Manitoba - Assessments
Manitoba - Assessments
Manitoba - Assessments
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Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming iii
Manitoba Education would like to acknowledge and thank the many educators from across Manitoba
who contributed to the development of this resource, including the following original members of the
Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and
Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming Development Team:
A special thank-you to Tony Tavares and Brenda McDaniel for their contributions and ongoing advice
in the development of the Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an
Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming v
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners
Assessment for learning helps gain insight into what students understand so they can appropriately
Introduction: Assessment
program with differentiated teaching strategies and learning opportunities to help student progress.
By consistently checking for understanding, students’ misconceptions can also be identified and
In this section, the term EAL is inclusive of both EAL and LAL Kindergarten to Grade 12 addressed. Assessment as learning refers to processes where students assess their own knowledge,
programming, unless otherwise indicated. skills, and learning strategies in order to develop their understanding and refine their learning
The policies and practices related to the assessment of students who are learning EAL and LAL strategies. Considering these two purposes together, teachers and students collaborate to set and
draw on general assessment policies and practices in Manitoba, as well as research and practices revise learning goals and adjust teaching and learning strategies to work toward the achievement of
specifically concerning EAL, LAL, bilingual education, and additional-language learning. This section those goals and subject-area outcomes.
begins with a discussion of Manitoba Education’s general policies and beliefs concerning assessment, Assessment of learning evaluates whether or not students have met curriculum goals or expectations
and follows with a more detailed discussion of policies and effective practices concerning the intake of their individualized programs. It provides evidence of achievement to students, parents, and
process, assessment, and ongoing monitoring of EAL and LAL learners. teachers. Assessment of learning supports learning when it is used to celebrate success, adjust future
instruction, and provide feedback to the learner. At the school, divisional, and departmental level,
assessments of learning can be used to ensure that appropriate supports for continued learning
General Assessment Policies and Practices in Manitoba are provided. The province collects data on student achievement from both provincially mandated
classroom-based assessments and end-of-year summative assessments. These assessments support
This discussion on assessment practices applies to all Manitoba students, including EAL learners. The learning by
sections that follow this one apply specifically to EAL learners. Q providing feedback to students, teachers, and parents about student learning
Manitoba Education believes that the primary goal of assessment is to support and improve student Q helping to determine the need for changes or student-specific interventions
learning. The goal of education is to maximize achievement for all students and to empower them Q providing information about trends to assist with decision making about resources and
with the skills and attitudes for lifelong learning. Assessment can help to achieve those goals. support
The continual assessment process of gathering evidence of student learning is integral to instruction Q providing the public with general information about student achievement to sustain
and learning. When assessment information is used by students, teachers, and parents to inform confidence in the education system
next steps in teaching and learning, it can increase Educational literature and research show a focus on classroom-based assessment, specifically
motivation, engagement, and student success. This formative assessment*, which occurs as part of everyday instruction that supports learning.
information can also be used by the broader educational
community to monitor student achievement, celebrate When EAL learners
success, and ensure that appropriate supports for have age-appropriate
continued learning are provided.
schooling, it is not
Identifying the purpose of any assessment is critical usually appropriate to
to its effective use. Assessment serves three main refer to subject-area
purposes: assessment for learning, assessment as expectations from lower
learning, and assessment of learning. These purposes
grade levels.
relate to different aspects of the learning process to
support and improve student learning in distinct ways. * Formative assessment is defined by many as information gathered by teachers through a variety of methods and used
with students during and after learning to plan and adjust teaching and learning. As such, it encompasses assessment for
and as learning, as described earlier.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 1
The following are commonly identified as contributing to effective assessment: Research shows that assessment practices promote learning, especially when students are involved
in goal setting and self-assessment and when they are underpinned by a belief that every student
Q Clear learning intentions, expressed in terms students understand, with explicit success can improve. In contrast, this research also suggests learning is inhibited when there is too much
criteria and work samples emphasis on marks and grading and on comparing students’ progress to peers, rather than on
Q Active student involvement in setting performance expectations, self-assessment, planning feedback for improvement.
and adjusting learning strategies, and monitoring and communicating progress
Teaching and learning processes should be informed by assessment strategies that are interwoven
Q Provision of specific, descriptive feedback (from teachers, peers, and self-assessment) that through planning and instruction that follows a feedback cycle.
leads students to reflect on progress and next steps to achieve the learning goals
Q Use of assessment evidence gained through observation, conversation, and student work in Assessment for, as, and of learning all serve valuable and different purposes. The challenge is to find
order to plan and adjust instruction an appropriate balance. Traditionally, the focus of classroom assessment has been on assessment
of learning. Research and experience suggest that shifting the focus to assessment for and as
When these elements are incorporated into daily classroom practices, research shows that student learning practices increases student achievement, motivation, and empowers students to become
achievement improves. self-directed, self-managing learners. Through the process of these assessment practices students
understand themselves as learners in order to take increasing responsibility for their learning.
Periodically, it is necessary to use assessment for learning to check for progress to date in order to
provide information for student evaluation (grading, promotion, selection of programming). Some
refer to this as summative assessment. Whether assessments are classroom-based or provincially
developed, assessments must be aligned with the learning goals and be fair, accurate, and reliable. Purposes of EAL Assessment
This assessment process involves collecting and interpreting evidence of student learning and
making decisions about each student’s ability to apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they are Assessment of EAL learners is a more complex
developing. Clear criteria for success are necessary, both for supporting learners in demonstrating undertaking than assessment of proficient English
their understanding and skill and for supporting the teacher in making valid and reliable judgments speakers because it involves documentation of both “How do you know
about student progress and achievement. Evidence gathered through the formative assessment language proficiency and academic achievement when they ‘got it’?
processes can be helpful in arriving at summative judgments when evaluated against the criteria that (Gottlieb, 27). The assessment of EAL learners parallels When don’t they get it,
define current reporting levels or grades. that of non-EAL learners, but it is more critical because even though it might
Assessment has a profound influence on student motivation and self-esteem, which are critical the differences in language, culture, life experiences, seem as if they do?
influences on student learning. When the focus of assessment is on learning, providing specific and educational background may hinder the collection
of accurate data while, at the same time, that data is
What is evidence of
feedback helps the student move forward in manageable steps, and assessment builds confidence understanding?”
and success. When students experience success and are part of collecting and communicating needed to inform instructional and evaluative decisions.
evidence of success in their learning, their motivation and willingness to persevere increases. Almost all forms of educational assessment involve – Grant Wiggins (2004)
language. Even in tests that rely on performance or non-
However, assessment can also cause students to disengage. Struggling learners may experience verbal skills, language is commonly used in directions
assessment as evidence of failure, which confirms negative beliefs about themselves as learners. or in the mental formulation of a response. For example,
Assessment must focus on clear, manageable learning intentions and be conducted in a safe mathematics may appear to rely on symbols and
classroom climate that values risk-taking, eliminates threats, and enhances students’ beliefs about thinking more than language, but skills are often assessed through questions that use abstract or
themselves as learners. unique terminology or word problems. The more teachers and specialists understand the interplay
of culture, language, and learning, the more they will understand the complexity of assessing EAL
learners (Trumbull et al.).
Furthermore, abbreviations such as EAL may lead to stereotypes that blur differences among students
(Lenski et al.). Understanding each student’s unique profile will increase the opportunity for success.
