different levels to new users. To avoid setting users one
by one, you can set roles with specific levels in role management, and assign appropriate roles to users when adding
• Attendance Timetable: It refers to the timetables possibly used during attendance settings and configuration of all
parameters such as work start/end time, permissible time for late arrival/early leaving, whether check-in/out is
mandatory, permissible check-in/out time range, break time, and overtime. This is the minimum unit in attendance
time settings.
• Unit/Minimum Unit: The unit covers day, hour and minute and the minimum unit is a numeric value. The
combination of these two is used to set the minimum computing unit of a parameter in statistics such as one day,
one hour or one minute. For example, the minimum unit of leave is set to one hour. When rounding-off is enabled,
the value 1.5 is counted as two hours and the value 1.4 is counted as one hour after rounding off.
• Auto Overtime: When the punching time is later than work end time, this parameter determines whether the
excessive time is counted as overtime.
• Attendance Status: It refers to what type of the attendance for punching will be counted in the attendance result.
By default, the system has eight statuses: Check-In, Check-Out, Dinner-Start, Dinner End, OT-In, OT-Out, Break-Out,
and Break-In.
• Late Arrival: Late arrival includes the time setting for corresponding timetable and the setting of starting calculation
of late arrival, and whether actual check-in time is later than due check-in time in the timetable. On the other hand,
if Must Check-in in the timetable is set to Yes and the attendance parameter is No Check-in, Count as Late 60
Minutes, the actual time without check-in is counted as late arrival for N minutes. The time of late arrival does not
affect the work minutes for attendance calculation.
• Early Leaving: Early leaving includes the time setting for corresponding timetable and the setting of starting
calculation of early leaving, and whether actual check-out time is earlier than due check-out time in the timetable.
On the other hand, if Mandatory Check-out in the timetable is set to Yes and the attendance parameter is Ending
Work Without Check-out is counted as Early Leaving for N Minutes, the actual time without check-out is counted
as early leaving for N minutes. The time of early leaving does not affect the work minutes for attendance calculation.
• Absence: Based on attendance parameter settings, the case of no check-in or check-out in attendance statistics can
be counted as absence, or late arrival/early leaving for more than N minutes in attendance parameter settings can
be counted as absence.
• No Check-In/No Check-Out: No Check in / No Check out refers to the times of no actual implementation in the
times of due check in / due Check-out.
• Attendance Duration (Time): It refers to the time span between actual check in time and actual check out time.
• Shift: It refers to a preset work schedule for the personnel and is composed of one or more preset attendance
timetables based on certain order and cycle period. For employee attendance, the employee shifts to be used must
be set first.
• Schedule: It refers to what kind of shift will be used in a timetable for employee attendance. It is a main basis for
calculating attendance results. If an employee works in a flexible schedule and attendance checking is required, a
flexible shift can be arranged. If an employee has a punching record without a shift arranged, the attendance results
are calculated as overtime based on flexible shifts.
• Temporary Schedule: If the shifts on some dates are adjusted due to temporary changes of employee work time
after scheduling, the temporary schedule can be used. Temporary schedule can be set as only temporarily valid or
appending to an employee shift (two schedule records in the attendance statistics in this case). This mode of
schedule is very applicable to the posts without fixed schedules.
• Permissible Late Arrival/Early Leaving: It refers to the permissible time for late arrival/early leaving before the
designation of late arrival/early leaving starts during specified work time.
• Must Check-in/Check-Out: In some companies, only check-in or check-out is carried out. If check-in or check-out is
set to be mandatory, corresponding items are included in the range of attendance.
• Flexible Timetable: It refers to a default timetable set in the system. In the settings of a flexible timetable, the work
delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival, early leaving or absence is not counted. The attendance
calculation for a flexible timetable is second punching time minus first punching time, fourth punching time minus
third punching time, and so on. The line numbers of its report are generated automatically. If four records exist,
the daily report on that day has two lines. If six records exist, the daily report has three lines. Besides, the
attendance time in a timetable is check-out time minus check-in time of this timetable.
• Start/End Check-In: It refers to a timetable which is the valid range of check-in. The check-in records out of this
range are invalid.
LANA Time Web 4.1 3
• Start/End Check-Out: It refers to a timetable which is the valid range of check-out. The check-out records out of
this range are invalid. The check-out start time cannot overlap the check-in end time.
