WHLP-Cookery 10 - 2nd Quarter
WHLP-Cookery 10 - 2nd Quarter
WHLP-Cookery 10 - 2nd Quarter
9:30 – Cookery 10 Perform Mise en Place 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 Prepare ingredients according to given recipe, Number 1: Principles in Preparing vegetables
required form, and time frame. Thaw frozen LAS Number 2: Characteristics of Quality Vegetables
vegetables and was raw vegetables following 2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 1
1:00 – standard procedures 3. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 2
9:30 – Cookery 10 Perform Mise en Place 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 Prepare ingredients according to given recipe, Number 3: Thawing Vegetables
required form, and time frame. Thaw frozen LAS Number 4: Washing raw vegetables following standard
1:00 – vegetables and was raw vegetables following Procedures
3:00pm standard procedures 2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 3
3. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 4
9:30 – Cookery 10 Prepare Vegetable Dishes 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 1. Identify market forms of vegetable Number 5: Market Forms of Vegetables
1:00 – 2. Select various kinds of vegetables according LAS Number 6: Factors to consider in the selection of
3:00pm to the given menu. vegetables for culinary
2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 5
3. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 6
9:30 – Cookery 10 Prepare Vegetable Dishes 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 3. Cook variety of vegetable dishes following Number 7: Method of Cooking Vegetable Dishes
1:00 – appropriate cooking methods to preserve 2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 7
3:00 pm optimum quality and nutrition
9:30 – Cookery 10 Prepare Vegetable Dishes 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 4. Cook variety of vegetable dishes following Number 8: Preparation of Sauces and Accompaniment for
appropriate cooking methods to preserve Serving Vegetable Dishes
1:00 - optimum quality and nutrition 2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 8
3:00 pm 5. Prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in
serving vegetable dishes
9:30- Cookery 10 Present Vegetable dishes 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of LAS
11:30 1. Present vegetable recipe with appropriate sauces Number 9 – Presentation of Prepared Vegetable
1:00-3:00 and accompaniments Dishes
LAS Number 10 – Factors to consider in Plating
Vegetable Dishes
2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 9
3. Answer the Learning Activity 1-4 of LAS Number 10
9:30- Cookery Store Vegetables 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of
11:30 10 1. Store vegetable based on the prescribed LAS Number 11 - Techniques in Storing Vegetables
location and temperature LAS Number 12 - First In , First Out ( FIFO ), Safety and
2. Demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance Hygienic Practices in the Laboratory Kitchen,
Maintaining Optimum Freshness
with FIFO, Operating Procedures and Follow
LAS Number 13 - Evaluation of Finished Product
standard safety and hygiene Using Rubrics
2. Answer the Learning Activity 1-2 of LAS Number 11
Evaluate the Finished Products 3. Answer the Learning Activity 1-2 of LAS Number 12
1. Rate the finished products using rubrics 4. Answer the Learning Activity 1-2 of LAS Number 13
9:30 – Prepare and Cook Seafood Dishes 1. Study the Background Information for Learners of
11:30 Perform Mise en Place LAS Number 14 - Preparing and Cooking
1. Prepare the kitchen tools, equipment and Seafood Dishes
1:00 – ingredients based on required standards. 2. Answer and Perform the Learning Activity 1-3 of
LAS Number 14
3:00 pm 2. Identify types, varieties, market forms,
nutritive value and composition of fish and
3. Assemble ingredients according to recipe
cards or enterprise standard.
4. Identify steps in processing fish.