2 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
EAL assessment provides information to Assessment in the EAL Teaching and Learning Cycle
Q assist in developing an appropriate program EAL assessment can be seen as occurring in interrelated phases, and their relationship to EAL teaching
Q evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching program and learning activities, and make and learning cycle can be depicted as follows:
decisions concerning both short- and long-term curriculum and program planning
Q identify students’ strengths, needs, and challenges as multilingual learners
Q monitor and measure linguistic and academic progress
Q determine whether changes are needed in instructional approaches, content, and associated
language development activities
Q help students participate in learning processes by giving constructive feedback that
encourages them to reflect on their learning
Q inform other teachers of student progress
Q inform parents of student progress
Q meet divisional and departmental EAL funding and accountability needs
All appropriate EAL and LAL assessment policies, protocols, and practices benefit EAL and LAL
learners and teachers.
Schools should ensure that students and parents understand the purpose of various assessment
activities and that information about progress is communicated in clear and meaningful ways.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 3
Principles of EAL Assessment that Assist Learning and Inform Instruction The EAL Intake Process
3. Authentic and Meaningful Guidelines for EAL Intake Process for EAL and LAL Learners
1. An Integral Part of Instruction
2. Continuous and Ongoing Language Learning Processes
and Learning
and Contexts It is important that schools and school divisions develop EAL policies, protocols, and practices that
Assessment Assessment Assessment define EAL programming models, roles and responsibilities, supports, and resources available,
• is meaningful to students • occurs through all • focuses on connecting regardless of the number of EAL students registered. Clear and well-developed policies and protocols
• leads to goal setting instructional activities prior knowledge and new help ensure that EAL learners receive appropriate and effective programming. They need to address
• fosters transfer/integration (observations, responses, logs) knowledge (integration of
with other curricular areas and • occurs systematically over a information)
all aspects of the short- and long-term educational planning and programming for EAL learners: from
application to daily life period of time • focuses on authentic literacy their initial intake to the point where they are at an age- and grade-appropriate level of English
• reflects strategies used • demonstrates progress contexts and tasks language development and fully integrated into the classroom and school.
• uses a wide variety of towards achievement of • focuses on the application of
strategies and tools learning goals strategies for constructing School-wide protocols for EAL learners include the following:
• reflects a definite purpose meaning in new contexts Q identification of EAL learner and registration
4. Collaborative and Reflective 5. Multidimensional — 6. Developmentally and Q gathering information about the student’s background using the EAL intake process
Process Incorporating a Variety of Tasks Culturally Appropriate (available on the EAL portal of the Manitoba Professional Learning Environment [Maple] at
Assessment Assessment Assessment (login required) /Wiki/EAL Intake Process Documents):
• encourages meaningful • uses a variety of contextual • is suited to students’ initial reception, orientation, and meeting with student and family initial English language
student involvement and strategies, tasks, and tools developmental levels and mathematics inventory
reflection • is completed for a variety of • is sensitive to diverse social,
• involves parents as partners purposes and audiences cultural, and linguistic Q EAL student-specific plan
• reaches out to the community • reflects learning intentions backgrounds Q age-appropriate placement
• focuses on collaborative • is unbiased “Teachers provide students
review of products and appropriate programming
processes to draw conclusions
with opportunities to have
• involves a team approach Q ongoing monitoring and transition to input into the criteria for
regular programming success. Exemplars also
9. Offer Clear Performance
7. Focused on Students’ Strengths 8. Based on How Students Learn Q exit from EAL support help them to understand
Q parental involvement—informed decision the conditions of quality.
Assessment Assessment Assessment
• identifies what students can • uses educational practices • encourages student making Students, at appropriate
do and are learning to do based on current learning involvement (setting criteria, points, make choices in
• identifies competencies in the theory and brain research measuring progress, working The use of the provincial EAL intake process and
division-wide assessment protocols and tools for how they demonstrate
development of knowledge, • fosters development of towards outcomes and
skills and strategies, and metacognition standards) assessing EAL language proficiency, along with the their learning.”
attitudes • considers multiple • encourages application use of the EAL Stages, across schools and divisions in
• considers preferred learning intelligences and learning beyond the classroom – Kevin O’Connor &
Manitoba, will promote consistent understandings Damien Cooper
styles styles • provides a basis for goal
• focuses on celebrations of • uses collaborative and co- setting about students and their learning.
progress and success operative strategies • provides students with a
• provides for differentiation • considers research on the role sense of achievement
• provides information of memory in learning • provides information
to compare a student’s • reflects current models of that compares a
performance with previous language learning student’s performance to
performances predetermined criteria or
4 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
Reception and Orientation A copy of the Orientation Checklist is in Appendix A. A fillable PDF of the Orientation Checklist can
be found in Maple at (login required) /Wiki/EAL Intake Process
When EAL students first arrive in a school, it is important that as much information as possible be Documents.
shared by the student, family, and school. Schools should develop a protocol to welcome new EAL
students and their families, to ensure that they receive and understand the information they need Orientation Checklist
about the school, and to make sure the school is able to collect the information it needs for planning. Student’s Name:
(Surname) (Given) (Middle)
School personnel who make the first contact with new families should be aware of the reception Date
School divisions and schools should establish a team that is responsible for the reception of EAL ■ Make an appointment for the family to meet with a school representative (perhaps with an interpreter)
for an initial meeting. Provide the family with written confirmation of this meeting (date of interview,
time, location, and with whom the meeting will take place). Complete the Initial Meeting Form at this
learners and their families and for their inclusion into the school community. Depending on individual
■ Assist the family to complete the school registration form, with assistance from an interpreter if
needed. Help them fill out other required documents/forms (e.g., regarding computer use, media
school circumstances, the team may comprise administrators, teachers, and support staff. A member
release, Unified Referral and Intake System [URIS], field trips, lunch hour).
■ Provide the family with the following information in a comprehensible way (if possible, also provide a
simplified written document that the family can review later):
of the team should be responsible for providing essential orientation information to the learner ■ Basic information about the school/community, including
and family. It is helpful to have this information available in printed form so that newcomers are not
T Telephone numbers/contact information for the school, relevant community organization(s),
interpreter services, and so on
T Description of support services available from the school and the school division
overwhelmed with a great deal of information all at once. It is also helpful to provide this information ■ Structure of the school day and school year, including
Allow ample time for the reception interview to give students and parents a chance to feel
Common school information, including
T Expectations regarding absences from school and late arrivals to school, and how to
report them
School norms and rules (e.g., Code of Conduct, dress code, school safety, playground rules,
emergency procedures and drills)
T Student report cards (including the E-designation for courses) and parent-teacher conferences
Q basic information about the school community and the structure and routine of the school DRAFT (June 2019)—English as an Additional Language (EAL) Intake Process: Early Years A–3
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 5
Q getting home—bus, walking route, location of a phone Initial EAL Intake Process
Q school supplies
The initial intake process is designed to determine
In addition to information about religious, cultural, educational, and family backgrounds, there are appropriate programming needs by gathering the “When we co-construct
other important factors concerning a student’s background that need to be considered because they following critical and detailed information about each
criteria with students (or
may affect learning. Such factors include their EAL learner when they first register at a school:
adults), we help them
Q educational background
Q level of proficiency in English understand the learning
Q level of proficiency in English destination, access prior
Q proficiency in other languages, especially first, dominant, or home language literacy
Q home language(s) knowledge, understand
Q prior schooling experience (e.g., whether or not they had interrupted schooling and for how
long) and use the language
This information provides schools and teachers with
important insights and factors that can affect student of assessment, and
Q refugee or immigration experiences
learning and success. scaffold future learning.”
Q trauma due to war, relocation, and cultural factors
Although the goal is to place students in classes as – Anne Davies
Q health, physical, and other characteristics that may affect learning
quickly as possible, it is important to ensure that
Q interests and skills thorough and accurate information is collected to
Q long-term educational or career goals support teachers receiving new EAL students. Ideally, information from the initial intake process
should be gathered formally and informally over a period of one to two weeks.