The following takes a Super User as an example to introduce how to use the system. Different users have different op
eration permissions, so corresponding operation procedures are different. Users need to only follow the procedure be
low to operate the items displayed on the interface.
Step 1 : Log in to the system and modify the default password for your account.
Step 2 : Assign accounts and roles for the personnel using the system (such as company management personnel,
registrars and attendance administrators).
Step 3 : Set common system information such as system parameters, announcements and alerts.
Step 4 : Set the department organization architecture according to the company structure and set corresponding
position information.
Step 5 : Enter employee information, issue cards to the employees, and conduct daily maintenance.
Step 6 : Set the regional structure of the company, add a T&A device for the system, and configure basic information
about the device.
Step 7 : Set the attendance parameters. You can use the default settings or modify the settings as required.
Step 8 : Set the attendance timetables which may be used during attendance, and set relevant parameters.
Step 9 : Set the shifts frequently used in attendance system, that is, the cycle combination modes of attendance
time tables within the time interval.
Step 10 : Schedule the shifts for employees and set which employees are in which shifts. For an employee with the
shift arranged, if a temporary change occurs, the temporary schedule can be used for setting.
Step 11 : Conduct attendance maintenance. During daily attendance, because of abnormalities, the settings of leave,
holiday, and compensatory leave are required.
Step 12: Enable the system to output an attendance report. The system collects statistics and outputs attendance
reports on the basis of attendance period.
Open the browser, enter the server IP address and port number in the address bar and click Enter to access the system
login interface.
On the main interface, four menu panels are displayed: Personnel, Device, Attendance, and system. Click a related
following function below any panel to quickly access the corresponding interface.
Click the user on top-right of the interface and click Sign Out button to logout from the interface.
Before using the attendance function, enter the personnel for setting first: department settings for setting the main
architecture of the company, and personnel settings for entering employees into system, allocating employees to
departments and then conducting employee maintenance.
Choose Personnel >> Department to access the department management interface, as shown in figure.
DEPARTMENT NO: Enter the department number. Click Check to check whether the entered department number is
exist or not.
PARENT DEPARTMENT: Click the drop-down list and select the department to which the position belongs. After the
completion setting, click OK to save the settings (click Save and New to add another department) and return to the
Department interface. The information on the new position is displayed in the department interface.
You can also click the add button from the department listing interface itself.
You can also click the add button from the department listing interface itself.
If the related department information changes in the company, you can use the department editing function to modify
the department name, number and department. Directly click Department or Edit under Related Operation in the line
of the department to be edited to access the editing interface for modification.
After the completion setting, click OK to save the settings and return to the Department interface. The information on
the new department is displayed in the department interface.
Select the department to be deleted, and then click Delete on upper left of the department list. Or directly click Delete
under Related Operation in the line of department to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for department
Select file by clicking browse then click Get Import Template then click OK Button.
Select Current Export Table and File Type from the drop down then click Export button Log.
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
Range: It is used to set range of search field.
Add: Button is used to add extra search features by user.
Search: This button is used to the features.
Clear: This button is used to clear the form.
Return: Button is used to return from the current form.
To set the approver for a department select a department and click on Set approver.
Select approve type and approver
Before setting company personnel, you need to add corresponding position information for the company.
Choose Personnel >> Position to access the Position interface, as shown in the figure below.
Choose Personnel >> Position >> Option >> Add to access the position adding interface.
Position No: Enter the position number (exclusive). Click Check to check whether the entered position number is exist
or not.
After the completion setting, click OK to save the settings (click Save and New to add another position) and return to
the Position interface. The information on the new position is displayed in the Position list.
Select Current export table and file type from the drop down then click export button.
Log: In this whatever change in this software modification it will display in log.
If the related position information changes in the company, you can use the position editing function to modify the
position name, number and department. Directly click Position or Edit under Related Operation in the line of the
position to be edited to access the editing interface for modification.
Position No: Enter the position number (exclusive). Click Check to check whether the entered position number is exist
or not.
After the completion setting, click OK to save the settings and return to the Position interface. The information on the
new position is displayed in the department list.
Select the position to be deleted, and then click Delete on upper left of the position list. Or directly click Delete under
Related Operation in the line of position to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for position deletion.