A fillable PDF of the Initial Meeting Form can be found in Maple at
sign_in (login required) /Wiki/EAL Intake Process Documents. New EAL learners will need time to feel comfortable in their new environment and develop trust
with teachers and students in their class. Much of this information should be collected during the
Initial Meeting Form
first days and weeks in school. It is also important to maintain and update the information over time.
Personal Information
As students relax in their new setting, there is an opportunity to gather further insights into their
Student’s Name:
Family Information
Telephone Number/Email:
planning proceeds.
Student currently lives with:
For Early and Middle Years learners, a more thorough assessment of language and learning may occur
after they are placed in an age-appropriate classroom. Observation of learners as they participate
Are there any cultural/religious/spiritual/food/etc. accommodations of which the school should be aware?
in reading and writing tasks and in mathematics activities, interact with peers, and respond to new
tasks and learning situations will provide important information about the learner’s development and
If yes, specify:
skills, general content knowledge, interests, and long-term career and life goals before scheduling
courses. Even so, initial scheduling for EAL students should aim for flexibility to adjust to emerging
DRAFT (June 2019)—English as an Additional Language (EAL) Intake Process: Early Years A–5
Either the family or the school should arrange for an interpreter and, when feasible, have relevant
documents translated.
6 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
This intake process should include the review of any educational documents that the learner may The EAL inventory tools and the EAL Progressions/LAL Phases can help identify students’ stages of
bring or may be able to access. If documents are not accessible, information should be gathered from English language development. The EAL Inventory tools (inventories on vocabulary, listening and
EAL learners arrive with a variety of literacy experiences. Some have well-developed literacy skills English as an Additional English as an Additional English as an Additional
in other languages. Others, who may have had limited, disrupted, or non-existent educational Language (EAL) Intake Process Language (EAL) Intake Process Language (EAL) Intake Process
opportunities, may not have developed grade-appropriate literacy skills in any language.
Determining the learner’s level of literacy in another language will help clarify the level of support the
learner will require while learning English. If interpreters and dual language materials are available,
these services and resources will be helpful. Learners’ proficiency in using their home language in
initial writing tasks also provides information about their literacy skills.
Version 1.0 Version 1.0 Version 1.0
In an initial intake process, a writing task in the student’s dominant or home language will help
determine literacy in that language. Elizabeth Coelho states in her work for the Ontario Ministry,
“Where possible at least part of the initial intake process should be conducted in the student’s first or
dominant language (e.g., the language previously used for schooling) to allow a broader view of his or
her linguistic development and academic background.” (Ontario Ministry of Education). Appropriate Placement
It may be helpful to undertake an inventory of students’ first or dominant language proficiency, as Early and Middle Years learners should generally be placed in the grade that is appropriate for their
well as to develop a profile of other possible language experiences. This is especially important with age, rather than in a lower grade based on their level of academic functioning in English. Learners’
beginning learners who have limited English-learning opportunities and students from war-affected academic development and social development are enhanced in an environment where they are able
and interrupted schooling backgrounds. Some students may have spoken one language with one to engage in learning processes alongside their peers. Information gathered from learner records,
parent, another with a grandparent, and another at school. They may or may not have some degree from parents/guardians, and through the initial intake process will help identify what type of EAL
of literacy in their dominant language. They may have receptive knowledge of other languages if programming would be most appropriate for the learner.
their family has moved several times. All of these language experiences can affect oral language and
literacy development. Informal and formal assessment of a learner’s first or dominant language will Senior Years students should generally be placed in courses that reflect their previous academic
provide important programming information. Interviews with the student and family are especially achievement, background knowledge of a subject area, and English language skills. For example,
important. while a SY Stage 2 EAL student with a strong Grade 10 Mathematics background may be successful in
a Grade 11 Pre-Calculus course, the same student may need an E-designated Grade 11 History course.
LAL students will need more time and intensive specialized supports to gain foundational literacy and
numeracy skills that are essential for academic success and continued supports as they transition into
EAL and general programming.
To determine the course credits that Senior Years students have completed prior to coming to
Manitoba, especially in the case of LAL students with interrupted schooling, refer to the Manitoba
Education guidelines Evaluating Non-Manitoba Course Completions for Senior Years Credits: A Guide
for School Administrators at Students who are not
studying specific EAL courses may still require careful sequencing of courses, differentiation, and
ongoing monitoring.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 7
For students arriving with a background of interrupted schooling, consideration should be given to
EAL Student-Specific Plan (SSP) Template
both their educational needs and a placement at an age-appropriate grade level. This determination
Section 1: Student Information and Prior Learning
must be made on the basis of each student’s circumstances. (For more information regarding grade Student and School
placement of LAL students, refer to the Manitoba Education guidelines Evaluating Non-Manitoba Date of Birth:
Student No.:
Course Completions for Senior Years Credits: A Guide for School Administrators at School:
Note: Access the student’s Initial Meeting Form from the EAL intake process for information about cultural
background, country of origin, and language(s) spoken.
Appropriate educational programming for most students consists of the expected learning outcomes
Refugee/war-affected background
EAL learning goals in addition to or instead of the expected subject-area learning goals. Planning
for EAL students incorporates the learning goals within the EAL Progressions as well as a range of
instructional supports for addressing student diversity, such as differentiated instruction, adaptation,
and individualized programming (see Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and
Implementing Individual Education Plans at A–38 English as an Additional Language (EAL) Intake Process: Early Years
In this case, an EAL student-specific planning process should occur especially for LAL learners and EAL
Stages 1 and 2 students. An EAL SSP will indicate language learning goals based on their LAL Phase or Formative Assessment
EAL Stage, as well as subject-area goals. The subject-area goals may be grade/band level, or they may
support an acceleration of foundational learning for students with gaps in that subject area. Once EAL learners have completed the initial intake for programming and planning purposes and an
EAL SSP has been developed and is being implemented, teachers continually monitor student growth
When the learning goals for EAL students are derived from Manitoba’s EAL Progressions or LAL through formative assessment. Formative assessment that includes observations, conversations, and
Phases and are different from the regular subject-area learning outcomes, an EAL SSP is required. student work samples is integral to the overall teaching-learning cycle, as well as to implementing the
education plan.
For Stages 4 and 5 of English language acquisition, the language learning goals are woven into the
regular subject-area outcomes through adaptations and regular classroom learning opportunities; Assessment of English language development is a key component in the overall assessment of
thus, no EAL SSP is necessary for these learners. Some learners in higher stages may require an EAL EAL learners’ progress at school. It will also affect the assessment of learning in the other subjects.
SSP to provide language supports to access the regular curriculum. Ongoing assessment and reporting of English language learning will be based on the student’s
learning plan.
The EAL SSP should be evaluated at least annually. However, formative assessment may indicate a
need to adjust the EAL SSP more often. Teachers collect and record assessment information about students through a wide range of
assessment activities. The information can relate to the language learning goals of the EAL
See Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Individual Education Plans programming or courses, as derived from the EAL Progressions or LAL Phases, and also to affective
at for more information on the student-specific factors such as students’ confidence, motivation, and learning styles.
planning process.
The EAL Progressions and LAL Phases provide the basis for ongoing formative and summative
A fillable PDF of the EAL Student Specific Plan Template or a sample EAL SSP can be found in Maple at assessment. Although students may be at different EAL Stages in different skill areas, an assessment (login required) /Wiki/EAL Intake Process Documents. of overall progress of EAL development may be reflected as a single stage designation. Therefore, a
School divisions can name their EAL SSP according to their needs. student may be assessed as an “entry EAL Stage 2” learner or a “late LAL Phase 2” learner.
8 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
Whether conducting assessment for learning or assessment of learning, a teacher needs sufficient Student Assessment Using the EAL Progressions or LAL Phases
evidence of a student’s mastery of language learning goals. Teachers can use a process known as
triangulation of data to collect evidence of student learning using three different sources: The EAL Progressions and the LAL Phases with their learning goals and descriptors are the core tools
for assessing EAL development. For an individual student,
Q teacher observation in class
Q locate the student on an EAL or LAL learning continuum at any point in time, and thus
Q conversation with the student or student reflection
indicate the amount of progress that has already been made in learning English, as well
Q student product, such as projects, tasks, tests, etc. as how far the student may need to ”travel” before they reach a level of English language
development that is appropriate for their age and grade
EAL teachers and classroom teachers will find they are constantly assessing their students’ English
development and evaluating their own instructional practice as they listen to and watch their Q assist in assessing learning in different subject areas other than EAL by ensuring that the
students in the classroom and as they plan programs and units of work. The process of planning, stage of English learning is considered when assessing content learning
assessment, and program evaluation is interactive. The information is used by teachers to include
At the class or whole-school level, this assessment can
certain elements in their program or to further adjust their units of work based on their overall
perceptions of the students’ needs and abilities. Q indicate the spread of students across the stages—both in and across classes, provide
information for organizing and prioritizing EAL programming, and highlight the need for a
particular EAL teaching focus in the program
Q identify classes that would benefit from collaborative planning or team teaching
Q assist in assessing the effectiveness of the EAL programming from term to term or from year
to year by monitoring the progression through the EAL Stages/LAL Phases of students of
comparable background
EAL learning is a long-term process that takes place through rich learning experiences and
participation in activities in the school and larger community. This necessitates an approach to EAL
assessment that is consistent across the whole school and ideally across the division. Progress can
then be monitored regularly in ways that are meaningful and that can identify areas of concern.
Using the EAL Progressions and LAL Phases and descriptors for monitoring student progress (see
Early, Middle, and Senior Years EAL Progressions), teachers can
Q gradually develop individual student profiles through formative assessment, remembering
that students may demonstrate different proficiencies for receptive and productive uses of
language (e.g., listening, speaking, reading, writing)
Q confer with other teachers, including specialists, to confirm that indicators are regularly
demonstrated in a number of different contexts
Q record (e.g., in student booklets) the contexts in which particular behaviours have been
observed and the dates of the observation
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 9
The indicators given may not perfectly describe each individual student. For example, the language While the EAL Progressions and LAL Phases prescribe no
examples given may not always be entirely appropriate for particular students, or the context of use explicit timeframe, it is expected that students will move
may not be relevant. However, it is the essence of the examples that is important. through the early stages more quickly than the later As much as possible,
stages. For example, students are likely to move through assessment of content-
The descriptors in the Progressions are written as end-of-stage learning goals that students Stage 1 of EAL more quickly than Stage 2. The time area learning intentions
may achieve along with content-area outcomes or in other contexts. These goals are summative taken by an individual student to progress through the should provide
descriptions of learning; a student must demonstrate the skill consistently in different contexts over EAL Stages will be influenced by many factors, such as
time before it can be said that they achieved a particular learning goal. options for students
Q extent, intensity, and type of EAL support to demonstrate their
Assessment for and of EAL learning requires that teachers know their students well, have observed provided knowledge in ways
them over time, and have collected relevant and accurate data to inform and communicate about
Q support from home that are not bound in
next steps.
Q educational background language tasks.
It is important to
Q cultural expectations
Q observe students in a variety of informal and formal classroom situations, in conversation, Q literacy in first or dominant language
and when working with other students and adults (assessment for learning)
Q similarity between first language and English
Q talk to them about their own learning, where they think they are doing well, or where they
feel they need extra help or need to try harder (assessment as learning)
Q learning styles and ability, personality, and motivation
Q have students demonstrate their learning (e.g., projects, tasks, and tests)
Q anxiety, trauma, and health
Q socio-cultural distance between the first culture and Canadian culture
By providing information collected over time, this process of mapping student progress helps
teachers make a balanced judgment. Once the evidence of learning is collected, the targeted EAL For example, LAL learners will generally develop formalized aspects of the language at a slower pace
goals can be considered in order to assess whether they accurately summarize what students are able than EAL learners with strong prior literacy skills. The cumulative demands of developing literacy
to do (assessment of learning). This information could be used to describe whether the student is just and developing foundational science, mathematics, and other subject-area knowledge and skills
beginning to meet the goals in the stage or has achieved or met the goal. Assessment of EAL learning mean that students, while in an accelerated learning process, simply need more time to successfully
can also be made through the EAL SSP, using the EAL expectations provided in this document. integrate the volume of language and academic learning required. More time might include
extending learning beyond the regular school hours and time frame (e.g. homework club, summer
Time, Student Learning, and the EAL Progressions/LAL Phases
It is important that students progress through LAL Phases and/or EAL Stages. The time a student
Educators recognize that students develop at different rates and some students require more time to takes to progress through the stages is a factor to consider when assessing the overall progress
achieve specific outcomes. English first-language students are generally expected to meet grade- of that learner. By observing the learning patterns of other EAL learners (including those from a
level expectations on a relatively continuous basis, and EAL learners are expected to develop English similar background), having discussions with other teachers, and taking into account the student’s
language skills asynchronously from English first-language learners. Therefore, EAL students will not background, teachers are able to come to an overall assessment of whether or not an individual
initially be at age-/grade-appropriate levels of English language development. An initial “silent” student is making satisfactory progress in learning English.
period of a few weeks or even several months is common, while students absorb the patterns of the
language, new culture, and gain confidence. It is also important that there is a common interpretation of the learning outcomes of the subject-
area curriculum frameworks and the learning goals of the EAL Progressions. Working within a strong
collaborative structure in the school to develop a continuum of services is important in meeting the
needs of EAL students.
10 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
Monitoring and Recording Student Progress Within schools, teachers can develop common interpretations by discussing their assessments of
students’ work, developing assessment criteria together, or keeping files of representative student
Record keeping is an essential part of a good EAL work.
assessment program. Teachers are constantly making
both formal and informal judgments about student “Effective feedback Across schools, teachers discussing and assessing sample student work together in teacher networks
progress. It is important to record the assessments is concrete, specific, can develop common interpretations.
in a manner that provides a comprehensive picture and useful; it provides
of student progress, grounded in evidence. Keeping actionable information.
annual records of student achievement as they Assessment Formats
progress through the EAL Progressions/LAL Phases
This, ‘Good job!’ and ‘You
did that wrong’ and B+ Teachers need to keep records that give them comprehensive information about student progress,
helps inform long-term planning across grade levels
are not feedback at all. and that allow them easy access to the information they need to report on student progress. Such
and subject areas.
records could include
We can easily imagine
the learners asking Q information on student progress towards achieving the learning goals of the EAL
Planning for Assessment
themselves in response Progressions
Effective teachers constantly use assessment to these comments, Q anecdotal and/or descriptive records
information when making decisions about teaching what specifically should Q individual progress sheets
and learning needs in their daily interactions I do more or less of
with students. Allow sufficient time and provide
Q dated, and perhaps annotated, collections of student work, such as drawings, writing in
next time, based on English or in their first language, and completed worksheets
opportunities for learning to take place before any
decisions are made about student achievement.
this information? They Q lists of books read by students, perhaps with teacher annotations about students’ reading or
To enhance each student’s ability to demonstrate have no idea. They don’t comprehension of the text
learning, teaching strategies and assessment should know what was ‘good’ or Q video or audio recordings of students during activities or in conference situations
access prior learning. ‘wrong’ about what they
Q student self-assessment
At all levels, and particularly in Early Years, language Q checklists of specific vocabulary
is integrated with care. Learning intentions should – Grant Wiggins (2012)
be balanced and sequential to meet the demands Q student reflection and self-assessment
of language learning and literacy. The EAL student-
The kinds of records kept should combine to form a comprehensive set of cumulative information
specific plan can help to ensure that subject-area
that can be used for subsequent reporting.
foundations are appropriately addressed and evaluated.