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
When starting to use this management system, you need to register personnel in the system or import the personnel
information in other software or data to this system. For specific operations,
Choose Personnel >> Personnel >> Add to access the personnel adding interface.
• Device ID: Enter the device id unless it is not identical to the personnel number.
• Personnel No: The length cannot exceed nice digits. For an employee No. with the length less than nine digits, one
or more 0's are prefixed to make the length 9 digits. The numbers cannot be the same.
• Department: Select a department from the drop-down list. (If no department has been set, only the default
departments existing in the system can be chosen).
• Employment Type: Select the employee type from the drop-down list. It can be set to Permanent or Temporary.
• Employment Date: It is set to the current date by default. The employment date is considered as the start date of
attendance calculation. The attendance before this date is not calculated in the statistical result.
• Password: Set the personnel password. The black-and-white T&A device supports passwords with only five digits.
The color-screen T&A device supports passwords with only eight digits. Passwords with digits exceeding the specified
length are cut out by the system automatically. When you change a password, clear the old password in the text box
and then enter the new password. Set to Employee or Contractor.
• Card No: Assign card numbers to personnel for attendance checking. Enter the card No. manually or use a card
enroller for issuing cards.
• Employee Rule: We can add the employee rule we set in attendance option here.
• Shift: Assign shift to personnel. This will considered for generating reports even if we did not assign the schedule for
the employee.
Add Date of attendance start, Work address, home address, postal code, office telephone , home telephone, Mobile
phone, birthday, ID number and Email
Set expiry alert for documents. Enter expiry date, Email alert option and date before notification to be sent
LANA Time Web 4.1 16
Set Area: Select Area
Enable Attendance Function (The default value is Yes and No means this employee is not included in the result of
attendance statistics): For some top management personnel and temporary personnel requiring no attendance
checking, it can be set to No.
Device Privilege: Set the permission of a user in the device, with the options including the following four types.
After the completion of setting, click OK to save the settings (click Save and New to add another employee) and return
to the Personnel interface, and the information on the new employee is displayed in the personnel list.
Log: In this whatever change in this software modification it will display in log.
On the Personnel interface, select the employee (or employees) to be deleted, and click Delete on upper left of the
personnel list to access the confirmation interface for deletion.
On the Personnel interface, select the employee (or employees) that to adjust area, and click Adjust Area on upper left
of the personnel list to access the confirmation interface for adjust area.
On the Personnel interface, select the employee (or employees) that adjust department and click adjust department
on upper left of the personnel list to access the confirmation interface for adjust department.
On the Personnel interface, select the employee (or employees) that to resigned, and click Resignation on upper left
of the personnel list to access the confirmation interface for resignation.
The operations of personnel resignation cover personnel resignation, reinstatement from resignation and disabling
Choose Personnel >> Resignation >> Options >> Add to access the new adding interface, as shown in the figure below.
Perform the resignation operation as required. The following shows how to perform operation.
Personnel: Click the drop-down list and select the employee for resignation. For personnel selection.
Reason: Enter the reason for resignation as required. It can be left blank.
Return tools/Work Uniform/Card: The default value is Yes. You can select No from the drop-down list.
Blacklisted: The default value is No, that is, resignation without being blacklisted. The operation of reinstatement from
resignation cannot be conducted on the resigned personnel in the blacklist.
Disable attendance: For an employee newly added for resignation with attendance not disabled immediately, follow
the following method to disable attendance.
In the resigned personnel list on the Resignation interface, click to select the resigned employee whose
attendance needs to be disabled, and then click Disable Attendance Function above the resigned personnel list to access
the confirmation interface for disabling attendance, as shown in the figure below. After the completion of setting, click
OK to save the settings and return to the Resignation interface, and the just added employee for resignation will be
displayed in the resigned personnel list.
Choose Personnel to disable attendance from resignation interface >> Resignation >> Disable Attendance
In this the admin have right to disable the attendance of a resigned user.
Choose Personnel to be reinstate from resignation interface >> Resignation >>select employee >>Reinstatement
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
Range: It is used to set range of search field.
Add: Button is used to add extra search features by user.
Search: This button is used to the features.
Clear: This button is used to clear the form.
Return: Button is used to return from the current form.