Teachers could also develop their own assessment resources or record keeping to suit their style of
Planning for assessment is an essential part of this process. In planning for assessment, teachers need
working, planning, and reporting.
to ensure that they
Q include a variety of assessment strategies in their teaching programs to provide multiple
sources of information about student achievement EAL Assessment and Subject-Area Curriculum Frameworks
Q develop a manageable system of keeping records that can provide a rich mixture of
observations and evidence of student learning EAL students should be held to the same high expectations of learning as other students and should
Q use the data they have collected to make judgments about student achievement in relation reach learning outcomes in the various subject areas consistent with other students. However, given
to the Manitoba curriculum frameworks of outcomes for specific subjects that instruction for individual students should be based on their stage of EAL development and
their educational and cultural backgrounds, appropriate and valid assessment of their subject-area
Q develop with other school personnel a common interpretation of the learning goals within
progress should take these factors into account.
the EAL Progressions
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 11
Planning for Combined EAL and Subject-Area Assessment It is crucial that student progress in understanding new
content is not confused with developing the ability
When students are studying in various content areas, they also learn social and academic to express that understanding through conventional “To effectively meet the
language. Beyond learning vocabulary and grammar, they will need to use language in particular English or through culturally unfamiliar assessment needs of each individual
communicative contexts (“notions”), and they will need to use it for particular purposes (“functions”) tasks. EAL students’ difficulties with the English EAL learner, the school
in those contexts. As an example, context or notions of performing a science experiment with a language can mask their true understanding and team must obtain
partner require several language functions, such as abilities. Subject-area learning outcomes tend to use sufficient information
academic words such as describe, identify, explain, discuss,
Q collaborating to determine the needs
compare, contrast, analyze, and evaluate. This can make
Q formulating hypotheses the goals sound very language-dependent, which is of the various groups of
Q proposing alternative solutions particularly demanding for an EAL learner who is still at EAL students within the
the early stages of English language learning. In order to school, their performance
Q describing, inferring, and interpreting data ensure that EAL learners are actually being assessed on in different contexts,
Q predicting, generalizing, and communicating findings the learning in the subject area and not simply on their and the strengths and
ability to use English to communicate, it is necessary
The complexity of language that students are using in particular situations will vary. In earlier stages, weaknesses exhibited
to determine what content and concepts students
students may be using formulaic structures or interlanguage structures, such as sentence frames, understand. Assessment is much more straightforward by these students.
and they may also use non-verbal language, such as pointing or nodding, to help achieve a certain if the learning program has been well planned to give To accomplish these
function. In more advanced stages, students will use more complex and natural collocations. As students a broad range of learning experiences that objectives, the school
teachers plan learning experiences for students at particular EAL Stages, they will include language allow them to use language as team has four major
features that are appropriate to those stages and that naturally support the content learning or tasks.
Teachers may observe the functions, vocabulary, and grammatical features that students are able to Q sense making responsibilities:
use in their classroom interactions. Observations of individual students may be recorded on checklists coordinating information
Q a system
or anecdotally, perhaps every two or three weeks, thereby building up a picture of progress. gathering, interpreting
exploration and design
information, suggesting
While EAL learners are still learning the English language, they will also be using English to learn in all power and agency
the subject areas. Therefore, students’ stages of English language development will influence their
programming, and
overall learning. Learning new concepts and knowledge also involves learning new vocabulary and helping teachers monitor
new ways to articulate and communicate what has been learned. students’ progress.”
If students have not developed the English language skills needed to achieve expectations in a – Else Hamayan et al.
specific subject area, teachers will need to draw on learning goals from both the EAL Progressions
and outcomes from the subject-area frameworks. By identifying subject-area learning goals and what
language is needed to meet them, teachers can plan how students will be prepared for the language
demands of the subject-area learning and how learning can be assessed given the stage of the
language learner. (See also Planning Senior Years Courses for EAL Learners, later in this section.)
12 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
General Assessment Principles and Suggestions for Subject-Area
B. Assessment Strategies
Assessment of EAL Learners
T Employ assessment activities across a range of tasks and contexts
Typical assessment practices, especially for assessment of learning, are often highly language- T Collect data over an extended period of time (a “photo album” of the student’s progress
dependent and teachers often question how they can separate subject-area knowledge from English rather than a “snapshot” of one point in time)
language skills. The following guide, based on research by Jodi Reiss and Elizabeth Coelho, is relevant T Distinguish between objective and subjective assessment
to all subject areas and may assist teachers in self-assessing their use of appropriate approaches that
T Include contextual strategies, tasks, and tools within learning experiences and sequences
provide useful and accurate information about EAL students. Students should be encouraged to
demonstrate their understanding of content-area knowledge in their first language. T Ask students in the earlier stages of learning English to show their understanding visually
(e.g., through hands-on demonstrations or drawings)
Always T Where appropriate, use graphic organizers, sequenced pictures, labelled diagrams, and
maps to demonstrate content knowledge instead of essay questions that require strong
T Determine the purpose of the assessment writing skills
T Choose the form of assessment that fits the purpose T Substitute linguistically simplified formats, such as true/false, identification, and completion
T Distinguish between language and content outcomes questions, or reduce the number of options on multiple-choice questions, which require
T Ensure that the assessment of content-area learning does not require grade-level knowledge strong reading skills and the ability to discern subtle distinctions in wording
of language forms that are not part of the stated outcomes T Use shorter extracts of texts with simpler sentence structure
T Observe and note how students perform specific tasks or activities
T Ask questions, preferably while the students are engaged in a relevant task, as this provides
A. Student Expectations/Outcomes contextual support
T Maintain challenging expectations for students while recognizing their individual EAL stage T Teach students the skills and language needed to understand how to reflect on their own
and educational background learning (e.g., journals, logs, graphic organizers)
T Focus on what will be taught and what students should reasonably be expected to know, T Discuss and compare assessments with other teachers
and build assessment into the teaching and learning cycle T Increase the language component of the tasks as students become more proficient
T Focus on the development of the individual student T Avoid using standardized norm-referenced tests that are intended for English speakers to
T Recognize that EAL learners are on a continuum of language development and may gather critical information about an EAL learner
demonstrate more or less progress in different skills (e.g., a student may understand more than T Use multi-modal, culturally appropriate texts and tasks
she or he can produce)
T Focus on what the student can do rather than on what the student cannot do, while
indicating targeted outcomes and areas of concern
T Give clear criteria of what is expected and valued in a good response, as some EAL students
may be accustomed to different assessment processes (e.g., open-ended tasks where a
degree of analysis or reflection is required)
T Communicate to the student and the parent from the beginning if the focus of learning and
assessment is on EAL curriculum goals based on the EAL student-specific plan
T Explain that, as the student progresses, the learning intentions and balance of assessment
will increasingly reflect the grade-level curriculum
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 13
C. Conditions for Accurate and Equitable Assessment Assessing EAL Learners in Content-Area Classes
T When possible, use the student’s dominant language to assess prior content learning; assess
the student’s academic knowledge and not just language knowledge
Reflecting on my practice, I
T Where appropriate, ensure that tasks are graded in terms of language demands so that,
while the rest of the class may attempt all questions or tasks, there will be some more
accessible ones that EAL students can also perform successfully 1. choose the form of assessment to fit the purpose (e.g., distinguish
T Give students time to prepare for formal assessment tasks between language and content outcomes; assessment for/as/of learning)
T Explain the assessment procedures, conditions, and criteria for assessment when setting
formal assessment tasks (using bilingual assistance where necessary) 2. use the student’s first language to assess prior content learning, when
T On tests, consider allowing students to use a bilingual dictionary to clarify English words
they are not being tested on
3. collect data over an extended period of time (“photo album” vs.