LANA Time Web 4.1 23
Assign card numbers to personnel for attendance checking. The system supports card issuing with a card enroller or by
manually entering card numbers.
Personnel: Click on the right side of Personnel and select an employee from the popped up personnel list.
Card No: Enter a card number or obtain a card number by using the card enroller.
After the completion of the setting, click OK to start card issuing. After the operation is successful, the system
automatically returns to the Issue Card interface. Now the related information on this card is displayed in the card
information list on the interface. Note: A card can only be issued to one employee once.
Choose Personnel >> Issue Card >>select card>> Retreat card
Choose Personnel >> Issue Card >> Batch Card to access the batch card issuing interface.
2. Set Start Personnel No. and End Personnel No. (Ensure that entered numbers do not exceed the maximum numbers
of personnel number digits supported by the system). Click Generate List. Information on all employees without card
numbers in this number range is displayed, as shown in the figure below.
3. Enter a card number in the Input Card No. box or obtain a card number by using the card enroller. (The following
uses the card enroller for obtaining a card number as an example).
4. Place cards at the card placement position of the card enroller one by one. The card enroller automatically obtains
card numbers and starts card issuing from the first employee in the list of personnel without cards assigned. After
successful card issuing, the information on related personnel in the list of personnel without cards assigned is
automatically cleared. The information (including card numbers) on the personnel with cards issued is displayed in the
right list of personnel with cards issued.
5. Click OK to save the settings and return to the Issue Card interface. The card information list now displays the
personnel with cards issued and the information on their card numbers.
Log: In this whatever change in this software modification it will display in log.
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
Range: It is used to set range of search field.
Add: Button is used to add extra search features by user.
Search: This button is used to the features.
Clear: This button is used to clear the form.
Return: Button is used to return from the current form.
Set parameters click ok then the added documents displayed in the document interface
Select Current Export Table and File Type from the drop down then click Export button
Log: In this whatever change in this software modification it will display in log.
If the related Document information changes in the company, you can use the document editing function to modify
the document no and document name. Directly click Document or Edit under Related Operation in the line of the
document to be edited to access the document interface for modification.
Select the document to be deleted, and then click Delete on upper left of the document list. Or directly click Delete
under Related Operation in the line of document to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for document
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
To use the attendance function, a user must install devices and connect them to the Internet first; then, the user needs
to set the corresponding parameters in the system so as to manage connected devices from the system, thereby
implementing digital management, including uploading user attendance data, downloading the configuration
information, and exporting various reports.
The software supports adding short messages in the system and issuing them to a designated device.
Choose Device >> Message to access the short message setting interface.
Device: Select a device to which a message needs to be issued from the drop-down list. (You can choose more than one
Message Duration: Enter the message display duration. After the completion of the settings, click OK to save the
settings and return to the short message setting interface. The short message list displays the added short message.
Perform area division on devices to make sure various devices and personnel information are set in a designated area.
(One device can belong to only one area.) The system will automatically issue the personnel information to the devices
in real time and it is unnecessary for users to manually manage personnel information on devices each time.
After the completion of the settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the area setting interface. The newly
added area list displaying the area interface.
If the related area information changes in the company, you can use the area editing function to modify the area code,
area name, parent area and remarks. Directly click Area or Edit under Related Operation in the line of the area to be
edited to access the editing interface for modification.
If the related area information don’t want in the company, you can use the area deletion function to delete the area
details. Directly click area or delete under Related Operation in the line of the area to be deleted to access the deleting
interface deletion.
Click ok to confirm delete and deleted area is removed from the area interface
Area Synchronization is if any Employee Data missing or deleted we can restore the data again through this process
Set communications parameters for connecting to devices. The communication with the devices is successful only after
parameters on the system and the devices are set correctly. After the communication is successful, you can view the
information on the connected devices and perform operations on themes as remote monitoring, uploading, and
After a T&A device is connected to the system, if Real-Time Data Upload is checked in the device setting, all attendance
records will be automatically uploaded to the system. Otherwise it is necessary to select a T&A device and click
Synchronize All Data to synchronize information of all personnel who belong to the same area as the device to the
Choose Device >> Device to access the T&A device management main interface. All connected T&A devices are
displayed in device interface.
There are two ways to add a T&A device: manually adding a T&A device and automatically adding a T&A device.
Manually adding a T&A device.
1. Choose Device >> Device >> Option >> Add to access the device addition interface.
There are two ways to add a T&A device: manually adding a T&A device and automatically adding a T&A device.
Click a device name, or click Edit under Related Operation in the line of the device to be edited to access the device
editing interface.
Note: Grey items cannot be edited. The device name cannot be the same as the name of another device.
1. Click to select the device to be deleted, and then click Delete above the device list, or directly click Delete under
Related operation in the line of the device to be deleted to access the device deletion confirmation interface, as shown
in the following figure.
2. Click OK to delete the device selected and return to the Device interface. The device list no longer displays the device
We can see the employee details saved in each device by selecting the particular device
In device app accounts we can see the details of personnel who has access to the mobile app. We can enable/disable
the account from the software itself. Select the employee by clicking the check box and click on Enable or Disable
The system can exchange data with the T&A devices and collect attendance records kept in it. Primary functions
implemented by the attendance system include regional user management and management of attendance
parameters, shift timetables, scheduling, daily maintenance, attendance calculation, attendance reports, and
attendance devices.
Attendance Parameters
As attendance systems set up by different companies vary, it is necessary to manually set attendance parameters to
ensure the accuracy of the final attendance calculation.
Choose Attendance >> Rule >> Add to access the attendance parameter setting interface.
In this section we can set the calculation rules for the attendance
You can set statistical rules and symbols for normal arrival time/actual arrival time, late arrive, early leaving, leave,
absence, overtime, no check-in and no check-out on this interface.
Note: Use minutes as the minimum unit when calculating the absence time.
Signs in Report: Users can set symbols of normal arrival time/actual arrival time, late arrival, and early leaving in the
report as needed.
Set the time periods that may be used during attendance and set various parameters. The timetable is the minimum
unit in personnel attendance time settings. For example: These settings include work start/end time, allowed late
arrival/early leaving duration, whether check-in/check-out is mandatory, allowed time period for check-in/out, rest
time, and overtime.
Before scheduling the shift, you must set all shift timetables possibly used. Only in this way can various parameters set
be valid.
Flexible Timetable: Work delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival, early leaving or absence is not calculated.
The attendance for a flexible time period is calculated by the even number of card-punching times. The line numbers
of its report are generated automatically. If four records exist, the daily report on that day has two lines. If six records
exist, the daily report has three lines. Besides, the attendance time in a time period is check-out time minus check-in
For example, if Allowed late minute is set to 5 and check-in time is set to 9:00; Employee A checked in at 9:03 and
Employee B checked in at 9:05, we can conclude that Employee A is not late as the interval between his or her check-
in time and check-in start time is less than 5 minutes and Employee B is late for 6 minutes as the interval between his
or her check-in time and check-in start time exceeds 5 minutes.
Workday: It refers to how many workdays are calculated for each shift. If a value is set for it, the workday will be
calculated according to the present value. Otherwise, the workday will be calculated according to settings in the
attendance rules.
Auto OT: When overtime is calculated, if select Yes for Count Delayed Time as Overtime, the overtime is the delayed
time (the difference between check-out time and check-out end time) + the fixed overtime (minutes) during this
timetable. The value is 0 if No is selected for Count Delayed Time as Overtime.
After the completion of the settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the Time Table interface. The timetable
list displays the added timetable.
1. The interval between check-in start time and check-out end time is not allowed to exceed the maximum / minimum
timetable length set in the system.
2. There is no timetable with the same start time and end time.
Choose Attendance >> Timetable >> Edit Timetable >> Add Brake Time:
Work delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival, early leaving or absence is not calculated. The attendance for
a flexible time period is calculated by the even number of card-punching times. The line numbers of its report are
generated automatically. If four records exist, the daily report on that day has two lines. If six records exist, the daily
report has three lines. Besides, the attendance time in a time period is check-out time minus check-in time.
1. Click Timetable Name or the corresponding Edit under Related Operation to access the timetable edit interface.
2. Modify relevant settings as needed. The detailed modification method is the same as the operation of adding a
timetable. Click OK for saving after completing the modification.
Select a timetable, click Delete on the upper left of the timetable list or directly click Delete under Related Operation
to access the timetable deletion confirmation interface.
Note: The default flexible timetable in the system is not allowed to be deleted.