T Use flexible timing to allow students to process reading, thinking, and writing in their new
language (e.g., allow additional time; break one assessment task into several parts)
T Show models of acceptable to outstanding work for performance tasks, and provide some 4. focus on the development of the individual student
guidance on how the task is to be presented
• For larger presentations, such as a report, model a sample structure of what each section
might contain and, where appropriate, offer some language support 5. consider outside factors, such as culture and adjustment to a new
• Give sentence starters for each section or provide examples on the board of the kind of setting
language needed
T Allow students opportunities to improve their performance (students may use the 6. maintain challenging expectations for students while recognizing their
assessment task as a way of identifying areas to improve, as they need opportunities to do so) individual EAL stage and educational background
8. give clear criteria and models of what is expected and valued in a good
response or product
9. focus on what the student can do rather than on what the student
cannot do, while indicating targeted outcomes and areas of concern
10. include alternative and authentic strategies, tasks, and tools within
learning experiences, such as non-verbal tools like drawing when
language limits the student’s expression of comprehension matching,
pointing, using gestures, etc.
14 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
Large-Scale Assessments (e.g., the Grade 3 Reading Comprehension and
Assessing EAL Learners in Content-Area Classes
Numeracy Assessment)
In many countries, assessments determine the student’s educational future and, therefore, career
Reflecting on my practice, I and economic opportunities. EAL learners and their parents may feel strong pressure to achieve well
on provincial assessments and may need explanations about their purposes and their significance in
11. observe and note how the student performs particular tasks and Manitoba.
Although participation in such assessments is required for EAL learners, educators and parents
should consider the validity and reliability of assessments that may assume a certain level of English
12. use flexible timing to allow students to process reading, think, and language proficiency or understanding of Western or even mainstream Manitoba culture. Students
write in their new language, by allowing additional time, by breaking may not be able to accurately demonstrate what they know and can do for a number of reasons. For
one assessment task into several parts, or by shortening the length of example:
the task
Q Many students and parents have experienced different large-scale examinations in
13. converse with the student about their work, using first language if their home countries and are not familiar with the formats and procedures of Manitoba
necessary and feasible assessments.
Q Learners in the early stages will need more time to process their language learning and
14. give specific feedback on targeted outcomes for language or content thoughts, but may be reluctant to ask for additional time, even when it is permitted.
Q Learners may have good reading skills in their own language but these skills may not be
evident because the assessment tools are based on the language they are learning.
15. allow students opportunities to improve their performance following Q Reading proficiency is often demonstrated through written answers; however, productive
assessment skills in a language usually take longer to develop than receptive skills, and students may
comprehend more than they are able to demonstrate.
16. teach students the skills and the language needed for self-assessment Q Unfamiliar vocabulary, paraphrasing, and unfamiliar expressions in academic language may
confuse students who actually “know” the answer (McKay).
Q Questions or performance tasks that are designed for Manitoba first-language speakers may
17. avoid standardized norm-referenced tests that are intended for be embedded in cultural experiences or topical knowledge that newcomers are not familiar
English speakers to gather critical information about EAL learners with (e.g., camping trips, seasonal sports, or leasing a car).
Although it is not wise to judge an EAL learner’s progress against assessment criteria that are normed
for first-language speakers, schools often want and sometimes need to see how the student’s
English language skills compare to grade-level expectations. This information can contribute to an
appropriate educational plan.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 15
Using Student Portfolios for Assessment Communicating Student Learning
Portfolios provide an excellent assessment tool for both
Useful communication about EAL learning occurs long before report card time and communicates
students and teachers to document EAL competencies
“If you are using this more than the grades students have achieved. Communication can be about
and proficiencies. They allow students to demonstrate
growth experienced through the year with richer, more assessment with a
Q growth (improvement from a starting point)
illuminating evidence. By collecting student samples student who is an
over a period of time and analyzing the evidence English language
Q progress (in relation to an endpoint)
collected, students and teachers can gain a better learner, you will need to Q achievement (what the student can do at this point)
understanding of how well students are progressing, be sure that the student
and they can identify strengths and successes as well as
speaks English well Reviewing Student Progress
learning gaps or areas where students need to improve.
Through a varied collection of artifacts, students enough to understand
demonstrate their language achievement. Materials the directions and Ongoing review and evaluation of learner progress and a flexible approach are necessary to ensure
gathered in the portfolio can be used for assessment for, introduction, enter into that EAL learners’ programming continues to be appropriate and relevant. The classroom teacher and,
as, and of learning and should reflect the EAL learning where available, the EAL teacher can monitor academic progress, language acquisition, and social
a conversation with
goals and/or subject-area expectations that have integration. Learners may appear to be completely integrated into general programming within two
you, process the print, or three years, but their progress should still be monitored until they have demonstrated English
guided instruction and learning for that period of time.
and understand the proficiency that is similar to their English-speaking peers. Students may demonstrate proficiency in
It is important that students be made aware of what
materials are to be used for what purposes and that they text.” social language, but their academic language, reading, or written skills may not have reached grade-
have a voice in deciding which elements of their work level competency.
– Irene C. Fountas &
they may wish to include in the portfolio. Gay Su Pinnell At least annually, each learner’s progress should be reviewed through an assessment of English
Portfolios developed with EAL students should include language proficiency, as outlined in their student-specific plan. If the learner is not progressing as
a variety of work, including both oral and written texts expected, it may be necessary to assess their needs further and to adjust programming and supports
the student has created in the form of audio and video recordings, multimedia texts, and print texts. accordingly. With focused EAL support, the learner can probably make steady improvement toward
Observation checklists, learning logs, self-reflections, peer observation forms, teacher comments, and catching up with peers. If the EAL student begins to function at the appropriate age/grade level, they
tests can also be included. The use of an electronic portfolio system may be of value. Students may may need further language supports as the demands of grade-level concepts and tasks increase.
wish to include materials they have created in their first language to demonstrate their proficiency Some EAL learners may have learning difficulties that are not related to a lack of knowledge of
and to encourage their continued development in that language (Coelho). They may also appreciate English or to gaps in their schooling. Because language and learning are so interconnected, it may
the opportunity to select one or two weekly journals or reading responses to be included in the take some time to discern what is a natural variability in the rate of language acquisition, a learning
portfolio. Students should be given an opportunity to reflect on their choices and the progress disability, or both. Sanchez-Lopez suggests that if a struggling learner only receives a short period
they see. The EAL teacher may also choose to include elements from the students’ other classes in of comprehensible input during the day but is in a learning environment that is incomprehensible
order to show the language development. Therefore, some collaboration between EAL teachers and the rest of the time, it will be difficult to know the cause of the struggle. She suggests that schools
subject-area teachers may be necessary. This collaboration will provide a broader and more accurate be proactive and look at a range of supports as soon as difficulties are detected. Students and
reflection of EAL students’ everyday and academic language development. parents need to be involved in decision making when exploring options. For more information, see
If the portfolio is used as part of the summative assessment process, marking can be assigned by Communicating Student Learning by Manitoba Education at
renewing individual pieces, using a set of pre-determined criteria to look at the portfolio as a whole When communicating on report cards, grades should reflect the most recent and consistent evidence
or using a combination of both (McKay). Feedback on individual items will be more useful to students of learning by a student with respect to content addressed from the beginning of the course. This
for their future learning. Criteria for assessing portfolios should always be shared with students to requires the teacher’s professional judgment. Greater consideration of the most recent and consistent
guide them on what is expected. Because the use of portfolios may be a new experience for many evidence of learning shows the cumulative nature of learning and that it improves with support and
EAL students, appropriate and outstanding exemplars will be helpful. effective practice.