Shift is composed of one or more preset attendance timetable based on certain order and cycle period. It is a preset
work schedule for the personnel. It is essential to set shift if you want to perform check on work attendance for
employees. This system supports 999 shifts at most.
Choose Attendance > Shift to access the shift management main interface that displays the search field and shift
timetable details. With the search function, you can easily query shifts. All shifts in the current system are displayed in
the list. Click the line where the shift is and the timetable details list on the right will display the timetable details of
this shift in a chart.
1. Click Option >> Add on the Shift interface to access the shift addition interface:
Shift Name: Enter any characters, with 30 characters at most. A shift name must be unique.
Note: The system displays optional dates in the Select Date box based on the values of Unit of Cycle and Number of
Count Day Off At: Select day off as normal work or auto overtime or weekend overtime.
Count Weekend Off At: Select weekend off as normal work or auto overtime or weekend overtime.
Select Timetable: Select timetable for the shift. It needs to be preset in the Timetable.
Select Date: Select on which date in the cycle the shift (timetable) will be applied in the Select Date box.
2. After the completion of the settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the Shift interface. The shift list
displays the added shift details.
Note: A shift refers to the circulation of a timetable chosen by the users in the cycle period set by the user. Dates
unselected represent rest days. When scheduling shifts for an employee, a user needs to select only the start date, end
date, and the shift used and it is unnecessary to indicate the date which an employee should work or take a vacation.
After a shift is selected, the system will automatically determine the dates on which an employee should work or take
a vacation according to the cycle settings of the selected shift.
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
You can arrange shifts for employees after setting the attendance timetables and shifts. If you fail to schedule shifts
for employees, overtime will be calculated according to flexible shifts.
Click Schedule on the Schedule interface to access the schedule addition interface.
Selected Shift: Select a shift in Shift List, and to move this shift to Selected Shift.
2. After completing settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the Schedule interface.
Note: Only one shift can be selected for employee shift scheduling. Only the last settings are saved when date ranges
are identical during multiple shift scheduling.
Temporary schedule is complementary to the existing schedule. If employees in a shift need to overtime temporarily,
it is necessary to arrange one (or more) timetable(s) for overtime temporarily. Generally, temporary schedules are shift
scheduling for overtime, for example overtime at night, on weekends, or on holidays and festivals.
1. Click Temp (Temporary) Schedule on the Schedule interface to access the Add temporary schedule interface.
Personnel: Select personnel needing temporary schedules. (Multiple choices are allowed).
Start Date, End Date: Set the start date and end date for a temporary schedule.
Timetable: Select a timetable used by a temporary schedule. (Multiple choices are allowed).
Date: Click to select the date for temporary schedule. (Multiple choices are allowed).
Had Schedule In Current Day: Select only temporary scheduling is effective or Add after the existing scheduling when
arranging shifts for employees working in the company in the current day.
Note: Multiple timetables can be selected for temporary schedule, but the start time of timetables should not be the
same. The timetables selected can be applicable to all dates selected.
After completing settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the Schedule interface.
To create empty schedule
Attendance >> Schedule >> Option >> Empty Schedule
Choose Attendance >> Approval >> Leave request >> add to access the new approval adding interface, as shown in the
figure below.
Attendance >> Approval >>Leave Request>> Select Approval to Cancel >> then click Cancel Audit
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
Range: It is used to set range of search field.
Add: Button is used to add extra search features by user.
Search: This button is used to the features.
Clear: This button is used to clear the form.
Return: Button is used to return from the current form.
To export the approval details in the different document type (pdf txt, xls, csv) that we want.
Attendance >> Approval >> Lave request>>Export >> Select file >> Export
Click Attendance >> Approvals>> Appended Log to view the logs given below
To add appended log fill the parameters shown in the figure below
After the completion of the settings, click OK to save the settings and return to the Appended Log interface.
We can request for Schedule adjustment from Lanatime 4.1 mobile application. The entries will be shown in the
interface like
We can approve and cancel the audit by selecting the particular entry
You can mark your attendance from the location where you are currently at.
The transactions interface provides statistics on valid attendance records, which depend on the settings of the effective
attendance record interval larger than N minutes.
Status refers to AC log status, and Correction of Status is to follow the attendance calculation rule to determine
whether an employee checks in or out for work based on the shift timetable and punching time of this employee. The
calculation is based on this correction of status during statistics.
1. Users can export an attendance report to an.xls, pdf, or csv file based on requirements. Export for the specific method
of exporting the report.
Users can import the transaction details to a USB using U disk import option.
Users can change the column width by dragging the column border to the left or right based on requirements.
Users can define the number of records displayed on each interface in the attendance report.
Note: Statistics can only be collected for the dates of the current month, and the total statistics dates cannot exceed
31 days.
The attendance report lists the daily attendance information of the queried personnel within a designated time period,
and collects statistics on absence, late arrival/early leaving, overtime and leave, to check whether the listed information
is consistent with the actual conditions. If the obtained result is inconsistent, adjust the shift, add an overtime sheet or
compensatory leave sheet or directly modify the data in the report based on the requirements.
Choose Attendance >> Attendance Report to access the Attendance Report interface.
3. Click Search, and view the attendance report information of the selected employees between the set start date and
the end date.
Note: When you click a report name, the corresponding report information is displayed.
The Schedule log interface provides statistics on valid attendance records, which depend on the settings of the effective
Status: Correction of Status is to follow the attendance calculation rule to determine whether an employee checks in
or out for work based on the shift timetable and punching time of this employee. The calculation is based on this
correction of status during statistics.
(2) Users can export an attendance report to an.xls, pdf, or csv file based on requirements.
(3) Users can select the fields required for displaying in the attendance report based on requirements (the fields are
displayed after being checked).
Users can change the column width by dragging the column border to the left or right based on requirements.
Users can define the number of records displayed on each interface in the attendance report.
Note: Statistics can only be collected for the dates of the current month, and the total statistics dates cannot exceed
31 days.
Sick leave: minute (B); casual leave: minute (G); maternity leave: day (C); compassionate leave: day (T); annual leave:
day (S); due/actual attendance time: day (); late arrival: minute (>); early leaving: minute (<); leave: hour (V); absence:
day (A); overtime: hour (+); no check-in: ([); no check-out (]); free overtime: hour (F). Please refer to 6.1 System User
Management for adding and modifying the symbols.
Daily Attendance
The daily attendance interface displays the daily attendance status, attendance statistics, over time statistics, leave
records, and leave summary within a designated period, and uses symbols or digits or the combination of symbols and
digits to represent different items.
Total Timecard
The total timecard interface displays the statistics on the schedule, attendance status, overtime and holidays of all staff
by date. The attendance list is a statistical table of attendance records in each shift timetable.
Expected Check-in / Expected Check Out, No Check In / No Check Out: 1 stands for yes and 0 stands for no.
Attendance Duration: interval between the check in time and the check-out time.
Exception: all abnormalities other than on-duty and off duty, such as leave.
Note: The data of the absence, attendance duration, work time and timetable are expressed in minutes, and is not
subject to the changes to the unit settings of the statistical item.
The attendance interface displays detailed attendance report of each employee in the time period, including the lists
of attendance, leaves and overtime, namely the summary table of the attendance lists.
The leave records are calculated by the leave type. The data in the leave column is the sum of the data of all leave
types. For example, leave = sick leave + casual leave + maternity leave + compassionate leave + annual leave + self-
defined leave.
Leave Summary
The leave summary interface displays all valid time and leave types of all valid leave records in the selected date range.
Valid time (minutes) means the minutes between the start time and end time of a leave record.
It provides all attendance exceptions.
Time Card
It provides the detailed punching information of the selected personnel.
Users can add personnel to an area on the interface. Select an area from the area list on the left, and the system
automatically screens and displays the personnel of the area in list on the right.
Select areas (multiple choices are allowed) and employees (multiple choices are allowed).Click OK to save the settings,
and return to the Zone User Management interface.
On the Zone User Management interface, click the selected area, and the area personnel list on the right displays the
information of the employees.
Note: After employees are added, the employees are set to be in the selected attendance area, the employee
information is issued to all devices in the attendance area, and the employee information in all devices in the original
attendance area is deleted.
We can add holiday groups in Lanatim 4.1. we can assign different holiday groups to different personnals or different
departments. Select Attandance>> Holiday>> Holiday group>> Add holiday group
Note: After adding a holiday for attendance, the system will not schedule shifts for the holiday. As there are no schedule
records, the system will not record attendance on holidays in the attendance reports.