16 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
For more information, see Manitoba Provincial Report Card Policy and Guidelines by Manitoba Planning Senior Years Courses for EAL Learners
Education at
Senior Years EAL Planning
Reporting Progress The ideas presented in this section are for Senior Years students; however, these suggestions may be
Assigning marks or other summative measures presents the same ethical dilemmas as assessment of helpful to students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 who require planning that includes subject-area
EAL learners in general, due to concerns for validity, fairness, and equity (Trumbull et al.). learning intentions and EAL curriculum learning goals. Senior Years EAL and LAL students will benefit
from specialized EAL, LAL, E-designated course(s), and appropriate adaptations in subject-specific
See the provincial curriculum documents for requirements for reporting the progress and courses.
achievement of EAL learners who are following grade-level curriculum for a specific course,
subject, or grade. Performance scales, where appropriate, are used to indicate the learner’s levels of EAL students need to be provided with appropriate
performance in relation to the identified learning goals. Where Senior Years learners are enrolled in learning experiences and instructional supports.
Successful planning is based on an accurate “Understanding
EAL school-initiated courses (SICs), E-designated subject-area courses, and/or provincial Senior Years
assessment of the student’s current language is revealed when
EAL courses, percentages are used to report learner progress; however, schools may also include
additional, more concrete descriptions of student progress towards their EAL goals. In courses proficiency and prior learning, as well as the students autonomously
bearing an E course designation, the percentage will reflect the balance between language goals and development and implementation of an EAL student- make sense of and
content outcomes (see E course designation later in this section). specific plan. This plan should specify the courses in transfer their learning
which students will be enrolled.
through authentic
Some Kindergarten to Grade 8 EAL learners may initially be unable to follow the provincial curriculum
performance. Six facets
in some subject areas due to their beginning stage of English language proficiency. In those cases,
progress reporting should indicate that their work is focusing on learning English within the context Balancing EAL Progressions and of understanding—the
of the subject area. Classroom assessment resources developed specifically for EAL/LAL learners Subject-Area Learning capacity to explain,
should be used to assess their learning and to prepare progress reports. Consider giving more interpret, apply, shift
emphasis to more recent achievement data. English language learners often accelerate rapidly in their Both EAL and LAL students in early stages of
English language proficiency may take Senior Years perspective, empathize,
achievement, as their increasing English language proficiency better allows them to demonstrate and self-assess—can
their learning, and this later evidence will more accurately reflect their ongoing progress. provincially developed courses with an EAL (“E”)
designation with the exception of courses designed serve as indicators of
Progress reports should contain information describing what the learners can do, areas for further for LAL students. The E course designation is applied understanding.”
growth, and ways of supporting them in their learning. It is important that parents be informed of to educational experiences designed to focus on
EAL learning goals in the context of the subject – Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
their child’s progress in social and academic language competence as part of the regular reporting
process. Communicating with families and students about assessment is sometimes difficult because area, based on the student’s assessed level of EAL
of the educational terminology and different cultural beliefs about purposes and methods of proficiency.
assessment. Wherever possible and appropriate, interpreters should be provided for parent-teacher
Classroom teachers have the professional obligation to report the progress of EAL learners whom
they have personally instructed, assessed, and evaluated. Where an EAL specialist contributes to some
portion of the learner’s educational programming, the specialist may provide written information on
the learner’s progress for inclusion with the classroom teacher’s report.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 17
The E course designation The E course designation is intended to transition students to grade-level high school programming.
Courses with the E course designation, while meeting graduation requirements, may not meet
Q requires an EAL student specific plan (EAL-SSP) for each student various post-secondary entrance requirements. Schools should ensure that EAL students achieving
Q signifies that the learning expectations of a course have been substituted to facilitate English a Grade 12 Diploma have been prepared with the credits required to meet entrance requirements of
language acquisition post-secondary education, training, or work situations they intend to pursue.
Q assists the student in making the transition into general high school programming with the F, To ensure EAL students are academically prepared for post-secondary options, it is highly
G, or S designations recommended that students do not graduate with Grade 12 courses using the E course designation.
The E-designated course assumes that the student has prerequisite content-area learning in the Some possible pathways that prepare older EAL students for 40S courses start by registering the
subject but is in the early stages of English language acquisition. The focused EAL component of an E student in subject-area courses with a 30E designation. Paths may differ for individual students
course designation provides the context for students to develop general English language subject- depending on their academic background and their EAL proficiency.
area language, and grade-level content-area learning. Content-area courses that have a strong
activity-based component (e.g., physical education, art, music, foods, etc.) will provide contextualized
opportunities for language development.
LAL students will need planned learning experiences that intentionally build foundational academic
concepts that are critical for success in general high school courses based on the LAL Phases
and appropriate subject-area learning. The foundational academic concepts can come through
specialized LAL department-developed or department-approved curricula. E-designated subject-
area courses will help LAL students gain content-area background. As students gain content-area
concepts, they will need ongoing literacy and numeracy
supports even though their oral language appears
to be stronger. When the curriculum expectations When the subject-area
and goals of a specific course are substituted to curriculum outcomes
accommodate the special learning requirements of
individual EAL students, the E course designation can
remain largely the same
be used. In this case, significant adaptations are defined but differentiations are
as changing curriculum goals. Learning intentions are made in instructional
designed specifically to develop basic interpersonal strategies, processes,
communication skills, cognitive academic language reading level of texts,
proficiency, and subject-area knowledge to prepare or time allowed, the
EAL students for success in high school courses where
English is the language of instruction. E-designated
course receives the
course learning intentions are identified before a regular F, S, or G
* A student may hold more than one ELA credit at the 30S and the 40S levels; they can be at the E or the S level. ELA 40S
student begins the course(s) but they may be adjusted designation. EAL for Academic Success cannot be used as the required ELA credit for graduation. It can be an optional credit.
based on student progress. ** A student may not hold credit for both 30E and 30S courses in any subject area except ELA.
18 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
E course designation provides students with the opportunity to continue the development of their subject-area curriculum that will be taught with adaptations or that needs to be rewritten or revised,
English language skills and foundational knowledge in a specific subject area. Therefore, courses with considering big ideas and essential learnings. It is important to consider the breadth, depth, and
an E course designation weave together EAL curriculum goals and selected subject-area expectations. complexity of topics that are used in a course with an E course designation. Students in Stages 1 and 2
Learners at Stage 1 of EAL development who require a greater degree of language support and of EAL development require a high degree of scaffolding with general and basic subject-specific
instruction goals will draw more from the EAL domains rather than from the subject-area learning vocabulary, key language structures, and possibly foundational subject-area concepts. Students at
expectations. As students progress in their language development, instruction will increasingly focus Stage 3 need to expand their academic language skills in order to communicate about more complex
on academic EAL language skills and developing subject-area knowledge, values, and skills and are and abstract topics and tasks.
appropriate for their grade level.
An EAL student-specific plan is required for all students registering in an E-designated course.
The E course designation is intended to provide EAL students with appropriate programming and the
benefits of a variety of high school learning experiences, as well as to facilitate their successful As students continue to develop EAL skills and move towards grade-appropriate language skills,
transition into non-EAL classes. The E course designation does not set time limits to meet learning greater focus will be placed on academic language and subject-area goals. When planning for an
expectations. Due to the nature of the learner and the course, it may take longer than a term or a E-designated course, consider the table below, which provides a suggested balance of EAL goals and
semester to complete the course. Although the time to complete these courses varies, the subject-area expectations for each stage of language acquisition. The subject-area portion is based
expectations for learning achievement cannot be compromised. The goal is to enable students to on big ideas, essential learnings, and foundational skills.
transition more easily into general high school programming with the F, G, or S designations.
Planning for EAL and Subject-Area Learning across the EAL Stages
Assessment of learning for an E-designated course
is based on the individual student’s EAL SSP, which Course
Stage Possible Instructional Balance
combines EAL and subject-area learning expectations The EAL designation
set for that student based on their level of language is not to be used as 1 Subject-Area Outcomes | EY and MY: EAL E
proficiency. an afterthought when
The EAL designation is not to be confused with the a student has been 2 Subject-Area Outcomes | SY: E-credit E
modified (M) course designation, which involves unsuccessful in meeting
curricular modifications that take into account the the curricular outcomes. 3 Subject-Area Outcomes (with adaptations) | EAL E or F, S, G
learning requirements of students with significant Use requires planning.
cognitive disabilities. The student services team needs 4 Subject-Area Outcomes (with adaptations) | EAL F, S, G
to be involved in the process of deciding whether
or not to provide the student with an M course
5 Subject-Area Outcomes (with minimal adaptations) | EAL F, S, G
Planning for E-Designated Course Learning Goals and Subject-Area As a balance of these expectations indicate, Stage 3 learners could be and Stage 4 or 5 learners should
Expectations be achieving the majority of the subject-area expectations in a course with continued support for
EAL learning; these students receive the regular F, S, or G course designation. A student who begins
Planning for an E course designation occurs prior to an EAL student or group of students beginning a course with an E course designation may make rapid progress in language learning and meet the
the subject-area course. Drawing on the learning goals and descriptors of growth for the student’s majority of subject-area expectations by the end of the course; in this case, the course designation
stage on the EAL Progressions, teachers need to consider the foundational content of the course and changes to the regular designation. For example, a student who begins History 30 with an E course
how language development and subject-area knowledge and skills will be taught and assessed. designation and demonstrates the majority of History 30S outcomes by the end of the semester
receives a History 30S credit.
The learning focus of the course with an E course designation is on the four domains of the EAL
Framework and the subject-area knowledge, values, and skills appropriate for a particular stage
of EAL development. Teachers need to set learning intentions with aspects of their grade-level
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 19
The following chart summarizes the factors involved in planning for a Senior Years subject-area
course with an E course designation. This same process can be used for any grade and content
area. When the emphasis in the course shifts to a majority of content-area goals, with ongoing
considerations for language learning, the regular designation is appropriate.
A. First, consider:
The Student’s EAL Stage The EAL Stage Learning Goals Subject-Area Expectations
Characteristics (from the EAL Progressions) (big ideas and essential
• For more information on E-credit designation, please refer to Towards Inclusion: A Handbook for English as a Second
Language Course Designation, Senior 1-4 (1996).
• Please refer to Towards Inclusion: A Handbook for Modified Course Designation, Senior 1-4 (1995) for programming for
EAL students with significant cognitive disabilities.
• Also refer to Manitoba Provincial Report Card Policy and Guidelines at
20 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National ———. Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Individual Education
Council on Measurement in Education. Standards of Educational and Psychological Testing. Plans (IEPs). Manitoba Education, 2010,
American Psychological Association, 1985.
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. Provincial Assessment Policy: Kindergarten to Grade 12:
Black, Paul, and Dylan Wiliam. “Assessment and Classroom Learning.” Assessment in Education 5, 1998, Academic Responsibility, Honesty, and Promotion/Retention. Manitoba Education and Advanced
pp. 7–73. Learning, 2015,
Coelho, Elizabeth. Adding English: A Guide to Teaching Multilingual Classrooms. Pippin, 2004. Manitoba Education and Training. Evaluating Non-Manitoba Course Completions for Senior Years Credits:
A Guide for School Administrators. Manitoba Education and Training, 2017,
Davies, Anne. Making Classroom Assessment Work. Connections Publishing, 2000. k12/docs/policy/op_credits/index.html.
Fountas, Irene C., and Gay Su Pinnell. Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Guide 2. Heinemann,
———. Manitoba Provincial Report Card Policy and Guidelines: Partners for Learning, Grades 1 to 12.
Manitoba Education and Training, 2018,
Gottlieb, Margo. Assessing English Language Learners: Bridges from Language Proficiency to Academic full_doc.pdf.
Achievement. Corwin Press, 2006.
———. Towards Inclusion: A Handbook for Modified Course Designation, Senior 1–4: A Resource for
Hamayan, Else, Barbara Marler, Cristina Sanchez-Lopez, and Jack Damico. Special Education Senior Years Schools. Manitoba Education and Training, 1995,
Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services. Caslon modified/pdf/complete_document.pdf.
Publishing, 2007.
———. Towards Inclusion: Programming for English as a Second Language Students, Senior 1–4: A
Lenski, Susan Davis, Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala, Mayra C. Daniel, and Xiaoqin Sun-Irminger. “Assessing Supplementary Resource for Senior Years Schools. Manitoba Education and Training, 1996,
English-Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms.” The Reading Teacher, Vol. 60, No. 1,
September 2006, pp. 24–34.
McKay, Penny. Assessing Young Language Learners. Cambridge University Press, 2006
Manitoba Education. “Curriculum Essentials.” Manitoba Education, 2019,
essentials/index.html. McTighe, Jay, and Grant Wiggins. Understanding by Design, 2nd ed. Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 2005.
———. Early Years: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 4 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional
O’Connor, Kevin, and Damien Cooper. Communicating Student Learning: Guidelines for Schools, 2008.
Language (EAL) Programming. Manitoba Education, 2019.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2008,
———. “Graduation Requirements for Manitoba High School Diplomas.” Manitoba Education, 2019, csl_doc.pdf.
Ontario Ministry of Education. English Language Learners: ESL and ELD Programs and Service: Policies
———. Middle Years: Manitoba Grades 5 to 8 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12. Province
Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming. Manitoba Education, of Ontario, 2007.
2019. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). “Formative Assessment:
Improving Learning in Secondary Classrooms.” Policy Brief, November 2005,
———. Senior Years: Manitoba Grades 9 to 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional
Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming. Manitoba Education,
2019. Reiss, Jodi. 120 Content Strategies for English Language Learners: Teaching for Academic Success in
Secondary School, 2nd ed. Pearson, 2010.
Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming 21
Teach & Kids Learn. “10 Classroom Strategies to Dramatically Improve Student Achievement.” Teach
& Kids Learn. October 31, 2017.
student-achievement/ (date accessed—09 13 2021).
Trumbull, Elise, and Maria Pacheco. Leading with Diversity: Cultural Competencies for Teacher Preparation
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Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design: Guide to Creating High-Quality Units. ASCD,
Wiggins, Grant. “Seven Keys to Effective Feedback.” Educational Leadership 70.1, September 2012, pp.
22 Assessment of EAL and LAL Learners: Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 Curriculum Framework for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Programming