In the holiday list, click the name of a holiday, or click Edit under Related Operation to access the edit interface.
In the holiday list, select the holiday to be deleted, and then click Delete on the upper left of the holiday list, or directly
click the Delete under Related Operation in the line of the holiday to be deleted to access the deletion confirmation
Employees may request a leave and hope that the leave can be displayed in the system statistics. In this case, he or she
should select a leave type when entering a leave record.
There are six default leave types in the system: sick leave, casual leave, maternal leave, compassionate leave, annual
leave and business trip.
Click Leave Type or the corresponding Delete under Related Operation to access the timetable delete interface.
The system setting is to assign system users (such as company management personnel, registrars, and statistics clerk),
configure roles for corresponding users, and set system parameters, notices, reminders and operation logs.
Choose System >> Role >> Option >> Add to access add role interface
1. Role Name: Enter the object type, namely the role name (such as the personnel staff and device administrator).
2. Permissions: The permissions of four categories are included: Personnel, Device, Attendance and System. In the
operation permission list under each permission type tab, tick the check box in front of the operation permission
to select the permission, or click the highest permission in the list to select all the sub-permissions under it. For
example, click Personnel with the highest permission. Then, all sub-permissions under it such as Department,
Position, Personnel, Resignation, and Issue Card will be selected.
After the completion of the setting, click OK to save the settings and return to the Role interface. The role list will
display the new roles.
In the role list, click the role name or click Edit under Related Operation in the line of the role to be edited to access
the interface for editing roles. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements. After the completion of the
modification, click OK to save the modified role information.
In the role list, select a role to be deleted, and click Delete on the upper part of the interface or click Delete under
Related operation in the line of the role to be deleted to access the role deletion interface.
Click OK to confirm the deletion of the selected role.
In the role list, select a role to be deleted, and click Delete on the upper part of the interface or click Delete under
Related operation in the line of the role to be deleted to access the role deletion interface.
1. Choose System >> User >> option >> Add to access the Add User interface:
Set the parameters as required based on the following steps (Parameters marked with * are mandatory):
Password/Confirm Password: The length range is 4 to 18 digits. The default password is 111111.
Authorize Department: Select a department from the popped up department drop-down list. (If you select no
department, you will possess all department rights by default.)
Authorize area: Select an area in the popped up area drop-down list. (If you select no area, you will possess all area
rights by default.)
Staff Status: Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.
Super Status: Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them.
Role: Roles need to be selected for non-super users. Select a preset role, and the user has all operation permissions of
this role.
After the completion of the setting, click OK to save the settings and return to the User interface. The user list will
display the new user.
Note: You can modify or delete existing users. Click Edit or Delete behind the username to perform corresponding
operations. The detailed operations are the same as those in "Editing a Role" and "Deleting a Role."
2. In the user list, click the user name or click Edit under Related Operation in the line of the user to be edited to access
the interface for editing user. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements. After the completion of the
modification, click OK to save the modified role information.
In the user list, select a user to be deleted, and click Delete on the upper part of the interface or click Delete under
Related operation in the line of the user to be deleted to access the user deletion interface.
Advanced search options are a set of very useful features offered by most search option on the Web application.
Advanced search gives the Web searcher the ability to narrow their searches by a series of different conditions, ranges
and fields and also in this we can add the advanced features.
Select Search Field: It is to select field from the dropdown that are to be searched.
Select Condition: It is used to select the condition from the drop down that are to be searched.
Range: It is used to set range of search field.
Add: Button is used to add extra search features by user.
Search: This button is used to the features.
Clear: This button is used to clear the form.
Return: Button is used to return from the current form.
Employee Login Block: Employee login to the lanatime can be blocked using this option. It will be helpful by blocking
the last time leave, appended, outdoor request for easy salary calculation.
Select if personnel number and device id are same or not and yearly leave limit updating date. By entering the minimum
difference between two punches, we can avoid the multiple punches. By enabling auto timetable we can generate the
reports according to the default time table without assign shift and schedule. It will be helpful for small firms which has
only one timetable
We can set the alerts for employees. Alert settings includes mail settings, Alarm settings and Approval alert. The alerts
can be sent as emails and pop ups
All selected items will be cleared. The action cannot be undone